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OF    THE 






VOL.    III. 


A.D.    1319-1327. 



To  be  purchased,  either  directly  or  through   any   Bookseller,  from 

WYMAN  and  SONS,  LIMITED,  FETTER    LANE,  B.C.  ;    or 



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PREFACE  .....  v 

CORRIGENDUM  -  -  -  -  vii 


GENERAL  INDEX  -  -  ...          433 


THIS  volume  carries  the  Calendar  of  Fine  Rolls  down  to 
the  last  year  of  the  reign  of  Edward  II.  The  object 
and  character  of  this  Calendar  are  explained  in  the 
preface  to  the  volume  for  the  reign  of  Edward  I.  The 
text  has  been  prepared  under  my  supervision  by 
Mr.  A.  E.  Bland,  B.A.,  with  some  assistance  from 
Mr.  A.  E.  Stamp,  M.A.,  both  of  this  Office.  Mr.  Bland 
has  also  compiled  the  index. 


Public  Record  Office, 
5  November,  1912. 


Page  97,  line  17,  for  Ricarda.  daughter,  read  Richard,  son. 




13   EDWARD   II. 

The  escheators  for  this  year  are  (1)  south  of  Trent,  Master  Richard 
de  Clare,  until  22  February,  and  thereafter,  Richard  de  Rodeney ;  (2) 
north  of  Trent,  Ralph  de  Crophull,  until  29  January,  and  thereafter, 
Gilbert  de  Stapelton. 

1319.  MEMBRANE  12. 

July  8.          Grant  for  life  to  Edenevet  Gogh,  for  good  service,  of  the  bailiwick 

York.        of  the  bedelry  of  Tourkelyii  in  Anglesey,  which  is  worth  110s.  a  year, 

to  hold  for  his  sustenance,   receiving   100*.   a  year  therefrom  and 

rendering  the  10s.  residue  at  the  Exchequer  of  Kaernervan.       By  K. 

July  11.         Grant,  for  a  fine  of  5  marks,  to  Roger  de  Felton  of  the  wardship  of 

York.        certain  lands  in  Quenton,  co.   Northampton,  which  Alice,  late  the 

wife  of  Philip  de  Hastang,  tenant  in  chief,  held  for  life  of  the  inheritance 

late  of  the  said  Philip,  and  which  are  in  the  king's  hand  by  her  death 

and  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Beatrice,  daughter  and  heir  of  the 

said  Philip,  and  are  extended  at  4/.  17s.  a  year,  to  hold  until  the 

full  age  of  the  said  Beatrice.  By  C. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

By  C. 

July  14.          Grant  to  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  for  700  marks  which  he 

York.        will  pay  at  the  Exchequer,  of  the  wardship  of  the  manors  of  Shorne, 

Herietesham,  Thornham  and  Bengebury,  late  of  John  de  Northwode, 

tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Roger, 

kinsman  and  heir  of  the  said  John,  except  certain  lands  in  the  said 

manors  held  in  '  gavilkynde,'  which  manors,  except  the  said  lands, 

are  extended  at  SQL  21%d.  a  year,  to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof 

received  from  the  time  of  the  death  of  the  said  John  until  the  full 

age  of  the  said  heir,  with  the  marriage  of  the  same.  By  C. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him, 

with  the  said  issues  and  with  the  body  of  the  said  heir  to  be  married. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  below. 

July  16.         Grant  during  good  behaviour  to  Robert  son  of  Henry  de  Lyverpol 

York.        of  the  keeping  of  the  forestership  of  Snoudon  in  Wales,  which  Gronou 

ap  Tuder  ap  Gronou  of  Dundaythyn  had  of  late,  he  rendering  and 

receiving  as  much  as  the  said  Gronou  rendered  and  received.      By  K. 

Wt.  24233.— H.T.  Ltd.— 400.  F  I 


1319.  Membrane  12  —  cont. 

July  20.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Rithre  of  the  keeping 
York.        all  the  lands  in  the  county  of  Cumberland  late  of  Thomas  de  Hoto 
tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority 
Thomas  son  of  John  de  Hoton,  kinsman  and  heir  of  the  said  Thoma 
so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.       By  ] 

July  29.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  make  partition  of  the  lani 
Durham,  late  of  Christina  late  the  wife  of  Peter  de  la  Stane,  tenant  in  chit 
into  three  equal  parts  in  the  presence  of  Anthony  de  Bidyk  ar 
Christina  his  wife,  second  daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  deceased, 
they  wish  to  be  present,  and  to  deliver  to  William  Saffray  and  Marge 
his  wife,  elder  daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  deceased,  their  pourpar 
thereof,  the  said  William  having  done  homage,  retaining  in  the  kinj 
hand  the  pourparties  of  the  said  Anthony  and  Christina  and  of  Pet 
son  of  James  de  Norton,  kinsman  and  third  heir  of  the  said  decease 
a  minor  in  the  king's  ward  ;  and  to  send  the  partition  made  by  hi 
to  be  enrolled  on  the  rolls  of  Chancery.  By  p 

July  12.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Giles  de  Cogenho  of  the  county 

York.         Northampton  from  Easter  last,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer 

other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  letters  of  the  treasun 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheri 

Order  to  John  de  Houby  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the  rol 

writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  and  wi 

the  issues  thereof  from  Easter  last,  by  indenture. 

July  28.         Grant  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Knovill,  at  the  request 
Durham.      Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  and  toi 
of  Newcastle  in  Emelyii  in  Wales  with  the  commote  and  all  otb 
appurtenances,  to  hold  as  others  have  had  the  same  hitherto. 

By  p.s.  [501 

Order  to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  justice  of  Wales,  or  1 
lieutenant,  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things  in  the  said  cast 

July  28.  Commission  to  John  Inge,  Richard  de  Rodeneye  and  Robert 
Durham.  Malley  to  make  inquisition  in  the  parts  of  Gower  in  the  march  of  Wa 
and  other  neighbouring  parts  what  lands  William  de  Brewosa,  lord 
Gower,  and  his  ancestors  in  the  times  of  the  king's  progenitors  a 
of  the  king  have  alienated  in  the  said  land  of  Gower,  and  to  who 
at  what  time  and  in  what  manner,  and  if  the  said  lands  are  held 
chief,  then  by  what  service  and  in  what  manner,  and  how  much  tic. 
are  worth  a  year,  after  summoning  those  whom  the  premises  conc< 
to  be  present  at  the  inquisition  so  to  be  taken  if  they  think  fit,  a 
to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  keep  safely  until  further  order  1 
lands  held  of  the  king  by  knight  service  which  they  find  by  su 
inquisitions  to  have  been  alienated  in  the  time  of  Edward  I  or  1 
king  without  licence,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 
the  Exchequer,  and  to  certify  the  king  of  what  they  do  herein,  sendi 
this  writ,  the  king  having  ordered  the  bailiffs  of  the  said  parts 
summon  before  them  good  and  lawful  men  on  days  and  at  pla 
fixed  by  the  said  commissioners  to  make  such  inquisitions  ;  the  k: 
having  been  given  to  understand  that  the  said  William  and  his  ancest 
have  alienated  in  fee  without  licence  divers  lands  held  there  of  1 

13   EDWARD   II 

1319.  Membrane  12—cont. 

king's  progenitors,  kings  of  England,  and  of  the  king  by  knight  service, 
which  still  remain  so  alienated  to  the  king's  damage  and  in  his 
con-tempt,  and  that  the  escheators  beyond  Trent,  concealing  such 
alienations,  have  applied  no  remedy  thereto  as  pertained  to  their 
office,  whereat  the  king  is  much  disturbed.  By  p.s. 

Commission  to  William  de  Wyvill  to  levy  with  William  de  Hebbeden 
the  scutages  of  the  armies  of  Scotland  of  28,  31  and  34  Edward  I  in  the 
county  of  York  in  the  room  of  Richard  de  Goldesburgh  whom 
the  king  appointed  to  levy  the  same  with  the  said  William  de  Hebbeden 
in  the  room  of  John  Malebys,  deceased,  and  has  now  removed  from 
the  said  levying  for  certain  causes,  according  to  the  tenour  of  letters 
patent  appointing  the  said  John  and  William  de  Hebbeden  to  levy 
the  said  scutages  and  to  make  inquisition  in  the  said  county  which 
fees  therein  were  held  in  chief  of  Edward  I  at  the  times  of  the  said 
armies  and  which  of  escheats,  honours  and  purchases,  and  also  which 
heirs  were  minors  in  his  ward,  and  which  archbishoprics,  bishoprics, 
abbeys,  priories  and  other  ecclesiastical  dignities  or  offices  were  void 
at  those  times,  the  keeping  of  the  temporalities  whereof  pertained  to 
him,  and  how  many  and  who  held  knights'  fees  of  the  same  heirs, 
archbishoprics  and  other  dignities  and  offices,  and  for  what  portion  of  a 
fee  each  held  and  where,  and  to  collect  and  levy  40s.  from  each  such  fee. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  William  de  Curszon  of  Carleton,  deceased,  tenant  in 


Aug.  4.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  kinsman,    Aymer    de 

Gosforth.     Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke,  of  the  keeping  of  the  hundreds  of  Cleydon 

and  Bosemere,  co.  Suffolk,  at  the  rent  of  201.  a  year  in  moieties  at 

the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas   and  Easter  ;    so   that  he  keep   the 

hundreds  according  to  the  statute  provided  of  late  thereon  at  Lincoln 

by  the  common  council  of  the  realm.  By  p.s.  [5021.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Suffolk  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Aug.  6.          Commitment  to  John  Spark,  for  good  service,  of  the  keeping  of 

Gosforth.      the  manor  of  Temple  Brocton,  co.  Worcester,  late  of  Guy  de  Bello 

Campo,  earl  of  Warwick,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by 

reason  of  the  minority  of  his  heir,  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  said 

heir,  rendering  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  the  extent  of  the  said  manor. 

By  p.s.  [5026A.] 
Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Aug.  6.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Gosforth.      the  lands  late  of  John  de  Hamme,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

July  20.  Grant  to  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  for  700  marks  which  he  will 
York.  pay  at  the  Exchequer,  of  the  wardship  of  the  manors  of  Thorne, 
Herietesham,  Thornham  and  Bengebury,  late  of  John  de  Northwode, 
tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Roger, 
kinsman  and  heir  of  the  said  John,  except  certain  lands  in  the  said 
manors  held  in  '  gavelikynde,'  which  manors,  except  the  said  lands, 
are  extended  at  501.  2l^d.  a  year,  to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof 
received  from  the  time  of  the  death  of  the  said  John  until  the  full 



Aug.  11. 

Aug.  18. 


Aug.  21. 

Aug.  18. 

Aug.  21. 

July  20. 

Sept.  23. 

upon  Tyne. 

Sept.  27. 

upon  Tyne. 

Membrane  11 — cont. 

age  of  the  said  heir,  who  was  of  the  age  of  twelve  years  at  Easter  las 
with  the  marriage  of  the  same  heir  ;  and  if  the  latter  die  before  h 
coming  of  age  and  marriage,  the  said  Bartholomew  shall  have  tl 
said  wardship  until  the  time  when  he  would  have  been  of  full  ag 
with  the  marriage  of  his  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir.  By  ( 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  hir 

Remission  to  Walter  de  Norwyco  of  101.  of  the  501.  yearly  rendere 
by  him  for  the  manors  of  Dalham  and  Bradefeld,  co.  Suffolk,  and  tl 
advowson  of  the  church  of  the  manor  of  Dalham,  which  the  kir 
granted  to  him  and  .his  heirs  by  letters  patent  [Calendar  of  Fii 
Rolls,  1307-1319,  p.  403],  and  grant  that  he  may  henceforth  hold  tl 
said  manors  and  advowson  to  him  and  his  heirs  of  the  king  and  h 
heirs  at  the  rent  of  401.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Michae 
mas  and  Easter.  By  p. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Philip  c 
Hevenyngham,  son  and  heir  of  Roger  de  Hevenyngham,  tenant  i 
chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  father,  he  having  done  homage.  By  p. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Robert  de  Maneriis,  deceased,  tenant  in  chie 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  i 
Roger  le  Chaumbeiieyn,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  har 
the  lands  late  of  Gilbert  de  Lyndeseye,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  resume  into  the  king's  hand  the  manor  < 
Kirketon,  co.  Lincoln,  the  manor  of  Haghlegh,  co.  Suffolk,  the  cast 
and  manor  of  Eye,  co.  Suffolk,  the  hamlets  of  Dalyngho,  Aldertc 
and  Thorndon,  co.  Suffolk,  201.  of  yearly  rent  which  the  prior  ar 
convent  of  Bromholm  render  for  the  manor  of  Baketon,  co.  Norfolk 
a  yearly  rent  pertaining  to  the  honour  of  Eye  in  the  counties  i 
Norfolk,  Suffolk,  Lincoln  and  Essex,  with  the  ward  of  the  cast 
of  Eye  and  the  free  court  pertaining  to  the  same  honour  in  the  counl 
of  Lincoln,  34Z.  16s.  lOd.  of  yearly  rent  in  the  city  of  London  fro: 
Queenhithe  there,  201.  of  yearly  rent  from  the  farm  of  the  town  < 
Malmesbury,  co.  Wilts,  and  201.  15s.  6d.  of  yearly  rent  from  the  far: 
of  the  borough  of  Ivelcestre,  co.  Somerset,  and  an  escheat  in  tl 
same  borough,  which  the  king  granted  of  late  to  Hugh  de  Aude 
the  younger  and  Margaret  his  wife,  the  king's  niece,  and  which  we: 
afterwards  taken  into  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes  and  thereaffc 
delivered  again  by  the  king  to  the  said  Hugh  and  Margaret  to  hoi 
at  the  king's  will ;  and  to  keep  the  same  safely,  so  that  he  answi 
for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  until  further  order. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  i 
John  Michel,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  Ridel  of  the  keeping  i 
the  castle  and  town  of  Barnard  Castle,  so  that  he  answer  for  tl 
issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [5089 

13  EDWARD  II. 

1319.  Membrane  11  —  cont. 

Order  to  Henry  son  of  Hugh  to  deliver  to  him  the  same  with  all 
things  in  the  said  castle,  which  are  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commit- 
ment, by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  keeper.        By  p.s. 

Sept.  26.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Newcastle  the  lands  late  of  Henry  de  Cobbeham  the  elder,  deceased,  tenant  in 

Oct.  6. 

Oct.  8. 

Oct.  8. 

Grant  to  Andrew  Rosekyn  of  the  office  of  gauging  wines  in  the  town 
and  port  of  Kyngeston  upon  Hull,  to  hold  as  Henry  atte  Newelmthe, 
deceased,  held  the  same  in  his  life.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Grant  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Oliver  de  Burdegalu, 
for  good  service,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Wyndesore  and  the 
forest  there,  to  hold  as  Warin  de  Insula  held  the  same  before  of  the 
king's  commitment.  By  p.s.  [5093.] 

Order  to  the  said  Warin  to  deliver  to  him  the  same  with  all  things  in 
the  said  castle  by  indenture.  By  p.s. 

Grant,  for  a  fine  of  20s.,  to  Richard  le  Wayte  of  the  county  of  Surrey, 
of  the  marriage  of  Henry,  his  son  and  son  and  heir  of  Alice  sometime 
his  wife,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward.  By  C. 

Grant  for  life  to  Robert  de  Sapy,  for  good  service,  of  the  keeping 
of  the  castle  of  Pevenese,  to  hold  as  he  now  holds  the  same  at  the 
king's  will,  provided  that  he  be  of  good  behaviour  towards  the  king 
and  his  heirs.  By  p.s. 

Grant  during  pleasure  to  John  de  la  Beche  of  the  keeping  of  the 
king's  houses  of  the  Mews  at  Charring  by  Westminster,  to  hold  as  others 
have  had  the  same  hitherto.  By  K. 

Grant  for  life  to  Andrew  Rosekyn,  for  good  service,  of  the  office  of 
gauging  wines  in  the  town  and  port  of  Kyngeston  upon  Hull. 

By  p.s.  [5104.] 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Beudyn  of  the  county  of 
Devon  and  the  castle  of  Exeter  from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that  he 
answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff 
and  keeper.  By  K. 

Order  to  John  de  Bikkebury  to  deliver  to  him  the  county  with 
the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  the  office, 
and  the  castle  with  all  things  therein,  and  with  the  issues  thereof 
from  Michaelmas  last  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture.  By  K. 

The  like  to  John  de  Fenwyk  of  the  castle  of  Newcastle  upon  Tyne 
and  the  county  of  Northumberland.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 
Order  to  William  Rydell  to  deliver  to  him  the  same,  as  above. 


Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Richard  de  Weylaud,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


Oct.  16. 

Oct.  17. 

Membrane  10  —  cont. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Hauward  of  the  counties 

Norfolk  and   Suffolk   and  the  castle  of  Norwich  from  Michaeln 

last,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keep 

hitherto.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  Robert  de  Sap[ 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keep 

Order  to  John  Sefoul  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties  with  I 

rolls  etc.  and  the  said  castle,  with  the  issues  etc. 

The  like  to  John  de  Crek  of  the  counties  of  Cambridge  and  Huntyi 
don  and  the  castle  of  Cambridge  from  Michaelmas  last.  By  ] 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  etc. 
Order  to  Matthew  de  Bassyngburn  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Nov.  5.          The  like  to  John  Darcy  '  le  Cosyn  '  of  the  counties  of  Nottingham  a 
York.         Derby,  as  above.  By 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 
Order  to  Henry  de  Faucumberge  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  w 
the  rolls  etc.  and  the  issues  from  Michaelmas  last. 

Oct.  16.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Geoffrey  de  Cornubia  of  the  keep 
York.        of  the  manor  of  Macklesfeld,  co.  Chester,  to  the  value  of  1751.  Ss.,  t 
the  manor  of  Overton,  co.  Chester,  to  the  value  of  1261.,  to  hold  w 
the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  rendering  the  said  301?. 
a  year  in  the  wardrobe  of  Edward,  the  king's  firstborn  son,  so  long 
he  have  the  said  keeping  or  until  further  order  :    in  lieu  of  a  1 
commitment  thereof  to  Richard  Damory,  Robert  de  Mauley,  stew: 
of  the  household  of  the  said  Edward,  and  Nicholas  de  Heugate,  kee 
of  the  wardrobe  of  the  said  Edward,  on  16  January  last,  the  king  tl 
wishing  that  John  and  Eleanor,  his  son  and  daughter,  to  whom 
granted  the  said  manors  among  other  manors  and  lands  to  hold 
their  sustenance  at  the  king's  will,  should  stay  in  the  company  of 
said  Edward  at  his  expenses.  By  K.  and  order  of  the  que 

Oct.  9.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Richard,  i 

York.        and  heir  of  John  de  Ros  of  Ryngburgh,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  1 

of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ;    saving  to  Margery  1 

the  wife  of  John  her  dower.  By  p.s.  [50! 

Oct.  12.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  John  Knok 
York.        of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  of  Claverle,  co.  Salop,  at  the  yearly  r 
at  the  Exchequer  of  the  extent  thereof. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 
Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Oct.  17.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Suffolk,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition  made 
York.  him  shewing  that  a  messuage  and  a  moiety  of  an  acre  of  land 
Mutford  which  Thomas  Caumpillon  who  was  hanged  for  a  fel< 
held,  have  been  in  the  king's  hand  for  a  year  and  a  day,  and  t 
Thomas  held  the  same  of  John  de  Mutford,  and  that  the  premises 
still  in  the  king's  hand  and  the  said  John  has  had  the  year  and  < 
thereof  and  ought  to  answer  therefor  to  the  king,  to  deliver  the  sa 
to  him  if  they  are  in  the  king's  hand  on  that  account  and  no  othei 

13  EDWARD  II. 

1319.  Membrane  10 — cont. 

Oct.  20.  Grant  to  Henry  Soiner  of  the  rhaglawry  of  the  commote  of  Nant- 
York.  conewey  and  the  havotry  of  the  same  commote,  with  the  land  and 
mill  which  Penwen,  deceased,  held  for  life  of  late  in  the  parts  of  Wales 
of  the  king's  grant,  to  hold  from  Michaelmas  last  for  ten  years,  rendering 
20s.  of  increment  a  year  beyond  the  farm  which  he  used  to  render 
at  the  Exchequer  of  Kama  r  van  ;  in  lieu  of  a  commitment  thereof 
to  the  same  during  pleasure  at  the  rent  of  as  much  as  Penwen  rendered 
therefor.  By  K. 

Oct.  26.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  John  de  Luccombe,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Richard,  son  and  heir  of  Roger 
Chaumberleyn,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he 
having  done  homage  ;  saving  to  Alice  late  the  wife  of  Roger  her 

Oct.  24.  Commission  to  John  de  Knokyn  and  Roger  de  Careles  to  survey 
York.  divers  wastes  in  the  manor  of  Ellesmere  and  the  hamlets  of  Colemere 
and  Hampton,  which  the  said  John  holds  for  life  of  the  king's  grant, 
which  wastes,  as  the  king  has  been  given  to  understand,  can  be  arrented 
and  committed  to  certain  tenants  to  the  advantage  as  well  of  the 
king  as  of  the  said  John,  and  to  arrent  the  same  according  to  the 
true  value  thereof  and  to  commit  the  same  to  certain  tenants  to  hold 
to  them  and  their  heirs  of  the  king  and  his  heirs  by  such  arrentation 
to  be  rendered  yearly  to  the  said  John  for  life  and  afterwards  to  the 
king  and  his  heirs  ;  and  to  certify  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the 
Exchequer  of  what  they  do  herein.  By  K.  Duplicated. 

Nov.  6.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  William  de  Monte  Acuto,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 
The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

Nov.  3.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
York.        hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Boyvill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  4.  Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  send  a 
York.  trustworthy  person  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset,  that  he  and  the  sheriff, 
after  taking  a  fine  from  William  Boiiewode  and  Agnes  his  wife  and 
John  their  son  and  Walter  brother  of  John,  may  deliver  them  from 
the  prison  of  Somerton  wherein  they  are  detained  for  a  postdisseisin 
done  by  them  to  William  Malerbe  of  a  tenement  in  Cumpton  Dauno, 
co.  Somerset,  if  they  be  detained  therein  for  that  which  pertains  to 
the  king  of  the  said  postdisseisin  and  for  no  other  cause. 

Nov.  6.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Foxle  and  John  de  Stonore 

York.        of  the  keeping  of  the  temporalities  of  the  bishopric  of  Winchester, 

now  void  and  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues 

thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.     Duplicated. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  them. 

Nov.  6.          Order  to  bailiffs  and  others  to  be  intendant  during  pleasure  to  the 

York.        king's  clerks,  Adam  de  Lymbergh  and  Richard  de   Byflet,  whom 

the  king  has  appointed  to  seize  into  the  king's  hand  the  goods  and 


1319.  .  Membrane  10 — cont. 

chattels  late  of  John  de  Sandale,  bishop  of  Winchester,  who  wa 
held  to  the  king  in  divers  debts  on  the  day  of  his  death  as  well  o 
the  time  when  he  was  the  king's  chamberlain  of  Scotland  as  otherwise 
and  to  make  a  due  inventory  thereof,  and  to  keep  the  same  safel; 
until  Walter  de  Norwico,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  surve; 
the  same  and  order  further  thereon  for  the  king's  advantage,  expoun< 
to  them  the  king's  will  thereon.  By  K 

Order  to  bailiffs  and  others  to  be  intendant  during  pleasure  to  th 
king's  clerks,  Adam  de  Lymbergh  and  Richard  de  Pottesgrave,  whoi 
the  king  has  appointed  to  enquire  what  and  how  many  goods  Joh 
de  Sandale,  bishop  of  Winchester,  had  on  the  day  of  his  death,  an 
to  seize  the  same  into  the  king's  hand  into  whose  hands  soever  the 
have  come,  and  to  make  an  inventory  (imhrevianda)  thereof  and  t 
deliver  the  same  according  to  their  discretion  by  indentures  to  b 
made  thereon  to  certain  sufficient  persons  to  keep  safely  until  Walte 
de  Norwico,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  survey  the  same  an 
order  further  thereon  for  the  king's  advantage,  expound  to  them  th 
king's  will  thereon,  provided  that  the  executors  x>f  the  bishop's  wi 
have  and  be  permitted  to  have  therefrom  as  much  as  shall  be  necessar 
for  the  funeral  expenses  of  the  deceased  according  to  the  advice  of  th 
said  Adam  and  Richard,  and  also  that  John  de  Foxle  and  John  d 
Stonore,  keepers  of  the  temporalities  of  the  bishopric  of  Wincheste 
have  from  the  bishop's  corn  in  granges  that  which  shall  be  necessar 
for  sowing  and  tilling  the  demesne  lands  of  the  bishopric  ;  it  bein 
lawful  by  right  and  custom  used  hitherto  in  the  times  of  the  king 
progenitors  and  of  the  king,  on  the  death  of  persons  who  are  boun 
to  the  king  in  debts,  for  the  king's  ministers  to  attach  and  make  a 
inventory  of  all  goods  and  chattels  of  sucli  persons  to  the  value  of  tt 
debt  due,  so  that  nothing  be  removed  therefrom  until  the  debt,  whie 
shall  be  clear,  be  fully  paid  to  the  king,  and  the  said  bishop  being  i 
held  to  the  king  in  divers  debts,  which,  because  the  bishop  was  f< 
no  small  time  chamberlain  of  Edward  I  in  Scotland  and  receiver  of  thi 
king's  money  therefrom,  and  collector  of  a  tenth  for  one  year  impose 
of  late  by  the  Pope  on  the  clergy  of  England  and  granted  to  the  kin] 
and  minister  of  the  king  and  receiver  of  his  money  therefrom,  wherei 
he  rendered  no  account  in  his  life,  cannot  be  estimated  as  clear  befoi 
the  rendering  of  accounts  touching  the  premises  so  that  attachmei 
of  the  bishop's  goods  and  chattels  could  be  certainly  made  to  tl 
value  of  those  debts,  and  the  king,  in  view  of  the  bishop's  service  1 
him,  being  unwilling  that  the  said  goods  and  chattels  should  be  scatters 
or  withdrawn,  whereby,  after  satisfaction  of  his  clear  debts  have  be< 
made  to  the  king,  the  whole  residue  of  the  said  goods  and  chatte 
should  not  be  left  to  the  executors  of  his  will  for  the  execution  there 
as  they  shall  decree  to  be  done  for  the  safety  of  the  bishop's  sov 

By  K.     Duplicate 


Nov.  12.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  John  de  Knoky 
Shelford.      of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  of  Claverleye,  co.  Salop,  at  the  year 
rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  the  extent  thereof.  By  p.s.  [514] 

Vacated  [because]  otherwise  below. 

Nov.  13.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John,  parson  of  the  church 
Newark.      Aston  Clinton,  and  William  de  Blaneford,  of  the  keeping  of  the  lani 

13   EDWARD  II. 

1319.  Membrane  9 — cont. 

late  of  William  de  Monte  Acuto,  tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand 
by  reason  of  the  minority  of  his  heir,  so  that  they  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s,  [5143.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  them. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  below. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Herle  of  the  keeping 
of  the  priory  of  Launde,  void  by  the  death  of  John,  last  prior,  in  the 
king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  wardship  of  the  land  and  heir  of  Richard 
Basset  of  Weldon,  tenant  in  chief,  being  in  the  king's  hand ;  so  that 
he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer,  if  they  pertain 
to  the  king.  By  C. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Commission  to  Walter  de  Norwico  and  John  Abel,  reciting  that 
John  de  Sandale,  bishop  of  Winchester,  was  held  to  the  king  in  divers 
debts  on  the  day  of  his  death,  wherefore  the  king  ordered  all  his 
goods  and  chattels  to  be  seized  into  the  king's  hand  and  safely  kept 
until  the  king  should  have  been  satisfied  of  the  said  debts,  and  now 
the  king  has  been  given  to  understand  that  certain  of  the  bishop's 
household  and  others  have  withdrawn  divers  goods  and  chattels,  to 
wit,  vessels  of  gold  and  silver  and  precious  stones  and  other  jewels 
late  of  the  deceased  in  London  and  the  suburbs  thereof  and  the 
counties  of  Surrey  and  Sussex,  and  strive  to  apply  them  to 
their  own  uses,  so  that  answer  cannot  be  made  to  the  king  of  the 
said  debts  ;  and  appointing  the  said  commissioners  to  make  inquisition 
in  the  said  city  and  counties  what  goods  and  chattels,  as  well  vessels 
of  gold  and  silver  as  other  jewels,  the  deceased  had  therein  on  the  day 
of  his  death,  and  by  whom  the  same  have  been  withdrawn,  and  into 
whose  hands  they  came  and  how,  and  in  whose  hands  they  now  are, 
and  to  seize  the  same  into  the  king's  hand  and  keep  them  safely,  and 
to  arrest  all  whom  they  find  guilty  herein  and  keep  them  safely  in 
prison  until  further  order  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriffs  of 
the  said  city  and  counties  to  summon  before  them  on  days  and  at 
places  fixed  by  them  good  and  lawful  men  to  make  such  inquisition. 

By  K. 

Nov.  6.  Commission  to  John  de  Held  and  Stephen  de  Shelfeld  to  levy  the 
York.  scutage  of  the  king's  army  of  Scotland  of  4  Edward  II  in  the  county 
of  Kent,  as  well  from  knights"  fees  then  held  of  the  king  in  chief  or  of 
escheats  and  honours  then  in  the  king's  hand  or  of  the  purchase  of 
the  king's  progenitors  or  the  king,  as  from  knights'  fees  held  of  arch- 
bishoprics, bishoprics,  abbeys,  priories  and  other  dignities  whatsoever 
then  in  the  king's  keeping,  and  of  inheritances  of  heirs  then  minors  in 
the  king's  ward,  to  wit,  2  marks  on  the  shield,  so  that  they  have  all 
money  arising  therefrom  at  the  Exchequer  by  parcels  as  soon  as  possible 
to  be  paid  there  to  the  king  ;  and  since  many  of  the  said  fees  have 
come  to  the  hands  of  divers  in  the  times  of  the  king's  progenitors  and 
of  the  king,  some  by  hereditary  descent  as  well  in  pourparties  as 
otherwise,  and  some  by  alienations  made  thereof  in  divers  manners, 
appointment  of  the  said  commissioners  to  enquire  by  oath  of  good 
and  lawful  men  of  each  hundred  of  the  said  county,  as  well  knights 
girt  with  a  sword  as  others,  who  held  knights'  fees  at  the  said  time 
in  the  said  county  or  any  part  of  the  same  fees  as  of  the  crown  of 
England  and  of  the  purchase  of  the  king's  progenitors  and  of  the 



1319.  Membrane  9 — cont. 

king,  and  of  archbishoprics,  bishoprics,  abbeys,  priories  and  oth 
dignities  aforesaid,  and  of  inheritances  of  heirs  aforesaid,  and  ho 
many  fees  or  what  part  of  a  fee  each  such  tenant  then  held,  and 
what  towns,  and  who  were  the  ancestors  of  those  who  hold  by  herec 
tary  descent  and  otherwise,  and  also  which  heirs  were  minors  in  tl 
king's  ward,  and  which  archbishoprics,  bishoprics,  abbeys,  priori 
and  other  dignities  were  then  void,  the  keeping  of  the  temporaliti 
whereof  pertained  to  the  king  ;  and  to  have  the  inquisitions  rna< 
by  them  at  the  Exchequer  before  the  Ascension  next  ;  the  king  havii 
ordered  the  sheriff  to  summon  before  them  on  days  and  at  plac 
fixed  by  them  knights  and  others  to  make  such  inquisitions. 
The  like  to  the  following  in  the  following  counties  : — 

William  de  Northo  and  Stephen  le  Power. 
Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

William  Huse  and  William  de  Weston. 

Richard  de  Bere  and  John  le  Mirie. 

Henry  de  Pentelawe  and  Richard  de  Wyndesore. 

William  de  Stoke  and  Henry  Friday. 

John  de  Tycheburn  and  Thomas  de  Saunford. 

Adam  Walrand  and  Walter  Gacelyn. 

John  de  Erleye  and  Thomas  de  Marlebergh. 

Thomas  le  Botiller  and  Thomas  de  Berton. 

John  de  Barwe  and  John  de  Sollar. 

Peter  le  Botiller  and  Walter  Crepyn. 

Ralph  de  Folevill  and  Henry  de  Notyngham. 
Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Robert  de  Napton  and  John  de  Langeleye. 

John  de  Aston  and  William  de  Wollaston. 

Richard  de  Whatton  and  Robert  de  Crophull. 

Ralph  de  Braylesford  and  Robert  Touk. 

William  de  Mere  and  John  de  Pertori. 

William  de  Botreux  and  Richard  de  Hewissh. 

Alexander  de  Shanynton  and  Andrew  de  Kendale.  • 

Simon  Chaumberleyn  and  Richard  de  Boselingthorp. 

Nicholas  de  Burton  and  John  Basset. 

John  de  Lyston  and  William  de  la  Doune. 

John  Poleyn  and  John  de  Blomvill. 

John  Sefoul  and  Henry  de  Brandon. 

Thomas  de  Bavent  atid  Peter  Gernegan. 
Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

John  de  Everle  and  Thomas  de  Lytlyngton. 

Baldwin  de  Colne  and  Simon  de  Brunne. 

Cambridge  and  Huiitingdi 

Thomas  de  Scobhill  and  William  Pyn.  Devi 

Roger  de  Tyrynghain  and  Peter  Loreng.  Bedfo 

Philip  de  Aylesbury  and  Thomas  de  Saukevill.  Buckinghs 

Vacated  because  otherwise  in  July,  14  Edward  II. 

Henry  de  Trafford  and  William  Gentil.  Lancasl 

William  de  Heppeden  and  Richard  de  Burton.    York,  East  Ridi 

Adam  de  Wannervill  and  Walter  de  Harum.     York,  West  Ridi 

Robert  de  Colevill  and  Thomas  de  Brandesby.  York,  North  Ridi 

Anketin  Salvayn  and  John  de  Waxand.         York,  North  Ridi 














13  EDWARD  II. 


1319.  Membrane  9 — cont. 

Nov.  12.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Shelford.      the  lands  late  of  William  le  Mareschal  of  Ullebarewe,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

Nov.  22.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
York.        John  de  Sandale,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

Nov.  6.          Grant  for  life  to  John  de  Wysham,  for  good  service,  of  the  keeping 

York.         of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Knaresburgh,  at  the  rent  of  800  marks  a 

year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas.     By  K. 

Order  to  Edmund  de  Wodestok,  the  king's  brother,  to  deliver  the 

same  to  him  with  all  things  in  the  said  castle  by  indenture  to  be  made 

between    them. 

Nov.  12.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Knokyn  of  the  keeping  of  the 
Shelford.      manor  of  Claverleye,  co.  Salop,  at  the  rent  of   16L  a  year  at  the 
Exchequer,  as  used  to  be  rendered  for  the  same,  as  appears  by  a  certifica- 
tion of  the  keeper  of  the  treasury  and  the  barons  of  the  Exchequer 
made  thereon  at  the  king's  order.  By  p.s.  [5141.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Nov.  26.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  Nicholas  de  Meperteshal,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


Dec.  1.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Idonia,  sister 

York.        and  heir  of  Adam  de  Picton,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  her 
said  brother,  she  having  done  homage. 

Nov.  30.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
York.        Nicholas  Folejambe,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  1.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Nevill  of  the  counties 
York.        of  Warwick  and  Leicester,  so  that  he  answer  at  the   Exchequer   as 
other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  letter  of  Henry  de  Staunt[on], 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 
Order  to  Ralph  Beler  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the  rolls, 
writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  the  office  in  his  keeping, 
by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 

Dec.  4.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 
York.        lands  late  of  Hugh  de  Hepham,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  5.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
York.        John  Giffard  of  Weston,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  7.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
York.        Thomas  de  Chaucournbe.  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  7.  Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Hugh,  son  and  heir  of  John  de  Locce- 

York.        cumbe,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having 
done  homage  ;    saving  to  Sibyl  late  the  wife  of  John  her  dower. 

By  p.s.  [5149.] 


1319.  Membrane  8 — cont. 

Dec.  6.  Order  to  all  sheriffs,  customers,  bailiffs  and  ministers  to  be  intendai 
York.  to  John  de  Cherleton,  mayor  of  the  merchants  of  the  staple,  and  < 
receive  from  him  the  information  which  he  will  give  them  by  indentui 
to  be  made  between  them  of  the  sums  of  money  imposed  on  delinquei 
merchants,  and  to  levy  such  sums  from  the  goods  of  such  mercham 
to  the  king's  use,  so  that  they  may  answer  therefor  at  the  Exchequer 
the  king,  taking  note  of  the  damages  and  burdens  which  have  arise 
to  the  merchants  of  the  realm  because  merchants  as  well  denize 
as  alien,  buying  wools  and  woolfells  within  the  king's  realm  an 
power,  have  crossed  therewith  to  sell  the  same  to  divers  places  withi 
the  lands  of  Brabant,  Flanders  and  Artoys,  at  their  will,  having  < 
late  by  his  council  ordained  that  merchants  denizen  and  alien  buyin 
wools  and  woolfells  within  the  said  realm  and  power  and  wishing  t 
take  the  same  to  the  said  lands  to  sell  there  shall  take  the  same  t 
a  certain  staple  within  any  of  those  lands  to  be  ordained  and  assigne 
by  the  mayor  and  commonalty  of  the  merchants  of  the  realm  an 
to  be  changed  as  and  when  they  shall  think  fit,  and  not  to  other  plact 
in  those  lands,  and  having  granted  to  the  said  mayor  and  merchant 
of  the  realm  that  the  mayor  and  the  council  of  the  same  merchant 
may  impose  sums  of  money  on  any  merchants  denizen  and  alie 
who  transgress  the  said  ordinance  and  are  convicted  thereof  by  th 
said  mayor  and  council,  and  that  such  sums,  whereof  the  king  or  hi 
ministers  shall  be  informed  by  the  mayor,  shall  be  levied  to  the  king; 
use  from  the  goods  and  wares  of  such  delinquent  merchants  wheresc 
ever  they  be  found  within  the  said  realm  and  power  by  the  king' 
ministers  according  to  the  said  information  and  taxation  thereof  t 
be  made  by  the  mayor,  saving  always  to  the  said  mayor  and  merchant 
that  they  may  punish  delinquent  merchants  if  (se)  their  goods  an 
wares  be  found  in  the  said  staple  without  the  king's  realm  and  powei 
as  is  contained  more  fully  in  letters  patent  made  thereon  ;  and  th 
king  having  now  understood  that  many  merchants  denizen  and  alie 
buying  wools  and  woolfells  within  the  said  realm  and  power  hav 
crossed  therewith  to  sell  the  same  to  other  places  beyond  seas  tha: 
to  the  certain  staple  ordained  and  assigned  by  the  said  mayor  an 
commonalty  according  to  the  said  grant  and  still  cross  from  day  t 
day  in  contempt  of  the  king  and  to  the  loss  and  prejudice  of  the  sai< 
mayor  and  merchants  and  contrary  to  the  said  ordinance,  wherea 
the  king  is  justly  disturbed  and  moved,  wherefore  he  has  orderei 
the  said  John  de  Cherleton  to  impose  (quod  important)  sums  of  mone; 
on  all  merchants  denizen  and  alien  who  have  transgressed  and  hence 
forth  transgress  against  the  ordinance,  provided  that  they  be  con 
victed  thereof  before  the  said  mayor  and  council,  and  to  certify  the  king' 
ministers  in  whose  bailiwicks  the  goods  of  such  merchants  be  foun< 
of  the  said  sums  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them,  to  be  levie< 
by  them  to  the  king's  use  in  accordance  therewith. 

Vacated  because  it  is  written  otherwise  below  to  the  said  mayor. 

Dec.  10.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  John  de  FoxL 
York.  and  John  de  Stonore,  to  whom  the  king  committed  during  pleasur< 
the  keeping  of  the  temporalities  of  the  bishopric  of  Winchester,  a 
above  [p.  7],  all  issues  and  profits  of  divers  manors  and  lands  of  th< 
bishopric  received  from  the  time  of  the  death  of  J.  late  bishop,  withou 
diminution,  that  they  may  answer  therefor  to  the  full  ;  the  kinj 
having  been  given  to  understand  that  divers  subescheators  havi 

13  EDWARD   II. 



Dec.  27. 

Nov.  13. 



Jan.  4. 


Jan.  4. 


Jan.  3. 



Deo.  26. 

Membrane  8 — cont. 

entered  such  manors  and  lands  after  the  said  bishop's  death  and 
received  divers  profits  and  issues  thereof  and  detain  the  same,  refusing 
to  deliver  them  to  the  said  John  and  John.  By  letter  of  W.  de  Nonvico. 

Order  to  the  escheat»r  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Alan  son  of  John  le  Blount  of  Cotesford,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Hugh  de  Nunwyk,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
John  de  Aykescogh,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Blaneford  and  John  de 
Bernevill  of  the  keeping  of  the  lands  in  the  counties  of  Somerset, 
Dorset,  Devon  and  Lincoln,  late  of  William  de  Monte  Acuto,  tenant 
in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  heir  of 
the  said  William  ;  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the 
Exchequer.  By  p.s.  and  afterwards  by  K. 

The  like  to  John,  parson  of  the  church  of  Aston  Clynton,  and  John 
de  Croxford  of  the  keeping  of  the  lands  in  the  counties  of  Oxford, 
Buckingham,  Hertford  and  Norfolk  late  of  the  same  William. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  the  said  keepers 
the  said  lands,  with  the  issues  thereof  received  from  the  time  of  the 
death  of  the  same  William. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Robert 
Folejambe,  son  and  heir  of  Nicholas  Folejambe,  tenant  in  chief,  the 
lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ;  saving  to  Joan 
late  the  wife  of  Nicholas  her  dower. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  de  Marleberge  of  the 
counties  of  Somerset  and  Dorset  and  the  castle  of  Shirburn,  so  that  he 
answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keeper. 

Order  to  Nicholas  de  Cheygny  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties, 
with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that 
office,  and  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by 
indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Inge  of  the  manor  of  Kynges- 
bury  with  the  rent  of  assize  of  Muleburn  and  the  hundred  of  Horethorn, 
co.  Somerset,  which  William  de  Monte  Acuto  held  for  life  of  the  king's 
grant,  and  which  have  come  to  the  king's  hands  by  his  death,  to  hold 
at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  as  much  as  the  said  William 
used  to  render  therefor.  By  p.s.  [5154.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Grant  to  John  de  Haustede,  for  good  service,  of  the  assart  containing 
13  acres  which  Adam  de  Forde  held  for  life  in  the  forest  of  Whytlewode 
and  which  is  in  the  king's  hand  on  account  of  his  death,  to  hold  to 
him  and  his  heirs  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  the  extent 
thereof.  By  p.s.  [5151.] 


1320.  Membrane  8 — cent. 

Jan.  12.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  Thomas  de  Wariloi 
York.  engrosser  of  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin,  to  sue  and  cause  to  be  levie 
in  the  land  of  Ireland  the  debts  which  were  due  to  the  mercham 
of  the  society  of  the  sons  of  Bectory  of  Lucca  in  that  land  and  ha\ 
now  come  to  the  king's  hands  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answ< 
at  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin  for  the  same  and  receive  from  the  sair 
debts  for  his  service  herein  as  much  as  the  treasurer  and  barons  < 
the  said  Exchequer  shall  think  fit. 


Jan.  8.          Commission  to  Walter  de  Goushull  and  Reynold  Aslakton  to  lev 

York.        the  scutage  of  the  king's  army  of  Scotland  of  4  Edward  II  in  the  count 

of  Nottingham,  as  above  \p.  10],  in   the  room  of  Richard  de  Whattc 

and  Robert  de  Crophull,  appointed  to  levy  the  same,  who  have  r 

leisure  therefor. 

Jan.  24.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  John,  son  an 

York.        heir  of  William  de  Curzoun,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  sai 

father,  he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s.  [5170 

Jan.  24.  Order  to  John  de  Cherleton,  mayor  of  the  merchants  of  the  stap 
York.  of  wools  and  woo! fells,  in  consideration  of  the  trespasses  against  tl: 
king's  ordinance,  as  above  [p.  12],  to  call  a  council  of  the  sai 
merchants  and  to  enquire  by  bath  of  them  and  other  good  and  lawfi 
men  and  in  other  lawful  ways  what  merchants  denizen  or  alien  ha> 
taken  wools  or  woolfells  to  any  of  the  lands  of  Brabant,  Flanders  an 
Artoys,  where  the  staple  was  not  assigned,  and  sold  the  same  the: 
contrary  to  the  said  ordinance,  and  to  impose  sums  of  money  on  a 
those  whom  they  convict  thereof  to  be  levied  to  the  king's  use,  ar 
to  certify  the  king  thereof  in  Chancery  that  he  may  cause  his  ministe 
to  levy  the  same  ;  the  king  having  ordered  sheriffs  and  all  othi 
bailiffs  to  summon  before  them  merchants  and  others  to  make  sue 
inquisition,  and  to  be  intendant  to  the  mayor  herein. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  on  the  dor 
of  the  Patent  Roll  of  this  year. 

Jan .  24 .          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  John  de  Chaucomb 

York.         son  and  heir  of  Thomas  de  Chaucombe,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  la 

of  his  said  father,  the  king  having  respited  his  homage  until  he  retun 

to  the  king  from  the  king's  service  whereon  he  is  now  intendant  i 

the  king's  order  ;   saving  to  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  her  dowe 

By  p. 

Jan.  5.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  de  Chastiel  of  the  keepir 

York.        of  the  castle  of  Cardigan,  to  hold  as  others  have  had  the  same  befo 

these  times.  By  p.s.  [5151/ 

Order  to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  justice  of  Wales,  to  deliv< 

the  same  to  him,  with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  du" 

made  thereof. 

Feb.  3.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  William  ( 
Clipston.      Clifton  and  Isabel  his  wife,  sister  and  heir  of  William  de  Furmer 

tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  her  said  brother,  her  said  husbar 

having  done  fealty. 

13  EDWARD  II.  16 

1320.  Membrane  7 — cont. 

Jan.  29.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  Gilbert  de  Stapelton, 
York.  of  the  office  of  the  escheatry  on  this  side  Trent,  so  that  he  answer  for 
the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

Order  to  all  persons  on  this  side  Trent  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 

Order  to  all  sheriffs  on  this  side  Trent  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 
escheator  and  to  summon  before  him  knights  and  others  to  make 
inquisitions  and  do  other  things  touching  the  office  as  often  as  he  shall 
certify  them  thereon  on  the  king's  behalf. 

Order  to  Ralph  de  Crophull,  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  to  deliver 
to  him  the  said  office,  with  the  rolls,  memoranda  and  all  other  things 
touching  the  office  in  his  keeping,  by  chirograph  to  be  made  between 

Feb.  3.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Clipston.      the  lands  late  of  Peter  Sabrith,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
John  son  of  William  de  Boyvill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  15.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Langley.      hand  the  lands  late  of  Christina  late  the  wife  of  Henry  le  Haraz, 
deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  18.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Westminster.  Robert  Barkworth,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 
Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Feb.  19.  Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Ralph,  abbot  of  Preaux  (de  Patrellis), 
Westminster,  the  lands  which  he  holds  of  the  king  in  England,  taken  into  the  king's 
hand  by  reason  of  the  last  voidance  of  the  abbey  of  Preaux,  with 
the  issues  thereof  from  the  time  of  the  taking  of  the  same  into  the 
king's  hand,  the  said  abbot  having  done  fealty  ;  taking  security 
from  him  for  answering  to  the  king  for  the  said  issues,  if  they  should 
pertain  to  the  king. 

Feb.  1.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  David  de  Langeton  of  the  keeping 

Blyth.        of  the  castle  and  barony  of  Werk  upon  Tweed,  so  that  he  answer 

for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [5182.] 

Feb.  22.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger 
Westminster,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  and  manor  of  Odiham,  so  that  he  answer 
for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  as  Hugh  le  Despenser  the 
elder  used  to  answer  therefor.  By  K. 

Order  to  Robert  le  Ewer  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  all  things 
in  the  said  castle,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 
Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 


Feb.  19.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Philip  de  la  Beche  of  the  county 

Westminster,  of  Wilts  and  the  castle  of  Old  Sarum,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer 

as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  have  answered.  By  p.s.  [5196.] 


1320.  Membrane  6 — con*. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheri: 
and  keeper.  By  p.i 

Order  to  Walter  de  Rysum  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county,  wit 
the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  the  offici 
and  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indentui 
to  be  made  between  them.  By  p.i 

Feb.  27.         The  like  to  Henry  Huse  of  the  counties  of  Surrey  and  Sussej 
Westminster.  By  p.i 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 
Order  to  Peter  de  Wroldham  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  th 
rolls  etc. 

April  9.          The  like  to  John  de  Wytlebury  of  the  county  of  Northampto 
Westminster,  from  Easter  last. 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  Giles  de  Cogenho  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the  roll 

Feb.  22.          The  like  to  Ralph  de  Cammoys  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  c 

Westminster.  Wyndesore  and  the  forest  there,  to  hold  as  the  king's  yeoman,  Oliv€ 

de  Burdfegala],  held  the  same  of  late  of  the  king's  commitment.  By  K 

Order  to  the  said  Oliver  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  all  thing 

in  the  said  castle  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  betwee 


Vacated  because  otherwise  below  under  the  same  date. 

Feb.  22.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  de  Rodeney  of  the  offic 

Westminster,  of  the  escheatry  on  this  side  Trent,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issut 

thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K 

Order  to  all  persons  on  this  side  Trent  to  be  intendant  to  him  s 

Order  to  all  sheriffs  on  this  side  Trent  to  be  intendant  to  him  a 
escheator  and  to  summon  before  him  knights  and  others  to  mat 
inquisitions  and  do  other  things  touching  the  office  as  often  as  h 
shall  certify  them  thereon  on  the  king's  behalf.  By  8 

Order  to  Master  Richard  de  Clare,  late  escheator' on  this  side  Tren 
to  deliver  to  him  the  said  office,  with  the  rolls,  memoranda  and  a 
other  things  touching  the  office  in  his  keeping,  by  chirograph  to  I 
made  between  them. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Christina  late  the  wife  of  Henry  le  Hara: 
deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  ( 
Robert  de  Barkworth,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  22.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  resume  into  the  king 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Henry  de  Percy,  tenant  in  chief,  in  the  count 
of  York,  with  the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that  t 
can  answer  therefor  at  the  Exchequer  ;  the  king's  kinswoman,  Eleano 
late  the  wife  of  the  said  Henry,  having  rendered  into  the  king's  han 
the  wardship  thereof  owing  to  certain  destructions  done  therein  b 
the  Scots,  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels,  in  their  invasion  of  the  real] 

13  EDWARD  II.  17 

1320.  Membrane  6 — cont. 

of  late,  together  with  the  said  issues,  which  wardship  the  king  com- 
mitted to  her  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  Henry,  son  and  heir  of  the 
said  Henry,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  at  the  rent  of  400Z.  a  year  at 
the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Feb.  22.  Commitment  to  Henry  de  Percy,  son  and  heir  of  Henry  de  Percy, 
Westminster,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  of  the  wardship  of  the 
lands  late  of  his  said  father  in  the  county  of  York,  which  the  king's 
kinswoman,  Eleanor  late  the  wife  of  his  said  father,  has  rendered  into 
the  king's  hand,  as  above  [last  entry],  to  hold  until  his  full  age,  rendering 
yearly  at  the  Exchequer  the  extent  thereof  ;  the  king  having  granted 
to  him  of  late  among  other  things  by  letters  patent  that  if  his  said 
mother  should  die  before  his  coming  of  age,  he  should  have  the  said 
wardship  until  his  full  age  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  as 
much  as  she  was  held  to  render  for  the  same,  and  she  having  surrendered 
the  same  as  aforesaid. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him, 
that  he  may  answer  therefor  at  the  Exchequer  to  the  full. 
Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  below. 

[Order]  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer,   reciting 

that  whereas  on  1  May,  8  Edward  II,  the  king  committed  to  Eleanor, 

late  the  wife  of  Henry  de  Percy,  tenant  in  chief,  the  wardship  of  the 
lands  late  of  the  said  Henry  in  the  county  of  York,  to  hold  until  the 
full  age  of  Henry  his  son  and  heir,  with  the  issues  thereof  from  Easter 
then  last,  rendering  400Z.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  —  — .  [Unfinished.] 
Vacated  because  otherwise  on  the  Close  Roll. 

Feb.  20.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Westminster,  made  by  him  shewing  that  John  Michel  held  in  chief  a  messuage,  40 
acres  of  land,  1  acre  of  meadow,  and  2s.  Id.  of  rent  in  Middelton 
Lillebon  by  the  service  of  13d.  to  be  paid  yearly  at  the  castle  of  Old 
Sarum,  and  that  William  Michel,  his  son.  is  his  nearest  heir  and  of 
full  age.  to  deliver  to  the  said  William  the  said  lands,  he  having  done 
fealty.  '  Wilts. 

Feb.  18.  Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Anthony  de  Bydik  and  Christina 
Westminster,  his  wife,  second  daughter  and  heir  of  Christina  late  the  wife  of  Peter 
de  la  Stane,  tenant  in  chief,  their  pourparty  of  the  lands  late  of  her 
said  mother,  the  said  Anthony  having  done  homage,  pursuant  to 
the  partition  which  the  king  ordered  him  to  make  by  a  writ  in  favour 
of  William  Saffray  and  Margery  his  wife,  elder  daughter  and  heir 
of  the  said  Christina  wife  of  Peter,  as  above  [p.  2]  ;  retaining  in 
the  king's  hand  the  pourparty  of  Peter  son  of  James  de  Norton, 
kinsman  and  third  heir  of  the  same  Christina,  still  in  the  king's  ward ; 
and  to  send  the  partition  made  by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the  rolls 
of  Chancery.  Bedford. 

Feb.  28.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Robert  de 

Westminster.  Hamme;  brother  and  heir  of  John  de  Hamme,  tenant  in  chief,  the 

lands  late  of  his  said  brother,  he  having  done  homage;  saving  to  Aline 

late  the  wife  of  John  her  dower.  Warwick. 

Feb.  26.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Westminster.  William  son  of  John  de  Boyvill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

F  8 



1320.  Membrane  6 — cont. 

Feb.  22.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  young 

Westminster,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  and  manor  of  Odiham,  at  the  yearly  rei 

of  as  much  as  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder  used  to  render  thereto 

By  p.s.  [5201 

Order  to  Robert  le  Ewer  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  all  thinj 
in  the  said  castle,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 

Feb.  26.         Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  John  de  Dittoi 

Westminster,  as  clerk  and  keeper  of  the  king's  works  in  the  palace  of  Westminsti 

and  the  Tower  of  London,  so  that  he  render  account  at  the  Exchequi 

of  the  money  delivered  to  him  for  the  said  works.  By  I 

March  3.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Robert  c 

Ospringe.     Meperteshale,  son  and  heir  of  Nicholas  de  Mepcrteshale,  tenant  i 

chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage.    Bedfon 

March  7.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Ellis  de  Tyngewyk  of  the  keepir 
Canterbury,    of  the  town  of  Dertford,  to  hold  as  Robert  de  Rydeware,  late  baili 
there,  had  the  same.  By  p. 

Order  to  the  said  Robert  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  bailiwick. 

March  7.         Order  to  Edmund  de  Hakelut,  escheator  of  Ireland,  to  take  inl 
Canterbury,    the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  Richard  de  Weylaund,  deceasec 
tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  22.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Ralph  de  Camoys  of  the  castle  < 

Westminster.  Wyndesore  with  the  forest  of  Wyndesore,  the  manors,  hundreds  an 

all  other  things  pertaining  to  the  said  castle,  except  certain  lane 

pertaining   thereto   which   Edward   I    committed   for  life   to   quee 

Margaret  ;    so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequt 

and  receive  yearly  for  the  said  keeping  as  much  as  Warin  de  Insuli 

late  constable  of  the  castle,  used  to  receive  therefor.  By  I1 

Order  to  Oliver  de  Burdeux  to  deliver  the  premises  to  him,  wit 

all  things  in  the  said  castle  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  mad 

between  them. 

March  6.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Fykeys  of  Wynchelse  ( 

Canterbury,    the  bailiwick  of  Wynchelse,  Rye  and  Ihamme.  so  that  he  answer  fc 

the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  ( 

March  13.        Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  han 
Sturry.       the  lands  which  Gerard  Salveyn,  deceased,  held  by  knight  servk 
of  John  le  Chaumberleyn,  son  and  heir  of  Robert  le  Chaumberleyi 
tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward. 

March  15.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisitio 
Sturry.  made  by  him  shewing  that  Christina  late  the  wife  of  Henry  Kara 
held  in  chief  certain  lands  in  Alwardebury,  co.  Wilts,  by  the  servic 
of  2s.  9d.  to  be  paid  to  the  king  yearly  by  the  hands  of  the  [sheriff]  c 
Wilts,  and  that  Richard  le  Haraz,  her  son,  is  her  nearest  heir  an 
of  full  age,  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  lands,  which  are  in  the  king1 
hand  as  well  by  her  death  as  by  the  death  of  the  said  Henry,  wh 
held  the  same  after  her  death  by  the  courtesy  of  England,  the  sai 
Richard  having  done  fealty.  Wilts 

13   EDWARD   TI. 



March  11 

March  13. 

Membrane  6 — cont. 

Order  to  John  de  Crumbwell,  keeper  of  the  forest  beyond  Trent, — 
pursuant  to  an  inquisition  made  by  John  de  Donecastre  and  Alexander 
de  Cave,  shewing  that  stewards  of  the  forest  of  Galtres  in  the  times 
of  the  king's  progenitors,  kings  of  England,  and  of  the  king,  were 
accustomed  to  appoint  and  dismiss  (ponere  et  deponere)  foresters 
in  the  said  forest  at  their  will,  and  that  they  were  accustomed  to 
have  the  bark  (tannam)  and  branches  of  all  oaks  which  the  king's 
progenitors  and  the  king  have  been  used  to  give,  and  their  food 
(puturam)  in  the  said  forest,  and  two  lawns  called  Haverthwayt  and 
Ercedekneclos,  rendering  5s.  yearly  therefor  by  the  hands  of  the 
keeper  of  the  forest,  and  that  it  pertains  to  their  office  to  have  chiminage 
and  windfalls  (caplicium),  at  the  rent  of  10s.  a  year  by  the  hands  of  the 
said  keeper,  and  that  they  were  accustomed  to  have  the  profit  of  swine 
entering  the  covert  of  the  forest  in  the  forbidden  month,  to  wit,  ^d. 
on  each  pig,  — •  to  permit  the  king's  yeoman,  Laurence  de  Elmham, 
to  whom  the  king  has  committed  the  office  of  the  said  stewardship, 
to  do,  receive  and  have  the  premises  until  further  order.  By  p.s.  [5232]. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Gerard  Salveyii,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


Grossi  Fines. 

Matthew  Broun  has  made  fine  with  the  king  in  20s.  to  have  writs 

of  hearing  and  determining  a  trespass  done  to  him  at  the  suburb  of 

Lincoln  before  Lambert  de  Trikingham,  Robert  Darcy  and  William 
son  of  Alan.  Lincoln. 

Peter,  prior  of  St.  Michael's  Mount  in  Cornwall,  has  made  fine  with 

the  king  in  40s.  for  pardon  of  the  trespass  of  his  predecessor  in  acquiring 

to  the  said  priory  certain  tenements  in  Lambedon,  held  in  chief,  and 
in  entering  therein  without  licence.  Cornwall. 

Joan  late  the  wife  of  William  son  of  William  de  Bovyll  has  made 

fine  with  the  king  in  2  marks  for  pardon  of  her  trespass  in  acquiring 

with  her  said  late  husband  certain  tenements  in  Glesthorp  and  Bauseye, 
held  in  chief.  Suffolk. 


April  8.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  William  son  of  William  de  Boyvill,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

April  11.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Westminster.  John  de  Wascoyl,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

April  11.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Westminster,  the  lands  late  of  Mary  de  Nevill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 
The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

April  17.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Lambeth,     the  lands  late  of  John  de  la  Leygh,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

April  18.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
.  Lambeth,     hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Tillebury,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 



1320.  Membrane  4 — cont. 

April  18.        Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  Setvans  of  the  county  < 
Lambeth.     Kent  and  the  castle  of  Canterbury  from  Easter  last,  so  that  he  answ< 
at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheri 
and  keeper. 

Order  to  Henry  de  Sarden  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county,  wit 
the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  offic 
and  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indentu: 
to  be  made  between  them. 

April  18.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  Lovel  of  the  keeping  of  tl 
Lambeth,     castle  of  Gloucester,  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  the  extei 
thereof.  By  p. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  hir 
with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 
Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  below. 

April  18.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  John  c 

Lambeth.     Boyvill,  son  and  heir  of  William  son  of  John  de  Boyvill,  tenant  i 

chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  fealty.     Devoi 

April  21.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  < 
Kempton.     Thomas  Ultynge,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

April  24.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  Lovel  of  the  keeping  i 

Westminster,  the  castle  of  Gloucester  with  the  barton,  tyne,  weirs  and  all  othi 

appurtenances  thereof,  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  tl 

extent  thereof.  By  p.s.  [5272 

Order  to  Edmund  de  Wodestok,  the  king's  brother,  or  his  lieutenaj 

in  the  said  castle,  to  deliver  to  him  the  premises  with  all  things  i 

the  castle  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 

April  26.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  Humphrey  de  Waleden  as  tl 
Westminster,  king's  steward  of  the  following  castles,  towns,  manors,  lands  and  rent 
for  the  issues  whereof  the  king  wishes  to  be  answered  in  the  chambe 
to  wit,  the  manor  of  Brustwyk,  the  castle,  manor  and  honour  < 
Tikhull,  the  castle  and  town  of  Scardeburgh,  co.  York,  the  mano 
of  Gryngelay,  Whytelay,  and  Clypston.  co.  Nottingham,  the  manor 
Aldredele,  co.  Salop,  the  town  of  Rokyngham,  co.  Northampton,  tl 
manors  of  Chippenham  and  Langele  Marreys  with  the  hamlet  < 
Wyrardesbury,  co.  Buckingham,  the  manors  of  Crokham  ar 
Yashamstede  and  the  parks  of  Wyndesore,  co.  Berks,  the  mam 
of  Childrenlangele,  co.  Hertford,  the  manors  of  Istelworth  an 
la  Neyte,  co.  Middlesex,  the  castle  and  manor  of  Haddele  and  the  mane 
of  Thundrele,  co.  Essex,  the  manors  of  Biflete  and  Shene,  co.  Surre; 
and  the  manor  of  Gravesende,  co.  Kent ;  appointment  also  of  hii 
as  auditor  of  the  accounts  of  all  those  who  owe  account  to  the  kir 
of  the  issues  of  the  premises  aforesaid  and  of  all  others  who  are  held  1 
render  account  in  the  chamber ;  so  that  he  execute  the  things  which  pe 
tain  to  the  said  office  of  steward  and  auditor  without  rendering  ar 
further  account  to  the  king  of  the  things  aforesaid  and  that  of  all  liverie 
outgoings  and  expenses  by  the  king's  orders  under  the  great,  prh 
or  secret  seals,  from  the  issues  of  the  premises  (sic).  By  p.s.  [5324 

13  EDWARD  II. 



Membrane  4 — con/,. 

April  28.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Ingelram  Berenger  of  the  counties 
Westminster,  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham  from  Easter  last,  so  that  he  answer  at  the 
Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  K.  &  C. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendaiit  to  him  as  sheriff. 
Order  to  Richard  de  Cave  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  the  office  and 
with  the  issues  thereof  from  Easter  last  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture 
to  be  made  between  them. 

April  27.  Commitment  to  Henry  de  Percy,  son  and  heir  of  Henry  de  Percy, 
Westminster,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  of  the  wardship  of  the 
lands  late  of  his  said  father  in  the  county  of  York,  to  hold  until  his 
full  age,  rendering  400  marks  yearly  at  the  Exchequer,  to  wit,  372 
marks,  5s.  9|rf.  whereat  the  said  lands  are  extended  yearly,  and  27 
marks,  7s.  Gfrf.  of  increment  beyond  the  said  extent,  in  moieties 
at  Easter  and  Michaelmas  ;  the  king  having  granted  to  him  of  late 
among  other  things  by  letters  patent  that  if  the  king's  kinswoman, 
Eleanor  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Henry  the  father,  who  had  the  wardship 
of  the  said  lands  of  the  king's  commitment  until  the  full  age  of  the 
said  heir,  should  die  before  his  coming  of  age,  then  he  should  have 
the  said  wardship  until  his  full  age  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer 
of  as  much  as  she  was  held  to  render  for  the  same,  and  she  having 
rendered  into  the  king's  hand  the  said  lands  with  the  issues  thereof 
from  Michaelmas  last  owing  to  the  destructions  done  therein  by  the 
Scots,  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels,  in  their  invasion  of  the  realm 
of  late.  By  K. 

April  28.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Joan  late  the  wife  of  William  Cryspyn.  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

May  2.  Commitment    during    pleasure    to    the    king's    clerk,    William    de 

Langley.  Ayremynne,  of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  of  North  Duffeld,  co.  York, 
which  Gerard  Salvayn  held  by  knight  service  of  the  heir  of  Robert 
le  Chaumberleyn,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  in  the 
king's  hand  on  that  account  and  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Gerard, 
nephew  and  heir  of  the  said  Gerard,  to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof 
from  Easter  last,  rendering  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  the  extent  thereof. 

By  C. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him, 
with  the  said  issues. 

May  4.  Commission  to   Thomas  Fardeyn  and  Henry  Lovecok  to   collect 

Langley.  during  pleasure  in  the  town  of  Weymuth  and  in  every  place  therefrom 
by  the  seacoast  to  Plymmuth  the  custom  on  wools,  hides  and  wool- 
fells  exported  thence,  and  to  keep  the  '  coket '  seal,  so  that  they  answer 
for  the  money  arising  therefrom  at  the  Exchequer. 

May  5.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Whytelbury,  sheriff  of 

Langley      Northampton,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Northampton,  so  that 

Marish.       he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  Richard  de  Lymesy  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  all 

things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 


1320.  Membrane  4 — cont. 

May  4.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  go  in  person  to  the  manoi 

Langley.  of  Westwyk.  co.  York,  late  of  William  de  Stopham  and  held  of  th< 
manor  of  Malton,  late  of  William  de  Vescy,  tenant  in  chief,  in  th( 
king's  hand  of  late,  and  survey  the  waste,  sale  or  destruction,  wh'ch 
as  the  king  has  learned,  Edmund  Darel,  to  whom  the  king  committee 
the  wardship  of  the  said  manor  of  Westwyk,  in  the  king's  hand  bj 
the  death  of  the  said  William  de  Stopham  and  by  reason  of  the  minority 
of  William,  his  kinsman  and  heir,  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  saic 
heir,  has  done  in  the  lands,  houses,  woods  and  gardens  thereof,  tc 
the  heir's  disherison,  whereat  the  king  is  justly  disturbed  ;  and  il 
such  waste  have  been  done,  to  take  the  manor  into  the  king's  hand 
the  king  being  held  to  render  to  heirs,  minors  in  his  ward,  the  lands 
of  their  inheritance  when  they  come  of  age,  as  entirely  as  the  same 
came  to  his  hands. 


May  5.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 

Langley  priory  of  Byiiham  with  all  its  possessions  and  appurtenances  movable 
Mansh.  an(j  immovable,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  the  king  ordair. 
touching  the  keeping  thereof  and  until  further  order  :  the  said  priory 
which  was  founded  to  do  certain  alms  and  works  of  piety  for  the 
souls  of  the  king's  ancestors  and  of  the  king,  and  was  annexed  tc 
the  house  of  St.  Albans  which  is  of  the  foundation  of  the  king's  said 
ancestors,  being  so  destroyed  and  impoverished  through  ill  keeping 
that  the  goods  thereof  cannot  suffice  to  maintain  the  said  charges 
and  works  of  piety,  whereby  the  same  cease  in  part  and  are  in  dangei 
of  being  totally  annulled  unless  better  keeping  be  applied  herein, 
and  the  king  being  unable  to  endure  as  indeed  he  ought  not,  that 
the  said  charges  and  works  should  be  so  annulled.  By  p.s.  [5323. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk.  William  de  Leycestre, 
and  brother  Nicholas  de  Flamstede,  of  the  keeping  of  the  priory  oi 
Bynham  with  all  its  possessions  and  appurtenances  movable  and 
immovable,  to  be  received  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them 
and  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk,  whom  the  king  ordered  to  take  the  same 
into  the  king's  hand  as  above  [last  entry],  for  the  maintenance  of  the 
alms  for  which  the  priory  was  founded  as  above. 

Order  to  the  said  sheriff  to  deliver  the  same  to  them  by  indenture 
to  be  made  between  them  touching  the  said  movables. 

June  4.          Order  to  the  tenants  of  the  priory  to  be  intendant  to  them  in  all 
Westminster,  things  pertaining  thereto.  By  K. 

[May  5.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 

Langley       hand  the  lands  late  of  John  Trenchard,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  11.         Commission  to  William  de  Chaylhowe  and  Hugh  Sampson  to  collect 

Fulmer.       during  pleasure  in  the  port  of  Suthampton  the  custom  on  wools, 

hides  and  wool  fells  exported  thence,  and  to  keep  the  '  coket '  seal, 

so    that    they    answer    for    the    money    arising    therefrom    at    the 

Exchequer.  By  C. 

Order  to  Henry  de  Lym  and  John  de  Vaus  to  deliver  to  them  the 

said  seal  and  all  other  things  touching  the  office  in  their  keeping  of 

the  king's  commitment. 

13  EDWARD  II. 


1320.  Membrane  3 — COM/. 

May  8.  Pardon,  for  a  fine,  to  Peter,  prior  of  St.  Michael's  Mount  in  Cornwall, 

Fulmer.  of  the  trespass  committed  by  one  of  his  predecessors  in  the  time 
of  Edward  I  in  acquiring  a  messuage  and  2£  ferlings  of  land  in  Lambe- 
don  of  Geoffrey  le  Graunt  after  the  publication  of  the  Statute  of 
Mortmain,  and  in  entering  therein  without  licence,  and  grant  to  him 
and  the  convent  of  that  place  that  they  may  have  the  premises  again 
and  hold  the  same  to  them  and  their  successors  of  the  king  and  his 
heirs  for  ever,  at  the  rent  of  2s.  Qd.  a  year,  to  wit,  the  former  service 
of  I5d.  and  15d.  of  increment,  and  doing  other  services  before  due 
therefor,  notwithstanding  the  said  statute  ;  the  said  Peter  having 
arrained  an  assize  of  novel  disseisin  before  John  de  Foxle  and  his 
fellows,  justices  of  assize  in  the  county  of  Cornwall,  by  the  king's 
writ  against  Ralph  le  Symple  and  Peter  le  Symple  touching  the  said 
messuage  and  land,  and  it  having  been  found  by  the  recognition  of 
the  assize  taken  thereon  at  Launcevcton  that  the  said  Ralph  and 
Peter  le  Symple  disseised  the  said  prior  of  the  premises,  wherefore 
it  was  decided  that  the  prior  should  recover  seisin  thereof  against 
them,  and  it  having  been  likewise  found  that  the  said  prior's  pre- 
decessor acquired  the  premises  as  aforesaid,  and  that  the  same  were 
held  of  the  prior  at  the  time  of  the  said  acquisition  and  that  he  held 
the  same  of  Edmund,  earl  of  Cornwall,  by  the  said  service  of  I5d. 
a  year,  and  that  they  were  held  of  the  king  at  the  time  of  the  taking 
of  the  said  assize  by  the  same  service,  by  pretext  of  which  acquisition 
and  entry  it  was  decided  that  the  premises  should  be  taken  into  the 
king's  hand,  as  was  more  fully  found  by  the  record  and  process  of 
the  said  assize,  which  the  king  caused  to  come  before  him. 

By  fine  of  40,?. 

May  13.         Commitment    during    pleasure    to    Robert    Paulyn    of    Wynchelse 

Windsor,      of  the  bailiwick  of  Wynchelse,  Rye  and  Ihamme,  at  the  yearly  rent 

at  the  Exchequer  of  as  much  as  others  have  rendered  for  the  same 

hitherto.  By  p.s.  and  afterwards  by  K. 

Commitment  to  the  king's  kinsman.  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of 
Pembroke,  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  forest  on  this  side  Trent, 
to  keep  until  the  next  Parliament,  so  that  the  bailiffs  and  ministers 
and  others  whom  he  will  charge  with  the  issues  and  other  things 
belonging  to  the  king  by  reason  of  that  office  answer  therefor  at  the 
Exchequer,  and  so  that  he  bring  his  rolls  to  the  Exchequer  at  the  end 
of  each  year.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  sheriffs,  bailiffs  and  others  to  be  intendaiit  to  him  and 
to  summon  before  him  knights  and  others  as  he  shall  let  them  know 
on  the  king's  behalf. 

Order  to  Ralph  de  Monte  Hermerii  to  deliver  to  him  the  rolls, 
memoranda  and  any  other  things  touching  the  office  in  his  keeping, 
by  chirograph  to  be  made  between  them. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Ellis  Baldet,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  king's  clerk,  Roger  de  Northburgh,  keeper  of  the 
wardrobe,  to  charge  Stephen  de  Abindon.  the  king's  butler,  in  his 
account  to  be  rendered  before  the  said  Roger  of  the  things  pertaining 
to  his  office  of  the  butlery,  with  the  wines  of  the  king's  prise  for  the 



1320.  Membrane  3—cont. 

whole  time  in  which  he  has  been  the  king's  butler,  which  wines  thi 
king  granted  to  him  at  will,  to  wit,  from  each  ship  coming  withii 
the  realm  laden  with  wines  one  tun  of  wine  before  the  mast  and  om 
tun  of  wine  behind  the  mast  for  20s.  to  be  paid  for  each  piece  to  thi 
merchants  from  whom  he  received  the  wine  in  the  king's  name  am 
20s.  to  the  king  in  the  wardrobe  ;  the  said  grant  having  been  madi 
after  16  March,  3  Edward  II,  to  the  king's  loss,  contrary  to  an  ordinanci 
made  by  the  prelates  and  chiefs  of  the  realm  and  confirmed  by  thi 
king.  [See  Statutes  of  the  Realm,  Ordinances,  5  Edward  II,  vij.]  By  C 

May  26.          Grant,  for  a  fine  of  61.,  to  the  king's  clerk,  Adam  de  Lymbergh 

Odiham.      of  the  marriage  of  John,  son  and  heir  of  Joan  de  Chodewell,  one  o 

the  sisters  and  heirs  of  Philip  le  Erode,  tenant  in  chief,  which  Johi 

is  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward.  By  C 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  him  thi 

body  of  the  said  heir  to  be  married. 

June  5.          Appointment  of  the  king's  clerk,  Robert  de  Marchumleye.  as  thi 
Westminster,  king's  deputy  to  receive  to  the  king's  use  and  in  the  king's    nami 
seisin  of  the  manor  of  Yashamstede,  co.  Berks,  which  John,  bisho] 
of  Bath  and  Wells,  granted  of  late  by  his  writing  to  the  king  in  fee. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Kyngeston  of  the  keepinj 
of  the  hundreds  of  Catesassh  and  Stone  and  the  gaol  of  Somerton 
to  hold  as  Robert  le  Ewer  had  the  same  of  late,  rendering  yearh 
for  the  same  as  much  as  the  said  Robert  used  to  render.  By  K 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Commission  to  John  Durant  and  William  de  Watergate  to  collec 
during  pleasure  in  the  port  of  Chichester  the  custom  on  wools,  hides  an( 
woolfells  exported  thence,  and  to  keep  the  'coket'  seal,  so  that  the; 
answer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K 

June  7. 


atte  Bower. 

June  5. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Thorp  of  the  countie 
of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  and  the  castle  of  Norwich,  so  that  he  answe 
at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto.  By  p.s 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  a, 
sheriff  and  keeper. 

Order  to  John  Haward  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties,  with  thi 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  the  office,  an< 
the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  etc 


Commission  to  John  le  Rous  to  levy  with  John  Turpyn  the  scutage 
for  the  armies  summoned  at  Carlisle  at  Midsummer,  28  Edward  I 
at  Berwick  upon  Tweed  at  Whitsunday,  31  Edward  I,  and  at  Carlisli 
in  34  Edward  I,  in  the  room  of  Richard  de  Chiselden,  now  deceased 
according  to  the  tenour  of  letters  patent  appointing  the  said  Richarc 
and  John  Turpyn  to  make  inquisition  in  the  county  of  Wilts  whicl 
fees  therein  other  than  those  noted  in  the  evidences  delivered  to  then 
by  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  were  held  in  chief  o 
Edward  I  at  the  dates  aforesaid  and  which  were  held  of  escheats  anc 
honours  in  his  hand  and  of  his  purchase,  and  also  which  heirs  wen 
minors  in  his  ward,  and  which  archbishoprics,  bishoprics,  abbeys 
priories  and  other  ecclesiastical  dignities  or  offices  were  void  at  thosi 

13  EDWAgD  II.  26 

J.320.  Membrane  2 — cont. 

times,  the  keeping  of  the  temporalities  whereof  pertained  to  him, 
and  how  many  and  who  held  knights'  fees  of  the  same  heirs,  arch- 
bishoprics and  other  dignities  and  offices,  and  for  what  portion  of  a 
fee  each  held  and  where,  and  to  collect  and  levy  from  each  such  fee  40s. 
of  scutage  for  the  said  years,  so  that  they  had  the  money  arising 
therefrom  at  the  Exchequer  at  Westminster  by  parcels  as  soon  as 
possible,  and  so  that  if  any  of  those  from  whom  they  ought  to  levy 
the  said  scutages  alleged  acquittance  of  payment,  they  distrained 
them  not  for  the  same,  after  taking  security  from  such  to  be  before 
the  said  treasurer  and  barons  at  a  certain  day  fixed  by  them  to  sue 
their  plaint  there  and  to  receive  justice  ;  the  king  having  ordered 
the  said  John  Turpyn  to  admit  him  in  the  room  of  the  said  Richard 
and  the  sheriff  of  the  county  to  summon  before  them  good  and  lawful 
men  and  to  be  intendant  herein. 

June  4.  Commission  to  John  de  Alba  Marlia  of  Flete  to  levy  with  Thomas 
Westminster,  de  Scobhill  the  scutage  of  the  king's  army  of  Scotland  of  4  Edward  II 
in  the  county  of  Devon  and  to  have  the  inquisitions  made  by  them 
thereon  at  the  Exchequer  as  soon  as  possible,  in  the  room  of  William 
Pyn,  appointed  with  the  said  Thomas  to  do  the  like  as  above  [p.  10], 
he  having  no  leisure  therefor  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  said  Thomas- 
to  admit  him  in  the  room  of  the  said  William  and  the  sheriff  of  the 
county  to  summon  before  them  good  and  lawful  men  of  each  wapentake 
of  the  said  county  and  to  be  intendant  herein. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 

June  2.  Order  to  the  taxers  and  collectors  of  an  eighteenth  in  the  county  of 
Westminster.  Middlesex  to  tax  without  delay  all  the  movable  goods  of  the  master 
and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem  in  England 
and  of  their  villeins,  which  they  had  at  Michaelmas  last  in  the  said 
county,  as  the  goods  of  the  others  of  the  commonalty  of  that  county 
were  taxed,  and  which  have  not  yet  been  taxed  for  the  said  eighteenth 
to  the  king's  great  astonishment,  and  to  pay  the  money  arising  there- 
from at  the  Exchequer,  any  order  to  the  contrary  before  directed  to 
them  notwithstanding.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  taxers  and  collectors  of  the  eighteenth  in  the  several 
counties  throughout  England. 

June  2.  Order  to  S.  bishop  of  London  duly  to  tax  all  ecclesiastical  goods 
Westminster,  of  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem 
in  England  in  his  diocese  which  have  not  hitherto  been  assigned  for 
the  tenth  imposed  by  Pope  John  XXII  on  the  clergy  of  England 
to  the  king's  use,  from  which  tenth  the  Pope  has  not  excepted,  as 
he  used,  the  said  master  and  brethren,  whereby  (sic)  the  tenth  so 
due  from  their  ecclesiastical  goods  as  from  those  of  the  rest  of  the 
said  clergy  is  not  yet  levied ;  and  to  deliver  to  W.  archbishop  of 
Canterbury  and  the  bishop  of  London,  principal  collectors  of  the  said 
tenth,  the  taxation  thereof  and  of  other  ecclesiastical  goods  of  the 
same  master  and  brethren  which  have  been  before  taxed  for  a  tenth, 
that  the  said  collectors  may  levy  the  tenth  thereon  as  on  the  goods 
of  the  rest  of  the  said  clergy  to  the  king's  use  and  pay  the  same  at 
the  Exchequer. 

The  like  to  the  archbishops  of  Canterbury  and  York  and  the  several 
bishops  throughout  England. 


1320.  Membrane  2—cont. 

June  13.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king' 
Canterbury,    hand  the  lands  late  of  William  de  Cruce  of  Tybenham,  deceased 
tenant  in  chief. 

June  10.  Order  to  the  same,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition  made  by  him  shewinj 
Wix.  that  Thomas  de  Ultynge  held  no  lands  of  the  king  in  chief  on  thi 
day  of  his  death,  but  held  a  marsh  called  Alfledenasse  hi  Pritelwel 
of  the  manor  of  Estwode  which  is  of  the  barony  of  Burgh,  co.  Essex 
in  the  king's  hand,  by  fealty  and  the  service  of  \.d.  of  rent  a  year 
and  that  the  said  Thomas  and  John  de  Ultynge,  his  son  and  heir 
acquired  the  marsh  jointly,  to  hold  to  them  and  the  heirs  of  John 
to  restore  to  John  the  said  marsh,  the  king,  for  a  fine  of  20s.  having 
pardoned  him  his  trespass  in  acquiring  the  same  with  his  said  lathe: 
without  licence,  and  he  having  done  fealty  ;  and  to  meddle  no  furthe: 
with  the  other  lands  whereof  Thomas  was  seised  in  his  demesne  ai 
of  fee,  delivering  the  issues  thereof  received  by  him  to  those  whos< 
they  are. 

June  10.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  o 
Wix.         Richard  de  Byndon.  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  10.         Order  to  the  same  not  to  molest  Peter  de  Grandisono  and  Blanche 

Wix.         his  wife  by  reason  of  their  acquisition  of  the  manor  of  Much  Marcle 

co.  Hereford,  held  in  chief,  of  Margaret  de  Mortuo  Mari,  to  hold  ii 

survivorship,  and  of  their  entry  therein  without  licence,  the  king  bavin; 

pardoned  their  trespass  herein  for  a  fine  of  10L  made  by  the  said  Peter 

June  4.  Commission  to  William  de  Bereford,  William  de  Ayremynne.  Johi 
Westminster,  de  Cherleton,  mayor  of  the  merchants  of  the  staple  of  wools  anc 
woolfells,  and  William  do  Herle,  to  take  a  fine  from  all  merchants 
denizen  and  alien  who  will  make  fine  with  the  king  to  have  the  king's 
pardon  for  having  taken  or  caused  to  be  taken  wools  and  woolfelli 
to  other  places  within  the  lands  of  Brabant,  Flanders  and  Artoys 
than  to  the  place  where  the  staple  of  wools  has  been,  contrary  to  tht 
tenour  of  a  charter  made  by  the  king  to  the  merchants  of  the  said 
staple,  from  the  time  of  the  making  thereof  ;  and  order  to  them  tc 
receive  such  fines  and  to  certify  thereof  the  treasurer  and  barons 
of  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [5304. 


June  19.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king'i 
Canterbury,    hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Knokyn,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief 

Here  the  king  crossed  to  the  parts  of  France  to  do  homage  to  tht 
king  of  France  at  Amiens  for  the  lands  which  he  ought  to  hold  of  tht 
king  of  France  in  the  parts  beyond  seas,  as  is  more  fully  contained 
in  a  memorandum  made  thereon  on  the  dorse  of  the  Close  Roll. 

June  25.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  -take  into  the  king's  hand 
Westminster,  the  lands  late  of  Nicholas  de  Killom,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Tested  by  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke 

13  EDWARD  II.  27 

1320.  Membrane  1 — cont. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Roger  la  Ware,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Tested  as  above. 

June  18.         Commission  to  William  de  Northho  and  Richard  de  Herghes  to 
Dover.        levy  the  scutage  of  the  king's  army  of  Scotland  in  4  Edward  II    in 
the  county  of  Sussex,  in  like  terms  as  above  [p.  9]. 

June  25.         The  like  to  Reynold  Malore  and  Thomas  de  Assheby  in  the  county 
Westminster,  of  Leicester.  Tested  by  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke. 

June  28.         The  like  to  Robert  de  Ros.  knight  and  William  son  of  Ralph  de 
Westminster.  Bradfeld,  in  the  county  of  Hertford.    Tested  as  above.     By  the  same. 

June  28.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the   king's 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Richard  Martel,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Tested  as  above. 

June  18.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham  and  Derby  to  cause  proclamation 
Dover.  to  be  made  in  the  boroughs  and  market  towns  and  elsewhere  in  his 
bailiwick  that  no  merchant  or  other  go  to  meet  men  coining  with  victuals, 
goods,  things  or  wares  to  the  said  boroughs  and  towns  or  cause  them 
to  be  met  by  another  person  to  buy  any  victuals,  goods,  things  or 
wares  before  they  have  been  exposed  for  sale  in  the  public  places 
of  the  said  boroughs  and  towns,  or  cause  the  victuals,  goods,  things 
or  wares  to  be  forestalled  (abroccari  seu  forstallari),  on  pain  of  forfeiture 
of  the  things  and  merchandise  so  forestalled  ;  and  if  any  be  accused 
thereof  after  the  proclamation,  to  take  with  him  any  loyal  persons 
of  those  counties  and  summon  before  him  such  accused  persons  and  their 
accusers  and  to  cause  any  who  can  be  duly  convicted  thereof  to  be  pun- 
ished by  the  said  forfeiture ;  the  king  having  learned  that  many  merchants 
and  others  of  the  said  boroughs  and  towns  are  guilty  herein,  selling 
the  victuals  and  wares  forestalled  at  too  dear  a  price,  to  the  common 
loss  of  the  men  of  those  counties  and  of  others  passing  through  the 
same,  and  to  the  deception  of  the  same  and  in  contempt  of  the  king, 
whereat  the  king  is  justly  moved.  By  p.s. 

June  27.  Order  to  the  taxers  and  collectors  of  an  eighteenth  in  the  county  of 
Westminster.  Lancaster,  after  making  the  taxation  of  the  movable  goods  which  the 
men  of  those  parts  in  that  county  had  at  Michaelmas  last  according 
to  the  form  of  the  commission  made  to  them  thereon  and  the  form 
delivered  to  them  on  the  king's  behalf,  to  supersede  until  further 
order  the  levying  of  the  said  eighteenth  from  the  goods  of  those  who 
have  been  destroyed  by  the  many  attacks,  burnings,  plunderings  and 
other  innumerable  damages  committed  on  them  by  the  Scots,  the 
king's  enemies  and  rebels  ;  provided  that  the  eighteenth  be  levied 
from  the  goods  of  those  who  were  not  destroyed,  and  answered  for 
at  the  Exchequer  ;  in  lieu  of  a  former  order  to  supersede  wholly  the 
taxation  and  levying  thereof  from  the  goods  of  the  men  of  those 
parts  until  further  order. 

Tested  as  above.     By  the  guardian  of  the  land  and  the  council. 

June  28.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Giles  Sabrith, 
t'estminster.  son  and  heir  of  Peter  Sabrith,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his 


1320.  Membrane  1 — cord. 

said  father,  he  having  done  fealty,  and  the  king  having  respited  hi 
homage  until  the  king  return  from  the  parts  beyond  seas,  saving  t 
Margaret  late  the  wife  of  Peter  her  dower  ;  so  that  he  come  in  perso: 
to  do  homage  on  the  king's  return  from  the  said  parts.  Esses 

Tested  as  above.    By  p.f 

July  2.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  c 
Westminster.  Master   Richard   de   Staneford,   deceased,   tenant   in   chief. 

Tested  as  above 

July  3.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  c 
Westminster.  Geoffrey  de  Erlliam,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief.  Tested  as  abov< 

July  3.  Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  c 

Westminster.  Thomas  de  Erlham,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief.  Tested  as  abov< 

Order  to  John  de  Bousser  to  receive  a  fine  from  John  atte  Forsta 
late  bailiff  of  the  lathe  of  St.  Augustine,  co.  Kent,  for  that  whic 
pertains  to  the  king  for  certain  trespasses  done  by  him  by  colour  c 
his  office,  having  regard  to  the  extent  and  manner  of  the  said'trespasse: 
and  to  certify  thereof  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  an 
deliver  the  said  John  from  the  prison  of  Canterbury  to  which  h 
was  adjudged  by  decision  of  the  king's  court  for  the  said  trespasse 
whereof  he  was  convicted  before  the  said  John  de  Bousser  and  h: 
fellows,  justices  appointed  to  hear  and  determine  the  plaints  of  a 
and  singular  wishing  to  complain  of  the  king's  bailiffs  and  ministei 
of  the  said  county,  if  he  be  detained  for  no  other  cause  ;  the  kin 
having  learned  that  he  is  ready  to  make  fine  therefor,  that  so  h 
may  be  delivered  from  the  said  prison.  Tested  as  above.  By  ( 

July  5.          Licence,  for  a  fine  of  30<s.,  for  Alice,  late  the  wife  of  Hugh  d 

Westminster.  Lachendon,  tenant  in  chief,  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will  in  tb 

king's    fealty.  Tested  as  above.     By  ( 

July  3.  Commission  to  Alexander  de  Bergh  to  levy  with  William  de  Hebbedo 
Westminster,  the  scutages  of  the  armies  of  Scotland  of  28,  31  and  34  Edward  I  i 
the  county  of  York  in  the  room  of  William  de  Wyvill,  who  has  n 
leisure  therefor,  according  to  the  tenour  of  letters  patent  appointin 
the  said  William  and  William  to  levy  the  same  and  to  make  inquisitio 
in  the  said  county,  as  above  [p.  3] ;  the  king  having  ordered  th 
said  William  de  Hebbeden  to  admit  him  as  his  fellow  hereto. 

Tested  as  above.     By  the  guardian  of  the  realn 

14   EDWARD   II. 

The  escheators  for  this  year  are  ( 1 )  south  of  Trent,  Richard  de  Rodeney  ; 
(2)  north  of  Trent,  Gilbert  de  Stapelton. 

1320.  MEMBRANE  16. 

July  10.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Walter  de 

Westminster.  Badeston  and  Joan  his  wife,  daughter  and  heir  of  Joan  late  the  wife 

of  William  Crispyn,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  her  said  mother, 

the  said  Walter  having  done  fealty.  Somerset. 

Tested  by  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke. 

Order  to  the  same  to  resume  into  the  king's  hand  the  manor  of 
Crokham,  co.  Berks,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order, 
answering  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer,  and  if  he  find  any 
who  resist  him  herein,  to  attach  them,  so  that  he  have  them  before 
the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  at  Westminster  on  the 
morrow  of  St.  James  the  Apostle  next  to  answer  the  king  and  to  do 
and  receive  what  the  king's  court  shall  decide  herein,  the  king  having 
ordered  the  sheriff  of  the  said  county  to  be  of  aid  to  him  in  the 
premises,  taking  a  sufficient  posse  of  his  county  if  need  be  when  he  shall 
be  warned  by  the  escheator  on  the  king's  behalf  ;  the  king  having 
been  given  to  understand  that  whereas  the  escheator  took  the  said 
manor  into  the  king's  hand  after  the  death  of  John  de  Knokin,  who 
held  the  same  for  life  of  the  king's  grant,  and  which  ought  to  revert 
and  reverted  to  the  king  after  his  death,  Herbert  son  of  John,  gathering 
to  himself  a  multitude  of  evildoers  and  disturbers  of  the  peace,  has 
entered  the  said  manor  by  force  over  the  king's  seisin  and  has  taken, 
consumed  and  carried  away  and  withdrawn  whither  he  would  the 
king's  goods  and  chattels  to  the  value  of  500Z.  found  there,  to  the 
king's  no  small  loss  and  in  manifest  contempt  of  him  and  against  his 
peace,  whereat  the  king  is  justly  disturbed. 

Tested  as  above.  By  p.s.  [5303.] 

July  13.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to   Humphrey  de   Waleden   of  the 

Westminster,  keeping  of  the  manor  of  Crokham,  co.  Berks,  so  that  he  answer  for 

the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.    Tested  as  above.     By  p.s.  [5306.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled. 

July  12.         Grant  to  Robert  de  Sapy,  for  good  service,  of  the  hundred  of  Pirhull, 

Westminster,  co.  Stafford,  to  hold  as  John  de  Knokyn,  deceased,  held  the  same  of 

the  king's  grant,  rendering  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  as  much  as  the 

said  John  used  to  render  ;  provided  that  he  keep  the  hundred  according 

to  the  statute  published  of  late  thereon  at  Lincoln. 

Tested  as  above.     By  p.s.  [5320.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Stafford  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 
Be  it  remembered  that  the  said  John  had  the  bailiwick  of  the  said 
hundred  in  April,  1  Edward  II,  rendering  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  as 
much  as  Geoffrey  Griffith  rendered  sometime  therefor. 

July  11.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Northgrave,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Tested  as  above. 



1320.  Membrane  16 — cont. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late 
Geoffrey  de  Carleton  of  Sohammonachorum,  deceased,  tenant  in  chi 

Tested  as  aboi 

July  12.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Edmund  de  Hemegrave  of  t 
Westminster,  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  and  the  castle  of  Norwich,  so  th 
he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 
Tested  as  above.     By  the  guardian  of  the  realm  and  the  counc 
Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him 
sheriff  and  keeper. 

Order  to  John  de  Thorp  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties  wi 
the  issues  thereof  from  the  time  of  the  commitment  thereof  to  h: 
and  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  th 
office,  and  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in  his  keeping, 
indenture  to  be  made  between  them  ;    the  king  wishing  him  to 
discharged  therefrom.     By  the  guardian  of  the  realm  and  the  counc 

July  12.  Order  to  the  mayor  and  sheriffs  of  London  to  cause  proclamati 
Westminster,  to  be  made  in  that  city  and  in  the  suburbs  thereof  on  the  king's  behi 
that  none  presume  to  mix  weak  and  corrupt  wines  with  other  win 
or  to  sell  any  mixed  wines  except  good  and  pure,  and  that  all  ai 
singular  drinking  wines  in  taverns  or  buying  wines  elsewhere  frc 
vintners  and  taverners  may  inspect  if  they  will  whether  the  wir 
so  bought  be  drawn  from  tuns  or  taken  from  elsewhere,  and  if  th 
find  any  doing  the  contrary  after  the  said  proclamation,  so  to  chast; 
them  by  a  fine  (misericordiam)  to  be  levied  to  the  king's  use  th 
such  chastisement  may  awake  in  others  the  fear  of  guilt  in  such  cas 
and  lest  on  account  of  the  deficiency  of  the  mayor  and  sheriffs  here 
the  king  lay  heavier  hands  hereto  ;  the  king  having  been  given 
understand  that  the  vintners  of  the  said  city  and  their  taverners  w. 
sell  wines  retail  in  the  city  and  suburb  thereof  are  guilty  of  mixing  ai 
selling  such  mixed  and  corrupted  wines  at  the  same  price  at  which  goi 
and  pure  wines  are  sold ,  not  permitting  men  drinking  in  their  taver 
or  elsewhere  buying  wines  from  them  to  inspect  as  above,  to  the  scand 
of  the  mayor  and  sheriffs  and  the  commonalty  of  the  city,  and  to  t 
corruption  of  the  bodily  health  and  peril  of  the  lives  of  men  buyii 
wines  retail  and  drinking  in  the  taverns,  whereat  the  king  is  just 
moved.  Tested  as  abo\ 

July  16.  Order  to  William  Ridel,  constable  of  Barnard  Castle,  in  the  king 
Westminster,  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  heir  of  Guy  de  Bello  Camp 
earl  of  Warwick,  tenant  in  chief,  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  t 
lands  late  of  Simon  de  Edelam  in  Staynton  within  the  liberty  of  i 
bishopric  of  Durham,  deceased,  [tenant]  of  the  heir  of  Thomas  Tram 
tenant  by  knight  service  of  the  heir  of  the  said  earl.  Tested  as  abo^ 

July  14.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Richard  Crok,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Tested  as  abov 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late 
Peter  Chese,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief.  Tested  as  abov 

July  17.          Order  to  the  same  to  make  partition  of  2  marks  of  rent  which  Robe 
Westminster,  de  Hugham  held  in  chief  by  the  service  of  finding  for  the  king  in  I 

14  EDWARD   II.  31 

1320.  Membrane  16 — cont. 

army  of  Wales  a  horse  worth  5s.  with  a  sack  and  pin  in  aid  of  carrying 
the  king's  scullery,  and  of  all  the  lands  late  of  Robert  into  two  equal 
parts,  and  to  deliver  to  John  de  Shelvyngg  and  Benedicta  his  wife, 
kinswoman  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  the  said  Robert,  her  pourparty  of 
the  said  rents  and  lands,  the  said  John  having  done  fealty  ;  retaining 
in  the  king's  hand  the  pourparty  of  Waresius,  kinsman  and  the  other 
heir  of  Robert,  until  further  order  ;  and  to  send  the  partition  made 
by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the  rolls  of  Chancery.  Tested  as  above.  Kent. 

Here  the  king  returned  from  the  parts  beyond  seas. 

Aug.  4.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  John  de 
Westminster.  Staneford,  son  and  heir  of  Master  Richard  de  Staneford,  tenant  in 
chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  fealty. 


Aug.  4.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Margaret  de 

Westminster.  Wygeton,  daughter  and  heir  of  John  de  Wygeton,  tenant  in  chief, 

the  lands  late  of  her  said  father,  she  having  done  homage.   Cumberland. 

By  p.s.  [5356.] 
The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 


July  27.          Commission  to  Reynold  de  Hampden  and  Robert  Barre  to  levy  the 

Thunderley.    scutage  of  the  king's  army  of  Scotland  in  4  Edward  II  in  the  county 

of  Buckingham,  in  like  terms  as  above  [p.  9J.  By  C. 

Aug.  6.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Westminster,  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  de  Goldyngton,  deceased,  tenant  by  knight 
service  of  the  heir  of  Robert  de  Clifford,  tenant  in  chief,  of  late  a  minor 
in  the  king's  ward. 

Aug.  9.  Commission  to  Hervey  de  Staunton,  Geoffrey  le  Scrop  and  John 
Stratiord-le-  de  Cherletoii,  mayor  of  the  merchants  of  the  staple  of  wools  and 
Bow.  woolfells,  to  take  a  fine  from  all  merchants,  denizen  and  alien,  who 
will  make  fine  with  the  king  to  have  the  king's  pardon  for  having 
taken  or  caused  to  be  taken  wools  and  woolfells  from  the  counties  of 
York  and  Lincoln  to  other  places  within  the  lands  of  Brabant,  Flanders 
and  Artoys  than  to  the  place  where  the  staple  of  wools  has  been, 
contrary  to  the  tenour  of  a  charter  made  by  the  king  to  the  merchants 
of  the  said  staple,  from  the  time  of  the  making  thereof  ;  and  order 
to  them  to  receive  such  fines  and  to  certify  thereof  the  treasurer  and 
barons  of  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [5377.] 

Aug.  12.         Grant  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  William  de  Haustede,  of 

Langley.      the  keeping  of  the  changes  of  London  and  Canterbury,  so  that  he 

answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer,  taking  yearly  in  that 

office  as  much  as  others  used  to  receive  therein.         By  p.s.  [5384.] 

Order  to  Augustine  le  Waleys  of  Woxebrigg  to  deliver  to  him  the 

same  with  all  things  belonging  thereto  in  his  keeping. 

Aug.  14.         Commission  to  Simon  Lovel  to  levy  with  William  de  Hebbeden 

Langley.      the  scutages  of  the  armies  of  Scotland  of  28,  31  and  34  Edward  I  in 

the  county  of  York  in  the  room  of  Alexander  de  Bergh,  appointed  to 



1320.  Membrane  15 — conl. 

levy  the  same  as  above  [p.  28],  he  being  unable  to  attend  there 
the  king  having  ordered  the  said  William  to  admit  him  as  his  fel 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below  in  February  under  the  name  of  J 

Aug.  18.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  kii 
Fulmer.      hand  the  lands  late  of  Geoffrey  de  Frethorn,  deceased,  tenant  in  ch 

Aug.  22.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younge: 

East-        the  keeping  of  the  castle  and  town  of  Porchester  with  the  forest  i 

hampstead.    other  their  appurtenances,  to  hold  as  others  held  the  same  before  tl 

times.  By  p.s.  [53! 

Order  to  Robert  le  Ewer  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  thi 

in  the  said  castle  by  indenture.  By 

Aug.  29.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hi 
Crookham.     the  lands  late  of  Robert  son  of  Adam  de  Welle,  deceased,  tenant 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  lat< 
Robert  de  Bavent,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  latt 
Robert  Pynkenye,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Sept.  4.  Order  to  the  keeper  of  the  Tower  of  London  or  his  lieutenant 
Broughton.  deliver  Salomon  le  Coffrer  of  London  from  the  prison  of  the  Tower, 
king,  for  a  fine  of  65  marks  made  by  him,  having  pardoned  him 
trespass  in  calling  John  Abel  and  John  Bourser,  justices  appointee 
an  assize  of  novel  disseisin  which  the  king's  clerk,  Master  Jon 
Moraunt,  arrained  in  the  said  city  against  the  said  Salomon,  fi 
justices,  and  in  doing  other  contempts,  enormities  and  disobedier 
there  in  the  king's  court,  whereby  he  was  adjudged  to  the  said  pri 
and  is  still  detained  on  that  account ;  of  which  fine  he  has  now  p 
10  marks  in  the  chamber,  and  William  atte  Ramme  of  London,  Thoi 
de  Wight.  John  de  Bredestrete,  John  de  Cotestone,  Richard  de  Hort 
Reynold  le  Bokiller,  Adam  atte  Cundute,  Walter  '  of  Ree,'  John 
Enefeld,  Peter  le  Barber,  William  Chaundeler  and  Adam  '  the  Sakk 
have  mainprised  before  the  king,  each  of  them  for  the  whole  sum,  t 
he  will  pay  the  residue  in  the  chamber  at  Michaelmas  next  and  t 
he  will  go  to  the  said  justices  to  ask  mercy  for  the  said  excesses  am 
have  their  will  thereon  and  that  he  will  never  procure  nor  cause  to 
procured  that  damage  or  dishonour  be  hereafter  done  to  the  s 
Master  Jordan  for  this  cause. 

Afterwards  by  letters  under  the  privy  seal  the  king  ordered 
chancellor  that  the  said  Salomon  had  fully  satisfied  him  of  the  s 
55  marks,  which  letters  reside  among  the  writs  of  privy  seal  of  this  y( 

Sept.  8.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Felton  of  the  keeping 

Clarendon,     the  castle  of  Ellesmere  with  the  hundred  and  hamlets  of  Culmere  i 

Hampton  and  other  appurtenances  thereof,  so  that  he  pay  yearly 

queen  Isabel,  the  king's  consort,  201.  which  she  receives  yearly  fr 

14  EDWARD  II. 


1320.  Membrane  15 — cont. 

the  issues  of  the  said  castle,  hundred  and  hamlets  by  the  king's  assign- 
ment, and  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  residue  of  the  said  issues. 

By  p.s.  [5430.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all 
things  in  the  said  castle  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 

By  p.s. 

Oct.  1.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger  of 
Sheen.  the  castle,  town  and  barton  of  Bristol,  at  the  rent  of  210L  a  year  at 
the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas  ;  and  he  shall 
keep  the  castle,  town  and  barton  at  his  own  costs  and  pay  yearly  60s. 
to  the  abbot  and  monks  of  Teukesbury  from  the  rent  of  the  mills  of 
Bristol  for  a  chantry  which  they  ought  to  do  within  the  castle,  and 
14Z.  10s.  to  the  same  abbot  and  monks  by  name  of  a  tenth  of  the 
issues  of  the  town,  and  l^d.  daily  to  the  forester  of  the  forest  of 
Kyngeswod  for  his  wages,  and  2d.  daily  to  the  porter  of  the  castle  for 
his  wages,  and  3d.  daily  to  two  watchmen  of  the  castle  for  their  wages, 
and  \d.  each  night  to  the  same  watchmen  for  their  stipends,  to  wit, 
^d.  to  each  of  them,  and  26s.  8d.  a  year  to  the  keeper  of  the.  king's 
seaboard  of  Bristol  for  his  robe.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere  to  deliver  the  same  to  him, 
with  all  things  in  the  said  castle,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between 
them.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  the  tenants  of  the  said  castle  and  barton  and  to  the  mayor, 
bailiffs  and  whole  commonalty  of  the  said  town  to  be  intendant  to 
him  as  keeper  or  to  his  lieutenant.  By  K. 


Sept.  16.  Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  London  to  deliver  to  John  de  Cherleton, 
Clarendon,  mayor  of  the  staple,  the  wools  and  other  goods  and  ware's  of  the 
merchants  of  the  society  of  the  Peruchi  of  Florence  arrested  by  them 
pursuant  to  the  king's  order  to  them  to  levy  8301.  to  the  king's  use  from 
the  goods  and  chattels  of  the  said  merchants  for  damages  adjudged 
to  the  king  for  a  trespass  of  the  said  merchants  against  the  king's 
charter  to  the  mayor  and  merchants  of  the  staple,  whereof  they  were 
convicted  before  the  said  John  and  Adam  de  Brom,  justices  appointed 
to  enquire  touching  such  trespasses,  so  that  the  sheriffs  had  the  said 
money  at  the  Exchequer  on  the  morrow  of  Michaelmas  next ;  in  order 
that  the  said  John  may  do  further  with  the  said  goods  so  arrested 
what  he  shall  think  fit  for  the  security  of  the  2,000  marks  wherein  the 
said  merchants  of  Florence  have  now  made  fine  for  the  said  trespasses, 
at  his  own  risk,  the  king  having  charged  him  to  take  such  security. 

Sept.  18.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Clarendon,  made  by  him  shewing  that  Geoffrey  de  Frethorn  held  on  the  day  of 
his  death  certain  lands  in  Frethorn  and  Chellereleye  of  the  heir  of 
Roger  de  Moeles,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by  knight 
service,  and  that  Geoffrey  de  Frethorn,  his  son,  is  his  nearest  heir 
and  of  full  age,  to  deliver  to  Geoffrey  the  son  the  said  lands,  he  having 
done  fealty. 

Sept.  9.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Bernard  Pedefer,  a  Welshman,  of 
Clarendon,    the  keeping  of  the  lands  late  of  Nicholas  Simond,  late  burgess  of 


1320.  Membrane  14 — cont. 

Caermardyn,  in  Caermardyn,  in  the  king's  hand  as  an  escheat 
account  of  his  forfeiture,  to  hold  at  the  rent  of  40s.  a  year  at 
Exchequer  of  Caermardyn.  By  p.s.  [54; 

Order  to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  justice  of  Wales,  to  deli 
the  same  to  him. 

Sept.  22.         Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  goi 
Canford.      and  chattels  late  of  John  Paternoster,  deceased,  who  exercised 
office  of  the  king's  butlery  in  the  port  of  Boston  and  received  div 
wines  to  the  king's  use  by  reason  of  the  said  office  whereof  he  ] 
not  yet  rendered  his  account  and  was  thus  held  to  the  king  in  div 
debts  ;   and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  the  king  be  satisfied  of 
said  debts  or  until  further  order. 

Sept.  13.         Commitment  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger  of  the  keeping 

Clarendon,    the  manor  of  Ledecoumbe,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  voida 

of  the  abbey  of  Cluny,  to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof  from  the  ti 

of  the  taking  thereof  into  the  king's  hand  so  long  as  the  manor  rem 

in  the  king's  hand  for  that  reason,  rendering  yearly  at  the  Excheq 

the  extent  thereof.  By  p.s.  [54<- 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  \ 

with  the  said  issues.  By  ] 

Oct.  7.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

Westminster,  lands  which  Katharine  late  the  wife  of  John  de  Danthorp,  deceas 
held  in  dower  of  the  inheritance  of  William  Berchaud,  whose  lai 
are  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  his  idiocy. 

Oct.  8.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  kir 

Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Henry  de  Segrave,  deceased,  tenant  in  chiel 

Oct.  9.  Order  to  the  same  to  permit  the  prior  and  convent  of  the  abbey 

Westminster.  Cirencester,  void  by  the  death  of  Adam  late  abbot,  to  have  1 
administration  of  the  temporalities  and  goods  belonging  to  the  abl 
according  to  the  tenour  of  letters  patent  dated  10  Deceml 
35  Edward  I  {Calendar  of  Patent  Rolls,  1301-1307,  p.  486],  and 
restore  to  them  any  issues  received  by  him. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Stephen  Haul 
a  toft,  6  acres  of  land,  2  acres  and  1  rood  of  meadow  and  pasture 
one  great  beast  (grossum  averium)  in  the  marsh  of  Bonin  de  Pres 
in  Preston,  co.  York,  if  the  same  be  in  the  king's  hand  on  account 
the  trespass  of  Stephen  and  Andrew  his  brother,  deceased, 
acquiring  the  same  and  entering  therein  without  licence,  or 
Andrew's  death  and  for  no  other  cause,  saving  to  the  king  fealty  < 
therefor  ;  the  king  having  learned  by  an  inquisition  made  by  the  s 
escheator  that  Andrew  and  Stephen  jointly  held  the  premises  to  th 
and  the  heirs  of  Andrew  of  the  king  as  of  the  honour  of  Albemarle 
the  king's  hand,  by  knight  service,  and  for  a  fine  of  J  mark  made 
Stephen  having  pardoned  him  the  said  trespass. 

Oct.  13.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to   the  king's  kinsman,  Aymer 
Westminster.  Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke,  of  the  keeping  of  the  forest  on  this  e 

14  EDWARD  II.  35 

1320.  Membrane  14 — cont. 

Trent,  so  that  the  bailiffs  and  ministers  and  others  whom  he  will 
charge  with  the  issues  and  other  things  belonging  to  the  king  by  reason 
of  that  keeping  answer  therefor  at  the  Exchequer,  and  so  that  he  bring 
his  rolls  to  the  Exchequer  at  the  end  of  each  year. 

By  K.  in  full  Parliament  by  assent  of  the  magnates  there. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  William  de 
Pynkeneye,  son  and  heir  of  Robert  de  Pynkeneye,  tenant  in  chief,  the 
lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  hone  homage.  Northampton. 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Philip  Baldet,  son  and  heir  of  Ellis 
Baldet,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done 
homage.  Southampton. 

Oct.  18.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  John 
Westminster,  le  Fauconer,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Oct.  20.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Tichebur^oii  the  county  of 

Westminster.  Southampton  and  the  castle  of  Winchester  from  Michaelmas  last, 

so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers 

hitherto.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff 
and  keeper. 

Order  to  James  de  Norton  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county  with 
the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office, 
and  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture 
to  be  made  between  them. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Nicholas  de  Simondburn  from  the  day  of  his  adhesion 
to  the  Scots,  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  ;  the  king  having  been  given  to 
understand  that  the  said  Nicholas  has  long  adhered  to  the  Scots,  and 
though  he  [holds]  lands  in  the  county  of  Northumberland  which  pertain 
to  the  king  by  reason  of  his  said  adhesion,  yet  the  escheator  has  not 
yet  taken  the  same  into  the  king's  hand,  whereat  the  king  is  greatly 

Oct.  26.          Licence,  for  a  fine  of  1  mark,  for  Joan,  late  the  wife  of  Roger  de 
Westminster.  Caroun  of  Shrington,  tenant  in  chief,  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will 
in  the  king's  fealty. 


Oct.  18.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant,  Gilbert  de  Toutheby,  for  a  fine  of 
Westminster.  350  marks  made  by  him  whereof  he  will  pay  58  marks,  4s.  5d.  at  the 
Exchequer  at  Easter  next,  Michaelmas  following,  Easter  following, 
Michaelmas  following  and  Easter  following  and  58  marks,  4s.  Id.  at 
Michaelmas  following,  of  the  wardship  of  the  lands  late  of  Robert  de 
Bavent,  tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 
Peter  de  Bavent,  his  son  and  heir,  to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof 
received  from  the  time  of  the  death  of  the  said  Robert  until  the  full  age 
of  the  said  heir,  with  the  marriage  of  the  same ;  and  if  the  said  Peter 
die  before  his  coming  of  age  and  marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor, 


1320.  Membrane  13 — conl. 

the  said  Gilbert  shall  have  the  said  wardship  until  the  full  age  of  si 
heir,  with  the  marriage  of  the  same,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir  ;  sav: 
to  the  king  knights'  fees,  advowsons  of  churches,  dowers  and  ot! 
reversions  of  lands  if  any  fall  in  by  reason  of  that  wardship  during  i 
same.  By  K.  & 

Oct.  20.          Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  cause  em 
Westminster,  ment  to  be  made  pursuant  to  the  king's  grant  to  John  de  Mohun  tl 
of  all  the  debts  wherein  he  is  held  at  the  Exchequer  as  well  of 
ancestors  as  his  own  debts  he  pay  10Z.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer 
moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Bald< 

Oct.  15.          Sale  to  Robert  de  Malberthorp  for  1,800  marks  which  he  will  p 

Westminster,  at  the  Exchequer,  to  wit,  300  marks  at  Easter  next,  Michaeln 

following,  Easter  following,  Michaelmas  following,  Easter  follow: 

f.and  Michaelmas  following,  of  the  wardship  of  the  lands  late  of  Rob 

*£>?  ^el'>  tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minor 

•  of"  Adam,  brother  and  heir  of  the  same  Robert  de  Well,  to  hold  w: 

tile  issues  thereof  received  from  St.  Mary  Magdalene  last  for  five  yei 

from  that  feast,  with  the  marriage  of  the  said  heir  ;    and  if  the  s< 

Adam  die  before  the  end  of  the  said  five  years,  his  heir  being  a  min 

the  said  Robert  de  Malberthorp  shall  have  the  said  wardship  ur 

the  end  of  the  said  five  years  with  the  marriage  of  such  heir,  and 

from  heir  to  heir  ;    saving  to  the  king  knights'  fees,  advowsons 

churches,  dowers  and  other  reversions  of  lands  if  any  fall  in  by  reaa 

of  the  said  wardship  during  the  said  term.  By  K.  & 

Oct.  23.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  make  partition  of  t 
Westminster,  lands  late  of  Richard  Martel,  tenant  in  chief,  into  four  equal  pa 
in  the  presence  of  the  heirs  and  parceners  if  they  wish  to  be  presei 
and  to  deliver  to  Stephen  de  Kynmarleye  and  Joan  his  wife,  eldi 
daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  Richard,  Gilbert  de  Barwe  and  Pern 
his  wife,  another  daughter  and  heir,  John  de  Boxhes  and  Margery  ] 
wife,  another  daughter  and  heir,  and  John  de  Skerington  and  Agnes  ] 
wife,  another  daughter  and  heir,  their  several  pourparties  of  the  si 
lands,  the  said  Stephen,  Gilbert,  John  and  John  having  done  homag 
and  to  send  the  partition  made  by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the  ro 
of  Chancery. 

Oct.  25.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Dovere  of  the  counties 
Westminster.  Essex  and  Hertford  and  the  castle  of  Colecestre  from  Michaelm 
last,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keep* 
hitherto.  By  '. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him 
sheriff  and  keeper. 

Order  to  Ralph  Giffard  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties  with  t 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office,  a: 
the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein,  and  with  the  issues  thereof  frc 
Michaelmas  last,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  the: 

Oct.  26.          Grant,  for  a  fine  of  201.,  to  Adam,  bishop  of  Hereford,  of  the  wardsh 

Westminster,  of  two  parts  of  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Northgrave,  tenant  in  chi 

in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  William,  his  son  ai 

14  EDWARD  II.  37 

1320.  Membrane  13 — cont. 

heir,  to  hold  until  thCTull  age  of  the  said  heir,  with  the  marriage  of 
the  same,  rendering  5  marks  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at 
Easter  and  Michaelmas  ;  and  if  the  said  William  die  before  his  coming 
of  age  and  marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  the  said  bishop  shall  have 
the  said  wardship  until  the  full  age  of  such  heir,  with  the  marriage 
of  the  same,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir  ;  saving  to  the  king  knights'  fees, 
advowsons  of  churches,  dowers  and  other  reversions  of  lands  if  any 
fall  in  by  reason  of  the  said  wardship  during  the  same. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to 
him  to  hold  with  the  body  of  the  said  heir  to  be  married. 

Oct.  24.          Grant  to  the  king's  servant,  Simon  de  Knottyngle,  of  the  bailiwick 

Westminster,  of  the  hundred  of  Councy,  co.  Flint,  to  hold  as  Yokyn  le  Keu,  deceased, 

held  the  same  in  his  life.  By  p.s.  [5481.] 

Oct.  24.  Grant,  for  a  fine  of  9  marks,  to  Henry  de  Garston  of  the  wardship 
Westminster,  of  two  parts  of  the  lands  late  of  Hugh  de  Lachyndon,  tenant  in  chief, 
in  Lachyndon,  co.  Essex,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority 
of  John  de  Lachyndon,  son  and  heir  of  the  said  Hugh,  and  extended 
at  41s.  4d.  a  year,  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  said  heir,  with  the 
marriage  of  the  same,  rendering  60s.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer,  to  wit, 
the  said  extent  and  18s.  8d.  of  increment  beyond,  in  moieties  at  Easter 
and  Michaelmas  ;  and  if  the  said  John  die  before  his  coming  of  age 
and  marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  the  said  Henry  shall  have  the 
said  wardship  until  the  full  age  of  such  heir  with  the  marriage  of  the 
same,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir  ;  saving  to  the  king  knights'  fees, 
advowsons  of  churches,  dowers  and  other  reversions  of  lands  if  any 
fall  in  by  reason  of  the  said  wardship  during  the  same. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him 
to  hold  with  the  body  of  the  said  heir  to  be  married. 

Oct.  23.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  make  partition  of  the 
Westminster,  lands  late  of  John  de  Knokyn,  tenant  in  chief,  in  Fayntre,  co.  Salop, 
and  of  all  other  lands  late  of  the  same  John  into  two  equal  parts  in 
the  presence  of  the  heirs  and  parceners,  if  they  wish  to  be  present, 
and  to  deliver  to  Margaret,  eldest  daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  John, 
and  to  John  le  Rous  and  Mabel  his  wife,  the  other  daughter  and  heir, 
a  moiety  each  of  the  said  lands  in  Fayntre  and  their  several  pourparties 
of  the  other  said  lands,  the  said  Margaret  having  done  homage  and 
the  said  John  le  Rous  having  done  fealty  ;  and  to  send  the  partition 
made  by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the  rolls  of  Chancery. 

Nov.  3.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Amaury  la  Zusche  of  the  counties 

Westminster,  of  Cambridge  and  Huntingdon  and  the  castle  of  Cambridge  from 

Michaelmas  last,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs 

and  keepers  hitherto.  By  C. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keeper. 

Order  to  John  de  Crek  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties,  with  the 

rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office,  and 

the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein,  and  with  the  issues  thereof  from 

Michaelmas  last,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 


1320.  MEMBRANE  12. 

Oct.  30.  Commitment  during  pleasure,  rfpbssent  of  the  prelates,  earls,  baror 
Westminster,  and  other  chiefs  of  the  realm  in  the  present  Parliament  summoned  s 
Westminster,  to  Bartholomew  de  Baddelesmere  of  the  castle  of  Dove 
and  the  Cinque  Ports,  so  that  for  the  sustenance  of  him  and  of  tl 
chaplains,  servants,  watchmen  and  a  carpenter  staying  in  the  sai 
castle  and  for  their  robes  he  receive  from  the  king  3001.  a  year,  t 
wit,  146L  from  the  wards  pertaining  to  the  said  castle,  100  marl 
from  the  issues  of  the  port  and  from  the  custom  of  the  passage  ( 
Dover,  and  the  881.  residue  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Easter  an 
Michaelmas,  of  all  which  he  shall  not  be  held  to  render  account ;  savin 
to  the  king  chattels  of  felons  and  fugitives,  fines,  ransoms,  amercemen 
and  other  things  pertaining  to  the  king  from  the  said  ports,  of  whic 
he  shall  render  account  at  the  Exchequer.  By  I 

Order  to  the  barons,  bailiffs,  good  men  and  whole  commonalty  < 
the  said  ports  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  constable  and  keeper. 

Order  to  Robert  de  Kendale  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle  an 
ports  with  all  things  in  the  castle  and  with  the  rolls,  memoranda  an 
all  other  things  pertaining  to  the  castle  and  ports,  in  his  keepin] 
by  chirograph  to  be  made  between  them. 

Nov.  5.          Grant,  for  a  fine  of  40s.,  to  Letice,  late  the  wife  of  John  le  Faucune 
Westminster,  tenant  in  chief,  that  she  may  marry  whomsoever  she  will  in  the  king 

Oct.  23.  Grant  to  the  abbot  of  Tavystok  of  the  keeping  of  the  king's  stannai 
Westminster,  in  the  county  of  Devon  and  of  the  water  of  Dertemuth  for  ten  yeai 
from  26  May,  12  Edward  II,  on  which  day  the  king  granted  the  sane 
to  him  so  that  he  answered  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequei 
he  rendering  therefor  100L  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  and  paying  tl 
tenth  due  therefrom  to  those  to  whom  the  same  is  due  and  sustainic 
all  other  charges  and  expenses  incumbent  on  the  said  keeping  at  b. 
own  costs  ;  the  abbot  having  requested  the  king  that  he  be  not  he] 
to  render  account  for  the  premises.  By  p.s.  [5478 

Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  receh 
from  the  abbot  the  said  100L  yearly  from  the  said  26  May  until  tl 
end  of  the  said  term,  and  permit  him  to  hold  the  said  keeping  withoi 
rendering  account  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  from  tl 
said  date  during  the  said  term. 

Nov.  8.          Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  Adam  de  Wettei 

Westminster,  hale,  parson  of  the  church  of  Wodechirch,  as  chamberlain  of  Nort 

Wales,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Excheque 

receiving  yearly  in  the  said  office  the  fee  which  others  used  to  receh 

therein.  By  I 

Order  to  Henry  de  Shirokes  to  deliver  to  him  the  keys,  rolls  and  a 
other  things  touching  that  office  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  I 
made  between  them. 

Order  to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  justice  of  Wales,  to  deliv< 
to  him  the  said  office. 

Nov.  2.          Grant  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  cathedral  church  of  Exete 

Sheen.       for  the  good  service  of  Walter  de  Stapelton,  bishop  of  Exeter,  th 

treasurer,  that  as  soon  as  that  bishopric  fall  void  by  the  deatl 

14  EDWARD  II. 

1320.  Membrane  12—conl. 

resignation,  cession  of  the  said  bishop  or  otherwise,  the  dean  and 
chapter  shall  have  the  keeping  of  the  temporalities  of  the  bishopric, 
rendering  therefor  at  the  Exchequer  the  taxation  of  the  bishopric  if 
the  voidance  last  for  a  whole  year,  and  proportionately  for  a  less  or 
greater  period  ;  saving  to  the  king  knights'  fees,  advowsons  of  churches, 
wards,  reliefs  and  escheats  if  any  fall  in  by  reason  of  that  voidance 
during  the  same.  By  p.s.  [5497.] 

Nov.  12.         Licence,  for  a  fine  of  2  marks,  for  Joan,  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  de 
Westminster.  Welles,  tenant  in  chief,  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will  in  the  king's 

Nov.  13.  Order  to  the  bailiffs  of  John  de  Britannia,  earl  of  Richmond,  of 
Westminster.  Boston  to  deliver  to  the  king's  clerk,  Richard  de  Ellesfeld,  late 
constable  of  Bordeaux,  36  tuns  and  8  pipes  of  wine  to  the  king's  use, 
or  the  price  thereof,  notwithstanding  a  former  order  to  them  to  arrest 
the  same  pursuant  to  the  suit  of  William  de  Severeo,  merchant  of 
Villeneuve  in  Agenois,  complaining  to  the  king  that  the  said  Richard 
had  unjustly  and  without  reasonable  cause  withdrawn  the  said  wine 
from  him  and  caused  the  same  to  be  reladed  in  a  ship  called  la  Charite 
of  Yarmouth,  whereof  Robert  Moos  was  master,  and  to  be  brought  to 
the  said  town  of  Boston  ;  Arnald  de  Ispania,  proctor  of  the  said 
William,  by  letters  patent  sealed  with  the  common  seal  of  Agenois, 
having  acknowledged  in  the  presence  of  the  said  Richard  in  Chancery 
that  the  said  Richard  took  the  said  wines  to  the  king's  use  and  satisfied 
the  said  William  thereof  in  the  king's  name. 

Nov.  15.  Order  to  Roger  de  Horseleyo,  constable  of  Baumburgh  castle,  to 
Westminster,  cause  to  be  levied  to  the  king's  use  the  farm  which  the  tenants  of 
Shoston  and  Sunderland  are  held  to  render  for  their  land  in  the  said 
towns,  and  the  charges  incumbent  on  them  by  reason  of  the  said  land, 
so  far  as  the  tenants  are  able,  from  Michaelmas  last ;  the  king  having 
before  respited  to  them  the  said  farm  and  charges  until  further  order 
in  consideration  of  the  losses  and  burdens  sustained  by  them  for  no  small 
time  through  the  frequent  attacks  of  the  Scots,  the  king's  enemies 
and  rebels,  in  those  parts,  and  having  ordered  the  said  Roger  to  permit 
them  to  have  that  respite. 

Nov.  16.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Margaret  Esturmy,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  20.         Licence,  for  a  fine  of  10s.  made  by  John  de  la  Haye  of  the  county 
Westminster,  of  Bedford,  for  Alice,  late  the  wife  of  Nicholas  Pouer  of  Sutton,  tenant 
in  chief,  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will  in  the  king's  fealty. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Hugh  de  Hochham,  deceased,  [tenant]  of  the 
heir  of  Robert  de  Welle,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward. 

Nov.  20.         Order  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  free  chapel  of  Penkrith  to  levy 

Westminster,  the  tenth  for  one  year  imposed  by  the  Pope  on  the  clergy  of  England  to 

the  king's  use  from  the  said  chapel  and  the  prebends  belonging  thereto 

according  to  the  taxation  of  the  said  tenth,  so  that  they  have  a  moiety 


1320.  Membrane  12 — cont. 

thereof  at  the  Exchequer  on  the  morrow  of  Hilary  next,  and  anoth< 
moiety  on  the  morrow  of  the  Close  of  Easter  following. 
The  like  to  the  following  : — 

The  dean  and  chapter  of  the  free  chapel  of  Wolvernehampton. 

The  dean  and  chapter  of  the  free  chapel  of  Bruges. 

The  dean  and  chapter  of  the  free  chapel  of  the  church  of  St.  Mar 

The  dean  and  chapter  of  the  free  chapel  of  St.  Buryan  in  Cornwal 

Nov.  22.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Thweyt  of  the  manor  < 
Westminster.  Brustwyk  and  all  the  king's  lands  in  Holdernesse  with  the  issu( 
thereof  received  from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that  he  answer  for  th 
issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Humphrey  de  Waledei 
Order  to  Gilbert  de  Rishton  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manor  an 
lands  with  the  said  issues  and  all  other  things  therein,  in  his  keepin 
of  the  king's  commitment. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Humphrey  de  Waledei 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  de  Merk  of  the  king 
peel  of  Clipstoii  with  all  lands  pertaining  thereto,  so  that  h 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Humphrey  de  Waledei 

Order  to  Peter  le  Favour  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle  and  land 

with  all  other  things  therein,  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitmen 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Humphrey  de  Waledei 

Nov.  20.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Dufford  of  the  office  ( 

Westminster,  the  escheatry  of  Ireland,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  at  th 

Exchequer  of  Dublin.  By  K 

Order  to  all  persons  of  Ireland  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  escheato: 

Nov.  22.         Commission  to  Alexander  Fastoulf  and  Robert  de  Drayton  to  colle< 

Westminster,  during  pleasure  in  the  port  of  Gernemuth  the  custom  on  wools,  hide 

and    woolfells    exported    thence,    and    to    keep    the    '  coket '    seal 

so    that    they    answer    at    the    Exchequer    for   the    money    arisin 

therefrom.  By  K 

The  like  to  the  following  in  the  following  ports  : — 

John  de  Swerdeston  and  William  Fraunceys.  Lenni 

John  de  Whatfeld  and  Henry  le  Rotun.  Ipswicl 

Richard  de  la  Pole  and  Robert  de  Burton.       Kyngeston  upon  Hul 
Richard  de  Frampton  and  Geoffrey  de  Sutton.  Bostoi 


Nov.  13.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  go  in  person  to  th 
Westminster,  land  of  Gower  in  the  march  of  Wales,  which  John  de  Moubray  acquire 
of  William  de  Bruosa,  who  held  the  same  in  chief,  and  entered  withou 
licence,  and  to  take  the  same  into  the  king's  hand,  as  pertains  t 
his  office,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  and  if  h 
find  any  who  resist  him  herein,  to  attach  them  by  their  bodies  an< 
cause  them  to  be  kept  safely  in  the  prison  of  Gloucester  by  the  sheri; 
of  Gloucester  until  further  order,  taking  with  him  if  necessary 
sufficient  posse  of  his  bailiwick,  and  to  certify  the  king  of  what  he  d 

14  EDWARD  II.  41 

1320.  Membrane  \\~cont. 

herein,  returning  this  writ,  the  king  having  ordered  Roger  de  Mortuo 
Mari,  justice  of  Wales,  with  a  sufficient  posse  of  his  bailiwick,  and 
Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger,  lord  of  Glomorgan,  or  his  lieutenant 
there,  with  a  sufficient  posse  of  the  said  land  of  Glomorgan,  to  be 
intendant  herein,  and  having  likewise  ordered  the  said  sheriff  to  be 
intendant  when  warned  herein  by  the  escheator  ;  notwithstanding 
letters  under  the  privy  seal  whereby  the  king  ordered  him  to  meddle 
in  no  wise  with  the  said  land  of  Gower,  whereafter  also  the  king  ordered 
him  to  take  the  same  into  the  king's  hand  and  to  certify  the  king  of 
what  he  should  do  therein,  and  sent  the  king's  clerk,  John  Hamelyn, 
to  survey  what  he  did  and  to  certify  the  king  thereof,  and  ordered  the 
sheriff  of  Gloucester  to  go  with  the  escheator  or  his  subescheator  of 
that  county  to  the  said  land  and  survey  what  he  did  and  certify  the 
king  thereof  ;  whereupon  the  escheator  notified  the  king  that  he  sent 
the  return  of  the  writ  directed  to  him  to  Richard  de  Foxcote,  his 
subeseheator  in  the  said  county,  who  returned  to  him  that  he  went  in 
person  to  the  said  land  of  Gower  to  execute  the  king's  order  and  at 
the  chapel  of  St.  Thomas  in  Kylveye  without  the  town  of  Swayneseye 
found  a  great  multitude  of  Welshmen  unknown  and  armed,  who  resisted 
the  execution  of  the  said  order  so  that  nothing  could  be  done  thereof 
without  peril  of  death,  and  the  said  king's  clerk  certified  the  king  and 
the  sheriff  returned  that  they  went  with  the  subescheator  to  the  said 
land  to  survey  what  he  did  in  the  premises  and  that  at  the  said  chapel 
was  gathered  together  a  great  multitude  of  armed  Welshmen  who 
permitted  him  not  to  execute  the  said  order,  whereat  the  king  is 
much  astonished  and  disturbed. 

Nov.  22.  Power  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder,  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere, 
Westminster.  John  de  Stonore  and  Robert  de  Malberthorp, — whom  the  king 
appointed  to  make  inquisition  in  the  land  of  Gower  in  the  march  of 
Wales  and  the  neighbouring  lands  if  necessary  what  evildoers  and 
disturbers  of  the  peace  hindered  Richard  de  Foxcote,  subescheator 
in  the  county  of  Gloucester,  from  sei/ing  the  said  land  of  Gower,  held 
in  chief,  because  it  was  alienated  without  licence  to  John  de  Moubray, 
by  virtue  of  a  writ  directed  thereon  to  the  said  subescheator,  and  to 
hear  and  determine  the  said  contempts  and  disobediences  so  done 
to  the  king, — to  take  fines  or  ransoms  to  the  king's  use  from  those  who 
will  make  the  same  for  the  said  contempts  and  disobediences  according 
to  the  discretion  of  the  said  commissioners. 

Nov.  16.  Pardon  for  life  to  Oliver  de  Burdegala,  the  king's  yeoman,  by  assent 
Westminster,  of  the  prelates,  earls,  barons  and  other  chiefs  of  the  realm  in  the 
present  Parliament  summoned  at  Westminster,  of  the  whole  yearly 
rent  whereat  certain  lands  which  he  holds  of  the  purprestures  of  the 
forest  of  Wyndesore  are  arrented  at  the  Exchequer,  together  with  the 
arrears  thereof  from  the  time  of  the  king's  grant  to  him  thereof,  so 
that  his  heirs  pay  the  said  rent  at  the  Exchequer  after  his  decease  ; 
the  king  having  before  granted  to  him,  for  good  service,  all  the  lands 
in  the  towns  of  New  and  Old  Wyndesore  whereof  John  de  London, 
deceased,  enfeoffed  the  king,  to  hold  to  him  and  his  heirs  of  the  king 
and  his  heirs  by  the  services  due  and  accustomed  before  the  said 
enfeoffment  of  the  king  thereof,  and  afterwards,  on  learning  that  certain 
of  the  said  lands  are  of  the  purprestures  of  the  said  forest  arrented  by 


1320.  Membrane  11 — cont. 

Edward  I  to  the  said  John  at  a  certain  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequei 
the  king  having  pardoned  Oliver  and  his  heirs  the  said  rent  by  lettei 
patent  dated  28  August,  5  Edward  II,  wishing  him  to  hold  the  sai< 
lands  discharged  from  such  rent  by  the  other  services  due,  whic 
pardon  was  revoked  by  pretext  of  certain  ordinances  made  in  th 
realm  and  approved  by  the  king.  By  p.s.  [5513,  5514 

Dec.  1 1 .          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  han 
Windsor,      the  lands  late  of  John  de  Putton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  24.  Order  to  the  same  to  go  in  person  to  the  lands  in  the  county  c 
Westminster.  Lincoln  of  the  inheritance  of  James  de  Ros,  son  and  heir  of  Robert  d 
Ros,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  and  to  see  the  waste 
destruction  and  ruin  which,  as  the  king  has  learned,  the  merchant 
of  the  society  of  the  Spini  of  Florence,  to  whom  the  king  granted  th 
wardship  of  the  said  lands  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  said  hei: 
have  done  in  the  houses,  woods,  gardens,  turbaries,  fisheries  and  me 
in  the  said  lands  to  the  prejudice  of  the  king  and  the  disherison  c 
the  heir,  and,  if  need  be,  to  make  inquisition  thereon,  and  if  he  fin 
that  such  waste,  destruction  or  ruin  has  been  done  therein  by  the  sai 
merchants,  to  resume  the  said  lands  into  the  king's  hand,  so  that  h 
can  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer ;  the  king  bein 
held  to  render  and  restore  to  heirs,  minors  in  his  ward,  all  their  lane 
in  the  king's  hand  by  name  of  wardship,  as  entirely  as  the  same  cam 
to  his  hands,  when  such  heirs  come  of  age. 

Dec.  12.  Commission  to  Henry  Spigurnel,  Richard  de  Rodeneye,  John  <3 
Windsor.  Bousser  and  Robert  de  Maddingle  to  make  inquisition  in  the  counti< 
of  Somerset,  Dorset,  Wilts  and  Gloucester  touching  the  trespasse 
which,  as  the  king  has  been  given  to  understand,  the  principal  taxei 
and  collectors  and  subcollectors  of  the  eighteenth  and  twelfth  grante 
of  late  to  the  king  in  those  counties,  and  their  clerks  and  other  minister 
have  committed  contrary  to  the  form  thereof  provided  by  the  counc 
and  delivered  to  the  said  principal  taxers,  and  to  hear  and  determir 
such  trespasses,  and  to  take  fines  or  ransoms  from  those  convicte 
before  them  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriffs  of  the  said  countie 
to  summon  before  them  the  said  offenders  and  good  and  lawful  me 
of  their  counties  for  such  inquisition.  By  K.  &  ( 

1321.  The  like  to  the  following  :— 

Feb.  1.  Ralph  Basset,  Robert  de  Malberthorp  and  Gilbert  de  Toudeb; 

Westminster.  in  the  counties  of  Essex,  Hertford,  Norfolk,  Suffolk,  Cambridg 

and  Huntingdon.  By  B 

Ralph  de  Cammoys,  Robert  de  Maddyngle  and  John  de  Denum,  i 
the  counties  of  Bedford,  Buckingham,  Northampton  an 
Oxford.  By  K 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Nov.  24.  Grant  to  the  king's  clerk,  William  de  Ayremynne,  for  a  fine  c 
Westminster.  400  marks  made  by  him  whereof  he  will  pay  at  the  Excheque 
50  marks  forthwith,  50  marks  at  Easter  next,  and  100  marks  a 
Michaelmas  following,  Easter  following  and  Michaelmas  folio  win; 
of  the  wardship  of  all  the  lands  which  Gerard  Salvayn  held  on  th 
day  of  his  death  in  North  Duffeld,  co.  York,  by  knight  service  of  th 

14  EDWARD  II.  43 

1320.  Membrane  11 — cont. 

heir  of  Robert  le  Chaumberleyn,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's 
ward,  and  which  are  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 
Gerard  son  of  John  Salvayn,  nephew  and  heir  of  the  said  Gerard  Sal  vayn, 
to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof  received  from  the  time  of  the  death  of 
the  said  Gerard  and  all  other  things  belonging  to  the  said  wardship 
until  the  full  age  of  the  said  heir  ;  and  if  the  latter  die  before  his 
coming  of  age,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  the  said  William  shall  have  the 
said  wardship  until  the  time  when  the  said  Gerard  son  of  John  would 
have  been  of  full  age,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir  ;  saving  to  the  king 
knights'  fees  and  advowsons  of  churches  if  any  fall  in  by  reason  of 
that  wardship  during  the  same. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 


Dec.  18.  Commission  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder,  Bartholomew  de 
Odiham.  Badelesmere,  John  de  Stonore  and  Robert  de  Malberthorp,  reciting 
that  the  king  has  been  given  to  understand  that  William  de  Brewosa, 
late  lord  of  Gower  in  the  march  of  Wales,  and  his  ancestors,  alienated 
in  fee  without  licence  divers  lands  which  they  held  in  chief  there  by 
knight  service  of  the  king's  progenitors,  kings  of  England,  and  of  the 
king,  and  which  still  remain  so  alienated  to  the  loss  and  in  contempt 
of  the  king,  for  which  also  escheators  on  this  side  Trent,  concealing 
such  alienations,  have  applied  no  remedy  as  pertained  to  their  office, 
whereby  the  king  is  much  disturbed  ;  and  appointing  the  said  com- 
missioners to  make  inquisition  in  the  said  land  of  Gower  what  lands 
the  said  William  and  his  ancestors  in  the  times  of  the  king's  progenitors 
and  of  the  king  have  alienated  in  the  said  land,  and  to  whom,  at  what 
time  and  in  what  manner,  and  if  the  said  lands  are  held  of  the  king  in 
chief,  then  by  what  service  and  in  what  manner,  and  how  much  they 
are  worth  a  year,  after  summoning  those  whom  the  premises  concern 
to  be  present  at  the  inquisitions  so  to  be  taken  if  they  think  fit,  and 
to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  held  of  the  king  by  knight  service 
which  they  find  by  such  inquisitions  to  have  been  alienated  by  the 
said  William  in  the  time  of  Edward  I  or  of  the  king  without  licence, 
and  to  keep  the  same  until  further  order  by  the  keeper  of  the  said  land 
of  Gower,  now  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer 
for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer,  and  to  certify  the  king  of  what 
they  do  herein,  sending  to  the  king  the  inquisitions  made  by  them  and 
this  writ ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent, 
keeper  of  the  said  land,  to  summon  before  them  good  and  lawful  men 
on  days  and  at  places  fixed  by  the  said  commissioners  to  make  such 
inquisitions.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  26.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Wykyngston  of  the 

Marlborough.  keeping  of  the  manor  of  Langele,  co.  Hertford,  so  that  he  answer  for 

the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber,  receiving  3d.  a  day  for  his  wages. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Humphrey  de  Waleden. 

Dec.  28.          Appointment  during  pleasure  of  William  de  Caveresham  as  steward 

Marlborough.  of  the  land  of  Gower  in  the  march  of  Wales,  in  the  king's  hand  for 

certain  causes,  and  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  said  land  from  the 

time  of  the  taking  thereof  into  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he  answer  for 

the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer,  receiving  daily  the  wages  ordained 


1320.  Membrane  10 — cont. 

by  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder,  and  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmerc 
whom  the  king  has  sent  to  those  parts  for  the  expedition  of  certai 
business  of  the  king  there.  By  K 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  him  the  sai 
issues,  the  king  wishing  the  escheator  to  be  discharged  therefrom  a 
the  Exchequer. 


Jan.  6.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king 

Marlborough.  hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Holt,  deceased,  tenant  by  knigh 
service  of  the  heir  of  Ellis  de  Albiniaco,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  i 
the  king's  ward. 

Jan.  12.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  c 
East-         Cecily  de  Bello  Campo,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


Jan.  1.  Commission  to  Adam  de  Brom  and  John  de  Cherleton,  mayor  < 
Marlborough.  the  merchants  of  the  staple  of  wools  and  woolfells,  to  take  a  fine  froi 
all  those  merchants  denizen  and  alien  in  the  counties  of  York,  Lincoh 
Nottingham,  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  who  will  make  fine  with  the  kin 
to  have  the  king's  pardon  for  having  taken  or  caused  to  be  take 
wools  and  woolfells  to  other  places  within  the  lands  of  Brabant,  Flandei 
and  Artoys  than  to  the  place  where  was  the  staple  of  wools  contrar 
to  the  tenour  of  the  king's  charter  to  the  merchants  of  the  said  stapli 
from  the  time  of  the  making  of  the  said  charter  ;  and  order  to  the) 
to  receive  such  fines  and  to  certify  thereof  the  treasurer  and  barot 
of  the  Exchequer.  By  E 

Jan.  10.  Order  to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  justice  of  Wales,  to  tat 
Crookham.  a  fine  from  Master  Nicholas  de  Derneford,  late  master  of  the  king 
works  at  Beaumareys,  for  the  offence  whereof  he  was  convicted  befoi 
Robert  de  Wodehous  and  Ambrose  de  Neuburgh,  whom  the  king  sei 
of  late  to  the  parts  of  Wales  to  enquire  touching  excesses  of  the  king 
ministers  there,  to  wit,  for  having  caused  (intulit)  losses  to  the  king  o 
divers  counts  (particulas)  to  the  sum  of  28.s.,for  which  he  was  remove 
from  office  ;  and  to  certify  thereof  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  tl 
Exchequer  and  to  cause  the  said  Nicholas  to  be  replaced  in  the  sai 
office  to  hold  and  exercise  the  same  as  is  meet  until  further  ordei 
the  said  Roger  having  testified  by  his  letters  in  Chancery  that  tl 
said  Nicholas  is  quite  fit  for  the  said  works.  By  < 

Jan.  20.  Commission  to  William  Martyn,  John  de  Beauchamp  of  Somerse 
Westminster.  John  Inge  and  John  de  Fosse,  reciting  that  the  king  has  been  give 
to  understand  that  William  de  Brewosa,  late  lord  of  Gower  in  tl 
march  of  Wales,  and  his  ancestors,  alienated  in  fee  without  licenc 
divers  lands  etc.  as  above  [first  entry  on  ra.],  and  appointing  thei 
to  make  inquisition  in  the  said  land  of  Gower  what  lands  the  sai 
William  and  his  ancestors  have  alienated  in  the  said  land  in  the  tim< 
of  the  king's  progenitors  from  the  time  of  J.  sometime  king  of  Englan< 
the  king's  progenitor,  hitherto,  and  to  whom  etc.  as  above  [ibid. 
and  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  held  of  the  king  by  knigl 
service  which  they  find  by  such  inquisitions  to  have  been  alienate 
by  the  said  William  in  the  time  of  Edward  I  or  of  the  king  withoi 
licence,  and  to  keep  the  same  until  further  order  by  the  steward  < 

14  EDWARD  II. 


1321.  Membrane  10 — cont. 

the  said  land  of  Gower,  now  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer,  and  to  certify 
the  king  of  what  they  do  herein,  sending  to  the  king  the  inquisitions 
made  by  them  and  this  writ ;  the  king  having  ordered  William  de 
Caversham,  steward  of  the  said  land  of  Gower,  to  summon  before 
them  good  and  lawful  men  on  days  and  at  places  fixed  by  the  said 
commissioners  to  make  such  inquisitions.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  23.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Ralegh,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Jan.  29.          Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  William  de  Putton,  son  and  heir 

Westminster,  of  John  de  Putton,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father, 

he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke,  keeper  of  the  forest 
on  this  side  Trent,  or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver  to  the  same  William 
the  bailiwicks  of  keeping  the  forest  of  Buuckolte  and  the  park  of 
Claryndon  late  of  his  said  father. 

Dec.  28.  Commission  to  the  abbot  of  Tintern,  reciting  letters  patent  dated 
Marlborough.  30  September,  22  Edward  I,  appointing  the  abbot  of  Morgan  to  collect 
in  the  bishopric  of  Llandaff  the  moiety  of  the  benefices  and  goods 
whereon  the  tenth  then  last  granted  in  aid  of  the  Holy  Land  was  given, 
which  the  prelates  and  clergy  of  the  realm  granted  to  that  king  for  a 
subsidy  for  the  same  year  according  to  the  taxation  then  last  made 
thereof,  except  ecclesiastical  benefices  of  persons  not  having  several 
benefices  and  not  exceeding  by  the  said  taxation  the  value  of  10  marks 
a  year  [Calendar  of  Patent  Rolls,  1292-1301,  p.  89],  of  which  business 
nothing  has  yet  been  done  owing  to  certain  hindrances  arising  ;  and 
appointing  the  said  abbot  of  Tintern  to  collect  and  keep  in  a  safe 
place  the  said  moiety  according  to  the  said  taxation  in  the  said  bishopric, 
so  that  the  first  part  thereof  be  paid  to  the  king  on  Whitsunday  next, 
the  second  part  thereof  on  All  Saints  following  and  the  last  part  thereof 
at  Easter  following  ;  the  king  having  ordered  J.  bishop  of  Llandaff 
to  deliver  to  him  his  letters  patent  by  which  the  abbot  may  be  able 
to  compel  the  clergy  of  his  diocese  to  pay  the  said  moiety.  By  K. 

Feb.  2. 


Feb.  2. 


Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Robert  de  Tilliol,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Grant  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Werleye,  for  good  service,  of  the 
bailiwick  of  the  hundred  of  Offelowe,  co.  Stafford,  at  the  yearly  rent 
by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff  of  Stafford  of  as  much  as  others  have 
rendered  for  the  same  hitherto,  so  that  he  keep  that  bailiwick 
according  to  the  statute  provided  thereon  of  late  at  Lincoln. 

By  p.s.  [5574.] 

Grossi  Fines. 

Henry  de  Columbariis  has  made  fine  in  1  mark  for  licence  to  enter 
certain  tenements  in  Alvethele  held  in  chief,  to  hold  to  him  and  Selvana 
his  wife  and  the  heirs  of  Henry.  Essex, 



1321.  Membrane  8 — cont. 

Walter  le  Graunt  has  made  fine  in  1  mark  for  the  confirmation 

—    a  charter.  Buckinghai 

Thomas  de  Neusum  has  made  fine  in  1  mark  for  [pardon  fo 

accepting  the  grant  made  to  him  by  Margaret  late  the  wife  of  Jol 

de  Echebrugg  of  a  void  place  in  '  le  Tymberethe,'  London.     Londo 


Feb.  1 .          Commission  to  John  de  Mauleverer  to  levy  with  William  de  Hebbedi 

Westminster,  the  scutages  of  the  army  of  Scotland  of  28,  31  and  34  Edward  I  in  tl 

county  of  York  in  the  room  of  Simon  Lovel,  appointed  to  levy  tl 

same  as  above  [p.  31],  he  being  unable  to  attend  thereto  ;   the  kii 

having  ordered  the  said  William  to  admit  him  as  his  fellow  heret 

Feb.  6.  Commission  to  Richard  de  Belgrave  and  Roger  de  Belgrave  to  le^ 
Westminster,  the  scutage  of  the  king's  army  of  Scotland  of  4  Edward  II  in  tl 
county  of  Leicester,  in  like  terms  as  above  [p.  9],  and  to  ma! 
inquisition  as  above  and  to  have  the  inquisitions  made  by  them 
the  Exchequer  before  Michaelmas  next ;  the  king  having  ordered  t' 
sheriff  to  summon  before  them  on  days  and  at  places  fixed  by  the 
knights  and  others  to  make  such  inquisitions. 

Feb.  11.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  kim; 
Havering  atto  hand  the  lands  late  of  Gregory  de  Felmyngham,  deceased,  tenant 
Bower.         chief> 

Feb.  8.  Grant  to  the  prioress  and  convent  of  Wylton,  for  a  fine  of  SOI,  ma 
Westminster,  by  Emma,  abbess  of  Wylton,  and  paid  by  her  into  the  treasury 
the  Exchequer,  that  as  soon  as  that  abbey  fall  void  by  the  cession,  dea 
or  deposition  of  the  said  Emma,  the  prioress  and  convent  may  ha 
the  keeping  of  all  the  temporalities  of  the  abbey,  saving  to  the  ki 
knights'  fees,  advowsons  of  churches  and  prebends,  wards  and  marriaj 
falling  in  during  the  voidance. 

Be  it  remembered  that  it  is  the  king's  intention  that  if  the  voidar 
last  beyond  three  months,  the  prioress  and  convent  shall  be  held 
answer  to  the  king  for  the  keeping  of  the  said  temporalities  during  su 
time  for  the  proportion  of  the  said  801. 

On  the  information  of  the  treasuri 

Feb.  1.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  John  Cogan, 

Westminster,  the  office  of  treasurer  of  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin,  so  that  he  recei 

the  usual  fee  at  the  said  Exchequer  and  answer  for  the  issues  of  t 

said  office  and  render  account  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  of  Englai 

By  K.  & 

Order  to  Master  Walter  de  Istlep  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  office  wi 
the  keys,  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  t 
same  in  his  keeping,  by  chirograph  to  be  made  between  them. 
Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  below. 

Feb.  7.          Commission  to  John  de  Cherleten,  mayor  of  the  merchants  of  t 

Westminster,  staple  of  wools  and  woolfells,  Thomas  Cok,  Adam  de  Brom  and  Pel 

de  Ludyngton  to  take  fines  from  all  merchants  denizen  and  alien 

every  county  of  the  realm  except  the  city  of  London  who  will  make  fi 

14  EDWARD  II.  47 

1321.  Membrane  1 — cont. 

with  the  king  to  have  the  king's  pardon  for  having  taken  or  caused  to 
be  taken  wools  and  woolfells  to  other  places  within  the  lands  of  Flanders, 
Brabant  and  Artoys  than  to  the  place  where  was  the  staple  of  wools, 
contrary  to  the  tenour  of  a  charter  made  by  the  king  to  the  merchants 
of  the  said  staple,  from  the  time  of  the  making  thereof  ;  and  order  to 
them  to  receive  such  fines  and  to  certify  thereof  the  treasurer  and 
barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

Feb.  7.  Grant  to  the  king's  clerk,  Roger  de  Corby,  of  a  messuage  and  a 
Westminster,  virgate  of  land  in  Getington,  co.  Northampton,  which  Richard  le  Bole 
of  Geytington  held  of  the  king  and  which  came  to  the  king's  hands  as 
an  escheat  by  reason  of  the  felony  done  by  the  said  Richard,  for  which 
he  was  hanged,  and  which  the  said  Richard  held  by  the  service  of 
6s.  Qd.  a  year  and  01  doing  suit  at  the  king's  court  of  the  manor  of 
Geytington  every  three  weeks,  which  suit  is  worth  6d.  a  year  ;  to 
hold  to  the  said  Roger  and  his  heirs  of  the  king  and  his  heirs  for  ever, 
rendering  13s.  4cL  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Easter  and 
Michaelmas,  to  wit,  6s.  Qd.  a  year,  as  has  been  rendered  for  the  same 
hitherto,  and  6s.  lOd.  a  year  of  increment,  and  doing  suit  at  the  said 
court  twice  a  year,  to  wit,  at  the  next  court  after  Easter  and  Michael- 
mas ;  the  king  having  learned  by  an  inquisition  made  by  John  de 
Wittlebury,  sheriff  of  Northampton,  that  it  is  not  to  the  damage  or 
prejudice  of  the  king  or  others  if  he  make  the  said  grant.  By  K. 

Feb.  20.          Grant  for  life  to  Richard  de  Byflet  of  the  keeping  of  the  pesage  in 

Westminster,  the  port  and  town  of  Southampton,  at  the  rent  of  40s.  a  year  at  the 

Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas ;    grant  also  that 

he  may  execute  the  said  office  by  a  fit  substitute  for  whom  he  will 

answer.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  the  said  town  to  deliver  to  him 

the  said  office. 

Feb.  18.  Commission  to  Adam  Bacun,  Thomas  Ingram  and  John  le  Botiller, 
Westminster,  reciting  that  by  letters  patent  in  aid  of  paving  the  town  of  Wych, 
co.  Worcester,  the  king  granted  to  John  Gassy  of  Wych  the  elder  and 
John  his  son  certain  customs  by  the  hands  of  them  or  of  others  whom 
they  would  depute  hereto  and  for  whom  they  would  answer  on  things 
for  sale  coming  to  the  said  town  to  be  taken  for  a  certain  time,  and 
although  they  have  collected  a  great  sum  on  such  things  from  the  time 
of  the  said  grant  hitherto  they  have  not  cared  to  apply  the  same  to 
the  pavage  of  the  said  town,  to  the  great  loss  and  grievance  of  men 
passing  through  the  town  and  staying  there  ;  and  appointing  the 
said  commissioners  to  audit  the  account  of  the  said  John  and  John  of 
all  money  collected  by  them,  and  to  make  inquisition  in  the  said  county 
how  much  money  they  have  collected  from  those  customs  from  the 
time  of  the  said  grant  hitherto,  and  how  much  they  have  applied  to 
the  said  paving,  and  in  what  manner,  and  to  levy  from  them  all  money 
so  collected  by  them  and  not  applied  to  the  said  paving  by  distraints 
and  other  means,  and  to  cause  the  same  to  be  applied  to  the  said 
paving  where  need  be  by  view  of  themselves  and  others  to  be  deputed 
by  them  hereto,  if  the  said  town  be  not  yet  paved,  and  also  to  punish 
the  said  John  and  John  for  concealment  and  retention  of  the  said 
money,  if  they  have  retained  any  thereof,  whether  the  town  be  paved 


1321.  Membrane  7 — cent. 

or  not ;  so  that  they  cause  answer  to  be  made  to  the  king  at  tb 
Exchequer  for  the  residue  of  the  said  money  so  collected,  after  th 
town  be  paved  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  of  the  county  t 
summon  before  them  on  days  and  at  places  fixed  by  them  good  am 
lawful  men  to  make  such  inquisitions,  and  to  be  intendant  herein. 

Feb.  21.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king' 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Geoffrey  de  Alba  Marlia,  deceased,  tenant  ii 

Feb.  28.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  c 
Westminster.  John  de  Brianzon  of  Canewedon,  deceased,  tenant  by  knight  servic 
of  the  heir  of  John  de  Coggeshale,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  th 
king's  ward. 

March  1.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  han 

Westminster,  the  lands  which  Baldwin  de  Colne,  deceased,  held  in  chief  by  th 

courtesy  of  England  of  the  inheritance  of  Eleanor,  sometime  his  wif< 


Feb.  21.  Commission  to  Ralph  Basset,  Walter  de  Friskeney  and  Robert  d 
Westminster.  Malberthorp,  reciting  that  the  king  has  been  given  to  understan 
that  the  principal  taxers  and  collectors  and  their  subcollectors  < 
divers  aids  granted  in  divers  Parliaments  by  the  commons  of  tl 
counties  of  the  realm  since  the  king  assumed  the  governance  of  tl 
realm,  and  their  clerks  and  other  ministers  in  the  counties  of  Essex  an 
Hertford,  have  much  transgressed  against  the  forms  of  levyir 
and  collecting  such  aids  ordained  and  provided  by  the  king's  council  an 
delivered  to  the  same  principal  collectors,  in  contempt  of  the  kit 
and  to  the  damage  and  prejudice  of  the  people  of  the  realm,  where) 
the  king  is  justly  moved  ;  and  appointing  the  said  commissione 
as  justices  to  make  inquisition  in  the  said  counties  touching  tl 
excesses,  contempts  and  trespasses  committed  by  such  taxers,  collecto 
and  subcollectors  and  their  clerks  and  ministers,  those  only  excepti 
whereon  inquisitions  have  been  already  taken,  and  by  whom,  at  whi 
time  and  in  what  manner,  and  to  hear  and  determine  the  plaints  < 
all  who  wish  to  complain  thereof,  and  to  receive  fines  and  ransoc 
from  those  convicted  before  them  and  willing  to  make  fines  ;  savii 
to  the  king  amercements  and  other  things  belonging  to  him  thereo 
the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  of  the  said  counties  to  summc 
before  them  on  days  and  at  places  fixed  by  them  the  said  taxers  ar 
others  and  good  and  lawful  men  to  make  such  inquisitions,  and  to  1 
intendant  herein.  By  K.  &  i 

The  like  to  Ralph  de  Cammoys,  Robert  de  Maddyngle  and  Willia 
de  Northo,  in  the  counties  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham. 

Feb.  28.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hai 
Westminster,  the  lands  which  Alice  de  Ribbestayn,  deceased,  held  for  life  of  tl 
inheritance  of  John  de  Crokedayk,   kinsman  and  heir  of  Adam  i 
Crokedayk,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward. 

March  5.         Grant  during  pleasure,  at  the  instance  of  Edmund  le  Butiller 
Windsor.     Ireland,  to  Simon  de  Derlyngton,  yeoman  of  the  said  Edmund,  of  t 

14  EDWARD   II. 


Membrane  6 — cont. 

office  of  the  ulnage  in  Ireland,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  of 
Dublin  for  the  forfeitures  arising  therefrom  as  others  have  answered 
for  the  same  hitherto.  By  p.s.  [5601.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  John  de 
Bello  Campo,  son  and  heir  of  Cecily  de  Bello  Campo,  tenant  in  chief, 
the  lands  late  of  his  said  mother,  he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s. 

Ratification,  for  a  fine  made  by  the  king's  clerk,  Thomas  de  Neusum, 
of  a  grant  made  to  him  by  Margaret  late  the  wife  of  John  de  Echebrigg 
by  her  charter  of  a  void  plot  in  '  le  Tymberheth  '  in  the  parish  of 
St.  Mary  Sumerset,  London,  to  hold  to  him  and  his  heirs  of  the  king 
and  his  heirs,  which  plot  the  king  granted  to  the  said  Margaret  by 
letters  patent  dated  10  June,  11  Edward  II,  after  inquisition  made 
thereon  by  the  sheriffs  of  London  [Calendar  of  Patent  Rolls,  1317-1321, 
p.  159] ;  and  grant  that  the  said  Thomas  and'  his  heirs  may  build 
thereon  and  hold  the  same  so  built  on  to  them  and  their  heirs  of  the 
king  and  his  heirs  quit  and  discharged  of  the  arrears  of  any  services  and 
rents  wherewith  it  was  charged  to  the  king  or  his  progenitors,  at  the 
rent  of  3s.  4d.  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  by  the  hands  of  the  said  sheriffs. 

By  fine  of  1  mark. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  make  partition  of  the 
lands  late  of  Gregory  de  Felmyngham,  tenant  in  chief,  into  six  equal 
parts  in  the  presence  of  all  the  heirs  and  parceners  if  they  wish  to  be 
present,  and  to  deliver  to  James  Ryghtwys  and  John,  parson  of  the 
church  of  Felmyngham,  nephews  and  two  of  the  heirs  of  the  said 
Gregory,  their  pourparties  of  the  said  lands,  they  having  done  homage  ; 
retaining  in  the  king's  hand  until  further  order  the  pourparties  of 
Christiana,  Ela,  Joan  and  Alice,  sisters  and  heirs  of  the  said  Gregory  ; 
provided  that  each  of  the  said  heirs  and  parceners  be  a  tenant  of  the 
king  ;  and  to  send  the  partition  made  by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the 
rolls  of  Chancery.  By  p.s.  Norfolk,  Suffolk. 

March  26.        Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  William  Daumarle,  son  and  heir  of 

hurchdown.  Geoffrey  Daumarle,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father, 

he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s.     Devon. 

"larch  27.        Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  Robert  de  Bardelby, 

(Uoueester.    of  the  keeping  of  two  parts  of  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Brianzon  of 

Canewedon,  tenant  by  knight  service  ol  the  heir  of  John  de  Coggeshale 

tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  which  are  in  the  king's 

hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  heir  of  the  said  John  de 

Bryanzon,  to  hold  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  the  value 

of  the  said  lands.  By  C. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled. 

March  26.        Order   to   the    escheator   on   this   side    Trent, — pursuant    to   an 

Gloucester,    inquisition  made  by  him  shewing  that  John  de  Brianzon  of  Canewedon 

held  on  the  day  of  his  death  certain  tenements  in  Canewedon  of  the 

king  as  of  the  honour  of  Reylegh  by  the  service  of  20d.  of  hidage  a 

year  and  by  suit  at  the  hundred  of  Rocheford  to  be  done  every  three 

P  4 



March  16. 

April  8. 

April  10. 

April  12. 

April  10. 

Membrane  6  —  cord. 

weeks,  and  that  he  held  no  other  lands  of  the  king  in  chief  whereby  1 
wardship  of  the  lands  late  of  the  same  John  should  pertain  at  presi 
to  the  king,  but  held  in  Canewedon  certain  lands  of  the  heir  of  Jc 
de  Coggeshale,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by  knij 
service,  and  divers  other  lands  of  divers  other  lords  by  divers  servic 
and  that  Bartholomew  de  Brianzon,  his  son,  is  his  nearest  heir  a 
of  the  age  of  seven  years  and  more,  —  to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  1 
said  lands  in  Canewedon  held  of  the  said  heir  until  further  order,  a 
to  deliver  to  the  king's  clerk,  Robert  de  Bardelby,  uncle  of  the  s. 
Bartholomew,  as  his  nearest  of  kin,  the  said  tenements  in  Cane  wee 
held  of  the  king,  with  the  issues  thereof  from  the  time  of  the  death 
the  said  John  de  Brianzon,  to  the  use  of  the  heir,  and  to  meddle 
further  with  the  other  lands  held  by  John  of  other  lords,  deliver 
any  issues  thereof  received  by  him  to  those  whose  they  are. 

Order  to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  justice  of  Wales,  to  resu 
forthwith  into  the  king's  hand  the  castle  and  land  of  Buelt  in  Wa] 
which  came  to  the  hands  of  Edward  I  by  the  forfeiture  of  Llewell; 
sometime  prince  of  Wales,  and  which  the  king  granted  to  Humph! 
de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  together  with  the  issues  ther 
from  the  time  of  the  said  grant  to  the  earl,  and  to  keep  the  same  safi 
until  further  order,  answering  for  the  issues  thereof  from  the  said  tii 
and  not  to  omit  this,  as  he  loves  the  king  and  his  honour  and  will  s£ 
himself  harmless  ;  the  king  having  before  ordered  him  to  resume  i 
said  castle  and  land  into  the  king's  hand  by  pretext  of  the  ordinan 
made  by  the  prelates,  earls  and  barons  of  the  realm  and  approved 
the  king,  and  having  afterwards  ordered  him  not  to  meddle  with  1 
taking  of  the  same  until  further  order.  By  p.s.  [561 

The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  kin 
hand  the  lands  late  of  John  Malgref,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  John  de  Ufford,  escheator  in  Ireland,  or  his  lieutenant, 
take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  son  of  Richard 
Clare,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


Commitment  during  pleasure,  at  the  instance  of  Bartholomew 
Badelesmere,  steward  of  the  household,  to  Maurice  son  of  Thomas  a 
Maurice  de  Roclleforcl  of  the  keeping  of  the  castles,  towns,  man 
and  all  other  lands  late  of  Thomas  son  of  Richard  de  Clare,  tens 
in  chief,  in  Ireland,  taken  into  the  king's  hand  on  account  of  his  dea 
so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  of  Dubl 


Order  to  John  de  Ufford,  escheator  in  Ireland,  to  deliver  the  sa 
to  them. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  de  Swynnerton  of  I 
bailiwick  of  the  hundred  of  Tatemundeslawe,  co.  Stafford,  at  the  yea 
rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  as  much  as  others  have  rendered  for  1 
same  hitherto  ;  provided  that  he  keep  the  same  according  to  1 
statute  published  thereon  of  late  at  Lincoln.  By  j 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Stafford  to  deliver  the  same  to  him, 

14  EDWARD   II.  51 

Membrane  5 — cont. 

Grant  for  life  to  John  de  Somery,  for  good  service  hitherto,  of  the 
keeping  of  the  manor  and  forest  of  Kinefare  with  the  assarts  and  all 
other  appurtenances  thereof,  which  Alan  de  Cherleton  held  of  late  at 
the  king's  will,  to  hold  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  as  much 
as  the  said  Alan  rendered  for  the  same.  By  K. 

Commitment  at  the  king's  will  to  William  de  Bello  Campo  of  the 
keeping  of  the  castle  of  St.  Briavels  and  the  forest  of  Dene,  to  hold 
as  others  have  held  the  same  before  these  times.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Steyngrave  of  the  keeping 
of  the  castle,  manor  and  honour  of  Tonebrigg,  co.  Kent,  with  the 
forest  and  all  other  appurtenances  thereof,  and  of  the  manor  of  Eldyng, 
co.  Kent,  the  manor  of  Rotherfeld,  co.  Sussex,  and  the  manors  of 
Blecchynggefeld  and  Okham,  co.  Surrey,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain 
causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle  which 
is  in  his  keeping,  with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made 
between  them,  and  the  said  manors  of  Tonebrigg  and  Eldyng  and 
the  said  honour  with  the  forest  and  all  other  appurtenances  thereof, 
which  are  likewise  in  his  keeping. 

Order  to  the  tenants  of  the  premises  to  be  intendant  to  him  until 
further  order. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Surrey  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manors  of 
Blecchynggefeld  and  Okham  which  are  in  his  keeping. 

Order  to  the  tenants  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manor  of 
Rotherfeld  which  is  in  his  keeping. 

Order  to  the  tenants  etc.  as  above. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Bevis  de  Lodelawe  of  the  keeping 
of  a  fourth  part  of  the  manor  of  Caumpeden,  late  of  Hugh  Daudele 
the  younger  and  in  the  king's  hand,  to  hold  at  the  rent  of  201.  a  year 
at  the  Exchequer  as  the  same  Bevis  rendered  for  the  same  to  the  said 
Hugh.  By  p.s.  [5624.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  and  goods  of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger  and  to  cause 
answer  to  be  made  to  the  king  for  the  issues  thereof  until  further  order  ; 
the  said  Hugh  having  bound  himself  by  his  writing  on  oath  that 
he  ought  to  assist  the  king  in  all  things  all  his  life  and  in  no  wise  to 
withdraw  himself  from  the  king  for  any  things  that  might  arise,  and 
having  granted  that  if  he  did  the  contrary  in  any  of  the  premises  or 
other  things  contained  in  the  said  writing,  the  king  could  take  all 
his  goods  into  the  king's  hand  and  demand  other  things  contained  in 
the  said  writing  for  due  execution,  and  although  the  king  ordered  him 
several  times  to  come  to  the  king  on  certain  days  and  at  certain  places 
to  obey  the  king's  orders  and  desires  in  the  premises,  he  having  not 
cared  to  come  to  the  king,  rashly  infringing  the  said  obligation  and 
oath,  for  which  the  king  ordered  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester  to  go  in  person 
to  the  said  Hugh's  manor  of  Thornbury  and  there  summon  him  to  be 
before  the  king  at  Gloucester  on  Friday  before  St.  Ambrose  last, 




Membrane  5 — cont. 

3  April,  to  shew  cause  why  the  said  manor  with  all  other  his  lands  sh( 
not  be  taken  into  the  king's  hand  and  other  things  contained  in 
said  writing  demanded  for  due  execution,  and  to  do  and  receive  v 
should  be  decided  in  the  premises  by  the  king  and  council,  at  wl 
day  the  sheriff  returned  that  he  went  in  person  to  the  said  manor 
summoned  the  said  Hugh  by  William  de  Westbrok  of  Thornbury 
William  de  Whittawere  of  Thornbury  to  be  before  the  king  as  ab 
at  which  day  also  the  said  Hugh  came  not,  wherefore  after  pro 
thereon  continued  until  Wednesday  following  it  was  then  decidec 
the  king's  council  that  all  the  lands  and  goods  of  the  said  Hugh  shi 
be  taken  into  the  king's  hand  according  to  the  form  of  his  said  writ 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 
The  sheriff  of  Kent. 
The  sheriff  of  Wilts. 
The  sheriff  of  Gloucester. 
The  sheriff  of  Rutland. 
The  sheriff  of  Surrey  and 


The  sheriff  of  Buckingham. 
The  sheriff  of  Oxford. 

The  sheriff  of  Berks. 

The  sheriff  of  Essex  and  Hertf 

The  sheriff  of  Lincoln. 

The  sheriff  of  Southampton. 

The  sheriff  of  Devon. 

The  sheriff  of  Stafford. 

The  sheriff  of  Northampton. 

April  26.  Order  to  Thomas  son  of  John,  earl  of  Kildare,  justiciary  of  Irel 
Devizes.  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  lands  and  goods  of  the  same  H 
Daudele  and  to  commit  the  same  during  pleasure  to  the  maste 
the  hospital  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem  in  Ireland  under  the  seal  i 
by  the  king  in  Ireland,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereo 
the  Exchequer  of  Dublin.  Bi 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  go  in  person  to  the  castle  of  Thonebi 
co.  Kent,  and  to  take  the  same  into  the  king's  hand  with  the  o 
lands  of  the  same  Hugh  Daudele  in  his  bailiwick,  taking  with  hi 
need  be  a  sufficient  posse  of  his  county  and  to  take  any  whom  he 
resisting  him  herein  and  keep  them  safely  in  prison  until  further  o 
according  to  the  statute  provided  therein  ;  the  said  Hugh  having 
as  above  [last  entry  but  one],  whereupon  the  king  ordered  the  sh 
to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  lands  and  goods  of  the  said  Hugh 
to  cause  answer  to  be  made  to  the  king  for  the  issues  thereof  i 
further  order,  and  the  king  having  now  learned  that  certain  evildc 
disobeying  the  king  and  his  orders  and  ministers  have  detained 
still  detain  from  him  the  said  castle  which  he  would  have  taken 
the  king's  hand  by  virtue  of  the  said  order,  in  contempt  of  the  i 
and  his  said  order  and  to  the  disturbance  of  the  king's  peace  and 
realm,  whereat  the  king  is  justly  disturbed.  BI 

April  12.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  1 
Gloucester,    the  lands  late  of  Michael  le  Aumoner  of  Bondbrustwyk,  decea 
tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  bailiff  of  Swaneseye  in  the  land  of  Gower  in  Wale 
levy  the  issues  forfeit  before  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder  and 
fellows,  late  justices  appointed  to  hear  and  determine  divers  tresps 
in  the  said  land,  according  to  the  tenour  of  the  estreats  of  the 
justices  delivered  thereon  to  him,  and  to  deliver  the  money  ari 

14   EDWARD  II. 


Membrane  5 — cont. 

therefrom  to  the  king's  receiver  hi  the  said  land  by  indenture  to  be  made 
between  them,  that  the  receiver  may  answer  therefor  at  the  king's 
order.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  Roger  de  Northburgh. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  son  of  Richard  de  Clare,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

Order  to  the  steward  of  the  land  of  Gower  in  Wales  to  levy  all  the 
issues  forfeit  of  late  before  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder  and  his  fellows, 
justices  appointed  to  hear  and  determine  divers  trespasses  and 
disobediences  done  to  the  king  in  the  said  land,  which  ought  to  be 
levied  in  his  bailiwick  by  the  estreats  of  the  said  justices,  and  to 
deliver  the  money  arising  therefrom  to  the  king's  receiver  of  the  said 
land,  that  he  may  answer  to  the  king  therefor. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Roger  de  Northburgh. 

Power  to  the  abbot  of  Neth  in  Wales  and  to  William  Flemyng, 
keeper  of  the  land  of  Gower  in  Wales,  to  receive  a  fine  from  all  the 
men  of  the  said  land  who  were  indicted  of  late  before  Hugh  le 
Despenser  the  elder  and  his  fellows,  justices  appointed  to  hear  and 
determine  divers  trespasses  and  disobediences  done  to  the  king  in 
the  said  land,  for  such  trespasses  and  disobediences,  and  are  willing 
to  make  such  fine  ;  and  order  to  them  to  receive  such  fine  and  to  the 
said  keeper  to  levy  the  money  arising  therefrom  as  soon  as  possible 
and  to  deliver  the  same  to  the  receiver  of  the  said  land,  that  he  may 
answer  to  the  king  therefor,  certifying  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the 
Exchequer  of  the  fines  so  received  by  them  ;  and  if  any  through  such 
indictments  have  been  taken  and  detained  in  prison,  to  cause  them 
to  be  delivered  therefrom  after  they  have  made  fine. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Roger  de  Northburgh. 

Grant  to  John  de  Wysham,  on  his  petition,  of  80  acres  of  waste  in 
the  forest  of  Dene  which  were  delivered  to  him  in  addition  to  the 
200  acres  granted  to  him  with  the  fishpond  of  Noxton  in  the  said 
forest  by  letters  patent  dated  3  June,  10  Edward  II  [Calendar  of 
Fine  Bolls,  1307-1319,  p.  330],  and  which  he  has  enclosed  with  the 
said  200  acres  with  a  small  dyke  and  a  low  hedge  without  licence  and 
holds  so  enclosed  at  present  ;  to  hold  to  him  and  his  heirs 
with  the  said  200  acres  of  the  king  and  his  heirs,  rendering  20s.  beyond 
the  50s.  6d,  specified  in  the  said  letters  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  of 
Michaelmas  by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  to  wit,  3d.  an 
acre,  according  to  the  arrentation  of  the  said  200  acres  made  of  late  ; 
so  that  he  and  his  heirs  may  assart  and  bring  the  same  into  cultivation 
and  hold  the  same  with  free  entry  and  issue  for  all  their  beasts  going 
thither  from  the  nearest  highways  and  returning,  and  so  that  he  or 
his  heirs  claim  no  common  without  the  same.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Laurence  de  Holebech,  deceased,  tenant  hi 

The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent. 



April  10. 


Order  to  John  Dufford,  escheator  in  Ireland,  to  take  into  the  kit 
Gloucester,    hand  the  lands  late  of  Cecily  de  Bello  Campo,  deceased,  tenant  in  ch 

April  19.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Malcolm  Musard  of  the  keeping 

Bristol.       the  manor  of  Feckenham  with  the  forest  and  park  and  all  appurtenac 

thereof,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequei 


Order  to  John  Spark  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manor  which  is 
his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment. 

Order  to  Master  Richard  de  Clebury  to  deliver  to  him  the  a 
forest  and  park  which  are  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitme 

April  21.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  de  Swynnerton  of  the  keep 
Bristol.       of  the  castle  of  Hardelagh,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thei 
at  the  Exchequer. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Bald 

Order  to  Vivian  de  Staundon  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with 

things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  the 

April  1.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  the  fealties 
Gloucester.  Oliver  de  la  Mowe,  who  has  taken  to  wife  Ela,  one  of  the  sisters  i 
heirs  of  Gregory  de  Felmyngham.  tenant  in  chief,  and  of  Christi: 
and  Joan,  other  like  sisters  and  heirs,  and  to  deliver  to  them  tl 
pourparties  of  the  lands  late  of  Gregory,  retained  in  the  king's  hi 
pursuant  to  a  former  order  [above,  p.  49],  so  that  the  said  Oli1 
Christiana  and  Joan  come  to  the  king  at  his  will  to  do  homage  ;  i 
to  certify  the  king  of  the  said  fealties  ;  the  king  having  compass 
on  the  state  of  the  said  Oliver,  Christiana  and  Joan,  who  are  so  w 
that  they  cannot  labour,  and  having  respited  their  homages  dui 
pleasure.  By 

April  25.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Ralph  Basset  of  Drayton  of 
Devizes.      keeping  of  the  castle  of  Norhampton,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  iss 
thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Bald 
Order  to  John  de  Wytlebury,  sheriff  of  Northampton,  to  delive: 
him  the  said  castle,  which  is  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitnu 
with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 

April  28.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Peter  de  Ty] 

Marlborough.  son  and  heir  of  Robert  de  Tyliol,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of 

said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ;    saving  to  Maud  late  the  \ 

of  Robert  her  dower.  By  p.s.  [5632.]    Cumberla 

May  6.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Suffolk,  if  it  appear  to  him  that  the  mar 

Wallingford.  of  Haveryle  and  Hersham  in  the  counties  of  Suffolk  and  Essex,  wh 
John  de  Ripariis  holds  for  life,  were  not  in  the  hands  of  Hugh 
Audele  the  younger  at  the  time  of  an  order  directed  to  him  touch 
the  taking  into  the  king's  hand  of  the  lands  late  of  the  said  Hugh,  tl 
to  remove  the  king's  hand  therefrom  and  to  meddle  not  therew 
during  the  said  John's  life,  delivering  the  issues  received  by  him 
those  whose  they  are ;  provided  that  answer  be  made  to  the  k 
for  the  1(M.  of  rent  yearly  which  the  said  Hugh  ought  to  receive  th< 
from  according  to  the  partition  made  in  Chancery  of  the  lands  1 

14  EDWARD  II.  55 

1321.  Membrane  4 — cont. 

of  Gilbert  de  Clare,  earl  of  Gloucester  and  Hertford,  tenant  in  chief, 
among  the  heirs  and  parceners  thereof,  until  further  order,  and 
provided  that  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger  may  make  his  profit 
of  the  10L  residue  of  rent  therefrom  ;  10L  of  the  201.  rent  paid  by 
the  said  John  for  the  said  manors  having  been  assigned  in  the  said 
partition  to  the  said  Hugh  de  Audele  and  Margaret  his  wife,  sister  and 
one  of  the  heirs  of  the  said  earl,  and  the  10L  residue  having  been 
assigned  to  the  said  Hugh  le  Despenser  and  Eleanor  his  wife,  another 
like  sister  and  heir,  for  the  whole  life  of  the  said  John,  saving  the 
reversion  of  the  manors  after  his  death  to  the  said  Hugh  de  Audele 
and  Margaret,  to  whom  the  manors  are  assigned  in  the  partition  ; 
and  the  king  having  now  been  shown  that  the  said  sheriff  took  the 
said  manors  into  the  king's  hand  by  pretext  of  the  said  order  as  if  the 
said  Hugh  de  Audele  had  been  seised  thereof  in  his  demesne  as  of  fee 
during  the  life  of  the  said  John,  and  that  he  still  detains  the  same, 
wherefore  petition  has  been  made  to  the  king  for  a  remedy  hereon. 

May  6.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 

Isleworth.  hand  the  lands  late  of  Richard  son  of  John  de  Rokesle,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

May  8.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Ryther  of  the  keeping  of 

Westminster,  the  castle  of  Corf  with  the  chace  of  Purbik  and  all  appurtenances 
thereof,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 
Order  to  Roger  Dammory  or  his  lieutenant  in  the  said  castle  to 
deliver  to  him  the  same  with  all  things  in  the  said  castle,  in  his  keeping, 
by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 

May  9.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Dorset  to  go  with  the  said  John  to  the  said 

Westminster,  castle  and  survey  what  armour  and  other  goods  therein  shall  be 
delivered  to  him,  and  to  be  intendant  to  him  in  all  things  pertaining 
to  the  safe  keeping  thereof  as  often  as  he  shall  be  warned  by  him 
hereon  on  the  king's  behalf,  and  not  to  omit  this  as  he  would  save  himself 
and  his  harmless. 

May  8.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Whitlebury  of  the  county 

Westminster,  of  Rutland  and  the  castle  of  Okham,  late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger 

and  taken  into  the  king's  hand  with  other  lands  late  of  the  same  Hugh 

by  decision  of  the  king's  court ;    so  that  he  answer  yearly  at  the 

Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 
Order  to  all  persons  of  the  said  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 
sheriff  and  keeper. 

Order  to  Gilbert  de  Holm  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county  with 
the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office, 
and  also  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein,  in  his  keeping,  by 
indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 

May  9.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side    Trent  to  deliver  to  Thomas 

Westminster.  Malegreff,  son  and  heir  of  John  Malegreff,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands 

late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage.     By  p.s.  [5638.]     Essex. 


1321.  Membrane  4 — cont. 

May  3.  Grant  to  the  king's  yeoman,  William  de  Monte  Acuto,  son  and  heii 

Wallingford.  of  William  de  Monte  Acuto,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's 
ward,  of  the  wardship  of  two  parts  of  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father 
in  the  king's  hand  on  account  of  his  death  and  by  reason  of  the  minority 
of  the  said  heir,  to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  lasl 
until  his  full  age,  rendering  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  the  extent  of  th« 
said  lands  made  after  his  said  father's  death  and  returned  to  Chancerj 
in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas  ;  saving  to  the  king  knights 
fees  and  advowsons  of  churches  if  any  fall  in  by  reason  of  the  said  twc 
parts  during  the  said  wardship.  By  p.s 

Order  to  William  de  Blanford  and  John  de  Bernevill,  keepers  of  th( 
lands  late  of  the  said' William,  to  deliver  to  the  said  William  the  sor 
the  wardship  of  the  said  two  parts  with  the  issues  thereof  from  th( 
said  feast,  the  king  wishing  them  to  be  discharged  therefrom  at  th( 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  him  the  sak 
wardship  with  the  issues  thereof  received  by  him  from  the  said  feast. 

May  10.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Swennerton  of  the  keepinj 
Westminster,  of  the  castle  of  Cruketh,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  a 
the  Exchequer  of  Kaernarvan. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok 
Order  to  Oylard  de  Welles  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  thing 
therein,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  etc. 

May  14.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Henry  atte  Ree  of  the  castle  o 
Westminster.  Angre,  co.  Essex,  late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger  and  taken  intx 
the  king's  hand  with  other  lands  late  of  the  same  Hugh  by  decisioi 
of  the  king's  court,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  th 
Exchequer.     By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok 
Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  al 
things  therein  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 
Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

May  10.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Matthew  de  Clyvedon  and  Johi 
Westminster,  his  brother  of  the  castle,  town  and  barton  of  Bristol,  to  keep  at  th 
rent  of  2101.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  am 
Easter  ;  and  they  shall  keep  the  said  castle,  town  and  barton  at  thei 
own  costs  and  shall  pay  60s.  yearly  to  the  abbot  and  monks  o 
Teukesbury  from  the  rent  of  the  mill  of  Bristol,  and  14Z.  10s.  to  th 
same  abbot  and  monks  for  a  chantry  which  they  maintain  withi 
the  said  castle  for  the  souls  of  the  king's  ancestors,  and  1\d.  a  da; 
to  the  foresters  of  the  forest  of  Kyngeswode  for  their  wages,  and  2a 
a  day  to  the  porter  of  the  said  castle  for  his  wages,  and  3d.  a  day  t 
two  watchmen  of  the  same  castle  for  their  wages  and  $d.  a  night  fo 
their  stipends,  to  wit,  \d.  to  each  of  them,  and  26-s.  Sd.  a  year  to  th 
keeper  of  the  king's  seaboard  of  Bristol  for  his  robe.  By  K 

Order  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger,  constable  of  the  sai< 
castle  and  keeper  of  the  said  town  and  barton,  or  his  lieutenant  then 
to  deliver  to  the  said  Matthew  and  John  the  said  castle,  town  an 
barton,  which  are  in  his  keeping,  with  all  things  in  the  said  castl 
by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon.  By  K 

Order  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs,  good  men  and  whole  commonalty  c 
Bristol  to  be  intendant  to  them  as  constables  and  keepers. 

14  EDWARD  II.  57 

1321.  Membrane  4 — cont. 

A  like  commitment  was  made  to  Richard  Lovel  of  the  said  castle, 
town  and  barton  under  the  date  15  May,  the  king  being  at  Westminster. 

By  K. 

Order  to  the  said  Matthew  de  Clyvedon  and  John,  constables  of 
the  said  castle  and  keepers  of  the  said  town  and  barton,  to  deliver 
to  him  the  said  castle,  town  and  barton,  which  are  in  their  keeping, 
with  all  things  in  the  said  castle,  by  indenture  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs  etc.  as  above  to  be  intendant  to  him  etc. 
as  above. 

Order  to  Vitalis  de  Savinico  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle  with 
all  things  therein  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

By  K.   on  the  information  of  Roger  de  Northburgh. 


May  17.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere  of 

Westminster,  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Tonebrugge,  late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the 

younger  and  taken  into  the  king's  hand  with  other  lands  late  of  the 

same  Hugh  by  decision  of  the  king's  court,  so  that  he  answer  for 

the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  p.s.  [5665.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all 

things  therein  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon.  By  p.s. 

May  14.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Henry  atte  Ree, 

Westminster,  of  the  castle  and  town  of  Angre  with  the  hamlets  of  Grynstede,  Stapel- 

ford  and  Northweld  and  other  appurtenances  thereof,  co.  Essex,  late 

of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger  and  taken  into  the  king's  hand  with 

other  lands  late  of  the  same  Hugh  by  decision  of  the  king's  court, 

so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.         By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  to  deliver  to  him  the  same  which  are 

in  his  keeping,  with  all  goods  and  other  things  therein  by  indenture 

to  be  made  thereon. 

May  18.  Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer,  if  it  appear 
Westminster,  to  them  that  the  hundred  of  Gertre,  co.  Leicester,  is  separated  from 
the  corpus  of  that  county  and  that  John  Hakelut  has  lands  in  that 
hundred,  to  commit  the  hundred  to  him  to  keep  at  the  king's  will 
according  to  the  statute  provided  thereon  by  the  common  council 
of  the  realm,  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  as  much  as  others 
have  rendered  for  the  same  hitherto. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

May  12.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Maud  late  the 
Westminster,  wife  of  Robert  de  Tilliol,  to  hold  for  life,  a  messuage,  4  tofts  and  9 
bovates  of  land  in  Westhaytefeld  and  Skipseburgh,  held  in  chief  as 
of  the  honour  of  Albemarle  by  knight  service,  which,  as  the  king  has 
learned  by  an  inquisition  made  by  the  said  escheator,  the  said  Robert 
and  Maud  jointly  acquired  to  them  and  the  heirs  of  Robert  without 
licence,  and  which  have  been  taken  into  the  king's  hand  as  well  through 
Robert's  death  as  on  account  of  that  trespass  ;  the  king,  for  a  fine 
of  20s.,  made  by  Maud,  having  pardoned  her  the  said  trespass  and 
granted  that  she  may  have  the  premises  again  for  life. 

May  20.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Henry  Sturmy 

Westminster,  the  elder,  son  and  heir  of  Margaret  Sturmy,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands 

late  of  his  said  mother,  he  having  done  homage.   By  p.s.  [5654.]  Wilts. 


1321.  Membrane  3 — cont. 

May  21.  Order  to  John  de  Wytlesbury,  to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late 
Westminster,  the  county  of  Rutland  and  the  castle  of  Okham,  late  of  Hugh  do  Audele 
the  younger,  as  above  [p.  55],  to  levy  all  money  of  the  issues  thereof 
of  time  past  still  to  be  levied  and  to  bring  the  same  and  other  money 
received  by  him  therefrom  to  the  chamber,  the  king  wishing  also 
that  he  answer  hereafter  for  the  issues  of  the  county  and  castle  in  the 
chamber.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok, 

May  24.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Ivo  de  Aldeburgh  of  the  county 

Westminster,  of  Rutland  and  the  castle  of  Okham,  late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger 

and  taken  into  the  king's  hand  with  other  lands  late  of  the  same  Hugh 

by  decision  of  the  king's  court,  so  that  he  answer  yearly  at  the  Exchequer 

as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff 

and  keeper.  By  K. 

Order  to  John  de  Whitlebury  or  Thomas  de  Wympton,  his  lieutenant, 

to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county,  with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda 

and  all  other  things  touching  that  office,  and  the  said  castle  with  all 

things  therein,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

By  K. 

May  24.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Hugh  de  la  Tour,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  26.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Westminster.  Robert  Barre,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  27.         Grant  to  the  king's  clerk,  Robert  de  Bardelby,  for  a  fine  of  201. 

Westminster,  made  by  him  at  the  Exchequer,  of  the  marriage  of  Bartholomew, 

son  and  heir  of  John  de  Briaunzon  of  Canewedon,  tenant  by  knight 

service  of  the  heir  of  John  de  Cogessale,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in 

the  king's  ward.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 

June  1.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Ha  ward  of  the  counties  ol 
Westminster.  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  and  the  castle  of  Norwich,  so  that  he  answer 
yearly  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 
Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keeper. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  Edmund  de  Hemgrave  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties 
with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that 
office,  and  also  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein,  in  his  keeping, 
by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 

June  1.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Matthew  de  Clyvedon  of  the  keeping 

Westminster,  of  the  hundreds  of  Catesassh  and  Stone  and  the  gaol  of  Somerton, 

to  hold  as  John  de  Kyngeston  had  the  same  of  late,  rendering  yearly 

as  much  as  the  said  John  used  to  render  for  the  same.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  said  John  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  hundreds  and  gaol 

which  are  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

14  EDWARD  II.  59 

1321.  Membrane  3 — cont. 

June  1 .          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Matthew  de  Crauthom  of  the  keeping 

Westminster,  of  all  the  lands  hi  the  county  of  Devon  late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the 

younger,  taken  into  the  king's  hand  with  other  lands  late  of  the  same 

Hugh  by  decision  of  the  king's  court,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 

thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

June  1.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Humphrey  de  Bassyngburn  of  the 
Westminster,  county  of  Northampton,  so  that  he  answer  yearly  at  the  Exchequer 
as  other  sheriffs  hitherto. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 
Order  to  John  de  Wytlebury,  late  sheriff,  or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver 
to  him  the  said  county  with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other 
things  touching  that  office  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made 
thereon  between  them. 

May  31.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Cogan,  clerk,  of  the  office 
Westminster,  of  treasurer  of  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin,  so  that  he  receive  the  usual 
fee  at  the  same  Exchequer  and  answer  for  the  issues  of  that  office  and 
render  account  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  of  England. 

Sealed  at  another  time  by  K.  &  C.  and  renewed  by  p.s. 
Order  to  Master  Walter  de  Istlep  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  office 
with  the  keys,  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching 
the  office  in  his  keeping,  by  chirograph  to  be  made  thereon. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  in  the  fifteenth 

May  12.  Commission  to  Adam  de  Lymbergh,  John  de  Creyk  and  Geoffrey 
Westminster,  de  Burdeleys,  reciting  that  by  letters  patent  the  king  granted  of  late 
to  the  mayor  and  good  men  of  Cambridge  certain  customs  on  things 
for  sale  brought  to  the  same  town  in  aid  of  paving  the  same,  to  be 
taken  for  a  certain  time  not  yet  past,  and  that  the  said  mayor  and 
men  have  levied  and  received  much  money  from  such  things  from  the 
time  of  the  said  grant  hitherto,  but  have  not  yet  applied  the  same 
to  the  repair  and  amendment  of  the  said  pavement,  and  have 
negligently  omitted  to  levy  much  money  from  such  things  ;  and 
appointing  the  said  commissioners  to  survey  the  said  pavement  and 
to  audit,  as  often  as  and  when  need  be,  the  account  of  the  said  mayor 
and  men  as  well  of  the  money  levied  and  received  by  them  as  of  that 
which  they  have  omitted  to  levy,  and  to  make  inquisition  in  the  county 
of  Cambridge  how  much  money  they  have  levied  and  received  from 
the  said  customs,  and  how  much  they  have  applied  to  the  said  repair 
and  amendment,  and  in  what  manner,  and  to  distrain  them  to  apply 
to  the  said  repair  and  amendment  as  well  the  money  levied  and 
received  and  not  yet  so  applied  as  the  money  which  they  have  omitted 
to  levy,  so  that  any  residue  after  the  town  be  paved  be  reserved  to 
the  king's  use  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  of  the  said  county 
to  summon  before  them  on  a  certain  day  and  at  a  certain  place  fixed 
by  them  Jurors  etc.  and  to  be  intendant  to  them  herein. 


June  3.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  make  partition  of  the  lands 
Westminster,  in  Thorn  Gumbaud,  co.  York,  which  Laurence  de  Holebech  held  in 


1321.  Membrane  2 — cont. 

chief  by  the  courtesy  of  England  by  knight  service  as  of  the  honour  of 
Albemarle,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  of  the  inheritance  of  Margaret 
sometime  his  wife,  and  of  the  other  lands  which  the  said  Laurence 
held  in  like  manner,  into  three  equal  parts  according  to  the  extent 
thereof  made  by  the  escheator  or  to  be  made  again,  if  need  be,  in 
the  presence  of  Robert  Deyviil  and  Margaret  his  wife,  second  daughter 
and  heir  of  the  said  Laurence  and  Margaret  his  wife,  and  of  Simon 
de  Drybi,  to  whom  the  king  granted  the  wardship  of  the  pourparty 
of  Christiana,  third  daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  Laurence  and 
Margaret,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  until  her  full  age,  if  they  wish 
to  be  present,  and  to  deliver  to  John  de  Multon  and  Amabel  his  wife, 
daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  Laurence  and  Margaret,  her  pourparty 
of  the  said  lands,  John  having  done  fealty,  retaining  in  the  king's 
hand  the  pourparties  of  the  said  Robert  and  Margaret  his  wife  and 
the  said  Christiana  until  further  order ;  and  to  send  the  partition 
made  by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the  rolls  of  Chancery. 

June  2.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Alan  de  Cherleton  of  the  keeping 

Westminster,  of  the  castle  of  Montgomery,  to  hold  as  Hugh  Daudele  the  elder  had 

the  same  of  late  of  the  king's  commitment.  By  p.s.  [5669.] 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  constable.     By  p.s. 

Order  to  Edmund,  earl  of  Arundel,  constable  of  the  said  castle, 

or  his  lieutenant  there,  to  deliver  to  him  the  castle  with  all  things 

therein,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon.         By  p.s. 

June  1.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Westminster,  made  by  him  shewing  that  Thomas  son  of  John  de  Goldynton  of 
Colleby  held  certain  lands  in  Colleby  on  the  day  of  his  death  of  the 
heir  of  Robert  de  Clifford,  tenant  in  chief,  of  late  a  minor  in  the  king's 
ward,  by  the  service  of  5s.  3d.  a  year  for  coinage,  and  by  the  service 
of  6s.  6d.  for  the  food  (puturam)  of  four  Serjeants  of  the  king  in 
Westmoreland,  and  by  the  service  of  Qd.  of  blanche  ferine  a  year  to 
the  said  heir  of  Clifford,  and  that  the  said  lands  are  extended  at  9s.  8d. 
a  year,  and  that  John  de  Goldyngton,  his  brother,  is  his  nearest  heir 
and  of  full  age,  which  Thomas  died  while  the  wardship  of  the  lands 
late  of  the  said  Robert  de  Clifford  was  in  the  king's  hand,  on  account 
whereof  the  relief  of  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  pertains  to  the  king 
this  turn, — to  deliver  to  the  said  John  the  said  lands  with  the  issues 
thereof  received  by  the  escheator  from  5  June,  12  Edward  II,  on  which 
day  the  king  took  the  homage  of  the  said  heir  of  Robert  and  rendered 
to  him  the  lands  of  his  inheritance. 

June  9.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Walter  de  Harowe  of  the  keeping 

Faversham.    of  the  manor  of  Neuport,  co.  Essex,  late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger 

and  taken  into  the  king's  hand  with  other  lands  late  of  the  same  Hugh 

by  decision  of  the  king's  court,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 

in  the  chamber.  By  p.s.  [5675.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  the 

stock  and  other  goods  and  chattels  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made 

between  them.  By  p.s. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Cole  of  the  manor  of  Welde, 
co.  Essex,  late  of  the  said  Hugh  etc.  as  above.  By  p.s.  [5675.] 

Order  to  the  said  sheriff  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  etc.  as  above. 

By  p.s. 

14  EDWARD  H. 


1321.  Membrane  2 — cant. 

June  9.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Sutton  of  the  keeping 

Faversham.    of  the  castle  of  Warrewik,  late  of  Guy  de  Bello  Campo,  earl  of  Warwick, 

tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 

Thomas,  son  and  heir  of  the  same  earl,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 

thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [5676.] 

Order  to  Walter  de  Bello  Campo,  late  constable  of  the  said  castle, 

or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver  to  him  the  same  with  all  things  therein, 

in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

June  12.         Order  to  the  subescheator  in  the  East  Riding  in  the  county  of  York 

Sturry.       to  deliver  to  William  le  Aumoner,  son  and  heir  of  Michael  le  Aumoner 

of  Bondbrustwyk,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father, 

he  having  done  homage  ;    saving  to  Maud  late  the  wife  of  Michael 

her  dower.  By  p.s.  [5681.] 

June  16.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Nicholas  de  Cheigny  of  the  county 
Sandwich,     of  Devon  and  the  castle  of  Exeter,  so  that  he  answer  yearly  at  the 
Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 

June  16.         Order  to  all  persons  of  the  said  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 

Sandwich,     sheriff  and  keeper. 

Order  to  Robert  Beudyn  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county  with  the 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office,  and 
also  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  thereon  to  be 
made  between  them. 

June  11.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Colevill  of  the  keeping  of 

Sturry.       the    manors    of    Bedewynde    and    Burbach    arid    the    hundred    of 

Kynwardeston,   co.   Wilts,  late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger  and 

taken  into  the  king's  hand  with  other  lands  late  of  the  same  Hugh 

by  decision  of  the  king's  court,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 

in  the  king's  chamber.  By  p.s.  [5679.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts  to  deliver  the  same  to  him.         By  p.s. 

June  19.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Oliver  de  Ingham  of  the  keeping 

Dover.       of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Ellesmere,  to  hold  as  John  de  Felton, 

knight,  had  the  same  of  the  king's  commitment.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  the  same  John,  late  keeper  thereof,  or  his  lieutenant,  to 

deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things  in  the  said  castle,  by  indenture 

to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

The  like  to  the  same  John  by  himself. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  the  said  Oliver  as  keeper. 

June  15.         Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Surrey  and  Sussex  to  resume  into  the  king's 

Minster.      hand  the  manors  and  lands  in  his  bailiwick  late  of  Hugh  Daudele 

the  younger,  taken  into  the  king's  hand  with  other  lands  late  of  the 

same  Hugh  by  decision  of  the  king's  court,  and  committed  of  late 

during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Stangrave  ;    so  that  he  answer  for  the 

issues  thereof  in  the  chamber  ;    the  king  having  ordered  the  said 

Robert  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manors  and  lands  by  indenture  to 

be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent. 



1321.  Membrane  2 — cont. 

June  15.         Order    to    the    escheator    on    this    side    Trent    to    take   into    th< 
Minster.      king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  William  de  Cobeham,  deceased,  tenan 
in  chief. 

June  18.  Grant  for  life,  by  assent  of  Nicholas  de  Sancto  Marco,  to  Rober 
Dover.  de  Yarewell  of  the  keeping  of  the  forest  of  Clyve,  to  hold  as  entirely 
as  the  said  Nicholas  held  the  same,  so  that  he  do  and  answer  as  Nicholas 
and  other  keepers  thereof  were  held  to  do  and  answer  ;  the  said  Nicholas 
to  whom  the  king  by  letters  patent  granted  the  said  keeping,  to  hole 
in  like  manner  for  life  as  Geoffrey  de  Ledes  before  had  the  same  o 
the  king's  grant,  having  rendered  the  said  keeping  to  the  king. 

By  p.s 

June  20.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king'i 
Dover.       hand  the  lands  late  of  Peter  Wynyene,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  16.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Edmund  de  Wodestok,  the  king'i 
Dover.  brother,  of  the  castle  of  Dover  and  the  Cinque  Ports,  so  that  for  th< 
maintenance  of  him  and  the  chaplains,  servants  and  watchmen  anc 
a  carpenter  staying  in  the  said  castle  and  for  their  robes  he  receivi 
300Z.  a  year  from  the  king,  to  wit,  146/.  from  the  wards  pertaining  t< 
the  castle,  100  marks  from  the  issues  of  the  port  and  the  custom  of  th< 
passage  of  Dover,  and  the  881.  residue  at  the  Exchequer  in  moietiei 
at  Michaelmas  and  Easter,  of  all  which  he  shall  not  be  held  to  rende: 
account ;  saving  to  the  king  chattels  of  felons  and  fugitives,  fines 
ransoms,  amercements  and  other  things  pertaining  to  the  king  fron 
the  said  ports,  of  which  he  shall  render  account  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  p.s.  [5683. 

Order  to  the  barons,  bailiffs,  good  men  and  whole  commonalty 
of  the  Cinque  Ports  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  constable  and  warden. 

Order  to  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  late  constable  and  warden 
or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle  and  ports  wit! 
all  things  in  the  said  castle  and  with  the  rolls,  memoranda  and  al 
other  things  pertaining  to  the  said  castle  and  ports,  by  chirograpl 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

June  28.         Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  landf 
Westminster,  late  of  Gilbert  de  Stapelton,  .deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  29.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Philip  de  Middelton  of  the  keeping 
Westminster,  of  the  castle  of  Montgomery,  to  hold  at  the  rent  of  85  marks  a  yeai 
at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  and  Easter ;  and  h( 
shall  receive  the  usual  yearly  fee  therefor. 

Order  to  the  late  keeper  thereof  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  wit! 
all  things  therein  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Be  it  remembered  that  he  had  this  keeping  first,  so  that  for  th« 
issues  etc.  by  writ  of  privy  seal,  and  afterwards  in  June,  18  Edward  II 
it  was  changed  under  this  form  and  under  the  same  date  by  the 

June  19.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Oliver  de  Ingham  of  the  keeping 

Dover.       of  the  castle  of  Ellesmere  with  the  hundred  and  the  hamlets  oi 

Culemere  and  Hampton  and  other  appurtenances,  so  that  he  paj 

14   EDWARD   II. 

1321.  Membrane  2 — cont. 

yearly  to  queen  Isabel,  the  king's  consort,  201.  which  she  receives 
yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  premises  by  the  king's  assignment,  and 
answer  for  the  residue  of  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  p.s. 


July  2.          Order  to  John   de   Whitlebury,   late   sheriff   of  Northampton,   to 

Westminster,  deliver  to  Humphrey  de  Bassyngburn,  sheriff  of  Northampton,  the 

castle  of  Norhampton,  which  is  in  the  said    John's    keeping,  with 

all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them, 

to  keep  as  the  king  has  ordered  the  same  sheriff.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  said  sheriff  to  receive  the  said  castle  from  the  said 

John  and  to  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  until 

further  order.  By  K, 

July  2.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Guy  Ferre  of  the  keeping  of  the 

Westminster.  Tower  of  London,  to  hold  as  others  have  had  the  same  hitherto,  taking 

the  usual  yearly  fee  for  the  same.  By  K. 

July  1 .  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  make  partition  of  the  lands  in  Thoren 
Westminster.  Gumbaud,  co.  York,  which  Laurence  de  Holebech  held  in  chief  by 
the  courtesy  of  England  by  knight  service  as  of  the  honour  of  Albcmarle, 
which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  of  the  inheritance  of  Margaret  sometime 
his  wife,  and  of  the  other  lands  which  the  said  Laurence  held  in  like 
manner,  according  to  the  extent  made  by  Gilbert  de  Stapelton,  late 
escheator  beyond  Trent,  who  died  before  executing  a  like  order  dated 
3  June  last  [above,  p.  59],  a  transcript  of  which  extent  the  king  is 
sending  under  the  foot  of  his  seal,  or  another  extent  to  be  made,  if 
need  be,  and  to  deliver  to  John  de  Multon  and  Amabel  his  wife,  one 
of  the  daughters  and  heirs  of  the  said  Laurence  and  Margaret,  her 
pourparty  of  the  said  lands  with  the  issues  thereof  from  the  said 
3  June,  John  having  done  homage,  and  to  send  the  partition  made 
by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the  rolls  of  Chancery. 

July  2.  Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Robert  Deyvill  and  Margaret  his 
Westminster,  wife,  one  of  the  daughters  and  heirs  of  the  same  Laurence  de  Holebech 
and  Margaret  his  wife,  her  pourparty  of  the  same  lands,  Robert  having 
done  homage,  according  to  the  extent  made  by  the  said  late  escheator, 
a  transcript  whereof  the  king  sent  to  the  sheriff  of  late  under  the  foot 
of  his  seal,  or  another  extent  to  be  made,  if  need  be,  in  the  presence 
of  the  said  John  de  Multon  and  Amabel  his  wife  and  of  Simon  de 
Driby,  to  whom  the  king  granted  the  wardship  of  the  pourparty  of 
Christiana,  third  daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  Laurence  and  Margaret, 
until  her  full  age,  if  they  wish  to  be  present,  retaining  in  the  king's 
hand  the  pourparty  of  the  said  Christiana  until  further  order  ;  and 
to  send  the  partition  made  by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the  rolls  of 


15   EDWARD   II. -PART    I. 

The  escheators  for  this  year  are  (1)  south  of  Trent,  Richard  de  Rodeney< 
until  14  November,  and  thereafter  Master  John  Walewayn;  (2)  north  < 
Trent,  Thomas  de  Buryh. 


July  8.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  John  le  Paneix 
The  Tower,  the  manors  of  Caversham  and  Merlawe,  which  the  king  caused  to  I 

London.  seized  into  his  hand  of  late  for  certain  causes,  with  the  goods  an 
chattels  found  therein  and  the  issues  levied  therefrom  from  the  tim 
of  the  taking  of  the  same  into  the  king's  hand,  by  indenture  to  I 
made  between  them,  to  keep  during  pleasure,  so  that  the  said  Joh 
answer  for  the  same  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [5740 

July  9.          Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  William,  son  of  William  de  Cruci 
Westminster,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  havin 
done  homage. 

July  8.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Redmar  of  the  keepin 
Westminster,  of  a  moiety  of  the  lands  in  Skeftlyng,  co.  York,  which  Katharin< 
late  the  wife  of  John  de  Danthorp,  tenant  in  chief,  held  in  dowe 
on  the  day  of  her  death  of  the  inheritance  of  her  said  husband,  an 
which  are  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  idiocy  of  Williai 
Berchaud,  kinsman  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  the  same  John,  in  th 
king's  ward,  which  moiety  was  extended  at  68s.  9W.  a  year  by  Gilbei 
de  Stapelton,  late  escheator  beyond  Trent,  to  hold  at  the  rent  c 
6  marks  a  vear  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  and  Eastei 

By  C 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York,  after  taking  security  from  him,  fc 
which  he  will  answer,  for  rendering  the  said  6  marks  a  year,  to  delivc 
to  him  the  keeping  of  the  said  moiety. 

July  9.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Robert  Lewe: 

Westminster,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle,  manor,  town,  hundred  and  park  of  Odihan 

to  hold  rendering    yearly  at  the  Exchequer  the  same  farm  whic 

used  to  be  rendered  for  the  same  in  the  time  of  Edward  I.  By  E 

Order  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger,  keeper  of  the  said  castle 

manor,  town,  hundred  and  park,  or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver  the  sam 

to  the  said  Robert,  with  all  things  there  for  the  munition  of  the  sai 

castle,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  K 

July  12.         Grant  to  Robert  de  Melton  of  the  county  of  Leicester,  for  a  fin 
Westminster,  of  6  marks  made  by  him,  of  the  marriage  of  William,  son  and  heir  c 
Hugh  de  Garthorp,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward. 


July  16.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king' 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Herbert  son  of  John,  deceased,  tenant  in  chie: 
The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  York. 

15  EDWARD  II— PART  I.  65 

1321.  Membrane  25 — cont. 

July  16.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Ralph  le  Sauvage  of  the  county  of 

Yestminster.  Kent  and  the  castle  of  Canterbury  from  Midsummer  last,  so  that  he 

answer  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 

By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff 
and  keeper.  By  K. 

Order  to  William  de  Setvans  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county 
with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that 
office,  and  also  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein,  and  with  the 
issues  thereof  from  Midsummer  last,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to 
be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  K. 

July  21.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Orlauston  of  the  seven 

Vestminster.  hundreds  in  the  county  of  Kent,  to  hold  at  the  usual  yearly  farm 

at  the  Exchequer  as  others  have  rendered  for  the  same  hitherto, 

provided  that  he  keep  the  said  hundreds  according  to  the  statute 

provided  thereon.  By  p.s.  [5747.] 

Order  to  Walter  Colpeper  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  bailiwick,  which 

is  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  cause  the  said  hundreds  to  be  delivered 
to  him.  By  p.s. 

July  23.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset  to  sell  without  delay  the  600  quarters 
Vestminster.  of  wheat  and  600  quarters  of  beans  which  the  king  ordered  to  be 
bought  and  purveyed  within  his  bailiwick  from  the  issues  thereof 
for  the  munitions  of  certain  castles  of  the  king  in  the  parts  of  Wales, 
and  which  the  king  ordered  him  to  sell,  answering  for  the  money 
arising  therefrom  at  the  Exchequer,  and  to  warn  the  men  of  Brugge- 
water  and  others  who  hinder  him  from  selling  the  said  corn  that  the 
same  was  bought  and  purveyed  by  him  from  the  issues  of  his  bailiwick 
for  the  said  munitions,  and  that  they  hinder  him  not ;  the  king  having 
now  learned  that  he  caused  the  said  corn  to  be  brought  to  the  said 
town  and  that  certain  of  that  town  and  others  of  those  parts,  asserting 
that  the  corn  belonged  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger,  hinder 
him  from  selling  the  same  or  otherwise  making  the  king's  profit  thereon, 
to  the  king's  grave  loss,  whereat  he  is  justly  disturbed. 

By  K.  &  C. 

Order  to  the  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  Bruggewater  not  to  hinder 
the  said  sheriff  herein. 

July  31.  Commission  to  Robert  But  to  collect  during  pleasure  with  Geoffrey 
Westminster,  de  Sutton  in  the  port  of  Boston  the  custom  on  wools,  hides  and  wool- 
fells  exported  thence  and  to  keep  the  '  coket '  seal,  in  the  room 
of  Richard  de  Frampton,  whom  the  king  appointed  with  the  said 
Geoffrey  to  collect  the  same,  he  having  no  leisure  therefor  ;  so  that 
he  answer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom  at  the  Exchequer  with 
the  said  Geoffrey.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  Walter  de  Norwyco. 

Aug.  3.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Vestminster.  hand  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  de  Berkeleye,  deceased,  tenant  in 

F  6 


Membrane  25 — cont. 

July  22.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  Roger  de  Blakesal 

Westminster,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Haddele,  co.  Essex,  to  hold  as  he  ha 

the  same  before  of  the  king's  commitment.  By  p.s.  [5750 

Order  to  Alan  de  Claveryng  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle,  whic 

is  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment,  by  indenture  thereon  1 

be  made  between  them.  By  p. 

Aug.  8.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  John  de  Cogai 

Westminster,  of  the  office  of  treasurer  of  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin,  so  that  he  receh 

the  usual  fee  at  the  same  Exchequer  and  answer  to  the  king  for  th 

issues  of  that  office  and  render  his  account  thereof  at  the  Exchequ* 

of  England.  Sealed  at  another  time  by  K.  &  C.  and  renewed  b 

p.s.  [5762.] 

Aug.  7.          Commitment  to  John  de  Stapelton  of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  ( 

Westminster.  Walkyngham  and  other  lands  in  the  county  of  York  late  of  Gilbei 

de  Stapelton,  tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  on  account  of  hi 

death,  to  hold  so  long  as  the  same  remain  in  the  king's  hand,  so  tha 

he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.         By  p.s.  [5763 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 


Aug.  7.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  deliver  to  John  de  Stapelton,  Roge 
Westminster,  de  Ask  and  William  de  Stapelton,  parson  of  the  church  of  Squirpenbel 
executors  of  the  will  of  Gilbert  de  Stapelton,  late  escheator  beyon 
Trent,  the  goods  and  chattels  late  of  the  said  Gilbert,  which  the  sheri 
took  into  the  king's  hand  on  account  of  the  king's  debts,  by  valuatio 
thereof  and  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  him  and  then 
for  the  execution  of  the  said  will,  if  they  will  find  security  for  answerin 
to  the  king  for  that  which  is  found  to  be  due  to  the  king  by  Gilbei 
of  the  time  when  he  was  escheator  beyond  Trent,  so  far  as  the  sai 
goods  and  chattels  suffice  ;  and  to  certify  by  his  letters  the  treasure 
and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  of  what  he  do  herein  and  wha 
goods  and  chattels  he  deliver  to  the  said  executors  by  virtue  of  thi 
order,  and  by  what  valuation,  on  the  octave  of  Michaelmas  next. 

By  p.s.  [5761 

Aug.  8.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  han 
Westminster,  the  lands  which  Adam  le  Mercer,  deceased,  held  for  life  of  the  inheritanc 
of  the  heir  of  Ellis  de  Albiniaco,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king' 

Aug.  13.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  c 
Westminster.  Margery  late  the  wife  of  Robert  de  la  Bergh,  deceased,  tenant  i 

Aug.  12.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  deliver  to  the  archbishop  of  Roue: 
Westminster,  and  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Rouen  or  their  attorney  herein  the  mano 
of  Kilhum,  co.  York,  with  the  corn  and  other  goods  and  chattel 
therein,  on  the  mainprise  of  Alan  de  Kilhum  and  Edmund  de  Boyntoi 
of  the  county  of  York  before  the  king  in  Chancery  to  satisfy  the  kinj 
of  that  which  pertains  to  the  king  of  the  late  voidance  of  th 

15  EDWARD   II.— PART  I.  67 

1321.  Membrane  24 — cont. 

archbishopric  of  Rouen  beyond  that  which  was  received  by  Gilbert 
de  Stapelton,  late  escheator  beyond  Trent,  and  of  the  said  corn  and 
other  goods  and  chattels  if  they  ought  to  pertain  to  the  king  ;  the 
king  on  6  August,  14  Edward  II,  having  taken  the  fealty  of  the  said 
archbishop  for  the  lands  which  he  holds  of  the  king  in  England,  and 
having  ordered  the  said  escheator  to  deliver  to  him  all  the  lands  which 
he  held  in  the  escheator's  bailiwick  and  which  he  took  into  the  king's 
hand  by  reason  of  the  voidance  of  the  archbishopric  and  detained 
in  the  king's  hand,  as  appears  by  inspection  of  the  rolls  of  Chancery, 
and  the  said  escheator  having  seized  into  the  king's  hand  the  said 
manor  of  Kilhum,  a  moiety  whereof  was  of  the  archbishop  and  a  moiety 
of  the  dean  and  chapter,  with  the  corn  and  other  goods  and  chattels 
therein,  because  he  then  first  learned  of  the  said  voidance,  and  there- 
after having  retained  the  manor  in  the  king's  hand  until  the  day  of 
his  death,  receiving  the  issues  thereof  to  the  king's  use,  by  pretext 
whereof  the  manor  with  the  said  corn  and  other  goods  and  chattels 
is  detained  in  the  king's  hand,  on  account  whereof  petition  has  been 
made  to  the  king  on  behalf  of  the  archbishop,  dean  and  chapter,  that 
the  king  would  restore  the  manor  with  the  said  corn  and  other  goods 
and  chattels,  adding  that  the  escheator  received  more  from  the  issues 
of  the  manor  to  the  king's  use  than  pertained  to  the  king,  to  hold  for 
the  said  voidance.  By  C. 

Aug.  15.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Maurice  de 

estminster.  Berkele,  son  and  heir  of  Thomas  de  Berkele,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands 

late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage.       By  K.     Gloucester. 

Aug.  16.          Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Matthew,  son  of  Herbert  son  of 

estminster.  John,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he 

having  done  homage  ;    saving  to  Eleanor  late  the  wife  of  Herbert 

her  dower.  By  p.s.  [5777.]     Southampton. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  York. 

Aug.  12.          Grant  to  Ralph  le  Botiller,  for  good  service,  that  of  all  the  debts 

eatminster.  due  by  him  at  the  Exchequer,  as  well  the  debts  of  his  ancestors  as 

his  own,  he  and  his  heirs  pay  40s.  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties 

at  Michaelmas  and  Easter.  By  p.s.  [5775.] 

Augf  18.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
estminster.  hand  the  lands  late  of  Joyce  (Joceus]  de  Launceles,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Joan  late  the  wife  of  Martin  le  Keu,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

\ug.  20.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Philip  de  Aylesbury  of  the  counties 

jstminster.  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham  from  Midsummer  last,  so  that  he  answer 

yearly  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  C. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 

sheriff.  By  C. 

Order  to  Ingelram  Berenger  or  his  lieutenant  in  the  said  counties 

to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all 


1321.  Membrane  24 — cont. 

other  things  touching  that  office  and  with  the  issues  thereof  fi 
Midsummer  last,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  thereon  to  be  m 
between  them.  By 

Aug.  20.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  kii 
Westminster,  hand  all  manors  and  lands  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder  and  Hi 
le  Despenser  the  younger,  who  for  certain  causes  are  disinherited 
decision  of  the  peers  of  the  realm  and  exiled  from  the  realm,  toget 
with  the  corn  and  other  goods  and  chattels  late  of  the  said  Hi 
and  Hugh  found  in  the  said  manors  and  lands,  so  that  he  answer 
the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  until  further  order. 

By  K.  & 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  York.  By  K.  & 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

July  28.  Grant  to  Edmund  de  Wodestok,  the  king's  brother,  for  the  incre 
Westminster,  of  his  honour  and  profit,  of  SOL  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  K 
by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff  under  the  name  and  honour  of  earl  of  K< 
the  king  having  girt  his  said  brother  with  a  sword  as  earl  of  the  s 
county  ;  grant  also  to  him  of  the  farms  and  hundreds  following, 
wit,  the  farm  of  the  royalty  and  market  of  Derteford,  co.  Kent, 
the  value  of  SOL  a  year,  the  hundreds  of  Littlefeld  and  Weclest 
co.  Kent,  to  the  value  of  10  marks  a  year,  36Z.  of  yearly  farm  wl 
the  citizens  of  Chichester,  co.  Sussex,  render  at  the  Exchequer, 
of  the  yearly  farm  of  Ormesby,  co.  Norfolk,  501.  of  yearly  farm  wt 
the  abbot  and  convent  of  Rameseye  render  for  the  markets  of 
town  of  St.  Ives.  co.  Huntingdon,  60L  of  the  yearly  farm  of  Aylesbi 
co.  Buckingham,  and  81.  of  the  yearly  farm  of  the  manor  of  le 
co.  Sussex,  to  hold  and  receive  the  said  SOL  yearly  from  the  issues 
Kent  under  the  name  and  honour  of  earl  of  Kent,  and  the  said  fa: 
and  hundreds  for  life  of  the  king  and  his  heirs,  rendering  11Z.  15.5. 
a  year  at  the  Exchequer,  by  which  sum  is  exceeded  the  sum  wl 
the  king  has  deemed  fit  to  grant  at  present  to  tLe  increase  of 
brother's  honour,  in  moie':'  =•  at  Michaelmas  and  Easter;  saving 
the  king  and  his  heirs  any  tallages  in  the  said  places,  if  the  king  or 
heirs  should  cause  the  king's  demesnes  throughout  England  to 
taxed  during  the  earl's  life  ;  so  also  that  after  the  earl's  death  the  f 
farms  and  hundreds  revert  to  the  king  or  his  heirs.  By 

Order  to  the  tenants  of  the  royalty  and  market  of  Derteford  tc 
intendant  to  him  touching  the  farm  thereof  and  the  services  dui 


Order  to  the  tenants  of  the  said  hundreds  to  be  intendant  to  . 
touching  the  rents  and  other  services  due  bv  reason  of  the  said  hundr 


Order  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  Chichester  to  pay  to  him 
said  36L  yearly  at  the  terms  at  which  they  used  to  pay  the  sami 
the  Exchequer,  the  king  wishing  them  to  be  discharged  theref 
at  the  Exchequer.  By 

The  like  to  Roger  de  Ormesby  touching  the  said  161.  yearly  f: 
the  manor  of  Ormesby.  By 

The  like  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Rameseye  touching  the  i 
50Z.  yearly.  By 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Monte  Alto  and  Emma  his  wife  touching 
said  601.  yearly  from  the  farm  of  Aylesbury.  By 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART  I.  69 

1321.  Membrane  24 — cont. 

The  like  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche  touching  the  said  SI.  yearly  from 
the  manor  of  Iden.  By  K. 

Lug.  25.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
stminster.  hand  the  lands  late  of  Wigan  de  Cherburgh,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Lug.  25.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  Thomas  de  Burgh, 

istminster.  of  the  office  of  the  eschpal'  r  beyond  Trent,  so  that  he  answer  for 

the  issues  thereof  at  the  i^chequer.  By  K.  &  C. 

Order  to  all  persons  be3'ond  Trent  to  be  iiitendant  to  him  as 

Order  to  the  executors  of  the  will  of  Gilbert  de  Stapolton,  late 
escheator  beyond  Trent,  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  office  with  the 
rolls,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  the  same  in  their 
keeping,  by  chirograph  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  office  in  his 
bailiwick,  with  the  rolls  etc.  as  above. 

The  like  severally  to  the  sheriffs  of  Cumberland,  Northumberland, 
Westmoreland,  and  Nottingham  and  Derby. 

Order  to  all  sheriffs  beyond  Trent  to  be  iiitendant  to  him  as  escheator 
and  to  summon  before  him  knights  and  others  to  make  inquisitions 
and  do  other  things  touching  the  office  as  often  as  he  shall  certify  them 
thereon  on  the  king's  behalf.  By  K.  &  C. 


iug.  16.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  be  iiitendant  to 
stminster.  Humphrey  de  Waleden,  whom  the  king  hereby  deputes  to  take  into 
the  king's  hand  all  the  castles,  manors,  towns,  hundreds,  lands  and 
goods  and  chattels  late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder,  which  for 
certain  causes  ought  to  be  taken  into  the  king's  hand  and  to  remain 
to  the  king,  in  the  counties  of  York,  Lincoln,  Leicester,  Huntingdon, 
Cambridge,  Chester  and  Stafford,  and  to  depute  therein  certain 
constables,  keepers  and  bailiffs,  who  shall  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 
at  the  Exchequer,  until  further  order.  By  K. 

Afterwards  in  the  said  commission  were  added  wards  and  marriages, 
but  not  in  the  others  following. 

In  like  manner  the  following  are  deputed  in  the  following  counties  : — 
William    Aylemer,     clerk,    in    the    counties    of    Buckingham, 

Northampton,  Oxford  and  Berks. 

John   Inge,   in  the   counties   of   Sussex,   Surrey,   Southampton, 
Wilts,  Somerset,  Dorset  and  Gloucester. 
Vacated  because  surrendered  and  otherwise  below. 
In  like  manner  the  following  are  deputed  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  castles,  manors,  towns,  hundreds,  lands,  goods  and  chattels 
late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger,  in  the  following  counties  : — 

By  K. 
Gilbert  de  Eboraco,  clerk,  in  the  counties  of  Essex,  Suffolk  and 


The  same  Gilbert  [was  deputed]  by  another  commission  to  take 
into  the  king's  hand  the  castles,  manors  etc.  of  the  said  Hugh 
and  Hugh  in  the  said  counties,  except  the  manor  of  Saham, 
co.  Cambridge,  late  of  the  said  Hugh  the  elder. 


1321.  Membrane  23 — cont. 

Thomas  de  Eggefeld,  clerk,  in  the  counties  of  Surrey,  Oxf< 

Buckingham  and  Berks. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 
William  de  Thunneyk,  clerk,  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester  t 

Adam  de  Brom,  clerk,  in  Glamorgan  with  Morganno,  Wenthe 

and  Maghay,  with  the  addition,  where  is  said  constables,  keej 

and  bailiffs,  of  constables,  keepers,  sheriffs  and  bailiffs  etc 

Aug.  16.          Order  to  Roger  Damory  to  deliver  to  the  said  Adam  de  Brom 
Westminster,  the  castles,  manors,  towns,  hundreds  and  lands  late  of  the  said  Hi 
in  Glamorgan  with  Morganno,  which  are  in  his  keeping,  with 
goods  and  chattels  late  of  the  said  Hugh  there.  By 

Order  to  Hugh  Daudeley  the  younger  to  deliver  to  the  same  Ad 
de  Brom  the  castle  and  town  of  Xeuport  with  the  county  and  land 
Wenthelok  and  the  land  of  Maghay,  late  of  the  said  Hugh  [le  Despensi 
which  are  in  his  keeping,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  late  of  the  si 
Hugh  there.  By 

Afterwards  on  9  September  following  order  was  made  severally 
the  said  Roger  and  Hugh  as  elsewhere. 

Order  to  the  tenants  and  others  of  the  lands  of  Glomorgan  w 
Morganno,  Wenthelok  and  Maghay  to  be  intendant  to  the  said  Adi 
de  Brom  herein.  By  K.  Duplicat 

Aug.  24.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  kin 
The  Tower,    hand  the  lands  late  of  Margaret  de  Wylmynton,  deceased,  ten* 
London.       jn  chief. 

Aug.  26.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late 
Westminster.  Edmund  Everard,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Aug.  30.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  de  Swynfreton  of  the  keepi 
Westminster,  of  the  Tower  of  London,  to  hold  as  others  have  had  the  same  hither 
receiving  for  the  same  the  usual  yearly  fee. 

By  writ  of  the  secret  se 

Order  to  Guy  Ferre  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things  a 
the  prisoners  therein,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  there 
between  them.  By  writ  of  the  secret  se 

Sept.  6. 

Minster  in 


Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Bello  Campo  of  t 
county  of  Worcester,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority 
the  heir  of  Guy  de  Bello  Campo,  earl  of  Warwick,  tenant  in  chi 
so  that  he  answer  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  hithertc 

By  p.s.  [579 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him 

Order  to  William  de  Tracy  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  t 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office, 
his  keeping,  by  indenture  etc. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Bello  Campo  of  t 
keeping  of  the  park  of  Teukesbury  and  the  chaces  of  Cors  and  Malverr 
late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger,  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that '. 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [579' 

15   EDWARD   II.— PAET  I.  71 

1321.  Membrane  23 — cont. 

Order  to  the  knights,  free  men  and  all  others  within  the  said  chaces 
to  be  intendant  to  him. 

Sept.  9.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
JJinster  in     hand  the  lands  late  of  Edmund  le  Botiller  of  Ireland,  deceased,  tenant 
Thanet.        jn  chief 

The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent. 

The  like  to  John  Dufford,  escheator  of  Ireland. 

Sept.  15.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  be  intendant  to  the 
Harwich,  king's  clerk,  John  de  Norton,  whom  the  king  hereby  deputes  to  take 
into  the  king's  hand  all  the  castles,  manors,  towns,  hundreds,  lands, 
goods  and  chattels  late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder  and  Hugh  le 
Despenser  the  younger,  which  for  certain  causes  ought  to  be  taken 
into  the  king's  hand  and  to  remain  to  the  king,  in  the  counties  of 
Sussex,  Surrey,  Southampton,  Wilts,  Somerset,  Dorset  and  Gloucester, 
and  to  depute  therein  certain  constables,  keepers  and  bailiffs,  who 
shall  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer,  until  further 
order.  By  K. 

Aug.  16.         In  like  manner  Thomas  de  Eggefeld,  clerk,  is  deputed  in  the  counties 
Vestminster.  of  Surrey,  Oxford,  Buckingham  and  Berks.  By  K.  &  C. 

Sept.  26.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  bailiffs  etc.  as  above;  to  be  intendant  to  the 
Vestminster.  king's  clerk,  John  de  Dunstaple.  whom  the  king  hereby  deputes  to 
take  into  the  king's  hand  all  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late  of  Hugh 
le  Despenser  the  younger  in  the  city  of  London,  and  to  depute  therein 
certain  keepers  and  bailiffs,  who  shall  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 
at  the  Exchequer,  as  above.  By  p.s.  [58.15.] 

Sept.  15.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Harwich.      hand  the  lands  late  of  Henry  de  Urtiaco,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Sept.  26.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Edmund  de  Wodestok,  earl  of  Kent, 

Vestminster.  the  king's  brother,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Tonebrugge,  late  of 

Hugh  Daudele  the  younger  and  taken  into  the  king's  hand  as  forfeit 

with  other  lands  late  of  the  same  Hugh  by  decision  of  the  king's  court, 

so  that  he  answer  for  any  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.        By  K. 

Order  to  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere  to  deliver  the  same  to  him 

or  his  attorney  herein,  with  all  things  therein,  in  his  keeping  of  the 

king's  commitment,  by  indenture  thereon  to  be  made  between  them. 

Sept.  23.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  be 
Hadleigh.  intendant  to  John  de  Dunstaple  and  John  de  Kyngeston,  whom  the 
king  has  appointed  during  pleasure  as  surveyors  of  the  lands,  goods 
and  chattels  late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger  in  the  counties  of 
Essex,  Suffolk,  Cambridge,  Surrey,  Southampton,  Berks,  Oxford  and 
Buckingham,  which  are  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  with 
full  power  to  depute  in  the  said  lands  reeves,  bailiffs  and  other  ministers 
as  they  shall  deem  best  for  the  king's  advantage,  so  that  answer  be 
made  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [5812.] 

In  like  manner  the  said  John  and  John  and  John  de  Cotesford  are 
appointed  as  surveyors  of  the  lands  late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the 
elder  in  the  said  counties,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes. 

By  the  same  writ. 




Membrane  23 — cont. 

Sept.  26.  Order  to  sheriffs  etc.  as  above  to  be  intendant  to  the  king's  clerk 
Westminster.  Thomas  de  Staunton,  whom  the  king  hereby  deputes  during  pleasun 
to  levy  all  debts  which  remain  to  be  levied  for  Hugh  le  Despenser  thi 
elder,  whose  lands,  goods  and  chattels  for  certain  causes  ought  to  bi 
taken  into  the  king's  hand  and  to  remain  to  the  king;  in  the  said  land, 
and  elsewhere,  and  to  make  letters  of  acquittance  to  the  debtors 
and  to  bring  the  said  debts  to  the  chamber  and  deliver  the  same  therein 

By  K 

Order  to  John  de  Cotesford  to  be  intendant  to  him  in  the  premisei 
and  to  apply  all  possible  diligence  and  care  to  the  levying  of  the  saic 
debts,  as  Thomas  shall  let  him  know  on  the  king's  behalf. 

The  like  by  divers  writs  to  Robert  le  Wolf,  Stephen  le  Botiller  anc 
Geoffrey  de  Weston. 


Sept.  27.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hanc 

Westminster,  the  lands  late  of  Gilbert  de  Stapelton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief,  anc 

to  make  inquisition  thereon,  the  sheriff  of  York  having  done  nothing 

thereof  pursuant  to  a  like  order  to  him,  then  intendant  on  the  office  ol 

the  escheatry  beyond  Trent. 

Sept.  30.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to   Walter  de  Bello  Campo  of  th( 
The  Tower,    keeping  of  the  castle  of  Drosselan,  to  hold  as  others  have  held  the 
London.       same  hitherto.  By  p.s.  [5827. 

Order  to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  justice  of  Wales,  to  delivei 
the  same  to  him  with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  mad« 

Oct.  1. 

The  Tower, 


Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk.  Gilbert  de  Wygeton 
of  the  keeping  of  the  lands  late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder  and 
Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger  in  the  counties  of  Wilts,  Gloucester 
Worcester,  Oxford  and  Berks,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes 
so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K 

Order  to  the  tenants  of  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  the  said  Hugh 
and  Hugh  in  the  said  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  keeper  thereof 

By  K. 

Vacated  because,  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  below. 

Sept.  30. 

The  Tower, 


Oct.  8. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Walter  de  Bello  Campo  of  tht 
keeping  of  the  castle  of  Drosselan  with  the  stewardship  of  Cantremaui 
and  other  appurtenances  thereof,  to  hold  as  fully  as  others  have  had 
the  same  hitherto.  By  p.s, 

Afterwards  on  17  January  following  an  order  was  made  to  Res  ap 
Griffith  to  deliver  to  the  said  Walter  or  his  attorney  the  said  castle 
with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  him  and 
Walter  or  him  whom  Walter  should  depute  hereto  by  his  letters  patent, 
and  also  the  said  stewardship. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Tychebourne  of  the  county 
of  Wilts  and  the  castle  of  Old  Sarum  from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that 
he  answer  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers 
hitherto.  By  p.s.  [5842.1 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART   I. 


Membrane  22 — cont. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff 
and  keeper. 

Order  to  Philip  de  la  Beche  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county  with 
the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office, 
and  also  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein,  and  with  the  issues 
thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made 
thereon  between  them. 

The  like  to  John  de  Scures  of  the  county  of  Southampton  and  the 
castle  of  Winchester.  By  the  same  writ. 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  John  de  Thychebourne  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with 
the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  as  above. 

The  like  to  Nicholas  Gentyl  of  the  counties  of  Surrey  and  Sussex. 

By  p.s.  [5835.] 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 
Order  to  Henry  Huse  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  the  issues 
thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  as  above. 

The  like  to  Nicholas  Engaigne  of  the  counties  of  Essex  and  Hertford 
and  the  castle  of  Colecestre.  By  p.s.  [5874.] 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keeper. 

Order  to  John  de  Dovre  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  the  issues 
thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  as  above. 

The  like  to  Thomas  le  Rous  of  the  counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicester. 

By  p.s.  [5880.] 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 
Order  to  William  de  Nevill  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  the  issues 
thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  as  above. 

The  like  to  John  Inge  of  the  county  of  Devon  and  the  castle  of 
Exeter.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  etc. 

Order  to  Nicholas  de  Cheigny  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  etc.  as 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  make  inquisition  what 
lands  came  to  the  king's  hand  after  the  death  of  John  le  Hunt  of 
Kerby,  tenant  in  chief,  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Robert  le  Hunt 
of  Kerby,  his  son  and  heir,  deceased,  late  in  the  king's  ward,  and 
how  much  thereof  is  held  in  chief  and  how  much  of  others  and  by 
what  service,  and  how  much  they  are  worth  yearly  and  who  is  Robert's 
nearest  heir  and  of  what  age. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Peter  de  Hamme,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  William  Everard,  son  and  heir  of 
Edmund  Everard,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father, 
he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s.  [5846.]  Dorset. 




Oct.  8. 

Oct.  12. 


Oct.  18. 

The  Tower, 


Oct.  17. 

The  Tower, 

Membrane  '22 — cont. 

Order  to  Henry  le  Scrop  and  his  fellows,  justices  appointed  to  hol< 
the  pleas  before  the  king,  having  regard  to  the  state  and  imprisonmen 
of  Isabel  late  the  wife  of  William  Walraund,  and  after  taking  a  fun 
from  her,  to  proceed  to  her  delivery  from  the  prison  of  the  Marshalsei 
of  the  King's  Bench  wherein  she  is  detained  for  not  having  prosecute< 
the  appeal  begun  before  the  king,  which  she  made  against  Thoma 
Broun  and  others  for  the  death  of  her  said  husband,  according  ti 
the  statute  provided  in  such  case,  if  she  be  detained  for  that  whicl 
pertains  to  the  king  herein  and  on  no  other  account ;  instant  petitioi 
having  been  made  to  the  king  on  her  behalf  that  whereas  she  is  read; 
to  satisfy  the  king  of  that  which  pertains  to  him  herein  and  any  other 
so  far  as  is  just,  the  king  would  provide  for  her  delivery,  and  the  kinj 
having  compassion  on  her  state,  she  being  poor  and  pregnant  an< 
having  now  been  long  detained  in  prison,  as  is  asserted. 

Grant  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Alan  de  Thesdale,  o 
the  office  of  controller  of  the  custom  on  wools,  hides  and  woolfell 
in  the  port  of  London,  which  John  de  Vyenne  held  of  late,  to  holx 
as  others  have  held  the  same  hitherto.  By  p.s.  [5840. 

Order  to  the  collectors  of  the  said  custom  to  admit  him  thereto  an< 
to  be  intendant  with  him  thereon. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Giles  de  Bello  Campo  of  the  keepinj 
of  the  castle  of  Beaumaris  and  the  shrievalty  of  Caernarvan,  to  hole 
as  John  de  Sapy  held  the  same  of  late  of  the  king's  commitment. 

By  p.s 

Order  to  the  said  John  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  thing; 
in  the  said  castle,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  to 
intendant  to  Ralph  de  Camoys,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  durinj 
pleasure  as  surveyor  and  chief  keeper  of  the  manors  of  Bedhampton 
Wockyng,  Sutton  and  Baggeshut,  which  are  in  the  king's  hand  fo 
certain  causes,  with  full  power  to  ordain  under  him  therein  certaii 
bailiffs,  reeves  and  ministers,  as  he  shall  deem  best  for  the  king' 
advantage,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer 

By  p.s.  [5850. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Worcester  forthwith  to  take  into  the  king' 
hand  the  castle  of  Elmeleye,  late  of  Guy  de  Bello  Campo,  earl  o 
Warwick,  tenant  in  chief,  which  ought  to  remain  in  the  king's  han< 
by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Thomas,  son  and  heir  of  the  said  earl 
until  his  full  age.  By  p.s.  [5855. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Warwick  touching  the  castle  of  Warwick 

By  the  same  writ 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  John  d 
Urtiaco,  son  and  heir  of  Henry  de  Urtiaco,  tenant  in  chief,  the  land 
late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ^  saving  to  Sibyl  lati 
the  wife  of  Henry  her  dower.  By  K.  Somerset 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Simon  son  of  Richard  and  Nicholas 
his  wife  the  manors  of  Glosthorp  and  Bauseye,  co.  Norfolk,  held  ii 
chief  by  knight  service  as  of  the  honour  of  Ey,  which  is  in  the  king's 

15   EDWARD  II.— PART   I. 



Nov.  3. 


Oct.  23. 

Oct.  18. 

The  Tower, 

Membrane  22 — cont. 

hand,  which  manors,  as  was  found  by  an  inquisition  made  by  the 
escheator,  John  de  Catfeld,  clerk,  demised  to  Joan  late  the  wife  of 
William  de  Bovill  for  life,  with  remainder  to  the  said  Simon  and 
Nicholaa  and  the  heirs  of  her  body,  [to  hold]  of  the  king  and  his  heirs 
by  the  services  due  and  accustomed,  and  which  the  said  Simon  and 
Nicholaa  entered  after  the  death  of  the  said  Joan ;  if  the  said  manors 
be  in  the  king's  hand  by  Joan's  death  and  because  the  said  demise 
was  made  without  licence,  for  which  cause  the  escheator  took  the 
same  into  the  king's  hand,  saving  to  the  king  the  services  due  ;  the 
king,  for  a  fine  of  40s.  made  by  Simon,  having  pardoned  him  and 
Nicholaa  the  trespass  done  herein.  By  C. 


Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs  and  ministers  and  others  to  be 
intendant  to  the  king's  clerks,  Gilbert  de  Wygeton  and  Henry  de 
Thrapston,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  during  pleasure  as  surveyors 
and  chief  keepers  of  all  the  lands  late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder 
and  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger  in  England,  which  are  in  the 
king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  except  the  manors  of  Bedhampton, 
Wockyng,  Sutton  and  Baggeshut,  with  full  power  to  ordain  and  appoint 
in  the  said  lands  reeves,  bailiffs  and  other  ministers,  as  they  shall 
deem  best  for  the  king's  advantage,  so  that  those  so  ordained  and 
appointed  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  p.s.     Triplicated. 

Commission  to  William  de  Barton  to  collect  during  pleasure  with 
Richard  de  la  Pole  in  the  port  of  Kyngeston  upon  Hull  the  custom 
on  wools,  hides  and  woolfells  exported  thence,  and  to  keep 
the  '  coket '  seal,  iru  the  room  of  Robert  de  Burton,  whom  the  king 
appointed  with  the  said  Richard  to  collect  the  same,  he  having  no 
leisure  therefor,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom 
with  the  said  Robert  at  the  Exchequer.  By  C. 

Order  to  the  said  Robert  to  deliver  to  him  the  rolls,  memoranda, 
the  said  seal,  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  his  keeping, 
by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  security  from 
Henry  Hillari  and  Joan  his  wife,  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  de  Lodelowe, 
tenant  in  chief,  for  answering  to  the  king  for  the  issues  of  the  manor 
of  Scryvilby,  co.  Lincoln,  and  a  third  part  of  the  manor  of  Middelton, 
co.  Warwick,  from  the  time  of  the  taking  thereof  into  the  king's  hand 
and  henceforth  until  further  order,  if  such  issues  ought  to  pertain  to 
the  king,  and  to  deliver  to  them  the  said  manor  and  third  part  with  the 
issues  received  by  him  from  the  said  time  until  further  order  ;  the 
king  having  before  ordered  him  to  certify  the  king  what  lands  held 
by  the  said  Henry  and  Joan  were  taken  by  him  into  the  king's  hand 
and  detained  and  for  what  cause  and  how  much  they  are  worth  yearly, 
as  well  the  lands  which  the}7  held  in  her  dower  of  the  gift  of  her  said 
late  husband  as  those  which  are  of  her  inheritance,  and  the  escheator 
having  returned  that  he  took  into  the  king's  hand  a  third  part  of  the 
manor  of  Totyngg,  co.  Surrey,  which  they  held  in  her  dower  of 
the  gift  of  her  said  late  husband,  and  which  is  worth  61.  a  year,  and  the 
said  manor  of  Scrivelby,  which  is  worth  100Z.  a  year,  and  the  said 



1321.  Membrane  21 — cont. 

third  part  of  the  manor  of  Middelton,  which  is  worth  6Z.  13s.  4d.  a 
year,  which  manor  and  third  part  are  of  her  inheritance,  because  the 
said  Thomas  held  the  said  manor  of  Totyngg  in  chief  and  the  said 
Joan  married  the  said  Henry  without  licence,  and  that  for  that  cause 
they  are  in  the  king's  hand.  By  C. 

Nov.  3.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche  and  Richard 

Leeds.        de  Grofhirst  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Tonebrugg,  late  of  Hugh 

Daudele  the  younger  and  taken  into  the  king's  hand  as  forfeit  with 

other  lands  late  of  the  same   Hugh  by  decision   of  the  king's  court, 

so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.        By  K. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled. 

Nov.  3.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  chaplain,  Richard  de 
Leeds.  Potesgrave,  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late  of 
Walter  Colpeper,  Roger  de  Coumbe,  Richard  Prat,  Thomas  de 
Chidecroft.  Richard  de  Chidecroft,  Robert  de  Bromere,  Roger  de 
Rokayle,  Nicholas  de  Bradefeld,  Adam  le  Wayte,  Robert  de  Cheigny, 
Richard  Brisynge,  Simon  de  Tyerst  and  William  Colyn,  which  are 
in  the  king's  hand  as  forfeit  because  the  said  Walter  and  others  were 
hanged  for  the  felony  done  by  them,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  in  the  chamber  ;  commitment  also  to  him  during  pleasure 
of  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late  of  Thomas 
Colpeper,  which  have  been  taken  into  the  king's  hand  because  he 
withdrew  cited  for  certain  seditions  done  to  the  king,  so  that  he  answer 
for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  take  the  said  lands,  goods  and  chattels 
into  the  king's  hand,  if  he  has  not  yet  done  so,  and  to  deliver  the 
same  to  the  said  Richard. 

Nov.  3.          Order  to  the  abbot  of  St.  Augustine's,  Canterbury,  to  cause  the 

Leeds.        jewels  and  all  goods  and  chattels  of  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere 

within  his  abbey  to  be  sealed  under  the  seals  of  him  and  the  bearer 

of  these  presents  and  to  be  kept,  so  that  he  can  answer  therefor  to  the 

king  at  the  king's  order.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  mayor  and  sheriffs  of  London  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  houses  and  all  tenements  of  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere 
in  the  said  city  with  all  his  goods  and  chattels  found  therein  by  view 
of  Roger  de  Swynnerton,  keeper  of  the  Tower  of  London,  and  to  keep 
the  same  safely  until  further  order.  By  K. 

Nov.  5.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Alexander  de  Moubray  of  the 
Mulling.  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Tonebrigg  with  the  chace  there,  the  manors 
and  all  lands  pertaining  to  the  castle,  late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger 
and  taken  into  the  king's  hand  as  forfeit  with  other  lands  late  of  the 
same  Hugh  by  decision  of  the  king's  court,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche  and  Richard  de  Grofhirst  to  deliver 
to  him  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in  their  keeping,  by 
indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  chace,  manors 
and  lands. 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART  I. 

1321.  Membrane  21 — cord. 

The  like  to  the  same  Alexander  of  the  lands  late  of  the  said  Hugh 
in  Surrey  and  Sussex.  By  K. 

Order  to  Henry  Huse,  late  sheriff  of  those  counties,  to  deliver  to 
him  the  said  lands  with  the  goods  and  chattels  found  therein,  in  his 
keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Nov.  4.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  chaplain,  Richard  de 
Leeds.  Potesgrave,  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late 
of  Bartholomew  de  Boreghersh,  Thomas  de  Aldon  and  John  de  Bourn, 
which  are^n  the  king's  hand  because  the  said  Bartholomew,  Thomas 
and  John  detained  of  late  the  castle  of  Ledes  against  the  king, 
hindering  the  king's  entrance  thereof,  and  in  the  surrender  of  the  castle 
surrendered  themselves  also  to  the  king's  will,  so  that  he  answer  for 
the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  p.s.  [0886.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  take  the  said  lands,  goods  and  chattels 
into  the  king's  hand,  if  he  has  not  yet  done  so.  and  to  deliver  the 
same  to  the  said  Richard. 

Nov.  6.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Pecche  of  the  keeping  of  the 

Tonbridge.     castle  and  town  of  Warrewyk,  late  of  Guy  de  Bello  Campo,  earl  of 

Warwick,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the 

minority  of  Thomas  his  son  and  heir,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 

thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Warwick  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all 

things  in  the  said  castle,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon.         By  K. 

Nov.  10.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Walter  de  Langeton,  bishop  of  Coventry  and 
Lichfield,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Roger  le  Somenur,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  11.  Order  to  Henry  le  Scrop  and  his  fellows,  justices  appointed  to  hold 
Westminster,  the  pleas  before  the  king,  to  take  a  fine  from  Robert  de  Godesfeld  of 
Sutton  and  to  deliver  him  from  the  prison  of  the  Marshalsea  of  the 
King's  Bench  wherein  he  is  detained  for  a  redisseisin  done  to  John 
de  Tynton  and  Margaret  his  wife  of  13  acres  of  meadow  in  Stikeswald, 
because  the  record  and  process  of  the  said  redisseisin  are  for  certain 
causes  before  the  king  ;  if  he  be  detained  on  that  account  and  no 

Nov.  16.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  de  Swynnerton  of  the  keeping 

Westminster,  of  the  castle  and  manor  of  Eccleshale,  which  are  of  the  bishopric  of 

Coventry  and  Lichfield,  now  void  and  in  the  king's  hand,  to  hold 

and  govern  by  a  trustworthy  man  for  whom  he  will  answer,  so  that 

Roger  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  p.s.  [5898.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  the 
said  Roger  or  to  him  whom  he  depute  hereto  by  his  letters  patent 
with  the  issues  thereof  from  the  death  of  Walter,  late  bishop  of 
Coventrv  and  Lichfield,  that  Roger  may  answer  fully  therefor. 

By  p.s. 


1321.  Membrane  21 — cont. 

Nov.  13.         Commitment   during   pleasure   to   the   king's   clerk,   Master  Johr 
Westminster.  Walewayn,  of  the  keeping  of  the  bishopric  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield 
now  void  and  in  the  king's  hand,  except  the  castle  of  Eccleshale,  sc 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  tc 
him  with  the  issues  thereof  from  the  death  of  Walter,  late  bishop. 
The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent. 
The  like  to  the  justice  of  Chester  or  his  lieutenant. 

Nov.  16.        Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  d*  Ughtred  of  the  keeping 

Westminster,  of  the  castle  and  town  of  Scardeburgh,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 

thereof  and  the  prises,  fees  and  all  other  profits  pertaining  to  the 

castle  in  the  chamber,  receiving  40  marks  a  year  therefor  in  moieties 

at  Easter  and  Michaelmas.  By  K, 

Order  to  Giles  de  Bello  Campo  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with 

all  things  in  the  said  castle,  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment 

by  indenture  thereon  to  be  made  between  them.  By  K, 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Griffin  ap  Res  of  the  county  oi 
Merionyth  in  Wales,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the 
Exchequer  of  Kaernarvan.  By  K, 

Order  to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  justice  of  Wales,  or  his 
lieutenant,  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  the  rolls,  memoranda  and 
all  other  things  touching  that  office,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon, 

By  K. 


Nov.  14.  The  circumspect  providence  of  the  royal  majesty,  which,  according 
Westminster,  to  the  qualities  of  things  and  the  events  of  times,  must  often  change 
ministers  and  officials  and  transfer  them  from  place  to  place  and 
from  office  to  office,  if  ever  it  transfers  a  minister  of  faithful  service 
from  a  higher  to  a  lower  office  through  force  of  necessity  or  utility 
does  not  intend  thereby  to  diminish  the  honour  of  the  person  transferred 
nor  does  he  who  ardently  toils  (insudal)  in  royal  services  for  the  good 
of  the  realm,  whatsoever  honourable  office  he  take  in  hand,  suffei 
loss  of  honour  by  change  of  office  ;  wherefore,  since  the  king's  clerk. 
Master  John  Walewayn,  who  was  appointed  of  late  by  the  counsel  oi 
the  magnates  of  the  realm  to  the  office  of  the  escheatry  on  this  side 
Trent,  and  whom  afterwards  the  king  appointed  as  treasurer  of  the 
Exchequer  in  satisfaction  of  his  virtuous  deserts,  and  who  for  some 
time  served  the  king  in  that  office  usefully  and  faithfully,  has  been 
discharged  therefrom,  not  on  account  of  his  demerit  but  by  the 
importunity  of  sundry  persons,  the  king,  retaining  full  confidence 
in  his  proved  and  provident  circumspection  in  the  said  offices,  and 
being  unwilling  to  be  deprived  of  his  fruitful  services,  has  committed 
to  him  the  said  office  of  the  escheatry  on  this  side  Trent  during  pleasure, 
so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  on  this  side  Trent  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 
escheator.  By  K. 

Order  to  Richard  de  Rodeneye  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  office  with 
the  rolls,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  the  same,  in  his 
keeping,  by  chirograph  to  be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  K. 

15  EDWARD  II... -PART  I.  79 

1321.  Membrane  20— cont. 

Order  to  all  sheriffs  on  this  side  Trent  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 
escheator  and  to  summon  before  him  knights  and  others  to  make 
inquisitions  and  do  other  things  touching  the  office  as  often  as  he  shall 
certify  them  thereon  on  the  king's  behalf.  By  K. 

Nov.  16.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Yerward  ap  Griffry  of  Snawedon 

iVest minster,  of  the  office  of  the  woodwardship  of  the  commote  of  Ardudodoe  in 

Wales,  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  Karnarvan  of  as  much 

as  others  have  rendered  for  the  same  hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  justice  of  Wales,  or  his 

lieutenant,  to  deliver  the  same  to  him.  By  K. 

Nov.  14.  Commission  to  John  de  Donstaple,  John  de  Kyngeston  and  John 
Westminster,  de  Cotesford  to  audit  and  receive  in  the  king's  name  the  accounts  of 
the  bailiffs,  reeves  and  all  other  ministers  and  keepers  of  the  lands 
late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  elder  and  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger, 
in  the  king's  hand,  who  are  held  to  render  such  accounts  to  the  king, 
and  to  make  acquittances  and  do  any  other  things  required  herein. 

[By  p.s. 

Nov.  19.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Haustede  of  the  keeping 

Ongar.       of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Clare,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes, 

so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  keeper  of  the  said  castle  and  honour  to  deliver  the 

same  to  him. 

Nov.  19.         Commitment  during  pleasure   to   the   king's  yeoman,   Gilbert   de 
Ongar.        Ryshton,  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late  of 
Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere  in  the  counties  of  Kent  and  Sussex,  in 
the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 
The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  chaplain,  Richard  de 
Potesgrave,  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late 
of  all  those  who  held  the  castle  of  Ledes  against  the  king  of  late,  in 
the  king's  hand  on  that  account,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex. 

The  like  to  the  sheriffs  of  London. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Simon  de 
Knotyngleye,  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Northwode, 
tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  his 
heir,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Nov.  19.         Commission  to  Ralph  Sauvage  and  Richard  de  Potesgrave  to  make 

Ongar.        inquisition  in  the  county  of  Kent  what  goods  and  chattels  were  in  the 

lands  late  of  all  those  who  held  the  castle  of  Ledes  against  the  king 


1321.  Membrane  20 — cant. 

of  late  on  the  day  on  which  the  said  lands  came  to  the  king's  hands 
and  by  whom  they  were  afterwards  withdrawn,  and  to  whose  handi 
they  came  and  at  what  time,  and  in  whose  hands  they  now  are  anc 
in  what  manner,  and  to  take  the  said  goods  and  chattels  into  thi 
king's  hand  and  to  deliver  them  to  the  said  Richard  to  be  kept  ty 
him  to  the  king's  use  until  further  order,  and  to  send  to  the  king  th< 
said  inquisition  and  this  writ  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  sherii 
of  the  said  county  to  summon  before  them  on  a  day  and  at  a  placi 
fixed  bv  them  good  and  lawful  men  to  make  such  inquisition. 


The  like  to  the  same  in  the  county  of  Sussex. 

The  like  to  the  same  touching  the  goods  and  chattels  in  the  land 
late  of  Thomas  Colpeper  in  the  counties  of  Kent  and  Sussex  on  thi 
day  on  which  the  said  lands  came  to  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes 


The  like  to  the  said  Ralph  and  Gilbert  de  Ryshton  touching  th 
goods  and  chattels  in  the  lands  late  of  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere  ii 
the  counties  of  Kent  and  Sussex  on  the  day  on  which  the  said  land 
came  to  the  king's  hands  for  certain  causes,  and  to  deliver  them  t< 
the  said  Gilbert.  By  K 

Nov.  22.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Haustede  of  the  keepin, 

Ongar.       of  all  the  lands  of  Roger  Dammory  in  the  counties  of  Essex,  Hertfon 

and  Suffolk,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answe 

for  the  issues  thereof  in  the.  chamber.  By  K 

Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  the  said  counties  to  deliver  the  same  t< 


Nov.  23.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king' 

Havering  atto  hand  the  lands  late  of  John  Gernoun,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  26.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands,  goods  am 

Ilford.        chattels   of   Bartholomew   de   Badelesmere   and   the   wardships   ani 

marriages  in  his  hand,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  ordei 

so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K 

The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond     Trent. 

Dec.  5.          The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  touching  the  lands 
Westminster,  goods  and  chattels  of  Robert  de  Watevill  and  William  Baude. 


Nov.  28.         Order  to  W.  bishop  of  Exeter  to  take  a  fine  from  John  de  Laubru: 

Pountfreit     and  to  certify  thereof  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  an 

on  Thames.    the  sheriff  of  Cornwall,  the  king  having  ordered  the  said  sheriff,  o: 

receipt  of  the  bishop's  certification,  to  deliver  the  said  John  fror 

the  prison  of  Launceveton  wherein  he  is  detained  for  a  repeate 

disseisin  done  by  him  to  Richard  de  London  of  tenements  in  Penwere 

and  Cargannowe,  whereof  he  was  convicted,  if  he  be  detained  on  tha 

account  and  no  other. 

Nov.  28.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king' 
Pountfrait  hand  the  lands  late  of  Nicholas  de  Segrave,  deceased,  tenant  in  chiei 
on  Thames.  Tho  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent, 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART!. 


Nov.  30. 
on  Thames. 

Dec.  3. 

Dec.  3. 


1321.  Membrane  20 — cont. 

Nov.  30.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche  of  the  keeping 
Pountfreyt  of  the  castle  of  Montgomery,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 
on  Thames.  a^  ^e  Exchequer,  taking  yearly  the  usual  fee  for  the  same. 

By  K. 

Order  to  Philip  de  Middelton  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle,  which 
is  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment,  with  all  things  therein, 
by  indenture  thereon  to  be  made  between  them. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Robert 
Wynyene,  son  and  heir  of  Peter  Wynyene,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands 
late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  fealty.  Suffolk. 

Commission  to  Robert  de  Reymes  to  collect  during  pleasure  with 
Robert  de  Dumbelton  in  the  ports  of  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  and 
Hertelpol  the  custom  on  wools,  hides  and  woolfells  exported  thence, 
and  to  keep  the  '  coket '  seals,  in  the  room  of  Robert  Olyver,  whom 
the  king  appointed  with  the  said  Robert  de  Dumbelton  to  collect  the 
same,  he  having  no  leisure  therefor  ;  so  that  he  answer  with  the  said 
Robert  de  Dumbelton  for  the  money  arising  therefrom  at  the 
Exchequer.  By  C. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  le  Latymer  of  the  keeping  of 
the  castle  of  Corf  and  the  chace  there,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  at  the  Exchequer  and  receive  the  usual  fee  for  the  same. 

By  p.s.  [5908.] 

Order  to  Roger  Damory  or  his  lieutenant  in  the  said  castle  to 
deliver  the  said  castle  and  chace  to  the  said  John  or  to  him  whom 
he  depute  hereto  by  his  letters  patent,  with  all  things  in  the  said 
castle  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

Dec.  5.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche  of  the  keeping 
'estminster.  of   the   manors   of  Burgh,   Aylesham,   Fakenham   and   Causton,   co. 
Norfolk,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber  and 
receive  3s.  a  day  for  the  same.  By  p.s.  [5913.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 
Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled. 


Dec.  5.          Commission  to  Robert  de  Reymes  and  Thomas  de  Karl'  to  collect 

sstminster.  during  pleasure  in  the  ports  of  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  and  Hertelpol 

the  custom  on  wools,  hides  and  woolfells  exported  thence,  and  to  keep 

the  '  coket '  seals,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom 

at  the  Exchequer.  By  C. 

Order  to  Robert  Olyver  and  Robert  de  Dumbelton  to  deliver  to 
them  the  rolls,  memoranda  and  the  said  seals  and  other  things  touching 
that  office  in  their  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between 

Dec.  7.          Order  to  Nicholas  Cheygny,  late  sheriff  of  Devon,  whom  the  king 

estminster.  before  ordered  to  deliver  to  John  Inge  the  county  of  Devon  and  the 

castle  of  Exeter,  which  the  king  committed  during  pleasure  to  the 

F  6 



1321.  Membrane  19 — cont. 

said  John  [see  p.  71],  to  deliver  to  the  said  John  the  issues  of  the  sai( 
county  and  castle  from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that  he  may  answer  fo 
the  same  to  the  full.  By  C 

Dec.  7.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king'i 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Master  Anthony  de  Bradenye,  deceased,  tenan 
in  chief. 

Dec.  15.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  ham 
Chilton.       the  lands  late  of  Richard  Danyel  of  Tyddeswell,  deceased,  tenan 
in  chief. 

Dec.  21.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  o 
Cirencester.    Robert  de  Saundeby,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  o 
Walter  de  Bukton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  o 
William  de  Tynneslowe,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  19.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  be  intendant  to  Mauric< 
Crieklade.  Dragheswerd,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  arrest  John  Blaket 
knight,  Thomas  Blaket,  Roger  Blaket,  John  de  Stretle,  John  Ko< 
of  Padebury,  William  Botiller  the  younger,  William  de  Neuenham 
John  Arnald,  Adam  Scot,  Richard  de  Cave,  William  de  la  Plaunchc 
and  Thomas  de  Renes  and  to  commit  them  to  the  king's  prisons  to  b< 
kept  therein  by  the  said  sheriffs  until  further  order,  and  also  to  tak« 
into  the  king's  hand  all  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  the  said  Johi 
and  others.  By  K 

Commission  to  Maurice  Draugheswerd  to  arrest  the  said  John  anc 
others  and  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  their  lands,  goods  and  chattels 
as  above  \last  entry],  and  to  depute  bailiffs  and  keepers  for  the  keeping 
of  the  said  lands,  goods  and  chattels,  until  further  order,  and  to  certify 
the  king  of  what  he  do  herein.  By  K 

Dec.  25.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  kinsman,  Henry  de 
Cirencester.    Percy,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  and  town  of  Scardeburgh,  to  hold 
as  others  have  held  the  same  before  of  the  king's  commitment,  sc 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  p.s.  [5924.; 

Order  to  Thomas  de  Ughtred  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  ali 
things  in  the  said  castle  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon 
between  them. 

Dec.  26.  Commission  to  Nicholas  Dengayne,  Roger  de  Berners  and  William 
Cireneester.  de  Neuport,  reciting  that  the  king,  desiring  of  late  to  pass  through 
divers  parts  and  counties  of  the  realm  with  a  strong  hand  for  the 
many  grievances,  wrongs  and  oppressions  done  to  the  people 
of  the  realm,  and  wishing  as  far  as  possible  wisely  to  provide 
for  the  king's  honour  and  security,  and,  if  any  the  king's 

15  EDWARD  II.— PABT  I.  83 

Membrane  19 — cont. 

subjects  or  others  should  rise  against  the  king  or  attempt  to 
attack  him,  to  hinder  their  malice,  ordered  the  sheriff  of  Essex 
and  Hertford  to  warn  all  knights  and  esquires  of  his  bailiwick 
and  to  enjoin  upon  them  on  pain  of  forfeiture  of  all  which  they  could 
forfeit,  that  they  should  be  with  the  king  at  Cirencestre  with  horses 
and  arms  as  suitably  and  powerfully  as  possible  on  Sunday,  St.  Lucy 
the  Virgin  last,  ready  to  go  thence  with  the  king  for  his  security  and 
the  correction  and  amendment  of  such  grievances,  wrongs  and 
oppressions,  as  pertains  to  the  king  who  is  held  thereto  by  the  chain 
of  an  oath,  and  that  the  sheriff  should  cause  the  same  knights  and 
esquires  to  know  on  the  king's  behalf  that  the  king  would  repute  as 
disobedient  to  him  those  who  should  not  come  to  him  then  at  Cirencestre 
after  being  warned,  and  would  propose  to  count  them  hostile  to  him, 
and  that  the  sheriff  should  certify  the  king  of  the  names  of  the  knights 
and  esquires  so  warned  by  him  on  the  day  and  at  the  place  aforesaid  ; 
by  pretext  of  which  warning  certain  knights  and  esquires  of  the  said 
counties  came  to  the  king  at  Cirencestre,  but  the  greater  part  came 
not,  whereupon  those  who  came  besought  the  king  instantly  to  grant 
licence  for  them  to  return  to  their  own  and  to  remit  to  those  who 
came  not  the  forfeiture  pertaining  to  the  king  for  that  cause  ;  and 
the  king  at  their  request  and  the  request  of  certain  magnates  attending 
the  king,  and  for  400  marks  to  be  paid  to  the  king  in  the  wardrobe 
before  the  Purification  next,  granted  the  said  licence  and  remission  ; 
and  appointing  the  aforesaid  commissioners  to  assess  the  said  400 
marks  on  all  knights  and  esquires  of  the  said  counties,  as  well  on 
those  who  came  as  on  those  who  remained  at  home,  sparing  more  to 
those  who  came,  because  they  obeyed  the  king's  orders  herein,  and 
charging  more  to  the  others  for  their  contempt,  and  to  levy  the  said 
money  to  the  king's  use  and  to  bring  the  same  to  the  wardrobe  before 
the  Purification  next ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  said  sheriff  to  be 
intendant  to  them  herein  and  summon  before  them  on  days  and  at 
places  fixed  by  them  the  said  knights  and  esquires  and  other  good 
and  lawful  men  by  whom  the  premises  can  be  the  better  speeded. 

By  K. 
The  like  to  the  following  : — 

John  de   Boudon,   Peter  de  Worldham,   William  de  Charleton 
and  Geoffrey  de  Ledes,  in  Sussex,  to  levy  200Z. 

By  K.     Duplicated. 

Thomas  Golafre  and  Geoffrey  de  Molsham,  in  the  county  of 
Oxford,  to  levy  100Z.  By  K. 

Henry  de  Pentelawe  and  Geoffrey  de  la  Stane,  in  the  county  of 
Berks,  to  levy  100Z. 

John  de  Insula,  Andrew  Payn  and  Ralph  de  Wolverton,  in  the 
county  of  Southampton,  to  levy  2001.  By  K. 

Humphrey  de  Bassyngburn,  Laurence  de  Preston  the  younger 
and  John  de  Sancto  Mauro,  in  the  county  of  Northampton, 
to  levy  500  marks  and  bring  the  same  to  the  wardrobe  before 
the  first  Sunday  of  Lent  next.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Kyngeston  of  the  office 
of  controller  of  the  king's  mine  in  the  county  of  Devon,  to  hold  as 
Others  have  held  the  same  hitherto, 


1321.  Membrane  19 — cont. 

Dec.  30.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche  of  the  keepmi 

Pershore.     of  the  castle  of  Plecy,  co.  Essex,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes 

so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  to  deliver  the  same  to  him.        By  K 

Dec.  27.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  an( 
Cirencester.  to  keep  safely  until  further  order  all  the  castles,  lands,  goods  anc 
chattels  of  John  Giffard  of  Brymmesfeld,  Maurice  de  Berkele  the  elder 
Thomas  his  son,  John  de  Acton,  Hugh  Daudele  the  elder,  Hugh  DaudeL 
the  younger,  Simon  le  Chaumberleyn,  Robert  de  Prestbury,  Thoma 
de  Hatherleye,  John  de  Brokeneberwe,  Rogo  Gacelyn,  Walter  di 
Gloucestre,  Roger  Crok,  Henry  son  of  William,  Ralph  de  Farleye 
Edmund  de  Plecy,  William  de  Wauton,  Thomas  de  Bradeneston 
Roger  Mayel,  Nigel  de  Kyngescote,  Thomas  son  of  Robert  de  Berkeleye 
John  Mautravers  the  younger,  John  de  Bures,  John  le  Kyng,  Thomai 
de  Aston,  Richard  Waryn,  John  de  Wilton,  Henry  Cropet,  Rober 
Gille,  John  de  Uske,  Peter  de  Somervill,  Thomas  de  Huntleye,  Nichola 
de  Peulesdon,  John  de  Wylyngton,  Henry  de  Wylyngton,  William  di 
Lucy,  Adam  Martel,  William  de  Beysham,  Gilbert  de  Talebot,  Simoi 
de  Solera,  Henry  Lyvet,  Ralph  Bluet,  Humphrey  de  Bohoun,  Johi 
le  Rons  the  younger,  John  le  Walsh  of  Pagenhulle,  Richard  atte  Halle 
Howel  ap  Howel,  Thomas  son  of  Miles  de  Redberwe,  Thomas  1< 
Botiller,  William  Corbet,  Bevis  de  Knovill,  Walter  Wych,  Willian 
Styward  and  Roger  de  Whasshebourne,  in  his  bailiwick,  which  havi 
not  yet  been  taken  into  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  thi 
issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K 

Dec.  28.          Commitment    during    pleasure    to    John    de   Langeleye,    John   d< 

Winchcombe.  Hampton  and  Robert  de  Aston  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  castles,  lands 

goods  and  chattels  of  the  aforesaid  John  Giffard  and  others  in  thi 

county  of  Gloucester,  taken  into  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes 

so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.         By  K 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Dec.  27.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  t( 
Cirencester.  keep  safely  until  further  order  all  the  castles,  lands,  goods  and  chattel 
of  Humphrey  de  Bohoun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  Roger  de  Mortu< 
Mari  of  Wygemore,  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  Roger  Damory 
Hugh  Daudele  the  elder,  Maurice  de  Berkele  the  elder  and  Maurici 
and  Thomas  his  sons,  John  de  Wylyngton,  Henry  de  Wylyngton 
Henry  Tyes,  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  Robert  de  Watevill 
Robert  de  Walkefare,  Philip  de  la  Beche,  John  de  la  Beche,  Ralpl 
Giffard,  John  de  Chelmersford,  Walter  Colpeper,  Thomas  Colpeper 
Thomas  de  Chidecroft,  Richard  de  Chidecroft,  Bartholomew  d< 
Burghersh  and  Thomas  de  Aledon,  and  the  wardships  and  marriages  ii 
their  hands  in  his  bailiwick,  which  have  not  yet  been  taken  into  the  king's 
hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K 
The  like  to  the  following : — 

The  sheriff  of  Kent.  The  sheriff  of  Norfolk  &  Suffolk. 

The  sheriff  of  Surrey  &  Sussex.  The  sheriff  of  Southampton. 

The  sheriff  of  Middlesex.  The  sheriffs  of  London. 

Dec.  28.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Hausted,  Odo  de  Stoke 
\Yinchoomt>«.  and  Geoffrey  Dode  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  castles,  lands,  goods  and 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART  I. 



Dec.  28. 


Jan.  3. 


Pec.  7. 



Jan.  1. 


Jan.  2. 

Membrane  19 — cont. 

chattels  of  the  aforesaid  earl  and  others  and  of  the  wardships  of  late 
in  their  hands  in  the  county  of  Essex,  taken  into  the  king's  hand 
for  certain  causes,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the 
chamber.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  following  of  the  like  in  the  following  counties  : — 

Richard  de  Potesgrave  and  Gilbert  de  Risshton.  Kent. 

Nicholas  Gentil,  Robert  de  Hemelhampstede  and  Edmund  Quarel. 

Surrey  and  Sussex. 

Gilbert  de  Wygeton  and  Roger  de  Gretford.  Middlesex. 

John  Haward.  Norfolk  and  Suffolk. 

Hamo  de  Chiggewell  and  Gilbert  de  Wygeton.  London. 

John  de  Scures  and  William  de  Kyngeston.  Southampton. 

Order  to  Roger  Corbet  of  Tassele  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 
castle  of  Heghle  and  the  manors  of  Endon  and  Horton,  co.  Stafford, 
and  the  manors  of  Bettele.  Tunstal,  Newehal,  Smalwode,  Wysmauban, 
Chekkeleye  and  Wyrswall,  co.  Chester,  and  the  manors  of  Egemundon 
and  Neuport,  co.  Salop,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further 
order,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 


Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Robert  de  Haustede  the  elder,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon  to  take  Otto  de  Botringham,  Robert 
de  Beaupel,  John  Mautravers,  William  de  Whytefeld,  Thomas  de 
Gornay,  Thomas  de  Langeden,  Nicholas  de  Percy,  Simon  de  Raleye 
and  John  de  Pederton,  aad  to  keep  them  safely  in  the  prisons  of  the 
said  county  until  further  order,  and  to  certify  the  king  when  he  have 
taken  them  ;  order  also  to  him  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands, 
goods  and  chattels  of  the  said  Otto  and  others,  so  that  he  answer  for 
the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Swynnerton  of  the  counties 
of  Salop  and  Stafford  and  the  castles  of  Shrewsbury  and  Bruges,  so 
that  he  answer  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers 
hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 
sheriff  and  keeper. 

Order  to  Robert  de  Grendon  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties 
with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that 
office,  and  also  the  said  castles  with  all  things  therein,  in  his  keeping, 
by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Worcester  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and 
to  keep  safely  until  further  order  all  the  castles,  lands,  goods  and 
chattels  of  William  Corbet,  Richard  Tallebot,  Aymer  Pauncefot,  Roger 
de  Elmbrigg,  William  le  Blount,  Robert  de  Harleye,  knight,  Henry  de 
Ribbesford,  John  de  Sapy,  Hugh  Godard,  John  de  Bisshopesdon, 
Baldwin  de  Fryvlll,  Edmund  Hakelut,  Thomas  Blaunkfrounb, 



1322.  Membrane  18 — cont. 

Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  Roger  de  Clifford,  Walter  le  Bloun 
Thomas  de  Haulegh,  Richard  le  Porter,  Roger  de  Wasshebur 
Roger  de  Estham,  Henry  de  Pensax,  John  Wyard,  John  de 
More,  John  de  Aston,  Ralph  le  Porter,  parson  of  the  church  i 
Estham,  John  de  Hulle,  William  de  la  Lynde,  Edmund  Fitz  Wary 
Giles  Fitz  Waryn,  Peter  de  Ditton,  Thomas  de  Beuchamp,  Nichol; 
de  Somery,  Robert  de  Harleye,  Thomas  de  Newynton,  Roger  < 
Bredewardyn,  Hugh  de  Cokeseye,  Thomas  de  Dounton,  Stephen  at 
Wode  of  Cakebale,  Hugh  de  Cur,  Gilbert  Founcel,  John  Knott 
Thomas  le  Shepherd,  William  le  Walshe,  Richard  Lygon,  John  < 
Kyiiton,  John  de  Ribbesford,  Thomas  atte  Mulne  of  Stoke,  Robe 
de  Stoke,  John  de  Brounhull,  Thomas  de  Somery,  William  de  Ledei 
the  younger,  William  atte  Churche,  Adam  de  Elmeleye,  John  le  Brov 
of  Caldewell,  John  le  Broun  the  younger,  Thomas  le  Porter,  Ada 
atte  Forde,  William  le  Deye,  William  Wynegos,  John  le  Person* 
John  atte  Mergh,  William  de  Pensax,  Warin  de  Lench,  chaplai 
Richard  de  Lench,  Robert  de  Ribbesford,  Robert  de  Wolston,  Richa; 
atte  Hall,  John  de  Coston,  William  de  Pyriton,  Walter  Moraun 
William  de  Newenton,  Roger  de  Newenton  and  Walter  Fouk,  in  h 
bailiwick,  which  have  not  yet  been  taken  into  the  king's  hand,  i 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  1 

Jan.  3.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Bello  Campo,  Willia 

Worcester,    de  Bradewell  and  Alexander  de  Besseford  of  the  keeping  of  all  tl 

castles,  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  the  aforesaid  William  Corb 

and  others  in  the  county  of  Worcester,  taken  into  the  king's  hai 

for  certain  causes,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  tl 

chamber.  By  ] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Worcester  to  deliver  the  same  to  them. 

Jan.  29.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Breton  of  the  county 
Hereford,     Lincoln  from  Christmas  last,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer 
other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  p 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheri 

By  the  same  wri 

Order  to  John  Beaufey  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  the  rol 
writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  and  wi 
the  issues  thereof  from  Christmas  last  in  his  keeping,  by  indentu 
thereon  to  be  made  between  them.  By  the  same  wr 

Jan.  3.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Ardern  of  the  keepii 
Worcester,     of  the  castle  of  the  bishop  of  Lincoln  of  Bannebury,  co.  Oxford, 
the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issu 
thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  ] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Jan.  5.  Commitment   during   pleasure   to    the   king's   kinsman,    Edmun 

Worcester,     earl  of  Arundel.  of  the  office  of  justice  of  the  whole  land  of  Wales, 

hold  as  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk  held  the  same  ;  the  king  havii 

thought  fit  to  remove  the  said  Roger  from  the  said  office,  which  tl 

king  committed  to  him  during  good  behaviour,  he  no  longer  behavii 

duly  towards  the  king.  By  1 

Order  to  all  persons  of  the  said  land  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  justic 

By  1 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART  I. 


1322.  Membrane  18 — cont. 

Order  to  the  said  Roger,  late  justice,  or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver 
the  said  office  to  the  said  earl  or  his  attorney  herein,  with  the  rolls, 
writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  the  same,  and  also 
the  king's  castles  in  his  keeping  by  reason  of  that  office,  with  all  things 
therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon,  to  be  kept  as  the  king  has 
fully  enjoined  on  the  said  earl.  By  K. 

Jan.  5.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  kinsman,  Edmund,  earl 

Worcester,  of  Arundel,  of  the  office  of  justice  in  the  bishopric  of  Llandaff,  to 
hold  as  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk  held  the  same  ;  the  king  having 
thought  fit  to  remove  the  said  Roger  from  the  said  office,  which  the 
king  committed  to  him  during  good  behaviour,  he  no  longer  behaving 
duly  towards  the  king.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  the  said  bishopric  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 
justice.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  said  Roger,  late  justice,  or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver 
the  said  office  to  the  said  earl  or  his  attorney  herein,  with  the  rolls, 
writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  the  same,  by  indenture 
etc.  as  above.  By  K. 

Jan.  5.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  de  Chaundos  of  the  county 

Worcester,     of  Hereford  and  the  castle  of  Hereford,  so  that  he  answer  at  the 

Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff 

and  keeper. 

Order  to  Roger  de  Elmerigg,  late  sheriff,  or  his  lieutenant  in  that 
office,  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county,  with  the  rolls,  writs, 
memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  the  office,  and  also  the  said 
castle  with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

Jan.  6.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  chaplain,  Richard  de 

Worcester.     Potesgrave,    of    the    keeping   of   the   lands,    goods    and   chattels   of 

Bartholomew  de  Asshburgham,   Thomas  son  of  Thomas  Colepeper 

and  John  de  Lilleye  in  the  county  of  Sussex,  in  the  king's  hand  for 

certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex  to  take  the  same  into  the  king's  hand 
and  to  deliver  them  to  the  said  Richard. 

Jan.  6.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Engleby  of  the  keeping 

Worcester,     of  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  John  Mautravers  the  younger, 

John  de  Wroxhale,  John  de  Pederton,  Edward  Stradelyge,  John  de 

Ralegh  and  Edward  Mautravers  in  the  county  of  Somerset,  which  the 

king  has  now  caused  to  be  taken  into  the  king's  hand  and  which  before 

were  not  taken  into  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 

thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset  to  take  the  same  into  the  king's 

hand  and  to  deliver  them  to  the  said  William. 


Jan.  6.          Order  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs,  good  men  and  the  whole  commonalty 

Worcester,    of  the  city  of  Winchester  to  be  of  aid  to  William  Mounceaus,  Robert 

de  Kyngeston  and  Robert  de  Hoo,  their  fellow-citizens,  whom  the 



1322.  Membrane  17 — cont. 

king  has  appointed  to  levy  100  marks  from  all  and  singular  of  their 
liberty,  within  the  city  and  without,  and  to  pay  the  same  in  the 
wardrobe  before  the  Purification  next ;  the  king,  desiring  of  late  to 
pass  through  divers  parts  and  counties  of  the  realm  for  the  many 
grievances,  wrongs  and  oppressions  done  to  the  people  of  the  realm, 
and'wishing  so  far  as  possible  wisely  to  provide  for  the  king's  honour 
and  security,  and,  if  any  the  king's  subjects  or  others  should  rise 
against  the  king  or  attempt  to  attack  him,  to  hinder  their  malice, 
having  requested  the  said  mayor  and  others  to  make  the  king  a  subsidy 
of  men  at  arms  for  the  expedition  of  the  said  business,  and  the  said 
William,  Robert  and  Robert  having  come  to  the  king  on  their  behalf 
and  asserted  that  the  said  mayor  and  others  had  not  such  men  at 
arms  ready,  and  made  petition  that  the  king  would  hold  them  excused 
herein,  at  which  request  and  for  100  marks  to  be  paid  as  above  the 
king  holds  them  at  present  excused  from  the  said  subsidy. 

By  K. 

Jan.  6.  Commission  to  the  king's  chaplain,  Richard  de  Potesgrave,  to  make 

Worcester,  inquisition  to  the  county  of  Sussex  what  goods  and  chattels  were  in 
the  lands  of  Bartholomew  de  Asshburgham,  Thomas  son  of  Thomas 
Colepeper  and  John  de  Lylleye  in  the  said  county,  in  the  king's  hands 
for  certain  causes,  on  the  day  on  which  the  said  lands  came  to  the 
king's  hands,  and  by  whom  they  were  afterwards  withdrawn,  and 
into  whose  hands  they  came  and  at  what  time,  and  in  whose  hands 
they  now  are  and  in  what  manner,  and  to  take  the  same  into  the 
king's  hand  to  the  king's  use  and  to  keep  them  safely  until  further 
order,  and  to  send  to  the  king  the  inquisition  made  by  him  and  this 
writ,  the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  to  summon  before  him  on  a 
day  and  at  a  place  to  be  fixed  by  them  good  and  lawful  men  to  make 
such  inquisition. 

Feb.  10.          The   like  to  John  de  Tyche bourne   and   Thomas  de  Harpeden,  in 

Gloucester,    the  county  of  Wilts,  touching  the  goods  and  chattels  of  Bartholomew 

de  Badelesmere  in  the  said  county,  as  above.  By  K. 

Jan.  4.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  to 

Worcester,  keep  safely  until  further  order  all  the  castles,  lands,  goods  and  chattels 
of  Humphrey  de  Bohoun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  Roger  de  Mortuo 
Mari  of  Wygembre,  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  Roger  Damory, 
Hugh  Daudele  the  elder,  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  John  Giffard 
of  Brymesfeld,  Maurice  de  Berkeleye  the  elder,  Henry  Tyeys,  Roger 
de  Clifford,  John  de  Wylyngton,  John  Mautravers  the  younger  and 
Henry  de  Wylyngton,  arid  the  wardships  and  marriages  in  their  hands 
in  his  bailiwick,  which  have  not  yet  been  taken  by  him  or  the  escheator 
beyond  Trent  ;  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 
The  like  to  the  sheriffs  throughout  England. 

Jan.  15.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford  and  Berks  to  take  into  the  king's 
Shrewsbury,  hand  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Gilbert  de  Ellesfeld  and  the 
wardships  and  marriages  in  Gilbert's  hand  in  the  sheriff's  bailiwick, 
which  have  not  yet  been  taken  by  him  or  the  escheator  on  this  side 
Trent,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  he 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

15   EDWARD  II— PART  I. 


Membrane  17 — cont. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  manor 
of  the  countess  of  Lincoln  of  Fordesham  and  the  manor  of  Hugh  de 
Mortuo  Mari  of  Aston  under  Cans,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until 
further  order,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  Corbet  of  the  keeping  of  the 
castle  of  Heghle,  co.  Stafford,  and  the  manors  of  Neuport  and 
Egemondon,  co.  Salop,  and  Newehalle,  co.  Chester,  in  the  king's  hand 
for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the 
chamber.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  de  Welleby  and  Juliana 
his  wife,  daughter  and  heir  of  Agnes  wife  of  Henry  de  Multon,  of 
certain  lands  in  Lambourn,  co.  Essex,  which,  as  was  found  by  an  extent 
made  by  the  sheriff  of  Essex  in  the  presence  of  Humphrey  de  Waleden 
and  returned  to  Chancery,  John  de  Chelmersford,  clerk,  held  for  life 
of  the  demise  of  the  said  Henry  and  Agnes  for  the  rent  of  10  marks 
yearly  to  them  and  the  heirs  of  Agnes,  and  which  are  now  in  the  king's 
hand  for  certain  causes,  and  are  worth  81.  5s.  6d.  a  year,  which  also 
the  said  John,  after  the  death  of  the  said  Henry  and  Agnes,  held  of 
the  said  Richard  and  Juliana  for  the  same  rent,  the  said  lands  being 
worth  yearly  15s.  4irf.  clear  beyond  the  said  10  marks  and  certain 
yearly  rents  due  to  divers  lords  of  that  fee,  as  is  contained  in  the 
said  extent  ;  to  hold  to  the  said  Richard  and  Juliana  at  the  yearly 
rent  in  the  chamber  at  Easter  of  the  15s.  4Jrf.  so  remaining  to  be  paid 
beyond  the  said  10  marks  and  other  rents. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Richard  de  Ayremynne. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Sapy  of  the  keeping  of  the 
castle  of  la  Pole  and  the  land  of  Powis,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain 
causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  keeper  in  all  things 
pertaining  to  the  safe  keeping  thereof. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Thomas  Folejaumbe,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Felton  of  the  keeping  of 
Red  Castle  (castri  rubei),  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Adam  Armestrang  of  Ulvesby,  deceased,  tenant  in 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  Corbet  of  Tassele  of  the 
keeping  of  the  castle  of  Heghle  and  the  manors  of  Endon  and  Horton, 
co.  Stafford,  and  Bettele,  Tunstal,  Newehalle,  Smalwode,  Wismauban, 
Checkeleye  and  Wirswall,  co.  Chester,  and  Egemundon  and  Neuport, 
co.  Salop,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for 
the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 



1322.  Membrane  17 — cont. 

Jan.  22.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Felton  of  the  keeping  o 

Shrewsbury,   the  manor  of  Hodynet,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  tha 

he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Warwick  and  Leicester  to  take  into  the  king' 
hand  and  to  keep  safely  until  further  order  all  the  lands,  goods  am 
chattels  of  John  de  Moubray,  Peter  de  Lymesy,  Richard  de  Lymesj 
John  de  Bisshopesdon.  Thomas  Blaunfrount,  Serlo  de  Rocheford 
and  Thomas  de  Baddesleye,  in  his  bailiwick,  so  that  he  answer  fo 
the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop  and  Stafford  to  take  into  the  king' 
hand  and  to  keep  safely  until  further  order  all  the  lands,  goods  am 
chattels  of  William  de  Stafford,  knight,  Vivian  de  Staundon,  Williar 
de  Chetelton,  Robert  de  Tilyngton,  Henry  de  Cressewall,  James  son  o 
William  de  Stafford  the  younger,  Johnde  Hynkeleye,  John  de  Cherletor 
Robert  de  Harleye,  Roger  de  Cheyne,  Roger  Corbet  of  Caus,  Phili] 
de  Cheyne,  Adam  Darras,  Malcolm  de  Harleye,  Roger  de  Podemoi 
Richard  de  Smalris  and  John  Godard,  in  his  bailiwick,  so  that  h 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K 

Jan.  22.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Peter  Giffard  of  the  keeping  of  th 
Shrewsbury,   castle  of  Chirk,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answe 
for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  R.  de  Baldob 

Order  to  Griffin  ap  Res  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  thing 
therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  R.  de  Baldoi 

Order  to  all  and  singular  of  the  parts  of  Chirk  and  the  neighbouring 
parts  to  be  intendant  to  Peter  Giffard,  constable  of  the  castle  of  Chirk 
in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  and  Robert  de  la  Chapele,  whor 
the  king  has  appointed  to  enquire  touching  the  goods  and  chattel 
of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk  and  to  take  the  same  into  the  king' 
hand,  in  whosesoever  hands  they  be  found,  and  also  to  take  into  th 
king's  hand  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Nicholas  le  Foreste 
in  the  said  parts  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  si 
that  the  said  Peter  and  Robert  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  th 
chamber.  By  K 

Jan.  25.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche  of  the  keeping 

Stretton.  -    of  the  manors  of  Humphrey  de  Bohoun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  o 

Heyghester  and  Walthambury  and  all  other  his  lands  in  the  count; 

of  Essex,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  fo 

the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  p.s.  [5935. 

Jan.  30.         Appointment  of  the  king's  yeoman,  Douenald  de  Mar,  to  tak 

Hereford,     into  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes  the  castle  of  Newerk  and  t< 

keep  the  same  during  pleasure,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereo 

in  the  chamber.  By  p.s.  [5945. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  constable. 

By  the  same  writ 
Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

15  EDWARD  II.— PABT  I. 


1322.  Membrane  17— cont. 

Feb.  8.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  to 
Gloucester,  keep  safely  until  further  order  all  the  castles,  lands,  goods  and  chattels 
of  Humphrey  de  Bohoun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  Roger  Damory, 
Hugh  Daudele  the  elder,  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  John  Giffard 
of  Brymmesfeld,  Maurice  de  Bcrkele  the  elder,  Henry  Tyes,  Roger 
de  Clifford,  John  de  Wylyngton,  John  Mautravers  the  younger,  Henry 
de  Wylyngton  and  John  de  Moubray,  and  the  wardships  and  marriages 
in  their  hands  in  his  bailiwick,  which  have  not  yet  been  taken  into 
the  king's  hand  by  him  or  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  or  committed 
by  the  king  to  others,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the 
chamber  or  shew  cause  why  he  would  not  or  could  not  execute  the 
king's  order  directed  to  him  thereon  at  another  time.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  30.          Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  castle 

Hereford,     of  the  bishop  of  Lincoln  of  Sleford  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until 

further  order,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  p.s. 

Feb.  7.          Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 

Gloucester,    castle  of  Berkeleye  and  the  goods  and  chattels  found  therein,  and  to 

keep  the  same  safely  until  further  crder,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 

issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Feb.  8.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Gloucester,    hand  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  de  Multon  of  Egremund,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent. 

The  like  to  John  Dufford,  escheator  of  Ireland. 


Jan.  23.  Order  to  all  and  singular  of  the  castles,  towns,  lands  and  lordships 
Shrewsbury,  following,  to  wit,  the  castle  of  Delvoreyn  and  the  lands  of  Kery  and 
Kedewyn,  the  castles  of  Dyneboth  and  Kevenethes  and  the  lands 
there,  the  lands  of  Melenesh,  Guerthrenogh,  the  castle,  town  and 
lands  of  Buelt,  the  castle,  town  and  lands  of  Breghenok,  the  castles 
and  towns  of  Huntynton  and  la  Haye  and  the  lands  there,  the  castles 
and  lands  of  Balkedynas,  Bleuleveny  and  Penkethlyn,  the  castle  and 
town  of  Bryntheles  and  the  lands  there  and  the  lands  of  Cantredsely, 
and  the  castle,  town  and  lands  of  Kirkhowel  and  Stradieu,  to  be 
intendant  to  Griffin  ap  Rees  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  take 
into  the  king's  hand  the  said  castles  'and  all  the  lands  of  Roger  de 
Mortuo  Mari  of  Wyggemor,  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford 
and  Essex;  Roger  de"  Mortuo"  Mari' of 'Chirk,  Master  Res  ap  Howel 
and'Aymer  Pauricefbt,  in  the  towns  and  places  aforesaid,  and  to  keep 
the  same  safely,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber 
until  further  order.  By  K. 

Jan.  23.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  la  Beche  of  the  keeping 

Shrewsbury,   of  the  castle  of  Dolvoryn  and  the  lands  of  Kery  and  Kedewyn,  in  the 

,  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  and  the  goods  and  chattels  of  Roger 

de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Wyggemor  found  in  the  said  castle  and  lands,  so 

that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  castle  and  lands  and  for  the 

said  goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamber ;   and  the  king  wills  that  an 


1322.  Membrane  16 — cont. 

indenture  be  made  of  the  said  goods  and  chattels  between  the  saic 
William  and  the  king's  clerk,  Thomas  de  Egefeld,  so  that  the  latte 
can  certify  the  king  of  the  value  thereof,  as  has  been  more  fully  enjoinec 
on  him  by  the  king.  By  K 

Order  to  Griffin  ap  Rees  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  and  Thomas. 

The  like  to  Walter  le  Gras  of  the  castles  of  Dyneboth  and  Kevenethe: 
(sic)  and  the  lands  there  and  the  lands  of  Meleneth  and  Guerthrenogh 
and  the  goods  and  chattels  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Wyggemoi 
found  therein,  so  that  an  indenture  thereof  be  made  between  the  saic 
Walter  and  John  de  Norton,  clerk. 

Order  to  Griffin  ap  Rees  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  and  John. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Morby  of  the  castle,  town  and  lands  oi 
Breghenogh.  and  the  goods  and  chattels  of  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  ear 
of  Hereford  and  Essex,  found  therein,  so  that  an  indenture  thereoi 
be  made  between  the  said  Robert  and  William  de  Leycestre,  clerk. 

Order  to  Griffin  ap  Rees  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  and  William. 

The  like  to  John  de  Siggeston  of  the  castles  and  towns  of  Huntyngton 
and  la  Haye  and  the  lands  there,  and  the  goods  and  chattels  of  the  same 
earl  found  therein,  so  that  an  indenture  thereof  be  made  between  the 
said  John  and  William  de  Holyns,  clerk. 

Order  to  the  said  Griffin  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  and  William. 

The  like  to  John  de  Dene  of  the  castles  and  lands  of  Bolkedynas, 
Blenleveny  and  Penketbelyn,  and  the  goods  and  chattels  of  Roger 
de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk  therein,  so  that  an  indenture  thereof  be  made 
between  the  said  John  and  William  de  Werdale,  clerk. 

Order  to  the  said  Griffin  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  and  William. 

The  like  to  Richard  le  Mareschal  of  the  castle  and  town  of  Bryntheles 
and  the  lands  there  and  the  lands  of  Cantredsely,  and  the  goods  and 
chattels  of  Master  Res  ap  Howel  therein,  so  that  an  indenture  thereof 
be  made  between  the  said  Richard  and  Benedict  de  Normanton, 

Order  to  the  said  Griffin  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  and  Benedict. 

The  like  to  Edmund  Gacelyn  of  the  castles,  town  and  lands  of 
Kirkehowel  and  Stradieu,  and  the  goods  and  chattels  of  Aymer 
Pauncefot  therein,  so  that  an  indenture  thereof  be  made  between  the 
said  Edmund  and  William  de  Caythorp,  clerk. 

Order  to  the  said  Griffin  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  and  William. 

The  like  to  Griffin  ap  Rees  of  the  castle,  town  and  lands  of  Buelt, 
and  the  goods  and  chattels  of  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford 

15  EDWARD   II.— PART  I. 


Membrane  16 — cont. 

and  Essex,  found  therein,  so  that  an  indenture  thereof  be  made  between 
the  said  Griffin  and  Thomas  de  Brayton,  clerk.  Bv  K. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  and  Thomas. 

Appointment  of  Humphrey  de  Litlebury  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  town,  land  and  lordship  of  the  land  of  Radenore  and  the 
goods  and  chattels  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Wygemor  found  therein, 
and  to  keep  the  same  during  pleasure,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
of  the  said  town,  land  and  lordship  and  for  the  said  goods  in  the  chamber ; 
and  the  king  wills  that  an  indenture  be  made  of  the  said  goods  and 
chattels  between  the  said  Humphrey  and  the  king's  clerk,  John  de 
Crosseby,  so  that  the  latter  can  certify  the  king  of  the  value  thereof, 
as  has  been  more  fully  enjoined  upon  him.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him. 

The  like  of  Alan  de  Charleton  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  to 
keep  as  above  the  castle  and  lordship  of  Wygemor,  and  the  goods  and 
chattels  of  the  same  Roger  found  therein,  and  to  make  indentures 
thereof  between  the  same  Alan  and  John  de  Merton,  clerk.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him. 

The  like  of  Ralph  le  Botiller  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  to 
keep  as  above  the  castle  and  town  of  Lodelawe  and  the  manors  of 
Staunton  Lacy  and  Clebury,  and  the  goods  and  chattels  of  the  same 
Roger  found  therein,  and  to  make  indentures  thereof  between  the 
same  Ralph  and  Hugh  de  Burgh,  clerk. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Sapy,  constable  of  the 
castle  of  la  Pole,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  of  the  keeping 
of  the  land  of  Powyz  and  ail  other  lands  pertaining  to  the  said  castle, 
also  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  p.s.  [5951.] 

Order  to  Griffin  ap  Res  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  lands  with  the 
issues  thereof  from  the  time  of  the  taking  of  the  same  into  the  king's 
hand,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon,  that  the  said 
Robert  may  answer  for  the  same  to  the  full. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all 
the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  John  Giffard  of  Weston,  John  de 
Wythyngdon,  Henry  de  Brockeworth,  Thomas  de  Brockeworth, 
Reynold  de  la  Mare  and  Walter  de  Wylton,  in  his  bailiwick,  and  to 
keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Darcy  of  the  keeping  of 
the  castle  of  the  bishop  of  Lincoln  of  Sleford,  in  the  king's  hand  for 
certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  p.s. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  whom  the  king  caused  to  take  the 
said  castle  into  the  king's  hand,  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon. 



1322.        *  Membrane  16 — cord. 

Jan.  15.          Appointment  of  John  de  Lortye  and  John  de  Say  to  take  into  the 

Shrewsbury,    king's  hand  the  castle  and  town  of  Bruggewater  and  to  keep  the  same 

during  pleasure,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 
Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  them. 

Feb.  7.          The  like  of  David  de  Holegreve  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 

Gloucester,    bailiwick  of  the  countess  of  Lincoln  of  Namptwych  and  to  keep  the 

same  during  pleasure,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues   thereof  in 

the  chamber.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  keeper. 

Feb.  7.          Order  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  [not]  to  take  or  permit  to  be  taken 

Gloucester,    to  the  use  of  the  king  or  other  person  any  of  the  goods  or  chattels, 

victuals  or  other  things  found  in  the  manor  of  Teukesbury  and  the 

members  thereof  or  belonging  to  the  tenants  of  the  same,  so  long 

as  the  said  manor  with  the  said  members  and  other  appurtenances 

thereof,  which  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein  the  king  caused 

to  be  taken  into  his  hand,  remain  in  the  king's  hand.  By  K. 


Feb.  7.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  to 

Gloucester,  keep  safely  all  the  manors,  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  John  de 
Moubray  in  his  bailiwick  which  he  has  [not]  yet  taken  into  the  king's 
hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels  and  for  the 
issues  of  the  said  manors  and  lands  in  the  chamber,  and  certify  the 
king  of  the  names  as  well  of  the  manors  and  lands  and  the  value  thereof 
and  of  the  goods  and  chattels  of  the  said  John  and  others  opposing 
the  king  taken  before  by  him  into  the  king's  hand,  as  of  the  manors 
and  lands  of  the  same  John  still  to  be  taken  by  him  into  the  king's 
hand.  By  K. 

Feb.  8.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Sturmy  and  William  de 

Gloucester.    Kirkeby,  clerk,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Berkele,  in  the  king's 

hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 

in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with 

the  goods  and  chattels  found  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

By  K. 
Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  them  as  keepers. 

By  K. 
Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled. 

Feb.  8.          Appointment  of  Andrew  de  Hartcla  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

Gloucester,    all  the  castles,  manors,  towns,  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Roger 

de  Clifford  in  the  county  of  Westmoreland,  and  to  keep  the  same  during 

pleasure,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  castles,  manors, 

towns  and  lands  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 
Order  to  the  tenants  to  be  intendant  to  him.  By  K. 

Feb.  9.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  aforesaid  Andrew  of  the  keeping 

Gloucester,    of  the  king's  manor  and  liberty  of  Werk  in  Tyndale,  so  that  he  answer 

for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

15  EDWARD  II— PART   I. 


Membrane  16— cont. 

Order  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  the 
rolls  and  all  other  things  touching  the  same  in  his  keeping. 

Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  be 
intendant  to  Thomas  de  Usflete  and  Simon  le  Barber,  whom  the  king 
has  appointed  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  wools  and  all  other 
goods  and  chattels  now  in  the  abbey  of  Flaxlegh  of  certain  persons 
opposing  the  king  and  to  order  and  dispose  thereof  as  has  been  more 
fully  enjoined  on  them.  By  K. 

Appointment  of  the  king's  yeoman,  Stephen  Dunheved,  to  take 
into  the  king's  hand  the  castle  of  Lenhales  and  to  keep  the  same 
during  pleasure,  so  that  lie  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the 
chamber.  By  K. 


Appointment  of  Malcolm  Musard  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all 
the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Henry  de  Preyeres  in  the  count}-  of 
Gloucester  and  to  keep  the  same  during  pleasure,  so  that  he  answer 
for  the  issues  of  the  said  lands  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels 
in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Toucestre  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manors  of  Hameleden  and  Farnham,  in  the  king's  hand  for 
certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Buckingham  to  deliver  the  same  to  him 
with  the  goods  and  chattels  found  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made 
thereon  between  them. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Walter  de  Stirkeland  of  the  county 
of  Westmoreland,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he 
answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 

Order  to  Hugh  de  Louthre  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  the 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office 
in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Grant  to  David  ap  Lewelyn  of  the  county  of  Meyroned,  for  good 
service  to  Edward  I  and  the  king,  that  of  the  181.  13s.  4rf.  wherein  he 
is  held  to  the  king  for  arrears  of  the  farm  of  a  bailiwick  which  he  held 
of  the  king  of  late  he  pay  at  the  Exchequer  of  Kaernarvan  20s.  at 
Easter  next  and  20s.  at  Michaelmas  next  and  so  from  year  to  year  40.9. 
at  the  said  terms.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Commitment  to  the  king's  clerk,  John  de  Crosseby,  of  the  wardship 
of  two  parts  of  120  acres  of  land,  3  acres  of  meadow,  3  acres  of  pasture, 
4  acres  of  underwood  and  10s.  of  rent  and  customary  services  in 
Tolshunte  Tregoz,  co.  Essex,  late  of  John  Gernoun,  tenant  in  chief 
as  of  the  honour  of  Peverel,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  and  in  the 
king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  William,  son  and  heir  of  the 
said  John,  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  said  heir,  rendering  50s. 



1322.  Membrane  15 — cont. 

a  year  at  the  Exchequer,  to  wit,  38s.  9d.  whereat  the  said  two  parti 
are  extended  yearly,  and  lls.  3d.  of  increment,  in  moieties  at  Easte: 
and  Michaelmas.  By  C 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  t< 

Grant  during  pleasure  to  Madoc  de  Hendour,  for  good  service,  o 
the  bailiwick  of  Penteleii  in  the  lands  of  Powys  which  are  in  the  king'; 
hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  be  intendant  and  answer  to  Rober 
de  Sapy,  keeper  of  the  said  lands,  and  other  keepers  to  be  deputed  theri 
by  the  king.  By  pet.  of  C 

Feb.  11.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton  to  arrest  all  and  singula 
Gloucester,  magnates,  subjects  of  the  king,  who,  long  time  opposing  the  king,  havi 
committed  many  damages  on  the  king  and  the  people  of  the  realn 
to  the  breach  of  the  king's  peace  and  the  commotion  of  the  peopli 
and  still  cease  not  to  commit  the  same  daily,  and  their  adherents  ii 
such  crimes,  and  to  keep  them  safely,  and  to  take  into  the  king's  ham 
the  castles,  manors,  towns,  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  such  an< 
to  keep  them  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  he  answer  for  thi 
issues  thereof  in  the  chamber,  and  to  certify  the  king  of  the  name; 
of  those  arrested  by  him  and  of  the  castles,  manors,  towns,  lands 
goods  and  chattels  taken  by  him  into  the  king's  hand  and  of  the  valui 
thereof,  before  the  first  Sunday  of  Lent  next,  and  not  to  omit  thi 
as  he  would  save  harmless  himself  and  his.  By  K 

The  like  to  all  sheriffs  on  this  side  Trent,  and  to  all  sheriffs  beyon< 
Trent,  so  that  they  certify  the  king  before  the  Annunciation  next. 

The  like  to  Edmund  de  Wodestok,  earl  of  Kent,  constable  of  thi 
castle  of  Dover  and  warden  of  the  Cinque  Ports,  or  his  lieutenant 
to  certify  before  the  said  Sunday. 

Feb.  12.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king' 
Gloucester,    hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Pabenham  the  elder,  deceased,  tenan 
in  chief. 

Feb.  13.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Simon  de  Dryby  of  the  keeping  o 
Gloucester,  the  castle  and  town  of  Gloucestre  and  the  castle  of  St.  Briavels  and  thi 
forest  of  Dene,  and  of  the  following  castles,  manors  and  lands,  in  thi 
king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  to  wit,  the  manors  of  John  Giffard  o 
Brymmesfeld  of  Brymmesfeld,  Side,  Lechampton,  Begworth  an( 
Kyngestanleye,  the  castle  and  manor  of  Maurice  de  Berkeleye  thi 
elder  of  Berkeleye  and  the  manors  of  the  same  Maurice  of  Wotton 
Simondeshale,  Coueleye,  Camme,  Hurst,  Hamme,  Slymbrigg,  Alkynton 
Stanleys  Pondelarge  and  the  lands  of  the  same  Maurice  ii 
Berewyk,  the  liberty  of  Thomas  son  of  Maurice  de  Berkeleyi 
of  Blydeslowe  and  the  lands  of  the  same  Thomas  in  Aure,  the  manor  o 
John  de  Acton  of  Elkeston  and  his  lands  in  Wyneston,  the  manor  o 
Hugh  Daudele  the  elder  of  Estynton,  the  lands  of  Robert  de  Prestburi 
in  Uphatherleye,  Leghampton  and  Prestbury,  of  Thomas  de  Hatherley 
in  Uphatherleye,  of  William  de  Wauton  in  Akerton,  of  Thomas  d< 
Bradeston  in  Bradeston,  of  Roger  Maiel  in  Sencle,  of  Thomas  son  o 
Robert  de  Berkeleye  in  Beeleye,  of  John  Mautravers  in  Wodechestre 
of  Thomas  de  Aston  in  Leye,  of  Richard  Waryn  in  Dymmok,  o 

15  EDWARD  II.— PAST  I.  97 

1322.  Membrane  15 — cont. 

John  de  Wilton  in  the  same  town,  of  Henry  Cropet  in  Begworth ,  of  Robert 
Gille  in  the  same  town,  of  John  de  Uske  in  the  same  town,  of  Peter 
de  Somervill  in  Hunteleye.  of  Thomas  de  Hunteleye  in  the  same  town 
and  of  Nicholas  de  Peulesdon  in  Bikenore,  the  manors  of  John  de 
Wylynton  of  Sandhirst  and  Pulton,  the  lands  of  Henry  de  Wylinton 
of  Culverden,  Sandhirst  and  Naylesworth,  of  Adam  Martel  in  Stowel 
and  of  William  de  Beysham  in  la  Lee,  the  manor  of  Gilbert  Talebot 
of  Longhope,  the  lands  of  Simon  de  Solers  in  Westbury,  the  manor  of 
Ralph  Bluet  of  Daglyngworth,  the  manor  of  Humphrey  de  Bohoun 
of  Whitenhurst,  the  manor  of  John  le  Rous  the  younger  of  Dountes- 
borne,  the  lands  of  John  de  Welshe  of  Pagenhull  in  Guphull  and 
Pagenhull,  of  Howel  ap  Howel  in  the  forest  of  Dene,  of  Thomas  son 
of  Miles  de  Rodberwe  in  Sencle,  of  Thomas  le  Botiller  in  Cubberleye, 
of  Bevis  de  Knovill  in  Teyntoii,  of  Walter  Wych  of  Erlyngham  in 
Erlyngham,  of  William  Stiward  in  the  same  town,  of  Henry  de 
Brocworth  in  Brocworth,  of  Thomas  de  Brocworth  in  Bulleye,  Dymmok 
and  Bromesberwe,  of  Walter  de  Wylton  in  Pychenecumbe,  of  Reynold 
de  la  Mare  in  Ovre  and  of  Thomas  son  of  Giles  de  Berkeleye  in 
Cubberleye,  so  that  he  answer  in  the  chamber  for  the  issues  thereof 
by  a  certain  receiver  to  be  deputed  by  the  king  hereto  and  to  be  charged 
by  the  said  Simon  therewith. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  James  de  Broghton, 
as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castle  and  town  of  Gloucester  etc.  as  above 
{last  entry},  so  that  he  answer  therefor  in  the  chamber  as  he  shall  be 
charged  therewith  by  the  keeper  of  the  castles,  manors  and  lands 
aforesaid.  By  K. 

Feb.  18.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  Lovel  of  the  keeping  of 
Gloucester,  the  following  manors  and  lands,  in,  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes, 
to  wit,  the  manors  of  Maurice  de  Berkeleye  the  elder  of  Portbury 
and  Bedmustre,  with  the  hundreds  of  Portbury,  Harclyve  and 
Bedmustre,  the  manors  of  Thomas  de  Gornay  of  Englescombe,  Franton 
and  Harpetre,  the  lands  of  Richard  de  la  Marche  in  Eston,  the  manor 
of  John  de  Chaumpeneys  of  Doiikerton,  the  manor  of  William  de 
Grevill  of  Clutton,  co.  Somerset,  the  manor  of  Hugh  Daudele  the 
younger  of  Thornbury,  the  manors  of  John  Giffard  of  Brymmesfeld 
of  Wynterborn,  Stokegiffard  and  Rochampton,  co.  Gloucester,  the 
manor  of  John  de  Wroxhale  of  Wroxhale,  co.  Wilts,  the  manors  of 
John  de  Wylyngton  cf  Yate,  Tormerton  and  Frempton,  the  manor 
of  John  de  Acton  of  Yren  Acton,  the  lands  of  the  said  John  de 
Chaumpeneys  in  Alkerton  and  Cohull,  the  lands  of  the  said  William 
in  Compton  Grevill,  the  lands  of  Ralph  de  Farlegh  in  Frempton  and 
Acton,  co.  Gloucester,  and  the  lands  of  Roger  de  Butteston  in  Butteston, 
co.  Wilts,  so  that  he  answer  in  the  chamber  for  the  issues  thereof  by 
a  certain  receiver  to  be  deputed  by  the  king  hereto  and  to  be  charged 
by  the  said  Richard  therewith.  •  By  K. 

Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  Richard  de 
Tyssebury,  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  manors  and  lands  aforesaid 
[last  entry},  so  that  he  answer  therefor  in  the  chamber  as  he  shall  be 
charged  therewith  bv  the  keeper  of  the  said  manors  and  lands. 

By  K. 

F  7 



1322.  Membrane  15 — cont. 

Feb.  1.          Commitment  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Douenald  de  Mar,  of  the  keeping 

Hereford,     of  the  manor  of  Newerk,  which  is  of  the  bishopric  of  Lincoln  and  is 

in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  to  hold  for  two  years  at  the 

rent  of  lOOf.  for  each  of  the  said  two  years  in  moieties  at  the  Exchequer 

of  Easter  and  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas.  By  K. 

Feb.  15.         Association  of  the  king's  clerk,  Master  Thomas  Doyn,  with  the 

Gloucester,    prior  of  Kaermerdyn,  chamberlain  of  Kaermerdyn,  to  exercise  with 

him  the  said  office  of  chamberlain  during  pleasure,  so  that  he  answer 

hereafter  with  the  said  prior  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer 

of  England.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  said  prior  to  admit  him  hereto  as  his  fellow. 

Feb.  14.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Clement  of  the  keeping  of 
Gloucester,    the  castle  of  Blaynleveny,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 
Order  to  John  de  Dene  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things 
therein  bv  indenture  thereon  to  be  made  between  them. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Res  ap  Griffith  of  the  keeping  of 
the  ca.stle  of  Nerbergh  and  all  the  lands  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Man  of 
Chirk  in  West  Wales,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  said  R. 

Feb.  14.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Griffin  ap  Res  of  the  keeping  of 

Gloucester,    the  castle  of  Thlanendevery,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes, 

so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 

Feb.  1(5.  Order  to  the  mayor  and  sheriffs  of  London  to  take  into  the  king's 
Gloucester,  hand  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster, 
in  the  city  of  London  and  the  suburb  thereof,  and  to  keep  the  same 
safely  until  further  order,  taking  heed  that  the  goods  and  chattels 
of  the  said  earl  in  his  wardrobe  in  the  city  be  in  no  wise  moved,  so 
that  they  answer  therefor  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels  and 
for  the  issues  of  the  said  lands  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  Wroth  of  the  keeping  of 
the  land  of  Gower,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Feb.  16.  Appointment  of  John  de  Langele,  John  de  Hampton  and  Robert 
Gloucester,  de  Aston  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels 

of  Thomas  son  of  Giles  de  Berkelegh  in  the  county  of  Gloucester,  and 
'to  keep  the  same  during  pleasure,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues 

thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Hereford  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  the 
manors,  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Gilbert  Talebot,  William  de 
Wyne,  Baldwin  de  Frivill,  Peter  de  Lymesy,  John  Sampson  of  Estham, 
Richard  le  Child  and  Ralph  le  Porter,  parson  of  the  church  of  Estham, 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART  I. 


1322.  Membrane  15 — cont. 

in  his  bailiwick,  which  have  not  yet  been  taken  into  the  king's  hand, 
and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  he  answer 
for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Feb.  15.          The  like  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  Bristol  for  all  the  lands,  goods 
Gloucester,    and  chattels  of  Richard  de  la  March  within  that  town. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester  for  the  lands  etc.  of  the  said 
Richard  in  his  bailiwick. 

Feb.  16.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Hereford  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all 
Gloucester,  the  lands  of  late  in  the  keeping  of  Peter  de  Lymesy  in  Moninton  and 
Dilewe,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  and  to  pay 
(salvat)  30?.  yearly  from  the  issues  thereof  to  Katharine  de  Audele,  recluse 
of  Ledebury,  to  wit,  10Z.  at  Easter,  Michaelmas  and  Christmas,  and 
to  answer  for  the  residue  of  the  said  issues  in  the  chamber  :  and  the 
king  will  cause  due  allowance  of  the  said  30Z.  to  be  made  to  him  in  his 
account.  By  K. 

Feb.  19.         Order  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  Bristol  to  take  into  the  king's 

Cheltenham,  hand  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Richard  Damory  in  the  said 

town,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  they 

answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford  and  Berks,  the  sheriff  of  Somerset 

and  Dorset  and  the  sheriff  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham. 

Feb.  19.  Order  to  all  and  singular  keepers  of  lands,  constables  of  castles, 
Cheltenham,  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  of  the  lands  of  Morgannok,  Gouwer, 
Iskenen,  Cantrebaghan,  Bregnok,  Hay,  Huntyngton,  Brenteles, 
Talgargh,  Blenleveny,  Penkelthy,  Usk,  Kaerleon  and  Caldecote,  in 
the  king's  hand,  to  be  intendant  to  the  king's  clerk,  Master  John 
Walewayn,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  during  pleasure  as  surveyor 
and  chief  keeper  of  all  the  castles  and  lands  aforesaid  and  to  ordain 
touching  the  safe  keeping  thereof  and  that  answer  be  made  to  the 
king  for  the  issues  thereof,  as  he  shall  think  fit  for  the  king's  honour 
and  profit.  By  K. 

March  13.        In  like  manner  the  same  John  is  appointed  during  pleasure  as  sur- 

Derby.        veyor  and  chief  keeper  of  all  the  castles  and  lands  of  the  lands  of 

Cantremaur  and  Buelt,  in  the  king's  hand,  and  to  ordain  etc.  as  above. 

By  K. 

Feb.  18.  Order  to  Robert  de  Reymes  and  Thomas  de  Karliolo,  whom  the 
Gloucester,  king  appointed  of  late  to  collect  during  pleasure  in  the  port  of 
Newcastle  upon  Tyne  the  custom  on  wools,  hides  and  woolfells,  and 
to  keep  the  '  coket '  seal,  to  meddle  no  further  with  that  office,  the 
king  wishing  Robert  Oliver  and  Robert  de  Dumbelton,  whom  he 
appointed  before  by  letters  patent  to  collect  the  said  custom  and 
to  keep  the  said  seal,  to  have  and  exercise  that  office  according  to  the 
said  letters  ;  and  to  deliver  to  the  said  Robert  Oliver  and  Robert  de 
Dumbelton  any  issues  received,  so  that  they  may  answer  for  the  same 
to  the  full  ;  and  to  send  to  Chancery  the  letters  patent  made  to  them 
thereon  to  be  cancelled  there  to  the  king's  discharge.  By  K. 



1322.  Membrane  15 — cont. 

March  3.         Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Stafford  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  tl 

Merevale      castles,  manors,  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaste 

Abbey.       m  ^s  baiiiwjck;  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  i 

that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  Bv  I 

Feb.  20. 

Feb.  28. 



Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Hubert  de 
C'haumbre,  of  the  keeping  of  the  chaces  of  Malverne  and  Cors,  in  tl 
king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  therei 
in  the  chamber.  By  I 

Order  to  William  de  Bello  Campo  to  deliver  to  him  the  same,  whk 
are  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment.  By  I 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Leicester  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  tl 
lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  William  de  Bredon  in  his  bailiwick  an 
to  keep  the  same  safely,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  sai 
lands  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamber,  and  nc 
to  omit  this  as  he  would  save  harmless  him  and  his.  By  I 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Glaumorgan  to  take  into  the  king's  han 
all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  William  Flemyng,  Henry  c 
Umfrevill,  John  le  Noreys,  Adam  le  Galeys,  Leysand  de  Afne,  Phili 
Flemyng,  Edward  de  Stradlyng,  Simon  de  Rale,  John  Barry  ar 
John  dc  la  Bere  in  his  bailiwick,  and  to  keep  the  same  etc.  as  above 

By  I 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  a 
the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Adam  de  Hudeleston. 
The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster. 

Feb.  16. 


Feb.  20. 

Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  1 
intendant  during  pleasure  to  William  Edward  of  Dertmuth,  whoi 
the  king  appointed  to  arrest  and  take  into  the  king's  hand  a  ship  < 
Roger  Damory  at  Weymuth  and  the  ships  of  the  king's  subjects  no 
opposing  the  king,  and  to  keep  the  same  under  arrest  until  furthi 
order  after  the  king  have  been  certified  thereon.  By  I 

Order  to  the  same  to  be  intendant  as  above  to  William  de  Rosteley 
whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  tl 
goods  and  chattels  of  certain  persons  opposing  the  king  in  the  countii 
of  Hereford,  Gloucester,  Worcester.  Wilts,  Warwick,  Leicester,  Oxfor 
Berks  and  Northampton,  which  have  not  yet  been  taken  into  tl 
king's  hand,  and  to  bring  the  same  forthwith  to  the  king.  By  I 

Order  to  all  and  singular  earls,  barons,  knights,  freemen  and  othi 
tenants  of  the  castles,  manors;  hundreds  and  lands  late  of  Hugh 
Despenser  the  younger  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester,  Worceste 
Oxford,  Berks  and  Buckingham,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  cause 
to  be  intendant  to  Richard  de  Foxcote,  whom  the  king  has  appointe 
during  pleasure  to  hold  the  king's  courts  of  the  said  castles,  manoi 
and  hundreds,  and  to  ordain  that  answer  be  made  for  the  issues  therei 
in  the  chamber.  By  1 

15  EDWARD  II.— PABT  I. 


1322.  Membrane  14 — conl. 

Commission  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Herle,  Roger  de  Waltham, 
canon  of  St.  Paul's,  London,  Adam  de  Brom  and  John  de  Cherleton, 
mayor  of  the  merchants  of  the  staple  of  wools  and  woolfells,  to  take 
to  the  king's  use  fines  from  all  the  merchants  denizen  and  alien  who 
will  make  fines  with  the  king  to  have  the  king's  pardon  for  having  taken 
or  caused  to  be  taken  wools  and  woolfells  to  other  places  within  the 
lands  of  Brabant,  Flanders  and  Artoys  than  to  the  place  where  the 
staple  of  wools  has  been,  contrary  to  the  tenour  of  the  king's  charter 
to  the  merchants  of  the  said  staple  ;  and  order  them  to  receive  such 
fines  and  to  certify  thereof  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Boneton  of  the  keeping 
of  all  the  lands  late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger  in  the  counties 
of  Essex,  Suffolk  and  Cambridge,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes, 
and  also  of  the  manor  of  Barwe,  co.  Suffolk,  and  the  manor  of  Lacchcle, 
co.  Essex,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 

Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  in  the 
lands  of  Gloumorgan  and  Morgannou  to  be  intendant  to  the  king's 
clerks,  Master  Richard  de  Bynteworth,  John  de  Donestaple,  William 
Aylemer  and  John  de  Kyngeston,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  as 
surveyors  of  the  castles,  towns,  manors  and  all  other  lands  in  the 
said  lands  of  Gloumorgan  and  Morgannou  in  the  king's  hand,  and 
of  the  stock  and  other  goods  and  chattels  found  therein,  and  to  ordain 
thereon  as  they  shall  deem  to  the  king's  greatest  profit,  and  that 
answer  be  made  to  the  king  in  the  chamber  for  the  issues  of  the  said 
premises  by  the  ministers  row  in  the  said  lands  or  others  to  be  deputed 
by  them.  '  By  K. 

Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs  and  others  of  the  county  of 
Hereford  to  be  intendant  to  Roger  de  Chaundos,  John  Danyel  and 
Stephen  Donhoved,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  make  inquisition 
in  the  said  county  touching  all  the  goods  and  chattels,  armour,  vessels 
of  silver,  jewels  and  other  things  late  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of 
Chirk,  Edmund  Hakelut,  John  du  Chastel  and  Roger  de  Elmerigg  in 
the  said  county,  in  whose  hands  they  now  are,  and  to  take  the  same 
jnto  the  king's  hand  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  by  indentures  between 
them  and  those  in  whose  hands  the  same  are  found  until  further  order  ; 
the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  of  the  said  county  to  summon 
before  the  said  Roger,  John  and  Stephen  on  days  and  at  places  fixed 
by  them  as  many  jurors  etc.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 
keeping  of  the  castle  of  Lincoln,  now  in  the  hands  of  certain  persons 
opposing  the  king,  and  to  keep  the  same  so  safely  to  the  king's  use 
that  no  peril  arise  thereto,  and  that  he  may  answer  for  the  same  at 
the  king's  order5  and  not  to  omit  this  as  he  would  save  harmless  him 
and  his.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  le  Botyller  of  Lanultit  of 
the  keeping  of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Craneburn,  in  the  king's  hand 
for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the 
chamber.  By  K. 



1322.  Membrane  14 — cont. 

Feb.  26.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Ardern  of  the  keepinj 
Warwick,      of  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Richard  Dammory  in  the  countiei 
of  Oxford,  Buckingham  and  Somerset,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certau 
causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  that  he  ma] 
answer  therefor  to  the  full. 

Feb.  28.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Nicholas  Trymenel  of  the  countie 

Coventry,     of  Bedford  and  Buckingham,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  a 

other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  K 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  a 


Order  to  Philip  de  Aylesbury  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  th 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  ii 
his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 
Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled. 

March  3.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king' 
Merevale.     hand  the  lands  late  of  Geoffrey  de  Say,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  26.  Order  to  all  and  singular  of  the  lands  of  Dynebegh,  Bromfeld  an< 
Warwick.  Yal  and  other  neighbouring  lands  to  be  intendant  to  Griffin  ap  Ree 
and  Giles  de  Bello  Campo,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  take  inti 
his  hand  the  castles  and  all  the  lands  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster 
in  the  said  lands,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely,  so  that  they  answe 
for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber  until  further  order.  By  K 

Feb.  28.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisitioi 
Coventry,  made  by  him  shewing  that  Robert  de  Haustede  the  elder  and  Marger 
his  wife  jointly  held  on  the  day  of  Robert's  death  the  manor  of  Horpc 
of  the  gift  and  feoffment  of  Simon  de  Thorp  of  the  king  in  chief,  an< 
the  market  of  Kegworth  of  the  grant  of  Edward  I,  and  that  Rober 
held  no  other  lands  in  chief  whereby  the  wardship  of  other  his  land 
should  pertain  at  present  to  the  king,  to  retain  in  the  king's  han< 
the  said  manor  and  market  until  further  order,  and  to  meddle  m 
further  with  the  other  lands  late  of  Robert,  delivering  any  issue 
received  by  him  to  those  whose  they  are. 

March  3.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others,  or 
Merevale.  pain  of  forfeiture  of  all  which  they  could  forfeit,  to  be  intendant  tc 
Oliver  de  Ingham,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  take  into  th< 
king's  hand  all  the  castles,  lands,  goods  and  chattels  cf  Thomas,  eai 
of  Lancaster,  in  the  county  of  Lancaster  and  the  march  of  Wales 
and  to  cause  the  same  to  be  kept  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  h 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K 

Feb.  28.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Leicester  to  pursue,  arrest  and  cause  to  b 
Coventry,  kept  safely  in  prison  until  further  order  William  Trussel,  knight 
Edmund  his  brother,  William  son  of  William  Trussel,  Thomas  Moche 
of  Petlyng,  Walter  le  Arblaster,  Henry  Astel,  Robert  Julian,  Thoma 
de  Kelyngworth,  Simon  Lyndriche  of  Leycestre,  John  his  brother 
John  Geryn  of  Leycestre,  William  his  brother,  Richard  le  Gardiner 

15  EDWARD  II. -PART  I. 


1322.  Membrane  14 — cant. 

John  Curly  of  Carleton,  Henry  his  brother,  Robert  de  Weston,  John 
de  Fryseby,  Thomas  de  Wolvardynton,  parson  of  the  church  of 
Lombham,  William,  parson  of  the  church  of  Hekedon,  Henry,  son 
of  the  parson  of  Wystowe,  Ralph  de  Stanlowe,  Oliver  le  Waleys, 
Nicholas  de  Lucy,  John  de  Staunford  and  William  de  Rothewell, 
taking  with  him,  if  need  be,  a  posse  of  his  county,  and  to  take  into 
the  king's  hand  all  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  the  said  William  and 
others  and  to  keep  the  same  safely,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 


March  2.  Commission  to  Robert  de  Stoke,  Guy  Bretoun  and  William  de 
Weston.  kSutton,  reciting  that  the  knights,  esquires  and  other  men  at  arms  of 
the  county  of  Warwick,  except  those  who  are  now  with  the  king  or 
other  the  king's  faithful  in  his  present  expedition;  have  made  fine 
with  the  king  in  2001.  that  they  may  attend  to  their  own  affairs  and 
not  be  wearied  in  the  said  expedition,  and  appointing  the  said 
commissioners  to  levy  the  said  200Z.  to  the  king's  use  and  to  bring 
the  same  to  the  wardrobe  before  the  first  Sunday  in  mid-Lent  next ; 
the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  of  the  said  county  to  be  intendant 
to  them  herein  and  to  summon  before  them  on  days  and  at  places  to 
be  fixed  by  them  all  those  of  his  bailiwick  by  whom  the  premises  can 
be  speeded. 

The  like  to  Robert  Burdet,  John  de  Villers,  Robert  Orger  and  John 
de  Sadyngtou  to  levy  2001.  from  the  knights,  esquires  and  other 
men,  as  well  horsemen  as  footmen,  of  the  county  of  Leicester,  and 
to  bring  the  same  to  the  wardrobe  before  Easter  next. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Robert  de  Welle. 

Afterwards  on  14  April  following,  because  the  said  money  was  not 
then  levied  in  the  county  of  Warwick,  John  de  Peyto  was  associated 
with  the  said  Robert,  Guy  and  William,  in  the  said  county,  to  levy 
the  said  sum  and  bring  the  same  to  the  wardrobe  before  the  Ascension 
next.  By  K. 

Afterwards  on  13  May  following,  because  the  said  Guy  had  no 
leisure  for  the  premises,  as  the  king  learned,  he  appointed  Thomas  le 
Rous  in  the  room  of  the  same  Guy  to  levy  with  the  others  aforesaid 
the  said  sum  etc.  as  above.  By  C. 

Order  to  the  mayor  of  London,  associating  with  him  Roger  de 
Swynnerton  and  taking  the  advice  of  Walter  de  Bordham,  to  inform 
himself  touching  information  given  to  the  king  that  Antelin  Citeryni 
and  Nicholas  Cerioli  and  other  merchants  dwelling  in  the  said  city 
sent  and  sold  arms  and  other  necessary  things  to  Roger  Damory 
and  others  opposing  the  king,  after  they  were  in  opposition  and 
rebellion,  and  provided  crossbows,  quarrels  and  other  arms  to  the 
use  of  those  opposing  the  king,  which  are  still  in  the  said  city  ;  and 
to  arrest  those  merchants  or  others  convicted  of  the  premises  before 
them,  and  to  keep  them  safely  under  such  arrest,  and  also  to  arrest 
and  keep  safely  until  further 'order  the  crossbows,  arms  and  other 
things  in  the  city  which  appear  to  them  to  belong  to  those  opposing 
the  king,  and  to  certify  the  king  thereof  under  the  seals  of  him  and  the 
said  Roger.  By  K. 




March  5. 

March  G. 

March  5. 

March  5. 



March  10. 

March  9. 

Membrane  13 — cont. 

Commission  to  Hugh  de  Meriton,  Ralph  de  Tywe,  William  Graunpe, 
Laurence  de  Shepeye,  Roger  de  Pakwod  and  Robert  de  Chilton,  reciting 
that  the  commonalty  of  the  town  of  Coventre  has  granted  to  the 
king  100L  to  be  paid  without  delay  in  aid  of  the  king's  expedition 
against  certain  rebels,  and  100  men  at  arms  to  go  with  the  king  in  his 
service  on  the  said  expedition  at  the  costs  of  the  said  commonalty 
for  forty  days  ;  and  appointing  the  said  commissioners  to  levy  the 
said  sum  and  the  expenses  for  the  said  men  and  to  bring  the  said 
sum  to  the  king.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  the  said  town  to  be  intendant 
to  them  herein.  By  K. 

Order  to  earls,  barons,  knights  and  all  others  of  the  county  of  Lincoln, 
on  pain  of  forfeiture  of  all  which  they  could  forfeit,  to  be  intendant 
to  Edmund  de  Impyngton,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  take 
into  the  king's  hand  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  John  de  Moubray 
in  the  isle  of  Haxiholm,  co.  Lincoln,  and  to  keep  the  same  during 
pleasure,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber,  and 
to  do  other  tilings  touching  the  repulsion  of  certain  magnates  of  the 
realm  opposing  the  king  and  in  rebellion  ;  to  which  Edmund  the 
king  gives  power  to  punish  all  rebels  by  the  taking  and  imprisonment 
of  their  bodies  and  the  taking  of  their  lands,  goods  and  chattels  into 
the  king's  hand  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  also  to  be 
intendant  to  Edmund  herein  and  to  summon  before  him  all  and 
singular  of  the  said  county  by  whom  the  premises  can  be  speeded. 

By  K. 

Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  and 
the  keepers  and  bailiffs  of  all  lands  of  men  opposing  the  king  in  the 
counties  of  Norfolk,  Suffolk,  Essex,  Hertford  and  Kent,  to  be  intendant 
to  Humphrey  de  Waleden,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  survey  the 
said  lands  and  to  ordain  thereon  that  they  be  safely  kept  and  that 
answer  be  made  to  the  king  in  the  chamber  for  the  issues  thereof, 
and  to  audit  the  account  of  the  said  bailiffs  and  keepers,  and  to  remove 
them  and  substitute  others  in  their  place  as  often  as  it  shall  be 
expedient  for  the  king's  advantage.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands' late  of  Roger  de  Nevill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  William  Trussel  and  to  keep  the 
same  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 
in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Stafford  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all 
the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  John  de  Leyburn,  as  above. 

Order  to  John  de  Bermyngeham,  earl  of  Loueth,  justiciary  of  Ireland, 
to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  the  lands,  good  and  chattels  in  Ireland 
of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Wygemor,  who  opposed  the  king  of  late 
and  has  surrendered  to  the  Icing's  will,  whom  also  the  king  holds 
imprisoned,  of  Roger  Damory,  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger,  who 
opposed  the  king  of  late,  and  of  all  others  thus  opposing  the  king,  so 
that  answer  be  made  to  the  king  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer 

15   EDWARD   II.— PART   I.  105 

— - —    % 

Membrane  13 — cont. 

of  Dublin,  and  the  king  is  unwilling  that  he  should  surcease 
doing  the  premises  on  account  of  any  eyre  summoned  for  common 
pleas  ;  order  also  to  him  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  lands  whereof 
Edmund  le  Botiller,  tenant  in  chief,  was  seised  in  his  demesne  as  of 
fee  in  Ireland,  so  that  answer  be  made  to  the  king  for  the  issues  thereof 
according  to  the  law  and  custom  of  those  parts,  and  to  cause  the 
son  and  heir  of  the  said  Edmund  to  be  sent  to  the  king  in  England 
under  safe  conduct ;  and  to  perform  the  premises,  as  he  loves  the 
king  and  the  king's  honour,  with  such  diligence  and  speed  that  the 
king  should  justly  commend  him  thereon.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers 
and  others  of  that  county,  on  pain  of  forfeiture  of  all  which  they  could 
forfeit,  to  be  intendant  to  John  de  Olneye,  Master  Walter  de  Blida 
and  John  Pecok  the  elder,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  take  into 
the  king's  hand  the  manor  of  Hegham  Ferers,  late  of  Thomas,  earl 
of  Lancaster,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  his  forfeiture,  together  with 
all  goods  and  chattels  late  of  the  same  earl  therein,  and  to  keep  the 
same  during  pleasure,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  manor 
and  for  the  goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Gerard  de  Chancy,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 
The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

Appointment  during  pleasure  of  Simon  de  Driby  to  keep  the  castle 
of  Pontefract,  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  which  ought  to  come 
to  the  king's  hand  by  his  forfeiture,  together  with  the  men  and  all 
goods  and  chattels  found  therein,  when  the  castle  shall  have  been 
taken  into  the  king's  hand  by  Edmund,  earl  of  Kent,  the  king's  brother, 
and  John  de  Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey,  whom  the  king  has  appointed 
thereto  ;  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  and  for  the  said 
goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  said  earls  of  Kent  and  Surrey,  as  soon  as  they  have 
taken  the  said  castle,  to  deliver  the  same  with  the  said  goods  and 
chattels  to  the  said  Simon  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

By  K. 

In  like  manner  the  castle  of  Pikeryng,  late  of  the  said  earl  of 
Lancaster,  is  committed  to  Thomas  de  Ughtred.  By  K. 

Order  to  Henry  de  Percy,  who  is  appointed  to  take  the  said  castle 
into  the  king's  hand,  as  soon  as  he  have  taken  the  same,  to  deliver  it 
with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein  to  the  said  Thomas. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Leyburne  of  the  county 
of  Lancaster,  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  which  has  come  to 
the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer 
as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 

By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and 
keep  safely  the  castle  of  Cliderhou  and  all  other  castles,  manors  and 
lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  in  the  said  county,  which 



1322.  Membrane  13 — cont. 

ought  to  come  to  the  king's  hand  by  his  forfeiture,  with  all  goo< 
and  chattels  therein,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  castle 
manors  and  lands  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamb 
until  further  order.  By  ] 

March  12.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  Ralph  Basset  of  Drayton  as  tl 
Tutbury.  king's  steward  of  the  castles  of  Tuttebury,  Donyngton  and  Melboun 
and  of  all  other  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas  earl  of  Lancaste 
in  the  counties  of  Leicester,  Derby  and  Stafford,  in  the  king's  hai 
by  his  forfeiture,  so  that  answer  be  made  in  the  chamber  for  the  issu 
thereof  by  certain  receivers  to  be  deputed  by  the  king  hereto. 

By  1 

Order  to  Nicholas  de  Grey  and  John  de  Hardedeshull  to  deliv 
to  him  the  said  castles  of  Donyngton  and  Melbourne  with  all  thin 
found  therein  and  taken  by  them  into  the  king's  hand,  by  indentu 
to  be  made  thereon.  By  ] 

March  13.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Derby  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  ai 
Derby.  others,  on  pain  of  heavy  forfeiture,  to  be  intendant  to  John  Sturn 
and  Giles  de  Ispannia,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  take  into  t! 
king's  hand  all  jewels  and  other  goods  and  chattels  late  of  Thom£ 
earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels,  in  t 
priory  of  Tuttebury,  and  to  bring  the  same  to  the  king  as  has  b& 
more  fully  enjoined  on  them  by  the  king. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  R.  Baldo 

March  11.  Order  to  earls,  barons,  knights  and  all  others  of  the  counties 
Tutbury.  Leicester  and  Derby,  on  pain  of  forfeiture  of  all  which  they  could  forfe 
to  be  intendant  to  Nicholas  de  Grey  and  John  de  Hardredeshu 
whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  ke 
safely  the  castles  of  Donyngton  and  Melbourne,  so  that  they  answ 
for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber  until  further  order  ;  to  who 
also  the  king  gives  full  power  to  punish  all  rebels  herein  by  the  taki: 
and  imprisonment  of  their  bodies  and  the  taking  of  their  lands,  goo 
and  chattels  into  the  king's  hand.  By  '. 

March  12.  Order  to  earls  etc.  as  above  of  the  county  of  York  to  be  intenda 
Tutbury.  as  above  to  Henry  de  Percy,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  ta 
into  the  king's  hand  and  keep  safely  during  pleasure  the  castle 
Pikeryng,  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  which  ought  to  come 
the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issu 
thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  . 

In  like  manner  Roger  de  Horsle  is  appointed  in  Northumberla: 
to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  keep  safely  during  pleasure  the  casi 
of  Dunstanburgh,  late  of  the  same  earl,  which  etc.  as  above,  so  th 
he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  . 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  ai 
keep  safely  the  castle  of  Bolyngbrok  in  his  bailiwick,  late  of  the  sai 
earl,  which  ought  to  come  to  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture, 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber  until  furth 
order.  By  '. 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART  I. 


1322.  Membrane  13 — card. 

Appointment  of  Thomas  Ughtred  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all 
the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Richard  le  Waleys  in  the  county  of 
York  and  of  all  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  within  the  honour 
of  Pykeryng,  co.  York,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  during  pleasure, 
so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  lands  and  for  the  said  goods 
and  chattels  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  earls,  barons,  knights  and  all  others  of  the  county  of 
Warwick,  on  pain  of  forfeiture  of  all  which  they  could  forfeit,  to  be 
intendant  to  John  de  Somery  and  Ralph  Basset  of  Dray  ton,  whom 
the  king  has  appointed  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  castle  of 
Kenilworth,  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  which  ought  to  come 
to  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture,  and  to  keep  the  same  during 
pleasure,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber  ; 
doing  with  horses,  arms  and  their  whole  posse  the  things  enjoined  on 
them  by  the  said  John  and  Ralph,  to  whom  also  the  king  gives  power 
to  punish  all  rebellious  herein  by  the  taking  and  imprisonment  of 
their  bodies  and  the  taking  of  their  lands,  goods  and  chattels  into 
the  king's  hand.  By  K. 

Order  to  H.  bishop  of  Rochester  to  sequestrate  all  ecclesiastical 
goods  and  chattels  of  Nicholas,  parson  of  the  church  of  Coudenn,  in 
his  diocese,  and  to  deliver  the  same  to  the  king's  chaplain,  Richard 
de  Potesgrave,  by  indenture,  to  answer  therefor  in  the  chamber  as 
has  been  enjoined  on  him  by  the  king  ;  the  said  Nicholas  having 
notoriously  adhered  to  certain  the  king's  subjects,  his  enemies  and 
rebels.  By  K. 

Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  be 
intendant  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to 
take  into  the  king's  hand  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Richard 
le  Waleys  in  the  counties  of  Essex,  Hertford  and  Middlesex,  and  to 
keep  the  same  during  pleasure,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of 
the  said  lands  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 

In  like  manner  John  de  Haustede  is  appointed  to  take  into  the 
king's  hand  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  John  de  Botetourt 
the  elder  in  the  counties  of  Suffolk  and  Essex,  and  to  keep  the  same  etc. 
as  above.  By  K. 


Order  to  earls,  barons,  knights  and  all  others  of  the  county  of 
Lincoln,  on  pain  of  forfeiture  of  all  which  they  could  forfeit,  to  be 
intendant  to  John  de  Stton  (sic)  and  Robert  Darcy,  whom  the  king 
has  appointed  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  the  lands,  goods  and 
chattels  late  of  John  de  Moubray  in  the  isle  of  Haxiholm,  co.  Lincoln, 
which  ought  to  come  to  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture  ;  appoint- 
ment also  of  the  said  John  to  keep  the  same  during  pleasure,  so  that 
he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  lands  and  for  the  said  goods  and 
chattels  in  the  chamber ;  power  also  to  the  said  John  and  Robert 
to  punish  all  rebellious  herein  by  the  taking  and  imprisonment  of  their 
bodies  and  the  taking  of  their  lands,  goods  and  chattels  into  the  king's 



1322.  Membrane  12 — cont. 

hand  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  also  to  be  intendant  t< 
John  and  Robert  herein  and  to  summon  before  him  all  and  singula: 
of  the  said  county  by  whom  the  premises  can  be  speeded.  By  K 

Vacated  because  not  sealed. 

March  13.        Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts  to  deliver  to  John  Turpyn  all  his  land: 

Derby.        in  the  sheriff's  bailiwick  taken  by  the  sheriff  into  the  king's  hanc 

with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein,  the  king  wishing  the  sheriff  t< 

be  discharged  therefrom  ;    the  said  John  having  found  security  o 

good  behaviour  towards  the  king  and  his  heirs  and  for  answering  thi 

king  touching  the  things  whereon  the  king  would  wish  to  speak  agains 

him.  By  K 

The  like  to  the  sheriffs  of  Gloucester  and  Devon. 

March  14.  Commission  to  John  de  Ippestanes,  John  de  Benteleye  and  Phili] 
Derby.  de  Luttileye,  reciting  that  for  the  men  at  arms  of  the  county  of  Stafforc 
who  ought  to  have  come  with  the  king  in  his  service  in  his  presen1 
expedition  against  certain  his  enemies  and  rebels  and  came  no 
according  to  the  tenour  of  a  warning  made  by  the  king  on  pain  o 
heavy  forfeiture,  certain  of  them  have  made  a  fine  of  200?.  for  them 
selves  and  others  to  have  the  king's  pardon  therefor,  to  be  paid  in  thi 
wardrobe  before  Easter  next ;  and  appointing  the  said  commissioner 
to  levy  the  said  sum  from  the  men  at  arms  of  the  said  county  wh< 
came  not,  and  to  pay  the  same  in  the  wardrobe  before  Easter  next 
taking  heed  that  they  levy  nothing  thereof  from  the  men  at  arm: 
who  came  in  the  king's  service  or  were  of  the  retinue  of  others  in  thi 
same  service,  or  from  the  commonalty  of  that  county  ;  the  king  havinj 
ordered  the  sheriff  of  the  county  to  be  intendant  to  them  herein  anc 
to  summon  before  them  all  of  the  county  by  whom  the  premises  cai 
be  speeded.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  Baldok 

March  18.        The  like  to  Emery  de  la  Zusche,  Thomas  de  Chalers,  Geoffrey  di 

BIyth.        Burdeleys,    Simon   de   Drayton   and   John   de   Waldeshef    to    lev} 

400  marks  from  the  men  at  arms  of  the  counties  of  Cambridge  an< 

Huntingdon  and  to  bring  the  same  to  the  wardrobe  before  Easte 

next.  By  K 

March  15.        Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  an< 

Derby.       others  to  be  intendant  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche,  whom  the  king  ha 

appointed  to  examine  the  jewels  and  other  goods  and  chattels  late  o 

Humphrey  de  Bohoun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  and  other  tb 

king's  enemies  and  rebels,  in  the  abbey  of  Waleden  and  the  priorie 

of  Hatfeld,  Dunmawe  and  Leyes,  and  to  take  the  same  into  the  king' 

hand,  and  to  make  indentures  between  him  and  the  heads  (presidentes 

•of  the  places  wherein  the  same  are  found,  and  to  certify  the  king  thereoi 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok 

March  16.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  b 
Warsop.  intendant  to  John  de  Shirefeld,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  ti 
enquire  what  horses,  carts  and  harnesses  and  other  goods  the  king' 
enemies,  flying  of  late  from  the  king,  left  in  the  parts  of  Derby,  anc 
into  whose  hands  the  same  have  come,  and  to  take  the  same  into  th( 
king's  hand  and  keep  the  same  safely  to  the  king's  use,  as  has  beei 
more  fully  enjoined  on  him  by  the  king.  By  K 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART  I. 


Membrane  12 — cont. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roald  de  Richemund  of  the  keeping 
of  the  castle  of  Horeston  and  the  forest  of  Duffeldfrith,  so  that  he 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  Robert  de  Malo  Lacu  or  his  lieutenant  in  the  said  castle 
to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Pecche  of  the  keeping  of  all 
the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late  of  John  Moubray  in  the  isle  of 
Haxiholm,  co.  Lincoln,  which  have  come  to  the  king's  hands  by  his 
forfeiture,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  lands  and  for 
the  said  goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 

Order  to  Edmund  de  Impyngton  to  deliver  to  him  the  same,  which 
he  took  into  the  king's  hand,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between 
them,  the  king  wishing  Edmund  to  be  discharged  therefrom. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  Master  Walter  de 
Islep,  of  the  office  of  treasurer  of  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin,  so  that  lie 
receive  the  usual  fee  at  the  said  Exchequer  and  answer  for  the  issues 
of  the  office  and  render  his  account  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  of 
England.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

Order  to  John  de  Cogan  to  deliver  to  him  all  things  touching  that 
office  in  his  keeping. 

Order  to  all  and  singular  within  the  bishopric  of  Durham  [to  be 
intendant  to]  Gregory  de  Thorneton,  whom  the  king  has  appointed 
to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late  of 
Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  Roger  de  Clifford  and  Robert  de  Holand, 
in  the  said  bishopric,  and  to  keep  the  same  during  pleasure,  so  that 
he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  lands  and  for  the  said  goods  and 
chattels  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 

In  like  manner  Oliver  de  Ingham  is  appointed  to  take  into  the 
king's  hand  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  the  said  Robert  in  the 
county  of  Chester,  and  to  keep  the  same  etc.  as  above. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  same. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Robert  de  Holand  in  his  bailiwick, 
and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  he  answer  for 
the  issues  of  the  said  lands  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels  in  the 
chamber.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  sheriffs  in  the  following  counties  : — 

Nottingham  and  Derby.  York. 

Lincoln.  Northumberland. 

Lancaster.  Salop  and  Stafford. 


Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  serjeatit  at  arms,  Randolf 
Charun,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Kenilworth,  late  of  Thomas, 
earl  of  Lancaster,  which  came  to  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture, 
so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Warwick  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all 
goods  and  chattels  therein  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 



1322.  Membrane  12 — cont. 

Order  to  earls,  barons,  knights  and  all  others  of  the  county  of 
Warwick,  on  pain  of  forfeiture  of  all  which  they  could  forfeit,  to  be 
intendant  to  him  in  all  things  touching  the  safe  keeping  of  the  said 

March  16.        Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  Jay  of  the  keeping  of  the 
Warsop.      castle  of  Crekkyth,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the 
Exchequer  of  Kaernarvan  and  receive  therefor  the  usual  fee. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 
Order  to  the  justice  of  Wales  or  his  lieutenant  to  deliver  the  same 
to  him  with  all  things  in  the  castle  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  same  R. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Jay  of  the  keeping  of  the 
hundred  of  Bradeford,  co.  Salop,  which  Master  Richard  de  Clebury 
held  of  the  king's  commitment,  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer 
of  the  farm  thereof,  as  used  to  be  rendered  hitherto. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  Baldok. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  William  Bacoun, 
of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Somerton,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  Henry  de  Bello  Monte,  constable  thereof,  to  deliver  the 
same  to  him  with  all  things  therein  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon 
between  them. 

March  16.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Northumberland  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Warsop.  the  castle  of  Dunstaburgh  and  all  other  castles,  lands,  goods  and 
chattels  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  in  his  bailiwick,  and  to 
keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  of  the  said  castle  and  lands  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels 
in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

March  17.  Notification  that  whereas  among  the  other  lands  of  the  countess 
Warsop.  of  Lincoln  taken  for  certain  causes  into  the  king's  hand  the  king  com- 
mitted during  pleasure  to  Roger  Corbet  of  Tassele  the  keeping  of  the 
manor  of  Wismauban,  co.  Chester,  so  that  he  answered  for  the  issues 
thereof  in  the  chamber,  and  afterwards  assigned  David  de  Holegreve 
to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  keep  in  the  form  aforesaid  the  bailiwick 
of  the  said  countess  of  Namptwych,  not  knowing  that  that  place,  on 
account  of  the  diversity  of  the  said  names,  had  been  committed  by 
the  king  to  the  said  Roger,  the  king,  now  knowing  that  the  said 
place  is  one,  wills  that  the  said  Roger  have  the  keeping  thereof  during 
pleasure,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 

Order  to  the  said  David  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  place  called 
le  Namptewych.  By  K, 

March  17.        Appointment    during    pleasure    of    the    king's    clerk,    William   de 

Blyth.        Oterhampton,  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castles  of  Tuttebury, 

Donyngton  and  Melbourne  and  of  all  other  castles  and  lands  late  of 

Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  in  the  counties  of  Leicester,  Derby  and 

15  EDWARD   II.— PART  I. 


Membrane  12 — cont. 

Stafford,  in  the  king's  hand  by  his  forfeiture,  so  that  he  answer  therefor 
in  the  chamber  as  he  shall  be  charged  therewith  by  the  steward  of 
the  said  castles  and  lands. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 
Order  to  William  de  Kirkeby  to  deliver  to  him  the  armour,  victuals 
and  other  goods  and  chattels  found  of  late  in  the  said  castles  and  lands 
and  taken  into  the  king's  hand  by  his  view  and  testimony,  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them,  bringing  to  the  wardrobe  to  be 
delivered  there  the  part  of  the  said  indenture  remaining  with  him. 

Commission  to  Thomas  de  Roshale,  Eustace  de  Burneby  and  William 
Bretoun,  reciting  that  the  commonalty  of  the  county  of  Northampton 
granted  to  the  king  of  late  twelve  men  at  arms,  to  wit,  one  from  each 
hundred,  and  1,000  footmen  of  the  said  county  at  their  own  costs  for 
forty  days  in  the  king's  present  expedition  against  certain  subjects, 
the  king's  enemies,  in  the  king's  service,  for  the  expenses  of  which 
footmen  1,000  marks  were  assessed  on  the  said  commonalty,  whereof 
500  marks  have  been  paid  by  the  said  commissioners  in  the  chamber 
by  the  hands  of  the  king's  clerk,  Thomas  de  Usflete,  and  a  certain 
sum  has  been  paid  to  the  said  footmen  for  their  wages  in  coming  to 
the  king  ;  and  appointing  the  said  commissioners  to  levy  the  residue 
of  the  said  1.000  marks  and  to  bring  the  same  to  the  chamber  to  be 
paid  there  before  Easter  next,  the  king  wishing  that  the  said  footmen, 
whom  he  is  now  permitting  to  return  home,  should  come  in  the  king's 
service  at  the  king's  wages,  if  he  should  wish  to  have  them  at  another 
time  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  of  the  county  to  be  intendant 
to  them  herein  and  to  summon  before  them  all  and  singular  of  the 
county  by  whom  the  premises  can  be  speeded.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Leicester  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and 
others  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  during  pleasure  to  John  de 
Merton,  Peter  le  Mareschal  and  Andrew  Rosekin,  whom  the  king  has 
appointed  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  manor  of  Robert  de  Holand 
of  Baggeworth,  co.  Leicester,  and  his  jewels  and  all  other  goods  and 
chattels  found  therein,  so  that  an  indenture  be  made  of  the  said  jewels, 
goods  and  chattels  between  the  said  John  and  Peter  of  the  one  part 
and  the  said  Andrew  of  the  other  part,  and  so  that  the  manor  with 
the  jewels,  goods  and  chattels  remain  in  the  keeping  of  the  said  Andrew , 
who  shall  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  manor  and  for  the  jewels,  goods 
and  chattels  in  the  chamber. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and 
others  to  be  intendant  to  William  de  Clif  and  Roger  atte  Watere, 
king's  Serjeant  at  arms,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  take  into 
the  king's  hand  all  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late  of  Nicholas  de 
Stapelton  in  the  said  county,  so  that  an  indenture  be  made  thereon 
between  the  said  William  of  the  one  part  and  the  said  Roger  of  the 
other  part,  and  so  that  the  said  Roger  keep  the  premises  during  pleasure 
and  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  the  said  Roger  the  premises  taken 
by  him  into  the  king's  hand,  by  indenture  thereon  to  be  made  between 
them",  the  king  wishing  the  sheriff  to  be  discharged  therefrom. 



1322.  Membrane  12—cont. 

March  16.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to 
Warsop.  intendant  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Ardern,  whom  the  king  1 
appointed  to  pursue,  arrest  and  take  Robert  de  Veer  of  Sudbui 
in  the  county  of  Northampton  and  to  keep  him  in  prison  by  the  she: 
of  the  said  county,  and  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  his  Ian 
goods  and  chattels,  and  to  keep  them  safely,  so  that  he  answer  for  \ 
issues  of  the  said  lands  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels  in  1 
chamber  until  further  order.  By 

March  19.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  la  Beche  of  the  keep 
Doncaster.  of  the  castle  of  Sandale,  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  kin 
enemy  and  rebel,  which  ought  to  come  to  the  king's  hand  by 
forfeiture,  together  with  all  goods  and  chattels  late  of  the  earl  s 
other  the  king's  enemies  found  in  the  castle,  so  that  he  answer  for  ' 
issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Bald 
Order  to  all  and  singular  of  whatsoever  rank  in  the  castle,  on  pair 
forfeiture  of  life  and  limbs  and  all  other  things  which  they  could  forf 
to  deliver  the  castle  to  him. 

The  like  to  Simon  de  Wodeham,  the  king's  yeoman,  of  the  cai 
of  Konyngesburgh,  late  of  the  same  earl,  in  the  king's  hand  by 
forfeiture,  with  all  goods  etc.  as  above,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  iss 
thereof  in  the  chamber. 

Order  to  Adam  le  Bloy,  and  Peter  do  Sancto  Johanne  to  delivei 
him  the  same,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand  and  in  their  keeping,  •« 
the  goods  and  chattels  aforesaid,  by  indenture  etc. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  i 
others  in  that  county  to  be  intendant  during  pleasure  to  William  d 
Beche,  keeper  of  the  castle  of  Sandale,  whom  the  king  has  appoin 
to  inform  himself  what  jewels  and  other  goods  or  chattels  late 
Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  king's  enemy,  or  of  other  the  kii 
enemies  and  rebels,  which  ought  to  come  to  the  king  by  their  forfeiti 
were  found  in  the  said  castle  and  withdrawn  therefrom,  and  by  wh 
and  to  seize  the  same  in  whosesoever  hands  they  be,  and  to  keep 
same  by  indenture  to  be  made  until  further  order,  and  to  certify 
king  thereon.  By 


March  21 .  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  deliver  to  John  de  Stapelton,  execi 
Pontefract.  of  the  will  of  Gilbert  de  Stapelton,  late  escheator  on  this  side  Tr 
the  goods  and  chattels  of  the  said  Gilbert,  taken  into  the  king's  h 
by  the  sheriff  on  account  of  Gilbert's  debts,  for  the  execution  of 
will ;  the  said  John  having  found  in  Chancery  John  de  Wolaston 
John  Morice  of  the  county  of  Bedford  as  mainpernors  for  rendering 
account  of  the  said  Gilbert  of  the  time  when  he  was  escheator, 
for  satisfying  the  king  of  the  debts  wherein  Gilbert  was  held  to 
king  on  that  account,  so  far  as  his  goods  and  chattels  suffice. 

The  like  to  the  constable  of  the  castle  of  Knaresburgh  or 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester  to  restore  to  Hugh  Pointz 
lands  with  the  goods  and  chattels  found  therein  by  indenture  thei 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART  I. 


1322.  Membrane  11 — cont. 

to  bo  made  between  them,  if  he  will  find  security  for  answering  to  the 
king  on  the  cause  for  which  his  lands  were  taken  by  the  sheriff  into 
the  king's  hand ;  and  to  certify  the  king  of  that  cause,  returning 
this  writ.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  John  de  Ovedale,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  John,  son  and  heir  of  John  de 
Pabenham,  who  is  staying  in  the  service  of  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of 
Pembroke,  on  the  munition  of  his  castle  of  Hertford,  the  lands  late  of  his 
said  father,  tenant  in  chief,  saving  to  Elizabeth  late  the  wife  of  John  the 
father  her  dower  ;  the  king  having  ordered  Philip  de  Aylesbury  to 
receive  the  fealty  of  John  the  son,  the  king  wishing  that  he  come  in 
person  to  the  king  in  the  next  Parliament  to  do  homage.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Lewer  of  the  keeping  of 
the  manor  of  Hichille,  co.  Southampton,  late  of  John  Giffard,  the 
king's  enemy  and  rebel,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  his  forfeiture,  so 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  Hamo  de  Mascy,  keeper  of  the  land  of  Maillorseisnek,  or 
his  lieutenant,  to  deliver  to  John  de  Felton  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels 
of  Edenevet  ap  Yereward,  which  were  taken  into  the  king's  hand 
because  the  said  Edenevet  and  Adam  ap  Yevan  took  and  retained 
chattels  of  certain  persons  opposing  the  king  to  the  value  of  200  marks, 
and  are  now  in  the  said  Hamo's  keeping  ;  the  said  John  having 
mainprised  to  pay  in  the  chamber  200  marks  for  the  said  Edenevet 
and  Adam,  to  wit,  100  marks  in  the  Parliament  after  Easter  instant 
and  100  marks  at  Michaelmas  following. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  Baldok. 

The  like  to  Peter  Giffard,  keeper  of  the  castle  of  Chirk,  or  his 
lieutenant,  to  deliver  to  the  same  John  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels 
of  the  said  Edenevet  and  Adam. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  be 
intendant  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Robert  Oliver,  whom 
the  king  has  appointed  to  pursue,  arrest  and  take  Nicholas  de  Hewyk 
and  John  de  Thornton  and  certain  others  in  their  company  whom 
he  knows  to  be  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels,  and  to  cause  them  to 
be  kept  safely  in  prison,  and  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  their  goods 
and  chattels  found  with  them  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further 
order,  as  has  been  more  fully  enjoined  on  the  said  Robert  by  the  king  ; 
power  also  to  him  to  punish  all  rebellious  herein  by  the  taking  and 
imprisonment  of  their  bodies  and  the  taking  of  their  lands,  goods 
and  chattels  into  the  king's  hand.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Haule  of  the  keeping 
of  all  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Beek,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  in 
the  county  of  Lincoln,  in  the  king's  hand  by  his  forfeiture,  with  all 
goods  and  chattels  late  of  the  same  John  found  therein,  so  that  he 

F  8 



1322.  Membrane  11 — cont. 

answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  lands  and  for  the  said  goods  anc 
chattels  in  the  chamber.  By  K 

Order  to  Alan  de  Cubbeldyk  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  lands,  whicl 
are  in  his  keeping. 

March  28.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  John  Boneyre 
Pontefract.  of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  of  Bagge worth,  co.  Leicester,  late  oi 
Robert  de  Holand  and  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  thai 
he  be  intendant  to  the  chief  keeper  deputed  by  the  king  to  the  lauds 
in  the  king's  hand  in  the  said  county,  and  answer  for  the  issues  thereoi 
in  the  chamber  as  he  shall  be  charged  therewith  by  the  said  keeper. 

By  K 

Order  to  Roger  Beler  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manor,  which  is 
in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Gilbert  d< 
Risshton,  of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  of  Laghton,  co.  Sussex,  whicl 
has  come  to  the  king's  hands  by  the  death  of  John  Douuedale,  whc 
held  the  same  for  life  of  the  king's  inheritance,  so  that  he  answer  fo: 
the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

March  31.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon  to  pursue,  arrest  and  take  Reynold 
Altofts.  and  Thomas,  brothers  of  John  de  Wylyngton,  and  cause  them  to  be 
safely  kept  in  prison  until  further  order,  taking  with  him,  if  need  be 
a  posse  of  the  said  county,  and  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and  keej 
safely  their  lands,  goods  and  chattels,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K 

March  27.  Order  to  Humphrey  de  Littelbury  to  deliver  Peter  de  Scrembj 
Pontefract.  from  the  prison  where  he  is  detained,  if  he  were  taken  by  Humphrej 
or  any  of  his  men  for  having  adhered,  as  is  said,  to  certain  persons 
opposing  the  king  and  in  rebellion,  and  to  restore  to  him  his  lands 
goods  and  chattels,  taken  into  the  king's  hand,  with  the  issues  thereoi 
from  the  time  of  the  taking  of  the  same  into  the  king's  hand,  not 
molesting  him  meanwhile  ;  Robert  de  Malberthorp  having  mainprised 
before  the  king  for  the  said  Peter  to  have  him  at  the  next  Parliament, 
which  the  king  is  to  hold  at  York  three  weeks  from  Easter  next,  to 
answer  the  king  then  and  there.  By  K. 

At  the  said  Parliament  the  said  Robert  brought  the  said  Peter,  and 
nothing  was  spoken  against  him  of  anything  forfeited  to  the  king, 
and  the  said  Robert  mainprised  to  have  him  before  the  king  oi 
elsewhere  at  the  king's  order  to  answer  touching  anything  etc.,\and 
he  was  delivered  to  the  said  Robert  in  the  form  aforesaid. 

March  30.  Order  to  all  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  of  the  land  of  Glaumorgan 
PoDtefract.  and  the  adjacent  parts  to  be  intendant  to  John  Inge  and  John  de 
Dunstaple,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  make  inquisition  in  those 
parts  what  goods  or  chattels  of  Llewellyn  ap  Kenewrek  beside  those 
which  were  taken  into  the  king's  hand  by  the  said  John  and  John  at 
another  time  and  put  in  an  indenture  made  between  them  and  the 
king's  clerk,  Master  John  Walewayn,  have  been  withdrawn,  and  by 

15  EDWARD  II.— PABT  I.  115 

Membrane  11 — cont. 

whom,  and  into  whose  hands  they  have  come,  and  to  take  the  same 
to  the  king's  use,  as  has  been  more  fully  enjoined  on  them  by  the  king. 

By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Thomas 
Folejaumbe,  son  and  heir  of  Thomas  Folejaumbe,  tenant  in  chief, 
the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage ;  saving  to 
Alice  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  her  dower.  By  K.  Derby. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts  to  deliver  to  the  executors  of  the  will 
of  Master  Richard  de  Abyndon,  late  one  of  the  barons  of  the  Exchequer, 
his  goods  and  chattels,  taken  by  the  sheriff  into  the  king's  hand  on 
account  of  his  debts,  for  the  execution  of  his  will,  if  they  will  find 
security  for  which  the  sheriff  will  answer  for  answering  to  the  king 
for  any  such  debts  so  far  as  the  said  goods  and  chattels  suffice. 

Order  to  the  keeper  of  the  town  of  Kyngeston  upon  Hull  to  restore 
to  John  Metal  any  goods  and  chattels  taken  by  the  keeper  into  the 
king's  hand  on  account  of  John's  adherence  to  certain  enemies  and 
rebels  of  the  king,  if  he  will  find  mainpernors  who  will  mainprise, 
each  of  them  body  for  body,  to  have  him  before  the  king  or  elsewhere 
at  the  king's  order  to  answer  touching  the  said  offence. 

By  K.  &  C. 

Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  Robert  de 
Brompton,  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castles  and  lands  late  of 
Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels 
and  others,  in  the  king's  hand,  beyond  the  water  of  Ouse  towards 
the  parts  of  the  north,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  same  in  the  chamber 
as  he  shall  be  charged  therewith  by  the  steward  of  the  said  castles 
and  lands.  By  K. 

The  like  of  Richard  de  Musleye,  parson  of  the  church  of  Friston, 
as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Pontefract  and 
all  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  late  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other 
the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in  the  county  of  York  on 
this  side  the  water  of  Use.  in  the  king's  hand,  except  the  castle  of 
Skipton  in  Craven,  late  of  Roger  de  Clifford.  By  K. 

The  like  of  William  de  Tatham,  parson  of  the  church  of  Haulghton, 
as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  the  said  Thomas 
and  others  in  the  counties  of  Westmoreland,  Cumberland  and  Lancaster 
and  the  parts  of  Skipton  in  Cravene,  Burton  in  Lonesdale,  Blakeburn- 
shireand  Halton,  Congelton,  Whitteleye  and Longedendale,co.  Chester. 

By  K. 

Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  be  intendant  to  John 
Inge  and  John  de  Dunstaple,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  make 
inquisition  in  the  land  of  Gloumorgan,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain 
causes,  which  evildoers  and  disturbers  of  the  peace  took  and  carried 
away  any  goods  and  chattels  of  the  king  at  any  time  after  the  first 
coming  of  John  de  Hastynges  in  those  parts,  and  what  and  of  what  sorb 
were  those  goods  and  chattels,  and  into  whose  hands  the  same  have 



1322.  Membrane  11 — cont. 

now  come,  and  where  and  in  what  manner,  and  to  take  the  sam 
into  the  king's  hand  and  keep  them  safely  until  further  order. 

By  E 

April  5.  Order  to  Henry  de  Percy  to  deliver  John  de  Dalton,  late  servan 
Altofts.  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  from  th 
prison  where  Henry  detains  him,  the  king  having  been  given  to  undei 
stand  that  Henry,  by  pretext  of  the  king's  appointment  of  him  t 
arrest  all  persons  opposing  the  king  and  in  rebellion  in  the  county  c 
York  and  their  adherents  and  to  cdmmit  the  same  to  prison  unt 
further  order,  arrested  the  said  John  as  an  adherent  of  the  said  eai 
and  detains  him,  and,  at  the  request  of  Eleanor  de  Percy,  mother  c 
Henry,  and  of  Henry  himself,  having  granted  that  if  Eleanor  and  h 
will  mainprise  to  have  the  said  John  before  the  king  or  elsewhet 
at  the  king's  order  to  answer  touching  the  things  whereon  the  kin 
would  speak  against  him,  h«  may  be  delivered  meanwhile. 

By  K 

Order  to  Thomas  Ughtred,  constable  of  the  castle  of  Pikeryng,  i 
the  king's  hand,  to  deliver  to  John  de  Dalton,  whom  at  the  reques 
of  Eleanor  de  Percy  and  Henry  her  son,  the  king  ordered  Henry  t 
deliver  from  prison  as  above  [last  entry],  the  lands  of  the  same  Johi 
and  to  the  said  Eleanor  and  Henry  his  goods  and  chattels,  which  Thoma 
took  into  the  king's  hand,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  him  an 
them  or  their  deputy,  sending  one  part  of  that  indenture  to  th 
wardrobe.  By  K 

April  6.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Gilbert  de  Sengelton  of  the  keepin 
Altofts.  of  the  castle  of  Haulton  and  all  the  lands  in  Congelton,  Whitleye  an 
Longedendale,  co.  Chester,  and  in  Vydnes,  co.  Lancaster,  late  c 
Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  Robert  de  Holand  and  Joan,  countess  ( 
Lincoln,  which  are  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes  or  will  com 
to  the  king's  hands,  with  all  goods  and  chattels  therein,  so  that  i 
the  keeping  of  the  said  castle  and  lands  he  may  depute  others  unde 
him  for  whom  he  will  answer  if  they  are  not  sufficient,  and  so  tha 
answer  be  made  to  the  king  in  the  chamber  for  the  issues  thereof  b 
a  certain  receiver  to  be  deputed  hereto  by  the  king  and  to  be  charge 
therewith  by  the  said  Gilbert. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldot 

Order  to  John  Travers  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle  and  land 

with   the  said  goods   and   chattels,   which   are   in   his   keeping,   b 

indenture  to  be  made  thereon,  the  king  wishing  him  to  be  discharge 


April  2.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Adai 

Altofta.       Armestrang,  son  and  heir  of  Adam  Armestrang,  tenant  in  chief,  th 

lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ;  saving  to  Elle 

late  the  wife  of  Adam  her  dower.  Cumberland 

April  4.         Order  to  the  treasurer  of  the  castle  of  Kaerdyf,  in  the  king's  hanc 

AltoftB.      to  cause  to  be  levied  and  kept  safely  all  rents,  farms,  customs  an 

other  issues  of  the  castles,  manors  and  lands  late  of  Hugh  le  Despense 

the  younger  in  Glomorgan  and  the  arrears  thereof  in  time  past  an 

any  debts  due  to  the  said  Hugh  there  for  any  cause,  not  yet  leviec 

16  EDWARD  II.— PART  I. 


1322.  Membrane  11 — cont. 

so  that  the  treasurer  can  answer  therefor  at  the  king's  order,  which 
castles,  manors  and  lands  and  the  goods  and  chattels  late  of  the  said 
Hugh  came  to  the  king's  hands  of  late  for  certain  causes  and  ought 
to  remain  to  the  king,  who  wishes  that  answer  be  made  to  him  for  the 
issues  of  the  castles,  manors  and  lands  and  for  the  goods  and  chattels  ; 
the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  of  Glomorgan  to  be  intendant  to 
the  said  treasurer  herein. 

The  like  to  the  treasurer  of  Cantredemaur,  except  the  last  clause 
touching  the  sheriff. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Roger  de  Nevill 
of  Redburn,  son  and  heir  of  Roger  de  Nevill  of  Redburn,  tenant  in 
chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ;  saving 
to  Beatrice  late  the  wife  of  Roger  her  dower.  Lincoln. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Richard  de  Ayremynn. 

Order  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  York  to  deliver  to  Henry  le 
Vavasour  his  goods  and  chattels,  taken  by  them  into  the  king's  hand 
because  he  adhered,  as  is  said,  to  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels,  by 
indenture  to  be  made  between  them  and  him,  sending  one  part  thereof 
to  the  wardrobe  ;  Robert  le  Vavasour  and  William  de  Burgo  of  the 
county  of  York  having  mainprised  before  the  king  for  the  said  Henry, 
each  of  them  body  for  body,  to  have  the  said  Henry  before  the  king 
or  elsewhere  at  the  king's  order  to  answer  the  king  touching  his  said 
offence.  By  K. 


Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  de  Emeldon  of  the  keeping 
of  all  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and 
other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in  the  county  of 
Northumberland  and  the  bishopric  of  Durham,  which  are  in  the 
king's  hand  or  will  come  to  the  king's  hand  by  the  forfeiture  of  the 
said  enemies  and  for  other  causes  with  all  goods  and  chattels  therein, 
so  that  in  the  keeping  of  the  said  castles  and  lands  he  may  depute 
others  under  him  for  whom  he  will  answer  if  they  are  not  sufficient, 
and  so  that  answer  be  made  to  the  king  in  the  chamber  for  the  issues 
thereof  by  a  certain  receiver  to  be  deputed  hereto  by  the  king  and 
to  be  charged  therewith  by  the  said  Richard.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Northumberland  to  deliver  to  him  the  said 
castles,  lands,  goods  and  chattels  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be 
made  of  the  goods  and  chattels,  the  king  wishing  the  sheriff  to  be 
discharged  therefrom. 

The  like  to  Gregory  de  Thornton  touching  the  castles  etc.  in  the 
bishopric  of  Durham,  in  his  keeping,  as  above. 

The  like  to  Roger  de  Horsele  touching  the  castle  of  Dunstanburgh, 
late  of  the  said  earl,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein  in  his  keeping, 
as  above. 

Order  to  the  said  Richard  to  be  intendant  on  the  said  keeping, 
neglecting  all  other  things. 

The  like  to  John  de  Kilvynton  of  the  keeping  of  the  castles  and 
lauds  of  the  same  earl  and  others  between  the  waters  of  These  and 


1322.  Membrane  10 — cont. 

Use,  co.  York,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein,  except  the  cas 
of  Pykeryng,  late  of  the  earl.  By 

Order  to  Thomas  Ughtred  to  deliver  the  said  castle  to  him,  wi 
the  goods  and  chattels  therein  in  his  keeping  by  indenture  etc. 

Vacated  because  Thomas  had  that  keeping  by  a  commitment  of  a  pr 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  deliver  to  him  the  castles,  lam 
goods  and  chattels  in  his  keeping  etc.  as  above. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

The  like  to  Thomas  Deyvill  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  and  hone 
of  Pontefract  and  all  castles  and  lands  late  of  the  same  earl  and  oth 
in  the  county  of  York  on  this  side  the  water  of  Ouse,  except  the  mai 
of  Skipton  in  Craven,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein. 

Order  to  Simon  Dryby  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle  and  hone 
and  all  the  said  castles  and  lands  in  his  keeping  with  the  goods  a 
chattels  therein,  as  above. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  York. 

The  like  to  Simon  de  Wodeham,  the  king's  yeoman,  touching  1 
castle  of  Konyngsburgh,  late  of  the  said  earl,  with  the  goods  a 
chattels  in  his  keeping. 

The  like  to  William  de  la  Beche  touching  the  castle  of  Sandale,  li 
of  the  said  earl,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  in  his  keeping. 

The  like  to  Roger  atte  Watre  touching  the  lands  late  of  Nicho 
de  Stapelton  in  the  county  of  York,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  in 

The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  in  general  terms. 

The  like  to  John  le  Blake. 

The  like  to  Henry  de  Malton  of  the  keeping  of  all  castles  and  lai 
late  of  the  same  earl  and  others  in  the  counties  of  Westmoreland  a 
Cumberland  and  the  castle  and  manors  of  Skipton  in  Cravene  a 
Burton  in  Londesdale,  co.  York,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  then 

Order  to  Andrew  de  Harcla  to  deliver  to  him  the  same  in  his  keepi 

The  like  severally  to  the  sheriffs  of  Westmoreland  and  Cumberla 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  York. 

The  like  to  John  Travers  of  the  keeping  of  all  castles  and  lands  1 
of  the  same  earl  and  others  in  the  county  of  Lancaster,  Blakebour 
shire  and  Halton,  co.  Chester,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster  to  deliver  to  him  the  same  in 

The  like  severally  to  Robert  de  Leybourn,  sheriff  of  Chester,  a 
Oliver  de  Ingham. 

The  like  to  Roger  Beler  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  and  honour 
Tuttebury  and  all  other  castles  and  lands  late  of  the  same  earl  a 
others  in  the  counties  of  Stafford,  Derby  and  Leicester,  with 
goods  and  chattels  therein. 

Order  to  Ralph  Basset  of  Drayton  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  cas 
and  honour  and  all  the  said  castles,  lands,  goods  and  chattels  in 

IB  EDWARD  II.— PART  I.  119 

1322.  Membrane  IQ—cont. 

The  like  to  the  sheriffs  of  the  said  counties  touching  the  same  in 
their  keeping. 

The  like  to  Roald  de  Richemund  touching  the  forest  of  Duffeld 
Frith,  in  his  keeping. 

The  like  to  Alan  de  Cubbeldyk  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  castles  and 
lands  late  of  the  same  earl  and  others  in  the  county  of  Lincoln,  with 
the  goods  and  chattels  therein. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln  to  deliver  to  him  the  castles  of 
Bolyngbrok  and  Lincoln  and  all  the  said  castles,  lands,  goods  and 
chattels  in  his  keeping. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Stok  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  castles  and 
lands  late  of  the  same  earl  and  others  in  the  counties  of  Warwick, 
Oxford,  Bedford  and  Buckingham,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein. 

Order  to  the  sheriffs  severally  to  deliver  to  him  the  same  in  their 

The  like  to  Randolf  Charroun  touching  the  castle  of  Kenylworth, 
in  his  keeping. 


The  like  to  Robert  de  Hungerford  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  castles 
and  lands  late  of  the  same  earl  and  others  in  the  city  of  London  and 
the  counties  of  Middlesex,  Wilts,  Berks  and  Southampton,  with  the 
goods  and  chattels  therein. 

Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  London  and  the  said  counties  severally  to 
deliver  to  him  the  same  in  their  keeping. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Aston  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  castles  and 
lands  late  of  the  same  earl  and  others  in  the  counties  of  Somerset, 
Dorset  and  Gloucester,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein. 

Order  to  Simon  de  Dreby  to  deliver  to  him  the  same  in  his  keeping. 

The  like  to  the  sheriffs  of  the  said  counties  severally. 

The  like  to  Richard  Lovel. 

The  like  to  John  de  Lortye  and  John  de  Say. 

The  like  to  John  le  Botiller  of  Lanultut  touching  the  castle  and 
honour  of  Cranebourn,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  in  his  keeping. 

The  like  to  Richard  de  Rodeneye  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  castles 
and  lands  late  of  the  same  earl  and  others  in  the  counties  of  Devon 
and  Cornwall,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein. 

Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  the  said  counties  severally  to  deliver  to  him 
the  same  in  their  keeping. 

The  like  to  Roger  Carles  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  castles  and  lands 
late  of  the  same  earl  and  others  in  the  counties  of  Hereford,  Worcester 
and  Salop,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein. 

Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  the  said  counties  to  deliver  to  him  the  same 
in  their  keeping. 

The  like  to  John  de  Felton  touching  the  manor  of  Hodinet  with 
the  goods  and  chattels  therein  in  his  keeping. 

The  like  to  Roger  Corbet  of  Tassele  touching  the  castles  etc.  in  his 

The  like  to  John  de  Felton  touching  Red  Castle  with  the  goods  and 
chattels  therein. 



1322.  Membrane  10 — cont. 

The  like  to  William  de  Bello  Campo,  William  de  Bradenell  and 
Alexander  de  Besseford  touching  the  castles  etc.  in  their  keeping. 

The  like  to  Richard  de  Whatton  of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  ol 
Kneshale  and  all  castles  and  lands  late  of  the  same  earl  in  the  counties 
of  Nottingham,  Northampton  and  Rutland,  and  the  fees  of  Lancastei 
and  Ferrers  in  the  said  counties  and  the  counties  of  Lincoln  and 
Nottingham  and  the  rere-county  (retrovicecomitatus)  of  Lincoln, 
with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein. 

Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  the  said  counties  to  deliver  to  him  the  same 
in  their  keeping. 

Afterwards  under  the  same  date  the  sheriff  of  Rutland  was  ordered 
to  deliver  to  him  the  same  in  his  keeping,  except  the  castles  and  lands 
late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein. 

June  15.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  Robert  de  Multon, 
Haddlesey.  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl 
of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in 
the  county  of  Lincoln  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  answer  be  made  to 
the  king  therefor  in  the  chamber,  as  he  shall  be  charged  therewith 
by  the  steward  of  the  said  castles  and  lands.  By  p.s.  [6054.] 

May  15.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Everard  of  the  keeping  of 
York.  all  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  the  same  earl  and  others  in  the  counties 
of  Devon  and  Cornwall,  which  are  in  the  king's  hand  or  will  come  to 
the  king's  hand  by  their  forfeiture  or  for  other  causes,  with  all  goods 
and  chattels  therein,  so  that  in  the  keeping  thereof  he  may  depute 
others  under  him,  for  whom  he  will  answer  if  they  are  not  sufficient, 
and  so  that  answer  be  made  to  the  king  in  the  chamber  for  the  issues 
thereof  by  a  certain  receiver  to  be  deputed  hereto  by  the  king  and 
to  be  charged  therewith  by  the  said  John.  By  K. 

Order  to  Richard  de  Rodeneye  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with 
the  issues  thereof  received  by  him,  by  indenture  to  be  made  of  the 
said  goods  and  chattels  and  issues,  the  king  wishing  him  to  be  discharged 
therefrom.  By  K. 


April  10.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  be 
Pontefract.  intendant  to  Humphrey  de  Waleden ,  or  his  deputy,  if  he  has  no  leisure 
herein,  and  Nicholas  de  la  Beche,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to 
search  for  and  examine  all  Jewels  and  other  goods  and  chattels  which, 
as  the  king  has  been  given  to  understand,  Humphrey  de  Bohun, 
sometime  earl  of  Hereford,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  had  in  divers 
places  in  the  county  of  Cambridge,  pertaining  to  the  king,  and  to 
arrest  to  the  king's  use  and  put  the  same  in  safe  keeping  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon,  and  to  certify  the  king  thereof,  as  has  been  more 
fully  enjoined  on  them  by  the  king. 

April  1 1 .        Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  Henry  de  Shireakes, 

Pontefract.    as  keeper  and  receiver  of  the  king's  victuals  in  the  town  of  Newcastle 

upon  Type  and  those  parts  of  the  north,  so  that  he  answer  therefor 

and  receive  the  usual  wages.  By  K. 

The  like  of  Robert  de  Barton,  clerk,  in  the  town  of  Carlisle  and 

the  port  of  Skyrburnese  and  those  parts  of  the  north.  By  K. 

15   EDWARD    II.— PART   I. 


1322.  Membrane  9 — cont. 

April  5.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  William  Davy, 
Altofts.  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castles  and  lauds  late  of  Thomas,  earl 
of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in 
the  counties  of  Warwick,  Oxford,  Buckingham  and  Bedford,  in  the 
king's  hand,  *except  the  castle  of  Skipton  in  Cravene,  late  of  Roger 
de  Clifford*;  so  that  he  answer  therefor  in  the  chamber  as  he  shall 
be  charged  therewith  by  the  steward  of  the  said  castles  and  lands. 

By  K. 
Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Adam  de  Hodeleston,  deceased,  tenant  in 

Grant  for  life  to  Frisot  de  Monte  Claro  and  Totto  his  brother  that 
they  may  hold  the  manor  of  Templegitingg  at  the  rent  of  50Z.  a  year 
in  moieties  at  Martinmas  and  Easter,  in  continuation  of  a  like  grant 
to  them  thereof  by  a  writing  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  whose 
lands  have  come  to  the  king's  hands  by  his  enmitv  and  rebellion. 

By  K. 

Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  William  Davy, 
as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of 
Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in  the 
counties  of  Warwick,  Oxford,  Buckingham  and  Bedford,  in  the  king's 
hand,  so  that  he  answer  therefor  in  the  chamber  as  he  shall  be  charged 
therewith  by  the  steward  of  the  said  castles  and  lands.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  and  singular  keepers  of  lands,  constables  of  castles, 
bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  in  Ireland  to  be  intendant  to  the  king's 
clerk,  Master  Walter  de  Islep,  treasurer  of  Ireland,  whom  the  king, 
trusting  in  his  fealty,  sense  and  advice,  has  appointed  as  surveyor 
and  chief  keeper  of  all  the  lands  in  the  king's  hands  in  Ireland  late  of 
Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger,  Roger  Darnmory  and  Hugh  Daudele 
the  younger,  and  to  ordain  touching  the  keeping  thereof  at  his  own 
risk  that  answer  be  made  to  the  king  for  the  issues  thereof. 

By  p.s.  [5973.] 

Order  to  John  de  Bermyngham,  earl  of  Loueth,  justiciary  of  Ireland, 
or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  Robert  de  Aston,  to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late 
the  manor  and  honour  of  Craneburn,  co.  Dorset,  among  the  other 
lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies 
and  rebels  in  the  counties  of  Somerset,  Dorset  and  Gloucester,  in  the 
king's  hand  by  their  forfeiture  and  for  other  causes,  to  meddle  no  further 
with  the  said  manor  and  honour,  which  the  king  had  before  committed 
to  John  le  Botiller  of  Lanultut,  whom  the  king  wishes  to  hold  the 
same  and  answer  therefor  according  to  the  tenour  of  the  king's 
commitment  thereof  to  him.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  Richard  de  Whatton,  to  whom  the  king  committed  of 
late  the  keeping  of  the  lands  late  of  Robert  de  Veer  in  the  county  of 

*  This  clause  is  cancelled  in  the  text. 



1322.  Membrane  9 — cont. 

Northampton  among  the  other  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaste 
and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in  the  counties  of  Nottinghar 
Northampton  and  Rutland,  in  the  king's  hand  by  their  forfeitui 
and  for  other  causes,  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  said  lands  i 
Robert,  which  the  king  had  before  committed  to  Robert  de  Arder. 
whom  the  king  wishes  to  hold  the  same  and  answer  therefor  accordii 
to  the  tenour  of  the  king's  commitment  thereof  to  him.  By  I 

April  19.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  har 
Kothwell.     the  lands  late  of  William  de  Longeford,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  de  Burgh,  knight,  deceased,  tenaj 
in  chief. 

April  20.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant,  Master  Robert  de  Glashai 
Kothwoll.  for  good  service,  of  the  lands  late  of  Yerward  de  la  Chaumbre,  tl 
king's  enemy  and  rebel,  in  Dynbegh  in  Wales,  which  Yerward  b.£ 
of  the  gift  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  which  have  come  to  tl 
king's  hand  as  an  escheat  by  Yerward's  forfeiture  ;  to  hold  of  tl 
king  and  his  heirs  and  other  chief  lords  of  that  fee  by  the  same  servic 
by  which  the  said  lands  were  held  before  they  came  to  the  king 
hands,  to  the  value  of  101.  of  land  a  year  ;  and  if  the  said  lands  excel 
that  value  by  a  reasonable  extent  to  be  made  thereon,  he  shall  rend 
the  surplus  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  of  Caernarvan  ;  so  also  that  tl 
lands  revert  entire  to  the  king  and  his  heirs  after  Robert's  death. 

By  p.s.  [59& 

April  20.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Ada,  late  tl 
Rothwell.  wife  of  Gerard  de  Chauncy,  tenant  in  chief,  to  hold  in  dower,  tl 
following  lands  of  the  lands  late  of  her  said  husband,  to  wit,  certa 
lands  in  Wylughton,  co.  Lincoln,  extended  at  III.  15s.  6d.,  52s. 
yearly  rent  in  Scraythfeld,  co.  Lincoln,  and  a  third  part  of  all  tl 
lands  in  Wylughton  sometime  of  the  Templars,  which  lands  with  tl 
manor  of  Hoghton,  co.  Nottingham,  extended  at  6/.  11s.  IQd.  a  yet 
the  king  has  assigned  to  her  in  dower,  so  that  she  render  yearly 
the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir  of  Gerar 
a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  22d.  O^d.  by  which  her  dower  is  exceede 
Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  her  the  sa 
manor  of  Hoghton. 

April  21.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  de  Foxcote  of  the  keepu 
Kothwell.  of  the  manors  of  Severnestoke,  co.  Worcester,  Oxindon,  Yates,  Iri 
Acton,  Thornbury.  Mars,  Thevenhop  and  Ryngworth,  co.  Gloucesix 
and  Shipton  under  Whicchewode  and  Boreford,  co.  Oxford,  in  tl 
king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  to  hold  with  the  goods  and  chatt< 
therein,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  manors  and  f 
the  said  goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamber.  By  ] 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Order  to  Roger  Carles  to  deliver  to  him  the  manor  of  Severnesto 
which  is  in  his  keeping,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein  1 
indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Aston  touching  the  said  manors  in  the  coun 
of  Gloucester. 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART  I. 


1322.  Membrane  9 — cont. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Stoke  touching  the  said  manors  in  the  county 
of  Oxford. 

April  20.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  make  partition  of  the 
Kothwell.  lands  which  Guichard  de  Hibburn,  deceased,  held  of  the  heir  of  Nicholas 
de  Sancto  Mauro,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by  the  courtesy  of 
England  of  the  inheritance  of  Isabel  sometime  his  wife,  into  two  equal 
parts  in  the  presence  of  Simon  Darays  and  Maud  his  wife,  second 
daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  Isabel,  if  they  wish  to  be  present,  and 
to  deliver  to  John  de  Yerdhill  and  Alice  his  wife,  eldest  daughter 
and  heir  of  the  said  Isabel,  the  pourparty  falling  to  Alice,  John  having 
done  fealty,  retaining  in  the  king's  hand  the  pourparty  falling  to 
Maud  until  further  order ;  and  to  send  the  partition  made  by  him  to 
be  enrolled  on  the  rolls  of  Chancery. 

April  20.        Order  to  John  Dufford,  escheator  of  Ireland,  to  deliver  to  Robert 

Bothwell.     de  Well  and  Maud  his  wife,  aunt  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  Thomas  son 

of  Richard  de  Clare,  tenont  in  chief,  the  following  castles  and  lands 

of  the  lands  late  of  the  said  Thomas  in  Ireland,  to  wit,  the  castles  of 

Bonrat  and  Conighy,  the  county,  liberty  and  royalty  of  Thomond, 

which,   deducting   the   dowers   of   Isabel,   late   the   wife   of    Gilbert 

de   Clare,   sometime    lord    of  the  said  castles    and  county,  and  of 

Joan,  late  the  wife  of  Richard  de  Clare,  afterwards  lord  of  the  same 

castles  and  county,  which  Isabel  and  Joan  are  not  yet  dowered  there, 

are  extended  at  881.  Us.  9$d.  clear,  the  castle  of  Corkemoyth  with 

certain  lands  there  and  other  its  appurtenances,  extended  at  13s.  <td., 

the  castle,  manor  and  barony  of  Inskisty,  extended  at  14L  13|rf.,  and 

the  manor  and  honour  of  Any,  extended  at  16Z.  10|d.  a  year,  to  hold 

as  the  pourparty  of  the  said  Maud,  the  said  Robert  having  done 

homage  ;   order  also  to  the  escheator  to  deliver  to  them  the  following 

after  the  death  of  the  said  Isabel  and  Joan  and  Emelina  de  Longespeye, 

late  the  wife  of  Maurice  son  of  Maurice,  sometime  lord  of  the  said 

inheritance,  and  of  John  de  Rossathi,  to  wit,  of  the  lands  which  Isabel 

holds  in  dower  for  life  of  the  said  inheritance,  66?.  13s.  4d.  in  Thomond, 

certain  lands  in  the  manor  of  Inskisty,  extended  at  102s.  lOirf.,  certain 

lands  in  the  manor  and  honour  of  Any,  extended  at  81.  12s.  6d.,  and 

certain  lands  in  Corkemoyth,  extended  at  10s.  2d.  a  year,  and  of  the 

lands  which  Emelina  holds  in  dower,  a  third  part  of  the  cantred  of 

Rotheba,  extended  at  201.,  certain  lands  in  Corkemoyth,  extended 

at  17J.  8s.  6d.,  and  the  cantred  of  Ossurres,  co.  Kerry,  which  she  holds 

for  life,  extended  at  Ql.  10s.,  and  of  the  lands  which  Joan  holds  in 

dower,  44Z.   8s.    lOJd.   in  Thomond,   certain   lands   in  Corkemoyth, 

extended  at  6s.  8d.,  and  certain  lands  and  rents  in  the  manor  and 

town  of  Any,  extended  at  11.  18s.  lid.  a  year,  and  also  the  lake  of 

Any,  which  the  said  John  de  Rossathi  holds  for  life,  extended  at 

40s.  a  year.  By  K.  &  C. 

Order  to  Maurice  son  of  Thomas  and  Maurice  de  Rocheford  to 

deliver  to  the  said  Robert  and  Maud  the  said  castles  and  lands  late  of 

the  said  Thomas,  kinsman  of  Maud,  in  their  keeping  of  the  king's 

commitment.  By  K. 

April  21.        Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  de  Foxcote  of  the  keeping 

Rothwell.     of  the  manors  of  Severnestok,  co.  Worcester,  late  of  Roger  de  Clifford, 

Oxindon,  late  of  William  Tuchet,  Yate,  late  of  John  de  Wylyngton, 




April  22. 
Both  well. 

April  23. 

April  26. 

Membrane  9 — cont. 

and  Irenacton,  late  of  John  de  Acton,  certain  lands  late  of  Ralph  de 
Farlegh  in  Irenacton,  certain  lands  late  of  Richard  de  Burgo  in  the 
same  town,  certain  lands  late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger  and 
Margaret  his  wife  in  Thornbury,  [the  manors  of]  Mars,  late  of 
Maurice  de  Berkele,  Thevenhop,  late  of  Simon  le  Chaumberleyn, 
Ryngworth,  late  of  Thomas  Lovel,  co.  Gloucester,  and  Shipton  under 
Whicchewode  and  Bureford,  co.  Oxford,  late  of  Maurice  de  Berkele, 
which  are  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  with  all  goods  and 
chattels  therein,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  manors 
and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 


Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  John  de  Apeton, 
son  and  heir  of  John  de  Apeton,  tenant  in  chief  as  of  the  honour  of 
Releghe,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage. 

By  p.s.  [5990. ] 

Commission  to  John  Mortevn,  Peter  le  Lorenger,  Henry  de  Praieres, 
John  de  la  Penne,  Philip  de'  Hardeshull  and  Matthew  de  la  Vache, 
reciting  that  on  the  breaking  forth  of  late  in  the  realm  of  certain 
magnates,  the  king's  subjects  and  enemies,  against  the  king  m  rebellion 
the  king  requested  the  commons  throughout  certain  counties  of  the 
realm  to  make  the  king  a  subsidy  of  men  at  arms  and  footmen  to  curb 
again  the  wickedness  of  the  said  enemies  and  rebels,  and  on  the  cessation 
now  of  the  said  disturbance  in  the  realm,  the  king,  by  the  common 
counsel  of  the  earls,  barons  and  others  attending  him,  has  ordained 
and  proposed,  God  willing,  to  be  at  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  on  the 
octave  of  Trinity  next  to  go  thence  against  the  Scots,  the  king  s  enemies 
and  rebels,  to  repel  with  God's  help  their  obstinate  malice,  and,  for 
the  better  expedition  of  the  said  war,  has  appointed  John  Monce  and 
Richard  son  of  Ralph  to  choose  500  footmen  in  the  counties  of  Bedford 
and  Buckingham  of  the  stronger  and  more  powerful  men  of  those 
counties  and  to  ordain  that  the  footmen  be  furnished  with 
haketons,  bacinets  and  iron  gloves  at  least  and  other  suitable 
arms,  and  clothed  with  one  suit,  and  to  bring  them  on  the  said 
day  to  the  said  place  to  the  king  to  go  thence  with  him  in  the 
kind's  said  service,  and  the  commons  of  the  said  counties,  to  be  spared 
from  thus  arming,  clothing  and  bringing  the  said  footmen  at  present, 
have  granted  in  aid  of  the  said  expedition  600  marks  to  be  levied  from 
them  to  the  king's  use  and  paid  in  the  wardrobe  before  Trinity  next ; 
and  appointing  the  commissioners  aforesaid  to  assess  and  levy  the  said 
sum  and  to  pay  the  same  in  the  wardrobe  before  Trinity  next ;  the 
king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  of  the  said  counties  to  be  intendant 
to  them  herein  and  to  summon  before  them  on  days  and  at  places  fixed 
by  them  all  and  singular  of  those  counties  by  whom  the  premises  can 
best  be  speeded.  **v  ^' 

Order  to  Robert  de  Stoke,  to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late 
the  castle  of  the  bishop  of  Lincoln  of  Bannebury  among  the  other 
lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies 
and  rebels  in  the  county  of  Oxford,  in  the  king's  hand  by  their  forfeiture 
and  for  other  causes,  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  said  castle,  whi 
the  king  had  before  committed  to  Robert  de  Ardern..  whom  the  king 

15  EDWARD  II.— PAET  I.  i25 

1322.  Membrane  8 — cont. 

wishes  to  hold  the  same  and  answer  therefor  according  to  the  tenour 
of  the  king  s  commitment  thereof  to  him. 

Order  to  the  tenants  of  the  manor  of  Halton  upon  Trent,  co.  Lincoln 
late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  and 
?n  i?  ?g  \hand  by  hls  forfeiture,  to  be  intendant  to  William  de 
Alkebergh,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  to  levy  all  rents  and  farms 
and  other  issues  of  the  said  manor  and  the  arrears  thereof  in  time  past 
not  yet  levied  and  to  hold  during  pleasure  the  court  of  the  same 
manor,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

April  29.         Appointment    during    pleasure   of    the    king's    clerk,    Walter    de 

York.        tfurncestre,  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castle  of  Dynebegh,  late  of 

Ihomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  and  in  the 

king  s  hand  by  his  forfeiture,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 

in  the  chamber  as  he  shall  be  charged  therewith  by  the  king's  steward 

re'  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  John  de  Bekeryng,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

T  ?rdfr  ™  ,the  same  to  take  into  the  kinS's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
John  le  Mulward  of  Button,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Mayl.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Simon  le  Chauinberleyn  of  the 
York.        county  of  Lincoln  from  Easter  last,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Excheq  uer 
as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  K 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff' 
Order  to  Robert  le  Bretoun,  late  sheriff,  or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver 
the  same  to  him  with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things 
touching  that  office  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

May  1.  Order  to  Roger  Belere,  keeper  of  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas 
York.  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others 
in  the  counties  of  Stafford,  Derby  and  Leicester,  in  the  king's  hand  by 
their  forfeiture,  to  seize  into  the  king's  hand  all  wardships  in  his 
bailiwick  which  he  can  find  to  have  been  in  the  hands  of  the  said 
enemies  and  rebels,  which  ought  to  pertain  to  the  king  and  have  not 
yet  been  seized  into  his  hands,  and  to  levy  to  the  king's  use  all  debts 
which  he  can  find  to  have  been  due  to  the  said  enemies  and  rebels 
which  also  ought  to  pertain  to  the  king,  so  that  he  can  answer  in  the 
chamber  for  the  issues  of  the  said  wardships  and  for  the  said  debts, 
and  to  certify  the  king  of  the  wardships  so  taken  by  him  into  the 
king's  hand  and  of  the  value  thereof,  and  of  the  sums  of  the  said  debts. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 
Richard  de  Emeldon,  keeper  of  the  lands  late  of  the  same  earl 

and  others  in  the  county  of  Northumberland  and  the  bishopric 

of  Durham. 
John  de  Kilvynton,  keeper  of  the  castles  and  lands  etc.  as  above 

between  the  waters  of  These  and  Use. 
Thomas  Deyvill,  keeper  of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Pontefract 

and  of  all  castles  etc.  as  above  in  the  county  of  York  beyond  the 

water  of  Use,  except  the  manor  of  Skipton  in  Cravene. 


1322.  Membrane  8 — cont. 

Henry  de  Malton,  keeper  of  the  lands  etc.  as  above  in  the  counties 
of  Westmoreland  and  Cumberland,  and  the  castle  and  manors 
of  Skipton  in  Cravene  and  Burton  in  Lonnesdale. 

John  Travers,  keeper  of  the  castles  and  lands  etc.  as  above  in 
the  county  of  Lancaster,  Blakburnshire  and  Halton,  oo.  Chester. 

Alan  de  Cubbeldyk,  keeper  of  the  castles  etc.  as  above  in  the 
county  of  Lincoln. 

Robert  de  Stok,  keeper  of  the  castles  etc.  as  above  in  the  counties 
of  Warwick,  Oxford,  Bedford  and  Buckingham. 

Robert  de  Hungerford,  keeper  of  the  castles  and  lands  etc.  as 
above  in  the  city  of  London  and  the  counties  of  Middlesex, 
Wilts,  Berks  and  Southampton.  ;- 

Robert  de  Aston,  keeper  of  the  castles  etc.  as- above  in  the  bounties  . 
of  Somerset,  Dorset  and  Gloucester. 

Richard  de  Rodeneye,  keeper  of  the  castles  etc.  ate  above  in  the 
counties  of  Devon  and  Cornwall. 

Roger  Carles,  keeper  of  the  castles  etc.  as  above  in  the  counties 
of  Hereford,  Worcester  and  Salop. 

Richard  dc  Whatton,  keeper  of  the  manor  of  Kneeshale  and 
all  castles  etc.  as  above  in  the  counties  of  Nottingham, 
Northampton  and  Rutland  and  the  fee  of  Lancaster  in  the 
counties  of  Lincoln  and  Nottingham  and  the  rere-county 
(relrovicecomilatus)  of  Lincoln. 

Gilbert  de  Sengilton,  keeper  of  the  castle  of  Haulton  and  all 
lands  in  Congelton,  Whytleye  and  Longedendale,  co.  Chester, 
and  in  Vydnes,  co.  Lancaster,  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster, 
Robert  de  Holand  and  Joan,  countess  of  Lincoln. 

May  3.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger 
York.  of  the  castle,  town  and  barton  of  Brystoll,  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the 
Exchequer  of  210?.  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  and  Easter  ;  and  none 
the  less  he  shall  keep  the  premises  at  his  own  costs  and  pay  60s.  yearly 
to  the  abbot  and  monks  of  Teukesbury  from  the  rent  of  the  mill  of 
Brystoll,  and  14Z.  10s.  to  the  same  abbot  and  monks  for  a  chantry 
which  they  maintain  within  the  said  castle  for  the  souls  of  the  king's 
ancestors,  and  l\d.  daily  to  the  forester  of  the  forest  of  Kyngeswode 
for  his  wages,  and  2d.  daily  to  the  porter  of  the  castle  for  his  wages, 
and  3d.  daily  to  two  watchmen  of  the  said  castle  for  their  wages  and 
\d.  nightly  for  their  stipends,  to  wit,  Id.  to  each  of  them,  and  26s.  8d. 
a  year  to  the  keeper  of  the  king's  seaboard  of  Brystoll  for  his  robe. 


Order  to  Richard  Lovel  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  or  his  attorney 
deputed  hereto  by  his  letters  patent,  with  all  things  in  the  said  castle 
in  his  keeping  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

Order  to  the  tenants  of  the  castle  and  barton  and  to  the  mayor  and 
whole  commonalty  of  the  town  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  keeper  or 
to  his  lieutenant. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Robert  le  Burgelyon,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Philip  de  Hevelyngham,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

15  EDWARD  II.— PART  I. 


Membrane  8 — cont. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Bonere  of  the  keeping  of 
the  manors  of  Baggeworth,  Thornton  and  Lyndrich,  co.  Leicester, 
and  of  the  goods  and  chattels  therein,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain 
causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  the  said  manors  and  for 
the  said  goods  and  chattels  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Richard  de  Ayremfynne]. 

Order  to  Andrew  Rosekyn  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manors  of 
Baggeworth  and  Thornton,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein  in  his 
keeping,  by  indenture  thereon  to  be  made  between  them. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Leicester  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manor 
of  Lyndrich  with  the  goods  etc. 

Pardon,  for  a  fine  of  101.  made  by  Henry  Hillary,  to  him  and  Joan, 
late  the  wife  of  Thomas  de  Lodelawe,  tenant  in  chief,  of  their  trespass 
in  intermarrying  without  licence.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  them  the  lands 
which  they  hold  in  her  dower,  taken  by  him  into  the  king's  hand  on 
account  of  the  premises. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  John  Marmyon,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 
The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands, 
goods  and  chattels  late  of  John  de  Kyngeston,  the  king's  enemy  and 
rebel,  in  his  bailiwick,  which  ought  to  remain  to  the  king  by  his 
forfeiture,  and  to  keep  them  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  he 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Jolan  Bavent,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief  by  reason 
of  the  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  being  in  the  king's 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
John  Malewayn  of  Hechelamton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief  by  reason 
of  the  lands  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Nicholas  de  Menyll,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  William  de  Langeford,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Grant  for  life  to  Stephen  Alard  of  Wynchelse,  for  good  service, 
of  all  the  lands  late  of  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  the  king's  enemy 
and  rebel,  in  Sellyng,  co.  Kent,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  his 
enmity  and  rebellion,  to  hold  of  the  king  and  his  heirs  and  other  chief 
lords  of  that  fee  by  the  services  by  which  the  said  lands  were  held 
before  they  came  thus  to  the  king's  hands,  to  the  value  of  151.  of  land 
a  year,  so  that  if  they  exceed  that  sum  in  value  by  reasonable  extent 
to  be  made  thereof,  he  be  held  to  pay  the  surplus  at  the  Exchequer,  and 
so  that  after  his  death  they  revert  entire  to  the  king  and  his  heirs.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  atKenilworth,  19  Edward  II. 



1322.  Membrane  8 — cant. 

May  8.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  Adam  Aubrey,  deceased,  tenant  by  knight  service 
of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  whose  lands  are  in  the  king's  hand 
for  certain  causes. 


May  10.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
York.        William  Inge,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


May  10.  Commission  to  Hervey  de  Stanton,  Henry  Spigurnel  and  John  de 
York.  Stonore,  reciting  that  the  king  ordered  of  late  the  sheriffs  of  the  realm 
to  cause  proclamation  to  be  made  on  the  king's  behalf  that  all  knights, 
esquires  and  other  horsemen  and  footmen  between  the  ages  of  sixteen 
and  sixty  years  provide  themselves  forthwith  with  suitable  arms 
according  to  the  statute  published  at  Winchester,  and  to  forewarn 
the  said  men  at  arms  to  be  ready  to  come  to  the  king  on  a  day  and  at 
a  place  which  the  king  should  let  them  know,  to  go  thence  in  the 
king's  service  against  certain  the  king's  subjects,  then  opposing  the 
king  and  in  rebellion,  and  that  the  king  afterwards  ordered  the  said 
sheriffs  to  summon  all  the  said  knights,  esquires  and  horsemen  to  the 
king  at  Coventry  on  a  certain  day  long  past,  to  go  thence  in  the  king's 
service,  and  to  punish  all  rebellious  herein  by  the  taking  and  imprison- 
ment of  their  bodies  and  the  taking  of  their  lands,  goods  and  chattels 
into  the  king's  hand,  and  that  afterwards,  on  the  king  being  given  to 
understand  that  many  horsemen  forewarned  by  the  sheriffs  touching 
the  journeying  in  the  king's  said  expedition  cared  not  to  come  to  the 
king,  the  king  ordered  certain  sheriffs  to  attach  by  their  bodies  all 
barons,  bannerets,  knights,  esquires  and  other  men  at  arms  of  their 
bailiwicks  whom  they  had  caused  to  be  forewarned  and  who  came 
not  in  the  king's  said  expedition,  so  that  they  should  have  them  before 
the  king  and  council  on  certain  days  to  answer  the  king  touching  the 
premises  and  to  do  and  receive  what  the  king's  court  should  decide ; 
and  appointing  the  said  commissioners  to  do  the  things  pertaining  to 
the  punishment  of  such,  and  to  receive  to  the  king's  use  fines  from 
those  who  will  make  fines  for  the  said  cause,  and  to  certify  the  king 
of  all  they  do  herein  and  of  any  fines  so  received  by  them.  By  K. 

May  13.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  le  Porter  of  Stebbyng  of  the 
York.  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Pleshey  and  all  the  lands  late  of  Humphrey 
de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  and  other  the  king's  enemies 
and  rebels  in  the  county  of  Essex,  in  the  king's  hand,  except  the  manors 
of  Berdefeld  and  Thaxstede,  co.  Essex,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle  and 
lands  in  his  keeping,  and  the  goods  and  chattels  therein  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them,  the  king  wishing  him  to  be  henceforth 
discharged  therefrom.  By  K. 

The  like  to  Henry  de  la  Ree  touching  the  castle  and  manor  of  Angre 
and  all  lands  late  of  the  said  rebels  in  the  said  county  in  his  keeping, 
and  the  goods  and  chattels  therein. 

The  like  to  Geoffrey  Dode  touching  all  the  said  lands  in  the  said 
county  in  his  keeping,  with  the  goods  and  chattels. 

15   EDWARD   II.— PART   I.  129 

1322.  Membrane  4 — cont. 

The  like  to  the  same  Geoffrey  and  William  de  Neuport  touching  all 
the  said  lands  in  the  said  county  in  their  keeping,  with  the  goods 
and  chattels. 

The  like  to  Walter  de  Harewe  touching  the  manor  and  town  of 
Neuport  and  all  the  said  lands  in  the  said  county  in  his  keeping,  with 
the  goods  etc. 

The  like  to  John  de  Haustede  touching  all  the  said  lands  in  the 
said  county  in  his  keeping  etc. 

The  like  to  Odo  de  Stoke  touching  all  the  said  lands  in  the  said 
county  in  his  keeping,  with  the  goods  etc. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex. 

May  13.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Bures  of  the  keeping  of 
York.  the  castle,  manor  and  honour  of  Clare  in  any  counties  of  England,  and 
the  manors  of  Berdefeld  and  Thaxstede,  co.  Essex,  and  all  lands  late 
of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels 
in  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  John  de  Haustede  to  deliver  to  him  the  castle,  manor 
and  honour  of  Clare  and  all  other  lands  late  of  the  said  rebels  in  the 
said  counties  in  his  keeping,  and  the  goods  and  chattels  therein  by 
indenture  etc.,  the  king  wishing  him  to  be  henceforth  discharged 
therefrom.  By  K. 

The  like  to  Henry  de  la  Ree  touching  all  the  said  lands  in  Norfolk 
and  Suffolk  in  his  keeping,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  etc. 

The  like  to  Odo  de  Stoke  touching  the  manor  of  Thaxstede  and  all 
the  said  lands  in  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  in  his  keeping,  with  the  goods 
and  chattels  etc. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  touching  all  the  said 
lands  in  his  bailiwick,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  etc. 

May  14.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton  to  deliver  to  Bartholomew  de 
York.  Houton  all  his  lands,  goods  and  chattels  taken  by  the  sheriff  into  the 
king's  hand  by  pretext  of  an  order  directed  to  him  to  seize  into  the 
king's  hand  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  adherents  of  Thomas, 
earl  of  Lancaster,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  or  other  the  king's 
enemies  and  rebels,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them, 
sending  one  part  thereof  to  the  wardrobe ;  if  Bartholomew  will  find 
mainpernors  who  will  mainprise,  body  for  body,  to  have  him  before 
the  king  to  answer  the  king  when  he  will  speak  against  him  touching 
the  said  offence.  By  pet.  of  C. 

May  15.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  John  Gerounde,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Coupeland,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  17.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Polhey  of  Buntyngford 

York.        of  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and 

other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in  the  county  of  Hertford,  in  the 

king's  hand,  except  the  lands  pertaining  to  the  honour  of  Clare  in 

that  county,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 




1322.  Membrane  4 — cont. 

Order  to  John  de  Haustede  to  deliver  to  him  the  same  and  the  goods 
and  chattels  therein  in  his  keeping  by  indenture  thereon  to  be  made 
between  them. 
The  like  to  the  following : — 

Henry  de  la  Ree.  The  sheriff  of  Hertford. 

Odo  de  Stoke.  The  escheator  beyond  Trent. 

Geoffrey  Dode. 

May  19.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
York.        hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Thornhill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  20.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Drew  de  Barentyn  of  the  counties 

York.        of  Oxford  and  Berks  and  the  castle  of  Oxford,  from  Easter  last,  so 

that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 

By  K. 
Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keeper. 

By  K. 

Order  to  John  de  Brompton,  late  sheriff,  or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver 
to  him  the  said  counties  with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other 
things  touching  that  office,  and  also  the  said  castle  with  all  things 
therein,  and  with  the  issues  thereof  from  Easter  last,  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  K. 

The  like  to  Adam  Waleraund  of  the  county  of  Wilts  and  the  castle 
of  Old  Sarum  from  the  said  feast.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  John  de  Ticheburn  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  as  above. 


May  30.        The  like  to  Matthew  de  Crauthorn  of  the  county  of  Devon  and 
Eothwell.     the  castle  of  Exeter  from  the  said  feast.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  John  Inge  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  as  above.         By  K. 

June  3.          The  like  to  Ingelram  Berenger  of  the  counties  of  Bedford  and 
Kothwell.     Buckingham  from  the  said  feast.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 

Order  to  Philip  de  Aj'lesbury  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  as  above. 

By  p.s. 

May  21.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  William  Colebrand,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  21.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Tok  of  the  keeping  of  all 

York.         the  lands  late  of  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in  the  county  of  Derby, 

in  the  king's  hand,  except  the  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster, 

in  that  county,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 

Order  to  Roger  Beler  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  the  goods 
and  chattels  therein  in  his  keeping,  together  with  the  issues  thereof 
received  by  him  or  those  under  him  (subditos  siios),  by  indenture  to 
be  made  thereon,  the  king  wishing  him  and  his  to  be  discharged 
therefrom.  By  K. 

15   EDWARD   II.— PART   I. 


1322.  Membrane  4 — cont. 

The  like  to  Roger  de  Waltham  of  the  keeping  of  all  lands  late  of  the 
same  in  the  county  of  Stafford,  except  the  lands  late  of  the  said  earl. 

By  K. 
Order  to  Roger  Beler  as  above.  By  K. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Gaddesby  of  the 

Order  to  Roger  Beler  as  above. 
The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Leicester. 

same  in  the  county  of 

By  K. 

.By  [K.] 

By  K. 

Order  to  Roald  de  Richemund  to  deliver  to  Roger  de  Waltham  the 
lands  in  the  county  of  Stafford  in  his  keeping,  with  the  goods  and 
chattels  therein  and  the  issues  thereof.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Robert  Tok  the  lands  in  the  county 
of  Derby  in  his  keeping,  with  the  goods  and  chattels  therein  and  the 
issues  thereof.  By  K. 

Grant,  for  a  fine  of  20  marks,  to  John  de  Luteryngton  of  the  wardship 
of  a  third  part  of  the  lands  late  of  Richard  Danyel,  tenant  In  chief, 
in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Joan,  one  of  the 
daughters  and  heirs  of  the  said  Richard,  to  hold  until  her  full  age 
with  her  marriage.  By  C. 

Commitment  to  Master  William  de  Chancy  and  William  de  Wytham 
of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  of  Swynhope,  co.  Lincoln,  late  of  Gerard 
de  Chancy,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the 
minority  of  Isabel,  his  daughter  and  heir,  which  also  is  extended  at 
201.  18s.  Id.  a  year,  to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof  received  from  Easter 
last  until  the  full  age  of  the  said  heir,  rendering  321.  a  year  at  the 
Exchequer,  to  wit,  the  said  extent  and  III.  lid,  of  increment,  in 
moieties  at  Michaelmas  and  Easter. 


Order  to  Robert  de  Aston,  to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late  the 
keeping  of  the  castle  and  town  of  Gloucester  and  the  castle  of 
St.  Briavels  and  the  forest  of  Dene,  the  castle  and  manor  of  Berkele  and 
divers  castles,  manors  and  lands  in  the  county  of  Gloucester  in  the 
king's  hand,  among  the  other  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster, 
and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain 
causes,  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  said  castles,  town,  manors  and 
lands  and  others  in  the  said  county,  which  the  king  by  letters  patent 
before  committed  to  Simon  de  Driby,  whom  the  king  wishes  to  have 
the  same  keeping  and  to  answer  therefor  by  the  king's  clerk,  James 
de  Broughton,  whom  the  king  has  appointed  receiver  of  the  issues 
of  the  said  castles,  town,  manors  and  lands,  according  to  the  tenour 
of  the  said  letters  patent ;  restoring  the  issues  received  by  him  to 
the  said  receiver,  so  that  the  latter  can  answer  for  the  same  to  the 
full  from  the  time  of  the  making  of  the  said  letters  in  Simon's  favour. 
By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  Baldok. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  after  taking  security 
from  the  abbot  of  Aumale  for  answering  to  the  king  for  the  issues  of 
his  lands  by  reason  of  the  voidance  of  the  abbey,  if  they  ought  to  pertain 
to  the  king,  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  lands ;  the  abbot  asserting 


1322.  Membrane  3 — cont. 

that  he  holds  all  his  lands  of  the  king  in  frank  almoin  and  that  in 
time  of  voidance  the  king's  progenitors,  kings  of  England,  have  not 
had  the  said  lands  in  England,  and  offering  to  prove  this  by  inspection 
of  the  rolls  of  Chancery  of  the  said  progenitors,  for  which  the  king 
has  given  him  a  day  in  Chancery,  to  wit,  the  morrow  of  Midsummer 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
made  by  him  showing  that  John  de  Ouvedale  held  on  the  day  of  his 
death  the  manor  of  Litlyngton,  co.  Cambridge,  of  Roger  Damory  aa 
of  the  right  and  pourparty  of  Elizabeth  his  wife,  one  of  the  sisters 
and  heirs  of  Gilbert  de  Clare,  earl  of  Gloucester,  by  the  service  of  a 
rnoicty  of  a  knight's  fee,  and  the  manor  of  Ticheseye,  co.  Surrey,  of 
Hugh  Daudele  the  younger  as  of  the  right  and  pourparty  of  Margaret 
his  wife,  second  of  the  sisters  and  heirs  of  the  said  earl,  by  the  service 
of  a  fee  and  a  fourth  part  of  a  knight's  fee,  and  that  the  said  pourparties 
with  the  knights'  fees  and  other  appurtenances  are  in  the  king's  hand 
because  the  said  Roger  and  Hugh  adhered  of  late  to  certain  the  king's 
enemies  and  rebels,  and  that  the  said  John  held  divers  other  lands  of 
divers  other  lords  by  divers  services,  and  that  Peter  de  Ovedale,  his 
son,  is  his  nearest  heir  and  of  full  age, — to  deliver  to  the  said  Peter 
the  said  manors,  he  having  done  fealty,  and  to  meddle  no  further 
with  the  other  lands  held  of  other  lords,  delivering  any  issues  received 
therefrom  to  those  whose  they  are. 

May  20. 

May  20. 

May  25. 

May  28. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Simon  Darays 
and  Maud  his  wife,  second  daughter  and  heir  of  Isabel  late  the  wife 
of  Guichard  de  Hibburn,  the  pourparty  falling  to  Maud  of  the  lands 
which  the  said  Guichard  held  of  the  heir  of  Nicholas  de  Sancto  Mauro, 
a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by  the  courtesy  of  England  of  the  inheritance 
of  his  said  wife,  Simon  having  done  fealty ;  which  pourparty  the 
escheator  retained  in  the  king's  hand  pursuant  to  a  former  order 
in  favour  of  John  de  Yardhill  and  Alice  his  wife,  elder  daughter  and 
heir  of  the  said  Isabel  [above,  p.  123] ;  and  to  send  the  partition  made 
by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the  rolls  of  Chancery. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Thomas  Corbet,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Agnes  late  the  wife  of  Robert  le  Jort,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Leyburn  of  the  keeping 
of  the  fortress  of  Egremund  with  the  lands  of  Coupeland,  late  of 
Thomas  de  Multon,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of 
the  minority  of  the  heir  of  Thomas,  to  hold  at  the  rent  of  the  extent 
thereof  yearly  at  the  Exchequer,  so  that  if  it  be  afterwards  found 
that  the  said  fortress  and  lands  are  worth  more  yearly  than  the  extent, 
he  render  yearly  the  true  value  thereof.  By  p.s.  [6013.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Henry  de  Valencia,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

15   EDWARD   II.— PART   I. 


1322.  Membrane  3 — conf. 

May  31.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  Wawayn  of  the  bailiwick 

Bothwell.     of  the  hundred  of  Irchenfeld,  to  hold  as  others  have  held  the  same 

before  these  times,  provided  that  he  keep  the  same  according  to  the 

statute  published  thereon  of  late  at  Lincoln.  By  p.s.  [6026.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Hereford  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  bailiwick, 

which  Henry  de  Penbrugg  had  of  late  of  the  king's  commitment,  and 

which  the  sheriff  took  into  the  king's  hand  because  Henry  adhered  to 

certain  magnates  of  the  realm  opposing  the  king  of  late. 

June  1.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Bothwell.     hand  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  Hildeyard,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  4.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  de  Grey  of  the  keeping  of 

Kothwell.      the  castle  of  Somerton,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at 

the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  William  Bacun  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things 

therein  in  his  keeping  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

By  K. 

June  6.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Bothwell.     hand  the  lands  late  of  William  de  Walton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief 

by  reason  of  the  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  being  in  the 

king's  hand. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Peter  Corbet,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  8.          Pardon,  for  a  fine  of  200Z.  made  by  Thomas  de  Fournivall  the  elder, 
Haddlesey.    to  him  and  to  Elizabeth,  late  the  wife  of  William  de  Monte  Acuto, 
tenant  in  chief,  of  their  trespass  in  intermarrying  without  licence. 
By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok.     Duplicated. 
Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  restore  to  them  the  lands  held 
by  them  in  her  dower  and  taken  by  him  into  the  king's  hand  on  account 
of  the  said  trespass,  together  with  the  issues  thereof  received  by  him 
from  the  time  of  the  taking  of  the  same  into  the  king's  hand. 

June  8.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Katharine, 
Haddlesey.  second  daughter  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  Richard  Danyel  of  Tyddeswell, 
tenant  in  chief,  a  third  part  of  a  messuage  in  Wormhill,  co.  Derby, 
and  the  reversion  of  10  acres  of  land  in  the  same  town  held  in  chief, 
which  by  the  assent  of  her  and  Thomas  Meverel  and  Elizabeth  his 
wife,  firstborn  daughter  and  second  heir,  and  Joan,  third  daughter 
and  heir  of  Richard,  the  king  has  assigned  to  Maud  late  the  wife  of 
Richard  in  dower,  which  third  part  and  reversion  the  king  has  assigned 
to  her  of  the  lands  late  of  her  said  father ;  and  to  make  partition  of 
all  other  lands  late  of  Richard  in  the  presence  of  the  heirs  and  parceners 
if  they  wish  to  be  present  and  to  deliver  to  Katharine  her  pourparty 
thereof,  she  having  done  homage,  retaining  in  the  king's  hand  the 
pourparties  of  the  said  Thomas,  Elizabeth  and  Joan  until  further  order  ; 
and  to  send  the  partition  made  by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the  rolls  of 
Chancery.  By  p.s. 



1322.  Membrane  3 — cont. 

June  10.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Haddlesey.   the  lands  late  of  John  son  of  Martin  de  Helmyngham,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Joan  late  the  wife  of  John  de  Beek,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief  by  reason  of  the  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster, 
being  in  the  king's  hand. 

June  10.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford  to  deliver  Richard  de  Louches,  knight, 
Haddlesey.  and  Philip  de  Hauvile  from  the  prison  where  they  are  detained  for 
certain  causes,  and  to  restore  to  them  their  lands,  if  each  of  them  will 
find  mainpernors  who  will  rnainprise  to  have  them  before  the  king 
at  his  will  to  answer  him  touching  that  whereon  the  king  would  speak 
against  them  and  to  answer  to  the  king  at  the  Exchequer  during 
pleasure  for  the  issues  of  their  lands,  taken  into  the  king's  hand  for 
certain  causes  ;  and  to  certify  the  king  in  Chancery  of  the  names  of 
those  mainpernors.  By  p.s. 

June  13.  Pardon  to  John  de  Dalton  of  Pykeryng,  late  bailiff  of  Thomas,  i 
Haddlesey.  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  at  the  request  of  the 
king's  kinswoman,  Eleanor  de  Percy,  and  for  a  fine  of  100  marks 
made  by  John,  of  the  king's  suit  for  the  charge  made  against  him 
that  he  was  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel  and  adhered  to  the  said  Thomas 
and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  ;  and  grant  to  him  of  his 
lands,  goods  and  chattels,  taken  into  the  king's  hand  on  that  account, 
to  hold  as  he  held  the  same  before.  By  p.s.  [6049.] 

Vacated  because  on  the  Patent  Roll. 

June  13.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 

Haddlesey.    hand  the  temporalities  of  the  bishopric  of  Lincoln  and  to  keep  tb 

same  safely,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Excheque 

until  further  order.  By  p.s.  [6048.] 

The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent.  By  p.s. 


June  16.  Order  to  Alan  de  Cubbeldyk,  keeper  of  the  lands  late  of  Thomas, 
Haddlesey.  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others, 
in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes  in  the  county  of  Lincoln,  to  delive 
to  William  Moigne,  parson  of  the  church  of  Feryby,  who  has  acknow- 
ledged in  Chancery  that  he  owes  the  king  200  marks  to  be  paid  at 
certain  terms,  his  lands,  goods  and  chattels,  which  Alan  took  into  th 
king's  hand  for  certain  causes. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldol 
The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln. 
The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  York. 

The  like  to  Edmund,  earl  of  Arundel,  to  deliver  to  the  same  Willian 
his  goods  and  chattels  in  the  isle  of  Axiolm,  taken  into  the  king's  hand 
on  the  said  account. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 
The  like  to  Edmund  de  Impeton  to  deliver  to  him  his  goods  and 
chattels  in  the  county  of  Lincoln,  taken  into  the  king's  hand  on  the 
said  account. 

15   EDWARD   II.— PART   I.  135 

1322.  Membrane  2 — cont. 

The  like  to  Robert  le  Breton  to  deliver  to  him  his  goods  and  chattels 
in  the  same  county,  taken  by  him  into  the  king's  hand  on  the  said 
account  when  he  was  sheriff  there. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

The  like  to  Thomas  de  Beltoft  to  deliver  to  him  his  goods  and  chattels 
in  the  same  county,  taken  by  him  into  the  king's  hand  on  the  said 
account.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  Robert  de  Baldok. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent, — pursuant  to  an 
inquisition  made  by  him  shewing  that  John  de  Thornhull  held  on 
the  day  of  his  death  certain  lands  in  Folrigge  in  chief  as  of  the  lordship 
of  Cliderhou,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  by  homage  and  fealty  and 
the  service  of  an  eighth  part  of  a  knight's  fee,  and  a  messuage  in  the 
town  of  Thornhull  in  chief  as  of  the  castle  of  Pontefract,  which  is  in 
the  king's  hand,  by  knight  service,  and  the  manors  of  Thornhull  and 
Hundesworth  of  the  heir  of  Richard  de  Tonge,  a  minor  in  the  king's 
ward,  by  reason  of  the  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  by 
knight  service,  and  certain  lands  in  Suellushull  as  of  the  manor  of 
Farneleye,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 
John  de  Nevill,  by  knight  service,  and  that  he  held  no  other  lands 
in  chief  as  of  the  crown,  and  that  Brian  his  son  is  his  nearest  heir  and 
of  full  age, — to  deliver  to  Brian  the  said  manors,  messuage  and  lands, 
he  having  done  fealty,  saving  to  Beatrice  late  the  wife  of  John  her 

June  16.  Commission  to  William  de  Hedersete  and  William  de  Rede,  collectors 
Haddlesey.  of  the  custom  on  wools,  hides  and  woolfells  in  the  port  of  London, 
reciting  that  for  the  defence  of  Holy  Church  in  the  realm  and  of  the 
people  of  the  realm  against  hostile  attacks  of  the  Scots,  the  king's 
enemies  and  rebels,  and  for  other  arduous  and  urgent  business  touching 
the  king  and  the  state  of  the  realm,  the  king  will  need  to  pour  forth 
as  it  were  infinite  money,  and  that  in  aid  of  relief  of  the  expenses  to 
be  made  on  the  premises  the  merchants  of  the  realm  and  those  staying 
therein  have  granted  to  the  king  the  following  subsidy  on  wools, 
woolfells  and  hides  exported  from  the  realm,  to  wit,  denizen  merchants, 
£  mark  on  each  sack  of  wool,  J  mark  on  each  300  woolfells  and  1  mark 
on  each  last  of  hides,  and  alien  merchants,  1  mark  on  each  sack  of 
wool,  1  mark  on  each  300  woolfells  and  2  marks  on  each  last  of  hides, 
from  Midsummer  next  for  one  year,  beyond  the  custom  before  due 
thereon  ;  and  appointing  the  said  collectors  to  collect  the  same  during 
pleasure,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  ; 
and  order  to  them  to  take  an  oath  from  denizen  merchants  who  wish 
to  carry  wools,  woolfells  or  hides  without  the  realm  meanwhile,  that 
they  will  not  vouch  for  (advocent)  the  wools,  woolfells  or  hides  of  alien 
merchants  under  the  names  of  them  or  any  denizen,  on  pain  of 
forfeiture  thereof.  By  K.  &  C. 

The  like  to  the  following  collectors  in  the  following  ports  : — 

Robert  But  and  Geoffrey  de  Sutton.  Boston. 

Richard  de  la  Pole  and  William  de  Barton. 

Kyngeston  upon  Hull. 

Alexander  de  Fastolf  and  Robert  de  Drayton.  Yarmouth. 

John  de  Swerdeston  and  William  Fraunseis.  Lenn. 

John  de  Romeneye  and  William  de  Derby.  Bristol. 

Stephen  Fauconer  and  Thomas  Aspelon.  Sandwich. 



1322.  Membrane  2 — cont.  , 

John  de  Whatfeld  and  Henry  le  Rotim.  Ipswich. 

John  Durand  and  William  de  Water  Gate.  Cycestre. 

William  de  Cheilhowe  and  Hugh  Samson.  Southampton. 

Thomas  Fardyn  and  Henry  Lovekok. 

Exeter  and  Weymuth  and  thence  in  all  places  by  the 

seacoast  to  Plummuth. 

Hugh  de  Northwode  and  Robert  de  Gas.  Haverford. 

Richard  Langinogh  and  Adam  le  Glide  of  Melecombe. 

Thomas  de  Karliolo  and  Robert  de  Reymes. 

Newcastle  upon  Tyne  and  Hertelpol. 

June  18.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Haddlesey.    hand  the  lands  late  of  John  Deyncourt,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  22.  Order  to  the  same,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition  made  by  him  shewing 
York.  that  Adam  de  Hodeleston  held  on  the  day  of  his  death  a  moiety  of 
the  manor  of  Bylington  with  a  tenement  in  the  manor  called  '  le  Scho  ' 
in  chief  as  of  the  inheritance  late  of  Henry  de  Lacy,  earl  of  Lincoln, 
by  homage,  fealty  and  a  twentieth  part  of  a  knight's  fee  and  by  suit 
at  the  king's  court  at  Cliderhou  every  three  weeks,  and  that  Richard 
son  of  John  de  Hudleston,  his  kinsman,  is  his  nearest  heir  and  of 
full  age,  to  deliver  to  the  said  Richard  the  said  moiety  and  tenement, 
he  having  done  fealty ;  saving  to  Isabel  late  the  wife  of  Adam  her 

June  24.  Order  to  Henry  le  Scrop  and  his  fellows,  justices  appointed  to  hold 
York.  the  pleas  before  the  king,  if  it  appear  to  them  that  John  son  of  Henry 
de  Gernevill,  Henry  de  Langhebrok,  John  de  Langhebrok,  Ralph  de 
Pauleshele,  Robert  Dnrbyng,  John  de  Loueton  and  Stephen  de  Chidiok 
have  satisfied  W.  bishop  of  Exeter  for  the  trespass  whereof  he 
impleaded  them  of  late  before  the  said  justices,  to  wit,  for  having 
broken  the  bishop's  park  at  Norton,  co.  Somerset,  and  chased  therein 
without  his  licence  and  will  and  taken  and  carried  away  deer,  whereof 
also  they  were  convicted,  to  take  fines  from  them  for  that  which 
pertains  to  the  king  for  the  trespass  and  for  their  imprisonment,  and 
to  deliver  them  from  prison,  if  they  be  detained  on  the  said  account 
and  no  other.  By  C. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  John  de  Boueles  of  Edelesburgh,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Thomas  de  Gi?ey  of  Cornherd,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  26.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 

York.        Gilbert  Pecche,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
John  de  Wyvile,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Robert  de  Bercwyk,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

15   EDWARD   II.— PAST   I. 


1322.  Membrane  2 — cont. 

June  30.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  John  de  Belewe,  deceased,  tenant  by  knight  service 
of  the  heir  of  Payn  de  Tibetot,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Richard  son  of  Richard  de  Tonge,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief  by  reason 
of  the  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  being  in  the  king's  hand. 

June  28.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  Reynold  Perot,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

July  1.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Nicholas  Russel  of  the  county  of 
York.        Worcester,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  heir  of 
Guy  de  Bello  Campo,  earl  of  Warwick,  tenant  in  chief,  so  that  he 
answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  hitherto. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff . 
Order  to  William  de  Bello  Campo  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with 
the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office 
in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 

Order  to  Robert  de  Sto&e,  keeper  of  certain  lands  in  divers  counties 
in  the  king's  hand,  to  cause  the  stock,  corn,  lead,  wools  and  other 
chattels  and  the  meadows  and  pastures  of  the  said  castles,  manors, 
towns  and  places,  saving  reasonable  maintenance  thereof,  to  be  sold 
and  the  king's  profit  to  be  made  thereon  as  he  shall  think  best  for  the 
king's  advantage,  and  to  deliver  the  money  arising  therefrom  to  the 
king's  receiver  there. 

The  like  to  Robert  Tok,  keeper  of  certain  lands  in  the  county  of 
Derby  in  the  king's  hand. 

July  2.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  clerk  and  doctor,  Pancius  de  Controne, 
York.  in  allowance  of  the  100?.  yearly  which  the  king  granted  to  him  at  the 
Exchequer  so  long  as  he  should  stay  in  the  realm,  and  for  good  service, 
of  the  manor  of  Chiselbergh,  co.  Somerset,  and  the  manor  of 
Brembelteigh  and  Lavertye,  co.  Sussex,  late  of  Francis  de  Aldham, 
the  king's  enemy  and  rebel  of  late,  and  the  manor  of  Plescis,  co. 
Hertford,  late  of  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  the  king's  enemy 
and  rebel  of  late,  which  have  come  to  the  king's  hands  as  escheats 
by  the  forfeitures  of  the  said  Francis  and  Bartholomew,  to  hold  of 
the  king  and  his  heirs  and  other  chief  lords  of  those  fees  by  the  services 
due  therefrom  before  they  came  to  the  king's  hands,  so  that  if  they 
exceed  IQQl.  in  yearly  value,  he  shall  pay  the  excess  at  the  Exchequer, 
and  so  also  that  the  manors  after  his  death  revert  entire  to  the  king 
and  his  heirs.  By  p.s.  [6077.] 

July  3.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Henry  Cobeham  of  the  keeping 
York.  of  the  castle  of  Tonebrigge  with  the  chace  there,  the  manors  and  all 
lands  pertaining  to  the  castle  late  of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger,  which 
were  taken  into  the  king's  hand  as  forfeit  with  the  other  lands  late 
of  the  same  Hugh  by  decision  of  the  king's  court ;  so  that  he  answer 
for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 




July  4. 

Membrane  2  —  cont. 

Order  to  Alexander  de  Moubray  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle 
with  all  things  therein,  and  the  said  chace,  manors  and  lands  pertaining 
to  the  castle,  which  are  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment,  b 

indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 



Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
all  the  lands  which  Sarah  late  the  wife  of  Robert  Burguillon,  deceased, 
held  in  chief  in  dower  of  the  inheritance  of  the  heir  of  the  said  Robert, 
a  minor  in  the  king's  ward. 


July  1.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  deliver  to  the  king's  clerk,  Master 
York.  James  Synebaud,  archdeacon  of  Winchester,  and  Robert  his  brother, 
the  manor  of  Ewell  with  the  small  wood  and  all  other  appurtenances 
except  the  great  wood  and  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  the  manor, 
with  the  issues  received  by  him  from  the  time  of  the  taking  thereof 
into  the  king's  hand,  to  hold  for  life,  restoring  to  them  all  their  goods 
and  chattels  found  in  the  manor  at  the  time  of  the  said  taking  and 
taken  by  him  into  the  king's  hand,  so  that  they  answer  at  the  Exchequer 
for  20  marks  yearly  from  the  said  time  and  henceforth  ;  they  having 
made  petition  before  the  king  and  council  shewing  that  Thomas,  earl 
of  Lancaster,  long  before  he.broke  forth  against  the  king  in  rebellion, 
granted  the  said  manor  to  them  as  above  to  hold  for  life  at  the  rent 
of  20  marks  a  year,  of  which  manor  they  were  long  seised,  and  that 
the  sheriff  none  the  less  seized  the  same  into  the  king's  hand  with 
all  goods  and  chattels  therein  by  reason  of  the  earl's  rebellion,  and 
the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriff  to  certify  the  king  touching  the 
manner  and  cause  of  the  taking  of  the  said  manor  and  goods  into  the 
king's  hand  and  at  what  time,  and  to  make  inquisition  in  his  county 
for  how  long  the  said  James  and  Robert  were  in  seisin  of  the  manor 
by  reason  of  the  said  grant,  and  how  much  the  manor  is  worth  yearly 
except  the  said  great  wood  and  advowson,  and  to  send  to  the  king 
the  inquisition  made  thereon,  by  which  inquisition,  returned  to 
Chancery,  it  was  found  that  the  earl  made  the  said  grant  on  5  February, 
13  Edward  II,  and  that  they  were  in  seisin  of  the  manor  from  that 
date  until  20  March  last,  on  which  day  the  manor  was  seized  into 
the  king's  hand  with  all  goods  and  chattels  therein.  By  pet.  of  C. 

July  3.  Grant  to  Master  James  Sinobaldis,  archdeacon  of  Winchester,  and 
York.  Robert  his  brother  that  they  may  hold  for  life  the  manor  of  Ewell 
by  Dover  with  the  small  wood  and  the  other  appurtenances  except 
the  great  wood  and  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  the  manor,  at  the 
rent  of  20  marks  a  year  at  Easter,  pursuant  to  the  demise  to  them 
thereof  in  like  terms  by  a  writing  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  by 
whose  enmity  and  rebellion  the  manor  came  to  the  king's  hands. 

July  4.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  James  de 
York.  Whytewell  and  Alice  his  wife,  fourth  sister  and  heir  of  Gregory  de 
Felmyngham,  tenant  in  chief,  their  pourparty  of  the  lands  late  of 
Gregory,  the  said  James  having  done  fealty  ;  the  king  having  ordered 
the  livery  of  the  pourparties  of  the  other  heirs  and  parceners  by  other 
writs  as  above  [pp.  49,  54], 

15   EDWARD   II.— PABT   I.  139 

1322.  Membrane  I — cont. 

July  4.  Appointment  of  John  Everard  and  John  de  Trezagu  to  arrent  all 
York.  the  manors  and  lands  late  of  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  other 
lands  in  the  county  of  Cornwall  in  the  king's  hand  by  their  forfeiture 
and  for  other  causes,  and  to  demise  the  same  at  farm  to  certain  men 
willing  to  receive  the  same  from  the  king  to  hold  from  Michaelmas 
next  for  three  years  for  a  certain  farm  to  be  rendered  therefor  yearly 
in  the  chamber,  and  to  sell  the  corn,  hay,  stock  and  other  goods  and 
chattels  in  the  said  manors  and  lands,  or  otherwise  to  make  the  king's 
profit  thereon,  so  that  the  said  John  Everard,  keeper  of  the  said  manors 
and  lands,  answer  in  the  chamber  for  the  value  and  price  of  the  same 
by  testimony  of  the  said  John  Trezagu,  surveyor  of  the  premises,  and 
to  certify  the  king  in  the  chamber  of  what  they  do  in  the  premises. 

By  K. 
The  like  of  the  following  in  the  following  counties  : — 

John  Everard,  keeper,  and  Matthew  de  Crowethorn,  surveyor. 


Robert  Daston,  keeper,  and  Richard  Loveni,  surveyor.      Somerset. 
Robert  Daston,  keeper,  and  William  de  Blaneford,  surveyor. 


Robert  de  Hungerford,  keeper,  and  Adam  Walraund,  surveyor. 

Robert  Daston,  keeper,  and  Richard  de  Rodeney,  surveyor. 


Robert  de  Hungerford,  keeper,  and  John  de  Tichebourn,  surveyor. 

John  le  Porter,  keeper,  and  Humphrey  de  Waleden,  surveyor. 


Gilbert  de  Rishton  and  Richard  de  Potesgrave,  keepers,  and 
Hamo  de  Chiggewell,  surveyor.  London  and  Middlesex. 

Emery  la  Zousche,  keeper,  and  William  le  Burstlare,  surveyor. 

Cambridge  and  Huntingdon. 
Richard  de  Whatton,  keeper,  and  John  de  Wyleby,  surveyor. 

Northampton  and  Rutland. 

Robert'  de  Bures,  keeper,  and  Edmund  de  Hemgrave,  surveyor. 

Robert  de  Bures,  keeper,  and  Geoffrey  de  Wyz,  surveyor. 

Robert  de  Stoke,  keeper,  and  Roger  Belers,  surveyor. 


Robert  de   Gatesby,   keeper,   and   William   Brabazon,   knight, 

surveyor.  Leicester. 

John  de  Kilvynton,  keeper,  and  Adam  de  Hoperton,  surveyor, 

between  the  waters  of  These  and  Use,  except  of  the  castle  of 

Pykering.  York. 

Thomas  Deyvill,  keeper,  and  Adam  de  Hoperton,  surveyor,  of 

the  castle  and  honour  of  Pontefract  beyond  the  water  of  Use. 


Thomas  Ughtred,  keeper,  and  Adam  de  Hoperton,  surveyor, 
of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Pikering.  York. 

Afterwards  on  25  July  following  order  was  made  to  the  said 
Thomas  and  Adam  to  associate  with  them  Richard  de  Museleye, 
receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  said  lands,  and  to  execute  the 
premises  by  view  of  Richard,  so  that  he  could  answer  therefor 
to  the  full. 



1322.  Membrane  1 — cont. 

John  Travers,  keeper,  and  Robert  de  Notingham,  surveyor,  in 

the   county   of   Lancaster,    Blakeburnshire,  and   Halton,   co. 

Chester.  Lancaster. 

Henry  de   Malton,   keeper,   and   Alexander  de   Bastenthwayt, 

surveyor,  in  the  county  of  Cumberland  and  of  the  castle  and 

manors  of  Skipton  in  Cravene  and  Burton  in  Lonnesdale,  co. 

York.  Cumberland. 

Alan  de  Cubbeldyk,  keeper,  and  Dominic  de  Bukton,  surveyor. 

Lincoln,  Lindeseye. 
Alan  de  Cubbeldyk,  keeper,  and  Matthew  Broun,  surveyor. 

Lincoln,  Ketstevene. 

Alan  de  Cubbeldyk,  keeper,  and  John  de  la  Gotere  of  Boston, 
surveyor.  Lincoln,  Holand. 

Robert  de  Hungerford,  keeper,  and  John  de  Ildesle,  surveyor. 

Robert  de  Stoke,  keeper,  and  John  de  Brumpton,  surveyor. 

Roger  Carles,  keeper,  and  Alexander  de  Berford,  surveyor. 

Robert  de  Stoke,  keeper,  and  Roger  de  Tyringham,  surveyor. 

Buckingham  and  Bedford. 

Roger  Carles,  keeper,  and  William  de  Weston,  surveyor.       Salop. 
Roger  de  Waltham,  keeper,  and  Walter  de  Waldeshef ,  surveyor. 

Roger  Carles,  keeper,  and  John  de  Barewe,  knight,  surveyor. 

Richard  de  Whatton,  keeper,  and  John  del  Ker,  surveyor. 


Robert  Tok,   keeper,   and  Roger  Beler,  surveyor.  Derby. 

William  de  Polhey,  keeper,  and  William  de  la  Leye,  surveyor. 


Henry  de  Malton,  keeper,  and  Henry  de  Wardecop,  surveyor. 


July  4.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  William  Davy, 
York.  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castles  of  Tuttebury,  Donyngton  and 
Melbourne,  and  of  all  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster, 
in  the  counties  of  Leicester,  Derby  and  Stafford,  in  the  king's  hand 
by  his  forfeiture,  so  that  he  answer  therefor  in  the  chamber  as  he 
shall  be  charged  therewith  by  the  steward  of  the  said  castles  and 
lands.  By  K. 

July  6.          Order  to  William  de  Oterhampton  to  deliver  to  him  the  arms, 
York.        victuals  and  other  goods  and  chattels  in  the  premises  in  his  keeping, 
by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them,  bringing  one  part  of 
that  indenture  to  the  wardrobe. 

July  4.          The  like  of  the  prior  of  Kenilworth  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the 
York.        castle  and  honour  of  Kenilworth. 

July — .         Appointment  of  Alan  de  Cubbeldyk  and  Dominic  de  Bucton  to 

York.        arrent  all  the  manors  and  lands  late  of  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels 

and  other  lauds  in  Lindeseye,  co.  Lincoln,  in  the  king's  hand  by  their 

forfeiture  and  for  other  causes,  and  to  demise  the  same  at  farm  to 

15   EDWARD   H.— PAET   I.  141 

1322.  Membrane  1 — cont. 

certain  men  willing  to  receive  the  same  of  the  king,  to  hold  from 
Michaelmas  next  for  three  years  for  a  certain  farm  to  be  rendered 
therefor  yearly  in  the  chamber,  and  to  sell  the  corn,  hay,  stock  and 
other  goods  and  chattels  in  the  said  manors  and  lands,  or  otherwise 
to  make  the  king's  profit  thereon,  so  that  answer  be  made  to  the 
king  in  the  chamber  for  the  value  and  price  thereof  by  the  receiver  of 
the  issues  of  the  said  lands,  goods  and  chattels,  by  view  and  testimony 
of  the  said  Alan,  keeper  of  the  said  manors  and  lands,  and  by  testimony 
of  the  said  Dominic  ;  and  to  certify  the  king  in  the  chamber  of  what 
they  do  in  the  premises. 
The  like  of  the  following : — 

The  same  Alan  and  Matthew  Broum  in  Ketstevene,  co.  Lincoln, 

by  view  and  testimony  of  the  said  Alan  and  by  testimony  of 

the  said  Matthew.  Duplicated. 

The  same  Alan  and  John  de  la  Gotere  in  Holand,  co.  Lincoln, 

by  view  and  testimony  of  the  said  Alan  and  by  testimony  of 

the  said  John.  Duplicated. 

Thomas  Dayvill  and  Adam  de  Hoperton  in  the  castle  and  honour 

of  Pontefract  and  beyond  the  water  of  Use,  co.  York,  by  view 

etc.  of  the  said  Thomas  and  by  testimony  of  the  said  Adam. 


15   EDWARD   II.— PAET   II. 

This  roll,  which  consists  of  two  membranes,  contains  only  certain 
entries  calendared  above  and  below  in  the  years  15, 16  and  17  Edward  II, 


16   EDWAED   II. 


July  9. 


July  9. 

July  10. 

The  escheators  for  this  year  are  (I)  south  of  Trent,  Master  John 
Walewayn  ;  (2)  north  of  Trent,  Thomas  de  Burgh. 


Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Sancto  Mauro  of  the  county 
of  Northampton  and  the  castle  of  Norhampton,  so  that  he  answer  at 
the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 

By  bill  of  the  Exchequer. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff 
and  keeper. 

Order  to  Humphrey  de  Bassyngburn  to  deliver  to  him  the  said 
county  with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching 
that  office,  and  also  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in  his  keeping, 
by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  John,  son 
and  heir  of  Joan  late  the  wife  of  John  de  Bek,  tenant  in  chief  as  of  the 
honour  of  Tuttebury,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  the  lands  late  of  his 
said  mother,  he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s. 

Commission  to  John  de  Heselarton,  William  le  Blusceler  and  John 
Fraunceys,  reciting  that  by  letters  patent  the  king  granted  of  late  to 
the  mayor  and  good  men  of  Cambridge  certain  customs  on  things 
for  sale  brought  to  that  town  in  aid  of  paving  the  same  to  be  taken 
for  a  certain  time  not  yet  passed,  and  that  the  said  mayor  and  men 
have  levied  much  money  from  such  things  from  the  time  of  the  said 
grant  hitherto,  which  they  have  not  yet  applied  to  the  repair  of  the 
pavement,  and  have  omitted  to  levy  much  money  from  those  things ; 
and  appointing  the  said  commissioners  to  survey  the  said  pavement 
and  to  audit  the  account  of  the  said  mayor  and  men  as  well  of  the 
money  levied  by  them  as  of  the  money  which  they  have  omitted  to 
levy  as  often  as  need  be,  and  to  make  inquisition  in  the  county  of 
Cambridge  how  much  money  they  have  levied  from  those  customs 
from  the  said  time  hitherto  and  how  much  they  have  applied  to  the 
said  repair,  and  in  what  manner,  and  to  distrain  them  to  apply  to  the 
said  repair  the  money  so  levied  and  not  yet  applied  thereto  and 
the  money  which  they  have  omitted  to  levy,  so  that  any  residue,  after 
the  town  have  been  paved,  be  reserved  to  the  king's  use  ;  the  king 
having  ordered  the  sheriff  to  summon  before  them  on  a  day  and  at  a 
place  fixed  by  them  good  and  lawful  men  to  make  such  inquisition, 
and  to  be  intendant  to  them  herein. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Inge  of  the  keeping  of  the 
castles  of  Usk,  Tregruk  and  Kerlion  and  the  lands  belonging  thereto, 
in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  Master  John  Walewayn  to  deliver  to  him  the  same,  which 
are  in  his  keeping. 

The  like  to  Gilbert  de  Glincarny. 

16  EDWARD   II. 


1322.  Membrane  28 — cont. 

July  10.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger 
York.  of  the  keeping  of  the  castles,  manors  and  lands  following,  in  the  king's 
hand  for  certain  causes,  to  wife,  Bregheneu,  Haye,  Huntynton, 
Cantrecelif,  Talgarth,  Blenleveny  and  Penkethely,  at  the  rent  of  600Z. 
a  year  at  the  Exchequer,  to  wit,  400Z.  for  the  said  castles  and  lands 
of  Bregheneu,  Haye  and  Huntynton,  40Z.  for  the  said  land  of  Cantrecelif, 
50Z.  for  the  said  land  of  Talgarth,  501.  for  the  said  castle  of  Blenleveny, 
and  60L  for  the  said  castle  of  Penkethely,  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas 
and  Easter.  By  K. 

Order  to  Master  John  Walewayn  to  deliver  to  him  or  his  attorney 
the  castles,  manors  and  lands  aforesaid  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's 
commitment,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

Order  to  John  de  Siggeston  to  deliver  to  him  or  his  attorney  the 
castles  and  towns  of  Huntynton  and  Haye  and  the  lands  there,  in  his 
keeping  of  the  king's  commitment,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

Order  to  Robert  de  Morby  to  deliver  to  him  or  his  attorney  the 
castle,  town  and  lands  of  Bregheneu,  in  his  keeping  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  Richard  le  Mareschal  to  deliver  to  him  or  his  attorney 
the  lands  of  Cantrecelif  and  Talgarth,  in  his  keeping  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  John  de  Dene  to  deliver  to  him  or  his  attorney  the  castles 
and  lands  of  Blenleveny  and  Penkethely,  in  his  keeping  etc.  as  above. 

July  11.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  be  intendant 
York.  to  Matthew  Broune  and  Robert  de  Spynneye,  whom  the  king  has 
appointed  to  pursue,  arrest  and  take  John  le  Abbotesserjaunt  of 
Carleton  and  to  cause  him  to  be  kept  safely  in  prison  by  the  sheriffs 
in  whose  bailiwicks  he  be  taken  until  further  order,  and  to  take  into 
the  king's  hand  and  keep  safely  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  the 
said  John,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  W.  de  Clif. 

July  10.          Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  hundred 

York.        of  Angre,  which  is  of  the  inheritance  of  John  son  of  John  de  Rivers, 

and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  he  answer 

for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber,  because  the  said  John  adhered 

of  late  to  certain  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 

July  12.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
York.  made  by  him  shewing  that  a  messuage  and  8  acres  of  land  in  Kerby, 
co.  Leicester,  after  the  death  of  John  le  Hunt  of  Kerby  came  to  the 
king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Robert  le  Hunt  of  Kerby, 
son  and  heir  of  the  said  John,  and  that  the  said  Robert  died  within 
age,  and  that  the  said  tenements,  which  are  held  in  chief  as  of  the 
honour  of  Peverel  by  the  service  of  doing  suit  at  the  court  of  Peverel 
twice  a  year  (sic),  and  that  Simon  Pakeman,  kinsman  of  the  said  Robert, 
is  his  nearest  heir  and  of  the  age  of  sixteen  years,  and  that  he  held 
no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown  whereby  the  wardship  of  his 
lands  should  pertain  at  present  to  the  king, — to  deliver  to  the  said 
Simon  the  said  lands,  he  having  done  fealty. 

July  14.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  Agnes 
York.        de  Bassyngbourn,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 



1322.  Membrane  28 — cont. 

July  12.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  Wawayn  of  the  keeping 

York.        of  the  castle  of  Lenhales,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  so 

that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Hereford  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all 

things  therein  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

July  12.         Commitment   during   pleasure   to    the    king's    yeoman,    Ellis   de 
York.        Assheburn,  for  good  service,  of  the  office  of  marshal  before  the  justices 
in  eyre  in  Ireland,  to  hold  as  others  have  held  the  same  hitherto. 


Order  to  John  de  Birmengeham,  earl  of  Loueth,  Justiciary  of  Ireland, 
to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

July  11.  Order  to  W.  bishop  of  Exeter,  treasurer,  to  cause  the  body  of  John 
York.  de  Norton  to  be  safely  kept  until  he  be  sure  of  the  sum  of  931.  to  the 
king's  use,  the  said  John  having  acknowledged  before  the  king  that 
he  had  received  goods  and  chattels  late  of  certain  the  king's  enemies 
and  rebels,  which  ought  to  remain  to  the  king,  to  that  sum,  and  had 
not  yet  satisfied  the  king  thereof,  on  account  whereof  the  king  caused 
his  body  to  be  arrested  and  delivered  to  the  bishop  to  be  detained 
under  arrest  until  the  king  were  satisfied  of  that  sum.  By  K. 

July  13.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Thomas  Corbet, 

York.        son  and  heir  of  Thomas  Corbet,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his 

said  father,  he  having  done  fealty.  By  K. 

July  15.         Commitment  to  the  king's  yeoman,  John  Wroth,  of  the  keeping  of 

York.        the  manors  of  Dylewe  and  Monynton,  co.  Hereford,  late  of  Nicholas 

de  Audele,  tenant  in  chief,  which  Peter  de  Lymesye  held  for  life, 

which  also  came  to  the  king's  hands  by  the  forfeiture  of  Peter,  to  hold 

until  the  full  age  of  the  heir  of  Nicholas,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward, 

rendering  30Z.  a  year  in  the  chamber  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  and 

Easter.  By  K. 

Order  to  Roger  Carles,  keeper  of  certain  lands  in  the  said  county 

in  the  king's  hand,  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manors. 

July  15.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Suffolk  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  manor 
York.  of  Haverhill,  co.  Suffolk,  which  John  de  Rivers,  deceased,  held  for 
life  of  the  inheritance  of  Margaret  wife  of  Hugh  de  Audele  the  younger, 
one  of  the  sisters  and  heirs  of  Gilbert  de  Clare,  earl  of  Gloucester  and 
Hertford,  tenant  in  chief,  and  which  ought  to  revert  to  the  said  Hugh 
and  Margaret  according  to  the  partition  of  the  inheritance  of  the 
said  earl  made  in  Chancery,  the  lands  of  which  Hugh  and  Margaret 
have  been  or  ought  to  be  taken  into  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes  ; 
and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  so  that  he  answer 
for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  touching  the  manor  of  Hersham, 
which  is  of  the  said  inheritance  and  which  the  said  John  held  for 

July  16.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hanc 
York.        the  lands  late  of  William  son  of  Alan,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

16  EDWARD  II. 


1322.  Membrane  28 — cont. 

July  19.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Walter  de 
York.        Tyneslowe,  brother  and  heir  of  William  de  Tyneslowe,  tenant  in  chief, 
the  lands  late  of  his  said  brother,  he  having  done  homage. 

By  p.s.  [6095.]    York. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Thomas  Botetourt,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Bertrand  de  Howyk  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manor  of  Sandhalle,  co.  York,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  p.s.  [6107.] 

Order  to  John  le  Porter  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  de  Whatton  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manor  of  Rothewell,  co.  Northampton,  late  of  Hugh  Daudele 
the  younger  and  in  the  king's  hand  with  the  other  lands  late  of  the 
same  Hugh,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber. 

By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Robert  le  Vavasour,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Gilbert  de  Assh  of  the  keeping  of 
all  the  lands  late  of  Gilbert  Talebot,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain 
causes,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  p.s.  [6119.] 

Order  to  Roger  Carles  to  deliver  to  him  the  same  in  his  keeping. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Hungerford  and  Robert  de  Aston  severally. 

Commission  to  Thomas  de  Karliolo  and  Robert  de  Reymes  to  collect 
during  pleasure  in  the  ports  of  Hertelpol  and  Yarum  the  new  customs 
granted  to  the  king  by  alien  merchants  for  certain  liberties  granted 
to  them  by  Edward  I  [see  Calendar  of  Fine  Bolls,  1272-1307,  p.  466], 
so  that  they  answer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom  at  the  Exchequer  ; 
and  to  substitute  others  in  their  place  for  whom  they  will  answer, 
if  they  cannot  attend  hereto.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 

Thomas  de  Karliolo  and  Robert  de  Reymes,  in  the  port  of 
Newcastle  upon  Tyne  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoas* 
to  Berwick  upon  Tweed. 
Robert    Waweyn    and    Reynold    le    Cartere,    in    the    ports    of 

Scardeburgh  and  Why  toby. 
Richard  de  Gretford  and  John  de  Barton,  in  the  ports  of  Kyngeston 

upon  Hull  and  Ravenser. 

John  de  Gascrik  and  William  de  Gascrik,  in  the  ports  of  Barton 
upon  Humber  and  Grymmesby  and  in  every  place  thence  to 
the  town  of  Boston. 

John  de  Tumby  and  Geoffrey  de  Sutton,  in  the  port  of  Boston. 
John  de  Thornegge  and  William  de  Whetacre,  in  the  port  of 
Lenne  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Yarmouth. 

F  10 


1322.  Membrane  27 — cont. 

John  de  Acle  and  Robert  de  Drayton,  in  the  port  of  Great 

Yarmouth    and    in  every    place  thence  by    the  seacoast  to 

John  Harneys  and  Henry  le  Rotoun,  in  the  port  of  Ipswich  and 

in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  the  mouth  of  the 

water  of  Thames. 
William  Prudhumme  and  James  Beauflour,  in  the  port  of  London 

and  in  every  place  on  either  side  the  Thames  to  Gravesende. 
Simon  Potyn  and  John  le  Engleis,  in  the  port  of  Rochester  and 

in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Sandwich. 
William  Virgil  and  Ralph  Goldsmyth,  in  the  port  of  Sandwich 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Wynchelse. 
Stephen  Athelard  and  Richard  Bat,  in  Wynchelse  and  in  every 

place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Chichester. 
John  Durant  and  William  de  Watergate,  in  the  port  of  Chichester 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Southampton. 
William    de    Cheylhowe    and    Hugh    Sampson,    in    the    port    of 

Southampton  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to 

Boniface  Scarle  and  Richard  Longynogh,  in  the  ports  of  Waymuth 

and  Melecombe  and  in  any  ports  within  the  counties  of  Somerset 

and  Dorset. 
Thomas  Fardeyn  and  Henry  Lovecok,  in  the  port  of  Exeter  and 

in  every  port  within  the  county  of  Devon. 
William  de  Milebourn  and  Richard  de  Hellaunde,  in  every  port 

in  the  county  of  Cornwall. 
John  de  Romeneye  and  William  de  Derby,  in  the  ports  of  Bristol 

and  Chepstowe. 
Alexander  Hurel  and  Hugh  de  Brikhull,  in  the  ports  of  Chester, 

Donewell,  Coneweye,  Beaumareys  and  Carnarvan. 

July  20.         Commission  to  Thomas  de  Karliolo  and  Robert  de  Reymes  to  collect 

York.        during  pleasure  in  the  port  of  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  and  in  every 

place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Berwick  upon  Tweed  the  new  custom 

of  2s.  on  each  tun  of  wine  brought  by  the  merchant  vintners  of  the 

said  duchy  (sic)  within  the  realm,  granted  by  them  to  Edward  I  for 

certain  liberties  granted  to  them   by  his  charter  [see  Calendar  of  Fine 

Eolls,  1272-1307,  p.  476],  so  that  they  answer  for  the  money  arising 

therefrom  at  the  Exchequer  ;    and  to  substitute  others  in  their  place 

for  whom  they  will  answer,  if  they  cannot  attend  hereto.        By  K. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 

The  same  Thomas  and  Robert,  in  the  ports  of  Hertelpol  and 

Robert    Wawayn    and    Reynold    le    Cartere,    in    the    ports   of 

Scardeburgh  and  Whyteby. 
Richard  de  Gretford  and  John  de  Barton,  in  the  port[s]  of 

Kyngeston  upon  Hull  and  Ravenesere. 

John  de  Gascrik  and  William  de  Gascrik,  in  the  ports  of  Barton 
upon  Humber  and  Grymesby  and  in  every  place  thence  to 
the  town  of  Boston. 

John  de  Tumby  and  Geoffrey  de  Sutton,  in  the  port  of  Boston. 
John  de  Thornege  and  William  de  Whetacre,  in  the  port  of  Lenne 
and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Yarmouth, 

16  EDWARD  II. 



July  2. 

Membrane  27 — cont. 

John  de  Acle  and  Robert  de  Draiton,  in  the  port  of  Great  Yarmouth 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Ipswich. 
John  Harneys  and  Henry  le  Rotoun,  in  the  port  of  Ipswich  and 

in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  the  mouth  of  the  water 

of  Thames. 
William  Prodhomme  and  James  Beauflour,  in  the  port  of  London 

and  in  every  place  on  either  side  the  Thames  to  Gravesende. 
Simon  Potyn  and  John  Lengleys,  in  the  .port  of  Rochester  and 

in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Sandwich. 
William  Virgyl  and  Ralph  Goldsmyth,  in  the  port  of  Sandwich 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Wynchelse. 
Stephen  Athelard  and  Richard  Bat,  in  the  port  of  Wynchelese 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Chichester. 
John  Durant  and  William  de  Watergate,  in  the  port  of  Chester 

(sic)  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Southampton. 
William    de    Cheylhowe    and    Hugh    Sampson,    in    the    port   of 

Southampton  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to 

Boniface  Scarle  and  Richard  Longynogh,  in  the  ports  of  Waymuth 

and  Melecombe  and  in  any  ports  within  the  counties  of  Somerset 

and  Dorset. 
Thomas  Fardeyn  and  Henry  L'ovecok,  in  the  port  of  Exeter  and 

in  every  port  within  the  county  of  Devon. 
William  de  Mileburn  and  Richard  de  Hellaund,  in  every  port 

in  the  county  of  Cornwall. 
John  de  Romeneye  and  William  de  Derby,  in  the  ports  of  Bristol 

and  Chepstowe. 
Alexander  Hurel  and  Hugh  de  Brikhull,  in  the  ports  of  Chester, 

Donewell,  Coneweye,   Beaumarreys  and  Kaernarvan. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  John  de  Somery,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 
The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 


Order  to  Alan  de  Cubbeldyk  and  Dominic  de  Bukton, — whom  the 
king  appointed  to  arrent  all  the  manors  and  lands  late  of  the  king's 
enemies  and  rebels  and  other  lands  in  Lyndeseye,  co.  Lincoln,  in  the 
king's  hand  by  their  forfeiture  and  for  other  causes,  and  to  demise  the 
same  to  certain  men  willing  to  receive  the  same  from  the  king  from 
Michaelmas  next  for  three  years  for  a  certain  farm  to  be  rendered 
yearly  in  the  chamber,  and  to  sell  the  corn,  hay,  stock  and  other 
goods  and  chattels  therein  or  otherwise  to  make  the  king's  profit 
thereon,  so  that  answer  were  made  in  the  chamber  for  the  value  and 
price  thereof  by  the  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  said  lands,  goods  and 
chattels,  by  view  and  testimony  of  the  said  Alan,  chief  keeper  of 
the  said  manors  and  lands,  and  by  testimony  of  the  said  Dominic, — to 
certify  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  of  the  lands  so  to 
be  demised  by  them  and  of  the  persons  to  whom  they  be  demised, 
and  for  how  much,  and  of  the  sale  of  the  said  corn,  hay,  stock  and 
other  goods  and  chattels,  and  to  whom  and  [for]  how  much,  that  the 
treasurer  and  barons  may  do  further  thereon  what  the  king  has  ordered 


1322.  Membrane  26 — cant. 

them,  and  to  be  intendant  hereafter  to  the  king's  orders  to  be  directed 
to  them  under  the  seal  of  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  following  in  the  following  counties  : — 
The  same  Alan,  chief  keeper,  and  Matthew  Broun. 

Ketstevene,  co.  Lincoln. 
The  same  Alan,  chief  keeper,  and  John  de  la  Gotere  of  Boston. 

Holand,  co.  Lincoln. 
Robert  de  Hungreford,  chief  keeper,  and  John  de  Hildesle. 

Robert  de  Stoke,  chief  keeper,  and  John  de  Brumpton. 

Roger  Karles,  chief  keeper,  and  Alexander  de  Berdeford. 

Robert  de  Stoke,  chief  keeper,  and  Roger  de  Tyringham. 

Bedford  and  Buckingham. 

Roger  Karles,  chief  keeper,  and  William  de  Weston.  Salop. 

Roger  de  Waltham,  chief  keeper,  and  Walter  de  Waldeshef. 

Roger  Carles,  chief  keeper,  and  John  de  Barewe,  knight. 

Richard  de  Whatton,  chief  keeper,  and  John  del  Ker. 


Robert  Toke,  chief  keeper,  and  Roger  Beler.  Derby. 

William  de  Polheye,  chief  keeper,  and  William  de  la  Leye. 

Henry  de  Malton,  chief  keeper,  and  Henry  de  Wardecop. 


Robert  de  Gadesby,  chief  keeper,  and  William  Brabazon,  knight. 

John  de  Kylvynton,  chief  keeper,  and  Adam  de  Hoperton. 

York,  between  the  waters  of  These  and  Use,  except  the 

castle  of  Pykeryng. 
Thomas  Deyvill,  chief  keeper,  and  Adam  de  Hoperton. 

York,  the  castle  and  honour  of  Pontefract  beyond  the 

water  of  Use. 
Thomas  Ughtred,  chief  keeper,  and  Adam  de  Hoperton. 

York,  the  castle  and  honour  of  Pykeryng. 
John  Travers,  chief  keeper,  and  Robert  de  Notyngham. 

Lancaster,    Blakeburnshire,    and    Halton,    co.    Chester. 

Henry  de  Malton,  chief  keeper,  and  Alexander  de  Bastenthwayth. 

Cumberland,  and  the  castle  and  manors  of  Skipton  in 

Craven  and  Burton  in  Lonnesdale,  co.  York. 
John  Everard,  chief  keeper,  and  Matthew  de  Crowethorn. 


Robert  Daston,  chief  keeper,  and  Richard  Loveni.        Somerset. 
Robert  Daston,   chief  keeper,   and  William  de  Blaneford. 

Robert  de  Hungreford,  chief  keeper,  and  Adam  Walraund. 

Robert  Daston,  chief  keeper,  and  Richard  de  Rodeneye. 


Robert  de  Hungreford,  chief  keeper,  and  John  de  Tychebourn. 


16  EDWARD  II.  149 

1322.  Membrane  26 — cont. 

John,  le  Porter,  chief  keeper,  and  Humphrey  de  Waleden. 


Gilbert  de  Risheton  and  Richard  de  Potesgrave,  chief  keepers, 
and  Hamo  de  Chiggewell.  London  and  Middlesex. 

Emery  la  Zousche,  chief  keeper,  and  William  de  Burstlare. 

Cambridge  and  Huntingdon. 
Richard  de  Whatton,  chief  keeper,  and  John  de  Wyleby. 

Northampton  and  Rutland. 
Robert  de  Bures,  chief  keeper,  and  Edmund  de  Hemgrave. 


Robert  de  Bures,  chief  keeper,  and  Walter  de  Wytz.        Norfolk. 
Robert  de  Stoke,  chief  keeper,  and  Roger  Beler.  Warwick. 

John  Everard,  chief  keeper,  and  John  de  Tresiagu.         Cornwall. 

July  21.  Order  to  Robert  de  Silkeston  and  Roger  de  Gildesburgh,  auditors 
York.  of  the  accounts  of  all  receivers,  bailiffs  and  keepers  of  the  lands,  goods 
and  chattels  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's 
enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in  divers  counties  of  the  realm,  in  the 
king's  hand  by  the  forfeiture  of  the  said  enemies  and  rebels  and  for 
other  causes,  to  certify  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  of 
all  debts  and  arrears  of  farms,  rents  and  issues  of  lands  and  other 
things  due  to  the  king  by  reason  of  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels 
aforesaid,  and  of  the  debts  which  were  due  to  the  said  enemies  and 
rebels  and  have  been  leviable  from  the  time  of  their  rebellion,  and 
of  the  names  of  those  to  whom  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  aforesaid 
belonged,  whereof  the  said  auditors  have  received  or  viewed  an  account 
or  will  hereafter  receive,  and  what  is  clear  and  not  clear  thereof,  and 
of  the  names  of  those  who  are  held  to  render  such  accounts  and  for 
what  cause,  and  of  the  names  of  all  those  who  have  in  any  way  meddled 
with  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  aforesaid,  so  that  they  are  held  to 
render  account  therefor,  and  have  refused  to  come  before  the  said 
auditors  to  account  at  the  king's  orders,  and  of  all  fees  assigned  of 
old  or  ordained  of  late  for  the  keeping  of  the  said  lands,  keeping  distinct 
the  several  counties,  so  that  the  treasurer  and  barons  may  do  further 
in  the  premises  what  the  king  has  ordered  them  ;  and  to  arrest  the 
bodies  of  those  whom  they  find  in  such  arrears  towards  the  king, 
certifying  thereof  the  said  treasurer  and  barons.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 

Henry  de  Leycestre  and  William  de  Oterhampton,  like  auditors. 

Simon  de  Baldreston  and  Master  Thomas  de  Chedworth,  like 
auditors  in  Wales. 

Henry  de  Athelastre  and  Walter  de  Bredon,  like  auditors  in 
divers  counties  of  the  realm. 

July  21.  Order  to  Robert  de  Aston, — to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late 
York.  the  keeping  of  ah1  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster, 
and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in  the  counties  of 
Somerset,  Dorset  and  Gloucester,  which  are  in  the  king's  hand  or  will 
come  to  the  king's  hands  by  the  forfeiture  of  the  said  enemies  and 
for  other  causes,  with  all  goods  and  chattels  therein,  to  hold  during 
pleasure,  so  that  in  the  keeping  of  the  said  castles  and  lands  he  should 
depute  others  under  him  for  whom  he  would  answer  if  they  were  not 
sufficient,  and  so  that  answer  were  made  in  the  chamber  for  the  issues 


1322.  Membrane  26 — cont. 

thereof  by  a  certain  receiver  to  be  deputed  hereto  by  the  king  and 
to  be  charged  therewith  by  the  said  Robert, — to  cause  answer  to  be 
made  hereafter  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  by  the  receivers 
of  the  same  issues,  except  of  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  the  earl  of 
Hereford,  Roger  Dammory,  Hugh  Daudele,  the  honour  of  Pontefract, 
Bouland  and  the  manors  in  the  county  of  York,  and  Stowe, 
Kyselynebury  and  Navesby,  co.  Northampton,  the  lands  late  of 
Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  the  honour  of  Tuttebury,  the  manor 
of  Chokeshale,  the  manors  of  Brackele  [and]  Hals,  co.  Northampton, 
the  lands  of  Maurice  de  Berkele,  the  manors  of  Brustlesham,  Hathelsey, 
Templehirst,  the  lands  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Wygemore,  Roger 
de  Mortuo  Mary  of  Chyrk,  the  lands  of  John  de  Moubray  besides  the 
lands  of  the  Temple,  the  manor  of  Hameldem,  the  castle  and  honour 
of  Cliderhowe,  the  lands  in  Blakeburneshire  [and]  the  manors  of 
Helawe  and  Plescy,  for  the  issues  whereof  the  king  wishes  answer 
to  be  made  as  before  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  following  keepers  : — 
Richard  de  Emeldon,   in   the  county  of  Northumberland  and 

the  bishopric  of  Durham. 
John  de  Kylvynton,  between  the  waters  of  These  and  Use  in  the 

county  of  York. 
Thomas  Deyvill,  of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Pontefract  and  in 

the  county  of  York  beyond  the  water  of  Use. 

Henry    de    Malton,    in    the    counties    of    Westmoreland    and 

Cumberland,  and  of  the  castle  and  manors  of  Skypton  in  Craven 

and  Burton  in  Londesdale. 

John  Travers,  in  the  county  of  Lancaster,  Blakeburneshire,  and 

Halton,  co.  Chester. 

Roger  Beler,  of  the  castles  and  tenements  late  of  Thomas,  earl 

of  Lancaster,  in  the  counties  of  Stafford,  Leicester  and  Derby. 

Alan  de  Cubbeldyk,  in  the  county  of  Lincoln. 

Robert  de  Stoke,  in  the  counties  of  Warwick,  Oxford,  Bedford 

and  Buckingham. 
Robert  de  Hungerford,  in  the  city  of  London  and  the  counties 

of  Middlesex,  Wilts,  Berks  and  Southampton. 

Roger  Carles,  in  the  counties  of  Hereford,  Salop  and  Worcester. 

Richard  de  Whatton,  of  the  manor  of  Knesale,  and  in  the  counties 

of  Nottingham,  Northampton  and  Rutland,  and  of  the  fees  of 

Lancaster  and  Ferrers  in  the  said  county  (sic). 

John  Everard,  in  the  counties  of  Devon  and  Cornwall. 

Gilbert  de  Sengelton,  of  the  castle  of  Haulton  and  all  the  lands 

in  Congelton,  Whitleye  and  Longedendale  and  Vidnes  in  the 

counties  of  Chester  and  Lancaster. 

July  21.  Order  to  Robert  de  Aston,  keeper  of  certain  lands  late  of  certain 
York.  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in  divers  counties,  in  the 
king's  hand  by  the  forfeiture  of  the  said  enemies  and  for  other  causes, 
to  cause  to  be  kept  safely  until  further  order  the  oxen,  cows,  sheep  and 
other  stock  in  the  said  lands,  which  stock  can  be  kept  in  the  said 
lands  if  they  remain  in  the  king's  hand,  and  if  not,  elsewhere,  and  to 
sell  the  stock  called  '  recroin,'  which  cannot  save  itself  or  be  kept, 
and  the  wools  and  other  saleable  stock,  and  to  answer  at  the  Exchequer 
for  the  money  arising  therefrom,  and  to  certify  by  bis  letters  the 

16  EDWARD  II.  151 

1322.  Membrane  26—cont. 

treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  of  the  number  of  oxen,  cows, 
sheep  and  other  stock  of  whatsoever  kind  to  be  retained  and  of  the  stock 
to  be  sold,  and  of  the  price  of  each  separately. 
The  like  to  the  several  keepers  above  written. 

Order  to  the  king's  clerk,  William  Davy,  whom  the  king  appointed 
of  late  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas, 
earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others 
in  divers  counties,  in  the  king's  hand,  during  pleasure,  so  that  answer 
were  made  thereof  in  the  chamber  as  he  should  be  charged  therewith 
by  the  king's  steward  of  the  said  castles  and  lands,  to  answer  hereafter 
at  the  Exchequer  for  the  issues  thereof,  except  of  the  castles  and 
lands  late  of  the  earl  of  Hereford,  Roger  Damory,  Hugh  Daudele, 
the  honour  of  Pontefract  and  the  manors  in  the  county  of  York  and 
Stowe,  Kyselingbury  and  Navesby,  co.  Northampton,  the  lands  late 
of  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  the  honour  of  Tuttebury,  the  manor 
of  Cokeshale,  the  manors  of  Brackele  [and]  Hales,  co.  Northampton, 
the  lands  of  Maurice  de  Berkeleye,  the  manors  of  Bristlesham, 
Hathelsay  and  Templehirst,  the  lands  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of 
Wyggemor,  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chyrk,  the  lands  of  John  de 
Moubray  besides  the  lands  of  the  Temple,  the  manor  of  Hamelden, 
the  castle  and  honour  of  Cliderhowe,  the  lands  in  Blakeborneshire 
[and]  the  manors  of  Helawe  and  Plescy,  for  the  issues  whereof  the 
king  wishes  answer  to  be  made  as  before  in  the  chamber. 
The  like  to  the  following  receivers  in  divers  counties  : — 

The  prior  of  Kenilworth. 

Robert  de  Multon. 

James  de  Broghton. 

Richard  de  Tyssebury. 

Robert  de  Brompton. 

Richard  de  Museleye,  parson  of  the  church  of  Friston. 

William  de  Tatham,  parson  of  the  church  of  Halghton. 

Order  to  Robert  Touk,  to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late  during 
pleasure  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands  late  of  the  king's  enemies  and 
rebels  in  the  county  of  Derby  in  the  king's  hand,  except  the  lands  late 
of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  in  that  county,  so  that  he  answered 
for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber,  to  account  and  answer  at  the 
Exchequer  for  the  issues  thereof,  except  of  the  lands  late  of  the  earl 
of  Hereford  etc.  as  above  [last  entry],  for  the  issues  whereof  the  king 
wishes  answer  to  be  made  by  him  as  before  in  the  chamber  at  the 
order  and  will  of  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Gaddesby,  keeper  of  all  the  lands  etc.  except 
the  lands  late  of  the  said  earl  of  Lancaster  in  the  county  of  Leicester. 

The  like  to  Roger  de  Waltham,  keeper  of  the  like  in  the  county  of 

The  like  to  John  le  Porter  of  Stebbyng,  to  whom  the  king  committed 
of  late  during  pleasure  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Plescy  and  all  the 
lands  late  of  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  and 
other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in  the  county  of  Essex  in  the 
king's  hand,  except  the  manors  of  Berdefeld  and  Thakstede,  co.  Essex. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Bures,  to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late 
during  pleasure  the  keeping  of  the  castle,  manor  and  honour  of  Clare 
in  any  counties  of  England  and  of  the  manors  of  Berdefeld  and 


1322.  Membrane  26 — cant. 

Thaxstede,  co.  Essex,  and  of  all  the  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of 
Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in  the  counties  of 
Norfolk  and  Suffolk  in  the  king's  hand. 

The  like  to  William  de  Polhay  of  Buntyngford,  to  whom  the  king 
committed  of  late  during  pleasure  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands  late  of 
Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels 
in  the  county  of  Hertford  in  the  king's  hand,  except  the  lands  pertaining 
to  the  honour  of  Clare  in  that  county. 

July  30.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent, — pursuant  to  an 
Newcastle  inquisition  made  by  him  shewing  that  Thomas  Hildeyard  held  on 
upon  Tyne.  fae  dav  of  njs  death  certain  lands  in  Reeston  and  Skipseburgh  in 
chief  as  of  the  honour  of  Albemarle,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  by 
knight  service,  and  that  he  held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown 
whereby  the  wardship  of  other  his  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to 
the  king,  but  held  divers  other  lands  of  divers  other  lords  by  divers 
services,  and  that  Robert  his  son  is  his  nearest  heir  and  of  the  age  of 
three  years, — to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  lands  held  of  the 
said  honour  until  further  order,  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the 
other  lands  held  of  other  lords,  delivering  any  issues  thereof  received 
by  him  to  those  whose  they  are. 


Be  it  remembered  that  the  king  on  8  July  in  the  beginning  of  his 
sixteenth  year  at  York  ordained  and  enjoined  on  John,  bishop  of 
Norwich,  the  chancellor,  that  he,  taking  with  him  Henry  le  Scrop, 
chief  justice  of  the  king,  William  de  Bereford,  chief  justice  of  the 
Common  Bench,  William  de  Ayremynne,  keeper  of  the  rolls  of  Chancery, 
and  Geoffrey  le  Scrop,  king's  Serjeant,  should  proceed  in  the  following 
form  to  the  delivery  of  the  prisoners  in  the  Marshalsea  and  in  the 
castle  of  York,  of  whom  some  were  taken  against  the  king  in  the 
war  waged  of  late  in  the  realm  by  certain  magnates  thereof,  and  some 
surrendered  themselves  to  the  king's  will,  whose  names  also  the  king 
caused  to  be  delivered  to  the  chancellor ;  to  wife,  that  from  the  more 
important  prisoners  he  should  receive  security  by  their  oath  and 
bond  of  loyal  behaviour  towards  the  king  and  none  the  less  by 
mainpernors  under  a  penalty  according  to  the  forms  below  written, 
and  that  after  such  securities  have  been  made  he  should  cause  the  said 
prisoners  to  be  delivered,  and  that  they  should  come  to  the  king  to 
have  delivery  of  their  lands  ;  and  that  from  the  less  important  prisoners 
he  should  receive  like  security  by  oath  and  other  things  contained  in 
the  said  bond  or  letters,  and  cause  enrolment  to  be  made  by  way  of 
record  on  the  rolls  of  Chancery  of  their  loyal  behaviour  towards  the 
king  and  their  ransoms  to  be  paid  to  the  king,  and  that  he  should 
likewise  receive  by  mainprise  security  from  them  of  their  behaviour 
under  a  certain  penalty,  and  of  their  ransom  to  be  paid,  and  that  after 
such  securities  have  been  received  he  should  cause  their  bodies  to  be 
delivered  from  prison  and  their  lands  to  be  delivered  to  them  ;  and 
that  he  should  cause  poor  persons,  who  have  nothing,  to  be  delivered 
of  the  king's  alms  ;  by  pretext  whereof  the  chancellor,  associated 
with  the  said  Henry  and  others,  proceeded  to  the  delivery  of  the 
following  persons  : — 

Richard  le  Waleys  of  the  county  of  York,  who  surrendered  himself 
to  the  king's  will,  has  made  fine  in  2,000  marks  to  save  his  life  and  to 

16  EDWARD   II.  153 

1322.  Membrane  25 — cont. 

have  his  lands,  and  has  made  his  letters  obligatory  to  the  king  touching 
his  loyal  behaviour  towards  the  king,  and  has  found  mainpernors 
who  have  mainprised  and  bound  themselves  for  him  according  to  the 
following  forms  : — 

Notification  by  Richard  Waleys,  '  chivaler,'  dated  at  York,  11  July, 
16  Edward  II,  that  whereas  of  late  in  a  war  waged  in  the  land  by 
certain  magnates  against  the  king  he  was  with  the  said  magnates 
against  the  king  and  for  that  reason  has  rendered  himself  to  the  will 
and  forfeiture  of  and  to  the  king  of  his  body,  lands  and  tenements, 
and  the  king  has  granted  him  his  life,  lands  and  tenements  by  ransom, 
he,  desiring  to  act  so  that  the  king  can  assure  himself  of  him  as  the 
king's  liege  man  in  all  points,  of  his  own  free  will  and  without  coercion 
has  made  oath  on  the  holy  Gospels  to  be  obedient,  intendant  and  of 
aid  to  the  king  as  his  liege  lord  in  all  things  in  all  his  enterprises 
whatsoever  they  be,  and  to  aid,  maintain,  succour  and  defend  with 
all  his  power  without  any  excuse  the  king's  body,  honour,  estate, 
royal  dignity  and  lordship  in  time  of  peace  and  in  time  of  war  against 
all  men  who  shall  live  and  die,  and  also  all  those  whom  the  king  shall 
wish  to  aid,  maintain,  succour  and  defend,  in  every  way  that  it  shall 
please  the  king  to  enjoin  011  him  ;  and  whenever  the  king  order  him, 
he  will  come  at  the  king's  order  without  any  excuse  if  he  be  not 
disturbed  by  sickness  or  other  reasonable  excuse,  and  will  not  ally 
himself  to  any  against  the  king,  his  estate,  honour,  royal  dignity  and 
.  lordship  nor  against  any  whom  the  king  shall  wish  to  aid,  maintain, 
succour  and  defend  as  aforesaid,  and  if  any  person  disobey  the  king 
and  make  alliance  or  enterprise  against  him  or  other  whom  he  shall 
wish  to  maintain  and  defend,  the  said  Richard  will  exert  all  his  power 
to  repress  such  disobedience,  alliance  and  enterprise  ;  and  for  greater 
security  hereof  he  binds  to  the  king  his  body,  lands  and  tenements, 
goods  and  chattels  within  the  king's  power,  and  grants  that  if  he 
contravene  or  transgress  in  any  of  the  said  points,  the  king  may  take 
and  detain  his  body  in  prison  at  his  will  and  do  with  him  as  with  one 
attainted  of  deceit  and  crime,  and  seize  his  lands  and  tenements, 
goods  and  chattels  as  forfeit,  quit  of  him  and  his  heirs  for  ever  ;  further 
for  greater  security  hereof  he  has  found  mainpernors  who  have 
mainprised  that  he  will  loyally  with  all  his  power  observe  the  points 
aforesaid  and  have  bound  them  and  their  heirs  to  the  king  by  letters 
patent  in  a  sum  payable  at  the  king's  will  if  Richard  contravene  or 
trespass  in  any  of  the  points  aforesaid.  [French.] 

Be  it  remembered  that  the  said  Richard  came  before  the  said 
chancellor  and  others  assigned  at  York  on  the  said  11  July_  and 
acknowledged  the  said  writing  and  all  things  contained  therein. 

Notification  by  Ralph  de  Norman vill,  John  Warde,  William  Clarel, 
William  de  la  Twyere,  '  chivalers,'  Robert  de  Bradefeld  and  William 
de  Thwayt,  dated  at  York,  11  July,  16  Edward  II,  that  they  mainprise 
for  them  and  their  heirs  for  the  said  Richard  towards  the  king  that 
the  said  Richard  will  loyally  with  all  his  power  observe  the  points 
aforesaid,  and  bind  themselves  and  their  heirs  to  the  king  in  2,000 
marks  payable  at  the  king's  will  if  the  said  Richard  contravene  or 
trespass  in  any  of  the  points  aforesaid,  and  further  at  the  king's  order 
will  pursue  and  destroy  the  said  Richard  with  all  their  power  according 
to  the  king's  will.  [French.] 


1322.  Membrane  25— font. 

Be  it  remembered  that  the  said  mainpernors  came  before  the  said 
chancellor  and  others  assigned  at  York  on  the  said  11  July  and 
acknowledged  the  said  writing  and  all  things  contained  therein. 

And  the  said  Richard  for  acknowledgement  of  the  said  trespass 
binds  himself  and  his  heirs  and  all  his  lands  to  the  king  in  100s.  to  be 
paid  yearly  at  the  Exchequers  of  Michaelmas  and  Easter  by  equal 
portions  for  ever,  and  will  make  his  writing  thereon  as  soon  as  he  be 
seised  of  his  lands  which  are  still  in  the  king's  hand. 

In  like  manner  the  following  have  made  fine  to  save  their  lives  and 
to  have  their  lands,  and  have  made  their  letters  obligatory  in  the 
form  aforesaid  touching  their  loyal  behaviour  towards  the  king,  and 
have  acknowledged  the  said  letters  before  the  chancellor  and  others 
assigned  as  above,  and  have  found  mainpernors  who  have  mainprised 
and  bound  themselves  for  them  under  certain  penalties  by  their  letters 
obligatory  in  the  form  aforesaid,  which  they  have  acknowledged  in 
like  manner. 


Be  it  remembered  that  in  the  Parliament  of  Edward  III  summoned 
on  the  morrow  of  the  Epiphany  in  his  first  year  at  Westminster  it  was 
agreed  by  the  king  and  the  whole  Parliament  that  all  fines,  bonds, 
ransoms  and  acknowledgments  made  by  those  who  were  of  the  quarrel 
of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  to  save  their  lives  or  to  have  again  their 
lands  by  reason  of  the  hostile  action  (persecutionis)  of  Hugh  le  Despenser 
the  elder  and  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger,  as  well  in  Chancery  as 
in  the  Exchequer  or  other  places  of  the  king,  be  annulled  and  cancelled 
according  to  the  form  of  the  said  agreement  enrolled  on  the  dorse 
of  the  Close  Roll  of  the  said  year,  because  the  said  quarrel  was  adjudged 
in  the  same  Parliament  to  be  good  and  just,  and  the  judgements 
rendered  against  those  of  that  quarrel  were  annulled  and  revoked  as 
altogether  erroneous  by  the  king  and  the  whole  Parliament ;  and  so 
all  the  following  fines  made  for  the  said  cause  are  cancelled. 

MEMBRANE  25—(cont.). 

Robert  de  Raygate  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  200 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Lacy,  John  de  Gra, 
Laurence  del  Sturth,  Robert  de  Bretton,  Thomas  de  Milford  and 
John  de  Neweland  of  the  county  of  York, 


Bevis  de  Knovill  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in  1 ,000 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Roger  Maudut,  John  de  Caunpton, 
John  de  Halghton,  of  the  county  of  Northumberland,  John  Darcy 
'  le  Nevou  '  of  the  county  of  Lincoln,  Philip  Joce  of  the  county  of 
Gloucester,  and  John  Ernold  of  the  county  of  Essex,  and  for 
acknowledgement  of  the  said  trespass  binds  himself  and  his  heirs 
and  all  his  lands  to  the  king  in  a  tun  of  wine  worth  40s.  to  be  paid 
yearly  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas,  and  will  make  his  writing 
thereon  as  above. 

Cancelled  for  the  cause  above  expressed. 

16  EDWARD   II.  155 

1322.  Membrane  25 — cont. 

Thomas  Wither  of  the  county  of  Stafford  has  made  fine  in  300 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  de  Chetelton,  Henry  de 
Cressewell,  John  de  Ipstones,  John  de  Staundon,  Nicholas  de 
Rossyngton  and  Thomas  de  Peulesdon  of  the  county  of  Stafford. 


Walter  de  Pavely  of  the  county  of  Somerset  has  made  fine  in 
200  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  de  Wautoii,  Jordan 
Bisshop,  of  the  county  of  Gloucester,  Roger  Maudut  and  John  de 
Caunton  of  the  county  of  York. 


Otto  de  Botrigan  of  the  county  of  Cornwall  has  made  fine  in  1,000 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Nicholas  de  Bolevill,  Adam  de 
Strode,  John  de  Pointtenton,  John  de  Stokheye  and  John  Prodhom 
of  the  counties  of  Devon  and  Cornwall,  and  for  acknowledgement  of 
the  said  trespass  binds  himself  and  his  heirs  and  all  his  lands  in  a  tun 
of  wine  worth  40s.  to  be  paid  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas, 
and  will  make  his  writing  thereon  as  above. 


Robert  de  Rythre  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  400  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Ros  of  the  county  of  Lincoln, 
John  de  Faucumberge,  William  Malebys,  William  de  Tweiige, 
Thomas  de  Heselarton  and  Walter  de  Faucounberge,  of  the  countv 
of  York. 

Adam  de  Everyngham  of  Birkyn  of  the  county  of  York  has  made 
fine  in  400  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Hugh  de  Hercy, 
Robert  de  Wolryngton,  Peter  le  Foun,  Robert  Russel  of  Tikhill, 
William  de  Estfeld  and  Robert  de  Mar  of  the  county  of  York. 

Nicholas  de  Stapelton  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  2,000 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Stapleton,  John  de 
Crumbwell,  George  Salvayn,  Robert  de  Colevill,  of  the  county  of  York, 
John  Darcy  '  le  Nevou  '  of  the  county  of  Lincoln,  and  John  de  Caunton 
of  the  county  of  Northumberland,  and  for  acknowledgement  of  the 
said  trespass  binds  himself  and  his  heirs  and  all  his  lands  in  two  tuns 
of  wine  to  be  paid  yearly  at  the  Exchequers  of  Michaelmas  and  Easter 
by  equal  portions,  and  will  make  his  writing  thereon  as  above. 


John  de  Wylyngton  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in 
3,OOOJ.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  Latymer,  Randolf 
Blaunkmuster,  John  Warde,  William  de  la  Twyere,  of  the  county  of 
York,  Giles  de  la  Mote  and  James  de  Thykenesse,  of  the  county  of 
Middlesex,  and  for  acknowledgement  of  the  said  trespass  binds  himself 
and  his  heirs  and  all  his  lands  in  100s.  to  be  paid  yearly  at  the  Exchequers 
of  Michaelmas  and  Easter  by  equal  portions,  and  will  make  his  writing 
thereon  as  above. 

Cancelled  by  order  of  the  king  by  assent  of  Parliament  by  reason  of 
the  quarrel  etc. 


1322.  Membrane,  25 — cont. 

Edmund  de  Bohoun  of  the  county  of  Northampton  has  made  fine 
in  500  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  le  Blount  of  the 
county  of  Gloucester,  Gregory  de  Thorneton,  William  de  Walkyngton, 
of  the  county  of  York,  Roger  Mauduyt  of  the  county  of  Northumber- 
land, William  de  Parys  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  and  Roger  de  Ryvers. 

Cancelled  jar  the  cause  aforesaid  by  virtue  of  the  said  quarrel  and  by 
assent  oj  Parliament  by  reason  of  the  quarrel  etc. 


John  Mauduyt  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in  1,000 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  de  Wauton,  William  de 
Parys,  Thomas  West,  Robert  Trillawe,  Richard  de  Williamescote, 
Henry  Bevesyn,  Aymer  de  Lucy  and  Hugh  Castellion. 

Cancelled  by  the  king  and  council  by  reason  of  the  quarrel  etc 

John  de  Goldyngton  of  the  county  of  Essex  has  made  fine  in  500 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Ros,  Thomas  de  Ros, 
William  de  la  Mote,  Thomas  de  Comerd;  George  de  Brightmenston 
and  Henry  Beauveysyn,  and  for  acknowledgement  of  the  said  trespass 
binds  himself  and  his  heirs  and  all  his  lands  in  40s.  to  be  paid  yearly 
at  the  Exchequers  of  Michaelmas  and  Easter  by  equal  portions,  and 
will  make  his  writing  thereon  as  above. 

Roger  de  Trumpeton  of  the  county  of  Cambridge  has  made  fine 
in  200  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  de  Latymer, . 
Robert  Breton,  Bartholomew  Fanecourt,  John  de  Sutton,  Ralph  de 
Brok  and  Matthew  de  Lek. 

Howel  ap  Howel  of  Wales  has  made  fine  in  500J.  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  Richard  Wroth,  Richard  Wawayn,  John  Wroth,  Philip 
ap  Howel,  Thomas  de  Delewe  and  John  de  Monemwe. 


Nicholas  de  Langeford  of  the  county  of  Lancaster  and  elsewhere 
has  made  fine  in  200  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Edward 
de  Chaundos,  Thomas  de  Baggele,  Alexander  de  Hyde,  Henry 
Gilybrond,  Henry  de  Atherton  and  Richard  de  Hulton. 

John  de  Nevill  of  Horneby  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fin6 
in  500Z.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Wylughby,  John 
Bret,  Gregory  de  Thorneton,  Robert  Beaumount,  William  de  Byngham 
and  Richard  de  Hilton,  and  for  acknowledgement  of  the  said  trespass 
binds  himself  and  his  heirs  and  all  his  lands  in  60s.  to  be  paid  yearly 
at  the  Exchequers  of  Michaelmas  and  Easter  by  equal  portions,  and 
will  make  his  writing  thereon  as  above. 

Fulk  de  Freine  of  Ireland  has  made  fine  in  200  marks  and  has  found 
as  mainpernors  Arnald  le  Poer,  John  de  Wellesleye,  Matthew  de 
Milburn,  William  Calf,  William  Utlagh  and  William  de  Wellesleye 
of  Ireland. 


16  EDWARD  II.  157 

1322.  Membrane  24 — cont. 

Sayer  de  Rocheford  of  the  county  of  Warwick  has  made  fine  in  200 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  Darcy  '  le  Cosyn  '  of  the 
county  of  Lincoln,  Thomas  de  Barington  of  the  county  of  Stafford, 
John  Murdak  of  the  county  of  Warwick  and  John  de  Barkeworth  of 
the  county  of  Nottingham. 

Peter  de  Skidemore  of  the  county  of  Wilts  has  made  fine  in  200 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpeniors  Adam  de  Somervill  of  the  county 
of  Northumberland,  Thomas  West  of  the  county  of  Oxford,  Nicholas 
de  Appelby  of  the  county  of  York  and  William  de  Rigthorn  of  the 
county  of  Surrey. 

Thomas  Lovel  of  the  county  of  Norfolk  has  made  fine  in  200/.  and 
has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Ros,  Robert  de  Mauley,  of  the 
county  of  York,  Thomas  West  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  and  William 
Bacoun  of  the  county  of  Westmoreland. 

Adam  de  Swylyngton  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine  in 
1,000  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  Darcy  '  le  Nevou,' 
John  Warde,  George  Salveyn,  Gregory  de  Thorneton,  Hugh  de 
Aberford,  of  the  county  of  York,  and  William  de  Chaddesden  of  the 
county  of  Derby. 

By  writ  of  privy  seal   restored  in   the   wardrobe. 

Roger  de  Pylkynton,  knight,  has  made  fine  in  200Z.  and  has  found 
as  mainpernors  John  Darcy  of  the  county  of  Lincoln,  Adam  de 
Swylington,  John  Warde,  George  Salveyn  and  Gregory  de  Thornton, 
knights,  and  Nicholas  de  Hoperton,  of  the  county  of  York. 

Edmund  de  la  Beche,  clerk,  has  made  fine  in  200  marks  and  has 
found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Trillawe,  Denys  Aleyn,  Walter  Bevyn, 
William  de  Bret,  Roger  de  Acastre,  Thomas  de  Fencote  and  Jordan 

Cancelled  for  the  cause  aforesaid  by  virtue  of  Ihe  said  quarrel. 

John  de  Meigners  of  the  county  of  Stafford  has  made  fine  in  500 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Hugh  Meignel,  Robert  de  Touk, 
and  Ralph  de  Rolleston,  knights,  Walter  de  Waldeshef,  Henry  de 
Hambury,  Roger  de  Aston,  Robert  Maveysin,  Robert  le  Hunte,  Henry 
de  H[u]mhull  and  Henry  Maveysin. 


Robert  de  Neuburgh,  knight,  has  made  fine  in  100Z.  and  has  found 
as  mainpernors  Simon  de  Pirepount,  Hamo  son  of  Richard,  John  de 
Cheverdon  and  Edmund  de  Broke. 



Richard  de  Penebrugg,  knight,  has  made  fine  in  200  marks  to  be 
paid  at  Easter  next,  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Wysham, 
Robert  de  Morby,  knights,  and  William  de  Ponte  Burgi. 


1322.  Membrane  24<£— cent. 

Aymer  Pauncefot,  knight,  of  the  counties  of  Worcester  and  Hereford, 
has  made  fine  in  200  marks  to  be  paid  at  Easter  next,  and  has  found 
as  mainpernor  John  Pecche  the  elder  of  the  county  of  Warwick. 

Matthew  de  Clyvedon,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Somerset  has  made 
fine  in  400  marks  whereof  he  will  pay  150  marks  at  Easter  next,  150 
marks  at  Midsummer  following  and  100  marks  at  Michaelmas  following, 
on  condition  that  if  he  fail  to  pay  at  any  of  the  said  terms  his  lands 
shall  be  taken  into  the  king's  hand,  and  he  has  found  as  mainpernors 
Richard  Damory,  Thomas  Lercedekne  and  Robert  de  Ardern.  knights. 

MEMBRANE  24  (cont.). 

The  following  have  made  fines  with  the  king  to  save  their  lives 
and  to  have  their  lands,  and  without  letters,  by  their  oath  and 
acknowledgement  before  the  chancellor  and  others  assigned  as  above, 
have  given  security  to  the  king  and  bound  themselves  to  him  in  all 
articles  contained  in  the  letters  of  the  prisoners  abovewritten,  and 
have  found  mainpernors  who  have  bound  themselves  for  their  ransoms 
to  be  paid  to  the  king  at  his  will  and  touching  their  loyal  behaviour 
towards  the  king  in  the  form  contained  in  the  letters  obligatory  of 
the  mainpernors  abovewritten. 

Edward  de  Estcote  of  the  county  of  Southampton  has  made  fine 
in  100s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Bourhunt.  Denys 
Aleyn  and  John  de  Chiddon  of  the  county  of  Southampton. 

Simon  de  Rale  of  the  county  of  Somerset  has  made  fine  in  40Z. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Nicholas  de  Bolevill  and  Walter  de 


Eustace  de  Hardredeshill  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine 
in  101.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Wylughby,  John 
de  Hardredeshill  and  William  de  la  Mote  of  the  county  of  Lincoln. 

Thomas  Meverel  of  the  county  of  Derby  has  made  fine  in  20  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Andrew  Folejaumbe  of  the  county  of 
Derby,  John  de  Munkemue,  Thomas  Deveroys  and  Thomas  de  Dilwe, 
of  the  county  of  Hereford. 

John  de  Brandesby  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine  in  20 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Walter  de  Haukesworth,  Hugh 
Grivele,  John  de  Grantham  and  Thomas  de  Pontefracto,  of  the  county 
of  York. 

Richard  Dansy  has  made  fine  in  201.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors 
Thomas  de  Dilwe  of  the  county  of  Hereford,  Edmund  de  Ayete  of  the 
county  of  Essex  and  Robert  de  Maundevill  of  the  county  of  Somerset. 

William  de  Welles  of  the  county  of  Northampton  has  made  fine  in 
100s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  James  Daudele  of  the  county  of 
Leicester,  Roger  Blount  of  the  county  of  Oxford  and  Edmund  du  Boys 
of  the  county  of  Gloucester. 


16  EDWARD  II.  159 

Membrane  24 — cont. 

Peter  de  Breghenogh  of  Wales  has  made  fine  in  100*.  and  has  found 
as  mainpernors  Richard  Wroth  of  the  county  of  Hereford  and  Nicholas 
de  Hoperton  of  the  county  of  York. 

John  de  Countevil]  of  the  county  of  Somerset  has  made  fine  in 
201.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Farendon  of  the  county 
of  Dorset,  Walter  de  Enemere  and  Thomas  Byne  of  the  county  of 
Somerset  and  Richard  de  Coventre  of  the  county  of  Warwick. 


John  de  Clif,  knight,  of  the  county  of  York,  has  made  fine  in  201. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Bartholomew  de  Fanecourt,  Edmund 
son  of  John,  John  de  Newebigging.  John  Herre,  Robert  Dunkan  and 
William  de  Faunteston,  of  the  county  of  York. 



Gilbert  de  Thinden  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in 
10  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Coventre  and  Richard 
de  Coventre  of  the  county  of  Warwick. 


Peter  de  Notingham  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine  in  100s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Nicholas  de  Swnerton  (sic),  clerk,  and 
Stephen  de  Swynerton  of  the  county  of  Stafford. 

John  de  la  Mare  of  the  county  of  Wilts  has  made  fine  in  100s.  and 
has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  Chendut  of  the  county  of  Wilts 
and  Richard  de  Messyng  of  London. 


John  son  of  Gregory  de  Thorneton  of  the  county  of  York  has  made 
fine  in  40s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Welle,  Robert 
Beaumont  and  Gregory  de  Thorneton  of  the  county  of  York. 

Thomas  de  Saunford  of  the  county  of  Suffolk  has  made  fine  in  40Z.  and 
has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Welle  and  Gregory  de  Thorneton 
of  the  county  of  York. 

John  Tempest  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  10?.  and  has 
found  as  mainpernors  Hugh  de  Aberford,  John  de  Stavelay,  Nicholas 
Tempest  and  Gilbert  de  Thorneton  of  the  county  of  York. 

Roger  de  Thorneton  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  40s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Thornton,  William  de  Thornton, 
William  de  Maners  and  Thomas  Isak  of  Flaxton,  of  the  county  of 

Henry  de  Burreth  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine  in  40s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Mortey[n]  and  William 
Rocelyn  of  the  county  of  Lincoln. 


1322.  Membrane  23—cont. 

William  de  Charterey  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine  in 
100s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  Darcy  '  le  Nevou '  and 
John  de  Barkeworth  of  the  county  of  Lincoln. 

John  Pykan  of  the  county  of  Cornwall  has  made  fine  in  10  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Multon  and  Mauger  son  of 
Laurence  of  the  county  of  Somerset. 


John  de  Wauton  of  the  county  of  Hereford  has  made  fine  in  10  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Hugh  de  Walsenede  of  the  county  of 
Hereford  and  Adam  Russel  of  the  county  of  Wilts. 

Thomas  de  Welynton  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in 
40  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Jordan  Bisshop  of  the  county 
of  Gloucester,  Amaury  de  Lucy  of  Netherwent  in  Wales  and  Mauger 
son  of  Ellis  of  the  county  of  Cornwall. 

Cancelled  because  of  the  quarrel  etc.  as  above. 

John  Kenewyn  of  Wales  has  made  fine  in  100s.  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  Richard  Wroth,  Richard  Wauwayn  and  John  Wroth  of 


Thomas  de  Baddesleye  and  Simon  his  son  of  the  county  of  Warwick 
have  made  fine  in  10  marks  and  have  found  as  mainpernors  Simon 
de  Mancestre,  Alan  de  Wodelowe  and  William  de  Carrindon,  of  the 
county  of  Warwick. 

Cancelled  because  of  the  quarrel  etc.  as  above. 

William  de  Aumarle  of  the  county  of  Southampton  has  made  fine 
in  40s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  Prudhomme  and  Simon 
Raloy  of  the  county  of  Cornwall. 


Bevis  Mauduyt,  clerk,  has  made  fine  in  40  marks  and  has  found 
as  mainpernors  Roger  Mauduyt  and  John  de  Caunton  of  the  county 
of  Northumberland,  Thomas  de  Farndon  of  the  county  of  Somerset 
and  Thomas  de  Baskervill  of  the  county  of  Hereford. 


Andrew  de  Craucombe  of  the  county  of  Somerset  has  made  fine  in 
40s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Richard  de  Coventre  of  the  county 
of  Warwick  and  Walter  de  Enemere  of  the  county  of  Somerset. 


Thomas  de  Harepath  of  the  county  of  Devon  has  made  fine  in  201. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Jordan  Bisshop  of  the  county  of 
Gloucester  and  William  Marescal  of  the  county  of  Devon. 


Adam  Martel  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in  20/.  and 
has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Cheynduyt  of  the  county  of 

16  EDWARD  II.  161 

1322.  Membrane  23 — cont. 

Wilts,  William  de  Arches  of  the  county  of  Gloucester,  Edmund  Bard 
of  the  county  of  York  and  John  de  Cheverdon  of  the  county  of 

Richard  de  Armeston  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine  in 
50s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Adam  de  Shireburn  and  Robert  de 
Everle  of  the  county  of  York. 

Simon  de  Solers  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in  100s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Philip  Joce  of  the  county  of  Gloucester 
and  Philip  ap  Howel  of  the  county  of  Hereford. 

John  de  Aure  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in  10  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Philip  Joce  of  the  county  of  Gloucester 
and  Jereward  ap  Phelip  of  the  county  of  Hereford. 


John  de  Bermyngton  of  the  county  of  Northumberland  has  made 
fine  in  40s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  Wyot  and  John  de 
Donstaple  of  the  county  of  Bedford. 

Thomas  le  Botiller  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in  20 
marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  Arches  of  the  county  of 
Gloucester,  Adam  son  of  Warin  of  the  county  of  Warwick  and  Thomas 
Lovel  of  the  same  county. 


John  de  Harepath  of  the  county  of  Cornwall  has  made  fine  in  100s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Ralph  de  Blankmonster  of  the  county 
of  Devon  and  Jordan  Bisshop  of  the  county  of  York. 


William  de  Eglisclif  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  40s.  and 
has  found  as  mainpernors  Reyner  de  Cotum  and  Robert  de  Scocia  of 
the  county  of  York. 

William  de  Yeverlay  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  40s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  Percy  of  Killdale  and  Robert 
de  Everle  of  Uggilbardelby  of  the  same  county. 


Robert  de  Astele  of  the  county  of  Warwick  has  made  fine  in  100s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  Grey  of  the  county  of  Nottingham 
and  Nicholas  son  of  Nicholas  de  Temple  of  the  county  of  Leicester. 

Roger  Kuylly  of  the  county  of  Warwick  has  made  fine  in  100  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  Barentyn  of  the  county  of 
Stafford,  Alexander  de  Hide,  Richard  de  Hulton,  of  the  county  of 
Lancaster,  and  Robert  de  Melton  of  the  county  of  York. 


John  de  Rotse  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  5  marks  and 
has  found  .as  mainpernors  Roger  Ughtred  and  Robert  de  Scocia  of  the 
same  county. 

F  11 


1322.  Membrane  22 — cont. 

Jordan  de  Sancta  Barba  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in 
40s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Melton  and  William  le 
Keu  of  Etton. 

John  Carbonel  of  the  county  of  Nottingham  has  made  fine  in  40s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Richard  de  Armeston  of  the  county 
of  Lincoln  and  Richard  de  la  Marche  of  Cherleton  of  the  county  of 

John  de  Aldewyncle  of  the  county  of  Northampton  has  made  fine 
in  40s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  Bacoun  of  the  county 
of  York  and  Thomas  Baskervill  of  the  county  of  Hereford. 

William  de  Carlton  of  the  county  of  Norfolk  has  made  fine  in  10Z. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  Rosselyn  of  the  county  of 
Norfolk  and  Jakemin  Darynton  of  the  county  of  Hertford. 

Geoffrey  le  Keu  of  the  county  of  Essex  has  made  fine  in  40s.  and 
has  found  as  mainpernors  Richard  de  Armeston  of  the  county  of 
Lincoln  and  Simon  de  Solers  of  the  county  of  Gloucester. 

Robert  Brutyn  of  the  county  of  Cambridge  has  made  fine  in  40s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Baskervill  of  the  county 
of  Hereford  and  Richard  de  Chelmersford  of  the  county  of  Essex. 

William  de  Kaythorp  of  the  county  of  Cambridge  has  made  fine 
in  40s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Baskervill  and  Richard 
de  Chelmersford. 

John  de  Leek  of  the  county  of  Norfolk  has  made  fine  in  100s.  and 
has  found  as  mainpernors  Roger  de  Lopham  of  the  county  of  Norfolk 
and  Vincent  de  Fliccham  of  the  county  of  Northampton. 

Walter  de  Chesthunte  of  London  has  made  fine  in  100s.  and  has 
found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Lincoln  and  Walter  de  Merston  of 


Hugh  de  la  Chaumbre  has  made  fine  in  100s.  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  Roger  de  Caltoft  and  Nicholas  de  Hoperton  of  the  county 
of  York. 

Richard  le  Clerk  of  Triton  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in 
40.s.  and  has  found  as  mainpemor  William  Moigne  of  the  county  of 

Robert  de  Brokenberewe  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine 
in  10  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Jordan  Bisshop  of  the 
county  of  Gloucester  and  Richard  de  Coventre  of  the  county  of 

Henry  de  Assheburn  of  the  county  of  Derby  has  made  fine  in  40s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Kelley  of  the  county  of 
Northumberland  and  Roger  de  Wenlok  of  the  county  of  Salop. 

16  EDWARD  II.  163 

1322.  Membrane  22 — cont. 

Richard  de  Pontefracto  of  the  county  of  Lancaster  has  made  fine 
in  101.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Richard  de  Hulton  of  the  county 
of  Lancaster  and  Thomas  de  Barynton,  knight,  of  the  county  of 

Richard  de  Pederton  of  the  county  of  Somerset  has  made  fine  in 
101.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Nicholas  de  Hoperton  of  the  county 
of  York  and  Philip  ap  Howel  of  Wenton  of  the  county  of  Hereford. 

Simon  Basset  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in  10  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Roger  de  Wenlok  of  the  county  of 
Salop  and  William  de  Wauton,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Gloucester. 

Robert  de  Pauleseye  of  the  county  of  Dorset  has  made  fine  in  102. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  de  Beauchamp,  knight,  of 
the  county  of  Somerset  and  Richard  de  \Vyndslade  of  the  county 
of  Wilts. 

William  de  Fissheburn,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Oxford,  has  made 
fine  in  50  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Jordan  Bisshop  of 
the  county  of  Gloucester,  Walter  Toly,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Essex, 
John  de  Fordwy  of  the  county  of  Berks,  Roger  de  Wenlok  of  the 
county  of  Salop  and  Alexander  de  Nevill  of  the  county  of 

Henry  de  Wynkeburn  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  40s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Nicholas  de  Watlous  and  Walter  de 
Shapwyk  of  the  county  of  York. 

Nicholas  de  Myners  of  the  county  of  Derby  has  made  fine  in  40s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Hopton  and  Richard  de  Hethele 
of  the  county  of  Derby. 


William  de  Ros  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  40L  and 
has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Ros,  William  de  Tweng,  George 
Salvayn,  knights,  find  Edmund  de  Tweng.  of  the  county  of  York. 

Walter  de  Mountgomery  of  the  county  of  Northampton  has  made 
fine  in  IQl.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  Meverel,  Andrew 
Folejambe,  Richard  de  Pountfreint  and  John  de  Hopton  of  the  county 
of  Derby. 

William  de  Berghby  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  40s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  Dautre  and  Alexander  Peytevyn 
of  the  county  of  York. 

Thomas  de  Saundeby  of  the  county  of  Nottingham  has  made  fine  in 
IQl.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Wolryngton,  Peter 
Foun,  William  de  Estfeld  and  Robert  de  Wirksop  of  the  county  of 

William  de  Yeland  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  405. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  Bacoun  of  the  county  of 
Westmoreland  and  William  de  Kelesey  of  the  county  of  Lincoln. 


1322.  Membrane  22 — cont. 

Andrew  de  Baskervill  of  the  county  of  Hereford  has  made  fine  in 
100s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  Warde  of  the  county  of 
York  and  William  de  Beaurepeir  of  the  county  of  Derby. 

Thomas  de  Fencote  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine  in  201. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Grey,  knight,  of  the  county 
of  Northumberland,  Robert  Warde  of  the  county  of  York  and  Robert 
de  Wirksop  of  the  county  of  Nottingham. 

Robert  de  Saundeby  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  205. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Thomas  de  Malton  and  Nicholas  de 
Sandby  of  the  county  of  York. 

John  Geryn  of  the  county  of  Leicester  has  made  fine  in  20s.  and 
has  found  as  mainpernor  Roger  Kuylly  of  the  county  of  Warwick. 

Henry  Picard  of  the  county  of  Wilts  has  made  fine  in  20  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Denys  Aleyn  of  the  county  of 
Southampton,  Richard  de  Armeston  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  and 
Walter  Bevyn  of  the  county  of  Berks. 

Bartholomew  Maylok  has  made  fine  in  20,9.  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  Thomas  de  Baskervill  of  the  county  of  Hereford  and 
John  le  Bakere  of  the  county  of  Kent. 

Philip  de  la  More  of  Wales  has  made  fine  in  40s.  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  William  de  Wauton  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  and 
John  de  la  Bere  of  the  county  of  Devon. 

John  de  Scotton  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  40s.  and 
has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Brerton  of  the  county  of  York 
and  William  de  Eggisclif. 

Edward  de  Norton  has  made  fine  in  101.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors 
Simon  de  Mancestre  of  the  county  of  Warwick  and  William  de  Arches. 

Richard  de  Hungerford  of  the  county  of  Berks  has  made  fine  in 
10  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Walter  Bevyn  of  the  county 
of  Berks  and  William  de  Arches  of  the  county  of  Gloucester. 

John  Pacok  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine  in  40s.  and 
has  found  as  mainpernors  Richard  Pacok  and  William  de  Redboura 
of  the  county  of  Lincoln. 


Robert  Pyncebek  of  the  county  of  Hertford  has  made  fine  in  100s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Trehampton  of  the  county  of 
Lincoln  and  John  Arnald  of  the  county  of  Hertford. 

Thomas  de  Raytheby  pf  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine  in 
10  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Richard  de  Wodehalle  of  the 
county  of  Lincoln  and  Vincent  de  Flicham  of  the  county  of 

16  EDWARD  II.  165 

Membrane  21 — cont. 

Thomas  de  Whitacre  of  the  county  of  Wai-wick  has  made  fine  in 
10  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Adam  Freeman  (Liber)  and 
Alan  de  Wodelowe  of  the  county  of  Warwick. 


John  de  Conyngesby,  Robert,  William  and  Ralph  his  brothers, 
have  made  fine  in  101.  and  have  found  as  mainpernors  Simon  de 
Mancestre,  Adam  Freeman  (Lyber)  and  Alan  de  Wodelowe  of  the 
county  of  WTarwick,  Nicholas  son  of  Nicholas  de  Temple  of  the  county 
of  Leicester  and  John  de  Grey  of  the  county  of  Nottingham. 


Nicholas  de  Hauvill  of  the  county  of  Berks  has  made  fine  in  100s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  Arnald  of  the  county  of  Hertford 
and  John  de  Acton  of  the  county  of  Gloucester. 

John  de  Fryvill  of  the  county  of  Worcester  has  made  fine  in  100s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Stapelton  of  the  county  of 
York  and  John  de  Caunton  of  the  county  of  Northumberland. 

William  atte  Wodehalle  of  the  county  of  Lincoln  has  made  fine 
in  5  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  le  Vavasour  of 
Saltfletby  and  Richard  de  la  Wodehalle  of  the  county  of  Lincoln. 

William  de  Soreton  of  the  county  of  Devon  has  made  fine  in  10  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  le  Galeys  of  the  county  of 
Salop,  Robert  de  Shakenhurst  of  London  and  Peter  Devenissh  of  the 
county  of  York. 

John  de  Raygate  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  5  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  de  Berghby  and  Richard  le 
Wayte  of  the  county  of  York. 


William  Dautre  and  James  his  son  of  the  county  of  York  have  made 
fine  in  40s.  and  have  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Holbek,  Hugh 
de  Abreford  and  Henry  de  Borry  of  the  county  of  York. 


Andrew  de  Wauton  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in 
40s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernor  William  le  Chaundeler  '  la  Roine  ' 
of  the  county  of  Gloucester. 

John  de  Bisshopesdon  of  the  county  of  Warwick  has  made  fine  in 
40J.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  de  Bisshopesdon,  Alan  de 
Wodelok,  of  the  county  of  Warwick,  and  Master  Walter  de  Harpham 
of  the  county  of  York. 

John  Gerberd  of  the  county  of  Wilts  has  made  fine  in  10  marks 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Manser  of  the  county  of 
Berks,  John  Corbet  of  the  county  of  York  and  George  de  Brightmerston 
of  the  county  of  Wilts. 




Sepb.  18. 
upon  Tyne. 

Sept.  20. 
upon  Tyne. 

Sept.  20. 
upon  Tyne. 

Nov.  1. 

Membrane  21 — cont. 

Richard  de  Whitacre  of  the  county  of  Warwick  has  made  fine  in 
100  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  Murdak,  knight,  Simon 
de  Whitacre  and  Alan  de  Wodelowe,  of  the  county  of  Warwick. 


Roger  Curson  of  Ketelston  of  the  county  of  Derby  has  made  fine 
in  10  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  de  Chadesden, 
knight,  and  Giles  de  Hirton  of  the  county  of  Derby. 

Geoffrey  de  Walecote  of  the  county  of  Leicester  has  made  fine  in 
10L  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Roger  de  Cuyly  of  the  county  of 
Leicester  and  Peter  le  Foun  of  the  county  of  Nottingham. 

Robert  de  Sancto  Paulo  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in 
40s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  Ward  of  the  county  of 
York  and  William  Bacoun  of  the  county  of  Westmoreland. 

Philip  le  White  of  Ireland  has  made  fine  in  100s.  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  Arnald  le  Poer,  John  de  Wellesleye,  Matthew  de 
Milbourn,  William  Calf,  William  Outlagh  and  William  de  Wellesley 
of  Ireland. 

John  le  Fuiz  Bernard  of  the  county  of  Kent  has  made  fine  in  100s. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Luteryngton  of  the  county 
of  Northampton  and  Adam  de  Castello  of  the  county  of  Somerset. 

John  de  Lymsy  of  the  county  of  Warwick  has  made  fine  in  201. 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Hewyk  of  the  county  of 
York  and  William  de  Henle  and  John  de  Beaurepeir,  of  the  county 
of  Warwick. 

Henry  de  Patesmere  of  the  county  of  Hertford  has  made  fine  in 
100s.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  Arnaud  of  the  county  of 
Hertford  and  William  de  Bretford  of  the  county  of  Warwick. 

John  de  Twyford,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Derby  has  made  fine  in 
100L  to  be  paid  in  the  chamber  at  Christmas  next.  By  p.s. 

And  the  said  John  has  given  security  of  his  behaviour  etc.  by  his 
letters  patent. 

Gerard  son  of  Gerard  Salvayn  of  the  county  of  York  has  made 
fine  in  40  marks. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

And  the  said  Gerard  has  given  security  of  his  behaviour  etc.  by 

Baldwin  de  Frevill  of  the  county  of  Hereford  has  made  fine  in  100 
marks  to  be  paid  at  Christmas  next  and  has  found  as  security  thereof 
John  de  Crumbwell.  By  K. 


William  de  Percy  of  the  county  of  Dorset  has  made  fine  in  20  marks 
to  be  paid  at  Easter  next  and  has  found  as  mainpernor  Thomas  West 
of  the  county  of  Oxford. 

16  EDWARD  II.  167 

Membrane  21 — cont. 

The  following  have  made  fines  to  save  their  lives  and  to  have  their 
lands  and  have  given  security  to  the  king  by  their  oath  and  recognisance 
before  the  chancellor  and  others  assigned  as  above  and  have  bound 
themselves  to  the  king  in  all  articles  contained  in  the  letters  of  the 
prisoners  above- written  without  letters  patent  and  have  found 
mainpernors  only  of  their  loyal  behaviour  towards  the  king  as  is 
contained  in  a  title  of  such  mainpernors  on  the  dorse  : — 

John  de  Swynnerton  of  the  county  of  Stafford  has  made  fine  in  40£. 

Edmund  Hakelut  of  the  county  of  Worcester  has  made  fine  in  100L 
Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 


The  folio  whig  have  found  security  by  letter  (literalorie)  in  the  original 
form  contained  above  within  the  roll  at  the  beginning  of  this  business, 
and  have  been  delivered  from  prison  by  the  king  without  having 
made  fines  in  Chancery  : — 

Robert  de  Watevill,  knight,  has  made  such  security  by  his  letters 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Ros,  Roger  de  Swinnerton, 
John  de  Hardeshull,  William  Lovel,  Ralph  de  Skoiton  and  Humphrey 
de  Littelbury,  knights,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  by  his  letters 
patent  for  Robert's  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  40(W. 

Thomas  le  Blound,  John  de  Ros,  John  de  Hardeshull,  Nicholas 
de  la  Beche,  knights,  Edmund  de  Bereford  and  Richard  de  Ellesfeld, 
clerks,  have  mainprised  by  their  letters  patent  for  the  good  behaviour 
of  Gilbert  de  Ellesfeld,  knight,  under  a  penalty  of  200L  The  same 
Gilbert  has  not  made  such  letters  himself,  because  he  was  not  in  prison 
at  York,  but  he  ought  to  make  them  when  he  be  delivered  from  the 
prison  in  which  he  is  detained  on  that  account. 

Thomas  Wyther,  knight,  has  mainprised  by  his  letters  patent  for 
the  good  behaviour  of  William  Wyther,  his  brother,  under  a  penalty 
of  101.  By  p.s.  [6108.] 

Oyllard  de  Welles,  Adam  de  Hodyngton,  John  de  Lythem,  Robert 
de  Pencrich,  William  de  Carente  and  Robert  de  Aylesbury  have 
mainprised  by  their  letters  patent  for  the  good  behaviour  of  Robert 
de  Cheddeworth  under  a  penalty  of  200  marks,  but  the  latter  has  not 
made  such  letters  himself  because  he  was  beyond  the  sea,  but  he  ought 
to  make  them  when  he  return  to  England. 

The  following,  who  have  made  fines  to  save  their  lives  and  have 
their  lands,  as  is  contained  within  the  roll,  have  found  mainpernors 
only  of  their  loyal  behaviour  towards  the  king,  which  mainpernors 
have  bound  themselves  under  the  following  penalties  in  the  form  of 
the  other  prisoners  above-written  : — 

John  de  Swynnerton  of  the  county  of  Stafford  has  found  as 
mainpernors  Adam  de  Hautewesel  and  John  de  Fourneys  of  the 
county  of  York,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  under  a  penalty  of  401. 


1322.  Membrane  22d — cont. 

Edmund  Hakelut  of  the  county  of  Worcester  has  found  as 
mainpernors  Master  John  Walewayn  of  the  county  of  Hereford, 
Griffrin  (sic)  Thloyt,  knight,  of  Wales,  John  Hakelut  of  the  county 
of  Rutland,  Robert  Clement  of  South  Wales,  Matthew  Dauney  of  the 
county  of  York,  Geoffrey  de  Skeffyngton  of  the  county  of  Leicester, 
and  Hasculph  de  Whitewell  of  the  county  of  Lincoln,  each  of  whom 
has  mainprised  under  a  penalty  of  2001. 

Vacated  because  othenvise  below. 

The  following  came  to  the  king  with  Robert  de  Holand,  and  after 
being  imprisoned  for  a  time  have  found  mainprise  of  their  good 
behaviour  towards  the  king  under  the  following  penalties  : — 

Richard  de  Holand,  knight,  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de 
Beaumond,  William  de  Parys,  knights,  Ellis  Martel  of  the  county  of 
Lincoln  and  Thurstan  de  Holand  of  the  county  of  Lancaster,  each  of 
whom  has  mainprised  under  a  penalty  of  4(M. 

Walter  de  Kirkebride,  knight,  has  found  as  mainpernors  Matthew 
de  Daunay,  Robert  Parvyng,  John  de  Fetherstanhalgh  and  Nicholas 
Tempest,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  under  a  penalty  of  4(M. 

John  de  Kirkebride,  knight,  has  found  as  mainpernors  Alan  de 
Rothewell,  William  de  Stochyth,  John  de  Toures  and  William  Dalason, 
each  of  whom  has  mainprised  under  a  penalty  of  40Z. 

Adam  de  Reresby,  knight,  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  de 
Chaddesdene,  Henry  de  Haydok,  Roger  de  Baukewelle  and  John  de 
Rouneslay,  of  the  county  of  Derby,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised 
under  a  penalty  of  40Z. 

Gilbert  de  Haydok  has  found  as  mainpernors  Robert  de  Cliderhou, 
clerk,  and  John  de  Cliderhou,  of  the  county  of  Lancaster,  each  of 
whom  has  mainprised  under  a  penalty  of  201. 

John  de  Holand  has  found  as  mainpernors  Henry  Gilibrond  and 
Henry  de  Hermethorn  of  the  county  of  Lancaster,  each  of  whom  has 
mainprised  under  a  penalty  of  201. 


Bertinus  Bacoun  of  the  county  of  York  has  found  as  mainpernors, 
in  the  form  of  a  record  without  letters,  Robert  de  Melton,  Robert 
de  Bouthum,  of  the  county  of  York,  and  William  Bacoun  of  the 
county  of  Westmoreland,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  under  a 
penalty  of  40Z.,  and  he  is  to  sue  the  king  for  the  making  of  his 

John  Strug,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Wilts  has  found  as  mainpernors, 
in  the  form  of  a  record  without  letters,  John  Averey  and  John  Peres 
of  the  county  of  Gloucester,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  under  a 
penalty  of  40  marks.  By  p.s. 

16  EDWARD  H.  169 

1322.  Membrane  2ld — cont. 

The  following,  taken  and  impeached  for  the  causes  aforesaid,  have 
been  delivered  by  grace  of  the  king  for  God  : — 

Stephen  de  Routhe  has  nothing  in  goods  [and]  has  given  security 
by  oath  and  departed  quit  for  God. 

Nicholas  de  Alden  has  nothing  etc.  as  above. 

Ellis  de  Clifford  and  Michael  de  Crokedeyk  have  nothing  etc.  as 

Edmund  de  Percy  has  done  no  evil,  as  he  recalls  to  mind  (recordalur) 
before  the  council,  and  has  made  security  by  oath  and  departed 

John  de  Manston,  William  de  Foston,  Roger  le  Sergeaimt,  Hugh 
de  Ledes,  John  Curleu,  John  de  Marston,  John  de  Cumberhall,  John 
le  Wodeward,  Robert  de  Redynges  and  William  de  Fordham,  poor 
men,  have  sworn  to  be  of  good  behaviour  and  have  departed  quit 
for  God. 

Thomas  de  Cheyne  has  nothing  etc.  and  has  sworn  to  be  faithful 
to  the  king  and  is  dismissed  for  God. 

William  Lengleys  has  nothing  etc.  as  above. 

Gregory  le  Messager,  a  poor  man,  has  sworn  etc.  and  has  departed 
quit  for  God. 

Roger  de  Stafford,  a  poor  man,  has  sworn  etc.  and  is  dismissed 
for  God  by  consent  of  all. 

Alexander  le  Boghier,  Thomas  son  of  Ralph  of  the  county  of  Kent, 
and  Thomas  de  Kent,  poor  men,  have  sworn  etc.  and  are  dismissed 
for  God. 

Alexander  de  Nicole,  arrested  without  cause,  has  sworn  etc.  and 
is  dismissed  for  God. 

Henry  le  Messager,  a  poor  man,  has  sworn  etc.  and  is  dismissed 
for  God. 

William  de  Beston  surrendered  to  the  king  as  a  hostage  for  his 
father,  then  constable  of  the  castle  of  Pontefract,  and  was  not  taken 
for  another  cause,  has  sworn  etc.  and  is  dismissed. 

William  Geryn  and  Ralph  Geryn  of  the  county  of  Leicester  have 
nothing  etc.  and  have  sworn  etc.  and  are  dismissed  for  God. 

Richard  de  Shaftesbury  and  William  de  Welle  are  poor  men,  have 
sworn  etc.  and  are  dismissed  for  God. 


1322.  MEMBRANE  20. 

The  following  have  made  fines  to  save  their  lives  and  to  have  their 
lands  : — 

Edmund  Hakelut  of  the  county  of  Worcester  has  made  fine  in 
1001.  and  has  given  security  by  oath  etc.  as  above,  and  has  found 
mainpernors  for  his  behaviour,  as  is  contained  on  the  dorse. 

Cancelled  by  order  of  the  king  with  the  assent  of  the  whole  Parliament 
by  reason  of  the  quarrel  etc. 

Hugh  de  Mortuo  Mari,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Salop  and  elsewhere, 
has  made  fine  in  2001.  whereof  he  will  pay  at  the  Exchequer  101.  at 
Easter  next  and  Michaelmas  following  and  so  yearly,  and  has  found 
as  mainpernors  John  de  Charleton,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Hereford 
and  the  march  of  Wales,  and  Roger  de  Chaundos,  knight,  of  the  county 
of  Hereford,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  for  the  whole  sum  and  for 
the  behaviour  of  Hugh,  as  is  contained  on  the  dorse.  By  p.s. 

Cancelled  for  the  cause  given  above. 

Roger  Cursoun  of  the  county  of  York  has  made  fine  in  100s.  to  be 
paid  at  the  Exchequer  on  Whitsunday  next,  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  William  de  Buscy,  knight,  of  the  county  of  York,  and 
Michael  de  Wath,  clerk,  of  the  same  county,  each  of  whom  has 
mainprised  for  the  whole  sum  and  for  the  behaviour  of  Roger,  as  is 
contained  on  the  dorse.  By  p.s. 


John  de  Mongomery  of  the  county  of  Salop  and  the  march  of  Wales 
has  made  fine  in  100s.  whereof  he  will  pay  moieties  at  the  Exchequer 
on  Whitsunday  next  and  Michaelmas  following,  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  John  son  of  Philip  de  Middelton  of  the  said  county  and 
Roger  Cursoun  of  the  county  of  York,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised 
for  the  whole  sum  and  for  the  behaviour  of  John  de  Mongomery,  as 
is  contained  on  the  dorse.  By  p.s. 

Gilbert  Talbot,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Hereford,  lately  an  opponent 
of  the  king  and  an  adherent  of  the  king's  rebels,  to  save  his  life  and 
to  have  his  lands,  has  acknowledged  that  he  owes  the  king  2,0001. 
to  be  paid  at  the  king's  will,  and  for  acknowledgement  of  the  said 
trespass  binds  himself  and  his  heirs  and  all  his  lands  to  the  king  in  a 
tun  of  wine  worth  40s.  to  be  paid  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  of 
Michaelmas,  and  he  will  make  his  writing  thereon,  as  is  written  above 
touching  such. 

Be  it  remembered  that  the  said  fine  is  cancelled  by  order  of  the  king 
because  it  was  made  by  reason  of  the  quarrel  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster, 
which  has  been  adjudged  good  etc.  by  consideration  of  the  king  and  the 
whole  Parliament  held  at  Westminster  in  the  year  1326. 

By  the  king's  writ  residing  on  the  files  of  the  first  year  of  his  reign. 

John  de  Ralegh  of  Nettelcombe  of  the  county  of  Somerset  has 
made  fine  in  1001.  whereof  he  will  pay  at  the  Exchequer  251.  at  Easter 
next,  Michaelmas  following,  Easter  following  and  Michaelmas  following, 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Alexander  Luterel,  Ellis  son  of  Payn, 
Ralph  son  of  Urse,  Thomas  Mounserel  and  Gilbert  de  Chilton,  of  the 

16  EDWARD  II.  171 

1322.  Membrane  20 — cont. 

said  county,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  for  the  whole  sum  and 
for  the  behaviour  of  John,  as  is  contained  on  the  dorse. 

Thomas  de  Bradeston  of  the  county  of  Gloucester  has  made  fine  in 
100  marks  whereof  he  will  pay  5  marks  at  the  Exchequer  of  Easter 
next  and  Michaelmas  following  and  so  yearly,  and  has  given  security 
of  his  behaviour,  which  remains  in  the  wardrobe.  By  p.s. 


Peter  de  Grandisono,  knight,  has  made  fine  in  300  marks  to  be  paid 
at  the  king's  will,  and  has  given  security  of  his  good  behaviour  by  his 
letters  etc.  And  Hugh  le  Despenser,  earl  of  Winchester,  has  mainprised 
for  him  for  payment  of  the  said  sum,  and  Peter  has  found  mainpernors 
for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  600  marks,  as  is  contained 
on  the  dorse. 


William  de  Stafford,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Stafford,  has  made 
fine  in  300  marks  whereof  he  will  pay  50  marks  at  the  Exchequer 
of  Michaelmas  next  and  Easter  following  and  so  yearly. 

John  de  Bromfeld  of  the  county  of  Hereford  has  made  fine  in  100Z. 
and  has  found  mainpernors  for  his  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  100/., 
as  is  contained  on  the  dorse. 

Thomas  de  Langeford  of  the  county  of  Hereford  has  made  fine  in 
10  marks  to  be  paid  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  next,  and  Oliver 
de  Ingham,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Norfolk,  has  mainprised  for  him 
for  payment  of  the  said  sum,  and  Thomas  has  found  mainpernors 
for  his  good  behaviour,  as  is  contained  on  the  dorse. 

William  Baret  of  the  county  of  Somerset  has  made  fine  in  201.  and 
has  found  mainpernors  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of 
IOQL,  as  is  contained  on  the  dorse. 


The  following  have  found  mainprise  for  their  loyal  behaviour  under 
the  conditions  written  above  touching  such,  some,  to  wit,  by  their 
letters  patent,  and  some  under  the  form  of  a  record  : — 

Edmund  Hakelut  of  the  county  of  Worcester  has  given  security  by 
oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record  etc.  and  has  found  as  toainpernors 
Master  John  Walewayn  of  the  county  of  Hereford,  Griffin  Thloyt, 
knight,  of  Wales,  John  Hakelut  of  the  county  of  Rutland,  Robert 
Clement  of  South  Wales,  Matthew  Dauney  of  the  county  of  York, 
Geoffrey  de  Skeffyngton  of  the  county  of  Leicester  and  Hasculph  de 
Whitewell  of  the  county  of  Lincoln,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised 
for  the  good  behaviour  of  Edmund  under  a  penalty  of  2001. 

Cancelled  by  the  king  and  council  in  Parliament  by  reason  of  the 
quarrel  etc. 

Hugh  de  Mortuo  Mari,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Salop  and  elsewhere, 
has  sworn  etc.  and  given  security  by  his  letters  patent  under  a  penalty 


1322.  Membrane  20d — cont. 

of  400Z.  etc.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Cherleton,  knight, 
of  the  county  of  Hereford  and  the  march  of  Wales,  and  Roger  de 
Chaundos,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Hereford,  who  have  mainprised 
by  their  letters  patent  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  400/. 

Roger  Cursoun  of  the  county  of  York  has  given  security  by  oath  etc. 
under  the  form  of  a  record,  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William  de 
Buscy  knight,  of  the  county  of  York,  and  Michael  de  Wath,  clerk,  of  the 
same  county,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour 
under  a  penalty  of  10L  under  the  form  of  a  record. 

John  de  Mongomery  of  the  county  of  Salop  and  the  march  of  Wales 
has  given  security  by  oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record  and  has 
found  as  mainpernors  John  son  of  Philip  de  Middelton  of  the  said 
county  and  Roger  Cursoun  of  the  county  of  York,  each  of  whom  has 
mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  101.  under  the 
form  of  a  record. 

John  de  Ralegh  of  Nettelcombe  of  the  county  of  Somerset  has  given 
security  by  oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  Alexander  Luterel,  Ellis  son  of  Payn,  Ralph  son  of  Urse, 
Thomas  Mounserel  and  Gilbert  de  Chilton,  of  the  said  county,  each 
of  whom  has  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of 
1001.  under  the  form  of  a  record. 

Geoffrey  de  Beaufour  has  given  security  by  his  letters  patent  under 
a  penalty  of  200  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Cherleton, 
lord  of  Powis,  Robert  de  Sapy,  Thomas  le  Blunt,  of  the  county  of 
Gloucester,  Simon  de  Kynardesle,  knight,  Richard  de  Penebrugg  and 
Philip  de  Clanevou,  of  the  county  of  Hereford,  who  have  mainprised 
by  their  letters  patent  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of 
200  marks. 

Peter  de  Grandisono,  knight,  has  given  security  by  his  letters  patent 
and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Otto  de  Grandisono  and  John  de  Ditton 
of  the  county  of  Kent,  Baldwin  de  Frivill,  knight,  and  John  de 
Pokelyngton,  of  the  county  of  Hereford,  who  have  mainprised  by  their 
letters  patent  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  600  marks. 

John  de  Bromfeld  of  the  county  of  Hereford  has  found  as  mainpernors 
John  Loveday  of  the  county  of  Oxford,  Richard  de  Bykerton  of  the 
county  of  Worcester,  Alexander  de  Middelton,  Hugh  de  la  Hull,  Thomas 
de  Bryton  and  Richard,  parson  of  the  church  of  Buterley,  of  the  county 
of  Hereford,  who  have  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a 
penalty  of  100Z. 

Thomas  de  Langeford  of  the  county  of  Hereford  has  found  as  main- 
pernors Oliver  de  Ingham,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Norfolk,  and 
John  son  of  Richard  Waldeshef  of  the  county  of  Nottingham,  who 
have  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  100  marks. 

William  Baret  of  the  county  [of  Somerset]  has  found  as  mainpernors 
Oliver  de  Ingham,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Norfolk,  John  son  of  William 

16  EDWARD  II.  173 

1322.  Membrane  20d — cont. 

le  Vaus  of  the  same  county,  and  William  Grammary,  knight,  of  the 
county  of  York,  who  have  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under 
a  penalty  of  100?. 


July  25.  Order  to  Robert  de  Aston, — to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late 
Thirsk.  the  keeping  of  all  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster, 
and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in  the  counties  of 
Somerset,  Dorset  and  Gloucester,  which  are  in  the  king's  hand  or  will 
come  to  the  king's  hands  by  the  forfeiture  of  the  said  enemies  and 
for  other  causes,  with  all  goods  and  chattels  therein,  to  hold  during 
pleasure,  so  that  in  the  keeping  of  the  said  castles  and  lands  he  should 
depute  others  under  him  for  whom  he  would  answer  if  they  were  not 
sufficient,  and  so  that  answer  were  made  in  the  chamber  for  the  issues 
thereof  by  a  certain  receiver  to  be  deputed  hereto  by  the  king  and  to 
be  charged  therewith  by  the  said  Robert, — to  cause  answer  to  be  made 
hereafter  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  by  the  receivers  of 
the  same  issues,  notwithstanding  that  in  an  order  directed  to  him 
hereon  it  is  contained  that  answer  be  not  (sic)  made  in  the  chamber 
for  the  issues  of  certain  lands  excepted  therein  [above,  p.  150]  ; 
certifying  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  at  York  on 
the  morrow  of  Michaelmas  of  what  other  castles  and  lands  he  has 
had  the  keeping  from  the  time  of  the  king's  said  commitment  by 
pretext  thereof,  and  whose  they  were  before  they  were  taken  into  the 
king's  hand,  and  in  what  counties,  and  at  what  time  he  received  the 
keeping  thereof,  and  who  had  the  keeping  before  on  the  king's  behalf. 
By  writ  of  privy  seal  directed  to  the  treasurer. 
The  like  to  the  following  keepers  : — 

Richard   de   Emeldon,   in   the   county   of   Northumberland   and 

the  bishopric  of  Durham. 
John  de  Kilvynton,   between  the  waters  of  These  and  Use  in 

the  county  of  York. 
Thomas  Deyvill,  of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Pontefract  and  all  etc. 

in  the  county  of  York  beyond  the  water  of  Use. 
Henry  de  Malton,  in  the  counties  of  Westmoreland  and  Cumber- 
land, and  of  the  castle  and  manors  of  Skipton  in  Cravene  and 
Burton  in  Lonesdale. 
John  Travers,  in  the  county  of  Lancaster,  Blakeburneshire  and 

Haulton,  co.  Chester. 
Roger  Beler,  of  the  castles  and  tenements  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of 

Lancaster,  in  the  counties  of  Stafford,  Leicester  and  Derby. 
Alan  de  Cubbeldyk,  in  the  county  of  Lincoln. 
Robert  de  Stok,  in  the  counties  of  Warwick,  Oxford,  Bedford 

and  Buckingham. 
Robert  de  Hungerford,  in  the  city  of  London  and  the  counties 

of  Middlesex,  Wilts,  Berks  and  Southampton. 
Roger  Carles,  in  the  counties  of  Hereford,  Salop  and  Worcester. 
Richard  de  Whatton,  of  the  manor  of  Knesale  and  all  etc.  in  the 
counties  of  Nottingham,  Northampton  and  Rutland,  and  of 
the  fees  of  Lancaster  and  Ferrers  in  the  said  county. 
John  Everard,  in  the  counties  of  Devon  and  Cornwall. 
Gilbert  de  Sengelton,  of  the  castle  of  Haulton  and  all  lands  in 
Congelton,    Whitleye    and   Longedendale   and   Vidnes   in   the 
counties  of  Chester  and  Lancaster. 



1322.  Membrane  19— cont. 

Order  to  Robert  Touk,  to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late  during 
pleasure  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands  late  of  the  king's  enemies  and 
rebels  in  the  county  of  Derby  in  the  king's  hand,  except  the  lands  late 
of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  in  that  county,  so  that  he  answered 
for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber,  to  account  and  answer  at  the 
Exchequer  for  the  issues  thereof,  notwithstanding  that  in  an  order  etc. 
as  above,  certifying  etc.  as  above  [last  entry]. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Gaddesby,  keeper  of  all  the  lands  etc.  except 
the  lands  late  of  the  said  earl  of  Lancaster  in  the  county  of  Leicester. 

The  like  to  Roger  de  Waltham,  keeper  of  the  like  in  the  county  of 

The  like  to  John  le  Porter  of  Stebbyng,  to  whom  the  king  committed 
of  late  during  pleasure  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Plescy  and  all 
the  lands  late  of  Humphrey  de  Bohum,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex, 
and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in  the  county  of  Essex 
in  the  king's  hand,  except  the  manors  of  Berdefeld  and  Thaksted, 
co.  Essex. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Bures,  to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late 
during  pleasure  the  keeping  of  the  castle,  manor  and  honour  of  Clare 
in  any  counties  of  England  and  of  the  manors  of  Berdefeld  and  Thaxsted, 
co.  Essex,  and  of  all  the  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and 
other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and 
Suffolk  in  the  king's  hand. 

The  like  to  William  Polhay  of  Buntyngford,  to  whom  the  king 
committed  of  late  during  pleasure  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands  late  of 
Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in 
the  county  of  Hertford  in  the  king's  hand,  except  the  lands  pertaining 
to  the  honour  of  Clare  in  that  county. 

July  25.          The  like  to  Richard  Wawayn,  to  whom  the  king  committed  of  late 

Thirsk.       during  pleasure  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Lenhales,  in  the  king's 

hand  for  certain  causes. 

Aug.  4.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Newcastle  made  by  him  shewing  that  Robert  le  Vavasour  held  on  the  day  of  his 
upon  Tyne.  ,jeatn  certain  lands  in  Cokesford  and  the  manor  of  Fryston,  co.  York, 
in  chief  as  of  the  honour  of  Pontefract,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand, 
by  homage  and  fealty  and  scutage  when  current  and  by  knight  service, 
and  that  he  held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown  whereby  the 
wardship  of  other  his  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to  the  king,  but 
that  he  held  divers  other  lands  of  divers  other  lords  by  divers  services, 
to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  lands  and  manor  held  as  of  the 
said  honour  until  further  order,  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the 
other  said  lands  held  of  other  lords. 

Aug.  3.          Order  to  Thomas  Dayvill,  keeper  of  certain  lands  beyond  the  water 

Newcastle     of  Use  in  the  county  of  York  in  the  king's  hand,  to  deliver  to  Joan 

upon  Tyne.    ja^e  ^ne  wjfe  of  jjenry  de  Lacy,  earl  of  Lincoln,  or  her  attorney,  her 

manor  of  Whitegift,  co.  York,  and  certain  tenements  in  Redenesse, 

Swynflet  and  Houk,  and  the  moor  of  Inclesmor,  appurtenances  of  the 

said  manor,  taking  security  from  her  for  answering  to  the  king  for  the 

issues  of  the  said  tenements  and^moor,  if  it  should  be  afterwards  found 

that  they  are  not  appurtenances"  of  the  said  manor,  saving  to  the  king 

16   EDWARD    II. 


1322.  Membrane  19 — cont. 

the  corn  growing  in  the  said  lands  and  the  hay  and  other  goods  and 
chattels  therein  ;  the  king  having  of  late  ordered  the  lands  of  the  said 
Joan  to  be  taken  into  his  hand  and  having  committed  the  same  to 
the  said  Thomas  to  be  kept  during  pleasure,  and  having  afterwards 
many  times  ordered  him  to  deliver  to  her  the  said  manor,  thus  in  his 
keeping,  saving  to  the  king  the  said  corn,  hay  and  other  goods  and 
chattels,  or  to  shew  cause  why  he  had  not  obeyed  the  king's  order 
thereon,  and  he  having  shewn  that  he  was  ready  to  deliver  to  her  the 
said  manor,  but,  because  her  attorney  sued  livery  of  the  said  tenements 
and  moor  as  appurtenances  of  the  manor,  which  they  are  not,  as  he 
understood,  he  has  hitherto  deferred  execution  of  the  said  order  ; 
and  the  king  having  now  been  shewn  on  her  behalf  that  the  said 
tenements  and  moor,  as  appurtenances  of  the  manor,  were  assigned 
to  her  in  dower  after  the  death  of  her  said  husband,  wherefore  petition 
has  been  made  to  the  king  that  he  would  cause  livery  thereof  to  be 
made  to  her.  By  C. 

Aug.  6.          Order   to   William   de   Bello    Campo,    William   de   Bradewell   and 

Newcastle     Alexander  de  Besford  to  deliver  to  Roger  Carles  the  castles  and  lands 

upon  Tyne.    ja^e  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  enemies  and 

rebels  and  others  in  the  county  of  Worcester,  with  the  goods  and 

chattels  therein  and  with  the  issues  thereof  from  24  March  last  according 

to  the  tenour  of  an  order  directed  to  them  at  another  time  and  hitherto 

disregarded  by  them,  whereat  the  king  is  amazed  ;    the  king  having 

committed  to  the  said  Roger  the  said  castles  and  lands  in  the  counties 

of  Worcester,  Hereford  and  Salop  during  pleasure  by  letters  patent  of 

the  said  date.     [See  above,  pp.  119,  120.] 

Aug.  2.  Commitment  during  pleasure  or  until  further  order  to  the  king's 
Newcastle  clerk,  James  de  Broughton,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  and  town  of 
upon  Tyne.  Qloucestre  and  the  castle  of  St.  Briavels  and  the  forest  of  Dene  and  of 
the  following  castles,  manors  and  lands,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain 
causes,  to  wit,  the  manor  late  of  John  Giffard  of  Kyngestanleye,  the 
castle  and  manor  of  Maurice  de  Berkele  the  elder  of  Berkeleye  and 
the  manors  of  the  same  Maurice  of  Wotton,  Symondeshale,  Coueleye, 
Camme,  Hurst,  Homme,  Slymbrugg,  Alkynton,  Hyneton,  Stanleye 
Poundelarge,  and  the  lands  of  the  same  Maurice  in  Berewyk,  the 
liberty  of  Thomas  son  of  Maurice  de  Berkeleye  of  Blideslowe  and  the 
lands  of  the  same  Thomas  in  Aure,  the  manor  of  John  de  Acton  of 
Elkeston  and  the  lands  of  the  same  John  in  Wyneston,  the  manor  of 
Hugh  Daudele  the  elder  of  Estynton,  the  lands  of  Robert  de  Prestbury 
in  Uphatherleye,  Lekhampton  and  Prestbury,  the  lands  of  Thomas  de 
Hatherleye  in  Uphatherleye,  of  Thomas  de  Bradston  in  Bradston,  of 
Roger  Maiel  in  Sencleye,  of  Thomas  son  of  Robert  de  Berkeleye  in 
Boeleye,  of  John  de  Usk  in  Beggeworth,  of  Robert  Gylle  in  the  same  town, 
of  Nicholas  de  Puwelesdon  in  Bykenore,  the  manors  of  John  de  Wylynton 
of  Sandhurst  and  Pulton,  the  lands  late  of  Henry  de  Wylynton  in 
Colverden,  Sandhurst  and  Naylesworth,  of  Adam  Martel  in  Stowell, 
the  manor  of  Ralph  Bluet  of  Daglyngworth,  the  manor  of  Humphrey 
de  Bohoun  of  Whitenhurst,  the  manor  of  John  le  Rous  of  Duntesburn, 
the  lands  of  Howel  ap  Howel  in  the  forest  of  Dene,  of  Bevis  de  Knovill 
in  Toynton,  and  of  Walter  Wyth  of  Erlyngham  in  Erlyngham,  so 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  p.s.  [6137.] 



1322.  Membrane  19—cont. 

Order  to  the  executors  of  the  will  of  Simon  de  Driby  to  deliver  the 
same  to  him  with  all  things  in  the  said  castles  in  their  keeping,  by 
indenture  to  be  made  thereon. 

Aug.  5.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Holdene  and  Robert  de 
Gosforth.      Mucheldevere  of  the  keeping  of  all  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Somery, 
tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  his 
heir,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  p.s.  [6152.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  them  the  same  in 
his  bailiwick,  with  the  issues  thereof  from  the  death  of  John,  so  that 
they  may  answer  therefor  to  the  full. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 
Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  be 
intendant  to  them  in  all  things  pertaining  to  the  said  keeping. 

Aug.  7.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  de  Pype  of  the  keeping  of 
Felton.       the  forest  of  Kynefare,  to  hold  as  others  have  had  the  same  hitherto. 

By  p.s.  [6159.] 
Order  to  the  said  Robert  and  Robert  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Aug.  8.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Felton.       the  lands  late  of  Simon  de  Driby,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Aug.  14.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent, — pursuant  to  an 
Alnwick.  inquisition  made  by  him  shewing  that  John  de  Belewe  held  on  the 
day  of  his  death  the  manor  of  Boulton  upon  Dyrne  of  the  heir  of 
Payn  de  Tybotoft,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by  the 
service  of  a  fourth  part  of  a  knight's  fee,  and  that  he  held  no  other 
lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown  whereby  the  wardship  of  other  his  lands 
should  pertain  at  present  to  the  king,  but  held  divers  lands  of  other 
lords  by  divers  services,  and  that  John  his  son  is  his  nearest  heir  and 
of  the  age  of  one  year  and  a  half, — to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the 
said  manor  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  other  said  lands  held 
of  other  lords,  delivering  any  issues  thereof  received  by  him  to  those 
whose  they  are. 

Aug.  8.          Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Henry  le  Vavasour,  brother  and 

Felton.        heir  of  Robert  le  Vavasour,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said 

brother,  he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  18. 

Aug.  24. 



Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Roger  de  Middelton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  Geoffrey  de  Vilers, 
parson  of  the  church  of  Raundes,  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  castles 
and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's 
enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in  the  counties  of  Oxford,  Buckingham, 
Bedford,  Northampton  and  Rutland,  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he 
answer  for  the  same  at  the  Exchequer  as  he  shall  be  charged  therewith 
by  the  stewards  of  the  said  castles  and  lands. 

16  EDWARD  II.  177 

Membrane  18 — cont. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Hugh  Scuffyn,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
William  le  Vavasour  of  Denynghby,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  John,  son  and 
heir  of  Roger  le  Somenour,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said 
father,  he  having  done  fealty  ;  saving  to  Isabel  late  the  wife  of  Roger 
her  dower. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Crokedaik,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 
The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  William  de  Hebbeden,  deceased,  tenant  in 

Grant,  for  a  fine  of  40  marks,  to  the  king's  clerk,  Michael  de  Wath, 
of  the  wardship  of  all  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  Hildeyard.  tenant 
in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Robert,  his 
son  and  heir,  with  dowers  when  they  fall  in  and  all  other  things 
pertaining  to  that  wardship  from  St.  Denys  next  until  the  full  age  of 
the  heir,  who  is  of  the  age  of  three  years,  with  the  marriage  of  the  heir, 
at  the  yearly  rent  of  14  marks  for  the  said  lands  in  moieties  at  Easter 
and  Michaelmas  and  of  the  true  value  of  the  said  dowers  when  they  fall 
in,  consideration  being  had  to  the  said  14  marks  so  to  be  paid  ;  and 
if  the  heir  die  before  his  coming  of  age  and  marriage,  his  heir  being  a 
minor,  Michael  shall  have  the  wardship  until  the  time  when  the  said 
heir  would  have  been  of  full  age,  with  the  marriage  of  his  heir,  and 
so  from  heir  to  heir ;  saving  to  the  king  knights'  fees  and  advowsons 
of  churches.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Alan  de  Caterhale,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  John  de  Rythre, 
of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Skypton  in  Cravene,  so  that  he  answer 
for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  p.s.  [6207.] 

Order  to  Henry  de  Malton  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things 
therein  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

By  the  same  writ. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Robert  le  Frenshe  of  Norhampton,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  le  Blount  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manor  of  Elmerugge,  co.  Worcester,  late  of  Roger  de  Elmerugge, 
the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of 
the  extent  thereof. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

F  12 



1322.  Membrane  18— con*. 

Sept.  19.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Sancto  Johanne  of  Basyng 

Newcastle     of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Odyham,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 

upon  Tyne.    igsues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  Robert  Lewer,  late  constable  of  the  said  castle,  or  his 

lieutenant,   to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things  therein  by 

indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  K. 

Sept.  21.         Appointment   during    pleasure    of    the   king's    clerk,    Geoffrey   de 

Newcastle     Edenham,  as  receiver  of  the  issues  of  the  barony  of  Staunford  and 

upon  Tyne.    Dimgtanburgh,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer, 

and  as  surveyor  of  the  men  at  arms  and  hobelers  in  the  castle  of 

Dunstanburgh    for   the   munition   thereof,    as   has    been   more   fully 

enjoined  on  him  by  the  king,  with  2s.  daily  for  his  stipends  from  the 

said  issues.     By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  below. 

Oct.  4. 

Sept.  12. 

upon  Tyne. 

Sept.  21. 
upon  Tyne. 

Sept.  21. 
upon  Tyne. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Peter  Corbet, 
of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  and  forest  of  Kynefare  with  the  assart 
and  all  other  appurtenances,  which  John  de  Somery,  deceased,  held 
for  life  of  the  king's  grant,  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  as 
much  as  John  or  other  keepers  used  to  render.  By  p.s.  [6229.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Ivo  la  Zousche 
and  Joan  his  wife,  daughter  and  heir  of  William  Inge  and  Margery 
his  wife,  the  lands  which  her  said  father  held  in  chief  by  the  courtesy 
of  England  of  the  inheritance  of  the  said  Margery,  the  said  Ivo  having 
done  fealty.  By  p.s.  [6204.] 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Ermetrude  de  Saukevill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  John  de  Ulram,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Percival  Symeon  of  the  keeping 
of  all  the  lands  in  Little  Hasele,  co.  Oxford,  late  of  John  de  Skalebrok, 
the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  which  have  come  to  the  king's  hands 
an  escheat  by  the  said  John's  forfeiture,  at  the  yearly  rent  of  the 
extent  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Talbot  of  the  keeping  of  all 
the  lands  in  Crek  late  of  John  de  Moubra,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel, 
at  the  yearly  rent  of  the  extent  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  Geoffrey  de 
Edenham,  of  the  keeping  of  the  barony  of  Staunford  and  Dunstanburgh, 
so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer,  and 
appointment  of  him  as  surveyor  of  the  men  at  arms,  hobelers  and 
dead  stock  (mortuarum  garnisturarum)  in  the  castle  of  Dunstanburgh 
for  the  munition  thereof,  as} has  been  more  fully  enjoined  on  him  by 
the  king,  with  2s.  daily  for  his  stipends  from  the  said  issues. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 

16  EDWARD  II. 



Sept.  18. 

upon  Tyne. 

cept.  21. 
upon  Tyne. 

Sept.  22. 
upon  Tyne. 

Sept.  28. 

Oct.  4. 

Membrane  18 — cont. 

Order  to  John  de  Lilleburn  and  Roger  Mauduyt  to  deliver  to  him 
the  keeping  of  the  said  barony,  except  the  body  of  the  said  castle, 
which  the  king  wishes  to  remain  in  their  keeping  ;  and  to  be  intendant 
to  him  as  surveyor. 

Grant  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  Broun,  for  good  service,  of  the 
manor  of  Ingelby,  co.  York,  late  of  John  de  Eure,  in  the  king's  hand 
for  certain  causes,  to  hold  to  the  value  of  SOL  of  land  a  year  for  the 
sustenance  of  him  and  his  wife  and  the  children  of  him  and  his  brother  ; 
and  if  the  king  hereafter  take  the  said  manor  for  any  cause  out  of 
the  hand  of  the  said  Thomas,  he  shall  receive  SOL  a  year  at  the 
Exchequer  at  the  king's  will  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas, 
until  the  king  assign  to  him  301.  of  land  elsewhere  at  will.  By  K. 

Order  to  John  de  Kilvynton,  keeper  etc.,  to  deliver  the  same  to 

Grant  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  de  Pencatelan,  for  good  service, 
of  the  manor  of  Bureth,  co.  Lincoln,  late  of  William  Tochet,  the  king's 
enemy  and  rebel,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand  as  an  escheat  on  account 
of  his  enmity,  to  hold  to  the  value  of  40L  a  year,  so  that  if  the  manor 
do  not  reach  that  value  according  to  a  reasonable  extent  to  be  made 
thereof,  the  king  cause  the  deficit  to  be  made  good  to  him  in  other 
lands,  and  if  the  manor  exceed  that  value,  he  pay  the  excess  at  the 
Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  and  Easter  by  equal  portions.  By  K. 

Order  to  Alan  de  Cubbeldyk,  keeper  of  certain  forfeited  lands  in  the 
county  of  Lincoln,  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  ;  the  king  wishing 
Alan  to  be  discharged  therefrom. 

Order  to  the  king's  clerk,  Master  John  Walewayn,  to  deliver  to 
Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger,  to  whom  the  king  by  letters  patent 
has  committed  during  pleasure  the  keeping  of  the  castles,  manors 
and  lands  of  Bregheiieu,  Haye,  Huntyntoii,  Cantrecelif,  Talgarght, 
Blenleveny  and  Penkethelyn,  all  goods  and  chattels  in  the  said  castles, 
manors  and  lands  in  John's  keeping,  by  indenture  and  for  a  reasonable 
price,  so  that  Hugh  may  answer  to  the  king  therefor  ;  the  king  wishing 
John  to  be  discharged  therefrom.  By  K. 

The  like  to  John  de  Siggeston  touching  all  goods  and  chattels  in 
the  castles  and  towns  of  Huntyngton  and  la  Haye  and  the  lands  there. 

The  like  to  Richard  le  Mareschal  touching  all  goods  and  chattels 
in  the  lands  of  Cantrecelyf  and  Talgargh. 

The  like  to  John  de  Dene  touching  all  goods  and  chattels  in  the 
castles  and  lands  of  Blenleveny  and  Penkethely. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Morby  touching  all  goods  and  chattels  in  the 
castle,  town  and  lands  of  Bregheneu. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  John  Dengayne,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Peter  Corbet, 
of  the  bailiwick  of  the  forestership  of  the  forest  of  Kynefare,  to  hold 
as  John  de  Somery,  deceased,  held  the  same,  rendering  yearly  at  the 
Exchequer  as  much  as  the  said  John  or  others  used  to  render. 

By  p.s.  [6229.] 

Vacated  because  otherwise  above. 




Oct.  4. 



Oct.  6. 

Oct.  27. 

Oct.  28. 

Oct.  8. 

Membrane  18 — cont. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the  younger 
of  the  keeping  of  the  manors  of  Yate  and  Irenacton  and  the  pourparty 
of  Hugh  Daudele  the  younger  and  Margaret  his  wife,  one  of  the  sisters 
and  heirs  of  Gilbert  de  Clare,  earl  of  Gloucester,  tenant  in  chief,  of  the 
manor  of  Thornbury,  co.  Gloucester,  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  Richard  de  Foxcote  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  or  his 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below  under  the  .'same  date. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  Master  Robert 
de  Haselshawe,  provost  of  Wells,  of  the  keeping  of  the  changes  of 
London  and  Canterbury,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at 
the  Exchequer,  receiving  as  much  as  others  have  received  in  the 
said  office.  By  p.s.  [6232.] 

Order  to  William  de  Haustede,  late  keeper,  to  deliver  the  same 
to  him. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  de  Hampton  of  the 
bailiwick  of  the  hundred  of  Bradeford,  co.  Salop,  at  the  rent  of  161. 
a  year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas,  so 
that  he  keep  the  same  according  to  the  statute  published  thereon  at 
Lincoln.  By  p.s.  [6256.] 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Adam  de  Stirkelande  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manors  of  Hathelseye.  Templehirst  and  Carleton,  co.  York, 
in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the 
chamber.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

Order  to  Thomas  de  Eyvill,  keeper  of  the  said  manors,  to  deliver 
the  same  to  Adam,  the  king  wishing  Thomas  to  be  discharged 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Henry  de  Lacy,  earl  of  Lincoln, 
deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  which  the 
same  Joan  held  for  life  of  the  king's  inheritance. 


Commission  to  William  de  Flete  to  collect  during  pleasure  with 
James  Beauflour  in  the  port  of  London  and  in  every  place  on  either 
side  the  Thames  to  Gravesend  the  new  customs  which  alien  merchants 
are  held  to  pay  to  the  king  on  imports  and  exports  for  certain 
liberties  granted  to  them  by  Edward  I  [see  Fcedera,  II,  ii,  p.  747], 
which  customs  for  some  time  ceased  by  pretext  of  certain  ordinances 
made  by  certain  magnates  of  the  realm,  and  ought  now  to  be  levied, 
the  said  ordinances  having  been  annulled,  as  they  used  to  be  levied  in 
the  time  of  Edward  I  and  of  the  king  before  the  time  of  the  said 
ordinances  ;  in  the  room  of  William  Prodhomme  whom  the  king 
appointed  to  levy  the  same  with  James,  he  being  so  impotent  that 
he  cannot  attend  to  the  premises  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  said 
James  to  admit  him  as  his  fellow.  By  letters  of  the  treasurer. 

16  EDWARD  II. 


1322.  Membrane  17 — cont. 

Oct.  4.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Hugh  le  Despenser  the   younger 

tarnard  Castle.of  the  keeping  of  the  manors  of  Yate,  late  of  John  de  Wylyngton,  and 
Irenacton,  late  of  John  de  Acton,  and  certain  lands  late  of  Hugh 
Daudele  the  younger  in  the  manor  of  Thornbury,  and  the  manors  of 
Mars,  late  of  Maurice  de  Berkele,  Thevenhop,  late  of  Simon  le 
Chaumberleyn,  and  Byngeworth,  late  of  Thomas  Lovel,  co.  Gloucester, 
in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the 
Exchequer.  By  K. 

Oct.  8.  Commission  to  William  de  Flete  to  collect  during  pleasure  with 

Yarm.  James  Beauflour  in  the  port  of  London  and  in  every  place  on  either 
side  the  Thames  to  Gravesende  the  customs  of  2.i.  on  each  tun  of  wine 
imported  beyond  the  ancient  customs,  which  the  merchant  vintners 
of  the  said  duchy  (sic)  are  held  to  pay  to  the  king  for  certain  liberties 
granted  to  them  by  Edward  I  by  his  charter  [see  last  entry  but  one]  ; 
in  the  room  of  William  Prodhome  whom  the  king  appointed  to  levy 
the  same  with  James,  he  being  so  impotent  that  he  cannot  attend 
to  the  premises  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  said  James  to  admit 
him  as  his  fellow.  By  letters  of  the  treasurer. 

Oct.  27.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  William  de  Septem  Vannis,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief, 
and  to  make  inquisition  thereon. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
John  Abel,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Oct.  27.          Commission  to  Philip  Lovecok,   citizen  of  Exeter,   and  John  de 

York.        Somery  to  collect  during  pleasure  in  the  port  of  Exeter  and  in  every 

port  in  Devon  the  customs  on  wool,  hides   and   woodfells   exported 

thence,  and  to  keep  the  seals  called  '  coket,'  so  that  they  answer  for 

the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  Thomas  Fardeyn  and  Henry  Lovecok  to  deliver  to  them 

the  said  seals  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  their  keeping, 

by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  below. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  de  Heby,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Oct.  24.  Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  cause  enrol- 
York.  ment  to  be  made  in  accordance  with  the  security  which  Nicholas 
de  Langeford,  knight,  has  found  by  William  de  Baggeleye  and  John  de 
Ardern,  knights,  of  the  county  of  Chester,  Richard  de  Hoyland, 
knight,  of  the  county  of  Lancaster,  and  Thomas  de  Barynton.  knight, 
of  the  county  of  Stafford,  to  pay  the  king  the  200  marks  wherein 
he  has  made  fine  to  save  his  life  and  have  his  lands  because  he  was 
a  rebel  of  late  and  opposing  the  king  and  adhering  to  the  king's 
enemies  and  rebels,  to  wit,  25  marks  at  Easter  next  and  Michaelmas 
following  and  so  yearly  at  those  terms.  By  p.s.  [6251.] 

Oct.  27.          Commitment   during   pleasure    to    Henry   de   Notyngham    of   the 
York.        counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicester  from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that  he 
answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  hitherto. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 



1322.  Membrane.  17 — cont. 

Order  to  Thomas  le  Rous  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office, 
and  with  the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  in  his  keeping, 
by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Oct.  9.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  du  Chastel  of  the  keeping 

Yarm.        of  the  castle  of  Cardigan  in  Wales,  to  keep  as  he  had  the  same  before 

of  the  king's  commitment.  By  p.s.  [6241.] 

Order  to  Edmund,  earl  of  Arundel,  justice  of  Wales,  or  his  lieutenant, 
to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things  in  the  castle  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon.  By  the  same  writ. 

Nov.  1.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Ufford  of  the  county  of 

York.        Worcester,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  heir 

of  Guy  de  Bello  Campo,  earl  of  Warwick,  tenant  in  chief,  to  keep 

from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other 

sheriffs  hitherto.  By  p.s.  [6266.] 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 
sheriff.  By  the  same  writ. 

Order  to  Nicholas  Russel  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the  rolls, 
writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office,  and  with 
the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  the  same  writ. 

Nov.  1.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Gilbert  Talbot  of  the  keeping  of 

York.        the  castle,  town  and  barton  of  Gloucester,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 

issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  James  de  Broghton  to  deliver  to  him  the  same,  which  are 

in  his  keeping,  with  all  things  in  the  said  castle,  by  indenture  etc. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Sapy  of  the  keeping  of 
the  castle  of  St.  Briavels  and  the  forest  of  Dene,  at  the  yearly  rent  at 
the  Exchequer  of  as  much  as  John  Botetourte,  John  Daudele,  or 
John  de  Wysham,  who  had  the  said  keeping  before,  rendered  for 
the  same. 

By  writ  of  privy  seal  residing  on  the  files  among  the  writs  of 

privy  seal  in  the  seventeenth  year. 

Order  to  the  said  James  to  deliver  to  him  the  same,  which  are  in 
his  keeping,  by  indenture  etc. 


Oct.  31.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Walter  de  Stirkeland  of  the  keeping 

York.        of  the  castle  of  Appelby  and  the  king's  lands  and  fees  adjacent  thereto 

in  the  county  of  Westmoreland,  so  that  he  answer  for  the    issues 

thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Nov.  2.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Shelvyng  of  the  county 
York.        of  Kent  and  the  castle  of  Canterbury  from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that 
he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 
Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keeper. 
Order  to  Ralph  Sauvage  to  deliver  the  said  county  to  him,  with 
the  rolls,  \\rits,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office, 

16  EDWARD  II. 


1322.  Membrane  16— cant. 

and  also  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein,  and  with  the  issues 
thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made 
thereon  between  them. 

Nov.  3.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  Corbet  of  the  keeping  of  the 
York.  lands  late  of  Nicholas  de  Audele,  tenant  in  chief,  in  the  county  of 
Salop,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  heir,  at 
the  yearly  rent  at  the  Exchequer  of  the  true  value  thereof  according 
to  an  extent  to  be  made  thereof,  in  moieties  at  Easter  and 
Michaelmas.  By  K. 

Nov.  3.  Pardon,  at  the  instance  of  the  king's  kinsman,  Aymer  de  Valencia, 
York.  earl  of  Pembroke,  to  Thomas  Wither,  of  late  the  king's  enemy  and 
rebel,  of  100  marks  of  the  300  marks  wherein  he  made  fine  to  save  his 
life  and  to  have  his  lands,  and  grant  to  him  that  of  the  residue  he 
pay  15  marks  at  the  Exchequer  of  Easter  next  and  15  marks  at  the 
Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  next  and  so  yearly.  By  K. 

Nov.  4.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Peter  de  Worldham  of  the  counties 

York.        of  Surrey  and  Sussex  from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that  he  answer  at 

the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.         By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 


Order  to  Nicholas  Gentil  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the  rolls, 
writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office,  and  with 
the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Nov.  26.         Commitment    during    pleasure    to    Henry    de    Bisshebury    of    the 
York.         counties  of  Salop  and  Stafford  and  the  castles  of  Shrewsbury  and 
Bruges,  from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that  etc.  as  above. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 
Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keeper. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  John  de  Swynnerton  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties, 
with  the  rolls  etc.  and  the  said  castles  with  all  things  therein,  and 
with  the  issues  etc.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Ingram  of  the  counties 
of  Nottingham  and  Derby  from  Michaelmas  last,  so  that  etc.  as 
above.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 

Order  to  John  Darci  '  le  Neveu  '  or  his  lieutenant  to  deliver  the 
same  to  him,  with  the  rolls  etc.  and  the  issues  etc.  by  indenture  etc. 

Nov.  3.          Commission  to  Philip  Lovecok  and  Richard  Seler  to  collect  during 

York.        pleasure  the  old  customs  on  wool,  hides  and  woolfells  and  the  new 

customs  in  the  ports  of  Exeter  and  in  every  port  in  Devon,  and  to 

keep  one  part  of  the  '  coket '  seal,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  issues 

at  the  Exchequer,  and  to  substitute  others  in  their  place,  for  whom 

they  will  answer,  if  they  cannot  attend  hereto.  By  C. 

Afterwards  surrendered  and  cancelled  bemuse  of  the  said  Philip  and 

Richard  one  was  infirm  and  the  other  dead. 




Nov.  25. 



April  29. 

Membrane  16 — cord. 

The  like  to  John  de  Thornegge  and  William  de  Whetacre,  in  the  port 
of  Lenn  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Yarmouth. 


The  like  to  Richard  de  Frampton  and  James  de  Sutton  the  younger, 
in  the  port  of  Boston.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled. 


Nov.  4. 

Oct.  30. 

Nov.  2. 

Nov.  6. 

Nov.  6. 

Oct.  27. 

The  like  to  Adam  Tyrewhit  the  elder  and  William  de  Barton,  in 
the  ports  of  Kyngeston  upon  Hull  and  Ravenser.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Walter  de  la  Pull  of  the  office 

of  the  escheatry  of  Ireland,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 

at  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  Ireland  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  escheator. 


Order  to  John  de  Dunstal,  parson  of  Youghel,  to  deliver  the  same 
to  him,  with  the  rolls,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that 
office  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 


Grant  for  life  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  of  the  lands  in  Ulvedale,  co. 
Cumberland,  late  of  Alexander  Seneschal,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel 
of  Scotland,  which  have  come  to  the  king's  hand  as  an  escheat  by  his 
enmity  ;  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  ; 
grant  also  to  him  for  life  of  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Ulvedale 
which  has  come  to  the  king's  hand  for  the  same  cause.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  William  Erneys  of  Skipton  in  Craven,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
made  by  him  shewing  that  Robert  le  Frenshe  held  in  his  demesne 
as  of  fee  on  the  day  of  his  death  a  messuage  with  six  shops  adjacent 
in  Norhampton  in  chief  by  the  service  of  rendering  four  horseshoes 
with  nails  appurtenant  at  Michaelmas  at  the  Exchequer  yearly,  and 
that  Peter  le  Frenshe,  his  kinsman,  is  his  nearest  heir  and  of  full  age, 
to  deliver  to  Peter  the  said  lands  (sic),  he  having  done  fealty. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Roger  Bretoun  of  Walton,  deceased,  tenant  in 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
the  lands  late  of  Gilbert  de  Dunslee. 

Nov.  6.          Grant,  for  a  fine  of  20  marks,  to  Ada,  late  the  wife  of  Gerar 
Campsall.      Chauncy,  tenant  in  chief,  that  she  may  marry  whomsoever  she 
in  the  king's  fealty.  By 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled. 

16  EDWARD  II. 


1322.  Membrane  16 — cont. 

Nov.  3."         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Richard  de  Rokesle,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 


Nov.  2.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
York.  made  by  him  shewing  that  John  de  Ulram  held  on  the  day  of  his 
death  a  messuage  and  5  bovates  of  land  in  Eston  of  the  heir  of  Thomas 
Caylly,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by  knight  service,  and  that  he 
held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown  whereby  the  wardship  of 
his  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to  the  king,  and  that  Hugh  de 
Ulram,  his  son,  is  his  nearest  heir  and  of  full  age,  to  deliver  to  Hugh 
the  said  messuage  and  land,  he  having  done  fealty,  saving  to  Joan 
late  the  wife  of  John  her  dower,  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  other 
lands  held  by  John  of  other  lords. 

Nov.  13.  Order  to  Robert  de  Holden  and  Robert  de  Micheldevre,  keepers  of 
Tutbury.  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Somery,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief,  in  the 
king's  hand,  to  supersede  until  further  order  execution  of  a  former 
order  to  them  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  manor  of  Dunchurche, 
co.  Warwick,  made  pursuant  to  an  inquisition  made  by  the  escheator 
beyond  Trent  shewing  that  John  held  the  said  manor  for  life  only  of 
the  inheritance  of  John  Dunheved,  and  that  the  manor  is  held  of  the 
honour  of  Richard's  Castle  by  knight  service  ;  the  king  having  been 
given  to  understand  that  John  de  Somery  had  the  manor  of  the 
demise  of  Stephen  Dunheved  who  abjured  the  realm  for  a  felony, 
and  that  the  manor  ought  to  remain  to  the  king  as  forfeit. 
Vacated  because  -not  sealed. 

Nov.  11.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Tutbury.  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Chaunceux,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  8.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  Roger  de  Flete, 
Shir  land,  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Conynges burgh,  so  that  he  answer  for 

the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [6279.] 

Order  to  Simon  de  Wodeham  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all 

things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between 


Nov.  12.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Tutbury.  hand  the  lands  late  of  John  Bustard,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  16.  Order  to  William  de  Polhey,  keeper  of  certain  lands  in  the  county 
Tutbury.  of  Hertford  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  to  deliver  to  William 
de  la  Doune  and  Ellen  de  Denardeston,  now  his  wife,  the  manor 
of  Welles,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand  and  in  the  keeping  of  the  said 
William  de  Polhey  of  the  king's  commitment,  with  the  issues  thereof 
from  the  time  of  the  taking  of  the  same  into  the  king's  hand,  to  hold 
for  Ellen's  life,  saving  to  the  king  the  goods  and  chattels  late  of 
William  Tochet  found  therein,  so  that  after  her  death  the  manor  revert 
entire  to  the  king  and  his  heirs  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  William 
Tochet ;  the  king  having  learned  by  the  tenour  of  the  foot  of  a  fine 
levied  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  in  3  Edward  II  between  the 



1322.  Membrane  15 — coni. 

said  William  Tuchet  and  Ellen,  complainants,  and  William  de 
Goldyngton  and  Margaret  his  wife,  deforciants,  of  the  said  manor, 
that  the  said  deforciants  acknowledged  the  manor  to  be  the  right  of 
William  Tuchet  as  that  which  he  and  Ellen  had  of  the  gift  of  the 
deforciants,  to  hold  to  them  and  the  heirs  of  William  Tochet  of  the 
chief  lords  of  that  fee  by  the  services  pertaining  to  the  manor  ;  and 
by  an  inquisition  made  by  John  de  Benestede  and  John  de  la  Haie 
and  returned  to  Chancery,  that  William  Tuchet  and  Ellen  and 
William  de  la  Doune,  now  her  husband,  from  the  time  when  William 
de  la  Doune  married  Ellen,  continued  seisin  of  the  manor  until  the 
death  of  William  Tuchet  nor  changed  their  estate  therein  afterwards, 
and  that  the  manor  is  in  the  king's  hand  by  the  forfeiture  of  William 
Tochet  and  for  no  other  cause  and  is  held  of  Robert  de  Kendale  and 
Margaret  his  wife  by  certain  services.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Nov.  15.         Commitment    during    pleasure    to    William    de    Coundon    of    the 

Weston  upon  bailiwick  of  the  forestership  of  the  forest  of  Niderdale,  to  hold  as 

Trent.        Richard  de  Karliolo,  deceased,  held  the  same.  By  p.s.  [6285.] 

Order  to  the  keeper  of  the  chace  of  Niderdale  to  deliver  the  same  to 


Nov.  14.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Tutbury.      the  lands  late  of  John  de  Penedok,  deceased,  tenant  by  knight  service 

of  the  lands  of  Geoffrey  Dabetot,  in  the  king's  hand,  and  to  make 

inquisition  thereon. 

Nov.  22.         Order  to  the  escheator  011  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
York.        hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Stotevill,  deceased,  tenant  hi  chief. 

Nov.  23.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
York.  made  by  him  shewing  that  John  Abel  held  on  the  day  of  his  death  the 
manor  of  Plumberwe,  except  56  acres  of  land,  6  acres  of  meadow, 
6  acres  of  pasture  and  a  windmill,  in  chief  as  of  the  honour  of  Reyleye 
by  knight  service,  and  that  he  held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the 
crown  whereby  the  wardship  of  his  lands  should  pertain  at  present 
to  the  king,  to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  manor  until  further 
order,  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  other  lands  late  of  John, 
if  they  be  in  the  king's  hand  because  of  his  death,  and  for  no  other 

Nov.  23.  Commitment  to  William  de  Chisenhale  of  two  parts  of  the  bailiwick 
York.  of  the  serjeanty  of  the  wapentake  of  Derby,  co.  Lancaster,  late  of 
William  de  Waleton,  tenant  in  chief  as  of  the  lands  late  of  Thomas, 
earl  of  Lancaster,  in  the  king's  hand,  which  bailiwick  is  in  the  king's 
hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  heir,  to  hold  until  the  full  age 
of  the  heir  with  the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  at  the  rent 
of  101.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas  ; 
and  if  the  dower  of  Anilla  late  the  wife  of  William  de  Waleton  be 
assigned  therefrom,  he  shall  have  the  entire  bailiwick  and  shall  render 
20  marks  a  year  for  the  same.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Nov.  24.         Order  to  Henry  le  Scrop,  chief  justice  of  the  pleas  before  the  king, 
York.        to  take  a  fine  from  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Walter  de  Wysebech  for 

16  EDWARD  II. 


1322.  Membrane  15 — cont. 

the  residue  of  her  term  of  imprisonment  according  to  statute,  and 
other  things  pertaining  to  the  king,  and  to  deliver  her  from  the  prison 
of  the  Marshalsea  ;  she  having  appealed  John  de  Wysebech  in  the 
county  of  Lincoln  of  the  death  of  the  said  Walter,  which  appeal  the 
king  caused  to  come  before  him  by  writ  at  a  certain  day  contained 
in  the  writ,  and  she,  because  she  came  not  before  the  king  to  sue 
her  appeal,  having  been  adjudged  by  the  decision  of  the  court  to 
be  taken,  and  having  afterwards  been  taken  at  the  king's  suit  and 
delivered  to  the  said  prison,  wherein  she  has  been  detained  for  no 
small  time  and  still  is  detained,  as  the  king  has  learned  on  her 

Nov.  22.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
York.        hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Harcla,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  23.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
York.        Matthew  de  Haydok,  deceased,  tenant  by  knight  service  of  the  lands 
of  Robert  de  Holand,  in  the  king's  hand. 

Nov.  26.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  Peter  Prylly,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  25.  Commitment  to  Thomas  le  Palmere  of  Maldon  of  the  keeping  of 
York.  two  parts  of  the  manor  of  Little  Totham,  co.  Essex,  late  of  Philip 
son  of  Roger  de  Hevenyngham,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's 
hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  John,  son  and  heir  of  the  said 
Philip,  and  extended  at  11.  3s.  l\d.  a  year,  to  hold  with  the  issues 
thereof  from  Michaelmas  last  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir,  rendering 
at  the  Exchequer  1(M.  a  year,  to  wit,  the  said  extent  and  56s.  4£d.  of 
increment,  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 

Grant,  for  a  fine  of  601.  made  at  the  Exchequer,  to  the  said  Thomas 
le  Palmere  of  the  marriage  of  the  same  John,  a  minor  in  the  king's 
ward,  and  if  John  die  before  his  coming  of  age  and  marriage,  his  heir 
being  a  minor,  Thomas  shall  have  the  marriage  of  the  heir,  and  so 
from  heir  to  heir.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 

Nov.  16.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Elizabeth, 
Tutbury.  eldest  sister  (sic)  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  Richard  Danyel  of  Tiddeswelle, 
tenant  in  chief,  whom  Thomas  Meverel,  deceased,  took  to  wife,  a 
third  part  of  a  messuage  in  Wormhill,  co.  Derby,  assigned  to  them 
with  the  reversion  of  10  acres  of  land  in  that  town,  held  in  chief, 
which,  with  the  assent  of  the  said  Elizabeth  and  of  Katharine  and 
Joan,  second  and  third  daughters  and  heirs  of  the  said  Richard,  the 
king  has  assigned  to  Maud  late  the  wife  of  Richard  to  hold  in  dower  ; 
and,  after  making  partition  of  all  other  lands  late  of  Richard  in  the 
presence  of  the  heirs  if  they  wish  to  be  present,  to  deliver  to  Elizabeth 
her  pourparty  thereof,  she  having  done  homage  ;  and  to  send  the 
partition  made  by  him  to  be  enrolled  on  the  rolls  of  Chancery. 

Nov.  8.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Kylvyngton  of  the  keeping 

York.        of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Pykeryng,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 

thereof  at  the  Exchequer.       By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 



1322.  Membrane  15 — cont. 

Order  to  Thomas  de  Ughtred,  late  keeper,  or  his  lieutenant,  to 
deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  all  things  in  the  castle,  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

By  K.  on  the  information  etc.  as  above. 

Nov.  9.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  William  Walei  as  receiver  of  the 
York.  issues  of  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and 
other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in  the  counties  of 
Salop,  Worcester  and  Hereford,  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he  answer 
therefor  at  the  Exchequer  as  he  shall  be  charged  therewith  by  the 
steward  of  the  said  castles  and  lands. 

By  K.  on  the  information  as  above. 

Nov.  27.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.         the  lands  late  of  Hugh  Prilly,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


Nov.  26.  Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  John  de  Sutton  and  Margaret  his 
York.  wife,  eldest  sister  and  heir  of  John  de  Somery,  the  following  lands  of  the 
lands  late  of  the  said  John,  tenant  in  chief,  which  the  king  has  assigned 
to  them  by  assent  of  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  Botetourt,  second 
sister  and  the  other  heir,  to  wit,  the  castle  of  Duddeleye,  co.  Stafford, 
extended  at  4£.  6s.  8d.,  the  manor  of  Seggesleye  with  the  chace  of 
Pensnet  and  other  appurtenances  in  the  same  county,  extended  at 
64:1.  I0d.,  the  manor  of  Old  King's  Swynford,  co.  Stafford,  extended 
at  61.  2s.,  and  the  town  of  Duddeley,  co.  Worcester,  extended  at 
41L  6s.  Q^d.  a  year,  to  hold  as  Margaret's  pourparty.  her  said  husband 
having  done  homage  ;  and  to  deliver  also  to  them  the  following 
lands  of  the  lands  which  Lucy  late  the  wife  of  the  said  John  de  Somery 
holds  in  dower  of  the  said  inheritance,  after  her  death,  to  wit,  the 
manor  of  Bradefeld,  co.  Berks,  extended  at  401.  10s.  lOJd.,  the  manor 
of  Soleham,  co.  Berks,  extended  at  41.  9s.  6%d.,  certain  lands  in 
Bastenden,  co.  Berks,  extended  at  61.  10s.,  certain  lands  in  Rouleye 
Somery,  co.  Stafford,  extended  at  75s.  6d.  and  certain  lands  in 
Prestwode  in  the  forest  of  Kynefare,  co.  Stafford,  extended  at 
31s.  6d.  a  year,  to  hold  as  Margaret's  pourparty. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Holden  and  Robert  de  Mucheldevre  to  deliver 
to  the  same  John  and  Margaret  the  said  castle,  the  manors  of  Seggesle 
and  New  Swyneford  and  the  said  town  with  the  said  chace  and  other 
appurtenances,  in  their  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment. 

The  like  to  Thomas  de  Pype  to  deliver  to  them  the  said  chace  with 
the  parks  belonging  to  the  castle  and  town  of  Duddele  and  the  manor 
of  Seggesle,  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment. 

Dec.  1.  Grant  to  Joan,  late  the  wife  of  Richard  de  Tonge,  tenant  in  chief 
York.  as  of  the  honour  of  Pontefract,  in  the  king's  hand,  of  the  wardship 
of  two  parts  of  the  lands  late  of  her  said  husband,  in  the  king's  hand 
by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Richard,  his  son  and  heir,  and  extended 
at  41.  5s.  9rf.  a  year,  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  said  heir  with 
the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  rendering  at  the  Exchequer 
8  marks  a  year,  to  wit,  the  said  extent  and  20s.  lid.  of  increment, 
in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas  ;  grant  also  to  her,  for  a  fine 
of  20  marks  whereof  she  will  pay  moieties  at  the  Exchequers  of  Easter 

16   EDWARD   II. 


1322.  Membrane  14 — cont, 

next  and  Michaelmas  following,  of  the  marriage  of  the  heir  ;  and 
if  he  die  before  his  full  age  and  marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  she 
shall  have  the  marriage  of  the  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  said  lands 
to  her  with  the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  last,  and  the  body 
of  the  said  heir  to  be  married. 

Dec.  1.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

York.        the  lands  late  of  Roger  de  Cutecoumbe,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  1.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  de  Bourne  and  Joyce  de 
York.        Brankescombe  of  the  keeping  of  the  temporalities  of  the  abbey  of 
Glastonbury.  void  and  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with 
the  issues  thereof  from  the  death  of  the  last  abbot,  so  that  he  may 
answer  therefor  to  the  full. 

Dec.  1.          Gommitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Bello  Campo  of  Somerset 

York.        of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Bruggewater,  so  that  he  answer  for 

the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  John  de  Lortie  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things 

therein  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment,  by  indenture  to  be 

made  thereon  between  them. 

Dec.  4.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
York.        the  lands  late  of  John  de  Blyton  of  Lincoln,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  3.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
York.        Thomas  de  Hikelyng,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  3.  Commission  to  Reynold  de  Massyngham  to  collect  during  pleasure 
York.  with  Geoffrey  de  Sutton  in  the  port  of  Boston  the  new  custom  of  2*. 
on  each  tun  of  imported  wine  granted  beyond  the  ancient  customs  by 
the  merchant  vintners  of  the  said  duchy  (sic),  as  above  [p.  181], 
in  the  room  of  John  de  Tumby,  whom  the  king  appointed  with  the  said 
Geoffrey  to  levy  the  same,  he  having  no  leisure  therefor,  so  that  he 
and  Geoffrey  answer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom  at  the  Exchequer  ; 
and  to  appoint  others  in  his  place  for  whom  he  will  answer  ;  the 
king  having  ordered  the  said  Geoffrey  to  admit  him  as  his  fellow. 

By  p.s.  [6295.] 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Inge  of  the  keeping  of  the 
lands  in  Kylvey  in  Wales  late  of  Leissand  de  Avene,  of  late  the  king's 
enemy  and  rebel,  which  are  in  the  king's  hand  by  his  forfeiture,  so 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Appointment  of  Richard  de  Potesgrave  and  Gilbert  de  Risshton  to 
arrent  all  manors  and  lands  late  of  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels 
and  other  lands  in  the  counties  of  Kent,  Surrey  and  Sussex,  in  the 
king's  hand  by  the  forfeiture  of  the  said  enemies  and  rebels  and  for 



1322.  Membrane  14 — cent. 

other  causes,  and  to  demise  the  same  at  farm  to  certain  men  willing 
to  receive  them  from  the  king  from  Michaelmas  last  for  three  years 
for  a  certain  yearly  farm  at  the  Exchequer,  and  to  sell  the  corn,  hay, 
stock  and  other  goods  and  chattels  therein,  or  otherwise  make  the 
king's  profit  thereon,  so  that  they  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  the 
value  or  price  thereof,  and  to  certify  the  king  of  what  they  do  in 
the  premises.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 

Dec.  10.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Haddlesey.    the  lands  late  of  Adam  de  Preston,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  6.  Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 

York.        Peter  Fitz  Reynaud,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  8.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side    Trent  to  deliver  to  Robert 

Haddlesey.    Bretoun,  son  and  heir  of  Roger  Bretoun,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands 

late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s.  [6304.] 

Dec.  11.          Commitment    during    pleasure    to    the    king's    clerk,    Geoffrey    de 
Haddlesey.    Edenliam,    of    the    keeping   of    the    manors   of   Templeffaxflete   and 
Sandhall,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber, 
receiving  for  his  wages  and  all  other  necessaries  12d.  a  dav. 

By 'p.s.  [6307.] 

Dec.  10.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  William  Martyn  of  the  keeping 

Haddlesey.    of  the  castle  of  Heleie  with  the  park  and  other  appurtenances,  the 

town  of  Betteleye,  the  manor  of  Tunstall  and  two  parts  of  the  manors 

of  Endon  and  Horton,  co.  Stafford,  late  of  Nicholas  Daudele,  tenant 

in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  James, 

his  son  and  heir  ;    so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues    thereof  at  the 

Exchequer.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 


Jan.  18.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 
Stow  Park.        Order  to  -the  same  to  deliver  to  him  the  issues  thereof  from  the 
said  10  December,  so  that  he  may  answer  therefor  to  the  full. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  on  the  schedule  below. 

Dec.  14.          Commitment  to  the  king's  clerk,  Nicholas  de  Wedergrave,  of  the 
Haddlesey.    keeping  of  the  temporalities  of  the  abbey  of  Glastonbury,  void  and 
in  the  king's  hand,  to  hold  so  long  as  the  same  remain  in  the  king's 
hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  p.s.  [6310.] 

Order  to  William  de  Bourn  and  Joyce  de  Brandescombe  to  deliver 
to  him  the  same,  which  are  in  their  keeping  of  the  king's  commit- 
ment, with  the  issues  thereof. 

MEMBRANE  13. — Schedule. 

Dec.  10.  Commitment  to  William  Martyn  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  and 
Haddlesey.  manors  of  Helegh,  Tunstall,  Horton  and  Endon,  late  of  Nicholas 
Daudeleye,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the 
minority  of  the  heir,  the  keeping  whereof  William  had  before  of 
the  king's  commitment,  so  that  he  answered  at  the  Exchequer  for  the 
issues  thereof ;  to  hold  from  Michaelmas  next  until  the  full  age  of 

16  EDWARD  II. 


1322.  Membrane  13 — Schedule — cont. 

the  heir,  rendering  100?.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer,  to  wit,  751.  6s.  \\d. 
at  which  the  premises  are  extended  yearly,  and  241.  13s.  lO^d.  of 
increment,  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas.  Anno  etc.  xvij.  (sic). 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 


Dec.  17.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Joan,  late  the 
Haddlesey.  wife  of  Thomas  Botetourt,  second  sister  and  heir  of  John  de  Somery, 
tenant  in  chief,  the  following  lands  of  the  lands  late  of  her  said  brother, 
which  the  king  has  assigned  to  her  by  assent  of  John  de  Sutton  and 
Margaret  his  wife,  eldest  sister  and  heir  of  John  de  Somery,  to  wit, 
the  castle  and  manor  of  Weleye  in  Northfeld,  co.  Worcester,  extended 
at  381.  4s.  2\d.,  the  manor  of  Cradeleye,  co.  Worcester,  extended  at 
11.  18s.  6f«L,  the  manor  of  Bordeshale,  co.  Warwick,  extended  at 
251.  13s.  8d.,  the  manor  of  Clent,  co.  Stafford,  extended  at  67s.  Sd., 
the  manor  of  Bobynton,  co.  Stafford,  extended  at  6/.  13s.  4d.,  the 
manor  of  Honesworth,  co.  Stafford,  extended  at  241.  ll.s.  4\d.,  and 
the  manor  of  Mere,  co.  Stafford,  extended  at  241.  15s.  8d.  a  year,  to 
hold  as  her  pourparty,  she  having  done  homage  ;  and  to  deliver 
also  to  her  the  following  lands  of  the  lands  which  Lucy  late  the  wife 
of  John  de  Somery  holds  in  dower  of  the  said  inheritance,  after  her 
death,  to  wit,  the  manor  of  Neuport  Payne! ,  co.  Buckingham,  extended 
at  561.  18s.  4\d.  and  the  manor  of  Old  Swynford,  co.  Worcester, 
extended  at  Ql.  18s.  8d.  a  year  ;  and  to  deliver  also  to  her  certain 
lands  in  Bobynton,  co.  Stafford,  after  the  death  of  Sarah  late  the 
wife  of  John  son  of  Philip,  who  holds  the  same  for  life  of  the  said 
inheritance,  which  are  extended  at  131.  10s.  a  year,  and  which  the 
king  has  assigned  to  Joan  by  assent  of  the  said  John  de  Sutton  and 
Margaret.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  Robert  de  Holden  and  Robert  de  Mucheldevre  to  deliver  to 
her  the  castles  and  manors  aforesaid  in  their  keeping  of  the  king's 

Dec.  10.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Haddlesey.    the    lands   which   Alice    late   the   wife   of   Roger   de   Hevenyngham, 
deceased,  held  in  dower  of  the  inheritance  of  William,  kinsman  and 
heir  of  the  said  Roger,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward. 

Dec.  19.          Commitment    to   Thomas    Wak   of    the    keeping   of   the   lands   in 

Haddlesey.    Ekyiigton  and  Kyrkeby  in  Asshefeld,  late  of  John  de  Stotevill,  tenant 

in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  heir, 

to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the    heir,  rendering  90?.  a  year  at  the 

Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to 

him,  with  the  issues  thereof  from  Michaelmas  last. 

Dec.  23.  Order  to  Robert  de  Stoke,  keeper  of  certain  lands  in  the  county 
York.  of  Oxford  in  the  king's  hands, — whom  on  21  July  last  the  king  ordered 
to  deliver  to  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Henry  de  Lacy,  earl  of  Lincoln, 
now  deceased,  her  lands  in  the  said  county,  before  taken  into  the 
king's  hand  for  certain  causes  and  committed  to  the  said  Robert 
during  pleasure,  together  with  the  corn  growing  therein  and  the 




Dec.  29. 


Jan.  15. 


Dec.  30. 


Membrane  13 — cont. 

hay  of  that  year,  saving  to  the  king  other  goods  and  chattels  therein, 
— to  keep  to  the  king's  use  the  goods  and  chattels  then  hi  those  lands, 
except  the  said  corn  and  hay,  so  that  he  can  answer  therefor  at  the 
king's  order,  permitting  no  man  to  meddle  therewith,  and  to  certify 
the  king  of  the  goods  and  chattels  so  retained  and  of  the  price  thereof 
and  in  whose  hands  they  now  are. 
The  like  to  the  following  : — 

Richard  de  Whatton,  keeper  of  the  lands  etc.  in  the  county  of 


Alan  de  Cubbeldyk,  keeper  of  the  lands  in  the  county  of  Lincoln. 
Robert  de  Aston,  keeper  of  the  lands  in  the  county  of  Dorset. 
Robert  de  Hungerford,  keeper  of  the  lands  etc.  in  the  county  of 

Roger  Carles,  keeper  of  the  lands  etc.  in  the  counties  of  Salop 

and  Hereford. 
Roger  de  Waltham,  keeper  of  the  lands  etc.  in  the  county  of 

Roger  Corbet  of  Tassele,  keeper  of  the  castles  etc.  in  the  county 

of  Stafford. 
John  de  Felton  or  his  lieutenant,  keeper  of  the  castles  etc.  in  the 

county  of  Salop. 
Gilbert  de  Syngleton,  keeper  of  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  the 

same  Joan  of  the  inheritance  [etc.]. 
Nicholas  Daudele,  in  the  county  of  Chester. 

Griffin  ap  Rees;  keeper  of  the  castle  and  land  of  Thlanandevery, 
in  the  king's  hand,  or  his  lieutenant. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Joan  de  Twynstede,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  William  de  Septem  Vannis,  son 
and  heir  of  William  de  Septem  Vannis,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of 
his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ;  saving  to  Katharine  late 
the  wife  of  William  her  dower.  By  p.s.  [6321.], 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Robert  son  of  Richard  de  Shipton  of  Growel- 
thorp,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  Gobioun  of  the  counties 
of  Essex  and  Hertford  and  the  castle  of  Colecestre,  so  that  he  answer 
at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto.  By  C. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 
sheriff  and  keeper. 

Order  to  the  executors  of  the  will  of  Nicholas  de  Engaigne,  late 
sheriff,  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties,  with  the  rolls,  writs, 
memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office,  and  the  said 
castle  with  all  things  therein  in  their  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be 
made  thereon  between  them. 

The  like  to  Hugh  de  Louthre  of  the  county  of  Westmoreland, 
which  is  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes.  By  p.s.  [6332.] 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 

16  EDWARD  II.  193 

1322.  Membrane  13—cont. 

Order  to  Walter  de  Styrkeland  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office 
in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

The  like  to  John  Darcy  '  le  Neveu  '  of  the  county  of  Lancaster, 
late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  which  has  come  to  the  king's  hands 
by  his  forfeiture.  By  K. 

Order  to  Robert  de  Leyburn,  sheriff  of  that  county,  or  his 
lieutenant,  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda 
and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  his  keeping. 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  of  the  keeping 
of  the  castle  of  Appelby,  co.  Westmoreland,  with  all  lands  belonging 
thereto,  and  of  the  keeping  of  the  land  of  Kentmere  in  Kendale, 
co.  Westmoreland,  late  of  Nicholas  de  Stapelton,  so  that  he  answer 
for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [6330.] 

Order  to  Walter  de  Stirkeland  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle 
and  the  lands  belonging  thereto,  with  all  things  in  the  castle,  in  his 
keeping  of  the  king's  commitment,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon 
between  them.  By  p.s. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  de  Foxcote  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manors  of  Rydmarleye  and  Iwardeston,  late  of  Geoffrey  Dabetot 
and  in  the  king's  hand  because  Geoffrey  adhered,  as  is  said,  to  the 
king's  enemies  and  rebels,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 
at  the  Exchequer.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  W.  de  Clif. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
made  by  him  shewing  that  John  de  Chaunceux  held  on  the  day  of 
his  death  the  manor  of  Canewedon  in  chief  as  of  the  honour  of  Reylegh 
by  the  service  of  a  third  part  of  a  knight's  fee.  and  that  he  held  no 
other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown  whereby  the  wardship  of  other 
his  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to  the  king,  but  that  he  held  divers 
other  lands  of  other  lords  by  divers  services,  and  that  Hugh  his  son 
is  his  nearest  heir  and  of  the  age  of  six  years, — to  retain  in  the  king's 
hand  the  said  manor  until  further  order,  and  to  meddle  no  further 
with  the  other  said  lands  held  of  other  lords,  delivering  any  issues 
thereof  received  by  him  to  those  whose  they  are. 

Jan.  6.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 

Cowiok.       hand  the  lands  late  of  Nicholas  de  Cave  of  Beverley,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Nicholas  de  Thoren,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

•  Fan.  11.  Grant  to  John  de  Triple,  for  a  fine  of  300  marks  whereof  he  will 
Cowiok.  pay  100  marks  at  the  Exchequer  of  Easter  next,  Michaelmas  following 
and  Easter  following,  of  the  wardship  of  the  lands  late  of  Geoffrey 
de  Say,  tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority 
of  Geoffrey,  his  son  and  heir,  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir, 
with  the  marriage  of  the  same  ;  and  if  the  heir  die  before  his  coming  of 

F  13 


Jan.  6. 




1323.  Membrane  13—cont. 

age  and  marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  John  shall  have  the  ward- 
ship until  the  time  when  he  would  have  been  of  full  age,  with  the 
marriage  of  his  said  heir. 

By  letter  of  the  bishop  of  Exeter,  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  said  lands  to 
him,  with  the  issues  thereof  from  St.  John  the  Evangelist  last,  and 
the  body  of  the  heir  to  be  married. 

By  letter  of  the  bishop  of  Exeter,  treasurer. 

Be  it  remembered  that  John  de  Charleton,  merchant  of  London, 
has  mainprised  for  the  said  John  de  Triple  touching  the  said  300 
marks  to  be  paid  as  above.  Kent. 

Jan.  8.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

Cowiek.      the  lands  late  of  Warin  de  Bassyngburn  of  Wynpol,  deceased,  tenant 

in  chief. 

Jan.  10.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Nicholas  Russel  of  the  county  of 

Cowiek.       Worcester,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  heir 

of  Guy  de  Bello  Campo,  earl  of  Warwick,  tenant  in  chief,  so  that  he 

answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 

Order  to  John  de  Clifford  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the 

rolls,   writs,   memoranda   and   all  other  things   touching  that  office 

in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  between  them. 


Jan.  14.          Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  John  de  Louthre, 

Cowiek.       as  keeper  and  receiver  of  the  king's  victuals  in  the  town  of  Carlisle 

and  the  port  of  Skynburnesse  and  those  northern  parts,  so  that  he 

answer  therefor  and  receive  the  usual  wages.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  Robert  de  Barton,  clerk,  to  deliver  to  him    the  king's 

victuals  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  his  keeping,  by 

indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them,  so  that  he  can  answer 

for  the  same. 

Jan.  16.          Commission  to  Nicholas  de  Karliolo  and  Thomas  de  Karliolo  to 

Cowiek.       collect  during  pleasure  in  the  ports  of  Hertelpol  and  Yarum  the  new 

customs  granted  by  alien  merchants  for  certain  liberties  granted  to 

them  by  Edward  I  [see  above,  p.  180],  so  that  they  answer   for  the 

money  arising  therefrom  at  the  Exchequer,  and  to  substitute  others 

in  their  place,  for  whom  they  will  answer,    if    they  cannot  attend 

thereto.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  same  in  the  port  of  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  and  in 

every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Berwick  upon  Tweed.         By  K. 

Jan.  16.  Commission  to  the  same  to  collect  during  pleasure  the  custom  of 
Cowiok.  2s.  on  each  tun  of  imported  wine  granted  by  the  merchant  vintners 
of  the  said  duchy  (sic)  beyond  the  ancient  custom  for  certain  liberties 
granted  to  them  by  a  charter  of  Edward  I  [see  above,  p.  181],  in  the 
port  of  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  sea- 
coast  to  Berwick  upon  Tweed,  so  that  they  answer  etc.  as  above 
[last  entry].  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  same  in  the  ports  of  Hertilpol  and  Yarum.      By  K. 

16  EDWARD  II. 



Jan.  30. 


Jan.  17. 
Stow  Park. 

Jan.  26. 


Jan.  23. 


Jan.  2. 

Jan.  22. 
Stow  Park. 

Feb.  1. 


Jan.  30. 


Feb.  2. 

Membrane  12 — cont. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln  to  pursue,  arrest,  take  and  keep  in 
prison  until  further  order  Nicholas  de  la  Beche,  knight,  Jakemin  de 
Darynton,  John  de  Hereford,  parson  of  the  church  of  Depeden,  Robert 
de  la  Lee,  Walter  de  Brawode,  John  de  Goldyngton,  knight,  Thomas 
Rocelyn,  knight,  Robert  Burcer,  John  de  Rothyng  and  Thomas 
Engayne,  and  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  their  lands,  goods  and 
chattels,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber,  and 
not  to  omit  this  as  he  would  save  himself  harmless.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  meddle  not  with  the  manor 
of  Dedham,  held  in  chief  as  of  the  honour  of  Reines,  the  king  wishing 
that  Hervey  de  Stanton,  clerk,  pay  henceforth  at  the  Exchequer 
for  the  said  manor  20  marks  yearly  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michael- 
mas, so  long  as  the  heir  of  John  de  Stutevill,  tenant  in  chief,  be  a 
minor  in  the  king's  ward  ;  the  king  having  learned  by  an  inquisition 
made  by  the  escheator  that  the  said  John  held  no  lands  in  chief,  but 
long  before  his  death  demised  the  said  manor  for  life  to  the  said 
Hervey  with  the  king's  licence,  with  reversion  to  John  and  his  heirs, 
and  it  being  clear  by  a  writing  indented,  which  Hervey  shewed  before 
the  king  in  Chancery,  that  John  demised  the  manor  to  him  on 
30  April,  7  Edward  II,  and  that  Hervey  should  hold  the  same  for 
the  first  eight  years  without  doing  or  rendering  any  service  or  rent, 
and  that  after  those  years  he  should  render  20  marks  yearly. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  Fitz  Bernard,  deceased,  tenant  in 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  which 
Rogo  Gacelyn,  deceased,  held  for  life  of  the  inheritance  of  the  heir 
of  John  ap  Adam,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  and  to  make  inquisition 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  William  le  Vavasour, 
son  and  heir  of  William  le  Vavasour  of  Deiiyngby,  tenant  in  chief,  the 
lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ;  saving  to 
Elizabeth  late  the  wife  of  William  her  dower.  By  p.s.  [6335.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Robert  de  Hardres,  deceased,  tenant  by  knight 
service  of  the  honour  of  Tonebrugg,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  atte  Welde, 
deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
John  son  of  William  de  Erlegh,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  John,  son  and  heir  of  John  de  Bliton 
of  Lincoln,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he 
having  done  homage  ;  saving  to  Emma  late  the  wife  of  John  her 
dower.  By  p.s.  [6374.J  Lincoln. 



1323.  Membrane  12—cont. 

Feb.  4.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Stephen  de  Segrave  of  the  keeping 

Norwell.      of  the  Tower  of  London,  to  hold  as  others  have  held  hitherto,  receiving 

the  usual  yearly  wages.  By  K. 

Order  to  Roger  de  Swynfreton  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  all 

things  and  the  prisoners  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be 

made  thereon  between  them.  By  K. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Staunton,  to  whom  the  king  ordered  the  said 

Roger,  then  constable,  to  deliver  the  Tower  of  late.  By  K. 

Feb.  1.  Order  to  Douenald  de  Mar,  keeper  of  the  castle  and  honour  of 
Newark.  Newerk,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  to  cause  the  demesne 
lands  pertaining  to  the  castle  and  honour  to  be  tilled  and  sown,  or 
to  demise  them  to  others  at  farm,  as  he  shall  deem  to  the  king'a 
greatest  advantage,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the 
Exchequer.  By  K. 


Feb.  3.  Order  to  the  es'cheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

Newark.       the  lands  late  of  Richard  son  of  Richard  de  Vernoun,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

Feb.  6.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

Scrooby.      the  lands  late. of  Nicholas  de  Kyngeston,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  7.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  of  the  town  of 

Doncaster.     Appelby,  co.  Westmoreland,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 

at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  the  said  county  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

By  K. 

Feb.  11.          The  like  to  the  same  Anthony  of  the  county  of  Cumberland  and 

Pontefract.    the  castle  of  Carlisle,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other 

sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  Andrew  de  Harcla  to  deliver  the  said    county  to  him, 

with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda,  and  all  other  things  touching  that 

office,  and  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in   his  keeping,  by 

indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff 
and  keeper. 

Feb.  12.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Pontefract.    the  lands  late  of  Nicholas  Ward    of  Pidseburton,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Margaret  le  Mareschal,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  12.  Grant  to  Thomas  Ughtred,  for  good  service,  of  the  keeping  of  the 
Pontefract.  manor  of  Bentele,  co.  York,  late  of  Payn  Tybetot,  tenant  in  chief, 
and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  his  son  and  heir, 
to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir,  so  that  he  have  the  keeping 
for  four  years  to  the  value  of  400  marks  which  the  king  granted  to 
him  for  the  acquittance  of  his  ransom  made  by  him  with  the  Scots 
while  he  was  taken  by  them  of  late  in  the  king's  service,  and  that  he 

16  EDWARD  II. 


1323.  Membrane  11 — cont. 

might  prepare  himself  the  more  suitably  in  horses  and  armour  for 
the  king's  service,  and  so  that  after  those  years  he  pay  100  marks 
a  year  at  the  Exchequer  at  Michaelmas  and  Easter  by  equal  portions. 

By  p.s.  [6391.] 

Order  to  Thomas  Deyvill,  keeper  of  certain  lands  in  the  county 
of  York  in  the  king's  hand,  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manor,  which 
is  in  his  keeping. 

Feb.  1.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  York  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  goods 

Pontefract.    and  chattels  of  Andrew  de  Hartcla  and  Master  Michael  his  brother, 

so  that  he  can  answer  for  the  same  at  the  king's  order,  and  to  certify 

the  king  what  and  what  sort  of  goods  and  chattels  are  so  taken  by 

him  and  what  he  do  herein.  By  K. 

Feb.  13.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Pontefract.    hand  the  lands  late  of  Roger  Mansergh,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  16.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Pontefract.  made  by  him  shewing  that  Thomas  de  Hiklyng  held  the  manor  of 
Risehangles,  co.  Suffolk,  in  chief  as  of  the  honour  of  Eye  by  knight 
service,  and  that  he  held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown  whereby 
the  wardship  of  other  his  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to  the  king, 
but  held  divers  other  lands  of  divers  other  lords  by  divers  services, 
and  that  Brian  de  Hikeland  is  his  son  and  nearest  heir  and  of  the 
age  of  three  years,  to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  manor  until 
further  order  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  other  said  lands 
held  of  other  lords,  delivering  any  issues  thereof  received  by  him 
to  those  whose  they  are. 

Feb.  18.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  Wroth  of  the  bailiwick 

Pontefract.    of  the  hundred  of  Irchenfeld,  to  hold  as  others  have  held  the  same 

before  these  times,  provided  that  he  keep  the  same  according  to  the 

statute  provided  thereon  at  Lincoln.  By  p.s.  [6400.] 

Order  to  Richard  Wauwayn  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Feb.  20.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Pontefract.    the  lands  late  of  Walter  de  Gloucestre,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  19.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Pontefract.    John  son  of  John  de  Abyndon  of  Little  Shobiry,  deceased,  tenant  in 

Feb.  20.  Order  to  the  same,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition  made  by  him  shewing 
Pontefract.  that  Hugh  Prilly  held  on  the  day  of  his  death  13  acres  of  land  in 
Orewelle  of  the  manor  of  Orewell,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  by 
knight  service,  and  that  he  held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the 
crown  whereby  the  wardship  of  other  his  lands  should  pertain  at 
present  to  the  king,  but  held  divers  other  lands  of  divers  other  lords 
by  divers  services,  and  that  Peter  Prilly  is  his  son  and  heir  and  of  the 
age  of  four  years,  to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  13  acres  until 
further  order  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  other  said  lands  held 
of  other  lords,  delivering  any  issues  thereof  received  by  him  to  those 
whose  they  are. 



Feb.  19. 

Membrane  11 — cont. 

Commitment  at  will  to  Reynold  de  Frome  of  the  bailiwick  of  the 
Pontefract.  hundreds  of  Catteshach  and  la  Stone  and  the  keeping  of  the  gaol  of 
Somerton,  co.  Somerset,  so  that  he  keep  the  said  bailiwick  according 
to  the  statute  published  thereon  at  Lincoln,  and  render  yearly  at 
the  Exchequer  therefor  as  much  as  others  have  rendered  for  the 
same  before  these  times.  By  p.s.  [6403.] 

Feb.  26.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Aberford.     hand  the  lands  late  of  Marmaduke   de  Tsveng,  deceased,  tenant  in 

Feb.  27.  Order  to  the  same,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition  made  by  him  shewing 
Knaresborough.that  Thomas  de  Burgo,  knight,  held  on  the  day  of  his  death  the 
manor  of  Calthorn  of  the  barony  of  Pontefract  and  the  manor  of 
Walton  of  the  manor  of  Wakefeld,  in  the  king's  hand,  by  knight 
service,  and  that  he  held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown 
whereby  the  wardship  of  other  his  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to 
the  king,  but  held  divers  other  lands  of  divers  lords  by  divers  services, 
to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  manors  of  Calthorn  and  Walton 
until  further  order  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  other  said  lands 
held  of  other  lords,  delivering  any  issues  thereof  received  by  him  to 
those  whose  they  are. 

Feb.  29.          Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  the  same  manors  to  Thomas  Dayvill, 

Knaresborough.  keeper  of  the  said  honour,  with  the  issues  thereof  from  the  time  of 

the  taking  of  the  same  into  the  king's  hand,  that  Thomas  may  answer 

for  the  said  issues  at  the  Exchequer,  the    king  wishing  the  escheator 

to   be  discharged   therefrom. 

Feb.  23.          Commission  to  Richard  de  Burton  to  levy  the  scutage  of  the  king's 

Pontefract.    army  of  Scotland  in  4  Edward  II  in  the  East  Riding  of  York,  pursuant 

to  a  like  commission  to  him  and  WTilliam  de  Hebbeden,  now  deceased 

(p.  10]. 

March  4.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  John  de 

Knaresborough.Burgh,  son  and  heir  of  Thomas  de  Burgh,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands 

late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage.      By  p.s.  [6438.] 

Order  to  Thomas  Dayvill,  keeper  of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Ponte- 
fract, to  deliver  to  the  same  John  the  manors  of  Calthorn  and  Walton, 
late  of  his  said  father,  which  the  king  ordered  to  be  delivered  to  Thomas 
Dayvill  as  above  [last  entry  but  two],  the  king  wishing  him  to  be 
discharged  therefrom.  By  p.s.  [6438.] 

March  5.         Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset  and  Dorset  to  take  into  the  king's 

Knaresborough.hand  the  goods  and  chattels  late  of  Richard  de  Rodeneye,  escheator 

beyond  Trent  and  constable  of  the  castle  of  Bristol,  deceased,  who 

was  held  to  the  king  in  divers  debts  of  the  time  when  he  was  escheator 

and  constable,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order.    By  K. 

March  5.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Knaresborough.the  lands  late  of  John  Gerounde,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 
Vacated  because  not  sealed. 

16  EDWARD  II.  199 

1323.  Membrane  11 — cont. 

March  7.         Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Warm  de  Bassyngbourn,  son  and 
Knareaborough.heir  of  Warin  de  Bassyngbourn  of  Wynpol,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands 
late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ;   saving  to  the  wife  of 
Warin  her  dower. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

March  7.         Grant  to  Amaury  Pauncefot,  knight,  that  of  the  200  marks  wherein 
Knaresborough.he  made  fine  for  having  adhered  to   the  king's  enemies  and  rebels, 
and  which  he  ought  to  pay  at  Easter  next,  he  pay  at  the  Exchequer 
100  marks  at  Midsummer  next  and  100  marks  at  Easter  following. 

By  p.s.  [6441.] 

Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  cause  him 
to  have  those  terms  and  enrolment  to  be  made  accordingly. 

March  10.        Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  of  the  keeping  of 

Knaresborough.all  the  lands  late  of  Andrew  de  Harccla,  of  late  the  king's  enemy  and 

rebel,  in  the  counties  of  Cumberland  and  Westmoreland,  in  the  king's 

hand  by  reason  of  his  enmity  and  rebellion,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 

issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 
Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him, 
with  the  issues  thereof  from  the  time  of  the  taking  thereof  into  the 
king's  hand,  so  that  Anthony  may  answer  therefor  to  the  full. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 

Order  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  to  arrest  and 
keep  until  further  order  the  armour,  victuals  and  all  other  goods  and 
chattels  which  they  can  discover  to  have  belonged  to  Andrew  de  Hartcla, 
which  have  not  yet  been  arrested,  in  whosesoever  hands  they  be  in 
the  said  town,  and  to  certify  the  king  thereof  as  soon  as  possible  ; 
the  king  having  learned  that  Andrew  had  such  armour  etc.  in  the 
said  town,  which  ought  to  pertain  to  the  king  by  reason  of  his  enmity, 
part  whereof  has  been  arrested  by  them  to  the  king's  use,  and  part 
still  remains  in  the  hands  of  men  of  the  said  town.  By  K. 

Grossi  Fines. 

Roger  Beler  has  made  fine  in  1  mark  for  licence  to  enfeoff  Simon 
de  Shepeye  of  the  manor  of  Kirkeby.  Leicester. 

Agnes  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  de  Ireby  has  made  fine  in  40s.  for 

pardon  of  the  trespass  of  her  and  Thomas  in  acquiring  the  hamlets 

of  Shaton  and  Stanger,  held  in  chief,  and  in  entering  the  same  without 
licence.  Cumberland. 


March  11.        Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
JJnaresborough.the  lands  late  of  Laurence  de  Reppes,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Robert  Belet,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


1323.  Membrane  8 — cont. 

March  9.  Commission  to  Stephen  Clement  and  Richard  Bat  to  collect  during 
Knaresborough. pleasure  in  the  port  of  Wynchelse  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the 
seacoast  to  Chichester  the  new  customs  granted  by  alien  merchants 
for  certain  liberties  granted  to  them  by  Edward  I  [see  above,  p.  180], 
so  that  they  answer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom  at  the  Exchequer, 
and  to  substitute  others  in  their  place,  for  whom  they  will  answer, 
if  they  cannot  attend  thereto. 

Afterwards  on  7  April  following  Richard  Bat  and  Stephen  de  Padyham 
were  appointed  hereto. 

March  9.  Commission  to  Stephen  Clement  and  Richard  Bat  to  collect  during 
Knaresborough. pleasure  in  the  same  port  and  places  the  custom  of  2s.  on  each  tun  of 
imported  wine  granted  by  the  merchant  vintners  of  the  said  duchy 
(sic)  beyond  the  ancient  custom  for  certain  liberties  granted  to  them 
by  a  charter  of  Edward  I  [see  above,  p.  181],  so  that  they  answer  etc. 
as  above  [last  entry]. 

March  10.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Thomas  de 
Knaresborough.Poiiyngejs]  and  Agnes  his  wife,  daughter  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  Joan 
late  the  wife  of  Richard  de  Rokesley,  tenant  in  chief,  the  following 
lands  of  the  lands  late  of  Joan,  which  the  king  has  assigned  to  them 
as  their  pourparty,  to  wit,  a  moiety  of  the  capital  messuage  of  the 
manor  of  Terlyngham,  co.  Kent,  extended  at  2s.  a  year,  so  that  the 
hall  there  be  retained  in  the  king's  hand  as  the  chief  (capitals)  of  that 
inheritance  for  the  pourparty  of  Walter  de  Pateshull  and  Joan  his  wife, 
eldest  daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  Joan  wife  of  Richard,  until  further 
order,  a  moiety  of  the  arable  land  in  the  manor,  extended  at  61.  13s.  4d., 
a  moiety  of  the  pasture  in  the  manor,  extended  at  66s.  8d.,  a  moiety 
of  a  wood  in  the  manor,  extended  at  20s.,  a  windmill  in  the  manor, 
extended  at  20s.,  a  moiety  of  a  yearly  farm  of  42  quarters  of  oats 
there,  extended  at  70s.,  a  moiety  of  a  yearly  farm  of  95 \  hens  there, 
extended  at  15s.  lid.,  a  moiety  of  a  yearly  rent  of  305  eggs,  extended 
at.l2£fZ.,  a  moiety  of  the  pleas  and  perquisites  of  the  court  there, 
extended  at  20s.  a  year,  and  16Z.  20|d.  of  yearly  rent  by  the  hands 
of  the  free  tenants  there,  and  a  fourth  part  of  the  hundred  of  Folkestan, 
co.  Kent,  which  fourth  part  is  extended  at  10s.,  the  manor  of  Totyngton, 
co.  Kent,  extended  at  10?.  2s.  O^d.,  the  manor  of  Horsmundden,  co. 
Kent,  extended  at  107s.  9Jd.,  and  24  acres  of  land  in  two  parts  of  the 
manor  of  Westwode,  co.  Kent,  extended  at  24s.  a  year  ;  the  said 
Thomas  having  done  homage. 

March  12.        Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

Knaresborough.  and  keep  safely  until  further  order  the  lands  of  Nicholas  de  la  Beche, 

so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.         By  K. 

Feb.  14.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  John  de  Donecastre  as  steward 
Pontefraot.  of  all  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey,  in  the  county 
of  York,  which  have  come  to  the  king's  hands  as  an  escheat  by  the 
forfeiture  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  who  had  the  said  lands  of  the 
gift  and  feoffment  of  the  said  earl  of  Surrey  ;  and  of  the  manors  of 
Waddeworth,  Burgh  Waleys,  Walton,  Calthorn  and  Great  Halghton, 
co.  York,  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 
at  the  Exchequer,  receiving  for  his  yearly  fee  20  marks  from  the  issues 
of  the  said  lands,  and  hay  and  litter  for  four  horses,  and  sufficient 
fuel  in  the  said  manors,  when  he  come  thereto.  By  p.s. 

16  EDWARD  II.  201 

1323.  Membrane  8 — cont. 

March  8.  Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  call  before 
Knaresborough.them  Richard  Bat,  if  he  has  undertaken  to  render  account  at  the 
Exchequer  for  himself  and  Stephen  Athelard  as  collectors  of  the  new 
customs  on  certain  merchandise  and  of  the  new  custom  of  2s.  on 
each  tun  of  wine  granted  by  the  merchant  vintners  of  the  duchy  of 
Aquitaine,  to  which  office  they  were  appointed  by  letters  patent 
dated  20  July  last,  and  to  receive  the  said  Richard  to  render  account  in 
lieu  of  Stephen,  provided  that  answer  be  fully  made  for  the  issues 
of  the  said  customs  ;  Stephen  being  unable  to  come  to  the  Exchequer 
or  attend  to  the  rendering  of  his  account  because  he  is  attending  to 
divers  business  of  the  king  at  the  king's  order,  and  Richard  asserting 
that  he  will  render  account  for  both. 

March  16.        Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Knaresborough.the  lands  late  of  Ellis  Martel  of  Canewyk,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  7.  Commitment  to  the  king's  yeoman,  John  de  Rithre,  of  the  keeping 
Eckington.  of  the  manors  of  Rithre  and  Skarthecroft,  late  of  Robert  de  Rithre, 
his  brother,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the 
minority  of  Robert's  heir,  to  hold  from  the  term  of  three  years  not  yet 
past  for  which  Thomas  Deyvill  and  Adam  de  Hoperton  have  demised 
the  same  at  farm  in  the  king's  name,  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir, 
rendering  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  as  much  as  those  who  hold  the 
same  at  farm  render  therefor.  By  p.s. 


March  23.        Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the   king's 
Leicester,     hand  the  lands  late  of  Hugh  de  Lukcombe,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

March  16.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Knaresborough.and  keep  safely  until  further  order  the  lands  which  he  finds  to  have 
been  alienated  by  Master  John  de  Everesden,  late  dean  of  the  free 
chapel  of  Wolverhampton,  while  he  was  dean,  of  the  demesnes  of 
the  deanery,  the  king  having  been  given  to  understand  that  he 
alienated  certain  lands  of  the  said  deanery,  held  in  chief,  without 
licence,  to  the  prejudice  of  the  king,  and  the  peril  of  disherison  of 
the  deanery,  whereat  the  king  is  much  disturbed.  By  K. 


March  16.  Commission  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  make  inquisition  in  the  counties 
Knaresborough.of  Cumberland  and  Westmoreland  what  lands,  horses,  oxen,  cows, 
sheep  and  other  animals,  corn,  jewels  or  other  goods  and  chattels 
Master  Michael  de  Harcla,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  had  in  those 
counties  on  the  day  on  which  he  broke  out  in  rebellion  against  the 
king,  and  into  whose  hands  they  have  come  and  now  are,  and  what 
lands  he  held  in  fee  and  what  for  life,  and  for  what  term  and  of  whose 
demise  and  in  what  manner,  and  to  take  all  the  aforesaid  into  the 
the  king's  hand  and  to  depute  certain  keepers  to  keep  the  same  to  the 
king's  use,  and  to  enquire  what  debts  and  what  fees  are  due  to  Michael 
in  those  counties  and  by  whom  and  which  of  those  fees  were  granted 
for  life  and  for  what  cause,  and  which  were  otherwise  granted  to  him 
and  by  whom,  and  to  certify  the  king  of  the  premises  ;  the  king  having 
ordered  the  sheriffs  of  those  counties  to  assist  him  and  to  summon 
before  him  on  days  and  at  places  fixed  by  him  good  and  lawful  men  to 
make  such  inquisition.  By  K. 



1323.  Membrane  7 — cont. 

The  like  to  Ralph  de  Normanvill,  John  de  Burton  and  Geoffrey  de 
Fyngal,  in  the  county  of  York. 

April  4.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Roger  le  Frenssh  of  Little  Sutton,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

April  5.  Grant  to  William  la  Zouche  of  Haryngworth,  for  a  fine  of  1,000 
Westminster,  marks  made  by  him,  whereof  he  will  pay  500  marks  forthwith  and 
500  marks  on  the  quinzaine  of  Michaelmas  next  at  the  Exchequer,  of 
the  marriage  of  John,  son  and  heir  of  Robert  de  Wylughby,  tenant 
in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward  ;  and  if  the  said  heir  die  before 
his  marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  William  shall  have  the  marriage  of 
the  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir.  By  K. 

April  5.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Ralph  de  Wedon  of  the  counties 

Westminster,  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer 

as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  Ingelram  Berenger  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the 

rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in 

his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them.     By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 


April  4.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 

Westminster,  hand  and  keep  safely  until  further  order  the  lands  of  Thomas  Rosselyn, 

John  Wyard  and  Robert  de  Harle,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 

thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

April  5.  Order  to  the  same,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition  made  by  him  shewing 
Westminster,  that  Agnes  de  Bassinghburn  held  on  the  day  of  her  death  53  acres  of 
land,  40  acres  of  wood  and  9s.  4Jrf.  of  rent  in  Hodesdone  by  knight 
service  of  the  lands  late  of  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford,  in 
the  king's  hand,  and  held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown 
whereby  the  wardship  of  other  her  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to 
the  king,  to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  premises  in  Hodesdone  until 
further  order,  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  other  lands  held  by 
her  of  other  lords,  delivering  any  issues  thereof  received  by  him  to 
those  whose  they  are. 

April  7. 

The  Tower, 


Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  to  meddle  no  further  with  the 
manor  of  Great  Peryndon,  saving  to  the  king  the  goods  and  chattels 
late  of  Robert  atte  Lee  found  therein  by  him,  as  well  the  corn 
sown  there  by  him  as  other  things  whatsoever,  delivering  any 
issues  thereof  received  by  him  from  the  time  of  the  taking  thereof 
into  the  king's  hand  to  those  whose  they  are  ;  the  king  having 
learned  by  an  inquisition  made  by  John  de  Bousser  and  John  de  Lyston 
in  the  sheriff's  presence  and  returned  to  Chancery  that  the  abbot 
of  Bilegh  by  a  writing  indented  shown  before  the  king  and  council 
demised  the  said  manor  at  farm  to  the  said  Robert  from  Easter, 
14  Edward  II,  for  twelve  years,  at  the  rent  of  241.  a  year  at  Easter  and 
Michaelmas,  and  the  larid  sometime  of  Peter  de  Peryndon  for  a  term 
of  seven  years  at  the  rent  of  20s.  a  year  for  a  third  part  of  the  same 
land  at  the  same  terms,  on  condition  that  if  Robert  should  fail  to  pay 

16  EDWARD  II.  203 

1323.  Membrane  1 — cont. 

the  said  rents  in  part  or  whole,  or  if  he  should  do  any  waste  or  destruction 
in  the  manor  or  permit  the  houses  or  walls  thereof  to  fall  in  ruin  for 
lack  of  maintenance  or  repair,  or  infringe  any  other  agreement  con- 
tained in  the  said  writing,  then  the  abbot  and  his  successors  might 
seize  the  said  manor  and  land  again  and  retain  the  same  with  all 
chattels  found  therein  ;  and  that  the  abbot  never  made  any  other 
estate  thereof  to  the  said  Robert  afterwards,  and  also  that  because 
Robert  failed  in  payment  of  121.  10s.  of  the  said  farm  at  Michaelmas 
last  and  also  for  lack  of  maintenance  and  repair  of  the  houses  and 
walls  of  the  manor,  the  abbot  entered  the  said  manor  and  land  on 
Tuesday,  St.  Andrew's  the  Apostle  last,  and  that  the  sheriff  by  colour 
of  an  order  of  the  king  to  take  the  said  Robert  and  to  take  into  the 
king's  hand  his  lands,  goods  and  chattels,  took  the  said  manor  into  the 
king's  hand  in  the  first  week  of  Lent  last  as  if  it  had  then  been  in 
the  hand  of  Robert,  with  divers  goods  and  chattels  found  therein,  and 
that  the  manor  is  worth  20/.  a  year.  By  C. 

April  6.          Order  to  Ingelram  Berenger  to  deliver  to  Ralph  de  Wedon,  sheriff 

Westminster,  of  the  counties  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham,  the  lands,  goods  and 

chattels  late  of  Hugh  de  Audele  the  younger,  in  the  king's  hand  and 

in  his  keeping  when  he  was  sheriff  of  tne  said  counties,  by  indenture 

to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  the  said  Ralph  to  receive  the  same  from  him. 

April  6.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Westminster,  made  by  Richard  de  Rodeneye,  late  escheator,  shewing  that  Walter 
de  Langeton,  bishop  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield,  held  on  the  day  of  his 
death  the  manor  of  Offord  Daneys  in  chief  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture 
of  Robert  de  Brus  by  knight  service,  and  bound  the  said  manor,  into 
whosesoever  hands  it  should  come,  to  Peter  le  Mareschal  and  Isabel 
his  wife,  sometime  lady  of  the  manor,  for  her  life,  in  24L  to  be  paid  at 
Michaelmas  and  Easter  by  equal  portions,  and  also  charged  the  manor 
with  two  robes  for  Peter  or  20s.  for  each  robe  and  a  robe  for  Isabel  or 
40s.  therefor  to  be  paid  at  the  said  terms  to  them,  which  manor  is  in 
the  king's  hand  by  the  bishop's  death  and  on  account  of  the  said  bond 
and  charge,  made  without  licence, — to  pay  to  the  said  Peter  and  Isabel 
the  said  24J.  and  cause  them  to  have  the  said  robes  or  the  value 
thereof  from  the  said  manor  from  the  time  when  the  same  came  to 
the  king's  hands  and  henceforth,  so  long  as  it  remain  in  the  king's 
hand,  at  the  said  terms  yearly,  whereof  also  the  king  will  cause  him  to 
have  allowance  in  his  account ;  the  king,  for  a  fine  made  by  Peter, 
having  pardoned  the  trespass  done  in  this  behalf.  By  fine  of  20s. 

April  8.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
The  Tower,    the  lands  late  of  Robert  de  Percy,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

April  14.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
The  Tower,    hand   the   lands   late    of   Nicholas    Dengayne,   deceased,    tenant    in 
London.       chief 

April  16.        Commitment  to  Hugh  Pointz  of  the  keeping  of  the  manors  of 

The  Tower,    Cheuton,  co.  Somerset,  and  Hynton  and  Mayne,  co.  Dorset,  late  of 

London.      peter  son  of  Reynold,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason 

of  the  minority  of  the  heir,  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir, 


1323.  Membrane  7 — cont. 

rendering  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  the  true  value  thereof  according 
to  an  extent  to  be  made  thereof.  By  p.s.  [6494.] 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to 

April  6.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  if  the  abbot  of  Cluny  will 
The  Tower,  find  mainprise  to  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  issues  of  the  manors 
London.  o{  Offord  Cluny,  co.  Huntingdon,  and  Thikesorez,  co.  Rutland,  until 
the  time  when  the  king  shall  have  taken  the  abbot's  fealty,  if  those 
issues  ought  to  pertain  to  the  king,  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manors 
until  the  octave  of  Trinity  next,  unless  the  king  order  otherwise  mean- 
while ;  the  king  having  been  shewn  on  the  abbot's  behalf  that  though 
the  said  manors  [were  granted]  to  the  house  of  Cluny  in  frank  almoin 
by  the  king's  progenitors,  kings  of  England,  and  have  remained  in  the 
keeping  of  that  house  in  times  of  voidance  from  the  time  of  the  grant 
of  the  same,  without  being  taken  into  the  hands  of  the  said  progenitors 
or  the  king  by  name  of  keeping,  the  escheator  none  the  less  took  them 
into  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  voidance  of  the  abbey  of  Cluny 
and  detains  and  proposes  to  detain  them  until  the  abbot  shall  do 
fealty  and  the  king  shall  order  the  temporalities  of  that  house  to  be 
delivered  to  him',  to  the  abbot's  loss  and  the  peril  of  disherison  of  his 
house,  whereupon  petition  has  been  made  to  the  king  on  the  abbot's 
behalf,  and  it  has  been  shewn  that  the  premises  can  be  proved  and 
verified  by  inspection  of  the  rolls  of  Chancery  and  the  Exchequer, 
which  cannot  be  examined  at  present. 

April  18.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Westminster.  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Peter  de  Genevill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

April  20.  Order  to  the  treasurer  arid  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  cause  enrol- 
Langley.  ment  to  be  made  pursuant  to  the  king's  grant  to  Richard  de  Penebrugge 
that  of  the  100  marks  arrears  of  the  fine  made  by  him  with  the  king 
for  having  adhered  to  certain  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels,  he  pay 
a  moiety  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  next  and  a  moiety  at 
Christmas  following.  By  p.s.  [6504.] 


April  7.          Commission  to  John  de  Thornhege  and  William  de  Whetacre  to 

Westminster,  collect  during  pleasure  in  the  port  of  Lenne  and  in  every  place  thence 

by  the  seacoast  to  Yarmouth  the  custom  of  2s.  on  each  tun  of  imported 

wine  granted  by  alien  merchants  beyond  the  ancient  customs  for 

certain  liberties  granted  to  them  by  a  charter  of  Edward  I  [see  Fcedera, 

II,  ii,  p.  747],  so  that  they  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  money 

arising  therefrom  ;    and  to  substitute  others  in  their  place,  for  whom 

they  will  answer,  where  they  cannot  attend  thereto.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 

William  de  Flete  and  James  Beauflour,  in  the  port  of  London 

and  in  every  place  on  either  side  the  Thames  to  Gravesend. 
John  de  Akele  and  Robert  de  Drayton,  in  the  port  of  Great 
Yarmouth  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Ipswich. 
John  Herneys  and  Henry  le  Rotoun,  in  the  port  of  Ipswich  and 
in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  the  mouth  of  the 

16  EDWARD  II.  205 

1323.  Membrane  6 — conl. 

Simon  Potyn  and  John  le  Engleys,  in  the  port  of  Rochester  and  in 

every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Sandwich. 
William  Virgil  and  Ralph  Goldsmith,  in  the  port  of  Sandwich  and 

in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Wynchelse. 
Richard  Bat  and  Stephen  de  Padiham,  in  the  port  of  Wynchelse 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Chiches'ter. 
Thomas  Fardeyn  and  Henry  Lovekoc,  in  the  port  of  Exeter  and 

in  every  port  in  Devon. 
Gilbert  le  Clerk  of  Chester  and  Richard  de  Whetelay,  in  the  ports 

of  Chester,  Done  well,  Coneweye,  Beaumarrays  and  Caernarvan. 
John  Duraunt  and  William  de  Watergat,  in  the  port  of  Chichester 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Southampton. 
William    de    Chelhowe    and    Hugh    Sampson,    in    the    port    of 

Southampton  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to 

Boniface  Scarle  and  Richard  Longynogh,  in  the  ports  of  Weymuth 

and  Melcoumbe  and  any  ports  in  Somerset  and  Dorset. 
John  de  Gasorik  and  William  de  Gascrik,  in  the  ports  of  Barton 

upon  Humber  and  Grymesby  and  in  every  place  thence  to  the 

town  of  Boston. 

Nicholas  de  Karliolo  and  Thomas  de  Karliolo,  in  the  port  of  New- 
castle upon  Tyne  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to 

Berwick  upon  Tweed. 
William   de  Milburn  and  Richard  de  Hellaund,   in  every   port 

in  Cornwall. 
John  de  Romeneye  and  William  de  Derby,  in  the  ports  of  Bristol 

and  Cheppestowe. 

Geoffrey  de  Sutton  and  Simon  Gilden,  in  the  port  of  Boston. 
Robert  Wawayn  and  Henry  de  Roston,  in  the  ports  of  Scardeburgh 

and  Whiteby. 
Nicholas  de  Karliolo  and  Thomas  de  Karliolo,  in  the  ports  of 

Hertelpol  and  Yarum. 
Richard   de   Gretford   and   John   de   Barton,   in   the   portfs]   of 

Kyngeston  upon  Hull  and  Ravenesere. 

April  18.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Westminster,  hand  the  lands  late  of  Ralph  Spray,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

April  22.         Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop  and  Stafford  to  arrest  and  keep  safely 

Lang  ley.      all  the  goods  and  chattels  late  of  Peter  Giffard,  keeper  of  the  castle  of 

Chirk,  in  the  king's  hand  of  late,  who  was  held  to  the  king  in  divers 

debts  on  the  day  of  his  death,  until  security  be  found  for  answering 

and  satisfying  the  king  of  the  said  debts,  or  until  further  order. 

The  like  to  Edmund,  earl  of  Arundel,  lord  of  Chirk  in  Wales,  or  his 
lieutenant  there,  within  his  lordship. 
The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln. 
The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Hereford. 

April  18.         Grant  to  the  king's  servant,  Stephen  de  Abyndon,  the  king's  butler, 
Westminster,  for  1,040?.  which  he  will  pay  at  the  Exchequer,  of  all  issues  of  the 
custom  of  2s.  on  each  tun  of  wine  imported  by  alien  merchants  from 
Whitsunday  next  for  a  year  by  the  hands  of  the  collectors. 

By  p.s.  [6501.] 



1323.  Membrane  6 — cont. 

April  26.         Commitment  during  pleasure   to   Robert  de  Welle,   knight,   and 
Finedon.      Richard  de  Ayremynne,  clerk,  of  the  guardianship  of  the  bishopric  of 
Winchester,  void  and  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  they  answer  for 
the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  R.  de  Baldok. 
Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to 
them,  with  the  issues  thereof  from  the  time  of  the  taking  of  the  same 
into  the  king's  hand,  so  that  they  can  answer  therefor  to  the  full. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  same  Robert. 

April  27.  Order  to  Robert  de  Velle  and  Richard  de  Ayremynne,  guardians  of 
Finedon.  the  bishopric  of  Winchester,  void  and  in  the  king's  hand,  to  arrest 
and  keep  safely  all  goods  and  chattels  late  of  Rigaud,  bishop  of  that 
place,  who  was  held  to  the  king  in  divers  debts  of  the  time  of  his 
predecessors  there  and  of  himself  on  the  day  of  his  death,  in  the  manors 
and  lands  of  the  bishopric  in  their  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment, 
until  the  king  be  satisfied  of  the  said  debts  or  until  further  order. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Aulton  of  the  keeping  of 
the  castle  of  Odyham,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the 
Exchequer.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

Order  to  John  de  Sancto  Johanne  of  Basyng  to  deliver  the  same  to 
him  with  all  things  therein  and  with  the  corn,  horses,  cattle  (affris), 
and  other  animals  and  stock  there,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be 
made  thereon  between  them. 

April  28.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Oakham.      hand  the  lands  late  of  William  de  Lasham,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

April  29.         Commitment   during   pleasure   to   the   king's   yeoman,   Robert  de 

Croxton.      Faunteston,  of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  and  forest  of  Feckenham, 

to  hold  as  Malcolm  Musard  held  the  same  before  these  times  of  the 

king's  commitment.  By  p.s.  [6516.] 

Order  to  the  said  Malcolm  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

May  4.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 

York.        hand  the  lands  late  of  Henry  de  Boys,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  3.  Grant  to  the  king's  clerk,  Master  Robert  de  Baldok,  archdeacon 

York.  of  Middlesex,  for  a  fine  of  200  marks  made  by  him,  whereof  he  will 
pay  at  the  Exchequer  50  marks  at  Michaelmas  next,  Easter  following, 
Michaelmas  following  and  Easter  following,  of  the  following  wardships 
and  marriages,  to  wit,  the  wardship  of  the  lands  late  of  Peter  Prilly, 
tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Peter 
son  of  Hugh  Prylly,  grandson  and  heir  of  the  said  Peter,  until  the 
full  age  of  the  heir,  with  his  marriage,  and  the  wardship  of  the  lands 
late  of  John  de  Chaunceux,  tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason 
of  the  minority  of  Hugh,  son  and  heir  of  the  said  John,  until  the  full 
age  of  the  heir,  with  his  marriage,  and  if  the  said  Hugh  die  before  his 
coming  of  age  and  marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  the  said  Robert 
shall  have  the  said  wardship  until  the  full  age  of  the  said  heir  of  Hugh, 
with  his  marriage,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir,  until  the  time  when  Hugh 

16  EDWARD  II.  207 

1323.  Membrane  6 — cont. 

would  have  come  of  age,  with  the  marriage  of  his  nearest  heir  if  he 
be  a  minor,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir  (sic)  ;  saving  to  the  king  knights' 
fees  and  advowsons  of  churches  of  the  said  inheritances  during  the 
said  wardships.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  said  lands  to 
him,  and  the  bodies  of  the  said  heirs  to  be  married. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below  on  the  schedule  pendant. 

May  4.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

York.  the  lands  late  of  Nicholas  son  of  Adam  le  Taillour  of  Kynston,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  William  de  Burgh  of  Middelton  in  Lonesdale, 
deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  5.  Order  to  Robert  de  Hungerford,  keeper  of  certain  lands  in  the  county 

York.  of  Wilts  in  the  king's  hand,  to  deliver  to  Anastasia,  late  the  wife  of 
Nicholas  de  Kyngeston,  who  died  in  the  king's  peace,  certain  lands  in 
Westharnham,  extended  at  61.  6s.  lO^fZ.  a  year,  to  hold  in  dower  of  the 
lands  late  of  her  said  husband,  which  have  come  to  the  king's  hands 
as  an  escheat  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  John  de  Kyngeston,  brother 
and  heir  of  the  said  Nicholas  ;  so  that  she  render  yearly  at  the 
Exchequer  at  Michaelmas  2s.  8d.  by  which  her  dower  is  exceeded,  and 
so  that  after  her  death  the  said  lands  remain  to  the  king  as  his  escheat. 

MEMBRANE  5. — Schedule. 

May  3.  Grant  to  the  king's  clerk,   Master  Robert  de   Baldok,  archdeacon 

York.  of  Middlesex,  for  a  fine  of  200  marks  made  by  him,  whereof  he  will 
pay  at  the  Exchequer  50  marks  at  Michaelmas  next,  Easter  following, 
Michaelmas  following  and  Easter  following,  of  the  following  wardships 
and  marriages,  to  wit,  the  wardship  of  the  lands  late  of  Peter  Prilly, 
tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Peter 
son  of  Hugh  Prilly,  grandson  and  heir  of  the  said  Peter,  until  the 
full  age  of  the  heir,  with  his  marriage,  and  the  wardship  of  the  lands 
late  of  John  Chaunceux,  tenant  in  chief,  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason 
of  the  minority  of  Hugh,  son  and  heir  of  the  said  John,  until  the  full 
age  of  the  heir,  with  his  marriage  ;  and  if  the  said  Hugh  die  before 
his  coming  of  age  and  marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  the  said 
Robert  shall  have  the  said  wardship  until  the  full  age  of  the  said 
heir  of  Hugh,  with  his  marriage,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir,  until  the 
time  when  Hugh  would  have  come  of  age  ;  saving  to  the  king  knights' 
fees  and  advowsons  of  churches  of  the  said  inheritances  during  the 
said  wardships.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  him  the  said 
lands  and  the  bodies  of  the  said  heirs  to  be  married. 


May  7.  Commission    to    Hugh    de   Meignill,    Robert   de   Touk,    Ralph    de 

York.         Mountjoye  and  Edmund  de  Assheby  to  assess  all  the  king's  lands  in 

the  counties  of  Stafford  and  Derby  in  the  king's  hand,  as  well  the 

king's  demesnes  and  assarts  as  others,  and  to  demise  the  same  at 

farm  at  the  king's  will  to  certain  tenants  willing  to  receive  them,  to 



1323.  Membrane  5 — cont. 

hold  as  the  commissioners  shall  deem  to  the  king's  greatest  advantage  ; 
and  order  to  them  to  accomplish  the  premises  and  to  certify  the 
treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  how  much  land  or  assart  they 
demise  to  each  and  where  and  for  what  yearly  rent  and  in  what  manner  ; 
the  king  having  ordered  all  bailiffs  and  ministers  of  the  said  counties 
to  be  intendant  to  them  herein.  By  C.  Duplicated. 

May  5.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

York.         the  lands  late  of  John  de  Sancto  Johanne  of  Lagehame,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

May  9.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 

Haddlesey.     hand  the  lands  late  of  William  Galun,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  6.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

York.         the  lands  late  of  William  atte  Lee,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  10.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Surrey,  if  Robert  Fitz  Payn  will  find  security 
Cowiek.  for  which  the  sheriff  will  answer,  for  standing  to  right  before  the  king 
touching  his  adherence  to  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere  and  certain 
others  opposing  the  king  of  late,  when  the  king  wish  to  speak  against 
him,  and  for  answering  to  the  king  for  the  issues  of  the  manor  of 
Wisshele,  co.  Surrey,  if  they  ought  to  pertain  to  the  king,  to  deliver 
to  him  the  said  manor,  if  it  be  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  his 
said  adherence  and  for  no  other  cause  ;  the  king,  wishing  of  late  to 
be  certified  of  the  cause  of  the  taking  of  Robert's  said  manor  into  the 
king's  hand  by  the  sheriff,  having  ordered  the  sheriff  to  certify  him 
thereon,  and  the  sheriff  having  returned  that  the  manor  was  taken 
into  the  king's  hand  by  Nicholas  Gentil,  late  sheriff,  because  he  found 
by  an  inquisition  that  Robert  was  an  adherent  of  the  said  Bartholomew 
and  others,  and  for  no  other  cause,  and  that  Nicholas  delivered  the 
manor  to  him  by  indenture  made  thereon  between  them.  By  C. 

May  12.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Cowick.       the  lands  late  of  John  son  of  Ingelram  de  Luda,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

May  11.          Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  Robert  Power,  as 
Cowick.       chamberlain  of  North  Wales,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 
at  the  Exchequer,  receiving  yearly  the  fee  which  others  have  received 
in  that  office  hitherto. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  W.  bishop  of  Exeter,  treasurer. 

Order  to  Adam  de  Wetenhale,  late  chamberlain,  or  his  lieutenant, 

to  deliver  to  him  the  keys,  rolls  and  all  other  things  touching  that 

office,  with  the  money  and  other  things  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture 

to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

May  11.  Ratification  of  the  demise  at  farm  which  Richard  de  Whatton  and 
Cowick.  John  de  Wilughby,  whom  the  king  appointed  to  demise  at  farm  the 
manors  and  lands  late  of  certain  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in  the 
counties  of  Northampton  and  Rutland,  in  the  king's  hand  by  their 
forfeiture,  from  Michaelmas  last  for  three  years,  have  made  by  their 
writing  indented  to  Scholastica  de  Melsa  of  the  manor  of  Flore,  in  the 

16  EDWARD  II. 



May  12. 
Co  wick. 

May  16. 

Membrane  5 — cont. 

king's  hand  for  the  said  cause,  from  Michaelmas  last  for  three  years, 
for  41  marks  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas  by 
equal  portions. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  de  Tyryngham  of  the  counties 
of  Bedford  and  Buckingham,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof 
at  the  Exchequer.  By  K.  on  the  information  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  Ralph  de  Wedon  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  his 
keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  de  Whatton  of  the  keeping 
of  all  the  castles  and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other 
the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  and  others  in  the  counties  of  Nottingham, 
Northampton  and  Rutland,  and  of  the  fees  of  Lancaster  and  Ferrers 
in  the  said  counties  and  the  counties  of  Lincoln  and  Nottingham,  and  the 
rere-county  (retro  vicecomitatus)  of  Lincoln,  in  the  king's  hand  by  the 
forfeiture  of  the  said  enemies  and  for  other  causes,  with  all  goods  and 
chattels  therein  ;  so  that  in  the  keeping  of  the  said  castles  and  lands  he 
may  depute  others  under  him ,  for  whom  he  will  answer  if  they  are  not 
sufficient,  and  so  that  answer  be  made  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  issues 
thereof  by  a  certain  receiver  to  be  deputed  hereto  by  the  king  and  to 
be  charged  therewith  by  the  said  Roger.  By  C. 

Order  to  Richard  de  Whatton  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them,  the  king  wishing  Richard  to  be 
discharged  therefrom.  By  C. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Robert  de  Harnhull,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Thomas  David  of  Sapiston,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Adam  de  Amundevill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  25.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
3]  opthorpe.  hand  the  lands  late  of  Isabel  de  Lauceles,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  20. 

Fay  25. 

Commitment  to  Hugh  Poyntz  of  the  keeping  of  two  parts  of  the 
manor  of  Cheuton,  co.  Somerset,  late  of  Peter  son  of  Reynold,  tenant 
in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  his  heir, 
and  extended  at  IQl.  3s.  4£d.  a  year,  to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof 
from  Easter  last  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir,  rendering  yearly  at 
the  Exchequer  35  marks,  to  wit,  the  said  extent  and  10  marks,  9s.  llfrf. 
of  increment,  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  and  Easter.  By  p.s.  Wilts. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him 
with  the  said  issues.  By  p.s. 

May  24.          Order   to    the    escheator    beyond   Trent    to    take   into  the  king's 

York.        hand  the  lands  which  Alice  late  the  wife  of  Roger  de  Evenyngham, 

deceased,  held  for  life  of  the  inheritance  of  John,  son  and  heir  of 



1323.  Meiribrane  5 — conl. 

Philip  de  Evenyngham,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  and  to  make 
inquisition  thereon. 

May  26.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Bishopthorpe.  John  de  Cantilupo,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  26.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Bishopthorpe.  Guy  Ferre,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  28.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Bishopthorpe.  John  Lestraunge,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Isabel  late  the  wife  of  Hugh  Bardolf,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  30.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Bishopthorpe.  Thomas  son  of  Thomas  de  Hauvill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  27.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Bishopthorpe.  James  de  Oxton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Hugh  de  Luccumbe,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  1.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Richard  du 

Bishopthorpe.  Boys,  son  and  heir  of  Henry  du  Boys,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late 

of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ;    saving  to  Alice  late  the 

wife  of  Henry  her  dower.  By  p.s.  [6539.]  York. 

June  1.          Commitment  during   pleasure   to   Henry  de  Faucumberge  of  the 
Bishopthorpe.  counties  of  Nottingham  and  Derby,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer 
as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 
Order  to  Robert  Ingram  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the  rolls, 
writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  his 
keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

June  3.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Henry  de  Barynton  of  the  keeping 

Bishopthorpe.  of  the  castle  of  Somerton,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at 

the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  Henry  de  Bello  Monte  or  his  lieutenant  to  deliver  the  same 

to  him  with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between 



May  25.  Order  to  the  executors  of  the  will  of  Nicholas  Engayne,  late  sheriff 
Bishopthorpe.  of  Essex,  to  deliver  to  Thomas  Gubion,  now  sheriff,  the  hundred  of 
Angre,  which  is  of  the  inheritance  of  John  son  of  John  de  Ryvers, 
and  which  was  taken  by  Nicholas  into  the  king's  hand  because  the 
said  John  adhered  of  late  to  certain  the  king's  enemies,  and  is  still 
in  their  keeping ;  together  with  the  issues  received  by  them  from 

16  EDWARD  II.  211 

1323.  Membrane  4 — cont. 

Michaelmas  last,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them  and 
Thomas,  so  that  he  may  answer  therefor  at  the  Exchequer. 
Order  to  the  said  sheriff  to  receive  the  same  from  them. 

June  5.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
ishopthorpe.  the  lands  late  of  Robert  de  Reydon,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  5.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
ishopthorpe.  made  by  him  shewing  that  Richard  le  Botiller  held  on  the  day  of 
his  death  certain  lands  in  Great  Merton  of  Nicholas,  son  and  heir  of 
William  le  Botiller  of  Routheclif,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by  knight 
service,  and  that  he  held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown 
whereby  the  wardship  of  other  his  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to 
the  king,  but  held  certain  other  lands  in  the  same  town  of  the  heir  of 
Richard  Russel  by  the  service  of  an  arrow  and  a  pair  of  white  gloves 
a  year  at  St.  John  the  Baptist,  and  certain  lands  in  Steynnolf  of  the 
heir  of  William  le  Banastre,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by  the  service  of 
a  barbed  arrow  yearly,  and  certain  lands  in  Norhtcrosse  of  the  abbot  of 
Cokersand  by  the  service  of  I2d.  a  year,  and  certain  lands  in  Hamelton 
of  Richard  de  Hakunneshowe  in  socage,  and  certain  lands  in  Weryngton 
of  William  le  Botiller  without  doing  any  service  therefor,  and  that 
Richard  his  son  is  his  nearest  heir  and  of  the  age  of  four  years, — to 
retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  lands  in  Great  Merton  held  of  the 
heir  of  William  le  Botiller  until  further  order,  and  to  deliver  the  other 
said  lands  with  the  issues  thereof  to  Cecily  late  the  wife  of  the  said 
Richard,  mother  of  the  said  heir,  as  nearest  of  kin  to  the  heir,  for  the 
use  of  the  same  heir. 

June  6.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Uhopthorpe.  made  by  him  shewing  that  Roger  le  Frenssh  of  Little  Button  held  on 
the  day  of  his  death  a  messuage  and  30  acres  of  land  in  Little  Sutton 
in  chief  by  the  service  of  rendering  2s.  6d.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer 
by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff  of  Salop  and  by  doing  suit  at  the  hundred 
of  Munselowe  every  three  weeks,  and  that  William  le  Frenssh  of  Little 
Sutton  is  his  son  and  nearest  heir  and  of  full  age,  to  deliver  to  William 
the  said  messuage  and  land  and  all  other  lands  late  of  his  said  father, 
he  having  done  fealty.  Salop. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Robert  de  Reydon,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  5.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
ishopthorpe.  hand  the  lands  late  of  Richard  de  Cramlyngton,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

June  6.  Commission  to  James  Beauflour,  Peter  de  Lescusere  and  William  de 
isl  opthorpe.  Flete  to  collect  during  pleasure  in  the  port  of  London  and  in  every 
place  on  either  side  the  Thames  to  Gravesende  the  custom  of  2s.  on 
each  tun  of  imported  wine  granted  by  alien  merchants  beyond  the 
ancient  customs  for  certain  liberties  granted  to  them  by  a  charter  of 
Edward  I  [see  Fcedera,  II,  ii,  p.  747],  so  that  they  answer  at  the 
Exchequer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom  ;  and  to  substitute  others 


1323.  Membrane  5 — cont. 

Philip  de  Evenyngham,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  and  to  make 
inquisition  thereon. 

May  26.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Bishopthorpe.  John  de  Cantilupo,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  26.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Bishopthorpe.  Guy  Ferre,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  28.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Bishopthorpe.  John  Lestraunge,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Isabel  late  the  wife  of  Hugh  Bardolf,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  30.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Bishopthorpe.  Thomas  son  of  Thomas  de  Hauvill,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  27.          Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Bishopthorpe.  James  de  Oxton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Hugh  de  Luccumbe,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  1.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Richard  du 

Bishopthorpe.  Boys,  son  and  heir  of  Henry  du  Boys,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late 

of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ;    saving  to  Alice  late  the 

wife  of  Henry  her  dower.  By  p.s.  [6539.]  York. 

June  1.          Commitment  during   pleasure   to   Henry  de  Faucumberge  of  the 
Bishopthorpe.  counties  of  Nottingham  and  Derby,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer 
as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 
Order  to  Robert  Ingram  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the  rolls, 
writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  his 
keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

June  3.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Henry  de  Barynton  of  the  keeping 

Bishopthorpe.  of  the  castle  of  Somerton,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at 

the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  Henry  de  Bello  Monte  or  his  lieutenant  to  deliver  the  same 

to  him  with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between 



May  25.  Order  to  the  executors  of  the  will  of  Nicholas  Engayne,  late  sheriff 
Bishopthorpe.  of  Essex,  to  deliver  to  Thomas  Gubion,  now  sheriff,  the  hundred  of 
Angre,  which  is  of  the  inheritance  of  John  son  of  John  de  Ryvers, 
and  which  was  taken  by  Nicholas  into  the  king's  hand  because  the 
said  John  adhered  of  late  to  certain  the  king's  enemies,  and  is  still 
in  their  keeping ;  together  with  the  issues  received  by  them  from 

16  EDWARD  II.  2H 

L323.  Membrane  4 — cont, 

Michaelmas  last,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them  and 
Thomas,  so  that  he  may  answer  therefor  at  the  Exchequer. 
Order  to  the  said  sheriff  to  receive  the  same  from  them. 

une  5.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
iopthorpe.  the  lands  late  of  Robert  de  Reydon,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

une  5.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
iopthorpe.  made  by  him  shewing  that  Richard  le  Botiller  held  on  the  day  of 
his  death  certain  lands  in  Great  Merton  of  Nicholas,  son  and  heir  of 
William  le  Botiller  of  Routheclif,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by  knight 
service,  and  that  he  held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown 
whereby  the  wardship  of  other  his  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to 
the  king,  but  held  certain  other  lands  in  the  same  town  of  the  heir  of 
Richard  Russel  by  the  service  of  an  arrow  and  a  pair  of  white  gloves 
a  year  at  St.  John  the  Baptist,  and  certain  lands  in  Steynnolf  of  the 
heir  of  William  le  Banastre,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by  the  service  of 
a  barbed  arrow  yearly,  and  certain  lands  in  Norhtcrosse  of  the  abbot  of 
Cokersand  by  the  service  of  I2d.  a  year,  and  certain  lands  in  Hamelton 
of  Richard  de  Hakunneshowe  in  socage,  and  certain  lands  in  Weryngton 
of  William  le  Botiller  without  doing  any  service  therefor,  and  that 
Richard  his  son  is  his  nearest  heir  and  of  the  age  of  four  years, — to 
retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  lands  in  Great  Merton  held  of  the 
heir  of  William  le  Botiller  until  further  order,  and  to  deliver  the  other 
said  lands  with  the  issues  thereof  to  Cecily  late  the  wife  of  the  said 
Richard,  mother  of  the  said  heir,  as  nearest  of  kin  to  the  heir,  for  the 
use  of  the  same  heir. 

me  6.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
•>pthorpe.  made  by  him  shewing  that  Roger  le  Frenssh  of  Little  Sutton  held  on 
the  day  of  his  death  a  messuage  and  30  acres  of  land  in  Little  Sutton 
hi  chief  by  the  service  of  rendering  2s.  6d.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer 
by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff  of  Salop  and  by  doing  suit  at  the  hundred 
of  Munselowe  every  three  weeks,  and  that  William  le  Frenssh  of  Little 
Sutton  is  his  son  and  nearest  heir  and  of  full  age,  to  deliver  to  William 
the  said  messuage  and  land  and  all  other  lands  late  of  his  said  father, 
he  having  done  fealty.  Salop. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Robert  de  Reydon,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

u  le  5.          Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
.opthorpe.  hand  the  lands  late  of  Richard  de  Cramlyngton,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

une  6.  Commission  to  James  Beauflour,  Peter  de  Lescusere  and  William  de 
iO{  thorpe.  Flete  to  collect  during  pleasure  in  the  port  of  London  and  in  every 
place  on  either  side  the  Thames  to  Gravesende  the  custom  of  2s.  on 
each  tun  of  imported  wine  granted  by  alien  merchants  beyond  the 
ancient  customs  for  certain  liberties  granted  to  them  by  a  charter  of 
Edward  I  [see  Fcedera,  II,  ii,  p.  747],  so  that  they  answer  at  the 
Exchequer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom  ;  and  to  substitute  others 




June  10. 

June  12. 

Membrane  4 — cont. 

in  their  place,  for  whom  they  will  answer,  where  they  cannot  attend 
thereto.  B? K- 

The  like  to  the  following  :— 

John  de  Thornegge  and  William  Fraunceys,  in  the  port  of  Lenne 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Yarmouth. 
John  Perbroun  and  Robert  de  Drayton,  in  the  port  of  Yarmouth 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Ipswich. 
John  de  Whatfeld  and  Henry  Rotoun,  in  the  port  of  Ipswich 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  the  mouth  of 

the  Thames. 
Simon  Potyn  and  John  Lengleys,  in  the  port  of  Rochester  and 

in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Sandwich. 
Richard  Wybert  and  William  Virgil,  in  the  port  of  Sandwich 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Wynchelse. 
Stephen  Athelard  and  Richard  Bat,  in  the  port  of  Wynchelse 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Chichester. 
William  le  Taverner,  in  the  port  of  Chichester  and  in  every  place 

thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Southampton. 
Henry  Lym  and  Hugh  Sampson,  in  the  port  of  Southampton  and 

in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Weymuth. 
Boniface  Scarle  and  Henry  de  Thornhull,  in  the  ports  of  Weymuth 

and  Melcoumbe  and  in  any  ports  in  Somerset  and  Dorset. 
William    de    Passeford    and    Oliver   Matheu,    in    every   port   i 

JohnTAxebrigg  and  Richard  le  White,  in  the  ports  of  Bristol 

and  Cheppestowe. 

Roger  de  Gosewyk,  in  the  ports  of  Hertelpol  and  Yarum. 
Richard  de  Emeldon  and  Thomas  Daulyn,  in  the  port  of  Newcastle 

upon  Tyne  and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Berwic. 

Richard  dTla  Pole,  Richard  de  Gretford  and  John  de  Barton, 
in  the  ports  of  Kyngeston  upon  Hull  and  Ravenser. 

Richard  Bodmyn,  Henry  Lovecok  and  Thomas  Farendyn,  in  • 
port  of  Exeter  and  in  every  port  in  Devon. 

Geoffrey  de  Sutton,  James  de  Sutton  and  Reynold  de  Massingham, 
in  the  port  of  Boston. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  of  the  keeping 
of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Egremound,  late  of  Thomas  de  Multon  of 
Egremound,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  o 
the  minority  of  his  heir,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereol 
the  Exchequer.  ,    ,,  ,,  t 

By  K   on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Bald 

Order  to  Robert  de  L«yburn,  late  keeper,  or  his  lieutenant,  to  dehver 
the  same  to  him  with  all  things  in  the  castle  in  his  keeping,  by  mde 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Giles  de  Wachesham  of  the  counties 
of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  and  the  castle  of  Norwich,  so  that  he  answ 
at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  John  Haward  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  counties,  with 
the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  < 

16  EDWARD  II. 


Membrane  4 — cont. 

and  also  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by 
indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 
Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keeper. 

The  like  to  Roger  de  Somervill  of  the  county  of  York  and  the  castle 
of  York,  so  that  etc.  as  above.  By  K. 

Order  to  Simon  Warde  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  as  above. 
Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 


Commission  to  Adam  de  Helperthorp  and  William  son  of  Roger 
Carter  the  elder  to  collect  during  pleasure  in  the  ports  of  Scardburgh 
and  Whiteby  the  new  customs  granted  by  alien  merchants  beyond 
the  ancient  customs  for  certain  liberties  granted  to  them  by  Edward  I 
[see  Foedera,  II,  ii,  p.  747],  so  that  they  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for 
the  money  arising  therefrom  ;  and  to  substitute  others  in  their  place, 
for  whom  they  will  answer,  where  they  cannot  attend  thereto.  By  C, 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  John  Dengayiie, 
son  of  Nicholas  Dengayne,  and  kinsman  and  heir  of  John  Dengayne, 
tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  the  said  John,  his  uiicle,  he  having 
proved  his  age  before  the  escheator,  as  has  been  found  by  the 
proof  returned  to  Chancery,  and  having  done  homage.  By  p.s.  [6549.] 

Vacated  because  on  the  Close  Roll. 

Commission  to  John  de  Boys  of  Toleshunte  to  levy  with  John  de 
Lyston  the  scutage  of  the  army  of  Scotland  in  4  Edward  II  in  the 
county  of  Essex,  in  the  room  of  William  de  la  Doune,  whom  the 
king  appointed  with  John  de  Lyston  to  levy  the  same,  he  having  no 
leisure  therefor ;  the  king  having  ordered  John  de  Lyston  to  admit 
him  as  his  fellow.  [See  p.  10.]  By  C. 

Commission  to  William  de  Bereford,  William  de  Herle,  William  de 
Ayremynne  and  John  de  Cherleton,  mayor  of  the  merchants  of  the 
staple  of  wools  and  woolfells,  to  take  fines  from  all  merchants,  alien 
and  denizen,  who  will  make  fine  with  the  king  for  pardon  for  having 
taken  or  caused  to  be  taken  wools  and  woolfells  to  other  places  within 
the  lands  of  Brabant,  Flanders  and  Artoys,  than  to  the  place  where 
the  staple  of  wools  has  been,  contrary  to  the  tenour  of  the  king's 
charter  to  the  merchants  of  the  said  staple,  from  the  time  of  the 
making  thereof ;  and  to  certify  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the 
Exchequer  hereon.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Grant  to  Bartholomew  Payn,  for  a  fine  of  201.  which  he  will  pay 
at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  next,  of  the  keeping  of  two  parts  of 
a  moiety  of  the  hamlet  of  Chilton,  co.  Devon,  late  of  John  de  Furneux, 
tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 
Alice,  daughter  of  John  Ive,  kinswoman  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  the 
said  John  de  Furneux,  to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof  from  18  January 
last  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir,  with  her  marriage. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 



1323.  Membrane  3 — cont. 

June  16.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Robert  de  Driby, 

Haddlesey.    brother  and  heir  of  Simon  de  Driby,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of 

his  said  brother,  he  having  done  homage  ;   saving  to  Margery  late  the 

wife  of  Simon  her  dower.  By  p.s.  [6552.]  Lincoln. 

June  14.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Cowiok.      Robert  de  Reymes,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  16.  Commitment  to  William  de  Pillaund,  parson  of  the  church  of 
Cowiok.  Kyngestane,  of  the  keeping  of  two  parts  of  the  manor  of  Luccombe, 
co.  Somerset,  late  of  Hugh  de  Luccombe,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the 
king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  John,  his  son  and  heir,  to 
hold  with  the  issues  thereof  from  Easter  last  until  the  full  age  of  the 
heir,  rendering  11.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas 
and  Easter  ;  so  that  if  the  said  heir  die  before  his  coming  of  age,  his 
heir  being  a  minor,  William  shall  have  the  keeping  until  the  full 
age  of  that  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir  ;  saving  to  the  king  knights' 
fees,  advowsons  of  churches,  dowers,  reversions  and  escheats  falling 
in  during  the  said  keeping.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

June  18.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Boys  of  the  keeping 
Cowick.       of  the  king's  park  within  the  forest  of  Feckenham,  to  hold  as  Henry 
du  Park  held  the  same  of  late. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

June  20.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Robert  de 

Haddlesey.    Burton,  son  and  heir  of  Nicholas  Warde  of  Pidseburton,  tenant  in 

chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  fealty.        York. 

June  21.  Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  cause  enrol- 
Haddlesey.  ment  to  be  made  pursuant  to  the  king's  grant  to  Adam  de  Everyngham 
of  Byrkyn  of  the  county  of  York  that  of  the  400  marks  wherein  he 
made  fine  to  save  his  life  and  have  his  lands  because  he  adhered  to 
certain  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  against  the  king,  he  pay  25  marks 
at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  next  and  Easter  following  and  so 
yearly  50  marks.  By  p.s. 

June  16.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Haddlesey.    hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Boyvill  of  Knok,  deceased,  tenant  in 

June  19.         Pardon  to  Adam  de  Semer  of  20  marks  of  the  80  marks  which  he 

Haddlesey.    has   acknowledged  in  Chancery  to  be  due  to  the  king,  and  grant  to 

him  that  of  the  60  marks  residue,  he  pay  10  marks  a  year  in  the  chamber, 

to  wit,  5  marks  at  Michaelmas  next  and  5  marks  at  Easter  following, 

and  so  yearly.  By  p.s. 

June  22.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Haddlesey.    the  lands  late  of  Henry  de  Malynes,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

June  25.         Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
Haddlesey.    hand  the  lands  late  of  Thomas  Snodding  of  Natebi,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

16  EDWARD  II.  215 

Membrane  3 — cont. 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Robert  Ernys,  son  and  heir  of  William 
Ernys  of  Skypton  in  Cravene,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his 
said  father,  he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s.  [6562.]  York. 


Commission  to  Adam  de  Semer  and  Henry  de  Rooston  to  collect 
during  pleasure  in  the  ports  of  Scardeburgh  and  Whyteby  the  new 
customs  granted  by  alien  merchants  beyond  the  ancient  customs  for 
certain  liberties  granted  to  them  by  Edward  I  [see  Faedera,  II,  ii, 
p.  747],  so  that  they  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  money  arising 
therefrom  ;  and  to  substitute  others  in  their  place,  for  whom  they 
will  answer,  where  they  cannot  attend  thereto.  By  C. 

Order  to  Robert  de  Hungerford,  keeper  of  certain  lands  late  of 
certain  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in  Wilts,  in  the  king's  hand 
by  their  forfeiture,  to  deliver  to  Peter  de  Skidemore  his  lands,  if  they 
be  in  the  king's  hand  on  account  of  his  rebellion  and  for  no  other  cause  ; 
he  having  been  taken  as  a  rebel  and  detained  in  prison  and  having 
made  fine  in  200  marks  to  save  his  life  and  have  his  lands,  wherefore 
the  king  ordered  his  body  to  be  delivered  from  prison,  retaining  in 
his  hand  the  said  lands,  and  he  having  found  mainpernors  for  payment 
of  the  said  sum  at  the  Exchequer  on  the  quinzaine  of  Michaelmas 
next,  to  wit,  Matthew  de  Cliveden  of  the  county  of  Somerset,  John 
Inge  of  the  county  of  Wilts,  and  Roger  de  Seymor  of  the  county  of 
Gloucester,  and  the  king  having  granted  that  his  lands  be  delivered 
to  him  on  condition  that  if  the  said  200  marks  be  not  paid  on  the  said 
quinzaine  by  him  or  his  mainpernors  or  one  of  them,  his  lands  be 
resumed  into  the  king's  hand  and  remain  therein  as  at  present,  his 
mainpernors  being  none  the  less  bound  to  satisfy  the  king  of  the  said 
sum.  By  K. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Aston,  keeper  of  certain  lands  etc.  as  above 
in  the  county  of  Gloucester. 

Grant  for  b'fe  to  Hugh  de  Louthre,  for  good  service,  of  the  manor 
of  Harcla,  co.  Westmoreland,  except  the  foreign  lands  of  Nateby  and 
elsewhere,  and  except  that  which  pertained  to  the  said  manor  in  the 
chace  of  Malrestang,  which  manor  was  of  Andrew  de  Harcla,  of  late 
the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  and  has  come  to  the  king's  hands  as  an 
escheat  by  his  forfeiture,  which  also  was  before  held  of  the  king  ;  to 
hold  by  the  service  of  a  knight's  fee,  paying,  to  wit,  scutage  when 
current,  without  doing  any  bodily  service  therefor,  and  rendering 
100s.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  and  doing  the  rents  and  services  due 
to  any  other  chief  lords  of  that  fee  before  the  manor  came  to  the 
king's  hands,  without  sale  of  the  lands,  or  waste  or  destruction  of  the 
woods,  or  exile  of  the  men  pertaining  to  the  manor,  until  the  king 
provide  for  him  in  lands  to  the  value  of  40J.  a  year  in  a  suitable  place 
for  life  ;  saving  to  the  king  knights'  fees  and  advowsons  of  churches 
pertaining  to  the  manor  ;  and  if  he  make  sale,  waste,  destruction  or 
exile,  or  the  king  provide  him  with  40Z.  of  land  a  year  for  life,  the 
king  may  resume  the  manor  into  his  hand  and  hold  the  same  without 
reclamation  on  the  part  of  Hugh  or  any  other.  By  K. 

Grant  to  Richard  de  Whatton,  for  a  fine  of  80  marks,  which  he 
will  pay  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  next,  of  the  marriage  of 


1323.  Membrane  2 — cont. 

William,  son  and  heir  of  Richard  son  of  Richard  de  Vernoun,  tenant 
in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward  ;  and  if  William  die  before  his 
marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  Richard  shall  have  the  marriage 
of  that  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

June  28.  Grant  to  Hugh  de  Moriceby,  for  good  service,  of  three  parts  of  the 
York.  manor  of  Colgarth,  co.  Cumberland,  late  of  Andrew  de  Harcla,  of 
late  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  which  have  come  to  the  king's  hand 
as  an  escheat  by  his  forfeiture  and  were  held  before  of  the  king ;  to 
hold  to  him  and  his  heirs  of  the  king  and  his  heirs  by  the  service  of  a 
moiety  of  a  knight's  fee,  rendering  101.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  of 
Michaelmas  and  doing  the  rents  and  services  due  to  any  other  chief 
lords  of  that  fee  before  the  premises  came  to  the  king's  hands  ;  grant 
also  to  him  of  the  remainder  of  the  fourth  part  of  the  said  manor 
after  the  death  of  Robert  de  Askeby,  knight,  who  holds  the  same  for 
life,  which  also  should  revert  to  the  king  as  an  escheat  by  reason  of 
Andrew's  forfeiture,  to  hold  with  the  said  three  parts  by  the  said 
knight  service,  rendering  10  marks  a  year  at  the  said  Exchequer 
for  the  said  fourth  part  after  Robert's  death  beyond  the  said  101., 
and  doing  the  rents  and  services  due  to  any  other  chief  lords  of  that 
fee  before  Andrew's  forfeiture,  without  sale  of  the  lands,  or  waste 
or  destruction  of  the  woods,  or  exile  of  the  men  pertaining  to  the  said 
manor,  until  the  king  provide  Hugh  or  his  heirs  lands  to  the  value 
of  20/.  a  year  in  a  suitable  place  to  hold  in  fee  ;  saving  to  the  king 
knights'  fees  and  advowsons  of  churches  pertaining  to  the  said  manor  ; 
and  if  he  make  sale,  waste,  destruction  or  exile,  or  the  king  provide 
him  or  his  heirs  with  20/.  of  land  a  year  in  fee,  the  king  may  resume 
the  manor  into  his  hands  and  hold  the  same  without  reclamation  on 
the  part  of  Hugh  or  any  other.  By  K. 

Order  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  three  parts, 
which  are  in  his  keeping. 

Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  acquit  Hugh 
of  the  said  101.  at  Michaelmas  next. 

June  28.  Grant  for  life  to  William  de  Craystok,  for  good  service,  of  the  hamlet 
York.  of  Blencarne,  co.  Cumberland,  late  of  Andrew  de  Harcla,  the  king's 
enemy  and  rebel,  which  has  come  to  the  king's  hands  as  an  escheat 
by  his  forfeiture,  to  hold  by  the  service  of  a  fourth  part  of  a  knight's 
fee,  rendering  20*.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  and  doing 
the  rents  and  services  due  to  the  chief  lords  of  that  fee  before  the 
hamlet  came  to  the  king's  hands,  without  sale  of  the  lands,  or  waste 
or  destruction  of  the  woods,  or  exile  of  the  men  pertaining  to  the  said 
hamlet,  until  the  king  provide  him  with  lands  to  the  value  of  101.  a 
year  in  a  suitable  place  for  life  ;  saving  to  the  king  knights'  fees  and 
advowsons  of  churches  pertaining  to  the  said  hamlet ;  and  if  he  make 
sale,  waste,  destruction  or  exile,  or  the  king  provide  him  with  101. 
of  land  a  year  for  life,  the  king  may  resume  the  hamlet  into  his  hands 
and  hold  the  same  without  reclamation  on  the  part  of  William  or 
any  other.  By  K. 

June  30.         Appointment  during  pleasure  of  John  de  Polhowe  as  keeper  and 

York.        receiver  of  the  king's  victuals  in  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  and  those 

northern  parts,  so  that  he  answer  therefor  to  the  king  and  receive 

the  usual  wages.  By  K. 

16  EDWARD  II. 



July  1. 


July  2. 

July  3. 

June  28. 

Membrane  2 — cont. 

Order  to  Henry  de  Shirakes  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  victuals  and 
all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be 
made  thereon  between  them,  so  that  he  can  answer  therefor.  By  K. 

Grant  to  Denise  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  de  Hikelingge  of  the  keeping 
of  two  parts  of  the  manor  of  Risangre,  late  of  Thomas  de  Hikelingge, 
tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 
his  heir,  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir,  rendering  4£.  a  year  at 
the  Exchequer,  to  wit,  72s.  at  which  the  said  two  parts  are  extended 
yearly,  and  8s.  of  increment  beyond,  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  and 
Easter  ;  and  if  the  said  heir  die  before  his  coming  of  age,  his  heir 
being  a  minor,  she  shall  have  the  said  keeping  until  the  full  age  of 
that  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Grant  to  William  la  Zousche  of  Haryngworth,  for  a  fine  of  500 
marks  whereof  he  will  pay  125  marks  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas 
next,  Easter  following,  Michaelmas  following  and  Easter  following, 
of  the  forfeiture  pertaining  to  the  king  because  John,  son  and  heir  of 
Robert  de  Wilughby,  tenant  in  chief,  has  married  Joan  daughter 
of  Peter  Rocelyn  during  his  minority  without  licence  of  the  king 
or  of  the  said  William,  to  whom  the  king  granted  the  marriage  of  the 
said  John  by  letters  patent,  for  a  fine  of  1,000  marks  whereof  he  has 
paid  500  marks  and  will  pay  the  residue  on  the  quinzaine  of 
Michaelmas  next.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Henry  de  Malton  of  the  county  of 
Cumberland,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs 
hitherto.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  his 
keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Gilbert  de  Boroughdon  of  the 
county  of  Northumberland  and  the  castle  of  Newcastle  upon  Tyne, 
so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers 
hitherto.  By  [K.]  &  C. 

Order  to  John  de  Fenwyk  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county,  with 
the  rolls  etc.  as  above,  and  the  said  castle  with  all  things  therein  in 
his  Keeping  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keeper. 


Grant  to  William  de  Loghmaban,  for  good  service,  of  the  lands  in 
Blencogou,  co.  Cumberland,  late  of  William  le  Blount,  knight,  the 
king's  enemy  and  rebel,  which  have  come  to  the  king's  hands  as  an 
escheat  by  his  forfeiture  and  were  held  before  of  the  king,  to  hold  to 
him  and  his  heirs  of  the  king  and  his  heirs  by  the  service  of  a  fourth 
part  of  a  knight's  fee,  rendering  4  marks  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  of 
Michaelmas  and  doing  the  rents  and  services  due  to  any  other  chief 
lords  of  that  fee  before  the  lands  came  to  the  king's  hands  ;  grant 
also  to  him  of  the  remainder  of  the  lands  in  the  same  town  which 
Joan  late  the  wife  of  John  le  Blount  holds  in  dower,  and  which  after 


1323.  Membrane  1 — cont. 

her  death  should  revert  as  an  escheat  to  the  king  by  reason  of  the 
said  forfeiture,  to  hold  to  him  and  his  heirs  with  the  lands  aforesaid  by 
the  said  knight  service  and  doing  the  rents  and  services  due  to  any 
other  chief  lords  of  that  fee  before  the  said  forfeiture,  without  sale  of  the 
lands,  or  waste  or  destruction  of  the  woods,  or  exile  of  the  men  pertain- 
ing to  the  said  lands,  until  the  king  provide  him  or  his  heirs  with 
lands  to  the  value  of  101.  a  year  in  a  suitable  place  to  hold  in  fee  ; 
saving  to  the  king  knights'  fees  and  advowsons  of  churches  pertaining 
to  the  said  lands  ;  and  if  he  or  his  heirs  make  sale,  waste,  destruction 
or  exile,  or  the  king  provide  him  or  his  heirs  with  \0l.  of  land  a  year 
in  fee,  the  king  may  resume  into  his  hands  the  said  lands  and  hold 
the  same  without  reclamation  on  the  part  of  the  said  William  de 
Loghmaban  or  his  heirs  or  any  other.  By  K. 

Order  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  acquit  him 
of  payment  of  the  said  4  marks  at  Michaelmas  next. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  otherwise  on  the  Fine  Roll  of 
16  Edward  III. 

Grant  to  Rolland  de  Vaus,  for  good  service,  of  the  manor 
of  Thorcrossok,  co.  Cumberland,  late  of  Andrew  de  Harcla,  the  king's 
enemy  and  rebel,  which  has  come  to  the  king's  hands  as  an  escheat 
by  his  forfeiture  and  was  held  before  of  the  king,  to  hold  to  him  and  his 
heirs  by  the  service  of  a  moiety  of  a  knight's  fee,  rendering  2  marks 
a  year  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  and  doing  the  rents  and  services 
due  to  other  chief  lords  of  that  fee  before  the  manor  came  to  the  king's 
hands,  without  sale  of  the  lands,  or  waste  or  destruction  of  the  woods, 
or  exile  of  the  men  pertaining  to  the  manor,  until  the  king  provide  him 
or  his  heirs  with  lands  to  the  value  of  201.  a  year  in  a  suitable  place 
to  hold  in  fee  ;  saving  to  the  king  knights'  fees  and  advowsons  of 
churches  pertaining  to  the  manor  ;  and  if  he  or  his  heirs  make  sale, 
waste,  destruction,  or  exile,  or  the  king  provide  him  or  his  heirs  with 
201.  of  land  a  year  in  fee,  the  king  may  resume  the  manor  into  his 
hands  and  hold  the  same  without  reclamation  on  the  part  of  Rolland 
or  his  heirs  or  any  other.  By  K. 

Order  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  deliver  the  same  to  the  said  Rolland 
de  Loghmaban  (sic). 

Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  acquit  him  of 
payment  of  the  said  2  marks  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  next. 

Grant  to  Richard  de  Salkeld,  for  good  service,  of  the  manor  of 
Corkeby,  co.  Cumberland,  late  of  Andrew  de  Harcla,  the  king's  enemy 
etc.  as  above,  to  hold  rendering  10  marks  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  of 
Michaelmas  etc.  as  above,  mutatis  mutandis.  By  K. 

Order  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  acquit  him 
of  payment  of  the  said  10  marks  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  next. 

July  3.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Patrick  de  Colewenn  of  the  county 

York.        of  Westmoreland  and  the  castle  of  Appelby,  so  that  he  answer  at  the 

Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto.  By  K.  &  C. 

Order  to  Hugh  de  Louthre  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county,  with 

the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office 

in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

By  K  &  C. 

16  EDWARD  II. 


1323.  Membrane  1 — cont. 

Order  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle  with  all 

things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  etc.  By  K.  &  C. 

Order  to  all  persons  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff  and  keeper. 

By  K.  &  C. 

July  6.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  Heyroun  of  the  keeping  of 
Faxfleet.  the  castle  of  Donstanburgh  and  the  barony  of  Staunford,  so  that  he 
answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  and  receive  for  that 
keeping,  to  be  performed  for  a  year  at  least  within  the  castle,  10Z. 
and  the  victuals  now  in  the  castle  and  to  be  delivered  to  him  hereafter 
for  the  munition  of  the  castle,  as  occasion  requires,  and  so  that  he 
cause  the  same  to  be  sold  yearly  to  the  king's  greatest  advantage, 
and  to  be  removed.  By  K. 

Order  to  John  de  Lilleburn  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  castle  with  all 
things  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon,  between 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  him  the  said 
barony  with  all  lands  belonging  thereto  in  his  keeping. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  de  Bernyngham  of  the 
keeping  of  Barnard  Castle,  late  of  Guy  de  Bello  Campo,  earl  of 
Warwick,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the 
minority  of  his  heir,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  and  receive 
20  marks  and  the  victuals  etc.  as  above.  By  K. 

Order  to  William  Ridel  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things 
therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  William  de  Wytyngham  of  Claghton,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Farnylawe  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manor  of  Werke  in  Tyndale,  with  the  king's  liberty  there,  so 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Michael  de  Presfen  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manor  of  Werke  upon  Tweed,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
etc.  as  above,  and  receive  yearly  as  much  as  others  have  received  for 
the  same  hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  same  escheator  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Commitment  to  the  king's  yeoman,  John  Wroth,  of  the  keeping  of 
the  manors  of  Dylue  and  Monyton,  late  of  Nicholas  de  Audele,  tenant 
in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  his  heir, 
to  hold  with  the  issues  thereof  from  Easter  last  until  the  full  age  of 
the  heir,  rendering  50  marks  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at 
Michaelmas  and  Easter,  beginning  at  Michaelmas  next.  By  K. 

July  4.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Leke  of  the  keeping  of  all 

York.        the  lands  in  the  counties  of  Derby  and  Stafford  late  of  certain  the 

king's  enemies  and  rebels,  in  the  king's  hand  by  their  forfeiture,  so 

that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

July  6. 




1323.  Membrane  1 — con*. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  same  John  of  the  keeping  of 
the  castle  and  honour  of  Tuttebury,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  Roger  Beler  to  deliver  to  him  the  same,  which  are  in  his 
keeping,  with  all  things  and  the  prisoners  in  the  castle,  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Tochet  of  the  keeping  of  the 
castle  and  soke  of  Melburn,  so  that  he  answer  etc.  as  above.  By  K. 

Order  to  Roger  Beler  to  deliver  to  him  the  same,  which  are  in  his 
keeping,  with  all  things  in  the  castle,  by  indenture  etc.  as  above.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  de  Belgrave  of  the  keeping  of 
the  castle,  town  and  honour  of  Leycestre,  so  that  he  answer  etc.  as 
above.  By  K. 

Order  to  Roger  Belere  to  deliver  to  him  the  same,  which  are  in  his 
keeping,  with  all  things  in  the  castle,  by  indenture  etc.  as  above. 

June  6.  Commitment  to  John  Wroth,  yeoman,  of  the  keeping  of  the  lands 
Faxfleet.  of  Ewyas  Lacy,  in  the  king's  hand  by  the  forfeiture  of  Roger  de  Mortuo 
Mari  of  Wygemore  and  Bartholomew  de  Burgherssh,  to  hold  with  the 
issues  thereof  from  Easter  last  for  seven  years,  rendering  300  marks  a 
year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  and  Easter,  beginning 
at  Michaelmas  next.  By  K. 

July  3.  Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  cause  enrol- 
York.  ment  to  be  made  pursuant  to  the  king's  grant  to  the  men  of  Usk  in 
Wales  that  of  the  155L  13s.  4d  which  they  owe  at  the  Exchequer 
of  the  2001.  which  they  granted  to  the  king  of  late  in  aid  of  his  war 
of  Scotland,  they  pay  40/.  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at 
Michaelmas  and  Easter. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Baldok. 

July  3.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Faxfleet.  made  by  him  shewing  that  Alice  late  the  wife  of  Roger  de  Evenyngham 
held  on  the  day  of  her  death  a  third  part  of  the  manor  of  Tooham  (sic)  in 
dower  of  the  inheritance  of  John,  son  and  heir  of  Philip  de  Evenyngham, 
a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  of  the  king  as  of  the  honour  of  Hauleye, 
which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  by  knight  service,  and  that  she  held  for 
life  certain  lands  in  Evenyngham  of  the  inheritance  of  the  same  heir 
of  the  heir  of  Nicholas  de  Segrave,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  as  of 
the  manor  of  Pesenhale,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the 
minority  of  the  said  heir  of  Nicholas,  by  knight  service,  and  that  she 
held  no  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown  whereby  the  wardship  of  the  other 
lands  held  by  her  in  dower  and  for  life  should  pertain  at  present  to  the 
king,  but  held  certain  lands  in  the  said  town  of  Adam  de  Swilington 
as  of  his  manor  of  Yucxford  by  knight  service,  and  that  the  said  John 
is  her  nearest  heir  and  on  7  June,  15  Edward  II,  was  of  the  age  of  eight 
years, — to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  third  part  and  the  lands 
held  of  the  inheritance  of  the  heir  of  Nicholas  de  Segrave  until  further 
order,  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  said  lands  held  of  the  said 
Adam,  delivering  any  issues  thereof  received  by  him  to  those  whose 
they  are. 


17   EDWARD   II. 

The  escheators  for  this  year  are  (1)  south  of  Trent,  Master  John 
Walewayn  ;  (2)  north  of  Trent,  Thomas  de  Burgh  ;  until  the  further 
subdivision  of  the  office  of  escheator  [see  mm.  21  and  4]. 

1323.  MEMBRANE  31. 

July  8.          Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  London  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  and 

Faxfleet.      keep  safely  until  further  order  the  lands,  goods  and  chattels  of  Master 

John  de  Stratford,  whom  the  king  sent  of  late  to  the  court  of  Rome  to 

speed  the  king's  business  there  for  the  king's  honour  and  profit ;    he 

having  done  certain  things  there  to  the  king's  prejudice,  whereat  the 

king  is  justly  disturbed,  and  he  being  held  to  render  account  to  the  king 

of  divers  sums  of  money  delivered  to  him  from  the  wardrobe  and 

elsewhere  for  his  expenses  in  prosecuting  the  said  business.         By  K. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 

H.  bishop  of  Lincoln,  touching  the  ecclesiastical  goods  etc. 

The  sheriff  of  Warwick. 

The  bishop  of  Chichester. 

The  bishop  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield. 

July  9.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 

Faxfleet.      hand  the  lands  late  of  Henry  de  Cresseneye,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

July  10.  Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Faxfleet.  Robert  de  Saundeby,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

July  8.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Thomas  de  Synythwayt  of  the 
Faxfleet.  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Pendragun  and  the  chace  of  Malrestang,  so  that 

he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  all  things 

in  the  castle,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them.     By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent,— pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
made  by  him  shewing  that  Alice  late  the  wife  of  Roger  de  Hevenyngham, 
deceased,  held  a  third  part  of  the  manor  of  Little  Totham  of  John,  son 
and  heir  of  Philip  de  Hevenyngham,  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  by 
knight  service,  and  held  no  other  lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown  whereby 
the  wardship  of  her  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to  the  king,  but 
held  of  the  prior  of  Hatfeld  Peverel  40  acres  of  land  and  6s.  of  rent  in 
Little  Totham  and  Goldhangre  by  the  service  of  lls.  a  year,  and  of 
the  abbot  of  Cogeshale  4£  acres  of  land  in  Little  Totham  by  the  service 
of  9s.  OJd.  a  year,  and  of  John  le  Palmere  4  acres  of  land  in  the  same 
town  by  the  service  of  4d.  a  year,  and  of  Robert  de  Upston  6  acres 
of  land  and  2  acres  of  meadow  in  Hevenyngham  by  the  service  of  3s. 
a  year,  and  of  William  le  Parker  15  acres  of  land  in  the  same  town 
by  the  service  of  3s.  a  year,  and  of  the  abbot  of  Sybeton  7  acres  of 
land,  1  acre  of  wood,  and  £  acre  of  meadow  in  the  same  town  by  the 
service  of  Is.  Qd.  a  year, — to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  third 
part  until  further  order,  and  to  deliver  the  other  said  lands,  with  the 
issues  thereof  from  the  death  of  the  said  Alice,  to  Joan  late  the  wife 
of  the  said  Philip,  mother  of  the  said  heir,  as  nearest  of  kin  to  the  heir, 
to  his  use. 



1323.  Membrane  31 — cant. 

July  11.         Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Faxfleet.     Nicholas  Pecche,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

July  8.          Grant  to  Richard  de  Betonia,  citizen  of  London,  for  a  fine  of  40Z. 

Faxfleet.  whereof  he  will  pay  at  the  Exchequer  IQl.  at  Michaelmas  next,  Easter 
following,  Michaelmas  following  and  Easter  following,  of  the  marriage 
of  Robert,  son  and  heir  of  Robert  de  Hardres,  tenant  in  chief  as  of  the 
honour  of  Tonebrugge,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  a  minor  in  the 
king's  ward  ;  and  if  the  said  heir  die  before  reaching  marriageable 
years,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  the  said  Richard  shall  have  the  marriage 
of  that  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

July  12.  Grant  to  the  king's  clerk,  John  de  Crosseby,  of  a  third  part  of  the 
Faxfleet.  manor  of  Little  Totham,  co.  Essex,  which  Alice  late  the  wife  of  Roger 
de  Hevenyngham,  deceased,  held  in  dower  of  the  inheritance  of  John, 
son  and  heir  of  Philip  de  Evenyngham,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the 
king's  ward,  and  which  is  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  said  heir's 
minority  and  is  extended  at  76s.  &d.  a  year  ;  to  hold  with  the  issues 
thereof  from  Easter  last  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir,  rendering  7 
marks  a  year  at  the  Exchequer,  to  wit,  the  said  extent  and  16s.  IQd. 
beyond  of  increment,  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  and  Easter  ;  and 
if  the  said  heir  die  a  minor  in  the  king's  ward,  his  heir  being  a  minor, 
the  said  John  de  Crosseby  shall  have  the  said  third  part  until  the  full  age 
of  that  heir  at  the  said  rent.  By  C. 

July  13.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Burstwick.    the  lands  late  of  John  de  Leyk,  deceased,  tenent  in  chief. 

July  15.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Gilbert  de  Suth worth  of  the  county 

Burstwick.    of  Lancaster,  late  of  Thomas,   earl  of  Lancaster,  which  has  come 

to  the  king's  hands  by  the  forfeiture  of  Thomas,  so  that  he  answer 

at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  hitherto.      By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 

Order  to  John  Darcy  '  le  Neveu  '  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the 

rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in 

his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

July  15.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  William  de  Tatham, 
Burstwick.  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Cliderhou  and  of  all  the  lands  late  of 
Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's  late  enemies  and  rebels, 
in  Blakeburneshire,  Totyngton,  Rachedale  and  Penwortham,  co. 
Lancaster,  and  Bouland,  co.  York,  in  the  king's  hand  by  their  forfeiture, 
so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  John  Travers  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  all  things  in 
the  said  castle  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between 

July  15.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Ralph  de  Gorges 
Burstwick.  and  Eleanor  his  wife  the  manor  of  Totel,  which  he  took  into  the  king's 
hand  on  account  of  the  death  of  Guy  Ferre,  to  hold  until  the  quinzaine  of 
Michaelmas  next,  taking  security  first  from  them  for  answering  to 
the  king  for  the  issues  of  the  manor  meanwhile,  unless  they  can  then 
more  fully  inform  the  court  by  record  of  the  rolls  of  Chancery  or 

17  EDWARD  II. 


July  14. 

1323.  Membrane  31 — cont. 

otherwise  touching  licence  for  the  acquisition  of  the  manor  ;  the  es- 
cheater  having  found  by  inquisition  that  Guy  held  the  said  manor 
to  him  and  the  heirs  of  his  body  by  fine  levied  between  John  de  Claroun, 
complainant,  and  the  said  Guy,  deforciant,  so  that  if  Guy  should  die 
without  heir  of  his  body  the  manor  should  remain  to  the  said  Ralph 
and  Eleanor,  to  hold  to  them  and  the  heirs  of  their  bodies,  with 
remainder  to  Eleanor's  right  heirs,  and  that  Guy  died  without  heir  of  his 
body,  and  that  the  manor  is  held  in  chief  by  knight  service  ;  and 
the  king  having  been  shewn  on  behalf  of  Ralph  and  Eleanor  that  when 
Ralph  was  taken  of  late  by  certain  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in 
Wales  and  imprisoned  there  for  a  certain  time,  the  charter  of  the 
king's  licence  was  taken  there  by  the  said  enemies  and  withdrawn 
from  the  said  Ralph  and  Eleanor,  so  that  it  could  not  be  shewn  by 
them  in  Chancery. 

Commitment  to  William  Martyn  of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  and 
manors  of  Helegh,  Tunstall,  Horton  and  Endon,  late  of  Nicholas  de 
Audeleye,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the 
minority  of  his  heir,  whereof  William  had  the  keeping  before  of  the 
king's  commitment,  so  that  he  answered  for  the  issues  thereof  at 
the  Exchequer ;  to  hold  from  Michaelmas  next  until  the  full  age  of 
the  heir,  rendering  100L  a  year  at  the  Exchequer,  to  wit,  151.  6s.  \^d. 
whereat  the  said  castle  and  manors  are  extended,  and  241.  13s.  10|rf. 
of  increment,  in  moieties  at  Easter  and  Michaelmas. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  renewed  under  this 
form  under  the  date  10  December  in  the  sixteenth  year  etc. 

July  15.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Lancastre  of  the  keeping 
Burstwick.  of  all  the  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  other  the  king's 
late  enemies  and  rebels,  in  the  county  of  Lancaster,  except  the  lands 
in  Blakeburneshire,  Totyngdon,  Rachendale  and  Penwortham,  cq. 
Lancaster,  in  the  king's  hand  by  their  forfeiture,  so  that  in  the  keeping 
thereof  he  depute  others  under  him  until  Michaelmas  next,  for  whom 
he  shall  answer  if  they  are  not  sufficient,  and  so  that  answer  be  made 
meanwhile  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  issues  thereof  by  a  certain  receiver 
to  be  deputed  hereto  by  the  king  and  to  be  charged  therewith  by  the 
said  John,  who  shall  answer  for  the  said  issues  at  the  Exchequer  after 
the  said  feast.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  John  Travers  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the  goods 
and  chattels  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Ralph,  baron  of  Craystok,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  David  de  Langeton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

.  July  15.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Patrick  de  Colewenn  of  the  keeping 

Burstwick.     of  the  castle  and  town  of  Appelby,  with  all  lands  pertaining  thereto,  so 

that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 


1323.  Membrane  31 — cont. 

Order  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  deliver  to  him  the  same,  which  are  in 
his  keeping,  with  all  things  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon 
between  them. 

Appointment  during  pleasure  of  Geoffrey  de  Vilers  as  receiver  of 
the  issues  of  all  lands  late  of  certain  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  in 
the  county  of  Warwick  in  the  king's  hand,  so  that  he  answer  therefor 
at  the  Exchequer  as  he  shall  be  charged  therewith  by  the  steward  of 
the  said  lands.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

July  18.          Licence,  for  a  fine  of  1  mark,  for  Alice,  late  the  wife  of  Richard  de 

Burstwick.    Cramelyngton,  tenant  in  chief,  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will  in  the 

king's  fealty.  By  C.  Northumberland. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Simon  Bussh  of  Mendelesham,  deceased,  tenant  in 


July  10.  Commission  to  W.  bishop  of  Exeter,  treasurer,  to  make  inquisition 
Faxfleet.  touching  the  information  given  to  the  king  that  animals  and  other 
goods  and  chattels  in  the  castles,  manors  and  lands  in  divers  counties 
forfeit  to  the  king  and  elsewhere  in  the  same  counties  late  of  certain 
subjects  who  rose  of  late  in  insurrection  against  the  king,  which  goods 
ought  to  have  come  to  the  king's  hands  by  the  forfeiture  of  the  same 
subjects,  have  been  taken  away  and  withdrawn  by  certain  evildoers 
and  are  still  detained  from  the  king  to  his  heavy  loss,  and  that  certain 
of  the  said  castles,  manors  and  lands  and  of  others  in  the  said  counties 
in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  which  the  king  ordered  of  late 
to  be  demised  at  farm  for  a  certain  time,  have  been  demised  at  farm 
by  those  by  whom  the  king  ordered  them  to  be  demised  for  less  value 
than  they  could  have  been,  and  that  many  animals,  corn  and  other  goods 
and  chattels  found  in  the  said  castles,  manors  and  lands,  which  the 
king  wished  to  be  sold  to  his  advantage,  have  been  sold  for  less  than 
they  were  worth  by  those  by  whom  the  king  ordered  them  to  be  sold, 
and  that  certain  demesne  lands  therein  which  used  to  be  tilled  lie 
untilled  through  the  fault  of  the  keepers  thereof,  and  that  the  chaces, 
parks,  warrens,  woods,  stews  and  fisheries  therein  are  insufficiently 
kept  and  that  the  goods  and  chattels  found  in  the  same  at  the  time 
of  the  taking  thereof  into  the  king's  hand  have  been  dissipated  and 
consumed  by  the  keepers  of  the  said  castles,  manors  and  lands  and  by 
many  others,  and  that  the  same  keepers  have  behaved  and  behave 
ill  touching  the  things  in  their  keeping  and  towards  the  king's  people 
of  those  parts,  and  have  kept  ill  those  chaces,  parks,  warrens,  woods, 
stews  and  fisheries,  and  have  chased  in  the  chaces,  parks,  warrens 
and  woods,  and  fished  in  the  stews  and  fisheries,  and  have  taken 
and  carried  away  fish  to  no  small  value  and  deer,  to  the  king's  loss 
and  in  contempt  of  him,  and  that  many  of  the  king's  ministers  of  the 
household  and  elsewhere  and  certain  others  feigning  to  have  commis- 
sions from  the  king  where  they  had  none  have  often  taken  and  carried 
away  goods  and  victuals  of  divers  men  of  the  said  counties  to  the 
king's  use  without  satisfying  them  therefor  against  their  will,  in  con- 
tempt of  the  king  and  to  the  scandal  and  loss  of  many  ;  and  to  punish 
the  guilty  according  to  their  faults  and  to  receive  to  the  king's  use 

17  EDWARD  II.  225 

1323.  Membrane  30— font. 

fines  and  ransoms  from  those  who  will  make  them  ;  the  said  bishop 
being  about  to  pass  through  divers  counties  of  the  realm  by  order 
of  the  king  for  the  expedition  of  certain  business  touching  the  king  ; 
order  also  to  all  sheriffs  and  bailiffs  and  keepers  of  the  said  castles, 
manors,  lands,  chaces,  parks,  warrens,  woods,  stews  and  fisheries, 
that  the  sheriffs  summon  before  him  on  days  and  at  places  fixed  by 
him  good  and  lawful  men  to  make  such  inquisition,  and  that  the 
bailiffs  and  keepers  be  intendant  to  him.  By  J£.  &  C. 

Commission  to  William  de  Herle  and  Geoffrey  le  Scrop,  appointing 
them  as  justices  to  make  like  inquisition  in  the  counties  of  York  and 
Lancaster  and  to  receive  fines  as  above,  and  to  certify  the  treasurer 
and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  thereon  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the 
sheriffs  of  those  counties  to  summon  before  them  on  days  and  at 
places  fixed  by  him  etc.  as  above,  and  the  keepers  of  all  castles  etc. 
to  be  intendant  to  him.  By  K.  &  C. 

Afterwards  on  15  October  following,  the  king  being  at  Holand, 
Walter  de  Friskeneye  was  appointed  as  justice  to  execute  the  premises 
together  with  them.  By  K.  &  C. 

The  like  to  the  same  William  and  Geoffrey,  in  the  counties  of  West- 
moreland and  Cumberland,   with  the  clause   '  except  touching  those 
things  whereon  justice  has  not  (sic)  before  been  done.'       By  K.  &  C. 
The  like  to  the  following,  [omitting  the  said  clause]  : — 

Walter  de  Norwico.  John  de  Thorp,  Simon  de  Hedersete  and 

John  de  Redenhale,  in  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk. 
William  de  Bereford  and  John  de  Foxle,  in  the  counties  of  Oxford 

and  Berks. 
Lambert  de  Trikyngham,  Henry  de  Fenton  and  Peter  de  Ludynton, 

in  the  county  of  Lincoln. 
Master  Robert  de  Ayleston,  Ralph  Beler  and  Robert  Burdet,  in 

the  counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicester. 
John  de  Bousser  and  William  de  Gosefeld,  in  the  counties  of  Kent, 

Surrey  and  Sussex. 
Afterwards  on  24  March  following,  the  king  being  at  Weston 

[rectius  Westminster],  Robert  de  Asshele  was  associated  with 

the  said  John  and  William. 
Philip  de  Aylesbury  and  John  de  Morteyn,  in  the  counties  of 

Bedford  and  Buckingham. 
Roger  Beler,  John  Longevill  and  John   Basset,  in   the  counties 

of  Northampton  and  Rutland. 
Hervey  de  Staunton,  William  de  Foulburn  and  John  de   Cante- 

brigg,  in  the  counties  of  Cambridge,  Huntingdon,  Essex  and 


July  10.  Commission  to  W.  bishop  of  Exeter,  treasurer,  to  make  inquisition 
Ftxfleet.  touching  the  information  given  to  the  king  that  the  sheriffs  in  divers 
counties,  their  clerks,  bailiffs  and  ministers,  constables  and  keepers 
of  prisons  and  bailiffs  of  liberties,  and  the  subescheators  in  the  same 
counties,  by  colour  of  their  offices  have  inflicted  oppressions,  losses  and 
burdens  on  the  men  of  those  counties  and  others  coming  therein  by 
false  indictments,  imprisonments,  appeals,  heavy  ransoms,  intolerable 
distraints  feigned  for  unjust  causes,  and  extortions  of  divers  sums 
of  money  and  of  things,  and  that  as  well  the  principal  taxers  and 

F  15 


1323.  Membrane  30 — cont. 

collectors  as  the  subcollectors  of  the  sixth  and  tenth  granted  of  late 
to  the  king  and  of  other  such  grants  made  hitherto  by  the  commonalty 
of  the  <  realm  and  by  citizens  and  burgesses  and  men  of  the  king's 
demesnes,  have  behaved  ill  in  their  offices  towards  the  king  and  people, 
and  have  burdened  the  people  and  have  received  great  sums  of  money 
from  the  townships  of  the  said  counties  to  their  own  use  that  they 
should  spare  the  men  thereof,  in  contempt  of  the  king  and  to  the  great 
•  loss  of  him  and  the  said  men  and  to  their  manifest  impoverishment, 

from  the  time  when  the  king  undertook  the  governance  of  the  realm, 
except  those  things  whereon  justice  has  before  been  done,  and  to  punish 
the  guilty  according  to  their  faults  and  to  receive  to  the  king's  use 
fines  and  ransoms  from  those  who  will  make  them  ;  the  said  bishop 
etc.  as  above;  order  also  to  all  sheriffs  and  bailiffs  etc.  as  above. 

By  K.  &  C. 

July  18.  Commission  to  William  de  Herle  and  Geoffrey  le  Scrop,  appointing 
Burstwick.  them  as  justices  to  make  like  inquisition  in  the  counties  of  York, 
Lancaster  and  Westmoreland,  and  to  hear  and  determine  the  com- 
plaints of  all  persons  against  the  said  sheriffs  and  others,  as  above 
[last  entry],  since  the  king  undertook  the  governance  of  the  realm,  as 
well  on  the  king's  behalf  as  on  behalf  of  those  persons,  except  touching 
those  things  whereon  justice  has  before  'been  done,  and  to  cause  full 
and  speedy  justice  to  be  done  to  the  parties,  and  to  receive  fines  and 
ransoms  etc.  as  above  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriffs  etc.  as  above 
[last  entry  but.  one].  By  K.  &  C. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 

Walter  de  Norwico,  John  de  Thorp,  Simon  de  Hedersete  and  John 

de  Redcnhale,  in  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk. 
William  de  Bereford  and  John  de  Foxle,  in  the  counties  of  Oxford 

and  Berks. 
Lambert  de  Trikyngham,  Henry  de  Fenton  and  Peter  de  Ludyn- 

ton,  in  the  county  of  Lincoln. 
Master  Robert  de  Ayleston  and  John  Cheynel,  in  the  counties  of 

Warwick  and  Leicester. 
Philip  :de  Ayllesbury  and  John  de  Morteyn,  in  the  counties  of 

Bedford  and  Buckingham. 
Roger  Beler,  John  de  Lungevill  and  John  Basset,  in  the  counties 

of  Northampton  and  Rutland. 

Hervey  de  Staunton,    William   de  Fulburn  and  John  de  Cante- 
brigg,  in 'the  counties  of  Cambridge,  Huntingdon,  Essex  and 
John  de  Bousser  and  William  de  Gosefeld,  in  the  counties  of  Kent, 

Surrey  and  Sussex. 

Afterwards  on  24  March  following,  the  king  being  at  Westminster, 
Robert  de  Asshele  was  associated  with  the  said  J.  de  Bousser 
and  William. 

Commission  to  William  de  Herle  and  Geoffrey  le  Scrop,  appointing 
them  to  make  inquisition  in  the  said  counties,  as  above,  and  to  hear 
and  determine  the  complaints  against  the  said  sheriffs  and  others, 
as  above,  and  other  bailiffs,  and  against  the  clerks  of  the  said  taxers, 
collectors,  subtaxers  and  subcollectors.  By  K.  &  C. 

Afterwards  on  15  October  following,  the  king  being  at  Hol.ind, 
Walter  de  Friskeneye  was  appointed  as  justice  to  execute  the  premises 

17  EDWARD  II.  227 

1323.  Membrane.  30 — cont. 

together  with  them,  the  king  having  ordered  them  to  admit  him  as 

their  fellow.  By  K.  &  C. 

The  like   to   the  same   William   and  Geoffrey  in  the   counties  of 

Westmoreland  and  Cumberland.  By  K.  &  C. 


July  22.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  [rectius  beyond]  Trent  to  deliver 
Jurstwick.  to  Walter  de  Pateshull  and  Joan  his  wife,  elder  daughter  and  heir 
of  Richard  de  Rokeslee,  tenant  in  chief,  and  of  Joan  late  the  wife  of 
Richard,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  contained  in  a  schedule  enclosed 
herewith,  which  the  king  has  assigned  to  them,  with  the  assent  of 
Thomas  de  Ponyngges  and  Agnes  his  wife,  younger  daughter  and 
heir  of  the  said  Richard  and  Joan  his  wife,  as  the  pourparty  of  Joan 
the  daughter  of  the  lands  late  of  the  said  Richard  and  Joan  his  wife  ; 
the  said  Walter  having  done  homage  ;  and  to  resume  into  the  king's 
hand  any  lands  contained  in  the  said  schedule  which  have  been 
delivered  before  these  times  to  the  said  Thomas  and  Agnes,  and 
to  deliver  the  same  to  the  said  Walter  and  Joan. 

This  is  the  partition  of  the  lands,  knights'  fees  and  advowsons  of 
churches  late  of  Richard  de  Rokeslee,  tenant  in  chief,  and  Joan  de 
Rokeslee,  sometime  his  wife,  tenant  in  chief,  made  in  Chancery  by 
assent  of  Walter  de  Pateshull  and  Joan  his  wife,  elder  daughter  and 
heir  of  the  said  Richard  and  Joan,  and  Thomas  de  Ponynges  and  Agnes 
his  wife,  younger  daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  Richard  and  Joan,  and 
enrolled  in  Chancery  ;  for  one  pourparty  are  assigned  (intilulanlur) 
the  following  lands,  fees  and  advowsons  : — in  the  manor  of  Terlingham 
the  great  new  chamber  with  the  granary,  stable,  bovary  (boveria), 
sheepcote  and  henhouse,  with  part  of  the  court  on  the  south  side, 
as  it  is  divided  by  boundaries,  and  with  the  great  grange  without 
the  court,  and  with  the  curtilage  adjacent  to  that  grange,  and  a  small 
garden  on  the  east  side  of  the  said  great  chamber  ;  and  all  that  piece 
of  land  called  '  Willcmesgore/  and  all  that  land  called  '  Kyiigesclane,' 
containing  three  pieces  extending  from  '  Willemesgore  '  to  '  Mirabel  '  ; 
and  those  two  pieces  of  land  sown  with  wheat,  lying  between  the  road 
(ckeminum)  called  '  le  Drove  '  and  a  lane  leading  towards  '  Oxeneslase  '  ; 
and  18  acres  of  land  in  '  Romfeld  '  on  the  east  side  sown  with  barley  ; 
and  a  moiety  of  the  croft  called  '  Hoi  mad  '  on  the  north  side,  as  it  is 
divided  by  boundaries ;  and  part  of  the  pasture  of  the  hill  between 
'  Kyngesdane  '  and  the  road  newly  bounded,  and  the  pasture  of  the 
mount  of  '  Mirabel  '  ;  and  that  croft  of  pasture  called  '  le  North- 
croft  '  by  '  la  Drove  '  ;  and  a  moiety  of  the  pasture  called  '  Oxeneslase  ' 
towards  the  south,  as  it  is  bounded,  with  the  ground  of  the  old  sheep- 
cote  ;  and  that  part  of  '  Bromfeld  '  which  is  between  the  royal  road 
and  '  Gorsfeld  '  ;  and  a  moiety  of  '  Gorsfeld  '  by  '  Romfeld,'  as  it 
is  bounded  ;  and  a  moiety  of  '  Chalkfeld  '  towards  the  south,  as  it 
is  bounded  ;  and  a  moiety  of  the  wood  of  Reyndon  towards  the 
north,  as  it  is  bounded  ;  and  the  rabbit-warren,  as  it  is  enclosed, 
with  the  profits  thereof,  shall  be  common  to  both  parties,  and  '  le 
Drove  '  shall  be  likewise  common  to  each  party  from  the  court  to  the 
way  leading  from  the  rabbit-warren  to  '  Gorsfeld  '  ;  and  also  all 
other  roads  before  used  between  the  lands  of  the  parties  shall  be 
common  among  them  as  they  were  before  used  ;  also  the  water-mill  of 
the  said  manor,  and  a  rent  of  21  quarters  of  oats  to  be  received  from 


1323.  Membrme  29— amL 

Wiffiam  atte  Sole,  Thomas  de  Pysingg.  Richard  le  Leyns,  Wiffiam 
Gilbert,  John  de  Chadenn,  Roger  de  Smersho,  Wiffiam  de  Smersho, 
William  Jacob.  Gerard  Parole.  Wiffiam  Billyngg,  Richard  le  Chatf  and 
John  le  Chatf.  tenants  of  Schaddred.  and  9(.  9*.  64.  of  rent  to  be  re- 
ceived from  the  tenants  of  Wtfretone  and  Chiltone,  and  6*.  94.  as  the 
price  (I'M  prtcio)  of  54  hens  to  be  rendered  there,  and  4*.  4d.  of  '  Rome- 
scot  '  there,  and  46*.  6f4.  of  rent  of  the  tenants  of  Akhangre,  and 
4*.  l^d.  as  the  price  (de  prerio)  of  9  cocks  and  21  hens  and  300  eggs 
to  be  rendered  there,  with  the  court  of  Chiltone  and  Akhangre,  and 
53*.  Id..  10  hens  and  50  eggs  to  be  received  from  the  following  tenants 
acquired  from  Warissius  de  Valoyns  in  Mtham,  to  wit.  from  Wiffiam 
Herbert  31*.  11 W..  2  bens.  10  eggs,  from  John  Godwyne  and  Reynold 
de  Dover  5W..  from  Walter  Bollard  3*.  7J<f.  and*  half  a  farthing. 
2  hens.  10  eggs,  from  Wiffiam  de  Bume  2*.  4W.  and  half  a  farthing, 
from  TlmtMs  son  of  Thomas  de  Bum.  2$.  4$d.  and  half  a  farthing,  from 
John  and  William  Sabyn  9*.  6d..  1  hen,  5  eggs,  from  Wiffiam  Walter 
and  Eustace  Godman  2*.  7JJ.  and  half  a  farthing.  3  hens,  15  eggs,  and 
from  Simon  le  Chaloner  1  hen.  5  eggs  ;  also  of  new  increment  there 
1  hen.  5  eggs,  and  10J.  of '  Romscot  '  to  be  received  from  the  said  tenants 
of  Alkham  :  also  the  homages  and  all  other  services  of  Christina  de 
Brokhill.  John  de  Enebrok.  Thomas  de  Enebrok  and  the  master  of 
God's  house.  Ospreng.  Also  there  are  assigned  to  this  part  the  manom 
of  Rokesle.  Todynton  and  Horsmundene.  with  the  advowsons  of  the 
churches  of  Rokesle  and  Horsmundene  and  the  free  chapel  of  Todyng- 
ton.  with  all  other  liberties,  rights,  profits  and  appurtenances  belonging 
to  those  manors,  except  40*.  from  Walter  de  Huntyngfeld  and  24*. 
from  William  de  Newecurt.  to  be  rendered  with  other  services  of 
the  said  Walter  and  William,  which  are  assigned  to  the  other  part,  as 
is  contained  there.  Also  it  is  ordained  by  assent  of  the  parties  that 
the  ward  of  the  castle  of  Dover  and  the  "  Romscot  "  of  the  church  of 
Folkstan  shall  be  paid  yearly  by  both  parties  equally,  and  that  the 
profit  of  the  half  hundred  of  Folkstan  and  wreck  of  sea  shall  be  divided 
equally  between  them  :  and  if  anything  be  omitted  in  the  present 
partition,  it  shall  be  divided  equally  between  the  parties  when  they 
have  knowledge  thereof ;  and  that  reversions  of  all  tenements  fulling 
to  the  parties  by  reason  of  the  said  inheritance  shall  be  equally  divided 
between  them.  This  pourparty.  by  consent  of  the  said  Thomas  and 
Agnes,  was  granted  and  assigned  to  the  said  Walter  and  Joan  his  wife. 
And  be  it  remembered  that  Walter  and  Joan  and  Thomas  and  Agnes  ] 
by  their  attorneys  assented  to  the  said  partitions  in  the  Chancery  at 
York  on  20  July.  17  Edward  H.  and  granted  that  though  after  the 
death  of  Richard,  who  died  before  his  said  wife,  certain  of  the  said 
lands,  fees  and  advowsons  were  granted  to  Walter  and  Joan  his  wife,  j 
and  certain  to  Thomas  and  Agnes,  and  after  the  death  of  Joan,  late  I 
the  wife  of  Richard,  certain  of  the  said  lands  were  delivered  to  Thomas  j 
and  Agnes,  ntone  he  less  the  lands,  fees  and  advowsons  so  delivered 
to  the  said  parties  be  resumed  into  the  king's  hand.  and.  with  other 
lands,  fees  and  advowsons  still  in  the  king's  hand  after  Joan's  death, 
be  delivered  to  the  said  heirs  and  parceners  according  to  the  tenon  j 
of  the  said  pourparties. 

July  22.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  defiver  to  Thomas  de 
Bmt»iLk.    Ponyngges  and  Agnes  his  wife,  younger  daughter  and  heir  of  the  afore- 
said Richard  de  Rokeske  and  Joan  his  wife,  the  lands  contained  in  a 



1323.  Membrane  29 — cont. 

farthing,  1  hen,  5  eggs,  from  Richard  atte  Lane  2s.  2$d.  and  half  a 
farthing,  3  hens,  15  eggs,  and  from  John  Herberd  2s.  4fd.,  1  hen, 
5  eggs,  and  13d.  of  '  Romscot '  to  be  received  from  the  said  tenants 
of  Alkham  with  their  suit.  Also  the  advowson  of  the  church  of 
Hastingleye  with  the  glebe.  Also  the  homages  and  all  other  services 
of  John  de  Merewrth,  the  abbot  of  St.  Radagund's,  Nicholas  de  Pointz, 
Raulina  de  Hegham  and  the  heir  of  John  de  Belhous.  Also  there  are 
assigned  to  the  said  part  the  entire  manor  of  Westwode  with  the 
advowson  of  the  free  chapel  thereof  and  with  all  .liberties,  rights, 
profits  and  appurtenances  belonging  to  that  manor,  and  all  that  mes- 
suage with  houses  built  thereon  late  of  the  said  Richard  de  Rokesle 
in  Canterbury,  and  40s.  of  rent  to  be  received  from  Walter  de  Huntyng- 
feld  at  Codham  and  Chelsham  from  a  tenement  called  '  Jorieslond,' 
and  24.s.  of  rent  to  be  received  from  William  de  Newecurt  by  Cherringg 
with  the  homages  and  all  other  services  of  the  said  Walter  and  William. 
And  it  is  ordained  by  assent  of  the  parties  etc.  as  above  [last  entry], 
This  pourparty,  by  consent  of  the  said  Walter  and  Joan  his  wife,  was 
granted  and  assigned  to  the  said  Thomas  and  Agnes.  And  be  it 
remembered  etc.  as  above. 


July  19.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  clerk,  Robert  Power, 

Burstwick.     chamberlain  of  Kaernarvan,  of  the  office  of  the  escheatry  in  North 

Wales,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  of 

England,  receiving  10  marks  of  fee  a  year.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  North  Wales  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 

escheator.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  prior  of  Kaermerdyn  of  the  office  of  the  escheatry  in 
South  Wales,  without  a  fee,  so  that  he  answer  etc.  as  above.      By  K. 
Order  to  all  persons  etc .  as  above. 

July  20.  Commitment  to  the  king's  servant,  Geoffrey  le  Scrop,  of  the  keeping 
Burstwick.  of  the  manor  of  Wharrom  Percy,  co.  York,  late  of  Peter  de  Percy, 
tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 
Eustace,  son  and  heir  of  Peter,  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  said 
heir,  rendering  10  marks  a  year  at  the  Exchequer  in  moieties  at  Easter 
and  Michaelmas,  beginning  at  Easter  next.  By  C. 

July  18.  Grant  to  Peter  Foun,  for  a  fine  of  80  marks  whereof  he  will  pay 
Burstwick.  moieties  at  the  Exchequer  of  Easter  next  and  Michaelmas  following, 
of  the  keeping  of  the  lands  in  Estmarkham,  co.  Nottingham,  late  of 
Robert  de  Saundebi,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason 
of  the  minority  of  William,  son  and  heir  of  the  said  Robert,  to  hold 
with  the  issues  therefrom  from  the  morrow  of  Martinmas,  15  Edward  II, 
until  the  full  age  of  the  heir,  with  the  marriage  of  the  heir  ;  and  if 
the  heir  die  before  his  coming  of  age,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  Peter  shall 
have  the  said  keeping  until  the  time  when  the  heir  would  have  been 
of  full  age.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

July  26.          Order  to  Hervey  de  Staunton  and  his  fellows,  justices  appointed 

Faxfleet.      to  hold  the  pleas  before  the  king,  after  taking  security  from  the  abbot 

of  Waleden  for  payment  of  a  fine  of  801.,  to  wit,  201.  at  Michaelmas 

next,  Christmas  following,  Easter  following  and  Midsummer  following, 

17  EDWARD  II. 


1323.  Membrane  28 — cont. 

not  to  molest  or  burden  him  in  any  wise,  and  to  deliver  him  from 
prison  if  he  have  been  committed  thereto  ;  the  king,  for  the  said  fine, 
having  pardoned  him  his  trespass  in  citing  the  abbot  of  St.  Albans 
to  appear  without  the  realm  to  answer  charges  whereof  cognisance 
pertained  to  the  king,  of  which  trespass  the  abbot  of  Waleden  was 
convicted  before  the  king.  By  K. 

July  25.  Commission  to  W.  bishop  of  Exeter,  treasurer,  reciting  that  the 
Cowick.  king  has  often  before  these  times  appointed  in  divers  counties  certain 
men  of  those  counties  to  choose  a  certain  number  of  footmen  of  the 
stronger  and  abler  men  of  those  counties  for  the  expedition  of  the 
war  of  Scotland  against  the  Scots,  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels,  and 
elsewhere  for  the  repelling  of  certain  the  kings  subjects  opposing 
him  of  late,  and  also  to  array  the  men  of  those  counties  between  the 
ages  of  sixteen  and  sixty  years,  and  to  put  them  in  twenties,  hundreds 
and  constabularies  (conslabulariis)  so  that  they  should  be  ready  to 
come  on  the  king's  service  for  the  repelling  of  the  said  enemies,  when 
warned  hereon  ;  and  that  the  king  has  now  learned,  on  the  complaint 
of  the  prelates  and  chiefs  of  the  realm,  that  the  men  so  appointed 
and  their  deputies  have  burdened  the  people  of  these  counties  and 
extorted  divers  sums  of  money  from  them  in  executing  their  said 
office  and  permitted  the  sufficient  and  able  men  for  a  gift  to  stay  at 
home  and  chosen  the  insufficient,  weak  and  poor  men,  who  had  nothing 
to  give,  to  come  to  the  king,  and  have  committed  other  extortions 
and  oppressions  in  this  behalf  to  the  king's  peril  and  in  contempt  of 
him  and  his  orders  and  to  the  delay  of  the  said  expedition  and  to  the 
heavy  loss  and  depression  of  the  people  ;  and  that  the  said  bishop  is 
now  about  to  go  to  divers  parts  of  the  realm  to  speed  the  king's 
business  by  the  king's  order  ;  and  appointing  him  to  make  inquisition 
in  the  counties  through  which  he  shall  pass  who  have  been  appointed 
therein  to  execute  the  premises  from  the  time  when  the  king  assumed 
the  governance  of  the  realm,  and  who  have  been  their  deputies,  and 
touching  their  behaviour  and  all  such  extortions  and  oppressions 
whereon  justice  has  not  before  been  done,  and  to  punish  all  those 
convicted  thereof  ;  the  king  having  ordered  all  sheriffs  and  bailiffs  to 
summon  before  him  on  days  and  at  places  fixed  by  him  good  and 
lawful  men  to  make  such  inquisition,  and  to  be  intendant  to  him. 

By  K.  &  C. 

July  26.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Henry  de  Harn- 

Cowick.       hull,  son  and  heir  of  Robert  de  Harnhull,  tenant  of  the  king  by  reason 

of  the  lands  late  of  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford,  which  are  in 

the  kings  hand  by  the  earl's  forfeiture,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father, 

he   having   done   fealty.  By  p.s.  Gloucester. 

Be  it  remembered  that  this  fealty  has  been  taken  in  lieu  of  homage. 

July  25.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Faxfleet.  made  by  him  shewing  that  William  de  Whitingham  held  for  life  by 
the  courtesy  of  England  of  the  inheritance  of  Alice  sometime  his 
wife  a  messuage  and  20  acres  of  land,  meadow  and  waste  in  Claghton 
of  the  heir  of  William  Banastre,  tenant  in  chief,  a  minor  in  the  king's 
ward,  by  knight  service,  and  that  he  held  no  other  lands  in  chief 
whereby  the  wardship  .of  his  lands  should  pertain  at  present  to  the 
king,  and  that  William  his  son  is  the  nearest  heir  of  the  said  Alice 



1323.  Membrane   28—cont. 

and  of  full  age, — to  deliver  to  the  said  heir  the  messuage,  land,  meadow 
and  waste,  and  all  other  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done 

July  27.  Commitment,  to  Hugh  Pointz  of  the  keeping  of  a  moiety  of  the 
Cowick.  manors  of  Hyneton  and  Mayne,  co.  Dorset,  late  of  Peter  son  of  Reynold, 
tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 
the  heir,  and  extended  at  11  marks,  10s.  lOd.  a  year,  to  hold  with  the 
issues  thereof  from  Easter  last  until  the  full  age  of  the  heir,  rendering 
20  marks  a  year  at  the  Exchequer,  to  wit,  the  said  extent  and  8  marks, 
2s.  6d.  of  increment,  in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  and  Easter. 

By  writ  of  privy  seal  directed  to  the  keepers 
of  the  seal  in  the  sixteenth  year. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  him  the  said 
moiety.  By  the  same  writ. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 
lands  late  of  David  le  Blund,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

July  29.          Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Robert  Punchardon,  son  and  heir 

Cowick.       of  Oliver  Punchardon,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father, 

he  having  done  homage  ;    saving  to  Florencia  late  the  wife  of  Oliver 

her  dower.  By  p.s.  [6608.]  Southampton. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
Gervase  de  Clifton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

July  30.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Anthony  de  Lucy  of  the  keeping 

Cowick.       of  the  castle  of  Carlisle  with  the  king's  demesne  lands  pertaining 

thereto,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  at  the  Exchequer,  receiving 

200  marks  a  year  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [6610.] 

July  30.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Cowick.  made  by  him  shewing  that  William  Galoun  held  no  lands  in  chief  as  of 
the  crown  whereby  the  wardship  of  his  lands  should  pertain  at  present 
to  the  king,  but  held  certain  lands  in  Wardam  in  chief  as  of  the  barony 
of  Emeldon,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  and  certain  other  lands  in  the 
same  town  in  chief  as  of  the  said  barony,  and  divers  other  lands  of  the 
king  in  socage  and  of  other  lords  by  divers  other  services,  and  that 
Thomas  Galoun,  his  son,  is  his  nearest  heir  and  of  the  age  of  seventeen 
years, — to  retain  in  the  king's  hand  the  said  lands  in  Wardam  until 
further  order,  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the  other  said  lands, 
delivering  any  issues  thereof  received  by  him  to  those  whose  they 

Aug.  6.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  W.  bishop  of  Exeter,  treasurer,  of 

Kirkham.     the  keeping  of  the  Tower  of  London,  to  hold  as  others  have  had  the 

same  hitherto,  receiving  the  usual  wages  yearly  ;    power  also  to  him 

to  substitute  in  his  place  therein  any  other  person  in  whom  he  has 

full  trust  and  for  whom  he  will  answer.  By  K. 

Order  to  Stephen  de  Segrave  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all 

things  and  the  prisoners  therein,  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be 

made  thereon  between  them. 

17  EDWARD  II. 


1323.  Membrane  28 — cont. 

The  like  to  the  same  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  or  the  person  deputed 
in  his  place  by  his  letters  patent. 

Aug.  6.  Order  to  William  de  Herle  and  Geoffrey  le  Scrop,  whom  the  king 
Kirkham.  appointed  as  justices  to  make  inquisition  in  the  counties  of  York, 
Lancaster  and  Westmoreland,  touching  the  names  of  the  evildoers  who 
have  withdrawn  animals  and  other  goods  and  chattels  in  castles, 
manors  and  lands  in  the  said  counties  forfeited  to  the  king,  and  else- 
where in  the  said  counties  late  of  certain  subjects  who  rose  of  late  in 
insurrection  against  the  king,  as  above  [p.  225],  not  to  molest  William 
de  Aune  or  any  others  who  were  in  his  company  for  pursuing  the  said 
enemies  before  the  day  when  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  suffered 
judgement,  by  reason  of  such  animals,  goods  and  chattels,  provided 
that  they  execute  their  commission  with  regard  to  such  animals, 
goods  and  chattels  withdrawn  by  the  said  William  or  others  after  the 
said  day.  By  K. 

Aug.  8.  Order  to  John  de  Twayt,  keeper  of  the  manor  of  Brustwyk,  to  deliver 
Pickering,  to  W.  archbishop  of  York  or  his  attorney  the  bishop's  passage  over  the 
water  of  Hull  where  the  bridge  called  '  Hull  Brigg  '  used  to  be,  which 
passage  the  king  ordered  him  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  for  certain 
causes,  together  with  the  issues  thereof  from  the  time  of  the  taking 
thereof  into  the  king's  hand  ;  the  archbishop,  however,  shall  answer  for 
the  issues  if  they  ought  to  pertain  to  the  king. 

Aug.  7.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 
Kirkham.     lands  late  of  Philip  Maubank,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 


Of  those  who  have  made  fines  with  the  king  to  save  their  lives  and 
to  have  their  lands,  to  wit : — 

Aug.  17.  Robert  de  Dalton,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Lancaster,  of  late  the 
Pickering,  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  and  on  that  account  taken  and  detained  in 
prison,  has  made  fine  in  100  marks  to  save  his  life  and  have  his  lands, 
whereof  he  will  pay  at  the  Exchequer  a  moiety  at  Christmas  next  and 
a  moiety  at  Easter  following,  and  for  payment  thereof  has  found  as 
mainpernors  John  de  Bulmere,  Thomas  le  Taillour  of  Pykeryng,  of  the 
county  of  York,  and  Adam  de  Asshurst  of  the  county  of  Lancaster,  each 
of  whom  has  mainprised  therefor  and  for  Robert's  good  behaviour, 
as  is  contained  on  the  dorse. 

Cancelled  by  order  of  the  king  for  the  cause  aforesaid  [see  p.  154]. 

Master  William  de  Walyngford,  clerk,  of  the  county  of  Oxford,  has 

made  fine  in  1001.  to  be  paid  before  Christmas  next,  and  has  found  as 

mainpernors  William  Bacoun  of  the  county  of  Westmoreland,  Roger  de 
Flete  of  the  county  of  Lincoln,  Peter  Pirie  of  the  county  of  Kent  and 
Robert  de  Sandale  of  the  county  of  York. 

Dec.  27.         John  de  Leyburn,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Salop,  has  made  fine  in 

Kenilworth.    200  marks  whereof  he  will  pay  at  the  Exchequer  100  marks  before  the 

octave  of  the  Purification  next  and  100  marks  at  the  king's  will,  and 

has  given  security  of  good  behaviour  by  oath  and  his  letters  patent, 





April  1. 

Membrane  27 — cont. 

and  has  found  mainpernors  for  his  behaviour,  as  is  contained  on  the 


William  Waldebeof  of  the  county  of  Hereford  has  made  fine  in 
20  marks  and  has  given  security  of  good  behaviour  by  oath  etc.  and 
has  found  mainpernors  etc.  as  above. 

Vacated  because  the  king  has  granted  the  said  fine  to  Edmund,  earl 
of  Arundel,  who  has  remitted  the  same. 

John  de  Chelmersford,  clerk,  of  the  county  of  Essex,  taken  and  de- 
Westminster,  tained  in  prison  because  he  adhered  to  certain  the  king's  enemies  and 
rebels,  has  made  fine  in  200  marks  whereof  he  will  pay  a  moiety  on  the 
quinzaine  of  Easter  next  and  a  moiety  on  the  quinzaine  of  Midsummer 
following,  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Giles  de  Trumpton  of  the 
county  of  Cambridge,  Master  Richard  de  Clare  of  the  county  of  Wilts, 
and  Gilbert  de  Chelmersford,  parson  of  the  church  of  St.  Michael,  Long 
Stretton,  in  the  diocese  of  Norwich,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  for 
payment  of  the  said  fine  and  for  John's  good  behaviour,  as  is  contained 
on  the  dorse.  By  K. 


Aug.  17. 



June  30. 


The  following  have  found  mainprise  for  their  loyal  behaviour  under 
the  following  conditions  and  penalties,  to  wit  : — 

Robert  de  Dalton,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Lancaster,  has  given 
security  by  oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record,  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  John  de  Bulmere,  Thomas  le  Taillour  of  Pikeryng,  of  the 
county  of  York,  and  Adam  de  Asshurst  of  the  county  of  Lancaster, 
each  of  whom  has  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty 
of  100Z. 

Master  William  de  Walyngford,  clerk,  has  given  security  etc.  by 
oath  under  a  penalty  of  100Z.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  William 
Bacoun  of  the  county  of  Westmoreland,  Roger  de  Flete  of  the  county  of 
Lincoln,  Peter  Pirie  of  the  county  of  Kent  and  Robert  de  Sandale 
of  the  county  of  York,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  under  a  penalty 
of  another  100?. 

John  de  Leyburn,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Salop,  has  given  security 
by  oath  and  his  letters  patent  under  a  penalty  of  200  marks  and  has 
found  as  mainpernors  John  de  Cherleton  of  the  county  of  Salop,  John 
de  Felton  of  the  same  county,  John  Darcy  '  le  Neveu  '  of  the  county  of 
Lincoln,  and  Res  ap  Griffith  of  Wales. 

William  Waldebeof  of  the  county  of  Hereford  has  given  security  by 
oath  etc.  under  a  penalty  of  40Z.  and  has  found  as  mainpernors  Hugh  de 
Mortimer,  Roger  Pichard,  Emery  Pauncefot,  knights,  of  the  county  of 
Hereford,  and  Philip  de  Clanewoue  of  the  same  county. 

William  Greylyng  of  Tonebrigg  of  the  county  of  Kent  has  given 
security  by  oath  etc.  under  a  penalty  of  20  marks  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  William  son  of  Simon  of  Tonebrigg,  William  de  Hasden 
of  Tonebrigg,  John  Andreu  of  the  same  town,  Simon  Alduf  of  the 

17  EDWARD  II.  235 

1324.  Membrane  27d — cont. 

same  town,  John  de  Hasden  of  the  same  town,  John  Martyn  of  the 
same  town,  and  Robert  de  Hasden  of  the  same  town,  of  the  county 
of  Kent. 

John  de  Valoignes  of  the  county  of  Kent  has  given  security  by  oath 
etc.  under  a  penalty  of  40  marks  and  has  found  as  rnainpernors  John 
Martyn  of  Tonebrigg,  Thomas  Cristian  of  the  same  town,  Thomas 
Fleccher  of  the  same  town,  and  Gilbert  Prentiz  of  the  same  town,  of  the 
county  of  Kent. 

William  de  Hokyngore  of  the  county  of  Kent  has  given  security  by 
oath  etc.  under  a  penalty  of  100  marks  and  has  found  as  mainpcrnors 
Thomas  de  Gelderege  of  Tonebrigg,  John  Somer  of  the  same  town, 
Simon  Aldelf  of  the  same  town,  and  John  dc  Tonge  of  the  same  town, 
of  the  said  county. 

Margaret  wife  of  John  de  Bourn  of  the  county  of  Kent  has  given 
security  by  oath  etc.  under  a  penalty  of  100/.  and  has  found  as  main- 
pernors  John  de  Olneye,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Northampton, 
Harsculph  de  Whitewell  of  the  county  of  Lincoln,  Thomas  de  Aldon 
and  Thomas  de  Blakebrok  of  the  county  of  Kent,  Richard  de  Cave  of 
the  counties  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham,  Roger  atte  Nessh,  Robert 
de  Bukfingham]  of  the  county  of  Buckingham,  and  John  de  Cornhull  of 

Vacated  because  of  the  quarrel. 

Eustace  de  Bourn  of  the  county  of  Kent  has  given  security  by  oath 
etc.  under  a  penalty  of  100L  and  has  found  the  same  mainpernors. 

John  de  Bourn  of  the  county  of  Kent  has  given  security  by  oath 
etc.  under  a  penalty  of  1001.  and  has  found  the  same  mainpernors  and 
the  following,  to  wit,  Richard  de  Bourn,  John  Somer  of  Tonebrigg, 
John  le  Clerk  of  the  same  town,  Gilbert  Prentiz  of  the  same  town, 
Richard  Blode  of  the  same  town  and  John  de  Tonge  of  the  same  town, 
of  the  said  county. 


Margaret  wife  of  John  de  Coggeshale  of  the  county  of  Hertford  has 
given  security  by  oath  etc.  under  a  penalty  of  100L  and  has  found  as 
mainpernors  Richard  de  Gatesbury  of  the  county  of  Hertford,  Richard 
de  Cave  of  the  county  of  Buckingham,  Richard  de  Kancia  of  the 
same  county,  and  John  de  Bedford  of  the  county,  of  Kent. 

Vacated  because  of  the  quarrel. 

And  be  it  remembered  that  the  aforesaid  William  Greylyng,  John 
de  Valoignes,  John  (sic)  de  Hokyngore,  Margaret  wife  of  John  de  Bourn, 
Eustace,  John  de  Bourn,  and  Margaret  wife  of  John  de  Coggeshale, 
were  delivered  from  prison  by  letters  under  the  privy  seal  on  the 
information  of  William  de  Ayremynne,  keeper  of  that  seal. 

1323  MEMBRANE  26. 

Aug.  1*1.         Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  London  to  take  Ralph  de  Bouzton  of  London 
Pickering,     and  cause  him  to  be  brought  to  the  king  without  delay  under  safe 


1323.  Membrane  26 — cont. 

conduct,  and  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  his  goods  and  chattels 
and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  and  to  certify  the  king 
of  what  they  do  hereof.  By  K. 

Aug.  7.  Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
Pickering,  made  by  him  shewing  that  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  of  late  the 
king's  enemy  and  rebel,  held  on  the  day  of  his  forfeiture  by  name  of 
wardship  certain  lands  in  Palyngton,  co.  Warwick,  of  the  inheritance 
of  Denise  wife  of  John  de  Watevill  and  Alice  wife  of  John  de  Langeleye, 
daughters  and  heirs  of  Isabel  de  Hilles,  and  that  the  said  lands  after 
the  death  of  Isabel,  who  held  them  of  the  said  earl  by  knight  service, 
came  to  the  earl  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Denise  and  Alice  by  name 
of  wardship,  and  afterwards  came  to  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of 
the  earl's  forfeiture,  and  are  still  in  the  king's  hand,  and  that  Denise 
is  of  full  age, — to  make  partition  of  the  said  lands  in  the  presence 
of  the  said  John  de  Langeleye  and  Alice,  if  they  wish  to  be  present, 
into  two  equal  parts,  and  to  deliver  to  the  said  John  de  Watevill,  who 
has  done  homage,  and  Denise  as  senior  heir  the  pourparty  falling  to 
her,  retaining  in  the  king's  hand  the  pourparty  falling  to  Alice  until 
further  order,  and  to  send  the  partition  made  by  him  to  be  enrolled 
on  the  rolls  of  Chancery.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  1.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Michael  de 
Pickering.  Appelby  and  Christiana  his  wife,  one  of  the  kinswomen  and  heirs 
of  John  de  Crokedayk,  tenant  in  chief,  as  their  pourparty  of  the  lands 
late  of  John,  the  following  lands,  which  the  king  has  assigned  to  them, 
to  wit,  6£  messuages,  51  acres  of  land,  3£  roods  of  meadow  in  Gamelesby, 
co.  Cumberland,  extended  at  29s.  4frf.,  a  third  part  of  a  third  part 
of  two  parts  of  a  water-mill  in  the  same  town,  extended  at  4s.  5^d., 
8  acres  and  3  roods  of  land  and  a  moiety  of  a  messuage  in  Wyganby, 
co.  Cumberland,  extended  at  2s.  2^d.  a  year,  and  a  third  part  of  a  rood 
of  meadow,  8  acres  and  3  roods  of  wood  in  Glassanby,  co.  Cumberland, 
and  a  third  part  of  a  third  part  of  two  parts  of  a  burnt  water-mill 
in  Gamelesby,  not  extended  ;  the  said  Michael  having  done  homage. 


Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Thomas  de  Neubyggyng  and  Joan 
his  wife,  one  of  the  kinswomen  and  heirs  of  the  same  John  de  Crokedayk, 
as  their  pourparty  of  the  same  lands,  the  following  lands,  which  the  king 
has  assigned  to  them,  to  wit,  5  tofts,  10J  bovates  and  3  acres  and  1  rood 
of  land  in  Glassanby,  extended  at  12s.  2d.,  a  moiety  of  a  watermill 
and  of  a  fulling-mill  in  the  same  town,  extended  at  14s.,  5d.  of  rent 
in  the  same  town  to  be  received  from  John  de  Leysingby,  16  acres 
of  land  in  Grenerigg,  co.  Cumberland,  extended  at  5s.,  and  a  third 
part  of  a  third  part  of  two  parts  of  a  water-mill  in  Gamelesby,  extended 
at  4s.  5J<2.  a  year,  and  a  third  part  of  a  rood  of  meadow,  8  acres  and 
3  roods  of  wood  in  Glassanby,  and  a  third  part  of  a  third  part  of  two 
parts  of  a  burnt  water-mill  in  Gamelesby,  not  extended  ;  the  said 
Thomas  having  done  homage.  Cumberland. 

Aug.  9.          Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Nicholas  de  Thoren,  son  and  heir 

Lockton.      of  Nicholas  de  Thoren,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father, 

he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s.  [6635.]  York. 

17  EDWARD  II. 



Aug.  20. 

Aug.  30. 



Aug.  28. 



Aug.  28. 



Membrane  26 — cont. 

Order  to  the  bailiffs,  constables  and  other  good  men  of  Barton  upon 
Humbre  to  deliver  to  Alice  wife  of  Theobald  de  Barton  all  the  goods 
and  chattels  late  of  Theobald,  which  were  taken  by  them  into  the 
king's  hand  because  Theobald  was  indicted  of  the  death  of  John  de 
Crul  and  on  that  account  taken  and  imprisoned  and  afterwards  broke 
prison,  for  a  reasonable  price  and  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon 
between  them  and  her,  to  answer  the  king  therefor  at  the  king's  order ; 
and  to  certify  the  king  what  and  of  what  sort  were  the  goods  and 
chattels  so  taken  by  them  into  the  king's  hand  and  delivered  to  Alice, 
and  of  what  price,  the  king  wishing  them  to  be  discharged  therefrom. 

The  like  to  the  coroners  in  the  county  of  Lincoln. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Thomas  de  Kudlynton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Adam  de  Styrkland  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manor  of  Berlay,  co.  York,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Aug.  24.  Grant  to  Cecily,  late  the  wife  of  Richard  le  Botyller,  tenant  in  chief, 
Danby.  for  a  fine  of  50  marks  whereof  she  will  pay  at  the  Exchequer  12  marks, 
6s.  8d.  at  Michaelmas  next,  Easter  following,  Michaelmas  following 
and  Easter  following,  of  the  wardship  of  two  parts  of  the  lands  late  of 
the  said  Richard  in  the  county  of  Lancaster,  in  the  king's  hand  by 
reason  of  the  minority  of  Richard  his  son  and  heir,  to  hold  until  the 
full  age  of  the  heir,  with  the  marriage  of  the  same  ;  and  if  he  dio 
before  his  coming  of  age  and  marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  she  shall 
have  the  wardship  until  the  time  when  he  would  have  been  of  full  age, 
with  the  marriage  of  his  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  her, 
with  the  body  of  the  heir  to  be  married. 

Be  it  remembered  that  Thurstan  de  Northlegh,  Laurence  Travers, 
Edmund  de  Haydok,  Henry  de  Fetherby,  Thomas  de  Hale  and  John  de 
Brockeles  of  the  county  of  Lancaster  came  into  Chancery  and  main- 
prised  each  for  the  whole  sum  for  the  said  Cecily  touching  the  payment 
of  the  said  50  marks. 

Aug.  26. 



Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  London  to  take  and  cause  to  kept  safely  in 
prison  until  further  order  Raulin  de  Bokton  of  London,  staying  on 
Cornhull,  and  John  le  Mercer  of  London,  who  abetted  the  escape  of 
Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  from  the  prison  of 
the  Tower  of  London,  wherein  he  was  detained  on  the  said  account ;  and 
to  take  also  into  the  king's  hand  all  their  lands,  goods  and  chattels, 
and  cause  them  to  be  safely  kept,  so  that  they  answer  for  the  goods 
and  chattels  and  for  the  issues  of  the  lands  until  further  order. 

The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent  touching  Richard  Bokton,  staying 
on  the  Blean  (super  Ble). 

The  like  to  the  bailiff  of  the  Isle  of  Wight  touching  William  de 
Bourhunte  and  Alice  his  wife. 



Sept.  4. 

Sept.  5. 

Sept.  10. 

Membrane  26 — cant. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Richard  le  Blount, 
son  and  heir  of  David  le  Blount,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his 
said  father,  he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s.  Gloucester. 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Richard  Pecche,  son  and  heir  of 
Nicholas  Pecche,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he 
having  done  homage  ;  saving  to  Margaret  late  the  wife  of  Nicholas 
her  dower.  By  p.s.  Somerset. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Roger  de  Wodeham,  yeoman  of  the 
chamber,  of  the  keeping  of  the  manor  of  Escrik,  late  of  Isabel  de  Lasceles 
and  taken  into  the  king's  hand  by  her  death,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer,  the  king  willing  that  he  cause  the 
corn  growing  in  the  lands  of  the  manor  to  be  entered  on  (intrare  facial) 
and  keep  the  same  and  other  goods  and  chattels  in  the  manor,  and 
answer  therefor  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Henry  le  Scrop  of  the  keeping  of 
the  forest  on  this  side  Trent,  with  the  usual  fee  yearly,  so  that  the 
bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  whom  he  will  charge  with  the  issues  and 
other  things  belonging  to  the  king  by  reason  of  that  keeping  answer 
therefor  at  the  Exchequer,  and  so  that  he  bring  his  rolls  to  the  Exchequer 
at  the  end  of  each  year.  By  p.s.  [6668.] 

Order  to  John  de  Crumbwell  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all 
things  belonging  thereto  in  his  keeping  by  chirograph  to  be  made 
thereon  between  them.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  all  sheriffs,  bailiffs  and  others  on  this  side  Trent  to  be 
intendant  to  him  and  to  summon  before  him  knights  and  others,  as  he 
shall  warn  them  on  the  king's  behalf.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  the  said  John  to  deliver  to  him  or  his  lieutenant  in  the 
forest  all  rolls  of  mainprises  of  trespassers  in  the  forest,  inquisitions 
and  indictments  touching  that  office  in  his  keeping,  by  chirograph  to 
be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Sept.  11. 



Sept.  17. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  to  Robert  de  Clyfton, 
kinsman  and  heir  of  Gervase  de  Clyfton,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands 
late  of  the  said  Gervase,  his  grandfather,  he  having  done  homage. 

By  p.s.  Nottingham. 

Order  to  John  de  Lek,  keeper  of  the  castle  and  honour  of  Tuttebury, 
not  to  meddle  with  the  manor  of  Broughton,  late  of  the  aforesaid 
Gervase,  he  having  meddled  therewith  after  the  death  of  Gervase, 
whereat  the  king  is  amazed. 

Order  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln, 
to  sequestrate  and  keep  safely  until  further  order  all  ecclesiastical 
goods  of  Master  John  de  Stratford  in  their  district  or  jurisdiction, 
and  also  any  money  that  should  have  been  levied  to  his  use  in  the 
next  synod  of  the  archdeaconry  of  Lincoln,  and  to  certify  the  king  of 
what  goods  and  money  and  of  what  sort  they  sequestrate  ;  the  said 
John,  whom  the  king  despatched  of  late  to  the  court  of  Rome  to  speed 
the  king's  business  there  for  the  king's  honour  and  advantage,  having 
acted  there  to  the  king's  prejudice,  whereat  the  king  is  justly  disturbed, 

17  EDWARD  II. 


Sept.  21. 


April  9. 

1323.  Membrane,  26 — cont. 

and  being  held  to  render  account  to  the  king  of  divers  sums  of  money 
delivered  to  him  as  well  of  a  prest  by  order  of  the  king  from  the 
wardrobe  as  otherwise.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  William  de  Monte  Gomeri,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief. 


The  following  persons,  cited  of  adherence  to  the  king's  enemies, 
who  have  not  made  fine  with  the  king,  have  found  security  of  good 
behaviour,  to  wit : — 

Edmund  Trussel  of  the  county  of  Leicester  has  given  security 
by  oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record,  and  has  found  as  mainpernors 
Henry  de  Thornton  of  the  county  of  York,  Jurdan  Bisshop  of  the 
county  of  Gloucester,  Thomas  de  Kekyngwyk  of  the  county  of  Worces- 
ter, and  Theobald  de  Baryngton  of  the  county  of  Stafford,  each  of 
whom  has  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  100Z. 


April  21.  John  de  Hereford,  clerk,  of  the  county  of  Essex,  has  given  security 
Langley.  by  oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record,  and  has  found  as  mainpernors 
Walter  de  Holewelle,  knight,  Ralph  de  Meperdessale,  William  de 
Holewelle,  of  the  county  of  Bedford,  Nicholas  Legat,  Giles  de  Ho  and 
Walter  de  Restlinge,  of  the  county  of  Hertford,  each  of  whom  has 
mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  100Z. 

Richard  Fort,  chaplain,  of  the  county  of  Hertford,  has  given  security 
by  oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record,  and  has  found  as  mainpernors 
Simon  de  Derlyngtoii  of  the  county  of  Gloucester,  Donald  le  Messager 
of  Ireland.  John  de  Waltham,  '  messager,'  of  the  county  of  Berks, 
Hughtred  de  Getheleston  of  the  county  of  Westmoreland,  Thomas  atte 
Marke  of  Ekeringg  of  the  county  of  Nottingham,  and  John  de  Leycestre 
of  the  county  of  Lincoln,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  for  his  good 
behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  100L 

John  de  Bebelisworth  of  the  county  of  Hertford  has  given  security 
by  oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record,  and  has  found  as  mainpernors 
John  de  la  Haye,  Roger  de  Luda,  Henry  Norman,  Robert  le  Barber 
of  St.  Albans,  and  Robert  Cheval,  of  the  county  of  Hertford,  each  of 
whom  has  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of 

May  25.  John  de  Sapy,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Hereford,  has  given  security 
V'estminster.  by  oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record,  and  has  found  as  mainpernors 
Robert  de  Kendale  of  the  county  of  Hertford,  James  de  Audeley  of 
the  county  of  Stafford,  John  Haward  of  the  county  of  Norfolk,  John 
de  Twyford  of  the  county  of  Warwick,  Thomas  de  Hastang  of  the  county 
of  Salop,  and  John  de  Dofford  of  the  county  of  Worcester,  each  of 
whom  has  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty  of  200L 

July  1.          John  de  Lancastre  of  the  county  of  Lancaster  has  given  security  by 
Hotherfield.    oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record,  and  has  found  as  mainpernors 





Sept.  20. 


Sept.  22. 

Oct.  1. 

Skipton  in 


Oct.  2. 

Skipton  in 


Membrane  2Qd — cont. 

Roger  Foun  of  the  county  of  Derby,  Richard  de  Monte  Caniso,  knight, 
of  the  county  of  Hertford,  John  de  Clanewoue  of  Wales,  John  de  Sporn 
of  the  county  of  Norfolk,  and  Richard  Darel  of  the  county  of  York, 
each  of  whom  has  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under  a  penalty 
of  40  marks. 

Richard  de  Pessale  of  the  county  of  Northampton  has  given  security 
by  oath  etc.  under  the  form  of  a  record,  and  has  found  as  mainpernors 
William  de  Sharshull,  James  de  Podmor,  John  de  Say  of  Dunston, 
William  Golde  of  Westbromewych,  of  the  county  of  Stafford,  Walter  de 
Shakenhuse,  John  de  Lodelowe  and  Richard  de  Lodelowe,  of  the  county 
of  Salop,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  for  his  good  behaviour  under 
a  penalty  of  100  marks. 



Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Walter  de  Kilvyngton  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manors  of  Kirkeby  Fletham,  Stapelton,  Dighton,  Crathorn,  Wath, 
Brampton,  Holmes,  Southbrunne  and  Tybethorp,  and  of  certain  lands 
in  Escryk  and  Kyrkeby  Underknoll,  co.  York,  in  the  king's  hand,  so 
that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  John  de  Kilvyngton,  keeper  of  certain  lands  in  the  said 
county  forfeited  to  the  king,  to  deliver  to  Walter  the  said  manors,  with 
the  animals  and  other  goods  and  chattels  therein,  by  indenture  to  be 
made  thereon  between  them.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  to  Walter  the 
said  lands. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Hugh  Castellon  of  the  keeping  of 
the  manor  of  Kirkeby  Malesart  and  the  chace  of  Niderdale  there,  late 
of  John  de  Moubray,  late  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  and  in  the  king's 
hand  by  his  forfeiture,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at 
the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  aforesaid  John  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the 
animals  etc.  as  above.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Cumberland  to  take  Robert  de  Leyburn  and 
cause  him  to  be  brought  forthwith  to  the  king  under  safe  conduct, 
and  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  all  his  lands,  goods  and  chattels,  and 
cause  them  to  be  kept  safely,  so  that  he  answer  therefor  at  the 
Exchequer  until  further  order.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  William  de  Wynnesbury,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  same  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
William  de  Boudlers,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  le  Hauberger  of  the  keeping 
of  the  manors  of  Snayth,  Cowyk  and  Polyngton,  co.  York,  in  the  king's 
hand,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  in  the  chamber.  By  K. 

Order  to  Thomas  Deyvill,  keeper  of  certain  lands  in  the  said  county 
in  the  king's  hand,  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the  goods  and 
chattels  therein,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  K. 

17  EDWARD  II. 



Oct.  2. 

Skipton  in 

Oct.    1. 

Skipton  in 


Oct.  1. 

Skipton  in 


Oct.  9. 

Oct.  10. 

Oct.  8. 

Oct.  20. 

Oct.  22. 

Membrane  25 — cent. 

Licence,  for  a  fine  of  4  marks,  for  Elizabeth,  lato  the  wife  of  David  de 
Langeton,  tenant  in  chief  as  of  the  castle  of  Werk  upon  Tweed,  which 
is  in  the  king's  hand,  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will  in  the  king's  fealty. 


Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 
lands  late  of  Walter  de  Pavely,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
made  by  him  shewing  that  David  de  Langeton  held  on  the  day  of  his 
death  the  manor  of  Monylawes  in  chief  by  knight  service  as  of  the 
castle  of  Werk,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  and  that  he  held  no  other 
lands  in  chief  as  of  the  crown  whereby  the  wardship  of  other  his  lands 
should  pertain  at  present  to  the  king,  to  retain  in  the  king's  hand 
the  said  manor  until  further  order,  and  to  meddle  no  further  with  the 
other  lands  late  of  David,  delivering  any  issues  thereof  received  by 
him  to  those  whose  they  are. 

Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  William  de  Bourgh  of  Middelton  in 
Lonesdale,  son  and  heir  of  William  de  Bourgh  of  Middelton,  tenant  in 
chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage. 

By  p.s.  Lancaster. 

Order  to  the  chancellor  of  Ireland  or  his  lieutenant  to  summon  the 
treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin  and  if,  after  diligent 
enquiry  had  with  them,  he  find  that  Master  Andrew  Sapiti  and 
Reinuncius  his  brother  by  themselves  or  others  in  their  name  have 
occupied  and  received  to  their  own  use  any  issues  of  the  temporalities 
of  the  archbishopric  of  Dublin  during  the  two  last  voidances  thereof, 
as  the  king  has  learned,  whereat  he  is  justly  disturbed,  to  cause  to  be 
arrested  and  kept  under  safe  arrest  all  their  goods  and  chattels  in 
Ireland,  in  whose  hands  soever  they  be,  until  the  king  have  been 
satisfied  of  the  issues  of  the  archbishopric  so  pertaining  to  him  and 
of  the  damages  and  contempts  committed  by  them  in  this  behalf,  or 
until  further  order.  By  K. 

Order  to  Eustace  de  Burneby  and  Maud  his  wife  not  to  pay  hereafter 
to  Thomas  de  Grey  the  201.  yearly  which  the  king  granted  to  him  for 
service  done,  in  aid  of  the  sustenance  of  him  and  his  wife  and  children, 
and  which  the  said  Eustace  and  Maud  paid  at  the  Exchequer  for  a 
messuage,  16  virgates  of  land,  16  acres  of  meadow  and  19s.  of  rent 
in  Watford  and  Syvelesworth,  co.  Northampton,  and  were  ordered  to 
pay  to  Thomas  at  the  same  terms  at  which  they  paid  the  same  at  the 
Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  not  to  allow 
them  the  said  sum  or  any  part  thereof  hereafter. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 
lands  late  of  Hugh  de  Rakesworthy,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  William  de  Clifton,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

F  16 



1323.  Membrane  25 — con*. 

Oct.  24.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Holland,      the  lands  late  of  Ralph  de  Gorges,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Oct.  26.  Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  London  to  take  John  de  Patesmere,  knight, 
Liverpool,  and  Ralph  de  Bockton,  '  taverner  '  of  London,  who  have  now  adhered 
to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Wyggemore,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel, 
and  cause  them  to  be  kept  safely  in  prison  until  further  order,  and 
to  take  into  the  king's  hand  their  lands,  goods  and  chattels,  so  that 
they  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  [6718.] 

Oct.  26.          The  like  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  and  Hertford. 


Oct.  26.          Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

Holland,  the  lands  late  of  Isabel  David,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Oct.  30.          Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  Reynold  de  Pavely,  son  and  heir 

Ince.         of  Walter  de  Pavely,  tenant  in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father, 

he  having  done  homage.  By  p.s.  [6720.] 

Oct.  30.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  be 
Ince.  intendant  to  Humphrey  de  Waleden  and  Robert  de  Grendon,  whom 
the  king  has  appointed  to  seize  into  the  king's  hand  and  cause  to  be 
safely  kept  all  castles,  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late  of  John  de  Gray, 
deceased,  in  Wales  and  the  march  of  Wales,  so  that  they  answer  for 
those  goods  and  chattels  and  for  the  issues  of  the  said  castles  and  lands 
at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s. 

In  like  manner  John  de  Denton  and  Richard  de  Bury,  king's  clerks, 
are  appointed  to  seize  into  the  king's  hand  and  cause  to  be  safely 
kept  all  lands,  goods  and  chattels  late  of  the  same  John  in  Wales  and 
the  march  of  Wales  until  further  order.  By  p.s. 

Afterwards  on  20  November  following,  the  king  being  at  Notyng- 
ham,  Humphrey  was  ordered  not  to  concern  himself  with  the  premises, 
because  the  king  wished  Robert  to  concern  himself  separately 
therewith.  By  K. 

Nov.  14.  Commission  to  William  de  Gosefeld  and  Robert  de  Asshele,  reciting 
Nottingham,  that  the  king  is  given  to  understand  that  many  bailiffs,  reeves  and 
other  ministers  who  were  with  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere  and 
were  held  to  render  their  account  to  him  have  not  rendered  those 
accounts  but  detain  a  great  sum  of  money  due  to  Bartholomew,  which 
ought  to  pertain  to  the  king  by  reason  of  his  forfeiture,  and  that  there 
are  divers  debtors  in  the  county  of  Kent  who  were  held  to  Bartholomew 
in  divers  sums  of  money  which  they  have  not  yet  paid  and  which  also 
ought  to  pertain  to  the  king  for  the  cause  aforesaid  ;  and  appointing 
the  said  William  and  Robert  to  make  inquisition  in  the  said  county 
and  to  inform  themselves  to  the  best  of  their  power  touching  the 
bailiffs,  reeves,  ministers  and  debtors  aforesaid  and  touching  the 
debts  which  are  clear  in  this  behalf,  and  to  summon  such  before  them  to 
answer  hereon,  and  to  deliver  estreats  of  those  debts  to  the  sheriff  of 
the  county  for  levying  the  same  to  the  king's  use,  and  to  do  all  other 
things  which  they  think  fit  for  the  king  in  this  behalf,  and  to  certify 
the  king  of  all  they  do  ;  and  order  to  them  to  execute  the  premises 
and  to  summon  the  said  bailiffs  and  others  and  the  jurors  whose  names 
are  returned  before  them  by  amercements  and  issues  forfeit,  if  need 

17  EDWARD  II. 



Membrane  25  —  cont. 

be,  whereof  the  king  wishes  to  be  answered  ;  the  king  having  ordered 
the  sheriff  to  summon  the  said  bailiffs  and  others  before  them  on 
days  and  at  places  fixed  by  them.  By  K. 

MEMBRANE  24.—  Schedule. 

Nov.  18.  Commitment  to  William  de  Eglesfeld  of  the  keeping  of  68  acres  of 
Nottingham,  land  in  Wrestelyngworth,  co.  Bedford,  and  a  messuage,  2  tofts,  6  bovates, 
7£  acres  of  land  in  Quixley,  co.  York,  and  6£  messuages,  70  acres  of 
land,  3|  roods  of  meadow  and  10s.  4d.  of  rent  and  a  third  part  of  two 
parts  of  a  water-mill  in  Gamelesby  and  Forneby,  co.  Cumberland, 
extended  at  108s.  4fd.  a  year,  and  of  a  rood  of  meadow,  8  acres  and 
3  roods  of  wood  in  Glassanby  and  a  third  part  of  two  parts  of  a  burnt 
water-mill  in  Gamelesby,  not  extended,  which  are  of  the  pourparty  of 
John  son  of  Robert  son  of  Roger  de  Tollesland,  kinsman  and  one 
of  the  heirs  of  John  de  Crokedayk,  tenant  in  chief,  falling  to  him 
of  the  lands  late  of  the  said  John  de  Crokedayk,  and  which  are  in 
the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  said  John  son  of 
Robert  ;  to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  latter,  rendering  yearly 
at  the  Exchequer  of  Easter  and  Michaelmas  the  said  extent  by  equal 
portions,  so  also  that  he  maintain  the  said  heir  in  food  and  clothing. 
Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  [rectius  beyond]  Trent  to  deliver 
to  him  the  said  lands  in  the  county  of  Bedford.  .  By  the  treasurer. 

Nov.  16.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  William  de 
NHtingham,  Chayllou,  as  clerk  and  surveyor  of  the  king's  works  in  the  Tower  of 
London  and  the  palace  of  Westminster,  so  that  he  answer  at  the 
Exchequer  for  all  his  receipts  of  the  king's  money  on  the  said  works 
by  reasonable  account,  and  receive  from  the  king  yearly  in  that  office 
such  wages  as  other  surveyors  have  received  hitherto.  By  K. 


Nov.  13.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Nottingham.  the  lands  of  William  de  Cateby,  deceased,  tenant  by  knight  service 
of  the  bishopric  of  Lincoln,  in  the  king's  hand. 

16.  Order  to  Robert  de  Aston,  keeper  of  certain  lands  in  the  counties  of 
Nottingham.  Somerset,  Dorset  and  Gloucester,  forfeited  of  late  to  the  king,  in  the 
king's  hand,  to  deliver  to  Walter  de  Pavely,  a  rebel  of  late  and  an 
adherent  of  other  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels,  all  his  lands  taken  into 
the  king's  hand  on  that  account  and  in  Robert's  keeping,  to  hold  as  he 
held  the  same  before  they  came  thus  to  the  king's  hand,  provided  that 
if  the  said  lands  or  any  of  them  have  been  demised  before  to  any  persons 
at  the  king's  order,  to  hold  of  the  king  at  farm,  the  said  Walter  give 
satisfaction  for  the  reasonable  expenses  incurred  by  those  farmers  in 
the  said  lands  ;  the  said  Walter  having  found  security  by  Richard 
Damory,  knight,  of  the  county  of  Oxford,  and  Thomas  de  Bradestan 
of  the  county  of  Gloucester,  each  of  whom  has  mainprised  to  pay  at  the 
Exchequer  the  200  marks  wherein  Walter  made  fine  to  save  his  life  and 
have  his  lands,  to  wit,  25  marks  at  Easter  next  and  Michaelmas  following 
and  so  from  year  to  year  50  marks.  By  K. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Hungerford,  keeper  etc,  in  the  county  of  Wilts. 

By  K, 




Membrane  24 — cont. 

Nov.  15.  Pardon,  for  a  fine  of  100  marks  which  John  de  Faucumberge  has 
Nottingham,  made  for  himself  and  Robert  Blauer,  Richard  de  Wiresdale,  Richard 
le  Forester  and  William  de  Boythorp,  to  him  and  them  of  their  trespass 
in  chasing  in  the  king's  forest  of  Pikeryng  after  it  came  to  the  king's 
hand  by  the  forfeiture  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster,  and  in  taking 
therein  a  stag  and  a  hind,  whereof  they  are  indicted  before  William  de 
Ayremynnc,  Humphrey  de  Waleden  and  John  de  Kilvyngton,  whom 
the  king  appointed  of  late  to  enquire  touching  such  trespasses  in  the 
said  forest. 

Licence,  for  a  fine  of  100Z.  made  by  Richard  de  Grey  of  Codenoure 
whereof  he  will  pay  a  moiety  at  the  Exchequer  of  Easter  next  and  a 
moiety  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  following,  for  Robert  Fi2 
Payn  and  Ela  his  wife  to  enfeoff  Jordan  de  Byntre,  parson  of  the 
church  of  Wrockeshale,  and  Geoffrey  de  Godemaneston,  parson  oi 
the  church  of  Wodeton,  of  the  manors  of  Stokecurscy,  Radeweye,  Gary 
Cherleton  and  Wrockeshale  and  the  hundred  of  Canyngton,  and  of  tht 
advowsons  of  the  churches  of  the  said  manors  of  Cherleton  and 
Wrockeshale,  held  in  chief,  and  for  them,  after  seisin  had,  to  granl 
the  premises  to  the  said  Robert  and  Ela,  to  hold  to  them  and  the  hein 
male  of  their  bodies,  with  remainder  to  Robert,  son  of  the  said  Richard 
de  Grey,  and  the  heirs  of  his  body,  with  remainder  to  Gilbert,  brothel 
of  the  said  Robert  son  of  Richard,  and  the  heirs  of  his  body,  with 
remainder  to  the  right  heirs  of  Robert  FitzPayn. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hanc 
the  lands  late  of  John  de  Grey,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 
The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

Nov.  17.  Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Pecche  of  the  castle  of  Dove] 
Nottingham,  and  the  Cinque  Ports,  so  that  for  the  sustenance  of  him  and  of  th< 
chaplains,  Serjeants,  watchmen  and  a  carpenter  staying  in  the  castle  anc 
for  their  robes  he  receive  300Z.  a  year,  to  wit,  146?.  from  the  wards 
pertaining  to  the  castle.  100  marks  from  the  issues  of  the  port  and  th< 
custom  of  the  passage  of  Dover,  and  the  88L  residue  at  the  Exchequei 
in  moieties  at  Michaelmas  and  Easter,  of  which  sums  he  shall  not  b( 
held  to  render  account  ;  saving  to  the  king  chattels  of  felons  anc 
fugitives,  fines,  ransoms,  amercements  and  other  things  pertaining  t< 
the  king  from  the  said  ports,  of  which  he  shall  render  account  at  th< 
Exchequer.  By  K 

Order  to  the  barons,  bailiffs,  good  men  and  the  whole  commonalty  o 
the  Cinque  Ports  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  constable  and  warden. 


Order  to  Edmund  de  Wodestok,  earl  of  Kent,  the  king's  brother 
-  constable  of  the  said  castle  and  warden  of  the  Cinque  Ports,  or  his 
lieutenant,  to  deliver  the  same  to  him  with  all  things  in  the  castle  anc 
with  the  rolls,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  pertaining  to  th< 
castle  and  ports  in  his  keeping,  by  chirograph  to  be  made  thereor 
between  them.  By  K 

Nov.  17.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Weston  the  younger  of  th< 

Nottingham,  keeping  of  the  Tower  of  London,  to  hold  as  others  have  had  the  sam< 

hitherto,  receiving  yearly  the  usual  fee.  By  K 

17  EDWARD  II.  245 

1323.  Membrane  24 — cont. 

Order  to  W.  bishop  of  Exeter,  treasurer,  to  deliver  the  same  to  him 
with  all  things  and  the  prisoners  therein  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  K. 

Nov.  16.  Grant  to  John  de  Wylington,  knight,  that  of  the  3,OOOL  wherein 
Nottingham,  he  made  fine  to  save  his  life  and  have  his  lands  for  having  been  the 
king's  enemy  and  rebel  of  late  and  an  adherent  of  certain  the  king's 
enemies  and  rebels,  he  pay  1501.  at  the  Exchequer  of  Easter  next  and 
1501.  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas  following  and  so  yearly  300/., 
on  condition  that  if  he  fail  in  payment  thereof  at  any  of  the  said 
terms,  his  said  lands  shall  be  resumed  into  the  king's  hand.  By  K. 
Afterwards  the  king  ordered  that  if  the  said  John  should  never  (sic) 
by  way  of  supplication  or  grace  sue  from  the  king  a  limitation  of  the 
said  sum  or  a  mitigation  of  the  said  attermination,  the  attermination 
should  utterly  cease  and  be  void. 

Nov.  16.  Commitment  to  Nicholas  le  Listere  of  Rypon  of  the  king's  mills 
Nottingham,  under  the  castle  of  York  with  all  profits  thereof  from  All  Saints  last 
for  six  years,  with  free  entry  and  issue  by  land  and  water  for  all  who 
wish  to  grind  their  corn  there  at  the  rent  of  40  marks  a  year  at  the 
Exchequer  by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff  of  York  in  moieties  at  Easter  and 
Michaelmas,  so  that  he  maintain  the  mills  and  all  things  pertaining 
thereto,  except  the  stank  thereof  which  the  king  will  cause  to  be 
maintained.  By  K.  &  C. 

Nov.  13.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Nottingham,  the  lands  late  of  John  Giffard  of  Nyrndesfeld,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Nov.  18.  Commitment  to  William  de  Eglesfeld  of  the  keeping  of  the  lands  which 
Nottingham,  are  of  the  pourparty  of  John  son  of  Robert  son  of  Ralph  de  Tollesland, 
kinsman  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  John  de  Crokedaik,  tenant  in  chief, 
falling  to  him  of  the  lands  late  of  the  said  John  de  Crokedaik,  and  in 
the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  the  said  John  son  of 
Robert,  and  extended  at  108s.  4frf.  a  year,  to  hold  until  the  full  age 
of  the  latter,  rendering  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  of  Easter  and 
Michaelmas  the  said  extent  by  equal  portions,  so  also  that  he  maintain 
the  said  heir  in  food  and  clothing.  By  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  above  on  the 
schedule  pendant  [see  p.  243]. 

Commitment  to  the  same  William  of  the  keeping  of  the  lands  which 
are  of  the  pourparty  of  John  son  of  William  de  Eglesfeld,  kinsman 
and  one  of  the  heirs  of  John  de  Crokedaik,  etc.  as  above,  extended  at 
36s.  0£d.  a  year.  By  the  treasurer. 

Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent  to  deliver  the  same  to 
him.  By  the  treasurer. 

Nov.  19.         Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Buckingham  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 

Nottingham,  the  manor  of  Robert  de  Fienles  of  Wandovre,  with  all  his  goods  and 

chattels  therein,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  until  further  order,  so 

that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels 



1323.  Membrane  24 — cont. 

at  the  Exchequer  ;    the  said  Robert  having  received  and  offered  hel 
to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mary  of  Wygemor,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel. 

By  K 

Nov.  20.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Reynold  de  Hardpyry  of  the  sai< 

Nottingham,  manor  of  Wandovre,  in  the  king's  hand  for  certain  causes,  to  kee 

with  all  goods  and  chattels  late  of  the  said  Robert  de  Fienles  thereir 

so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  thereof  and  for  the  said  goods  an 

chattels  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Master  Robert  de  Aylestor 
Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Buckingham  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Nov.  20.         Grant  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  servant,  Reynold  de  Harde 

Nottingham,  pirye  of  Gloucester,  for  good  service,  of  the  office  of  the  king's  marke 

in  Ireland.  By  K 

Nov.  22.         Grant  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  James  de  Putehair 

Nottingham,  for  good  service,  of  the  bailiwick  which  Adam  le  Chaundeler,  deceased 

had  in  the  town  of  Suthwerk  of  the  king's  commitment,  to  hold  a 

Adam  had  the  same.  By  K 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Nov.  23.  Order  to  bailiffs  and  others  to  be  intendant  to  the  king's  clerk 
Nottingham.  Thomas  de  Useflet,  clerk  and  purveyor  of  the  wardrobe,  whom  th 
king  has  appointed  during  pleasure  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  a 
forfeit  all  cloths  from  beyond  seas  which  contain  not  the  assize  due 
whether  sealed  or  not  by  John  Griffoun  or  his  substitute,  and  to  answe 
therefor  in  the  wardrobe ;  notwithstanding  that  the  king  ha 
committed  to  the  said  John  the  office  of  the  ulnage  of  such  cloth 
throughout  the  realm  during  pleasure  so  that  he  answer  for  forfeitei 
cloths  in  the  wardrobe.  By  K 


Nov.  20.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  John  Griffoun 

Nottingham,   of  the  office  of  the  ulnage  of  cloths  from  beyond  seas  throughout  th 

realm,  so  that  he  answer  for  forfeited  cloths  in  the  wardrobe.         By  K 

Order  to  Maurice  Draghswerd  to  deliver  to  him  or  his  attorney  tb 

seal  of  the  said  office,  the  yard  (virgam)  and  all  other  things  touchin] 

the  office  hi  his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  betweei 

them.  By  K 

Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  b 

intendant  to  him  and  his  substitute. 

Nov.  22.  Commission  to  John  de  Stonore,  Robert  de  Malberthorp  an< 
Nottingham.  Master  Robert  de  Ayleston,  reciting  that  the  king  has  been  given  tx 
understand  that  the  animals  and  divers  other  goods  and  chattels  ii 
the  castles,  manors  and  lands  in  tlie  counties  of  Derby,  Salop  am 
Stafford  forfeit  to  the  king  and  elsewhere  in  the  same  counties,  lafo 
of  certain  the  king's  subjects  who  rose  against  the  king  of  late,  whicl 
ought  to  have  come  to  the  king's  hands  by  their  forfeiture,  have  beei 
withdrawn  by  certain  evildoers  and  are  still  detained  to  the  king'i 
heavy  loss,  and  that  certain  of  the  said  castles,  manors  and  lands 
and  other  possessions  in  the  said  counties  in  the  king's  hand  for  othei 

17  EDWARD  II.  247 

1323.  Membrane  23 — conl. 

causes,  which  the  king  ordered  to  be  demised  at  farm  for  a  certain  time, 
have  been  demised  by  those  persons,  by  whom  the  king  ordered  the 
same  to  be  demised,  for  less  value  than  they  could  have  been,  and 
that  the  animals,  corn  and  many  other  goods  and  chattels  therein, 
which  the  king  wished  to  be  sold  to  his  profit,  have  been  sold  by  those 
persons,  by  whom  the  king  ordered  the  same  to  be  sold,  for  a  smaller 
price  than  they  were  worth,  and  that  certain  demesne  lands  in  the 
said  castles,  manors  and  lands,  which  used  to  be  tilled,  now  lie  untilled 
through  the  fault  of  the  keepers  thereof,  and  that  the  chaces,  parks, 
warrens,  woods,  stews  and  fisheries  in  the  said  castles,  manors  and 
lands,  are  insufficiently  kept,  and  that  the  goods  and  chattels  therein 
at  the  time  of  the  taking  of  the  same  into  the  king's  hand  have  been 
dissipated  and  consumed  by  the  keepers  of  the  said  castles,  manors 
and  lands,  and  by  many  others,  and  that  the  same  keepers  have  behaved 
ill  touching  the  things  in  their  keeping  and  towards  the  king's  people 
of  the  said  parts,  and  have  badly  kept  the  said  chaces,  parks,  warrens 
woods,  stews  and  fisheries,  and  chased  in  the  chaces,  parks,  warrens 
and  woods,  and  fished  in  the  stews  and  fisheries,  and  carried  away 
fish  to  no  small  value  and  deer,  to  the  king's  loss  and  in  contempt 
of  him,  and  that  many  of  the  king's  ministers  of  the  household  and 
elsewhere  and  others,  feigning  to  have  commissions  from  the  king, 
where  they  had  none,  have  often  taken  goods  and  victuals  of  divers 
men  of  the  said  counties  to  the  king's  use  without  giving  them 
satisfaction  against  their  will,  in  contempt  of  the  king  and  to  the 
scandal  and  loss  of  many ;  and  appointing  the  said  commissioners  to 
make  inquisition  in  the  said  counties  touching  the  behaviour  of  the 
said  keepers  and  touching  the  premises,  and  to  punish  the  guilty 
according  to  their  faults,  and  to  take  fines  and  ransoms  from  those 
who  will  make  them,  and  to  certify  thereof  the  treasurer  and  barons 
of  the  Exchequer  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriffs  of  the  said 
counties  to  summon  jurors  before  them  on  days  and  at  places  fixed 
by  them,  and  the  keepers  of  the  said  castles,  manors,  lands,  chaces, 
parks,  warrens,  woods,  stews  and  fisheries,  to  be  intendant  to  them. 

By  K.  &  C. 

Dec.  15.  The  like  to  the  same  to  make  inquisition  as  above,  and  to  hear  the 
Ravensdale.  complaints  of  all  and  singular  touching  their  goods  and  victuals  thus 
taken  away,  and  to  do  justice  to  them,  and  to  punish  all  whom  they  find 
guilty  of  the  trespasses  aforesaid,  whether  at  the  suit  of  the  king  or 
of  others,  according  to  their  faults,  and  to  take  fines  and  ransoms  from 
those  who  will  make  them  for  the  things  pertaining  to  the  king  in 
this  behalf.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  30.         The  like  to  Hervey  de  Staunton,  Henry  Spygurnel,  John  de  Stonore, 

Kenilworth.    Robert  de  Malberthorp  and  Master  Robert  de  Ayleston,  in  the  counties 

of  Gloucester,  Salop,  Worcester  and  Hereford.  By  K. 

[Nov.  22.  Commission  to  John  de  Stonore,  Robert  de  Malberthorp  and  Master 
Nottingham.]  Robert  de  Ayleston,  reciting  that  the  king  has  been  given  to  under- 
stand that  the  sheriffs  in  divers  counties,  their  clerks,  bailiffs  and 
ministers,  constables  and  keepers  of  prisons,  and  bailiffs  of  liberties 
and  other  the  king's  bailiffs,  and  also  the  subescheators  in  the  same 
counties,  by  colour  of  their  offices  have  inflicted  oppressions,  losses 
and  burdens  on  the  men  of  those  counties  and  others  coming  therein 


1323.  Membrane  23— con*. 

by  false  indictments,  imprisonments,  appeals,  heavy  ransoms,  intolerable 
distraints  feigned  for  unjust  causes,  and  extortions  of  divers 
sums  of  money  and  of  things,  and  that  as  well  the  principa 
taxers  and  collectors  as  the  subtaxers  and  subcollectors  of  the  sixtt 
and  tenth  granted  of  late  to  the  king  and.  of  other  such  grants  made 
hitherto  by  the  commonalty  of  the  realm  and  by  citizens  and  burgesses 
and  men  of  the  king's  demesnes,  and  their  clerks,  have  behaved  ill  ir 
their  offices  towards  the  king  and  people,  and  have  burdened  th< 
people  and  have  received  great  sums  of  money  from  the  townships 
of  the  said  counties  to  their  own  use  that  they  should  spare  the  mer 
thereof,  in  contempt  of  the  king  and  to  the  great  loss  of  him  and  th< 
said  men  and  to  their  manifest  impoverishment ;  and  appointing 
the  said  commissioners  as  justices  to  make  inquisition  in  the  counties 
of  Derby,  Salop  and  Stafford  touching  the  premises,  and  what  sums 
of  money  the  said  taxers,  collectors,  subtaxers,  subcollectors  and  theii 
clerks  have  received  to  their  own  use  and  in  what  manner,  and  touching 
other  offences  of  the  said  taxers  and  others  in  executing  their  office 
and  burdens  inflicted  by  them  on  the  people,  and  to  hear  and  determin( 
the  complaints  of  all  and  singular  against  the  said  sheriffs  and  others 
aforesaid  since  the  king  assumed  the  governance  of  the  realm,  excepi 
those  whereon  justice  has  before  been  done,  and  to  do  full  and  speedy 
justice  to  the  parties,  and  to  take  fines  and  ransoms  from  those  wh< 
will  make  them  for  the  things  pertaining  to  the  king  in  the  premises 
the  king  having  ordered  the  sheriffs  to  summon  jurors  before  then 
on  days  and  at  places  fixed  by  them,  and  to  be  intendant  to  then 
herein.  By  K.  &  C 

Dec.  15.          The  like  to  the  same  in  the  counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicester,  witl 

Ravensdale.   the  addition  of  '  keepers  of  the  peace  and  of  prisons,'  where  in  othei 

commissions  is  said  '  keepers  of  prisons.'  By  p.s 

Dec.  26.          The  like  to  Hervey  de  Staunton,  Henry  Spygurnel,  John  de  Stonore 

Kcnilworth.    Robert  de  Malberthorp  and  Master  Robert  de  Ayleston,  in  the  countiei 

of  Gloucester,  Salop,  Worcester  and  Hereford.  By  K 

Nov.  20.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  Moryn  of  the  counties  o: 

Nottingham.   Warwick  and  Leicester  from.  Christmas  next,  so  that  he  answer  ai 

the  Exchequer  as    other  sheriffs  hitherto.  By  K 

Order  to  Henry  de  Notyngham  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  th< 

rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  his 

keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 

Nov.  24.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  manors 
Raveusdale.  of  Chytinglegh  and  Claverham,  co.  Sussex,  late  of  Nicholas  de  la  Beche 
the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  with  all  goods  and  chattels  found  therein 
and  to  keep  the  same  safely,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  of  th< 
said  manors  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels  at  the  Exchequei 
until  further  order.  By  p.s.  [6746. 

Nov.  24.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Bavensdate;   the  lands  late  of  John  de  Weston,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

17  EDWARD  II. 


1323.  Membrane  23 — cont. 

Nov.  25.  Order  to  sheriffs  and  all  other  bailiffs,  ministers  and  others  to  be 
Ravensdale.  intendant  to  the  king's  clerk,  William  de  Northwell,  whom  the  king 
has  appointed  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  manor  of  Wendovre, 
co.  Buckingham,  late  of  Robert  de  Fienles,  who  maintains  Roger  de 
Mortuo  Mari  of  Wigemor,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  and  the  manors 
of  Chittyngleye  and  Claveryngham,  co.  Essex  (sic),  late  of  Nicholas 
de  la  Beche,  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  together  with  all  goods  and 
chattels  found  therein,  and  to  keep  the  same  safely  ;  so  that  he  answer 
for  the  issues  of  the  said  manors  and  for  the  said  goods  and  chattels 
at  the  Exchequer  until  further  order  ;  notwithstanding  any  order 
made  to  any  man  hitherto  to  take  the  premises  into  the  king's  hand. 

By  p.s.  [6750.] 

Order  to  Reynold  de  Hardpyry  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manor 
of  Wendovre  and  the  goods  and  chattels  found  therein  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon,  in  his  keeping  of  the  king's  commitment. 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  manors  of 
Chittyngleye  and  Claveryngham  and  the  goods  and  chattels  found 
therein,  as  above. 


Nov.  25.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Robert  de  Furnelx  of  the  bailiwick 

Ravensdale.    of  the  hundred  of  Morleyston,  co.  Derby,  at  the  yearly  rent  at  the 

Exchequer  of  as  much  as  Hugh  de  Moston,  who  held  that  bailiwick 

before,  used  to  render  ;   provided  that  he  keep  the  same  according  to 

the  form  of  the  statute  published  thereon  at  Lincoln.         By  p.s.  [6749.] 

Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Derby  to  deliver  the  same  to  him. 

Dec.  8.  Order  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  \reclius  beyond]  Trent  to  take 

Ravensdale.    into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  Richard  de  Peveneseye,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief,  and  to  make  inquisition  thereon. 

Nov.  18.  Grant  to  Elizabeth,  late  the  wife  of  David  de  Langeton,  tenant  in 
Nottingham,  chief,  for  a  fine  of  80  marks  whereof  she  will  pay  40  marks  at  the 
Exchequer  of  Easter  next  and  40  marks  at  the  Exchequer  of  Michaelmas 
following,  of  the  wardship  of  all  the  lands  late  of  the  said  David,  in  the 
king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Thomas  his  son  and  heir, 
to  hold  until  the  full  age  of  the  said  heir,  who  on  21  August  last  was 
of  the  age  of  fourteen  years,  as  was  found  by  an  inquisition  made  by 
the  escheator  beyond  [rectius  on  this  side]  Trent  and  returned  to 
Chancery,  with  the  marriage  of  the  heir  ;  and  if  he  die  before  his 
coming  of  age  and  marriage,  his  heir  being  a  minor,  she  shall  have  the 
said  wardship  until  the  time  when  Thomas  would  have  been  of  full  age, 
with  the  marriage  of  his  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir.  By  C. 

Dec.  6.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Henry  de  Warthecop  of  the  county 
Ravensdale.    of  Westmoreland  and  the  castle  of  Appelby,  so  that  he  answer  at  the 
Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs  and  keepers  hitherto. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff 
and  keeper. 

Order  to  the  executors  of  the  will  of  Patrick  de  Colewenn,  late  sheriff, 

to  deliver  to  him  the  said  county,  with  the  rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and 

all  other  things  touching  that  office,  and  the  said  castle  with  all  things 

.  \_. :  therein,  in  their  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 



1323.  Membrane  22—cont. 

Dec.  8.          Order  to  the  eseheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  t 
Kavensdale.    lands  late  of  Paulinus  Peyvre,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Dec.  6.  Order  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford  and  the  coroners  of  that  county 
Kavensdale.  deliver  to  Master  Parvolus  de  Monte  Florum,  proctor  of  Neapoli 
cardinal  deacon  of  St.  Adrian,  the  king's  friend,  and  to  any  pers 
of  the  sheriff's  bailiwick  to  be  chosen  by  the  sheriff,  the  corn  a 
other  goods  and  chattels  of  George  de  Iporegia,  prebendary  of  t 
prebend  of  Bannebiry  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln,  found 
the  said  prebend,  for  a  reasonable  price  and  by  indenture  to  be  ma 
thereon  between  them,  to  keep  to  the  king's  use",  if  they  ought 
pertain  to  the  king,  until  further  order  ;  the  king  wishing,  out 
reverence  for  the  cardinal,  to  do  grace  to  his  said  proctor,  though  t 
said  George  was  outlawed  in  the  said  county  for  not  appearing  to  satis 
the  king  of  certain  contempts  whereof  he  was  convicted,  on  whi 
account  the  sheriff  and  coroners  took  into  the  king's  hand  the  8! 
corn,  goods  and  chattels.  By 

Dec.  20.  Order  to  John  de  Blounvill,  eseheator  in  the  counties  of  Norfo 
Kavensdale.  Suffolk,  Cambridge,  Huntingdon,  Essex  and  Hertford,  to  take  into  t 
king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Benestede,  deceased,  tens 
in  chief. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  and  cancelled  and  otherwise  below. 

The  like  to  Richard  le  Wayte,  eseheator  in  the  counties  of  Wil 
Southampton,  Oxford,  Berks,  Bedford  and  Buckingham. 

The  like  to  John  Everard,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Cornwf 
Devon,  Somerset  and  Dorset. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent,  in  the  counties  of  Middles 
and  Kent. 

Dec.  26.          Grant  at  the  king's  will  to  John  le  Trumpour,  for  good  service, 

Kenilworth.    the  houses  and  lands  late  of  William  le  Taburer  in  Pontefract  a 

Freston,  at  the  yearly  rent  of  as  much  as  William  used  to  rent 

for  the  same.  By  j 

Dec.  26.          Commitment  at  the  king's  will  to  John  de  Mighners  of  all  his  lar 

Kenilworth.    forfeited  and  in  the  king's  hand  because  he  adhered  to  the  earl 

Lancaster,  of  late  the  king's  enemy  and  rebel,  and  other  the  kin 

enemies  and  rebels  against  the  king,  to  hold  at  the  yearly  rent  of  t 

extent  thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By 

Dec.  27.  Order  to  Richard  le  Wayte,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Wil 
KenUworth.  Southampton,  Oxford,  Berks,  Bedford  and  Buckingham,  to  ta 
into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Grey,  deceased,  tens 
in  chief. 

The  like  to  John  de  Blonvill,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Norfo 
Suffolk,  Cambridge,  Huntingdon,  Essex  and  Hertford. 

The  like  to  Matthew  Broun,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Linco 
Northampton  and  Rutland. 

The  like  to  John  de  Hampton,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Herefoi 
Gloucester,  Worcester,  Salop  and  Stafford. 

The  like  to  John  de  Bolyngbrok,  in  the  counties  of  Warwick,  Leicest 
Nottingham,  Derby  and  Lancaster. 

The  like  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  in  the  county  of  Middles* 

17  EDWARD  II. 



Dec.  28. 

Kenil  worth. 

Dec.  30. 


Jan.  5. 

Jan.  10. 


Membrane  22 — conl. 

Order  to  John  Everard,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Cornwall, 
Devon,  Somerset  and  Dorset,  to  deliver  to  John  de  Weston,  constable 
of  the  Tower  of  London,  who  cannot  at  present  be  absent  from  the 
keeping  of  the  Tower,  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Weston,  his  father, 
deceased,  tenant  in  chief,  he  having  done  homage  and  the  king  having 
respited  his  fealty  at  the  king's  will.  By  K. 

The  like  to  Richard  le  Wayte,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Wilts, 
Southampton,  Oxford,  Berks,  Bedford  and  Buckingham. 

Afterwards  on  6  March  following,  the  king  being  at  Westminster, 
the  said  John  did  homage. 

Order  to  John  de  Bolyngbrok,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Warwick, 
Leicester,  Nottingham,  Derby  and  Lancaster,  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  William  du  Lee,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  John  Everard,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Cornwall, 
Devon,  Somerset  and  Dorset,  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands 
late  of  Roger  de  Meles,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  the  bailiffs  of  Ipswich  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the 
rents  which  Thomas  de  la  Rente  of  Ipswich,  deceased,  acquired  in 
Ipswich  as  his  chattels  according  to  the  custom  of  that  town  obtaining 
and  approved  hitherto,  and  bequeathed  in  his  last  will  to  Hugh  le 
Despenser  the  younger  for  140L  in  which  he  was  held  to  the  same 
Hugh,  to  hold,  sell  or  otherwise  make  his  profit  thereof,  and  which 
the  same  Hugh  has  now  assigned  to  the  king  for  certain  debts  in 
which  he  is  held  to  the  king,  to  hold  under  the  form  of  the  said  bequest ; 
and  to  deliver  the  said  rents  to  Richard  de  Kenebrok,  to  whom  the 
king  has  committed  the  keeping  thereof.  By  K. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Richard  de  Kenebrok  of  the  keeping 
of  the  aforesaid  rents  in  Ipswich  ;  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues 
thereof  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  Robert  son  of  Richard  de  Shupton*  of  Grouelthorp, 
deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Order  to  William  de  Weston,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Surrey, 
Sussex,  Kent,  Middlesex  and  the  city  of  London,  to  take  into  the 
king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  William  Colebrond,  deceased,  tenant  in 
chief,  in  the  county  of  Kent,  and  to  make  inquisition  thereon. 

1323.  MEMBRANE  21. 

Nov.  29.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  de  Bolingbrok  of  the  office 

Ravensdale.    of  the  escheatry  in  the  counties  of  Warwick,  Leicester,  Nottingham, 

Derby  and  Lancaster,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  at  the  Exchequer 

and  receive  101.  a  year  in  that  office.  By  p.s. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  those  counties  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 

escheator.  By  p.s. 

*  It  appeared  a/tenuards  that  this  man  was  not  dead.     See  Exch.  KM.  Mem. 
Roll,  1328-9,  m.  12Sd.,  and  Calendar  of  Close  Bolls,  1327-1330,  p.  41. 




Dec.  8. 

Nov.   29. 


Jan.  10. 

Membrane  21 — cont. 

Order  to  Master  John  Walewayn  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  office  in  th< 
counties  of  Warwick,  Leicester  [and  Nottingham,  with  the  rolls 
memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in  his  keeping,  b; 
chirograph  to  be  made  thereon  between  them.  By  p.s 

Order  to  Thomas  de  Burgh  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  office  in  th 
counties  of  Nottingham,  Derby  and  Lancaster,  with  the  rolls  etc 
as  above. 

Order  to  the  sheriffs  of  all  the  aforesaid  counties  to  be  intendan 
to  him  as  escheator  and  to  summon  before  him  knights  and  other 
to  make  inquisitions  and  to  do  other  things  touching  that  office  a 
often  as  he  warn  them  hereon  on  the  king's  behalf.  By  p.s 

The  like  to  Matthew  Broun  of  the  office  of  the  escheatry  in  th 
counties  of  Lincoln,  Northampton  and  Rutland,  so  that  he  answe 
as  above  and  receive  10Z.  a  year.  By  p.f 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  John  Walewayn  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  all  sheriffs  etc.  as  above. 

The  like  to  Richard  le  Wayte  of  the  office  of  the  escheatry  in  th 
counties    of    Wilts,    Southampton,    Oxford,    Berks,    Bedford    an 
Buckingham,  so  that  he  answer  as  above  and  receive  20  marks 
year.  By  p.f 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  John  Walewayn  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  all  sheriffs  etc.  as  above. 

The  like  to  John  Everard  of  the  office  of  the  escheatry  in  th 
counties  of  Cornwall,  Devon,  Somerset  and  Dorset,  so  that  he  answe 
as  above  and  receive  101.  a  year. 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  John  Walewayn  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  all  sheriffs  etc.  as  above. 

The  like  to  John  de  Hampton  of  the  office  of  the  escheatry  in  tb 
counties  of  Hereford,  Gloucester,  Worcester,  Salop  and  Stafford  an 
in  the  march  of  Wales  adjacent,  so  that  he  answer  as  above  and  receh 
10Z.  a  year.  By  p.; 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  John  Walewayn  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  all  sheriffs  etc.  as  above. 

The  like  to  John  de  Blomvill  of  the  office  of  the  escheatry  in  tl 
counties  of  Norfolk,  Suffolk,  Cambridge,  Huntingdon,  Essex  an 
Hertford,  so  that  he  answer  as  above  and  receive  20  marks  a  year. 


Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  John  Walewayn  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  all  sheriffs  etc.  as  above. 

The  like  to  William  de  Weston  of  the  office  of  the  escheatry  in  tl 
counties  of  Surrey,  Sussex,  Kent,  Middlesex,  and  the  city  of  Londoi 
so  that  he  answer  as  above  and  receive  1QL  a  year.  By  I 

Order  to  all  persons  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  John  Walewayn  etc.  as  above. 

Order  to  all  sheriffs  etc.  as  above. 

17  EDWARD  II. 



Dec.  28. 
Kenil  worth. 

Jan.  12. 


Jan.  6. 


Jan.  20. 


Dec.  17. 


Membrane  21 — cont. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Besemaunsel  of  the  county 
of  Gloucester,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  as  other  sheriffs 
hitherto.  By  K. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  that  county  to  be  intendant  to  him  as  sheriff. 

Order  to  John  de  Hampton  to  deliver  the  same  to  him,  with  the 
rolls,  writs,  memoranda  and  all  other  things  touching  that  office  in 
his  keeping,  by  indenture  to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Appointment  during  pleasure  of  the  king's  clerk,  William  de 
Oterhampton,  as  chamberlain  of  South  Wales,  so  that  he  answer  for 
the  issues  at  the  Exchequer,  receiving  yearly  the  fee  which  others 
have  received  hitherto  in  that  office. 

Order  to  the  prior  of  Kaermerdyn,  late  chamberlain  of  South  Wales, 
or  his  lieutenant,  to  deliver  to  him  the  keys,  rolls,  and  all  other  things 
touching  that  office  with  other  things  in  his  keeping,  by  indenture 
to  be  made  thereon  between  them. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  South  Wales  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 


Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  same  William  of  the  office  of 
the  escheatry  in  South  Wales,  so  that  he  answer  for  the  issues  at  the 
Exchequer,  receiving  yearly  a  fee  of  10  marks. 

By  bill  of  the  Exchequer. 

Order  to  all  persons  of  South  Wales  to  be  intendant  to  him  as 

Vacated  because  surrendered  by  the  hands  of  the  treasurer  at  West- 
minster on  9  March  in  the  eighteenth  year,  and  never  delivered  to  the 
said  William. 

Pardon,  for  a  fine  of  80s.  made  by  Thomas  de  Everyngham,  to  him 
and  Ellen,  late  the  wife  of  Alexander  de  Bradeford,  tenant  in  chief,  of 
their  trespass  in  intermarrying  without  licence.  By  C. 

Order  to  John  de  Bolingbrok,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Warwick, 
Leicester,  Nottingham,  Derby  and  Lancaster,  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Robert  son  of  Richard  Wymark  of  Ditton, 
deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Commitment  during  pleasure  to  the  king's  yeoman,  John  de  Denum, 
of  the  keeping  of  the  castle  of  Horeston,  so  that  he  answer  for  the 
issues  thereof  at  the  Exchequer  ;  grant  also  to  him  of  the  chief  keeping 
of  the  chace  of  Duffeldfrith  and  the  parks  within  the  limits  of  that 
forest,  to  have  at  the  king's  will,  receiving  the  usual  wages  for  the 
same  and  other  things  as  Nicholas  de  Hungerford,  who  had  that  keeping 
before,  used  to  receive.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  10. 


MEMBRANE  20.— Schedule. 

Commission  to  Hervey  de  Staunton,  Henry  Spigurnel,  John  de 
Stonore,  Robert  de  Malberthorp  and  Master  Robert  de  Ayleston, 
reciting  that  on  learning  of  late  that  many  of  the  counties  of  Salop, 
Stafford,  Gloucester,  Worcester  and  Hereford,  the  king's  enemies 
and  rebels  and  others,  have  aided  the  king's  enemies  and  rebels  with 



1324.  Membrane  20 — Schedule — cord. 

horsemen  and  footmen  and  in  money  and  divers  other  things,  and 
have  adhered  to  them  to  the  king's  damage  and  the  people's  oppression 
and  against  the  king's  peace,  the  king  appointed  them  as  justices  to 
make  inquisition  in  the  said  counties  what  men  of  whatsoever  condition 
and  rank  of  the  said  counties  were  guilty  hereof  and  what  sort  of  aid 
they  gave  and  in  what  manner,  and  to  hear  and  determine  that  business ; 
and  appointing  them  now  to  receive  fines  or  ransoms  from  all  who  are 
convicted  before  them  and  will  make  fines  or  ransoms  on  that  account, 
and  to  certify  the  king  in  Chancery  of  the  names  of  all  who  have  made 
such  fines  or  ransoms  before  them  ;  and  grant  that  all  who  make 
fines  or  ransoms  before  them  be  quit  towards  the  king  of  all  that 
pertains  to  the  king  on  the  aforesaid  account.  By  K. 


Jan.  10.          Order  to  William  de  Weston,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Surrey, 

Henley.       Sussex,  Kent,  Middlesex,  and  the  city  of  London,  to  take  into  the 

king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Benstede,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Jan.  23.          Commission  to  Thomas  de  Frisco  Marisco  and  Thomas  Daulyn  to 

Gloucester,    collect  the  ancient  and  new  customs  in  the  port  of  Newcastle  upon  Tyne 

and  in  every  place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Berwick  upon  Tweed, 

during  pleasure,  and  to  keep  one  part  of  the  '  coket '  seal,  so  that  they 

answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom  ;    and  to 

substitute  others  in  their  place  for  whom  they  will  answer,  where 

they  cannot  attend  hereto.  By  bill  of  the  Exchequer. 

The  like  to  John  de  Nesebyt  and  Roger  de  Gosewik,  in  the  ports 

of  Hertilpol  and  Yarum. 

Jan.  23.          Licence,  for  a  fine  of  20  marks  made  by  John  de  Thweyt  of  the 
Gloucester,    county  of  Norfolk  for  Margery,  late  the  wife  of  Simon  de  Driby,  tenant 
in  chief,  for  her  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will  in  the  king's  fealty. 

By  bill  of  the  Exchequer. 

Be  it  remembered  that  the  said  John  has  mainprised  for  her  to  pay 
the  said  money  at  the  Exchequer  in  three  weeks  from  the  Purification 

Jan.  24.          Order  to  John  de  Hampton,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester, 
Gloucester.    Hereford,  Worcester,  Salop  and  Stafford,  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  William  de  Mere,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Jan.  23.  Commission  to  Philip  de  Somervill  to  levy  with  John  de  Ipestanes 
Gloucester,  and  John  de  Benteleye  2001.  from  the  men  at  arms  of  the  county  of 
Stafford  who  ought  to  have  come  on  the  king's  service  according 
to  a  warning  made  by  the  king  under  heavy  forfeiture  in  the  king's 
expedition  against  his  enemies  and  rebels,  and  came  not,  which  fine 
certain  of  them  made  for  themselves  and  others  for  pardon,  and  to 
pay  the  same  without  delay  in  the  wardrobe  ;  in  the  room  of  Philip  de 
Lutteleye,  whom  the  king  appointed  herein  with  the  said  John  and 
John,  and  who  cannot  attend  hereto  ;  the  king  having  ordered  the 
said  John  and  John  to  admit  him  as  their  fellow.  By  C. 

Jan.  26.          Order  to  the  workmen,  moneyers  and  other  ministers  of  the  changes 

Perkeley.      of  London  and  Canterbury  to  be  intendant  to  the  king's  clerk,  Robert 

de  Haselshagh,  keeper  of  the  said  changes,  whom  the  king  has  appointed 

17   EDWARD  II. 


1324.  Membrane  20 — cont. 

to  assess  and  tax  a  sixth  in  the  said  cities  on  their  movable  goods,  which 
they  had  on  St.  Andrew  the  Apostle  before  2  December,  16  Edward  II, 
according  to  the  form  delivered  to  him  under  the  king's  seal,  and  to 
collect  and  levy  the  money  arising  therefrom  and  to  deliver  the  same 
at  the  Exchequer  ;  the  earls,  barons,  knights,  freemen  and  the  commons 
of  the  counties  of  the  realm  on  the  said  2  December  having  granted 
to  the  king  a  tenth  of  all  the  movable  goods  which  they  had  on  the 
said  feast,  and  a  sixth  in  the  king's  ancient  demesnes,  and  the  cities 
and  burgesses  of  the  cities  and  boroughs  of  the  said  counties  having 
granted  a  sixth  of  such  goods,  in  a  treaty  had  at  York  by  the  king, 
prelates,  chiefs  and  commons  of  the  realm  ;  and  the  king  by  letters 
patent  having  granted  to  the  said  workmen,  moneyers  and  other 
ministers  that  if  they  granted  any  aids  or  contributions  of  their  own 
will  by  themselves  or  with  the  commons  of  the  realm,  the  same  should 
be  assessed  and  levied  only  by  keepers  of  the  said  changes. 

Jan.  23.  Order  to  John  de  Hamton,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester, 
Gloucester.  Hereford,  Worcester,  Salop  and  Stafford,  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
the  lands  late  of  John  Mauveysin  of  Berwyk,  deceased,  tenant  in 
chief,  and  to  make  inquisition  thereon  ;  in  lieu  of  a  like  order  to  the 
king's  clerk,  Master  John  Walewayn,  then  escheator  on  this  side 
Trent,  who  was  removed  from  that  office  before  executing  the  same. 


Jan.  23.  Commission  to  John  Godwyne  and  Gilbert  Geldewyne  to  collect 
Gloucester,  during  pleasure  the  new  customs  in  the  port  of  Rochester  and  in  every 
place  thence  by  the  seacoast  to  Sandwich,  so  that  they  answer  at  the 
Exchequer  for  the  money  arising  therefrom  ;  and  to  substitute  others 
in  their  places  for  whom  they  will  answer,  where  they  cannot  attend 
hereto.  By  bill  of  the  Exchequer. 

Jan.  25.          Commitment  during  pleasure  to  Henry  de  Warthecop  of  the  keeping 

Gloucester,    of  the  town  of  Appelby  with  all  the  lands  pertaining  thereto,  so  that 

he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  issues  thereof.  By  C. 

Jan.  24.  Commission  to  John  de  Yerdeburgh  to  levy  the  scutage  of  the  army 
Gloucester,  of  Scotland  in  4  Edward  II  in  the  county  of  Lincoln  together  with 
Simon  le  Chaumberleyn  in  the  room  of  Richard  de  Boselyngthorp, 
whom  the  king  appointed  with  Simon  to  levy  the  same  by  letters 
patent  dated  6  November,  13  Edward  II  [above,  p.  10],  Richard 
being  so  broken  with  age  and  impotent  that  he  has  no  leisure  therefor  ; 
the  king  having  ordered  Simon  to  admit  him  as  his  fellow.  By  C. 

Commission  to  Philip  de  Hardeshull  and  Richard  de  Kynebell  to 
levy  the  same  scutage  in  the  county  of  Buckingham  in  the  room  of 
Philip  de  Aylesbury  and  Thomas  de  Saukevill,  whom  the  king  appointed 
to  levy  the  same  [above,  p.  10],  they  being  intendant  on  the  king's 
business  elsewhere  and  having  no  leisure  for  the  premises  ;  the  king 
having  ordered  the  sheriff  etc.  as  above  [p.  10]. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Vacated  because  surrendered  on  30  June  and  cancelled. 



.  Membrane  19— ami. 

Feb.  5.          Order  to  John  de  Bbunvill^eschea^r  i 

tenant  in  chief. 


late  of  John  de  Tolthorp,  deceased,  tenant  i 

reb.  „.         Commissio     *  Henry  de  F.ncomberg  ^J»«- 



Feb  22          Order  to  John  de  Bolingbrok, 
San,'      Leicester,  Nottingham   Derby  and 

,  tenant  by 
u>  cMe,  -  o,  «h, 

SSc  ot  Peverell,  which  is  in  the  bug  s 

Order  to  William  de  Weston   esch-tor 


B  of  John  Paynel, 

deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb   i  Commission  to  Gilbert  Robert  and 

XJn  Acton,    the  port  of  Gippewych  a-  —  » 
seacoast  to  the  mouth  ol 

sea  all  those  who 

seacoast  to  the  mouth  of  ^/thev  carry  not  out  of  the  realm  privily 
wish  to  cross  beyond  seas  that  ^Y  carry  not  o  resembling 

or  openly  any  money  of  the  ^^°^J^^DBe/>   which  _the 
the   king's,    or   counterfeit,  ^f^P*  .^  discretion  and  the  conditions 

rdin    tothettd  isc  re  . 

WIBII  IXF  ultimo  wj ,  -     .   „„„  or  ntner  money  resembling 

or  openly  any  money  of  the  king ;  s  coin^en°ble  expense8,   which  the 
the   king's,    or   counterfeit    exce pr  retion  and  the  conditions 

king  wishes  to  be  taxed  according  tc     leu  u  th 

nf  those  who  wish  to  cross  and  th  e  distance  of  t! hepj ac  ^.^ 

_:i ;„  ^iot^>  <->r  vp.ssels  of  silver,  ai  ™;      ,,      __„_  jnto 

of  the  guilty,  and  to  depute  others 

they  show  the  money 
it  to  the  king's 

they  brag 

and  if  the, 

K.  .  c. 

17  EDWARD  H. 


1324-  Membrane  18 — cont. 

John  de  Thornegge  of  Lena  and  William  de  Whetacre,  in  the 
port  of  Lenne  and  thence  in  every  place  by  the  seacoast  to 

John  de  Tumby  and  Robert  But,  in  the  port  of  Seint  Botulph 
and  thence  in  every  place  by  the  seacoast  to  Lenne  and  in  all 
other  places  in  the  county  of  Lincoln. 

Richard  de  la  Pole  and  William  de  Barton,  in  the  port  of  Kyngeston 
upon  Hull  and  in  every  place  of  the  county  of  York  by  the 
seacoast  and  elsewhere  in  the  same  county  to  Newcastle  upon 

Thomas   de   Frismareys   and   Thomas   Daulyn,    in   the   port   of 
Newcastle  upon  Tyne  and  thence  in  every  place  by  the  sea- 
coast  to  Berewyk  upon  Twede. 
William  Virgil  and  Ralph  le  Goldsmyth,  in  the  port  of  Sandwych 

and  thence  etc.  to  Wynchelse. 
Stephen  Alard  and  Richard  Bat,  in  the  port  of  Wynchelse  and 

thence  etc.  to  Cicestre. 

Geoffrey  de  Ledes  and  William  de  Watergate,  in  the  port  of 
Cicestre  and  thence  etc.  to  Weymouth  with  the  whole  of  the 
Isle  of  Wyght. 
Walter  Beryl  and  Richard  Longynogh,  in  the  port  of  la  Pole  and 

thence  to  Plummuth. 
William  de  Milebourn  and  Richard  de  Hellaund,  in  the  port  of 

Plummuth  and  thence  throughout  the  county  of  Cornwall. 
John  de  Nesebit  and  Roger  de  Gosewyk,  in  the  ports  of  Hertelpol 

and  Yarum. 


Feb.  23.          Order  to  John  de  Hampton,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Hereford, 
Fulham.       Gloucester,  Worcester,  Salop  and  Stafford,  to  take  into  the  king's 
hand  the  lands  late  of  Fulk  Lestraunge,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

The  like  to  John  de  Bolyngbrok,  escheator  in  the  counties  of 
Warwick,  Leicester,  Nottingham,  Derby,  and  Lancaster. 

Order  to  John  de  Bolyngbrok,  escheator  in  the  said  counties, 
to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  Henry  Gregori  of  Eyum, 
deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  23.  Order  to  the  same  to  deliver  to  William  de  Burgh  of  Middelton  in 
Fulham.  Lonesdale,  son  and  heir  of  William  de  Burgh  of  Middelton,  tenant 
in  chief,  the  lands  late  of  his  said  father,  he  having  done  homage  ; 
the  king's  clerk,  Thomas  de  Burgh,  escheator  beyond  Trent,  having 
been  removed  from  that  office  before  executing  a  like  order  made  to 
him  on  9  October  last,  as  appears  by  inspection  of  the  rolls  of  Chancery. 

By  p.s. 

Feb.  29.          Order  to  Matthew  Broun,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Lincoln, 
Westminster.  Northampton  and  Rutland,  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands 
late  of  John  de  Wilughby,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

The  like  to  John  de  Bolyngbrok,  escheator  in  the  counties  of 
Warwick,  Leicester,  Nottingham,  Derby  and  Lancaster. 

March  3.         Commitment  during  pleasure  to  John  Frelond  of  the  keeping  of  the 

Westminster,  castle  and  honour  of  Berkelegh,  so  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer 

for  the  issues  thereof.  By  K. 

F  17 




Membrane  17 — cont. 

March  5. '      Order  to  Richard  le  Wayte,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Wilts, 
Westminster.  Southampton,   Oxford,    Berks,   Bedford    and  Buckingham,    to   take 
into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  John  de  Erlegh,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

The  like  to  John  Everard,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Cornwall, 
Devon,  Somerset  and  Dorset. 

March  4.         Order  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
Westminster,  the  lands  which  Juliana  de  Tonge  held  in  dower  of  the  inheritance 
of   [the   heir    of]   Richard   de   Tonge,   deceased,   tenant  in   chief,   a 
minor  in  the  king's  ward. 

March  6.         Order  to  John  Everard,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Somerset, 
Westminster.  Dorset,  Devon  and  Cornwall,  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands 
late  of  Alan  de  Chastillun,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

March  4.  Order  to  John  de  Hampton,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester, 
Westminster.  Worcester,  Hereford,  Salop  and  Stafford, — pursuant  to  an  inquisition 
made  by  the  king's  clerk,  Master  John  Walewayn,  late  escheator 
on  this  side  Trent,  shewing  that  Margaret  de  Wylmynton  held  on 
the  day  of  her  death  certain  lands  in  Wylmynton  in  chief  as  of  the 
honour  of  Montgomery,  which  is  in  the  king's  hand,  by  the  service  of 
I2d.  to  be  rendered  yearly  at  the  ward  of  the  said  castle  (sic),  and 
that  Robert  de  Pycton  is  her  son  and  nearest  heir  and  of  full  age, — 
to  deliver  to  him  the  said  lands,  he  having  done  fealty.  Salop. 

March  7.         Order  to  William  de  Weston,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Surrey, 
Westminster.  Sussex,  Kent,  Middlesex,  and  the  city  of  London,  to  take  into  the 
king's  hand  the  lands  late  of  John  le  Venour  of  Blechingeleye,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief. 

March  6.         Order  to  John  Everard,   escheator  in  the  counties   of  Cornwall, 
Westminster.  Devon  and  Somerset,  to  take  into  the  king's  hand  the  lands  late  of 
John  de  Ferariis  of  Chirchesdon,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief. 

March  5.         Grant  to  Edmund  de  Bohun  that  of  the  500  marks  wherein  he  made 
